
Hank takes part in an assault.

May 14th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo had been resting for three days. It was the time needed for his spine to heal up. But it was also the time needed for the clan to track the mercenaries and prepare this assault. Hank was laying on the ground in a forest path, a few hundred meters away from the large base. The complex included a small airfield, tw large hangars and, according to the clan, an underground system that had it's own rail system. This was all quite expensive, and they had determined this had nothing to do with the Pentagon, CIA, or any other American intelligence agency. This was possibly foreign or something. Hank laid there, beside him there was a row of snipers. Hank heard a quiet beep in hi headset. First signal. One of the snipers aimed and shot a single bullet, hitting a camera on one of the hangars. The silencer muffled the noise heavily, leaving nothing but a quiet "Pop" from Hanks position. The guards didn't notice this. A minute passes. A longer beep in the headset. Second signal. The snipers all readied their guns. The cameras had been hacked, giving the clan complete control over what the mercenaries see. Hank closed his eyes for a moment. Three consequent beeps. Third signal. Hank opened his eyes. The snipers shot at exactly the same moment, the muffled sound combining into one. The guards that were stationed by the hangars all collapsed, blood and brains splattered on the walls and ground behind them. Each and every one of them was dead. A voice came on in Hanks headset. "You're free to move up into the complex Dragon. Do you copy?" "Copy that, heading up." Hank began to crawl towards the hangar, the slow movement dragging across several minutes. But he knew he didn't have to worry. If someone were to exit the hangar and see this, the clan's snipers would riddle their heads with bullet before they would be able to open their mouths. Hank finally made it to the wall and pulled his SIG from his belt. He couldn't use his powers. Even if they weren't 100% this was government work, that didn't mean they didn't have government tech. Tech capable of detecting stuff like that. Hank took a deep breath and slowly opened the door to one of the hangars, stepping in and closing the door behind him. Hearing voices, Hank jumped to cover behind a military truck, hoping nobody had heard or seen him. After several minutes without any unusual sounds, Hank resumed breathing. He was in.
  2. Hankolijo took another deep breath and peeked around the side of the vehicle. There were a lot of people in the hangar. Hank began to slowly creep over to some crates, tossing looks around, hoping nobody notices him. He could try fitting in- he was wearing camo that was similar enough to the uniforms of some of the guards. But he didn't have high hopes for that. Hank continued to move from cover to cover, eventually making it close to a door. A door he had seen to lead to a hall. And according to the clan all of the halls were connected. Hank gave one last look around the hangar before going in, and he noticed something he hadn't seen before. One of the choppers had a huge black spot on the bottom. Hank smirked at his own work and stepped through the door while nobody was looking. After the dim lighting in the hangar the sudden bright light coming in through the windows made him blink rapidly. Hank quickly crouched down again and tossed a look around a corner. A single man in a lab coat was standing by a soda machine, impatiently tapping the side, as the can made it's way to the bottom. Hank remained still until the man left, entering an office with the tag 'O. Connor' by it. Hank started to slowly walk through the halls, checking up with HQ via his headset to make sure he was going the right way. He was. Hanks task was to get to the control room and get rid of the information they held here. The information capable of destroying the forest. Hank forced himself against the wall as one of the doors opened. He gripped his gun tighter and slid over to the door. "The test will begin in but a minute. Is everything prepared?" came a sound from the room. A small pause. "Good." A man stepped out, closed the door and gave Hank a suspicious look. Hank pointed his gun at the mans forehead. He didn't have to worry as had a silencer on. Besides, he didn't plan to shoot him. "You're now going to get into that bathroom back there," Hank pointed at the restroom behind him: "and you're going to stay there for an hour." The man's expression changed drastically. He gave a nod, looking terrified, and stepped into the men's room. Hank pulled a key from his pocket and placed it in the bathrooms door. A few quiet clicks followed by a beep. Hank turned the key, locking the door. He then resumed walking onward, checking carefully around every corner to make sure not to run into any of those guards. He didn't know if they had silencers on their guns.
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