
Ishtar Monologues

May 17th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Ishtar's Monologue, Somewhere Between Year 222-224, After the Battle Near Nynua
  3. "Mu. The name that once meant just another warrior under my command now carries the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions. When I first saw him, he was an enigma—powerful, enigmatic, and fiercely independent. A man who could command the very elements with his sorcery, yet carried an air of loneliness that intrigued me.
  5. In the beginning, I saw him as a valuable asset, someone who could turn the tide of battles with a mere flick of his wrist. But as we fought side by side, his dedication and bravery revealed a depth of character I hadn’t anticipated. He is not just a weapon; he is a man of honor and resilience. A man who, despite his power, seeks connection and purpose.
  7. Sending him into danger tears at my heart. Each time I issue an order that puts him at risk, a part of me flinches, fearing for his safety. The recent mission was a stark reminder of how precarious our existence is. Ten sorcerers against one, and yet he emerged victorious, though barely. The sight of him, bruised and exhausted, haunts me. I know the burden of leadership means making difficult decisions but knowing that my choices could lead to his harm is a weight I struggle to bear.
  9. And yet, I trust him. I trust in his strength and his abilities. I trust that he will find a way to survive, just as he always has. But it’s more than trust. It’s this gnawing fear that I might lose him, coupled with an undeniable pride in his accomplishments.
  11. He makes me feel... alive. In a world where death is a constant companion, Mu is a beacon of hope and warmth. His presence is a reminder that there is more to this life than war and bloodshed. There is connection, and there is love, even in the darkest of times.
  13. I confessed my feelings, something I never thought I would do. And when he finally reciprocated, it was as if a dam had broken within me. This hardened warrior found herself yearning for moments of softness and tenderness. Moments that we steal away from the prying eyes of the world. Moments that I cherish more than any victory on the battlefield.
  15. But love in times of war is a double-edged sword. It makes every battle harder, every decision more fraught with fear and doubt. Yet, it also gives me strength. For Mu, I will fight harder, lead better, and ensure that every move we make is precise and calculated. He is my heart, my anchor. I cannot afford to lose him.
  17. As we march into the unknown, I carry him with me—in my thoughts, in my strategies, in my heart. For Mu, I will face whatever comes, because in him, I have found something worth fighting for beyond duty and honor. I have found love, and I will protect it with all that I am."
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