

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 3 ALO Avatar: (moonberserker, Imabot, Derek58)
  3. [X] 2 Fight: (Guile, Argentorum)
  4. [X] 24 Fight, the three of you can make it.: (Tavarokk, kinglugia, Noctum, t15, wasprider, megrisvernin, iamnuff, SwiftRosenthal, BFldyq, Drakebane, burningclaw2, Drak4806, Bloodshifter, Mystletainn, moonberserker, HotaruSama, Walkir, A Superior Tentacle, Derek58, Irked, umbra58, Least Devotee, Silversun17, Toshiro06)
  5. [X] 6 Flight, hightail the hell out of the ship!: (tempestk, DeathShade, Sinsystems, Wirdo, Imabot, Happerry)
  6. [X] 18 GGO Avatar: (Tavarokk, Noctum, t15, wasprider, megrisvernin, DeathShade, SwiftRosenthal, BFldyq, Argentorum, burningclaw2, Bloodshifter, Sinsystems, Mystletainn, HotaruSama, Irked, umbra58, Silversun17, Toshiro06)
  7. -[X] 10 Get out first, then make as many cheap shots with pistols as you can. One person wrecks a leg in case you have to flee, two others rip into its vulnerabilities. Don't get into melee no matter what and stop firing once you can no longer reliably hit the weak points, either it'll be enough to drive it off, or you'll have to flee after all.: (Tavarokk, Noctum, t15, megrisvernin, SwiftRosenthal, BFldyq, Mystletainn, Irked, umbra58, Silversun17)
  8. [X] 13 Hair as black as the night and the composure of a lady clashed with the way her suit opened until below her bellybutton, proudly displaying the valley formed by her mouthwatering cleavage. I was staring.: (Tavarokk, Noctum, t15, megrisvernin, tempestk, SwiftRosenthal, Bloodshifter, Wirdo, Walkir, Derek58, Irked, umbra58, Silversun17)
  9. [X] 2 Her petite, yet distinctly feminine form was already eye-catching on it's own, and so was the tanned skin and blonde hair. But the combination of those and her smile, made for a both cute and surprisingly sexy view.: (DeathShade, Mystletainn)
  10. [X] 3 Long, shining hair still wet, bright eyes and a delicate face, complemented by a slim yet curvaceous body left me open mouthed and speechless.: (wasprider, BFldyq, moonberserker)
  11. [X] 12 Petite yet noticeable curves gave way to hair and eyes of an exotic blue tone, and even in the dim light I could make the way her suit curved to cling to her backside.: (kinglugia, iamnuff, nixter, Guile, Drakebane, Argentorum, Drak4806, Sinsystems, HotaruSama, A Superior Tentacle, Least Devotee, Toshiro06)
  12. [X] 9 SAO Avatar: (kinglugia, iamnuff, Guile, Drakebane, Drak4806, Walkir, A Superior Tentacle, Happerry, Least Devotee)
  13. [X] 1 The short red hair on its own was striking enough, but when paired with the freckles, tomboyish face and the way the suit clinged to her toned body made for a nice view.: (Happerry)
  14. [X] 2 Tight and athletic, her body still had the softness of a woman, which paired with her long, blonde braid and blue eyes, made for a striking beauty.: (burningclaw2, Imabot)
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