
Some trp crap

Jul 18th, 2017
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  1. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee probably looked silly parking outside the cafe and climbing into the back seat to change into dry clothes and exit her vehicle from the backseat waiting for Gabe. He should've been only a few minutes behind her. "Hey, girl. Black girl." A guy started cat calling from a few cars down. She ignored him and waited outside the cafe. "Damn you look good, girl . Be my girlfriend. Come on!" Jesus was that guy drunk? He looked sober, just an asshole. "I have a boyfriend thanks..." "He couldn't have nothing on me, mommy." She could almost dumbstruck. The guy was tall on the husky side, and looked like he was one of those 'arab dudes' from a gas station. "Not interested." "You don't have to be such a bitch." She was starting to feel uncomfortable so went inside.
  2. Trexler: -Gabe watched as all of these events happened he was filled with overwhelming rage as he turned his engine off and grabbed a spare guitar he had in the back of his van, He held it in his right hand as he walked up to the guy-''Yo buddy!''-Gabe yelled to the man before cocking back and cracking the guitar off of the mans face breaking it to pieces at the man hit the floor knocked out cold. Gabe just stood over him throwing the neck on him before walking into the cafe to Shanee-''Hey babe!''-he said with a smile as he was kind of out of breath-
  3. TheIridescentHollow: (XD I mean damn!)
  4. Trexler: ((lmao dont fuck with his girl))
  5. TheIridescentHollow: She could have swore she heard a noise outside but hadn't thought much into it when she saw Gabe come through the door. She smiled holding her hand out. "What do you want? My treat. And boy don't be trying to get noting light trying to spare my girly feelings I've already seen how you eat." She saw a few people rushing by the display window and glanced, but that was on.
  6. iKamal: Lonnie had Albert pick her up so she could go get Ben and Brandon. She had bought one of those child harness to put on Ben because some how he escaped Haddie and ate a shit ton of cookies and was now on a sugar high. He was running around like a monkey. Brandon was playing a game on Lonnie's phone. Or at least he was suppose to be plying a game on her phone. Lonnie needed coffee or tea or something to hadle these kids. She sighed making her way into the cafe and Brandon held her phone up to her."who is this douche bag?" He was going through her pictures and had found a picture of travis London had snapped while he was sleeping that she never got rid of."None of your business that is who. You said oyu were playing candy crush play candy crush."Brandon rolled his eyes and Lonnie's hand came smacking him up side his head."hey im telling barent! "Lonnie glared at him."You don't have to I will tell him for you."
  7. Trexler: ''Whatever you get ill get baby''-he said before whispering in her ear-''I knocked that guy out with my guitar!''-he smiled before kissing her cheek-''No one talks to my girl like that and gets away with it''-he said proudly as he watched the people help the man up as he began stumbling down the street blood pouring from his head-
  8. Trexler: ((Awe travis))
  9. TheIridescentHollow: "You did what?" she lightly gasped. She cared more about the his acoustic than the guy he knocked out, but that was kinda serious also. The guy's friends outside where helping him up and sitting him up against the wall. London walked in with thing one and think two in toe. She laughed pointing at the kid's harness.
  10. iKamal: Lonnie saw Shanee and Gabe and smiled Ben was running around and he forgot about the harness and lesh Lonnie had on him and ran ony to be jerked back and fell to the ground."Ben I said stay near me didn't I that is what you get for runnign away."Brandon was still flipping through her phone and he laughed."oo a video" Lonnie snatched the phone from his hands and tugged him by the ear towards the corner with ben. She sat both boys down and looked at themstay here if you move it will be the last thing you do.."They both gulped and Lonnie handed the lesh to brandon and waited in line at the cafe
  11. Trexler: ((OH no not travis and londons sex video!))
  12. TheIridescentHollow: (:O)
  13. iKamal: [<.<]
  14. Trexler: -Gabe stood behind shanee with his hands on her waist waiting in line before seeing lonnie walk up behind him-''Sup L, how the boys treating ya today?''-he said with a smile as he looked back to the boys smiling at them and sending them a wave-
  15. Trexler: ((LOL its definitely that!))
  16. TheIridescentHollow: "I will defintely have a french vanilla cappuccino. And a big chocolat donut." It was almost their turn in line. A couple of guys came into the cafe cutting in front of London. They were about the same size and build as Gabe. "Hey buddy," one said. He had an accent like the guy outside. And when he said that he reached to tap Gabe on the shoulder and was gonna sock him in the jaw good if he turned around.
  17. iKamal: Brandon glared at Gabe and gave him the middle finger as he waved to him. Lonnie sighed."They are all jacked up off of the cookies Haddie and I made so like shit I just want some tea and to relax for a moment."Lonnie was cut off by a bunch of guys. she reached in her purse and sighed. She was not in the mood"Excuse me I was in line! I suggest you move out of my fucking way before I loose my shit and release my fucking hounds on you" she pointed to Ben and Brandon.
  18. TheIridescentHollow: (XD the hounds!)
  19. Trexler: -Gabe sighed as he felt a man came into the cafe,he felt the man tap him on the shoulder as he turned around catching a punch across his face. Gabe didnt fall but stumbled back a few feet grabbing his jaw smiling at the man before rushing to him and tackling him to the ground. Once he had him on the ground he began to punch the mans face repeatedly before getting pulled off by another. He was now fighting 3 guys but little did they know gabe had some martial arts training that he remember from a kid on. He waited for one of them to throw a punch and he would counter it knocking one of them to the floor. The other one just stood there not sure what to do-
  20. Trexler: ((Gabe aka batman aka 007))
  21. TheIridescentHollow: "No the hell you didn't! You fucks tryin' to jump?" Shanee instnatly went into beast mode. Jumpin was a coward's way to win a fight and that mess didn't fly in the hood. She jumped on one of the guy's back yanking it down by the hoodie causing him to joke and was stomping his face in when she got grapped up. "Get off my man! Let go of me you big gorilla motherfucker!" "Shut up stupid bitch!" She was ripped back with the guy trying to remove her and he tried to shove into London. "I got your bitch, bitch!" Her feet found a flat surface in the counter and she shoved hard sending herself and the guy sprawling backwards towards London.
  22. TheIridescentHollow: (this should be called 3 guys one guitar)
  23. Trexler: ((LMFAO))
  24. TheIridescentHollow: (or is it 4? I dun lost count)
  25. iKamal: Because London was behind the guys in line when gabe launched himself at the guy it caused the guy to fly back hitting London and causing her to fall back hitting the hard wood floor pretty hard. Brandon and Ben got up and jumped intothe fight. Ben biting people and brandon jumping on their backs choking them. London got up and was shoved into again and hit a table"God dammit!" she grabbed the lesh and pulled ben off some guy. She then grabbed brandon pulling him off some guy"HE IS A MINOR ASSHOLE!" she growled and pushed the boys back into the corner. She put her hand on her stomach and tried to keep the boys safe from the rukus
  26. TheIridescentHollow: (oh no not the chilluns XD)
  27. Trexler: -Gabe then saw shanee get into the mix and also the kids and he wasnt having it so he ran to a nearby table grabbing a chair and running over breaking it over a guys back causing him to fall to the floor. The guys pretty much gave up and stumbled out of the cafe after the lady behind the counter threatened to call the cops. Gabe stood there laughing at the men as they ran out-''Yeah fuck you pussies!''-he yelled before turning to the girls and the kids-''Hey sorry that happened i didnt expect them to come after me''-he smiled making sure everyone was ok-
  28. TheIridescentHollow: That was a big mistake trying to get on top of Shanee. Them legs, boi! She had grabbed the guy's wriststs and got her legs up and locking around his neck and was choking him until he gasped for air then she kicked him right in the face causing blood to flow out of his nose. When one of his friends got bust over the back with a chair and his friend yanked him up Shanee got to her feet out of breat and looking around. "Better recognize, chump bitches!" She looked down at her hands. "They messed up my acrylics."
  29. iKamal: Lonnie was beyond piss. she looked at Ben and brandon checking them both. her abdomen was hrting from having a table shoved into it."are you boys okay? are you hurt?" she checked them both."we are fine Auntie Lonnie" Brandon sighed. Lonnie heard Gabe say the guys were after him and she stood up taking the boys hands in each of her."Fuck you Gabe..You put my kids in danger. You put me in danger and you out SHanee in danger." she tugged on the boys hands and had them follow her out of the cafe. she was so angry. she was more worried about the byos then she was her self.
  30. Tsaaq: Libi walked down the street of Aroma cafe, glancing down at her phone. She felt the breeze pick up from guys running out of the cafe and down the street. She stopped walking and looked up, giving a slow blink. "Um... Okay?" Libi whispered, emotionless. She went towards the door and stepped back once London had approached it. "Ugh." She scoffed under her breath, plopping down onto the bench.
  31. TheIridescentHollow: "Where'd she come from?" She was in la-la land up until the fight. That new love shit was intense. She hadn't even noticed London was there. "It'll be cool, hun. Just let her cool off then we'll talk to her. That shit was intense. Uh-oh." A very displeased manager came out of a door that must've lead to a backoffice and saw the minor damages. Lucky there were employees who vouched that Shanee and Gabe hadn't started the fight.
  32. Trexler: -Gabe was shocked at the way london was talking to him but he pretty much blew her off-''Whatever''-he said turning to shanee nodding his head as he watched the manager come up, they explained what happened and everything was fine. Gabe gave them the money for the chair and he looked around-''Well i mean so much for going for some coffee''-he said chuckling-
  33. iKamal: Lonnie pulled her phone out texting someone and Brandon who was eleven sat down beside Libi and smiled wiggling his brow."Hey beautiful want to come to my place. I got an awesome xbox one you can paly." He was speaking of Lonnie's place of course. Ben was standing beside Lonnie as she wastexting and holding his leash. she then called her doctor a little worried about herself now."yes I would like to make an appointment as soon a posisble. I was slammed into a table and the ground pretty hard. she had noticed Libi ther eand dindt want her bsiness out there.
  34. TheIridescentHollow: [center][size=20px][b]Date:[/b] July 17-18, 2017
  35. [b]Location:[/b]
  36. TheIridescentHollow: London's Apartment, Stan's house (NPC), Motel
  37. [b]Brief De
  38. iKamal: [o.o]
  39. TheIridescentHollow: It looked like business was going to be stalled for a bit while they cleaned and sanitized the floor and had to swap out all the cups and anything else that wasn't sealed or encassed in something. That seemed to be extreme to Shanee but with all the diseas floating around it was no wonder the place was as clean as a hospital. Shanee took Gabe by the hand leading him out of the cafe.
  40. TheIridescentHollow: (ok that's weird my hands were nowhere near the paste keys that time)
  41. Tsaaq: She looked over to the kid with a very unamused expression. "Oh yeah. I was just thinking about how what I really want in life right now is some child hitting on me." She said in a monotone. Looking away and crossing one leg over the other. Her eyes wandered over to the kid on the leash and she darted her eyes awkwardly. Deciding that she didn't want to ask questions about whatever the fuck was happening in front of her, she took out her cellphone and pulled her headphones from her pocket so she could put them on her ears.
  42. Trexler: -Gabe sighed watching the clean up crew do there thing in the cafe as shanee dragged him out by his hand he then saw libi on the bench and decided to walk over to her-''Hey someone told meyou work at bottoms up, do you think you could ask the owner if i could do a show there?''-he asked politely looking down at her with a smile-
  43. iKamal: Brandon smiled at Libi"I'm not a kid baby im a man. and i'm hung like a horse." Lonnie sighed and hung up her phone. she turned to brandon who was hitting on Libi."Brandon leave Libi alone she don'twant you. no one wants you now lets go dammit." Brandon groaned"shut up" Lonnie glared at him and brandon got up quickly mouthing call me to libi as he went to London.
  44. TheIridescentHollow: He was doing business stuff so she scooted away to check on London. "You okay, L? I hadn't even seen you come in. Are the tiny tots okay?" She reached to rub both boys on their heads.
  45. Tsaaq: Libi screwed up her face at Brandon. "No, that's uh... That's okay. Thanks though." She said as she put her headphones over her ears and stared skeptically at the preteen. She cleared her throat and pretended not to notice him anymore. Once Gabe walked up she'd already started her music. She let out an annoyed groan and moved one of her headphones as she heard the tail end of the sentence. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Have you even been to Bottom's Up? Like... Our customers are mostly males who want to look at ass and tits. Also get drunk."
  46. iKamal: Lonnie looked at Shanee"that are fine no bumps or bruises" Brandon smacked Shanee's hand away from his head and ben smiled. Lonnie sighed looking down at her phone. She was beyond stressed and donewith the day. Her phone buzzed andshestarted to text."As forme i'm pissed off."
  47. Trexler: ''Nothing wrong with a little music entertainment thrown in the mix''-he said chuckling before scratching the side of his head-''But ya if you find out anything just let me know okay?''-he said before smiling at her again as he walked away trying to keep away from lonnie so he leaned up against the building lighting a cig taking a long pull from it before blowing it out of his nose-
  48. TheIridescentHollow: "Looks like somebody needs to be wrestled down by a girl again and taught an attitude adjustment." She flicked Brandon's head. By girl she meant herself. She looked London over she didn't appear to be banged up. "I know you're mad but it wasn't his fault exactly. Try not to be too mad."
  49. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a fake nod of her head. "Sure, yeah. I guess so." She said sarcastically before sputtering her lips. "Yeah right, like I'd reference some shit band before mine. Dream on." Libi whispered more to herself than anything as she put her headphones back over her ears.
  50. Trexler: ((skip))
  51. iKamal: Lonnie looked at Shanee"I'm pissed Shanee. I was shoved and pushed around in there by huge men. and I didn't even do anything. she sighed and looked at her phone. Brandon grumbled as Shanee flicked him andBen inched his way towards Libi. Ben was six. He looked up at her. He jsut stared at her and picked his nose. Brandon went up to Gabe and held his hand out,"hey give me a puff"
  52. Trexler: -Gabe smoked his cig as he watched the kid walk up to him he chuckled letting the smoke leave his nose-''Nah kid you're too young''-he said holding his cig higher so he didnt try to grab it as he took another puff-
  53. TheIridescentHollow: "Oooo, chil' if Haddie hear you talking like that you know you'll really get it when London takes you home." She imitated Haddie's voice. She looked at London. "Yeah, I know. It got out of hand, like, out of nowhere. Gabe was defending my honor. This guy was messing with me right before we went in and I guess Gabe beat him up so a bunch of his buddies tried to even the score. I hadn't even noticed you there. I'm really sorry you got pushed."
  54. Tsaaq: Libi pressed her next button repeatedly on her music app. She hadn't noticed the child's stare until she lifted her head. She stared blankly at him before frowning with disgust. It wasn't uncommon for children to stare at her but this was hardly one of her out there outfits today. So mostly she was annoyed.
  55. iKamal: Ben held his finger out to Libi with a big booger on it."Want some..." Brandon huffed at Gabe and gave him the middle finger. but double this time."Lonnie lonnie lonnie! that guy offered me his cigarette!" Brandon pointed to Gabe and Lonnie sighed."I'm jsut going to go to the hospital and get checked to be on the safe side." Lonnie looked at Brandon and then Gabe.
  56. Trexler: ''I did not!''-gabe yelled over to lonnie as he held the cig in the air-''He came over trying to get some and i told him no! That little brat''-he said as he glared at the little boy a bit as he smoked his cig-
  57. iKamal: [gabe sounds like a kid i didnt no !]
  58. Trexler: ((lol
  59. TheIridescentHollow: "Alright. Let me know what the doc says." Without missing a beat she reached over to take that little bad ass by his earlobe and pinch it hard. "Boy if I see either of those fingers up again unless you're raising your hand to say yes or no ma'am/sir I will pop them out of their sockets and let you walk around with broke fingers for a while before taking you to the hospital. Do you understand me? Let me hear about you giving L any more trouble for the rest of the day you'll ass will burn for days after I whoop it." She gave him 'the haddie look of doom'.
  60. TheIridescentHollow: (Momma's lil monster XD)
  61. Tsaaq: She frowned as she sighed. "No..." She trailed off and scooted closer to the edge of the bench her eyes wide as she looked in the other direction.
  62. iKamal: Brandon frowned and cried out"Yes ma'am yes ma'am" Lonnie looked at Gabe"Gabe do I look that stupid you sound just like them." Lonnie was becoming frusrated with everything and everyone."Ben stop picking your nose and leave Libi alone she doesn't want to be btohered" Lonnie looked at Libi and frowned."I'm sorry libi"
  63. Trexler: ((skip))
  64. TheIridescentHollow: "Glad we understanding eachother." She switched her her nice voice. "You two handsome sugars be nice for London now." She made a cutesy noise at Ben poking the tip of his nose and gave London a thumbs up before returning to Gabe. "Do you think it went well?" asking about the gig at Bottoms Up.
  65. Tsaaq: "It's fine. Kids are gross." He said. "It's okay I hate all children equally." She said with a dismissive tone then nodded her head. She looked around awkwardly just waiting for the small humans to be away from her.
  66. iKamal: Lonnie smiled to Shanee"thanks" Ben smiled to shanee and the boys stood beside Lonnie."yeah kids are gross Libi"hey looky there something Libi and Lonnie agreed upon. "sorry again Libi see you guys later i'll call you Shanee" she turned with the boys heading down the street towards the hospital
  67. Trexler: -Gabe ashed his cig out before turning to shanee-''Yeah she kind of blew me off, so i guess that shot went down the toliet but who cares''-he shrugged before he pulled her into him by her hips-''Ya know it was kind of hot watching you fight baby''-he said winking at her-
  68. TheIridescentHollow: "Yeah?" smiled rubbing his shoulders. "You didn't tell me you were a batman is disguise either."
  69. Trexler: -Gabe chuckled as he kissed her lips softly-''Well what can say i dont take kindly to assholes coming at my girl''-he said before tossing his cig to the ground-''So what now babe?''
  70. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head and directed her gaze back to her phone, keeping her legs crossed as she took out her vape and began to take a pull from it. She exhaled and let a cloud of fruity smoke leave her lips.
  71. TheIridescentHollow: "Now we're not taking this sitting on our hands. Get your other guitar, we're going into that cesspool bar and you're playing on that stage. Let's go get me grunged up first!" She threw her firsts up in the air cheering. "And I'm totally borrowing one of your leather jackets."
  72. Trexler: -He smiled seeing how enthuiastic she was as he then grabbed her face kissing her lips-''Nah i dont need that place babe,ill find somewhere to play fuck that place''-he said as he took her hand-''Where do you wanna go now love?''
  73. TheIridescentHollow: "Well dam hmmm. You're no fun." There wet her rule breakig mojo. "Why don't we go where you want for a change? Don't gimme that anywhere you wanna go babe shit either. Pick somewhere and I'll go wherever it is."
  74. TheIridescentHollow: (imvu dropped another baby!)
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