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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. Robert Hacko BUS-18 LAB 6.
  3. 1.
  4. A store places 0 or more orders, orders can be taken from 1 and only 1 store.
  5. A store employs 0 or more employees, an employee is employed by 1 and only 1 store.
  6. An employee has 0 or many dependents, a dependant has 1 and only 1 employee they depend upon.
  7. An order contains 1 or many order_lines, an order line references 1 and only 1 order.
  8. An order line lists 1 and only 1 product. A product is written in 0 or many order lines.
  9. 2. attached.
  10. 3. Order line would need an ORDER_ID and a PRODUCT_ID.
  11. 4. the PK of employee as well as a unique dependant ID.
  12. 5. Case insensitive! the command is: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers WHERE last_name="lee";
  13. 6. SELECT first_name, last_name WHERE state_province="ca" OR state_province="ny";
  14. 7. SELECT first_name, last_name WHERE id > 10;
  15. 8. SELECT product_name, quantity_per_unit FROM products WHERE quantity_per_unit != "NULL";
  16. 9. SELECT transaction_type, transaction_created_date FROM inventory_transactions WHERE transactions_created_date like '2006-04-%%';
  17. 10. SELECT product_name, standard_cost, standard_cost * 1.05 FROM products;
  18. 11. SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers WHERE first_name like 'j%' ORDER BY 1;
  19. 12. SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers WHERE first_name NOT LIKE '%a' ORDER BY 1;
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