
Hoof and Rain Visit White 3/6/15

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. [14:17] * Rain-Drop trots alongside Hoof helping him as he walks ever so slowly "Easy big guy..."
  2. [14:23] <14WhiteLight> Oh boy... It has been somewere about 9 hours since she fell asleep, now sometime during the late afternoon when she sun was starting to dawn and this silly mare was still asleep infront of the fireplace, hell the fire was starting to die as well... White just now finally wakes up again, casually yawning, stretching and doing the usual routine of cowering under the blankets for warmth, even though she both needed to pee and was kind
  3. [14:23] <14WhiteLight> of hungry... And then she cast a glance up the window, double taking for a moment "O-oh... HmmMMM!" She growled absolutely displeased by this, and promptly crawled out from the blanket sandwich she had been sleeping in.
  4. [14:23] * Curiosity is now known as Cury-BRB
  5. [14:25] * GreenHoof keeps one hoof draped around Rain's neck, grunting occasionally and wincing. His injured hoof is held in a splint, well off the ground so he's only walking on his hindlegs, using his lover as support. "Uff... Urk..."
  6. [14:26] * Blueshift ( has left #fourcannon-LightHouse
  7. [14:26] <06Rain-Drop> "You know if you weren't so stubborn I could have carried you home, woulda been a loooot faster yanno."
  8. [14:27] <14WhiteLight> "Craaaap now Mary's closed and the EVERYTHING is closed shit." she continued to whine to herself with an inceasing amount of annoyance surging in her voice, she stands up seeing that the fire was pretty much dead now... but the house was considerably warmer, so there was that. She death stared the window for a minute pondering what she needed to do... Before turning around and walking over to the still closed bundle over the table,
  9. [14:27] <14WhiteLight> making short work of the wrapping which she hastily removes, and marves for a moment as her brand new vault uniform, ubale to prevent a "aww yiss" from escaping her.
  10. [14:28] * GreenHoof grumbles a little, looking up as they approach the farms. "Gotta..." he huffs, "Gotta keep my strength up, Rain, ugh..."
  11. [14:29] * Sunny is now known as Sunny[work]
  12. [14:30] * Cury-BRB is now known as Curiosity
  13. [14:31] * Rain-Drop rolls her eyes but none the less continues to help her pone trudge up the long winding road that leads to their home taking note of the light house and offers up, "Wanna check in on White? It's only another couple hundred feet, be more of an excuse to 'keep your strength'."
  14. [14:32] * GreenLight ( has joined #fourcannon-LightHouse
  15. [14:33] <14Vertex> 05What looked like a light leather-scale armor piece was wrapped in a snow white, thick, hooded overcoat. Numerous adjustment belts surrounded the center-most part, hanging loosely at the moment, covering satchels that were in-built into its sides. Just like it was specified before, White could spot two compartments on the chest, left and right of the white lock-patch-insignia of association - two smaller compartments near forelegs
  16. [14:33] <14Vertex> and a slick compartment on the belly.
  17. [14:33] * GreenHoof chuckles and nods at Rain's crack, swiveling himself to aim at White's house. "Alright. Been meanin' to check on her anyway..."
  18. [14:33] * GreenLight is... not here, sadly. He made it home late last night, snuggling with the already-sleeping WhiteLight, but had to leave before she could wake up, another day of balancing Vault/Clinic hours.
  19. [14:34] <06Rain-Drop> [tfw light has my schdule for fun times]
  20. [14:35] <14Vertex> 05Wrapped together within the bundle, the mare could also find four sturdy leather boots and a tightly woven scarf of the same color that she picked 'n asked for (white or black)
  21. [14:35] * Rain-Drop grins at hearing the chance to visit Whitepone and helps Hoof to the front door, once they arrive the purple pega pone gives a trio of quick knocks with her hoof cloppity clop clop!
  22. [14:38] * WhiteLight just kinda... Stared at that for a minute, Starting to spread the things across the table for a second just taking in how awesome the colors were to her, and just everything looked! Before dragging the armor off the table and sitting down on the floor on her haunches, and then proceeded to strap wear it, slipping in the sleeves,fastening the belt... Slowly but surely.
  23. [14:40] * GreenHoof wobbles on his hooves as they approach the door, occasionally glancing down to his splinted hoof. He keeps his good hoof wrapped tightly around the back of Rain's neck, holding on for dear life.
  24. [14:40] * WhiteLight stood back uu-- "Oof this is... Slightly heavier than i thought it would be..." But with a bit of effort she quickly stood back up again and now walked around the table, looking back herself whislt cheeruflly swishing her tail around "Hahaaa now for the rest..."
  25. [14:42] <06Rain-Drop> 'Think she didn't hear us?" Rain asks looking over at Hoof before taking note of his pale pallor. " alright Hoofer?"
  26. [14:44] * GreenHoof nods rapidly, giving Rain a sheepish smile with a blush. "Uh huh! Fine! Just... not used to this."
  27. [14:45] <06Rain-Drop> "Hrm..." Rain gives a few more knocks on the door
  28. [14:45] * WhiteLight was so busy marveling at her sick new gear and prancing around the table that she only just realized someone had knocked on the door, like a minute ago even, her stomach falls a bit in embrassment and QUIIICKLY trots aay to the door to see who it is, "Uhmm! S-sorry! Who's there?"
  29. [14:45] <14WhiteLight> "Shit, Uh... V-very sorry..."
  30. [14:48] <06Rain-Drop> "White!" Rain exclaims happily, though she would like to hug the mare she can't as she is being used as a cane for the crippled Green pone. "How you doin' mind if we come inside? I think Hoof might be liable to keel over."
  31. [14:50] * WhiteLight gulps, taking a deep breath for being so crap, though quickly smiles after hearing that it was just Rain paying a visit! Taking only a split second to open the door for them beaming at the two, though quickly looking a tad more worried as she saw Hoof there with there "O-oh, uh, Oh good, uh No! No please come inside and makes yourselves comfortable!" She hastens to reply, stepping to the side to let them through.
  32. [14:51] <09GreenLight> [Keep logs pls! I havta go... waugh\
  33. [14:51] * Rain-Drop trots in with Hoof before making a joke, "Was that a no don't come inside or a double negative White? Ya gotta learn to relax some girl..."
  34. [14:52] * GreenHoof smiles sheepishly and waves to White as they trot inside, though he blinks once he notices the uniform she's wearing. He coughs a few times to clear his throat, following his better half's hoofsteps. "Wearing the uniform alread, eh? G-good for you..."
  35. [14:52] * GreenLight is now known as TopPhleb
  36. [14:54] * TopPhleb ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  37. [14:54] <14WhiteLight> "D-double--... N-negative? did i? Wha?" The joke leaves her a little perplexed, did she actually say no don't come in? And she just sorta hangs there silent by the door whilst the two came in, and closing the door behind them "R-right, uh..." She turns around, only to look back away from them as Hoof mentions the uniform and gives it a few more looks, "Yeah i don't have anything else to wear..."
  38. [14:56] <14WhiteLight> "I-I mean, the other clothes were sorta torn apart so this is the... O-only thing." She said, giggling nervously a bit by the end, still kinda stertching her hooves to get used to the sleeves and and messing with the belts beneath her as she walked over to the table, And hastily pulling out a pair of chairs for them from the table "W-what brings you two here? W-wasn't e-e-expecting a visit... And Light isn't even around."
  39. [14:57] <06Rain-Drop> "Came by to say hi, see how you're doing and stuffs, not to mention that if you need some clothes I think we could bug Moony a few times for some clothes...Though" Rain frowns in thought, "I don't know why you need clothes unless its for warmth..."
  40. [14:59] * WhiteLight chucks her head to the side growling softly for being so stuttery all of a sudden, simultenously pushing off the rest of the stuff, boots and scarf to the side of the table away from the two's chairs, "No i already bugged Moon with fixing my clothes i don't want to ask for more right now..."
  41. [14:59] <03GreenHoof> "He just discharged me and Ink from the clinic. I think he's still a little busy there." he grunts as Rain brings him over to sit somewhere, sighing in relief as he sits on his haunches.
  42. [15:00] <14WhiteLight> "Its mainly for warmth yes!... But i also kinda... Like wearing this to be honest."
  43. [15:02] * WhiteLight stands there staring at the two for a second, chewing on her upper lip before screaming internally and starting to slowly step away towards the kitchen "D-do you two want something? L-like tea perhaps? I still haven't gone out to ask for small sweets like c-cookies yet..."
  44. [15:02] * GreenHoof nods, yawning. He looked like he didn't get much sleep last night. "It looks... comfy. I wouldn't mind that outfit..."
  45. [15:02] <06Rain-Drop> "It suits ya to be honest, I mean like fits your color scheme for the most part."
  46. [15:02] <06Rain-Drop> "And tea would be great actually."
  47. [15:03] * GreenHoof nods. "Don't feel like you have to though... It'd be nice to just sit down and talk."
  48. [15:05] * WhiteLight quickly nodded in response, grinning rather uneasily as she hastily retreated towards the kitchen, but stopping somewhat abruptly when Hoof said that, looking back at him meekly and sheepisly... "I-i wouldn't want to like... Keep you here without giving nothing to drink i mean... You're guests after all..."
  49. [15:05] <14WhiteLight> "I-i'll sit down and talk if you want, i guess..."
  50. [15:05] <06Rain-Drop> "White if it's too much hassal I can help if you wanna, it's not a problem, we just want to talk and hang out a bit."
  51. [15:06] * GreenHoof catches White's hesitation, making him smirk imperceptibly. He could tell she'd rather not, and the stallion wasn't all that fond of tea anyway. "Come sit down, White. Don't worry about the tea right now."
  52. [15:06] * Starfire ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  53. [15:06] * Starfire ( has joined #fourcannon-LightHouse
  54. [15:09] * WhiteLight quirks an eyebrow at Rain-Drop's comment at first, slowly shaking her head while she kept her attention over Hoof for now... "Uhm, i don't exactly need help making tea, i mean its not too hard..." She said, smiling softly to him but still not coming over yet... her attention taken away by something in the overcloak's pocket that she qickly begins to rummage inside "I can... uh, Make it for you Rain if you want..."
  55. [15:12] * Starfire ( Quit (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
  56. [15:12] <04Able_Tome> 5... rummaging through the pocket offers a little discovery... an envelope with a symbol drawn on it.
  57. [15:13] <06Rain-Drop> "White relax...please, your making me nervouse to be honest..."
  58. [15:13] * Rain-Drop smiles to try and set the pony at ease.
  59. [15:14] <14WhiteLight> "I'll just come sit down then, sorry..." She quickly adds after that last comment, and slowly begis to step forward again towards the table casting a quick look inside her pocket, right as she sat down on the chair opposite of the two "... I'm just, i don't know..."
  60. [15:15] * GreenHoof waves a dismissive hoof and smiles. "Just relax, White, you're fine." He says softly, leaning against Rain's side.
  61. [15:15] <14WhiteLight> "Well uh, we can talk but I'm just not good at talking thats the thing." She said, looking back towards the two with a small, nervous smile as she slowly pulled out the envelope from the pocket... Looking at it for a moment before setting it aside next to the boots for later. "How have you been doing lately?"
  62. [15:16] <06Rain-Drop> "Hey uh..." Rain puffs out her cheeks unsure how to say it. "How far along are you by chance?'s kinda relevant to that other question you asked...hehhe..."
  63. [15:17] * GreenHoof 's eyes widen suddenly and he blushes, looking to Rain and blinking. His smile dissapears, but it doesn't look like he's bothered, just... suddenly nervous.
  64. [15:18] * WhiteLight kept her eyes on the envelope for an awful long time, before bringing her attention back to the two again... Slightly less nervous but still very insecure. "I... Uh, 2 months i think? Its starting to show a bit..."
  65. [15:19] * Rain-Drop let out a dry chuckle "Ah oh to say this...uh.."
  66. [15:20] <06Rain-Drop> "...I guess that would make you my senpai in how to handle this huh?"
  67. [15:20] * WhiteLight leans back on the chair looking down towards her own belly for a while, which was a bit noticeable chubby now... Though not by too much yet... Very slowly processing her reaction whilst she looked down at herself, blinking with the utmost suprise when she looks back at Rain "Really?? Ohhhh my god!"
  68. [15:21] * GreenHoof blushes harder, gulping as he looks to WhiteLight. He squirms and fidgets where he sits, bringing his gaze down to Rain's belly.
  69. [15:22] * WhiteLight runs a hoof through her mane chuckling and grinning as she finally gets it, "Thats amazing!" she exclaimed gleefully "Yaay! Everyone getting preggers what is going on!"
  70. [15:23] * Rain-Drop screws her face up into a squinted eye smile as she kinda gives a giggle laugh, its hard to describe alright? Though at seeing White's gaze and Feeling Hoof's on her belly the mare rubs it gently. "Y-yeah kinda...I mean...yeah. Also I nearly kinda hit Light with an upchuck so..yeah..."
  71. [15:24] <06Rain-Drop> "Ah jeeze now your making it sound like I wanted to get preggers..not that I don't mind its just...eeeh I kinda used to think the others getting pregnant were silly and stuff so I figured I wouldn't do that but now I feel weird and it s odd when I try to think about it and im rambling now and i should shut up so I am ok ok..."
  72. [15:25] * GreenHoof looks at White again, cracking a small smile. Hearing Rain ramble makes him smile a little more, bringing his good hoof over to rub her belly gently. "Lack of birth control could be one reason..." he mutters as his smile fades and he takes a deep breath. "But... here we are!"
  73. [15:25] * WhiteLight couldn't help but snicker to that statement, resting a forehoof over her chair while the other rubs her aching cheek, she's smiling so much its starting to hurt, "Well hey, neither did i! Welcome to the club Rain."
  74. [15:26] <14WhiteLight> "Neither of us wanted a babby but it looks like we're getting one nonetheless."
  75. [15:26] * Rain-Drop curls her legs up at that as she lets out a laugh. " it a club I really wanna be in? Any benefit that come from it maybe?"
  76. [15:27] * GreenHoof smiles wistfully at Rain, though there's a hint of genuine happiness to it. "I'm... I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little scared. M-maybe more than a little. But..." He pauses, nodding self-assuringly, "I think we're gonna be okay..."
  77. [15:29] <14WhiteLight> "Pfffft no." She continues to snicker at for a second longer, shrugging as she glances between the two with a genuinely kind smile again... "Not really... I'm not sure getting knocked up when you aren't ready for it is exactly a benefit... I'm just trying not to think about too much even though its right there..."
  78. [15:30] <04Able_Tome> 1,1["Maybe even two~"]
  79. [15:30] <06Rain-Drop> [Able Please]
  80. [15:30] <14WhiteLight> [Pffft~]
  81. [15:30] * Rain-Drop looks over to Hoof and smiles gently before leaning over to nuzzle into his neck. "Heh..yeah...we can do it togehter that much I know..."
  82. [15:32] * GreenHoof smiles and closes his eyes, resting his head on top of Rain's as she nuzzles him before looking to White again. "Light was tellin' me last night that... no one's really ready for it. And I think he might be right..."
  83. [15:32] <14WhiteLight> "Mhm, i know me and Light can do it and if we can do it then surely the most badass Urf farmer ever and you can do it." She smirked a bit at her little remark, meaning all of that completely and sincerely, standing up from her chair so she can walk to the other side and offer a hug to the mare.
  84. [15:33] <14WhiteLight> "Besides Able said he could give us some guide books on parenting apparently so i can give some of those when there are copis of it, along with some other more experienced ponies to help..."
  85. [15:33] * GreenHoof huffs and blushes again, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "P-pls..."
  86. [15:34] <14WhiteLight> "Whatcha mean Pls its true yanno?"
  87. [15:35] <06Rain-Drop> "Oh I can raise a kid just fine thank you very much, I ain't gonna need no darn book to tell me how to raise my own kid, If I can handle..." Rain queits for a moment as she had started to say something from her time at Saint Claires
  88. [15:36] * GreenHoof chuckles, ruffling Rain's mane and nuzzling her cheek. "That's my mare. I th-think you'll be the best mother around. you've always been kinda... motherly." He says with a smirk, knowing Rain would take it as a tease, but he really meant it.
  89. [15:37] <06Rain-Drop> "Hoooof!" Rain groans aloud at the stallion giving him a gently boop on the cheek for his cheekiness.
  90. [15:38] * WhiteLight simply smiles to that response, gently nuzzling into the mare's side as she lets her go, "Gooood, well then you have nothing to be afraid of Rain. Plain and simple." She said, walking around her so she can give a little hug to GreenHoof as well.
  91. [15:39] <14WhiteLight> "Besides if you even need help you know I'm around as well."
  92. [15:39] <14WhiteLight> "... As much help as i can be without going mad."
  93. [15:40] <06Rain-Drop> "Oh like you going mad is possibility you can be flighty but your not that bad!"
  94. [15:41] * GreenHoof smiles wider at the boop and leans lightly against White as she hugs him, pressing his cheek against her for a moment. "We're just gonna have to do what's necessary..." He nods to White, his smile fading a bit to a more business-like expression, though it's hard not to notice the tint of terrified-excitement. "I promised Green that I would do whatever I can to help you both and your child, and he promised the same to me. I think... I think we're gonna be teaming up a bit." He gulps and nods, looking around the room. "Might make it more comforting to know we're not on our own..."
  95. [15:42] <06Rain-Drop> "Heh...oH GOSH!"
  96. [15:42] <06Rain-Drop> "What about toys! And a crib!
  97. [15:42] <06Rain-Drop> "And and shit I ahve to get to carving super fast now!"
  98. [15:42] * Rain-Drop hops up like she just had asugar rush as she relizes that she has so much work to do now!
  99. [15:43] <03GreenHoof> "No no no Rain," He puts a hoof on her shoulder, resting it gently. "No, sit back down."
  100. [15:43] <06Rain-Drop> "Not to mention making stuff for Whtie's kid to...oh crpa crap crer?" Rain looks over to the stallion confusedly.
  101. [15:44] <03GreenHoof> "Come on, you're like three days into your pregnancy. We've got half a year." He says calmly. The truth was, he was likely as or more nervous than the mare, but he forced it down for now for her sake. "Sit back down."
  102. [15:44] * WhiteLight snorts back a laugh to Rain's comment, "Right because I've been amazing at taking care of myself and him so far!" She replied with a somewhat of a bitter smirk on her face now, even after Hoof spoke... "Heh, i really can't thank you enough Hoof if i had something to gift you i would right now... Barely have anything as is tho."
  103. [15:44] <14WhiteLight> "Waaah DISCUSSIONS! We can do this later after the talk oke Rain? Everything in due time."
  104. [15:45] <14WhiteLight> "Still gots plenty of time."
  105. [15:48] <06Rain-Drop> "O-ok..." RAin says taking a seat once more before fidgeting
  106. [15:48] * WhiteLight offers Hoof a last squeeze before letting him go again and walking around the table, sitting back down on the chair opposite of them and folding her forehooves over it... Still grinning from cheek to cheek almost "... You are going to have to take it easy for a while Rina because you're to start feeling a bit... Sick, for a while in a couple of days."
  107. [15:49] <14WhiteLight> "Besides there's really no rush... Not yet."
  108. [15:49] <14WhiteLight> Rain*
  109. [15:49] * GreenHoof wraps his good hoof around Rain's shoulders, pullling her to lean against him. He leans up and whispers softly into her ear, "14Shhhh... I'm going to make sure everything is taken care of."
  110. [15:54] * Rain-Drop nods now as she relaxes some more taking a deep breath. 'RIght...right you guys are right...just gotta take it easy is all hehe..."
  111. [15:54] <06Rain-Drop> [also i gotta get ready for work :<]
  112. [15:55] * WhiteLight rests her chin over her forelegs, eyeing the honestly cute couple with a bit of thought... "But hey if you tell me what you wanted to i could maybe bring it to Titus or... I dunno, someone who can work on it in the mean time?"
  113. [15:55] <14WhiteLight> [Nuuuu!]
  114. [15:56] <03GreenHoof> [Awwww okies]
  115. [15:56] * Blueshift ( has joined #fourcannon-LightHouse
  116. [15:56] <03GreenHoof> [We can timelock or offscreen the rest of this]
  117. [15:57] <14WhiteLight> [Either or is fine by me!]
  118. [15:58] <03GreenHoof> [Alright, well I gotta go take care of some stuff anyway so I'll pastebin later for GreenLight]
  119. [15:59] <14WhiteLight> "Also i might have to go back to like... Mess around the vault so i can catch my bearings in there, I've been sleeping all day kinda..." She whispered, looking down at the envelope again with quite a bit of interest this time, dragging it back towards her and delicately opening it, careful not to rip it too much... Eyeing the items inside with a raised eyebrow and quite a bit of curiosity "15What are these for...?"
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