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Sep 23rd, 2019
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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <sstream>
  3. #include <fstream>
  4. #include <string>
  5. #include <math.h>
  6. #include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
  7. #include <time.h>
  8. #include <chrono>
  11. using namespace std;
  13. // activation function
  14. double activation(double x){
  15. return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x));
  16. }
  18. // derivative of activation function
  19. double d_activation(double x){
  20. return (1.0 - activation(x))*activation(x);
  21. }
  24. //
  25. void Randomize(double* a, int n, double min, double max){
  26. //cout<<"RAND_MAX="<<RAND_MAX<<endl;
  27. srand (time(NULL));
  28. for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
  29. double f = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
  30. a[i]= min + f * (max - min);
  31. }
  32. }
  34. void PrintVector(double* a, int n){
  35. for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
  36. cout<<a[i]<<" ";
  37. }
  38. cout<<endl;
  39. }
  42. class NN{
  43. // friend class MatrixD;
  44. // friend class VectorD;
  46. private:
  47. int nInputs; // number of inputs
  48. int nOutputs; //number of outputs
  49. int nHiddenNeurons; // number of neurons in hidden layer
  51. // search parameters
  52. double dw; // step for gradient estimation
  53. double learningRate; // hm, learning rate
  54. int nStepsMax;
  56. // whole training set
  57. double* inputsTraining; // inputs - column, pattern - row
  58. double* outputsTraining; // outputs - column, pattern - row
  59. int nTrainingEntries; // number of rows in training set
  61. // current NN situation
  62. double* currentInputs; // row picked from inputsTraining
  63. double* currentAnswers; // ditto for training answers
  64. double* currentOutputs; // guess what?
  65. double* currentError; // current differnce between answers and output
  66. //output error for current dataset row
  67. double sumOfOutputErrors;
  68. // sum of errors for all dataset entries
  69. double totalDatasetError;
  71. //
  72. // input to hidden layer
  73. double* weightsHidden; // hidden layer weights matrix Wh
  74. double* biasHidden; // hidden layer bias vector bh
  75. double* d_weightsHidden; // hidden layer weights matrix Wh derivative
  76. double* d_biasHidden; // hidden layer bias vector bh derivative
  77. double* deltaHidden; // for backpropagation
  79. // state of the hidden layer
  80. double* netHidden; // yh = Wh*z + bh - renaming
  81. double* outHidden; // zh = activ(Wh*x + bh) - layer output
  84. // hidden layer to output layer
  85. double* weightsOutput; // Wh
  86. double* biasOutput; // bh
  87. double* d_weightsOutput; // dWh/dw - gradients
  88. double* d_biasOutput; // dbh / dw - gradients
  89. double* deltaOutput; // dbh / dw - gradients
  92. //
  94. // state of the output layer
  95. double* nnSumOutput;
  96. double* netOutput; // yo = Wo*zh + bo
  97. double* nnBiaOutput;
  98. double* nnOutOutput; // zo = activ(yo)
  100. public:
  101. NN(){ }; // constructor
  102. int LoadTrainingSet(string file,int nInp,int nHid , int nOut);
  103. int LoadWorkingSet(string file,int nInp,int nHid , int nOut);
  104. void DisplayDigit(int nImage); // ASCII art display
  105. int InitNet(double min, double max);
  106. void GetTrainingEntry(int iTrainRow);
  107. void GetWorkingEntry(int iTrainRow);
  108. void ForwardProp();
  109. double GetTotalError(){ return sumOfOutputErrors;};
  110. void PrintErr(){ cout<<" Error: "<<sumOfOutputErrors<<endl;};
  111. void DirectGradientEstimation();
  112. void BackProp();
  113. void StepByGradient();
  114. double GetOutputError(){ return sumOfOutputErrors;};
  115. double TotalDatasetError(); // sum of errors for all rows of train data
  116. void Train1();
  117. void PrintOutputs();
  118. void DisplayResults();
  119. };
  121. // loads inputsTraining and outputsTraining from "file"
  122. int NN::LoadTrainingSet(string file,int nInp,int nHid , int nOut){
  123. std::ifstream data(file);
  124. std::string line;
  125. nTrainingEntries = 0;
  126. nInputs = nInp;
  127. nOutputs = nOut;
  128. nHiddenNeurons = nHid;
  129. // count number of lines in input file
  130. while(std::getline(data,line)) { nTrainingEntries++; }
  131. cout<<" Thera are "<<nTrainingEntries<<" entries in dataset"<<endl;
  132. // reserve the memory
  133. inputsTraining = new double[nTrainingEntries*nInputs];
  134. outputsTraining = new double[nTrainingEntries*nOutputs];
  135. cout<<" Memory reserved..."<<endl;
  136. // rewind the file
  137. data.clear();
  138. data.seekg(0);
  139. // read training data file
  140. for(int iim = 0; iim<nTrainingEntries; iim++) {
  141. std::getline(data,line);
  142. //cout<<" iim= "<<iim<<" Input: "<<line<<endl;
  143. std::stringstream lineStream(line);
  144. std::string cell;
  145. int count = 0;
  146. // break input string into inputs and answers
  147. while(std::getline(lineStream,cell,' ')) {
  148. //cout<<"count="<<count<<"cell="<<cell<<" "<<endl;
  149. if (count<nInputs) {
  150. inputsTraining[iim*nInputs+count] = atof(cell.c_str()) ;
  151. //cout<<" count="<<count<<" Inp[][]="<<inputsTraining.GetElement(iim,count)<<endl;
  152. } else {
  153. outputsTraining[iim*nOutputs+count-nInputs] = atof(cell.c_str());
  154. //cout<<" count-nInputs="<<count-nInputs<<" Out[][]="<<outputsTraining.GetElement(iim,count-nInputs)<<endl;
  155. }
  156. count++;
  157. } // while
  158. //cout<<" Input string "<<iim<<" parsed"<<endl;
  159. //char stop;
  160. //cin>>stop;
  161. } // for
  162. cout<<" Training set loaded. Inputs:"<<endl;
  163. //char stop;
  164. //cin>>stop;
  165. //inputsTraining.PrintMatrix();
  166. data.close();
  167. return 0;
  168. }
  170. int NN::LoadWorkingSet(string file,int nInp,int nHid , int nOut){
  171. std::ifstream data(file);
  172. std::string line;
  173. nTrainingEntries = 0;
  174. nInputs = nInp;
  175. nOutputs = nOut;
  176. nHiddenNeurons = nHid;
  177. // count number of lines in input file
  178. while(std::getline(data,line)) { nTrainingEntries++; }
  179. cout<<" Thera are "<<nTrainingEntries<<" entries in dataset"<<endl;
  180. // reserve the memory
  181. inputsTraining = new double[nTrainingEntries*nInputs];
  182. outputsTraining = new double[nTrainingEntries*nOutputs];
  183. cout<<" Memory reserved..."<<endl;
  184. // rewind the file
  185. data.clear();
  186. data.seekg(0);
  187. // read training data file
  188. for(int iim = 0; iim<nTrainingEntries; iim++) {
  189. std::getline(data,line);
  190. //cout<<" iim= "<<iim<<" Input: "<<line<<endl;
  191. std::stringstream lineStream(line);
  192. std::string cell;
  193. int count = 0;
  194. // break input string into inputs and answers
  195. while(std::getline(lineStream,cell,' ')) {
  196. //cout<<"count="<<count<<"cell="<<cell<<" "<<endl;
  197. if (count<nInputs) {
  198. inputsTraining[iim*nInputs+count] = atof(cell.c_str()) ;
  199. //cout<<" count="<<count<<" Inp[][]="<<inputsTraining.GetElement(iim,count)<<endl;
  200. } else {
  201. outputsTraining[iim*nOutputs+count-nInputs] = atof(cell.c_str());
  202. //cout<<" count-nInputs="<<count-nInputs<<" Out[][]="<<outputsTraining.GetElement(iim,count-nInputs)<<endl;
  203. }
  204. count++;
  205. } // while
  206. //cout<<" Input string "<<iim<<" parsed"<<endl;
  207. //char stop;
  208. //cin>>stop;
  209. } // for
  210. //cout<<" Training set loaded. Inputs:"<<endl;
  211. //char stop;
  212. //cin>>stop;
  213. //inputsTraining.PrintMatrix();
  214. data.close();
  215. return 0;
  216. }
  220. // reserves the memory and puts
  221. //random values (range min-max) into weights and biases
  222. int NN::InitNet(double min, double max){
  224. cout<<" InitNet: nInputs="<<nInputs<<" nHiddenNeurons=";
  225. cout<<nHiddenNeurons<<" nOutputs="<<nOutputs<<endl;
  226. // reserve the memory for weights and biases
  227. // hidden layer
  228. weightsHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons*nInputs];
  229. biasHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons];
  230. d_weightsHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons*nInputs];
  231. d_biasHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons];
  232. deltaHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons];
  233. // output layer
  234. weightsOutput = new double[nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs];
  235. biasOutput = new double[nOutputs];
  236. d_weightsOutput = new double[nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs];
  237. d_biasOutput = new double[nOutputs];
  238. deltaOutput = new double[nOutputs];
  240. // current input and output vector, answers and error
  241. currentInputs = new double[nInputs];
  242. currentOutputs = new double[nOutputs];
  243. currentAnswers = new double[nOutputs];
  244. currentError = new double[nOutputs];
  246. // reserve memory for current net levels
  247. netHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons];
  248. outHidden = new double[nHiddenNeurons];
  249. netOutput = new double[nOutputs];
  251. // make weights and biases random
  252. Randomize(weightsHidden,nHiddenNeurons*nInputs,min,max);
  253. Randomize(biasHidden,nHiddenNeurons,min,max);
  254. Randomize(weightsOutput,nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs,min,max);
  255. Randomize(biasOutput,nOutputs,min,max);
  257. return 0;
  258. }
  260. // loads row of dataset into the net for estimation
  261. void NN::GetTrainingEntry(int iTrainRow){
  262. for ( int i = 0 ; i<nInputs;i++)
  263. currentInputs[i] = inputsTraining[iTrainRow*nInputs+i];
  264. for (int i = 0 ; i < nOutputs;i++)
  265. currentAnswers[i]= outputsTraining[iTrainRow*nOutputs+i];
  267. }
  269. void NN::GetWorkingEntry(int iTrainRow){
  270. for ( int i = 0 ; i<nInputs;i++)
  271. currentInputs[i] = inputsTraining[iTrainRow*nInputs+i];
  272. for (int i = 0 ; i < nOutputs;i++)
  273. currentAnswers[i]= outputsTraining[iTrainRow*nOutputs+i];
  275. }
  277. // display digit on the screen as ASCII
  278. void NN::DisplayDigit(int iImage){
  279. int scan = 0;
  280. for (int i = 0 ; i < 8; i++){
  281. for ( int j = 0 ; j < 8;j++){
  282. if (inputsTraining[iImage*nInputs + scan] > 0.0){
  283. cout<<"0";
  284. } else {
  285. cout<<"-";
  286. }
  287. scan++;
  288. }
  289. cout<<endl;
  290. }
  291. }
  295. // direct calculation of forward propagation
  296. void NN::ForwardProp(){
  297. //
  298. //cout<<" ForwardProp() started"<<endl;
  299. // inputs -> hidden layer
  300. // for each neuron in hidden layer
  301. for ( int hid = 0 ;hid < nHiddenNeurons ; hid++){
  302. // combine inputs and add bias
  303. netHidden[hid] = biasHidden[hid];
  304. for (int inp = 0 ; inp < nInputs ; inp++){
  305. //cout<<" hid="<<hid<<" inp="<<inp<<" ind="<<hid*nInputs + inp<<endl;
  306. netHidden[hid] = netHidden[hid] +
  307. currentInputs[inp]* weightsHidden[hid*nInputs + inp];
  308. }
  309. outHidden[hid] = activation(netHidden[hid]);
  310. }
  311. //int st;
  312. //cin>>st;
  313. sumOfOutputErrors = 0.0;
  314. // for each neuron in output layer
  315. for ( int out = 0 ; out < nOutputs ; out++){
  316. // combine hidden and add bias
  317. netOutput[out] = biasOutput[out];
  318. for (int hid = 0 ; hid < nHiddenNeurons ; hid++){
  319. netOutput[out] = netOutput[out] +
  320. outHidden[hid]* weightsOutput[out*nHiddenNeurons+hid];
  321. }
  322. currentOutputs[out] = activation(netOutput[out]);
  323. currentError[out] = currentOutputs[out] - currentAnswers[out];
  324. sumOfOutputErrors = sumOfOutputErrors + currentError[out]*currentError[out];
  325. }
  327. }
  329. // calculate gradient by direct estimation
  330. // called by Train1
  331. void NN::DirectGradientEstimation(){
  333. //ForwardProp();
  334. //double e0 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  336. for ( int i = 0 ; i < (nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs) ; i++){
  337. double e0 = sumOfOutputErrors;//error given by forward prop
  338. weightsOutput[i] = weightsOutput[i] + dw;
  339. ForwardProp();
  340. double e1 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  341. d_weightsOutput[i] = (e1-e0)/dw;
  342. weightsOutput[i] = weightsOutput[i] - dw;
  344. }
  346. for ( int i = 0 ; i < nHiddenNeurons ; i++){
  347. ForwardProp();
  348. double e0 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  349. biasOutput[i] = biasOutput[i] + dw;
  350. ForwardProp();
  351. double e1 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  352. d_biasOutput[i] = (e1-e0)/dw;
  353. biasOutput[i] = biasOutput[i] - dw;
  354. }
  356. for ( int i = 0 ; i < (nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs) ; i++){
  357. ForwardProp();
  358. double e0 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  359. weightsHidden[i] = weightsHidden[i] + dw;
  360. ForwardProp();
  361. double e1 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  362. d_weightsHidden[i] = (e1-e0)/dw;
  363. weightsHidden[i] = weightsHidden[i] - dw;
  365. }
  367. for ( int i = 0 ; i < nHiddenNeurons ; i++){
  368. ForwardProp();
  369. double e0 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  370. biasHidden[i] = biasHidden[i] + dw;
  371. ForwardProp();
  372. double e1 = sumOfOutputErrors;
  373. d_biasHidden[i] = (e1-e0)/dw;
  374. biasHidden[i] = biasHidden[i] - dw;
  376. }
  377. }
  380. // calculate gradients by back-propagation
  381. // called by Train1
  382. void NN::BackProp(){
  383. // to make the process faster
  385. }
  387. // change weights and biases in direction oppposite to gradient,
  388. // scaled by learning rate (which should be negative)
  389. // called by Train1
  390. void NN::StepByGradient(){
  391. // do this
  393. for ( int i = 0 ; i < (nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs) ; i++){
  394. weightsOutput[i] = weightsOutput[i] - learningRate * d_weightsOutput[i];
  395. }
  397. for ( int i = 0 ; i < nHiddenNeurons ; i++){
  398. biasOutput[i] = biasOutput[i] - learningRate * d_biasOutput[i];
  399. }
  401. for ( int i = 0 ; i < (nHiddenNeurons*nOutputs) ; i++){
  402. weightsHidden[i] = weightsHidden[i] - learningRate * d_weightsHidden[i];
  403. }
  405. for ( int i = 0 ; i < nHiddenNeurons ; i++){
  406. biasHidden[i] = biasHidden[i] - learningRate * d_biasHidden[i];
  407. }
  408. }
  410. // estimates search convergence
  411. // calculates error for all entries in the dataset
  412. // for current values of weights and biases
  413. double NN::TotalDatasetError(){ // sum of errors for all rows of train data
  414. //cout<<" There are "<<nTrainingEntries<<" rows in the dataset"<<endl;
  415. totalDatasetError = 0.0;
  416. for ( int entry = 0 ; entry < nTrainingEntries; entry++){
  417. //cout<<"entry = "<<entry<<endl;
  418. GetTrainingEntry(entry);
  419. ForwardProp();
  420. totalDatasetError = totalDatasetError + GetOutputError();
  421. }
  422. //cout<<" totalDatasetError/nEntries="<<totalDatasetError/nTrainingEntries<<endl;
  423. return totalDatasetError; //nTrainingEntries;
  424. }
  428. void NN::Train1(){
  429. // set net search parameters
  430. dw = -0.001; // step to estimate gradient
  431. learningRate = 1;
  432. //DisplayDigit(iImage);
  433. InitNet(-0.1,0.1);
  434. int iImage = 0;
  435. srand (time(NULL)); // seed random number generator
  436. int searchStep = 0;
  438. while (( searchStep < 5000) && (TotalDatasetError() > 10.0) ){
  439. // pick random entry from training dataset
  440. iImage = nTrainingEntries*(double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
  441. // copy inputs and outputs from training matrix into neural netg
  442. GetTrainingEntry(iImage);
  443. ForwardProp();
  444. DirectGradientEstimation();
  445. //BackProp();
  446. StepByGradient();
  447. cout<<"step: "<<searchStep;//<<" image: "<<iImage<<" Error for current row:"<<GetOutputError();
  448. cout<<" Total dataset error: "<< TotalDatasetError()<<endl;
  449. searchStep++;
  450. }
  452. }
  454. void NN::PrintOutputs(){
  455. cout<<" Net outputs: ";
  456. int maxIndex = 0;
  457. double maxNum = 0;
  458. for (int out = 0 ; out < nOutputs ; out++){
  459. cout<<currentOutputs[out]<<" ";
  462. if(currentOutputs[out] > maxNum){
  463. maxNum = currentOutputs[out];
  464. maxIndex = out;
  466. }
  469. }
  470. cout<<"This Picture Is a: "<<maxIndex<<"";
  471. cout<<endl;
  472. }
  475. void NN::DisplayResults(){
  476. int iImage = -1;
  477. cout<<" There are "<< nTrainingEntries<<" entries "<<endl;
  478. cout<<" Enter number of the entry to display"<<endl;
  479. cin>>iImage;
  480. while (iImage < nTrainingEntries) {
  481. // copy inputs and outputs from big matrix
  482. GetTrainingEntry(iImage);
  483. ForwardProp();
  484. DisplayDigit(iImage);
  485. PrintVector(currentOutputs, nOutputs);
  486. cin>>iImage;
  487. }
  489. }
  493. int main(){
  494. NN neuralNet;
  495. neuralNet.LoadTrainingSet("train.txt",64,128,8);
  496. neuralNet.DisplayDigit(700);
  498. //return 0;
  500. int imageIndex = 0 ;
  501. neuralNet.InitNet(-0.1,0.1);
  502. neuralNet.ForwardProp();
  503. //auto t7 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  504. // neuralNet.DirectGradientEstimation();
  505. //auto t8 = chrono::system_clock::now();
  506. //cout<< " Timing Gradient:"<< chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t8 - t7).count() << " ms\n";
  508. neuralNet.Train1();
  509. string filename;
  510. cout<<" Enter the file you wish to scan"<<endl;
  511. getline(cin ,filename);
  512. neuralNet.LoadWorkingSet(filename,64,128,8);
  513. /*while ( imageIndex < 750){
  514. cout<<" Enter index of the imag to display"; cin>>imageIndex;
  515. if (imageIndex<759){
  516. neuralNet.GetTrainingEntry(imageIndex);
  517. neuralNet.ForwardProp();
  518. neuralNet.DisplayDigit(imageIndex);
  519. neuralNet.PrintOutputs();
  520. }
  521. }*/
  523. while ( imageIndex < 750){
  524. cout<<" Enter index of the imag to display"; cin>>imageIndex;
  525. if (imageIndex<759){
  526. neuralNet.GetTrainingEntry(imageIndex);
  527. neuralNet.ForwardProp();
  528. neuralNet.DisplayDigit(imageIndex);
  529. neuralNet.PrintOutputs();
  530. }
  531. }
  533. }
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