
ZenRyu Cooper's profile code

Jun 15th, 2018
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  16. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Zen. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  18. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki forZen. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  19. @import url(;
  20. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Zen. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  22. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Zen. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  23. @import url(;
  24. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Zen. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  63. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  68. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  76. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  83. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  95. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  105. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  116. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  127. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  150. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  171. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Vali. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  172. .infotext{
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  194. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Nienna the Nymph. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  196. hr{
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  199. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Nienna the Nymph. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
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  207. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Nienna the Nymph. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  209. figure img{
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  215. /*This code was created, edited, and crafted by Izayoi Sakamaki for Nienna the Nymph. Do not take, edit, modify, or copy code in any way shape or form. Please, I beg you not to steal. It was very hard work, and I'd really appreciate it if you left it alone. I will make you a profile for free, if you just ask. ©IzayoiSakamaki*/
  217. </style>
  219. <img class="CenterMain" src="">
  220. <div id="pagewraper">
  222. <div id="Nav">
  223. <a href="#1" class="Link1">Stats</a>
  224. <a href="#2" class="Link2">Persona</a>
  225. <a href="#3" class="Link3">Visual</a>
  226. <a href="#4" class="Link4">Abilities</a>
  227. <a href="#5" class="Link5">History</a>
  228. <a href="#6" class="Link6">Friends</a>
  229. <a href="#7" class="Link7">OOC</a>
  230. <a href="#" class="Link8">Close</a>
  231. </div>
  233. <div id="1" class="drop" >
  234. <div class="infobox">
  235. <div class="infotext">
  236. <h3>Stats:</h3>
  237. <b>Name:</b> ZenRyu Cooper<br>
  238. <b>Alias:</b> N/A<br>
  239. <b>Nicknames:</b>
  240. -N/A<br>
  241. -N/A<br>
  242. -N/A<br>
  243. -N/A<br>
  244. <br>
  245. <b>Species:</b> Human<br>
  246. <br>
  247. <b>Sex:</b> Male<br>
  248. <br>
  249. <b>Hair Color:</b> Light Brown<br>
  250. <b>Eye Color:</b> Ice Blue<br>
  251. <br>
  252. <b>Age:</b>27<br>
  253. <b>Birthday:</b> June 6th<br>
  254. <b>Sign:</b> Gemini<br>
  255. <b>Ethnicity:</b> Unknown<br>
  256. <br>
  257. <b>Complextion:</b> Flawless<br>
  258. <b>Skin Tone:</b> Caramel<br>
  259. <b>Height:</b> 6'1" (185.42cm)<br>
  260. <b>Weight:</b> 91.62 kg (202 lbs)<br>
  261. <b>Build:</b> Athletic<br>
  262. <b>Blood Type:</b> Unknown<br>
  263. <br>
  264. <b>Orientation:</b> Straight<br>
  265. <br>
  266. <b>Relationship:</b> Single <span title="Searching">[?]</span><br>
  267. <b>Dating History:</b> TBA<br>
  268. <br>
  269. <b>Alliance:</b> N/A<br>
  270. </div>
  271. </div>
  272. </div>
  274. <div id="2" class="drop" >
  275. <div class="infobox">
  276. <div class="infotext">
  277. <h3>Personality:</h3>
  278. He is shown to be kind and nice to others, always trying to find people who he could perform for. Wanting to make sure his audience has left with a smile on their face, making sure that every performance is better than the previous. He is always willing to do anything it takes to defend someone who is in dire need of help, risking his life if need be.
  279. <br>
  280. <br>
  281. He isn't the type to bring up his past as he feels like no one should bother to know, though because of his past he shuffles his deck of cards to keep past thoughts in the back of his head. He wants to bring smiles to everyone, even if it's just for a short while. He will make sure that someone is cheered up and at least feeling happy as he feels like no one should have to go through what he did.<br>
  282. <br>
  283. </div>
  284. </div>
  285. </div>
  287. <div id="3" class="drop" >
  288. <div class="infobox">
  289. <div class="infotext">
  290. <h3>Visual:</h3>
  291. Red top hat on special occasions (Whenever he doesn't forget it at home.). For his upper clothing, it would consist of a white button up long sleeve shirt, with a ruby red tie comfortably wrapped around his neck, a sleeveless red vest with black collars that has a star on the left flap, and black gloves to cover his hands. For his bottom clothing, it would consist of black work pants and a red belt to hold them up, underneath would be whatever boxers he would wear the next day after getting out of the shower. For his feet, it would consist of black ankle socks and ontop would be his red and black converse.<br>
  293. </div>
  294. </div>
  295. </div>
  297. <div id="4" class="drop" >
  298. <div class="infobox">
  299. <div class="infotext">
  300. <h3>Abilities:</h3>
  301. <b>- To put it simple, he can use magic since he is a magician.<br><br>
  302. <b>- Swordsman:</b> Thanks to movies and tv shows, he began practicing with a stick until he worked his way up towards using a sword. Not an expert but every so often he will practice to get better.<br><br>
  303. <b>- Expert Hand to Hand Combatant:</b> Starting off with learning Shotokan, he's been to other various schools so he would learn various different techniques and fighting styles. There is often more times where he would mix different techniques all together as one. One would have a hard time anticipating how he would fight since he is always shown to mix it up even during mid fight.<br><br>
  304. <b>- Acrobats and Aim Dodging:</b> Accomplishing acrobat, he's easily able to do backflips and mid-air cartwheels with little effort in terms of physical strain. refers to the technique of avoiding linear attacks by re-positioning oneself away from the path of the attack before it is fired. This technique is widely seen in fiction, and allows a lot of characters to dodge attacks/projectiles much faster than their own reactions (like bullets or lasers/beams), even if not explicitly stated as such.
  306. </div>
  307. </div>
  308. </div>
  310. <div id="5" class="drop" >
  311. <div class="infobox">
  312. <div class="infotext">
  313. <h3>History:</h3>
  314. N/A.<br>
  315. </div>
  316. </div>
  317. </div>
  319. <div id="6" class="drop" >
  320. <div class="infobox">
  321. <div class="infotext">
  322. <h3>Friends:</h3>
  323. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  325. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  327. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  329. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  331. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  333. <figure><img src="…/5748692-grunge-coming-soon-rubb…" title="YAY LETS BE FRIENDS, BUDDIES, COMRADS IN ARMS!!!"><figcaption>N/A</figcaption></figure>
  335. </div>
  336. </div>
  337. </div>
  339. <div id="7" class="drop" >
  340. <div class="infobox">
  341. <div class="infotext">
  342. <h3>Out of Character:</h3>
  343. <b>The Coder:</b>
  344. <br>- <a target="_blank" href="">©Izayoi Sakamaki</a>
  345. <br>- This code is made for Zen, <b><u><i>DO NOT STEAL</i></u></b>. If you want a coded profile, please just ask. Izayoi Sakamaki will do it for free.<br>
  346. <hr>
  347. <b>The Typist:</b>
  348. <br>- I'm Pm friendly, so if you ever want to message me whether it's to rp or talk, just send one my away. However, there may be times where I am busy or have to leave unexpectedly. I'll make sure to let you know ahead of time and expect the same.<br>
  349. <br>- Story or Smut? Either or doesn't matter. Short term or Long term, again doesn't matter.<br>
  350. <br>- I'm a decent literal person, and I hope you have at least basic grammar. First, Second, Third point of views, I prefer the First and Third only.<br>
  351. <br>- Ooc and IC are not one in the same.<br>
  352. <br>- No Drama Llamas please. I will stop talking to you in an instant if that were to happen. If you want to talk then we can do that but don't bring me into the drama, I will be your ear to listen and shoulder to lean on, nothing else. We are here to have fun on RPC not cause drama oocly.<br>
  353. <br>- Hope you have a good day, "Encase I don't see ya'. Good afternoon, Good evening, and Good night."<br>
  354. </div>
  355. </div>
  356. </div>
  357. </div>
  358. </center></body>
  359. </html>
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