

Dec 28th, 2017
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text 45.77 KB | None | 0 0
  1. groups:
  2. newbie:
  3. options:
  4. default: 'true'
  5. prefix: '&7[Newbie] &r'
  6. weight: '1000'
  7. permissions:
  8. -
  9. - shopguiplus.buymore
  10. - essentials.kits.starter
  11. - essentials.afk
  12. -
  13. - essentials.back
  14. - essentials.back.ondeath
  15. -
  16. - essentials.balance
  17. - essentials.balance.others
  18. - essentials.balancetop
  19. - essentials.ban.notify
  20. - essentials.delhome
  21. - essentials.helpop
  22. - essentials.kick.notify
  23. - essentials.kit
  24. - essentials.mail
  25. - essentials.mail.send
  26. - essentials.msg
  27. - essentials.mute.notify
  28. -
  29. -
  30. - essentials.realname
  31. - essentials.rules
  32. - essentials.spawn
  33. - essentials.tpa
  34. - essentials.tpaccept
  35. - essentials.tpdeny
  36. - essentials.warp
  37. - essentials.warp.list
  38. - essentials.warps.*
  39. - essentials.worlds.*
  40. -
  41. -
  42. - auction.start
  43. - auction.receive
  44. - factionsfly.seeperms
  45. -
  46. -
  47. -
  48. - shopguiplus.sell.hand
  49. - shopguiplus.sell.hand.all
  50. - shopguiplus.sell.all
  51. -
  52. - silkspawners.viewtype
  53. -
  54. - bountyhunters.gui
  55. - bountyhunters.add
  56. - bountyhunters.claim
  57. - bountyhunters.leaderboard-gui
  58. - essentials.tpacancel
  59. Member:
  60. inheritance:
  61. - newbie
  62. options:
  63. weight: '999'
  64. prefix: '&3[Member] &r'
  65. permissions:
  66. - -essentials.kits.starter
  67. - essentials.kits.member
  68. - essentials.home
  69. - essentials.ignore
  70. - essentials.sethome
  71. - auction.start 
  72. -*
  73. Member+:
  74. inheritance:
  75. - Member
  76. options:
  77. weight: '998'
  78. prefix: '&9[Member+] &r'
  79. permissions:
  80. - essentials.tpahere
  81. - silkspawners.silkdrop.*
  82. - essentials.sethome.multiple.member+
  83. Coal:
  84. inheritance:
  85. - Member+
  86. options:
  87. weight: '997'
  88. prefix: '&8[Coal] &r'
  89. permissions:
  90. - essentials.kits.Color
  91. - essentials.kits.Coal
  92. -
  93. - essentials.mail.sendall
  94. -
  95. - essentials.nick
  96. - essentials.sethome.multiple.coal
  97. Iron:
  98. inheritance:
  99. - Coal
  100. options:
  101. weight: '996'
  102. prefix: '&7[Iron] &r'
  103. permissions:
  104. - -essentials.kits.Coal
  105. - essentials.kits.Iron
  106. -
  107. - essentials.nick.color
  108. - essentials.msg.color
  109. - essentials.workbench
  110. - essentials.sethome.multiple.iron
  111. Gold:
  112. inheritance:
  113. - Iron
  114. options:
  115. weight: '995'
  116. prefix: '&6[Gold] &r'
  117. permissions:
  118. - -essentials.kits.Iron
  119. - essentials.kits.Gold
  120. -
  121. - essentials.feed
  122. - essentials.hat
  123. - essentials.msg.format
  124. - essentials.time
  125. - essentials.time.set
  126. -
  127. - essentials.enderchest
  128. Diamond:
  129. inheritance:
  130. - Gold
  131. options:
  132. weight: '994'
  133. prefix: '&b[Diamond] &r'
  134. permissions:
  135. - -essentials.kits.Gold
  136. - essentials.kits.Diamond
  137. - essentials.msg.magic
  138. -
  139. - factionsfly.allow
  140. - factionsfly.safezone
  141. - essentials.sethome.multiple.diamond
  142. Obby:
  143. inheritance:
  144. - Diamond
  145. options:
  146. weight: '993'
  147. prefix: '&5[Obsidian] &r'
  148. permissions:
  149. - -essentials.kits.Diamond
  150. - essentials.kits.Obby
  151. - factionsfly.own
  152. - essentials.heal
  153. - essentials.sethome.multiple.obby
  154. StaffJr.:
  155. options:
  156. weight: '100'
  157. prefix: '&c[StaffJr] &r'
  158. permissions:
  159. - essentials.broadcast
  160. -
  161. - essentials.helpop.receive
  162. - essentials.kick
  163. - essentials.mute
  164. - essentials.togglejail.offline
  165. -
  166. Helper:
  167. inheritance:
  168. - StaffJr.
  169. options:
  170. weight: '90'
  171. prefix: '&9[Helper] &r'
  172. permissions:
  173. - gizmobrat
  174. - essentials.afk.kickexempt
  175. - essentials.jail.exempt
  176. - essentials.kick.exempt
  177. - essentials.mute.offline
  178. - essentials.tempban
  179. - auctions.bypass.cancel.otherauctions
  180. Mod:
  181. inheritance:
  182. - Helper
  183. options:
  184. weight: '80'
  185. prefix: '&c[Mod] &r'
  186. permissions:
  187. - essentials.ban
  188. - essentials.ban.offline
  189. - essentials.banip
  190. - essentials.mute.exempt
  191. - essentials.tempban.offline
  192. - essentials.tempban.offline
  193. Admin:
  194. inheritance:
  195. - Mod
  196. options:
  197. weight: '70'
  198. prefix: '&4[Admin] &r'
  199. permissions:
  200. - essentials.geoip.hide
  201. - essentials.kickall
  202. - essentials.setwarp
  203. - essentials.socialspy
  204. - essentials.tempban.exempt
  205. - essentials.unban
  206. - essentials.unbanip
  207. - essentials.vanish
  208. - essentials.vanish.see
  209. - essentials.warp.overwrite.*
  210. - auctions.bypass.end.otherauctions
  211. - auction.admin 
  212. - coreprotect.purge
  213. -
  214. - coreprotect.lookup.command
  215. - coreprotect.restore
  216. -
  217. - coreprotect.lookup.block
  218. -
  219. - coreprotect.lookup.kill
  220. - coreprotect.lookup.session
  221. owner:
  222. inheritance:
  223. - Obby
  224. - Admin
  225. options:
  226. prefix: '&4[Owner] &r'
  227. schema-version: 1
  228. users:
  229. group:
  230. permissions: []
  231. 1c0038b0-7638-4b08-a711-bc467f8bc727:
  232. group:
  233. - owner
  234. - Member
  235. options:
  236. name: gizmobrat
  237. f986d3b7-65fe-4819-98fe-3c4e59f33eb4:
  238. group:
  239. - Gold
  240. - Member
  241. options:
  242. name: AgentNarwhalz
  243. bd1993f3-d061-4d7b-a594-e67191424a2f:
  244. group:
  245. - Gold
  246. - Member
  247. - Admin
  248. options:
  249. name: CustomRedTech
  250. 0d977a5f-6de0-4a0d-b53f-a974821fcb3e:
  251. group:
  252. - Member
  253. options:
  254. name: Nyoho
  255. 408f8b17-8305-4e84-8d1f-631a01592e7f:
  256. group:
  257. - Member
  258. options:
  259. name: LegomanDash
  260. f0186b05-7c67-434f-9b9b-9e94201227ba:
  261. group:
  262. - Member
  263. options:
  264. name: Alaskan_Snow
  265. 34566ef8-3abf-4c66-9d5f-75c005f761b2:
  266. group:
  267. - Member
  268. options:
  269. name: AgentStealthGuy
  270. 0729a0cc-814d-4b0b-9e1e-2bebc2b8eb76:
  271. group:
  272. - Member
  273. options:
  274. name: Padraig1408
  275. 3a4b076c-cb80-4e93-a1c4-ff3e6bf71d43:
  276. group:
  277. - Member
  278. options:
  279. name: 1_Little_Dove
  280. 6fdf93a7-55a7-4d59-be8b-f90170150f45:
  281. options:
  282. name: Dustin76088
  283. group:
  284. - newbie
  285. 389e2308-4422-4dfb-8bce-927ba6583b7c:
  286. group:
  287. - Member
  288. options:
  289. name: Destroyercon04
  293. {
  294. "version": 3,
  295. "aliasesF": [
  296. "f"
  297. ],
  298. "worldsClaimingEnabled": {
  299. "standard": true,
  300. "exceptions": []
  301. },
  302. "worldsPowerLossEnabled": {
  303. "standard": true,
  304. "exceptions": []
  305. },
  306. "worldsPowerGainEnabled": {
  307. "standard": true,
  308. "exceptions": []
  309. },
  310. "worldsPvpRulesEnabled": {
  311. "standard": true,
  312. "exceptions": []
  313. },
  314. "playersWhoBypassAllProtection": [],
  315. "taskPlayerPowerUpdateMinutes": 1.0,
  316. "taskPlayerDataRemoveMinutes": 5.0,
  317. "taskEconLandRewardMinutes": 20.0,
  318. "removePlayerWhenBanned": true,
  319. "cleanInactivityToleranceMillis": 864000000,
  320. "cleanInactivityToleranceMillisPlayerAgeToBonus": {
  321. "1209600000": 864000000
  322. },
  323. "cleanInactivityToleranceMillisFactionAgeToBonus": {
  324. "2419200000": 864000000,
  325. "1209600000": 432000000
  326. },
  327. "defaultPlayerFactionId": "none",
  328. "defaultPlayerRole": "RECRUIT",
  329. "defaultPlayerPower": 0.0,
  330. "motdPriority": "NORMAL",
  331. "motdDelayTicks": -1,
  332. "powerMax": 10.0,
  333. "powerMin": 0.0,
  334. "powerPerHour": 2.0,
  335. "powerPerDeath": -2.0,
  336. "canLeaveWithNegativePower": true,
  337. "factionMemberLimit": 0,
  338. "factionPowerMax": 0.0,
  339. "factionNameLengthMin": 3,
  340. "factionNameLengthMax": 16,
  341. "factionNameForceUpperCase": false,
  342. "setRadiusMax": 30,
  343. "setFillMax": 1000,
  344. "claimsMustBeConnected": true,
  345. "claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction": false,
  346. "claimingFromOthersAllowed": true,
  347. "claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers": 0,
  348. "claimsRequireMinFactionMembers": 1,
  349. "claimedLandsMax": 0,
  350. "claimedWorldsMax": -1,
  351. "protectionLiquidFlowEnabled": true,
  352. "homesEnabled": true,
  353. "homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory": true,
  354. "homesTeleportCommandEnabled": true,
  355. "homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory": true,
  356. "homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld": true,
  357. "homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance": 32.0,
  358. "homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory": true,
  359. "homesTeleportToOnDeathActive": false,
  360. "homesTeleportToOnDeathPriority": "NORMAL",
  361. "territoryInfoTitlesDefault": true,
  362. "territoryInfoTitlesMain": "{relcolor}{name}",
  363. "territoryInfoTitlesSub": "<i>{desc}",
  364. "territoryInfoTitlesTicksIn": 5,
  365. "territoryInfoTitlesTicksStay": 60,
  366. "territoryInfoTitleTicksOut": 5,
  367. "territoryInfoChat": "<i> ~ {relcolor}{name} <i>{desc}",
  368. "permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion": false,
  369. "actionDeniedPainAmount": 2.0,
  370. "disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers": false,
  371. "enablePVPBetweenFactionlessPlayers": true,
  372. "enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand": false,
  373. "territoryShieldFactor": 0.1,
  374. "handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild": true,
  375. "denyCommandsPermanentFactionMember": [],
  376. "denyCommandsTerritoryRelation": {
  377. "ENEMY": [
  378. "home",
  379. "homes",
  380. "sethome",
  381. "createhome",
  382. "tpahere",
  383. "tpaccept",
  384. "tpyes",
  385. "tpa",
  386. "call",
  387. "tpask",
  388. "warp",
  389. "warps",
  390. "spawn",
  391. "ehome",
  392. "ehomes",
  393. "esethome",
  394. "ecreatehome",
  395. "etpahere",
  396. "etpaccept",
  397. "etpyes",
  398. "etpa",
  399. "ecall",
  400. "etpask",
  401. "ewarp",
  402. "ewarps",
  403. "espawn",
  404. "essentials:home",
  405. "essentials:homes",
  406. "essentials:sethome",
  407. "essentials:createhome",
  408. "essentials:tpahere",
  409. "essentials:tpaccept",
  410. "essentials:tpyes",
  411. "essentials:tpa",
  412. "essentials:call",
  413. "essentials:tpask",
  414. "essentials:warp",
  415. "essentials:warps",
  416. "essentials:spawn",
  417. "wtp",
  418. "uspawn",
  419. "utp",
  420. "mspawn",
  421. "mtp",
  422. "fspawn",
  423. "ftp",
  424. "jspawn",
  425. "jtp"
  426. ],
  427. "NEUTRAL": [],
  428. "TRUCE": [],
  429. "ALLY": [],
  430. "MEMBER": []
  431. },
  432. "denyCommandsDistance": -1.0,
  433. "denyCommandsDistanceRelation": {
  434. "ENEMY": [
  435. "home"
  436. ],
  437. "NEUTRAL": [],
  438. "TRUCE": [],
  439. "ALLY": [],
  440. "MEMBER": []
  441. },
  442. "denyCommandsDistanceBypassIn": [
  443. "MEMBER",
  444. "ALLY"
  445. ],
  446. "chatSetFormat": false,
  447. "chatSetFormatAt": "LOWEST",
  448. "chatSetFormatTo": "<{factions_relcolor}§l{factions_roleprefix}§r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}§f%1$s> %2$s",
  449. "chatParseTags": true,
  450. "chatParseTagsAt": "HIGH",
  451. "colorMember": "GREEN",
  452. "colorAlly": "DARK_PURPLE",
  453. "colorTruce": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
  454. "colorNeutral": "WHITE",
  455. "colorEnemy": "RED",
  456. "colorNoPVP": "GOLD",
  457. "colorFriendlyFire": "DARK_RED",
  458. "prefixLeader": "**",
  459. "prefixOfficer": "*",
  460. "prefixMember": "+",
  461. "prefixRecruit": "-",
  462. "handleExploitObsidianGenerators": true,
  463. "handleExploitEnderPearlClipping": true,
  464. "handleExploitTNTWaterlog": false,
  465. "handleNetherPortalTrap": true,
  466. "seeChunkSteps": 1,
  467. "seeChunkKeepEvery": 5,
  468. "seeChunkSkipEvery": 0,
  469. "seeChunkPeriodMillis": 500,
  470. "seeChunkParticleAmount": 30,
  471. "seeChunkParticleOffsetY": 2.0,
  472. "seeChunkParticleDeltaY": 2.0,
  473. "unstuckSeconds": 30,
  474. "unstuckChunkRadius": 10,
  475. "logFactionCreate": true,
  476. "logFactionDisband": true,
  477. "logFactionJoin": true,
  478. "logFactionKick": true,
  479. "logFactionLeave": true,
  480. "logLandClaims": true,
  481. "logMoneyTransactions": true,
  482. "materialsEditOnInteract": [],
  483. "materialsEditTools": [],
  484. "materialsDoor": [],
  485. "materialsContainer": [],
  486. "entityTypesEditOnInteract": [],
  487. "entityTypesEditOnDamage": [],
  488. "entityTypesContainer": [],
  489. "entityTypesMonsters": [],
  490. "entityTypesAnimals": [],
  491. "herochatFactionName": "Faction",
  492. "herochatFactionNick": "F",
  493. "herochatFactionFormat": "{color}[&l{nick}&r{color} &l{factions_roleprefix}&r{color}{factions_title|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}",
  494. "herochatFactionColor": "GREEN",
  495. "herochatFactionDistance": 0,
  496. "herochatFactionIsShortcutAllowed": false,
  497. "herochatFactionCrossWorld": true,
  498. "herochatFactionMuted": false,
  499. "herochatFactionWorlds": [],
  500. "herochatAlliesName": "Allies",
  501. "herochatAlliesNick": "A",
  502. "herochatAlliesFormat": "{color}[&l{nick}&r&f {factions_relcolor}&l{factions_roleprefix}&r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}",
  503. "herochatAlliesColor": "DARK_PURPLE",
  504. "herochatAlliesDistance": 0,
  505. "herochatAlliesIsShortcutAllowed": false,
  506. "herochatAlliesCrossWorld": true,
  507. "herochatAlliesMuted": false,
  508. "herochatAlliesWorlds": [],
  509. "lwcMustHaveBuildRightsToCreate": true,
  510. "lwcRemoveIfNoBuildRights": false,
  511. "lwcRemoveOnChange": {
  512. "BUY": false,
  513. "SELL": false,
  514. "CONQUER": false,
  515. "PILLAGE": false
  516. },
  517. "worldguardCheckEnabled": false,
  518. "worldguardCheckWorldsEnabled": {
  519. "standard": true,
  520. "exceptions": []
  521. },
  522. "econEnabled": true,
  523. "econLandReward": 0.0,
  524. "econUniverseAccount": "",
  525. "econChunkCost": {
  526. "BUY": 1.0,
  527. "SELL": 0.0,
  528. "CONQUER": 0.0,
  529. "PILLAGE": 0.0
  530. },
  531. "econCostCreate": 100.0,
  532. "econCostSethome": 0.0,
  533. "econCostJoin": 0.0,
  534. "econCostLeave": 0.0,
  535. "econCostKick": 0.0,
  536. "econCostInvite": 0.0,
  537. "econCostDeinvite": 0.0,
  538. "econCostHome": 0.0,
  539. "econCostName": 0.0,
  540. "econCostDescription": 0.0,
  541. "econCostTitle": 0.0,
  542. "econCostFlag": 0.0,
  543. "econRelCost": {
  544. "ENEMY": 0.0,
  545. "ALLY": 0.0,
  546. "TRUCE": 0.0,
  547. "NEUTRAL": 0.0
  548. },
  549. "bankEnabled": true,
  550. "bankFactionPaysCosts": true
  551. }
  555. ############################################################
  556. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  557. # | Notes | #
  558. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  559. ############################################################
  561. # If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
  562. # If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
  563. # - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
  564. # - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
  565. # - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
  566. # - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
  568. # If you have problems join the Essentials help support channel:
  570. ############################################################
  571. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  572. # | Essentials (Global) | #
  573. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  574. ############################################################
  576. # A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
  577. ops-name-color: '4'
  579. # The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
  580. nickname-prefix: '~'
  582. # The maximum length allowed in nicknames. The nickname prefix is included in this.
  583. max-nick-length: 15
  585. # When this option is enabled, nickname length checking will exclude color codes in player names.
  586. # ie: "&6Notch" has 7 characters (2 are part of a color code), a length of 5 is used when this option is set to true
  587. ignore-colors-in-max-nick-length: false
  589. # Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
  590. change-displayname: true
  592. # When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
  593. # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
  594. #change-playerlist: true
  596. # When EssentialsChat.jar isn't used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname.
  597. # This setting is ignored if EssentialsChat.jar is used, and defaults to 'true'.
  598. # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
  599. # Do not edit this setting unless you know what you are doing!
  600. #add-prefix-suffix: false
  602. # If the teleport destination is unsafe, should players be teleported to the nearest safe location?
  603. # If this is set to true, Essentials will attempt to teleport players close to the intended destination.
  604. # If this is set to false, attempted teleports to unsafe locations will be cancelled with a warning.
  605. teleport-safety: true
  607. # This forcefully disables teleport safety checks without a warning if attempting to teleport to unsafe locations.
  608. # teleport-safety and this option need to be set to true to force teleportation to dangerous locations.
  609. force-disable-teleport-safety: false
  611. # The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
  612. teleport-cooldown: 20
  614. # The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport is cancelled.
  615. teleport-delay: 5
  617. # The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after they have been teleported by a command.
  618. # This will also prevent the player attacking other players.
  619. teleport-invulnerability: 4
  621. # Whether to make all teleportations go to the center of the block; where the x and z coordinates decimal become .5
  622. teleport-to-center: true
  624. # The delay, in seconds, required between /heal or /feed attempts.
  625. heal-cooldown: 600
  627. # Near Radius
  628. # The default radius with /near
  629. # Used to use chat radius but we are going to make it separate.
  630. near-radius: 200
  632. # What to prevent from /item and /give.
  633. # e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 10,11,46
  634. item-spawn-blacklist:
  636. # Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules.
  637. # Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
  638. # Example permissions (these go in your permissions manager):
  639. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
  640. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
  641. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
  642. # - essentials.give.item-all
  643. # - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
  644. # - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
  645. # - essentials.unlimited.item-all
  646. # - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname]
  647. # - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid]
  648. # - essentials.unlimited.item-bucket # Unlimited liquid placing
  649. #
  650. # For more information, visit
  651. permission-based-item-spawn: false
  653. # Mob limit on the /spawnmob command per execution.
  654. spawnmob-limit: 10
  656. # Shall we notify users when using /lightning?
  657. warn-on-smite: true
  659. # Shall we drop items instead of adding to inventory if the target inventory is full?
  660. drop-items-if-full: true
  662. # Essentials Mail Notification
  663. # Should we notify players if they have no new mail?
  664. notify-no-new-mail: true
  666. # The motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt.
  668. # When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take priority.
  669. # Commands in this list, will tell Essentials to 'not give up' the command to other plugins.
  670. # In this state, which plugin 'wins' appears to be almost random.
  671. #
  672. # If you have two plugin with the same command and you wish to force Essentials to take over, you need an alias.
  673. # To force essentials to take 'god' alias 'god' to 'egod'.
  674. # See for more information.
  676. overridden-commands:
  677. # - god
  678. # - info
  680. # Disabling commands here will prevent Essentials handling the command, this will not affect command conflicts.
  681. # You should not have to disable commands used in other plugins, they will automatically get priority.
  682. # See to map commands to other plugins.
  683. disabled-commands:
  684. # - nick
  685. # - clear
  687. # These commands will be shown to players with socialSpy enabled.
  688. # You can add commands from other plugins you may want to track or
  689. # remove commands that are used for something you dont want to spy on.
  690. # Set - '*' in order to listen on all possible commands.
  691. socialspy-commands:
  692. - msg
  693. - w
  694. - r
  695. - mail
  696. - m
  697. - t
  698. - whisper
  699. - emsg
  700. - tell
  701. - er
  702. - reply
  703. - ereply
  704. - email
  705. - action
  706. - describe
  707. - eme
  708. - eaction
  709. - edescribe
  710. - etell
  711. - ewhisper
  712. - pm
  714. # Mute Commands
  715. # These commands will be disabled when a player is muted.
  716. # Use '*' to disable every command.
  717. # Essentials already disabled Essentials messaging commands by default.
  718. # It only cares about the root command, not args after that (it sees /f chat the same as /f)
  719. mute-commands:
  720. - f
  721. - kittycannon
  722. # - '*'
  724. # If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
  725. # This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
  726. # If you are using an unsupported permissions system, simply delete this section.
  727. # Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
  728. # These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
  729. player-commands:
  730. - afk
  731. -
  732. - back
  733. - back.ondeath
  734. - balance
  735. - balance.others
  736. - balancetop
  737. - build
  738. - chat.color
  739. - chat.format
  740. - chat.shout
  741. - chat.question
  742. - clearinventory
  743. - compass
  744. - depth
  745. - delhome
  746. - getpos
  747. -
  748. - help
  749. - helpop
  750. - home
  751. - home.others
  752. - ignore
  753. - info
  754. - itemdb
  755. - kit
  756. -
  757. - list
  758. - mail
  759. - mail.send
  760. - me
  761. - motd
  762. - msg
  763. - msg.color
  764. - nick
  765. - near
  766. - pay
  767. - ping
  768. - protect
  769. - r
  770. - rules
  771. - realname
  772. - seen
  773. - sell
  774. - sethome
  775. - setxmpp
  776. -
  777. -
  778. -
  779. -
  780. - signs.use.balance
  781. -
  782. - signs.use.disposal
  783. - signs.use.enchant
  784. -
  785. - signs.use.gamemode
  786. - signs.use.heal
  787. -
  788. - signs.use.kit
  789. - signs.use.mail
  790. -
  791. -
  792. - signs.use.sell
  793. - signs.use.time
  794. -
  795. - signs.use.warp
  796. -
  797. - spawn
  798. - suicide
  799. - time
  800. - tpa
  801. - tpaccept
  802. - tpahere
  803. - tpdeny
  804. - warp
  805. - warp.list
  806. - world
  807. - worth
  808. - xmpp
  810. # When this option is enabled, one-time use kits (ie. delay < 0) will be
  811. # removed from the /kit list when a player can no longer use it
  812. skip-used-one-time-kits-from-kit-list: false
  814. # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
  815. # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
  816. # Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
  817. # For Item Meta information visit
  818. # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
  819. # Set delay to -1 for a one time kit.
  820. # For more information, visit
  821. kits:
  822. starter:
  823. delay: 86400
  824. items:
  825. - 272 1
  826. - 274 1
  827. - 50 16
  828. - 350 16
  829. - 298 1
  830. - 299 1
  831. - 300 1
  832. - 301 1
  833. member:
  834. delay: 86400
  835. items:
  836. - 267 1
  837. - 274 1
  838. - 50 16
  839. - 297 16
  840. - 302 1
  841. - 303 1
  842. - 304 1
  843. - 305 1
  844. Coal:
  845. delay: 259200
  846. items:
  847. - COAL 5
  848. - REDSTONE 2
  849. - IRON_INGOT 1
  850. - GOLD_INGOT 1
  851. - DIAMOND 1
  852. - OBSIDIAN 1
  853. Iron:
  854. delay: 259200
  855. items:
  856. - COAL 10
  857. - REDSTONE 4
  858. - IRON_INGOT 2
  859. - GOLD_INGOT 2
  860. - DIAMOND 2
  861. - OBSIDIAN 2
  862. Gold:
  863. delay: 259200
  864. items:
  865. - COAL 15
  866. - REDSTONE 8
  867. - IRON_INGOT 3
  868. - GOLD_INGOT 3
  869. - DIAMOND 3
  870. - OBSIDIAN 3
  871. Diamond:
  872. delay: 259200
  873. items:
  874. - COAL 20
  875. - REDSTONE 10
  876. - IRON_INGOT 4
  877. - GOLD_INGOT 4
  878. - DIAMOND 4
  879. - OBSIDIAN 4
  880. Obby:
  881. delay: 259200
  882. items:
  883. - COAL 25
  884. - REDSTONE 12
  885. - IRON_INGOT 5
  886. - GOLD_INGOT 5
  887. - DIAMOND 5
  888. - OBSIDIAN 5
  889. dtools:
  890. delay: 600
  891. items:
  892. - 278 1 efficiency:1 durability:1 fortune:1 name:&4Gigadrill lore:The_drill_that_&npierces|the_heavens
  893. - 277 1 digspeed:3 name:Dwarf lore:Diggy|Diggy|Hole
  894. - 298 1 color:255,255,255 name:Top_Hat lore:Good_day,_Good_day
  895. - 279:780 1
  896. notch:
  897. delay: 6000
  898. items:
  899. - 397:3 1 player:Notch
  900. color:
  901. delay: 6000
  902. items:
  903. - 387 1 title:&4Book_&9o_&6Colors author:KHobbits lore:Ingame_color_codes book:Colors
  904. firework:
  905. delay: 6000
  906. items:
  907. - 401 1 name:Angry_Creeper color:red fade:green type:creeper power:1
  908. - 401 1 name:Starry_Night color:yellow,orange fade:blue type:star effect:trail,twinkle power:1
  909. - 401 2 name:Solar_Wind color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:large effect:twinkle color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:ball effect:trail color:red,purple fade:pink shape:star effect:trail power:1
  911. # Essentials Sign Control
  912. # See for instructions on how to use these.
  913. # To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
  914. # Essentials colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
  915. # Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.
  917. enabledSigns:
  918. #- color
  919. #- balance
  920. #- buy
  921. #- sell
  922. #- trade
  923. #- free
  924. #- disposal
  925. #- warp
  926. #- kit
  927. #- mail
  928. #- enchant
  929. #- gamemode
  930. #- heal
  931. #- info
  932. #- spawnmob
  933. #- repair
  934. #- time
  935. #- weather
  937. # How many times per second can Essentials signs be interacted with per player.
  938. # Values should be between 1-20, 20 being virtually no lag protection.
  939. # Lower numbers will reduce the possibility of lag, but may annoy players.
  940. sign-use-per-second: 4
  942. # Backup runs a batch/bash command while saving is disabled.
  943. backup:
  944. # Interval in minutes.
  945. interval: 30
  946. # Unless you add a valid backup command or script here, this feature will be useless.
  947. # Use 'save-all' to simply force regular world saving without backup.
  948. #command: 'rdiff-backup World1 backups/World1'
  950. # Set this true to enable permission per warp.
  951. per-warp-permission: false
  953. # Sort output of /list command by groups.
  954. # You can hide and merge the groups displayed in /list by defining the desired behaviour here.
  955. # Detailed instructions and examples can be found on the wiki:
  956. list:
  957. # To merge groups, list the groups you wish to merge
  958. #Staff: owner admin moderator
  959. Admins: owner admin
  960. # To limit groups, set a max user limit
  961. #builder: 20
  962. # To hide groups, set the group as hidden
  963. #default: hidden
  964. # Uncomment the line below to simply list all players with no grouping
  965. #Players: '*'
  967. # More output to the console.
  968. debug: false
  970. # Set the locale for all messages.
  971. # If you don't set this, the default locale of the server will be used.
  972. # For example, to set language to English, set locale to en, to use the file "".
  973. # Don't forget to remove the # in front of the line.
  974. # For more information, visit
  975. #locale: en
  977. # Turn off god mode when people leave the server.
  978. remove-god-on-disconnect: false
  980. # Auto-AFK
  981. # After this timeout in seconds, the user will be set as AFK.
  982. # This feature requires the player to have node.
  983. # Set to -1 for no timeout.
  984. auto-afk: 300
  986. # Auto-AFK Kick
  987. # After this timeout in seconds, the user will be kicked from the server.
  988. # essentials.afk.kickexempt node overrides this feature.
  989. # Set to -1 for no timeout.
  990. auto-afk-kick: -1
  992. # Set this to true, if you want to freeze the player, if the player is AFK.
  993. # Other players or monsters can't push the player out of AFK mode then.
  994. # This will also enable temporary god mode for the AFK player.
  995. # The player has to use the command /afk to leave the AFK mode.
  996. freeze-afk-players: false
  998. # When the player is AFK, should he be able to pickup items?
  999. # Enable this, when you don't want people idling in mob traps.
  1000. disable-item-pickup-while-afk: false
  1002. # This setting controls if a player is marked as active on interaction.
  1003. # When this setting is false, the player would need to manually un-AFK using the /afk command.
  1004. cancel-afk-on-interact: true
  1006. # Should we automatically remove afk status when a player moves?
  1007. # Player will be removed from AFK on chat/command regardless of this setting.
  1008. # Disable this to reduce server lag.
  1009. cancel-afk-on-move: true
  1011. # Set the player's list name when they are AFK. This is none by default which specifies that Essentials
  1012. # should not interfere with the AFK player's list name.
  1013. # You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
  1014. afk-list-name: none
  1016. # You can disable the death messages of Minecraft here.
  1017. death-messages: true
  1019. # Should players with permissions be able to join and part silently?
  1020. # You can control this with essentials.silentjoin and essentials.silentquit permissions if it is enabled.
  1021. # In addition, people with essentials.silentjoin.vanish will be vanished on join.
  1022. allow-silent-join-quit: false
  1024. # You can set a custom join message here, set to "none" to disable.
  1025. # You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
  1026. custom-join-message: "Welcome {PLAYER}"
  1028. # You can set a custom quit message here, set to "none" to disable.
  1029. # You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
  1030. custom-quit-message: "none"
  1032. # Add worlds to this list, if you want to automatically disable god mode there.
  1033. no-god-in-worlds:
  1034. # - world_nether
  1036. # Set to true to enable per-world permissions for teleporting between worlds with essentials commands.
  1037. # This applies to /world, /back, /tp[a|o][here|all], but not warps.
  1038. # Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
  1039. # This does not affect the /home command, there is a separate toggle below for this.
  1040. world-teleport-permissions: false
  1042. # The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
  1043. # If this number is below 1, the maximum stack size size is given. If over-sized stacks.
  1044. # are not enabled, any number higher than the maximum stack size results in more than one stack.
  1045. default-stack-size: -1
  1047. # Over-sized stacks are stacks that ignore the normal max stack size.
  1048. # They can be obtained using /give and /item, if the player has essentials.oversizedstacks permission.
  1049. # How many items should be in an over-sized stack?
  1050. oversized-stacksize: 64
  1052. # Allow repair of enchanted weapons and armor.
  1053. # If you set this to false, you can still allow it for certain players using the permission.
  1054. #
  1055. repair-enchanted: true
  1057. # Allow 'unsafe' enchantments in kits and item spawning.
  1058. # Warning: Mixing and overleveling some enchantments can cause issues with clients, servers and plugins.
  1059. unsafe-enchantments: false
  1061. #Do you want Essentials to keep track of previous location for /back in the teleport listener?
  1062. #If you set this to true any plugin that uses teleport will have the previous location registered.
  1063. register-back-in-listener: false
  1065. #Delay to wait before people can cause attack damage after logging in.
  1066. login-attack-delay: 5
  1068. #Set the max fly speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
  1069. max-fly-speed: 0.8
  1071. #Set the max walk speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
  1072. max-walk-speed: 0.8
  1074. #Set the maximum amount of mail that can be sent within a minute.
  1075. mails-per-minute: 1000
  1077. # Set the maximum time /tempban can be used for in seconds.
  1078. # Set to -1 to disable, and essentials.tempban.unlimited can be used to override.
  1079. max-tempban-time: 2592000
  1081. # Changes /reply functionality. If true, /r goes to the person you messaged last, otherwise the first person that messaged you.
  1082. # If false, /r goes to the last person that messaged you.
  1083. last-message-reply-recipient: true
  1085. # If last-message-reply-recipient is true, this specifies the duration, in seconds, that would need to elapse for the
  1086. # reply-recipient to update when receiving a message.
  1087. # Default is 180 (3 minutes)
  1088. last-message-reply-recipient-timeout: 180
  1090. # Toggles whether or not right clicking mobs with a milk bucket turns them into a baby.
  1091. milk-bucket-easter-egg: true
  1093. # Toggles whether or not the fly status message should be sent to players on join
  1094. send-fly-enable-on-join: true
  1096. # Set to true to enable per-world permissions for setting time for individual worlds with essentials commands.
  1097. # This applies to /time, /day, /eday, /night, /enight, /etime.
  1098. # Give someone permission to teleport to a world with<worldname>.
  1099. world-time-permissions: false
  1101. # Specify cooldown for both Essentials commands and external commands as well.
  1102. # All commands do not start with a Forward Slash (/). Instead of /msg, write msg
  1103. #
  1104. # Wildcards are supported. E.g.
  1105. # - '*i*': 50
  1106. # adds a 50 second cooldown to all commands that include the letter i
  1107. #
  1108. # EssentialsX supports regex by starting the command with a caret ^
  1109. # For example, to target commands starting with ban and not banip the following would be used:
  1110. # '^ban([^ip])( .*)?': 60 # 60 seconds /ban cooldown.
  1111. # Note: If you have a command that starts with ^, then you can escape it using backslash (\). e.g. \^command: 123
  1112. command-cooldowns:
  1113. # feed: 100 # 100 second cooldown on /feed command
  1114. # '*': 5 # 5 Second cooldown on all commands
  1116. # Whether command cooldowns should be persistent past server shutdowns
  1117. command-cooldown-persistence: true
  1119. ############################################################
  1120. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1121. # | EssentialsHome | #
  1122. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1123. ############################################################
  1125. # Allows people to set their bed at daytime.
  1126. update-bed-at-daytime: true
  1128. # Set to true to enable per-world permissions for using homes to teleport between worlds.
  1129. # This applies to the /home only.
  1130. # Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
  1131. world-home-permissions: true
  1133. # Allow players to have multiple homes.
  1134. # Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home.
  1135. # You can set the default number of multiple homes using the 'default' rank below.
  1136. # To remove the home limit entirely, give people 'essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited'.
  1137. # To grant different home amounts to different people, you need to define a 'home-rank' below.
  1138. # Create the 'home-rank' below, and give the matching permission: essentials.sethome.multiple.<home-rank>
  1139. # For more information, visit
  1140. sethome-multiple:
  1141. default: 1
  1142. member: 1
  1143. member+: 2
  1144. coal: 3
  1145. iron: 4
  1146. gold: 5
  1147. diamond: 6
  1148. obby: 7
  1149. staff: 10
  1151. # In this example someone with 'essentials.sethome.multiple' and '' will have 5 homes.
  1152. # Remember, they MUST have both permission nodes in order to be able to set multiple homes.
  1154. # Set the timeout, in seconds for players to accept a tpa before the request is cancelled.
  1155. # Set to 0 for no timeout.
  1156. tpa-accept-cancellation: 120
  1158. ############################################################
  1159. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1160. # | EssentialsEco | #
  1161. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1162. ############################################################
  1164. # For more information, visit
  1166. # Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
  1167. starting-balance: 100
  1169. # worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
  1170. # These are now defined in worth.yml
  1172. # Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
  1173. # Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
  1174. command-costs:
  1175. # /example costs $1000 PER USE
  1176. #example: 1000
  1177. # /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
  1178. #kit-tools: 1500
  1180. # Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
  1181. # Remember, if you want to use special characters in this document,
  1182. # such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
  1183. currency-symbol: '$'
  1185. # Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
  1186. # The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
  1187. max-money: 10000000000000
  1189. # Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
  1190. # Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely. Users need '' perm to go below 0.
  1191. min-money: 0
  1193. # Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
  1194. economy-log-enabled: false
  1196. # Use this option to force superperms-based permissions handler regardless of detected installed perms plugin.
  1197. # This is useful if you want superperms-based permissions (with wildcards) for custom permissions plugins.
  1198. # Default is false.
  1199. use-bukkit-permissions: false
  1201. # Minimum acceptable amount to be used in /pay.
  1202. minimum-pay-amount: 0.01
  1204. ############################################################
  1205. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1206. # | EssentialsHelp | #
  1207. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1208. ############################################################
  1210. # Show other plugins commands in help.
  1211. non-ess-in-help: true
  1213. # Hide plugins which do not give a permission.
  1214. # You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
  1215. # The individual permission is:<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help regardless.
  1216. # You can use negative permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
  1217. hide-permissionless-help: true
  1219. ############################################################
  1220. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1221. # | EssentialsChat | #
  1222. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1223. ############################################################
  1225. # This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.
  1227. chat:
  1229. # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  1230. # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  1231. # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  1232. # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  1233. # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  1234. radius: 0
  1236. # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  1237. # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  1238. # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:
  1240. #format: '{DISPLAYNAME} {MESSAGE}'
  1241. format: '§a<{factions_nameforce}§r§a> §r {DISPLAYNAME}§r§7:§r {MESSAGE}'
  1243. group-formats:
  1244. # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
  1245. Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  1246. Member: '&c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}'
  1248. # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
  1250. ############################################################
  1251. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1252. # | EssentialsProtect | #
  1253. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1254. ############################################################
  1256. # This section requires the EssentialsProtect.jar to work.
  1258. protect:
  1260. # General physics/behavior modifications.
  1261. prevent:
  1262. lava-flow: false
  1263. water-flow: false
  1264. water-bucket-flow: false
  1265. fire-spread: true
  1266. lava-fire-spread: true
  1267. flint-fire: false
  1268. lightning-fire-spread: true
  1269. portal-creation: false
  1270. tnt-explosion: false
  1271. tnt-playerdamage: false
  1272. tnt-minecart-explosion: false
  1273. tnt-minecart-playerdamage: false
  1274. fireball-explosion: false
  1275. fireball-fire: false
  1276. fireball-playerdamage: false
  1277. witherskull-explosion: false
  1278. witherskull-playerdamage: false
  1279. wither-spawnexplosion: false
  1280. wither-blockreplace: false
  1281. creeper-explosion: false
  1282. creeper-playerdamage: false
  1283. creeper-blockdamage: false
  1284. enderdragon-blockdamage: true
  1285. enderman-pickup: false
  1286. villager-death: false
  1287. # Monsters won't follow players.
  1288. # permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this.
  1289. entitytarget: false
  1290. # Prevent the spawning of creatures.
  1291. spawn:
  1292. creeper: false
  1293. skeleton: false
  1294. spider: false
  1295. giant: false
  1296. zombie: false
  1297. slime: false
  1298. ghast: false
  1299. pig_zombie: false
  1300. enderman: false
  1301. cave_spider: false
  1302. silverfish: false
  1303. blaze: false
  1304. magma_cube: false
  1305. ender_dragon: false
  1306. pig: false
  1307. sheep: false
  1308. cow: false
  1309. chicken: false
  1310. squid: false
  1311. wolf: false
  1312. mushroom_cow: false
  1313. snowman: false
  1314. ocelot: false
  1315. iron_golem: false
  1316. villager: false
  1317. wither: false
  1318. bat: false
  1319. witch: false
  1320. horse: false
  1322. # Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
  1323. # Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
  1324. creeper:
  1325. max-height: -1
  1327. # Disable various default physics and behaviors.
  1328. disable:
  1329. # Should fall damage be disabled?
  1330. fall: false
  1332. # Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
  1333. # They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
  1334. pvp: false
  1336. # Should drowning damage be disabled?
  1337. # (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value.)
  1338. drown: false
  1339. suffocate: false
  1341. # Should damage via lava be disabled? Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
  1342. lavadmg: false
  1344. # Should arrow damage be disabled?
  1345. projectiles: false
  1347. # This will disable damage from touching cacti.
  1348. contactdmg: false
  1350. # Burn, baby, burn! Should fire damage be disabled?
  1351. firedmg: false
  1353. # Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
  1354. lightning: false
  1356. # Should Wither damage be disabled?
  1357. wither: false
  1359. # Disable weather options?
  1360. weather:
  1361. storm: false
  1362. thunder: false
  1363. lightning: false
  1365. ############################################################
  1366. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1367. # | EssentialsAntiBuild | #
  1368. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1369. ############################################################
  1371. # This section requires the EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to work.
  1373. # Disable various default physics and behaviors
  1374. # For more information, visit
  1376. # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
  1377. # Set true to disable building for those people.
  1378. # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
  1379. build: true
  1381. # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
  1382. # Set true to disable using for those people.
  1383. # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using items.
  1384. use: true
  1386. # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
  1387. warn-on-build-disallow: true
  1389. # For which block types would you like to be alerted?
  1390. # You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
  1391. # 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
  1392. alert:
  1393. on-placement: 10,11,46,327
  1394. on-use: 327
  1395. on-break:
  1397. blacklist:
  1399. # Which blocks should people be prevented from placing?
  1400. placement: 10,11,46,327
  1402. # Which items should people be prevented from using?
  1403. usage: 327
  1405. # Which blocks should people be prevented from breaking?
  1406. break:
  1408. # Which blocks should not be pushed by pistons?
  1409. piston:
  1411. # Which blocks should not be dispensed by dispensers
  1412. dispenser:
  1414. ############################################################
  1415. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1416. # | Essentials Spawn / New Players | #
  1417. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  1418. ############################################################
  1420. # This section requires essentialsspawn.jar to work.
  1422. newbies:
  1423. # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  1424. # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  1425. # If not, set to ''
  1426. #announce-format: ''
  1427. announce-format: '&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME}&d to the server!'
  1429. # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  1430. # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  1431. spawnpoint: newbies
  1433. # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  1434. # This kit will be given regardless of cost and permissions, and will not trigger the kit delay.
  1435. #kit: ''
  1436. kit: starter
  1438. # Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
  1439. # Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
  1440. # Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
  1441. respawn-listener-priority: high
  1443. # When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
  1444. respawn-at-home: false
  1446. # Teleport all joining players to the spawnpoint
  1447. spawn-on-join: false
  1449. # End of file <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.
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