
Emii-forces-interaction rp

Nov 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/22/2020
  2. Darkspire's castle is well-lit -- it has to be, given that most if its inhabitants cannot see in the dark. Purple lanterns and lamps light the hallways, alongside the occasional heatless, magical torch and, hither and thither, if you look very closely, a few light sources that are not purple.
  4. Emii, it's that day of the week, and today you're going to be going over the simplest of spells, sometimes called "cantrips", in a sort of informal exam with your tutor in an hour and a half. But there's something different this time! Bonnevali, your auntler, is at home right now, and you might be able to catch her in the kitchens, or even, if the stories are true, pulling a prank on someone else. Or she might be in her bedroom. Who knows? Well, you're going to find out!
  5. (edited)
  7. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  8. Bonnevali sat at her new desk in her bedroom. It had been three months since she returned but to her the space still reeked of dust. She still hadn't redecorated after her return, while she'd gotten to new bed to replace her old (which had been a tad to small and had fallen into decay after her ten years away)
  9. Masks and other things she had carved lined the walls and sat perched on ledges or stood on the floor. She glanced up at the mask above her desk, it had been the very first she had carved. It was of her mother. The face was rather misshapen and in all honesty didn't much look like Remilla, but she had been very proud of herself at the time. She smiled wistfully.
  11. She was trying to write a letter. Back to Overgrowth. To friends she'd made. But she just stared at the small stack of blank paper she had gathered. What should she say? That she wanted to go back? She didn't think she wanted that. She didn't want to want that anyway. She put her head in her hands, "What am I even doing?" she whispered. She hated being in this old room. She felt like the walls were going to collapse on her, like the masks were staring into her with their piercing wooden eyes. 'Who are you?' they asked. She shut her eyes, 'I thought I figured that out in Overgrowth. But evidently not.' she thought.(edited)
  13. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  14. Outside the room, a starforged in a red-trimmed dress bolted down the hallways, past all kinds of guards and servants and what have you, all with a single thing on her mind - interaction. She ALWAYS had to get her favorite people to interact with each other! ...Of course, just who those people are can vary wildly due to Emii's enormous list of favorite people, but today it just so happens to involve Bonnevali!
  16. And it also involves intruding on her auntler! Common activity, really. And this flavor involves charging her door head-first! Hope that door's sturdy...or open, at least. "AAAUUUUUUNTLERRRRRRRRR!"
  18. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  19. Bonnevali jumped at the shout from outside her door and the subsequent THUD of something hitting her door. She jumped up and ran over, opening her door in alert confusion.
  20. Upon opening it she found Emii, whose horns were now slightly buried in the door, she looked stuck.
  21. "Emii???" Bonnevali asked(edited)
  23. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  24. Stuck, perhaps, but smiling nonetheless! Foot on the door for leverage, she puulllllled herself out, head flicking up and leaving rather noticeable holes in the door! She turned to Bonn, smiling up at her!!! "Hi auntler, hi!!!!"
  26. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  27. Bonnevali laughed weakly, still recovering from the initial surprise. "Look, you've got and made holes in my door." She chuckled, opening the door the rest of the way. "Do you want to come in? I don't think you've seen my room yet. Unless you snuck in before I got back."
  29. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  30. "Ummmm......" Emii had to think about this... Did she? ........But, she shook her head, skipping her way into the room! "Oh! No, I didn't! They said I couldn't 'cuz it would be invadin' your privacy and stuff!!"
  31. That said.....this was Emii's first time in this room!!! She scanned the room, her eyes drawn to the masks hung up on the wall and all along the ground, ooooh!!! "Oh, oh, auntler, what's this? Oh! What're these?" She asked, pointing to an errant carving on the ground. "Those're cool!"
  33. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  34. Bonnevali puffed with pride a little bit. "They're my masks and wood carvings!" She went over and picked up the wooden carving on the ground, she had cleaned up a little since coming home but the room was largely the same as she left it 10 years ago. And she hadn't have left it particularly clean.
  35. She blew off the thick coating of dust on the statuette and held it up to Emii. "It's a carving of a squeaker! Man, I remember making this... That was so long ago." She walked over and set it on her still not fully unpacked luggage. "I can make one of you if you want."
  37. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  38. Emii didn't even see that one! She gasped at seeing it, and...well, couldn't stop herself from picking it up herself and inspecting everything about it. Sure, she was taught to not pick up or grab other folks' things, but when you're this easily excited, a lot of things tend to slip your mind!
  39. "This.....this is cool!!!!! You got the wings and some scales, and even little horns! Oooh! And theres little bumps an' ridges and things for the scales!!!!" She glanced up at her auntler, she HAD to have this one!!!!! "I Want one of a squeaker like this!!! Or--oh! Oh! Of me AS a squeaker!!!!!"
  41. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  42. "I- Uh. - You as a squeaker?"
  43. [4:38 PM]
  44. "I mean, I could try. But I'd have to make one of normal you first. To get an idea of how to do it."
  46. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  47. "Mhm!! Me as a squeaker!" She said, holding the squeaker carving up high! "Oh!!!! Or maybe you can show me or help me do it too!!!!"
  48. [4:42 PM]
  49. " can make one of normal me too first, yeah!!"
  51. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  52. "Great! I can get started right now if you want, I'm not doing anything else." She paused, looking at the unwritten letter on her desk and cringed slightly to herself. But upon starting to look around her room for her carving supplies she realized 1) she had not yet unpacked them, 2) she probably needed to replace some of her old tools, and 3) she had no wood to carve. "Well, shoot. No wood." She stood back folding her arms and tapping her bicep. She'd have to ask someone about that.
  54. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  55. Emii tilted her head, no wood....... "Caaaan...we take firewood for wood? :o"
  56. [4:58 PM]
  57. She also hopped up on Bonn's bed, perhaps kicking up a small amount of dust. She coughed once, a very small, squeaky cough.
  59. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  60. "Any wood works but nicer woods last longer, and different woods are softer or harder - each have their benefits and can be better depending on what you're doing." Bonnevali said, speaking with the knowledge of a seasoned woodworker. "So I'd prefer to get specific kinds of wood. But not all of them grow here, so they could take time to get my hands on."
  61. [5:04 PM]
  62. "For a figurine like this I used a medium density wood, on the softer side. I still needed to sand and polish it, but a softer wood makes that easier."(edited)
  63. [5:08 PM]
  64. "Though I probably should have used a higher density wood and made it heavier, since it was made to be a paperweight." Bonnevali folded her arms and tapped her bicep again, pondering this
  66. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  67. Emii tilted her head slowly from side to side, absorbing what Bonn said...or at least tried to. Truthfully, a decent chunk of what Bonn was explaining went over Emii's head! Though, that's okay. That just means Bonn really knows what she's talking about!!!
  68. [5:35 PM]
  69. "Well.....that's okay if we hafta wait!!" Emii exclaimed, kicking her legs, grinning wide! "Waitin' just makes the thing look better when it's done!"
  70. [5:35 PM]
  71. "And besides, we can do other things too!!!"
  73. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  74. Bonnevali grinned. "Like what?"
  76. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  77. "Liiiike...........magic stuff!"
  79. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  80. "Oh? Do you want to show me some magic? I don't know much myself."
  82. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  83. >v< "I can, I can!!!! But I'm ALSO gonna be taught magic by auntie Sherri too!!! In just a bit!"
  84. [7:38 PM]
  85. "You wanna come too and watch? >:O"
  87. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  88. Bonnevali smiled at her excitement. Wait- Sherri? She harkened back to their first encounter and grimaced internally. Bonnevali really didn't want to talk to her right now, but she also didn't want to let Emii down.
  89. "I guess I can tag along."
  91. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  92. Emii's smile somehow widened even further, and her tail wagged! Yes! Her plan was already working! She never saw these two really talk or interact at all.....but now they will!!! And, uh, maybe it'll go well! She didn't think THAT far ahead, but this was probably a good thing!
  93. "Yes!" She jumped to her feet on the bed, hopping up on it! "Thank you auntie Bonn!!!!" Wait. That wasn't auntler! Oh well. She'll just have to make up for it by jumping at her from the bed! Hug???? Probably hug!
  95. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  96. Bonnevali let out a little "Oh!" of surprise as Emii jumped at her. She stumbled back slightly as the usogi hit her but she managed to catch her and laughed, hugging her.
  97. She used the momentum to twirl around slightly and set Emii down. "Well! You better show me the way!"
  99. Spam Fam Spiny10/22/2020
  100. The laughter continued as Bonn spun with Emii's leap! Emii's own momentum caught up to her as she landed, stumbling back a bit as Bonn set her down, hehe!!! "Yeah!!!! C'mon, I'll show you where we're meeting today!!!"
  101. And, the usogi hopped on out of the room, waiting for Bonn to follow!
  103. Bonnevali is taller than me10/22/2020
  104. Bonnevali followed smiling after her.
  105. October 23, 2020
  107. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/23/2020
  108. The castle feels a little brighter, and things a little better, as the two of you pass through the all. Much of it is to do with Bonnevali's mood improving -- or at the very least, her being distracted.
  110. Sherri's room is on the same floor and the same side of the castle as Bonnevali's, so it isn't a very far walk, despite the castle's size. The door is closed, as it often is, and it's probably locked as well. It doesn't keep the Melissas of the castle out, but it's at least an attempt.
  112. Bonnevali is taller than me10/23/2020
  113. Sherri's room's proximity to her own hadn't helped Bonnevali's feelings toward Sherri. Perhaps if Sherri's room was farther away Bonnevali she would be able to accept her more. But she often saw her, which only intensified her desire to avoid her. Not to mention the feeling of being replaced wasn't helped with their rooms being in similar locations. At least Sherri hadn't taken her room.
  114. Sherri's living near her room also made her want to be in her room even less, but the only way she saw to overcome her aversion to her old room was to force herself to be in it.
  116. Bonnevali's apprehension heightened as they approached Sherri's room. Can I get out of this somehow? No, she couldn't run away. She groaned inwardly again
  118. Spam Fam Spiny10/23/2020
  119. In complete ignorance of Bonnevali's apprehension - or perhaps in spite of it - Emii called at the door! "Auntie Sherrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!"
  120. She grinned up at Bonn right after calling out - a wide, wide and somewhat toothy grin. She hadn't seen Auntie Bonn and Sherri interact much before - in fact, it seemed like Bonn was actively trying to avoid Sherri!
  121. Well...Emii didn't know the reason behind that, but if Bonn didn't like Sherri, then hopefully...hopefully she'd be able to do something!!! She had a knack for helping people get closer together! Just look at Dad and Auntie Sherri!
  122. Grin well and done with, Emii promptly slammed her head into the door as a knock. Thunk. Horns right through the door, again. It's okay. This was still a fun way!
  123. October 24, 2020
  125. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  126. It takes a moment, but a gentle force begins to slide Emii's horns out of the wood, the way they came. Once they're out, the wood gradually mends itself. After that, Sherri finally answers the door. She's wearing casual clothing, rather than the more formal getup that Corsetta made for her, which people tend to associate with her much more strongly. It's still that particular shade of purple she's so fond of, though.
  128. "Emii, just because I can fix the door doesn't mean you should break it." Sherri smiled, slight and soft, as she looked down at her student. It took her a moment to notice Bonnevali was there. Then she blinked, the inside corners of her eyebrows darting up. "Bonnevali?"
  130. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  131. Bonnevali shifted uncomfortably. "Emii wanted me to come watch her lesson." She was impressed by Sherri's mending of the door but didn't say anything. She'd seen others do similar magic but she'd never been very magic-savvy herself
  133. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  134. Sherri was not, altogether, aware that Bonnevali was uncomfortable. If she picked up on Bonnevali's shifting and fidgeting at all, she might have thought it was her being on guard after years in Overgrowth. But she was a little uncomfortable, herself, though she couldn't put her finger on why. "...Yeah, that's fine. Are you sure you won't be bored?"(edited)
  136. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  137. "Uhhhhh." Bonnevali scratched her bicep. "Oh! One second." Bonnevali ran back to her room to grab her papers and pen. Maybe she could still try writing her letters. She returned fairly soon after with papers and pen with a little clipboard of sorts to write on. "Okay!" She held up the papers with a little smile and shrug of her shoulders. "I won't interrupt."
  139. Spam Fam Spiny10/24/2020
  140. "But auntieeee, it's a good test!" Emii pouted at Sherri, wearing an exaggerated frown. It wasn't that she was upset, she just liked making a little scene sometimes. It was fun!
  141. "And besides, it's fuuuuun!" That part wasn't a lie. Headbutting things was good stress relief! ...And so Sherri's attempted deterrence flew over Emii's head, yet again.
  143. Though the frown quickly turned upside-down as Sherri and Bonn exchanged some (albeit awkward) words!! Her plan was already working, yess! Emii couldn't help but give an inward fist pump at her efforts. This was gonna go gr-wait why was auntie Bonn running away-oh wait! She's coming back! Okay! Good.
  144. [5:17 PM]
  145. Confusion set aside, Emii's face grew determined, looking up at her tutor with fiery eyes. "So what's a cantrip?"
  147. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  148. "It's a simple spell. One that's good to practice with or use for small things. You can use them to fight, but it's not always the best idea."
  150. After a second, she recalled a relevant fact she'd read in her studies about this -- honestly, she was not a technical magician, but she was trying to be a better teacher herself. "A long time ago the word referred to spells with one-word incantations, or magic circles with only three lines."
  152. Another pause. "...Uh, we should probably be talking about this in the room." With that, she stood aside to allow Emii -- and Bonnevali -- in.
  154. Spam Fam Spiny10/24/2020
  155. The words flew into Emii's ears, and....not quite out the other. They rotated at Sherri's words, trying to absorb them, and...well, they mostly stuck! Simple spells....."So stuff that's quick, right?"
  156. At the open door, Emii nabbed Bonn's arm, dragging her in! No getting away again!!!!
  158. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  159. Bonnevali hesitated at the door looking in on Sherri's room, she hadn't seen the interior yet. Not long into her peeking Emii grabbed her arm, pulling her inside. "I'm coming I'm coming! Yeesh."
  161. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  162. The interior of Sherri's room is free of dust, and the air smells fairly clean, possibly owing to the potted plant next to the door, a vibrant blue-green shrub imported from Fabrem. White lighting illuminates Sherri's pinkish canopy bed and a long wooden desk with two seats, nearly a dozen drawers, and several elevated shelves. It becomes very clear that the contents of the room are meticulously sorted, with each shelf and drawer having like contents, such as pens, wands, or cough medicine, and a single bookshelf, organized alphabetically, save for the shelf at the bottom. On the other side is the window, with its curtains closed and a cushioned seating area at its recess. Though the walls are mostly bare, there's a calendar and a child's drawing of Sherri between her bed and her desk.
  163. (edited)
  164. [7:15 PM]
  165. "You're going to write something, right?" Sherri asked Bonnevali, as she sat down at her desk. "...You can have the other side. Emii's fine standing up or jumping on my bed, and she's going to be casting spells today."(edited)
  167. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  168. Bonnevali wandered over to the window seat looking around at the room, in slight awe at the order of everything, how well kept everything was, and the lighting in the room. It was big jump from her dusty, dim, unorderly, and uncared for room. 'Maybe I should finally do something about that.' She thought. "Can I sit here?" She asked, nodding toward the window seat.(edited)
  170. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  171. "Sure," said Sherri. Then, not recognizing what the clipboard was for, she asked: "Do you want me to create a flat surface?"(edited)
  173. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  174. "Oh, no I have one." She held up the clipboard.
  176. Spam Fam Spiny10/24/2020
  177. "I am gonna cast spells today!!!" Emii said, proving Sherri's point and hopping up onto the bed!! Though she did not bounce on it - she remained stationary, depressing it with her weight. Still. She was glad to interrupt Bonn's moment of awkwardness. Honestly, that was what she was best at!
  178. [8:31 PM]
  179. "Uh! But what spells?" She added.
  181. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/24/2020
  182. “That spell you use to make a small bolt of fire. Most people would consider it a cantrip, but it was just one of the first spells you learned.” Sherri held one hand up, and a glassy-looking cluster of transparent hexagons formed in the air in front of it. “Aim here.”
  184. Keeping her hand held up, she looked at Bonnevali. “Bonn... evali, you can open the curtains if you want. It’s a nice view.”
  186. Spam Fam Spiny10/24/2020
  187. Her ears perked up, oh!! "A fire arrow thingy!!" Fire! Emii liked fire...well, she WAS fire. Every fire spell was just one step closer to her destiny, fire!
  188. Momentary hiccup aside, she balled her hands and focused on the targets. "Okay! I do, then, uh......" She still wasn't the best at the whole 'focusing' aspect of most spells yet...........
  190. Bonnevali is taller than me10/24/2020
  191. "Oh! Right." Bonnevali had still been looking around the room, reading the titles of books and oogling at trinkets are the like. Or more - the lack thereof. At least compared to how much stuff was crammed on Bonnevali's own walls. There wasn't as much as there used to be. She remembered a time when she was small when practically every inch of the wall was covered in something. She smiled slightly remembering when she's thrown much of it out only a few months later so she could start over. It had never gotten as cluttered since then.
  193. Bonnevali drew open the curtains and looked over the view of the city. Her breath caught in her throat, It was even more beautiful than she remembered, Darkspire had gotten so much bigger since she left.
  194. October 25, 2020
  196. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/25/2020
  197. The books largely seem to be reference manuals on magic: rather than being practical spellbooks, there's titles like "Examination of Shield Shapes, Vol. II: Dodecahedrons", or "On Linear Efficiency of Magic Circles". There are also a few books on topics like biology, squeaker care, physics, and even planar travel. No fiction at all. The bottom shelf, though... whatever these books were about, it's impossible to tell now. There are clearly letters on their front covers, but they don't form words or titles, and although you recognize them as letters, ones you should be able to read, they feel altogether meaningless.
  199. "Cast that spell at the target," Sherri told Emii. "You're going to do it ten times, and I'm going to observe your technique and any differences in each casting." She winced at Bonnevali pulling the curtains aside, and turned her head so she could look at both of the other people in the room. She wondered, fleetingly, if Bonnevali was intimidated by the view, the same way she'd been when she first came to the city.(edited)
  201. Bonnevali is taller than me10/25/2020
  202. Bonnevali had always been excited by Darkspire, though it took her awhile to realize how she'd taken it for granted. Growing up she'd been excited by it but after a while the surface had excited her far more. She'd gotten bored of the beauty of Darkspire but being back here after so long...
  203. 'I can't let old feelings muck up the here and now.' she thought. Much of what she'd been doing in these past months was exploring the new Darkspire.
  204. So much had changed! She could barely imagine what Darkspire was like before she was born, the old days her family talked about, when everything was so small. One of these days she needed to go exploring on the overhangs around overlooking Darkspire to get a better view of it. Maybe that's what she could write about!
  205. Inspired, she started her first letter.
  207. Spam Fam Spiny10/25/2020
  208. Emii's ears twitched slightly...ten times? "Thaaaat's a lot......" But....still. She puffed out her chest, exhaling, and slapping the top of her head two times or so with both hands. Okay! Focus! Focus.....she shut her eyes tightly. Remember......
  209. She had to pull the innate fire in her soul outward. And not just that. Out in a specific way! It was hard! But......she did it before. She could do it again! She breathed in, and breathed back out. In........and out. And in.....
  210. And with a final exhale, a small plume of fire escaped her mouth! Not a moment after that, though, her hand soared through the plume, catching it! With one final backhand motion, she released the fire from her hand - a single bolt, aimed straight at one of the targets!
  211. October 26, 2020
  213. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/26/2020
  214. Once she heard Emii's huffing and puffing, Sherri turned her full attention back to her niece -- and keeping her hand steady so that the target she'd whipped up didn't move. She looked past it as Emii took her own breath, shaped it, and tossed it as a bolt at the target. She cracked a small smile.
  216. "Not bad. That's faster than I remember."
  218. Expecting Emii to take another few seconds to prime her second bolt of flame, Sherri took another -- slightly distracted -- glance back over at Bonnevali. She dipped her head slightly to avoid getting a faceful of Darkspire's neon lighting as she did so.
  220. Bonnevali is taller than me10/26/2020
  221. Bonnevali had decided to start with a letter to Anwen and his sister Bevan. Of all the people she'd met in Valkirii they'd been her closest friends, and Anwen had gotten her in touch with people across the border in Overgrowth like Margrave and Geranium. It seemed only fitting they would hear from her first, plus they could get letters to her harder to find friends.
  222. Bonnevali had started writing about her return to Darkspire and what the city was like but twitched as she felt Sherri's gaze on her again.
  224. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/26/2020
  225. Sherri might be socially awkward as all get out, but she was capable of noticing someone twitching, if nothing else. "Sorry," she said. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" Those weren't perfect words for what she was trying to ask, but she, herself, was at least trying.
  227. Bonnevali is taller than me10/26/2020
  228. Bonnevali's ears twitched, looking sheepish. It wasn't the nicest thing to say but "...Yes actually." She shouldn't be ignoring Sherri, but... She didn't want to face her problem with this right now.
  230. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/26/2020
  231. "That's fine," Sherri replied, with a flat affect. If she was bothered by it, she wasn't showing it very well. She turned her full attention back to Emii.
  233. Motter Otter10/26/2020
  234. From up above, in fact, from one of Sherri's probably locked windows, the local monster menance lets out a muffled yell "Missus Aunt Sherriiiii, it's time for my magic lessonnnnn" , everyone knows its Melissa, but she's scaled one of the walls instead of using the door like a normal person. and No, Sherri, you didn't schedule one with her she's being mischevious about something again.
  236. As if to herald this in a pink unicorn plushie with a stringworm for a tail also floats down from upstairs , somehow the chaos from below never roused her, but... "Mooooom, the giant toothy usogami woke me uppppp." [Yes, I know that's Melissa, I was her doll once,] and then her gaze makes its way over to Emii, one of her classmates, to which she zoops over with more energy "Oh! Fire Sister! I didn't know you were here!" and she dives in in an attempt to tackle Emii, which, considering she's still doll sized, doesn't exactly work as planned
  238. Spam Fam Spiny10/26/2020
  239. It wasn't that difficult to see how upset Emii was at her aunts' curt interactions. Shoulders slumped, ears gradually folding back, frown on her face...not even Sherri's praise could entirely lift her mood! This was not going to plan at all. How could this happen...? And how could she fix it? It was hard to focus on her spells like this! Regardless, she exhaled out...
  241. But Melissa's cry out did cause Emii's head to turn, distracting her! ...Distracting her enough to be surprised by Molly's tackle!!!!!
  242. .......She still didn't budge, but she did give out a modest squeak of surprise!
  243. "Doll sister!!!!" Emii beamed, hugging her! "You can help!!!!!!" She blurted out.
  245. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/26/2020
  246. Sherri groaned. What was Melissa doing? Woke her up? Help with what? Bonnevali saying that was fine, but...
  248. Bonnevali is taller than me10/26/2020
  249. Bonnevali didn't expect Melissa's cry at the window but it didn't surprise her. What did surprise her was the plushie entering the room. Wait- was that Melissa's favorite plush? Alive? "What on Edemia....?"
  250. October 27, 2020
  252. Motter Otter10/27/2020
  253. Melissa tailwags at the door, smirking at some of the chaos down below, will Sherri let her in, she must know... she's here to help do some ice breaking, after all!
  255. Molly, on the other hand, headbutts Emii, this is a customary greeting amongst most of her friends, it seems. She is also curious, however, as to what Emii needs help with, so... "Whatchya need help with today? :o" Her stringworm wiggling with anticipation
  257. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/27/2020
  258. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, for Melissa, it’s not entirely up to Sherri. In fact, it’s Bonnevali who’s claimed the window. Without turning to look in their direction, she said: “Bonnevali, you can let Melissa in if you want. It’s your choice.”
  260. The barrier in front of Sherri’s hand vanished without so much as a wave as she stood up and approached the two youngest.(edited)
  262. Bonnevali is taller than me10/27/2020
  263. Bonnevali looked for a window latch, and in finding it she unlatched it and pushed the window open ever so slightly and stuck her snout out of it "As punishment for interrupting you must wait outside on the wall!" she called with a triumphant smirk.
  265. Spam Fam Spiny10/27/2020
  266. Auntie was getting closer! Okay. Gotta whisper. She picked Molly up, returning the headbutt (a gentle headbutt) before whispering in Molly's ear. "I think we gotta cause a lil bit've trouble. Aunties Sherri and Bonn aren't talkin' much and we gotta bring em together!"
  268. Motter Otter10/27/2020
  269. Melissa s very hard at Bonnie using her position of power like this, in fact she even shouts "This is an abuse of auntly power! >:(" Then she sulks as close to the window as she possibly can, since she still wants to listen in on the scene
  271. Molly on the other hand whispers back at Emii "Have you tried squishing them together? Thats when Cassmom does when Araena and I arent talking to each other. I'll go get the antlered one, if you go for mom!"(edited)
  273. Bonnevali is taller than me10/27/2020
  274. "No way!" Bonnevali called back to Melissa. "This is perfectly justified!"
  276. Spam Fam Spiny10/27/2020
  277. Emii puffed a cheek out at the idea, hmmmmm...... "I was thinkin' a fire thing.......'cuz that'd hafta make em work together, right? >:o Just a tiny thing."
  279. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/27/2020
  280. Sherri finished her dreadful approach towards Molly and Emii. She knelt down next to the former. "I know Melissa woke you up, but I’m teaching Emii right now. You should probably go back to bed."(edited)
  281. October 28, 2020
  283. Motter Otter10/28/2020
  284. Melissa leans really hard on the wall "If you insist that it is, I'll just have to find a way to make the inside the outside"
  286. Molly was still listening to Emii before being interrupted "Wait... You mean like ars-- oh, no time to talk, getem!" And she flits away from Sherri, over to Bonnevali to try to push her at Sherri. She may be strong for a foot tall plushie, but the fact stillb remains that she is a foot tall plushie
  288. Spam Fam Spiny10/28/2020
  289. Uh-oh! No time to think of the other plan, plan B was already a go! Emii hopped in place on the bed.
  290. "SECONDARY PLAN GO!" She shouted, hopping off and SHOVING Sherri to the window seat Bonn was at! Tiny, tiny shove! This wasn't the ideal plan in Emii's eyes, but you just gotta improvise with what you're given sometimes!(edited)
  292. Bonnevali is taller than me10/28/2020
  293. Bonnevali watched as the living plushie scampered across the floor toward her. It wrapped it's arms around her ankle and started trying to pull her. She wasn't in much of a good mood today so perhaps under different circumstances this would be funny but right now mostly just irritated her.
  294. She grabbed the plush fairly gently and pried it off her leg, lifting it up at an arms length to look at, what had Melissa used to call this?
  295. "What was your name? Molly?" Bonnevali asked as she turned and opened the window enough to reach out and up in Melissa's direction. "Melissa you dropped something." She called, proffering Molly out the window for Melissa to take.(edited)
  297. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/28/2020
  298. "Plan?" Emii was strong, but she was still pretty small, and Sherri'd held her ground against much greater force in the past. Emii pushed her a few steps back before she started resisting, firmly keeping her paws right where they were. "Plan for what?" She sighed. "Is this a prank?" Resignation came through in her voice, as if she was already convinced it was.
  300. Spam Fam Spiny10/28/2020
  301. "Prank?" Did Emii's ears deceive her?? No! No, this was not a prank! In fact, the mere suggestion of that caused her to immediately stop her pushing attempts, scrunch her face up at Sherri, and stomp her foot!
  302. "Nooo! No! I'm tryin' to get you to talk to Auntie Bonnnn!!!" Emii pouted! .......Before immediately throwing her hands over her mouth, eyes wide! Oops! That wasn't supposed to come out!
  303. October 29, 2020
  305. Motter Otter10/29/2020
  306. Melissa stares with wide eyes at the old plushie, she never really expected to see Molly again after donating it to the squeakers, but, wow, hey that kinda brings back memories!
  307. Melissa "I don't think it's so much dropped as it was given away but..."
  309. Molly, having none of this is suddenly focused on squirming out of Bonnevali's arms, ing as hard as possible at Melissa "More like abandoned you giant fluffy jerk!" , giving her a hard (for a plushie) bite on the ear and then , if given the chance, immediately flying back in towards Emii, Emii is the one safe person here after all!
  311. Melissa in response to that is just... blinking slowly, she looks so confused about this, but can you blame her? She's seen Molly around before, because she hangs out with all the school kids and she likes to check on Sherri, but this was the first time she was so... angery about her presence, is this Trash Demon Teenagerdom?
  313. Bonnevali is taller than me10/29/2020
  314. Bonnevali seemed reluctant to let the little plush go, seeing how eager Molly was (in her eyes) to cause trouble, but she acquiesced, letting her go fly to Emii, and shut the window.
  316. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/29/2020
  317. "Talk to her?" Sherri asked as she adjusted her dress where Emii'd tried to push her. "I do though. I'm not used to her being in my room, but she wants space and that's fine." She sat herself back down at her desk chair, still looking at Emii.
  319. Spam Fam Spiny10/29/2020
  320. "Noooo, nooooooooo, TALK talk to her!!!!" Emii continued to pout, waving her arms. "Not just talk and stuffffff!!!"
  321. [3:33 PM]
  322. She spotted Molly out of the corner of her eye as well - and leapt and to grab her, safety in fire sister's arms.
  324. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/29/2020
  325. "...About what?" Sherri's flat affect indicated that she was, as ever, genuinely confused about what Emii was going for.
  327. Motter Otter10/29/2020
  328. Molly whispers into Emii's ear, "Uhhh, what did you want them to talk about? D:"
  330. Spam Fam Spiny10/29/2020
  331. "I-I dunno! Stuff??" Emii's shoulders tensed up, almost holding Molly up in front of her defensively, tail twitching behind her sheepishly. This wasn't how this was meant to go! Not at all!
  333. Motter Otter10/29/2020
  334. Molly tposes in an intimidating manner to protect Emii from Sherri here , because why not(edited)
  336. Bonnevali is taller than me10/29/2020
  337. Bonnevali felt tired. And grumpy. She didn't want to be here right now. Especially not with all this, she could make it up to Emii later.
  338. Bonnevali stood up, gathering her papers and things that had gotten a little scattered in the mayhem.
  339. "I don't think now is the best time for me to be here." She said. Bonnevali tapped on the window "Melissa. Could you please not interrupt? Sherri and Emii are trying to have a lesson here."
  340. She started to the door but paused and looked at Molly in a resigned kind of way. She wanted to do something about the plush so that Sherri and Emii could have a more focused lesson but she was at a loss with this little animated toy, she didn't know how to deal with it so she would just leave it to Sherri.
  341. 'She's been here for 8 years after all.' Bonnevali thought with a twinge of bitterness. 'These kids know her and she knows them and how to deal with them much better than I do.'
  342. She frowned slightly reaching the door to leave.(edited)
  343. [11:25 PM]
  344. She wanted to get out. Get away. Maybe she'd explore the new areas in Darkspire? Oh! Or maybe head to the surface. She hadn't been to her old hide out since she got back.
  346. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/29/2020
  347. Sherri folded her arms in front of her chest, looking at Molly. “Well you could have asked us.”
  349. She turned to look at Bonnevali tapping on the glass and agitating the fox. “... Thanks,” Sherri said to Bonnevali as she headed towards the door. “I think she’s more likely to listen to you.”
  351. Spam Fam Spiny10/29/2020
  352. Nooooo! Nooooooo! This wasn't-this wasn't how it was supposed to go at all??? She kept glancing to Sherri, then back to Bonn, then back to Sherri, then back to Bonn????? The constant double takes were making her head swim a bit, but she couldn't help it!!!
  353. "But auntie Bonnnnn!!!!" Emii cried out, plodding over to the door she oh-so-dreaded Bonnevali was about to walk out of. "Please don't go, pleeease!!!"
  354. She let go of Molly on the way, grabbing onto Bonn's leg instead! "Why do you not like auntie Sherri???" Emii nearly buried her face into the side of Bonn's thigh, but managed to look up at her with watery eyes.
  355. October 30, 2020
  357. Bonnevali is taller than me10/30/2020
  358. Bonnevali looked mournfully down at Emii. 'Idiot. What kind of aunt are you? You just run away from everything.' She felt a panic rise in her chest looking down at her nearly crying niece. Why do you not like auntie Sherri??? she was pathetic, she was letting petty resentment ruin her relationships. "No!! But I've barely been back at all! How can I already have ruined everything?? " she thought.
  359. The panic pushed her away. Her head spun and her eyes stung.
  360. "I- I'm sorry Emii-." She choked out in a strained voice, before turning and running, camouflaging with the walls. She didn't want anyone to see her, she felt so ashamed.(edited)
  362. Motter Otter10/30/2020
  363. Melissa takes the more genuine distress from Bon as a sign to bugger off , so , she disengages from the castle wall, she was going to have a plan but if she's being told to leave, she'll do that!
  365. Molly would have clung to Bonnie's other leg, but it appears she's retreated before she had the chance, thus, she looks over at Emii with a sad look "Well... we tried?"
  367. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/30/2020
  368. It took Sherri a few moments to process what was happening around her. She watched as Emii approached Bonnevali, bared her feelings... and, for some reason, asked why Bonnevali didn’t like her? That part left her looking a bit owlish as Bonnevali vanished into the castle. It was only once the dust settled that Sherri moved to act — and went out the door after her.
  370. “Bonnevali, wait!”
  372. Spam Fam Spiny10/30/2020
  373. Being kicked off of Bonn didn't do much to aid Emii's mood! Did...did she just make things worse?? She didn't, right?? She looked down at Molly for comfort here, tears beginning to roll off of her eyes.
  374. "They're gonna--they're gonna---I didn't just-did I? They didn't just be all hatey each other forever, right???"
  375. Sherri walking out the door also caught her attention - or at least enough of it to look up at her, too. Emii walked out after her. "Right???"
  377. Bonnevali is taller than me10/30/2020
  378. Bonnevali fled to her room in silence, closing her door softly behind her. She climbed up into her familiar - albeit dusty - nook in the back left corner of her room, tucked slightly past her new bed. She still fit fine in it, it once held blankets and pillows but now it was barren, the upholstery had been removed, having been infested with bugs. She sobbed. Why had she run?? Why couldn't she have just kept quiet and said she didn't hate Sherri?? She groaned, leaning her head back against the wall and sneezed from the dust. Do I hate Sherri?
  379. She laid on her side and curled up in a ball, still camouflaged. She remembered hours spent sulking and crying on this ledge, when her dad would come crawl up in her nook next to her and let her tell him her sob story. Or sometimes throw a fit. She wished she could do that now. I can, I could go talk to dad. But no she couldn't, she was an adult now.
  380. What am I doing!? I'm such I child. I haven't grown at all. She wished everything could go back to normal. Except no she didn't, she left for a reason. She never should have come back, nothing had changed and she didn't feel any more like she fit in here. If anything it was worse.
  382. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/30/2020
  383. Getting no response from the hallway outside her room, Sherri breathed out softly. She turned to Emii, and addressed her and Molly not far behind her.
  385. “Molly, I’ll talk to you later. Emii, your lesson’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I’m going to write her a note; there’s no point in me trying to talk to her right now.”
  387. She briefly wondered what she’d tell Melissa if she came by again. This seemed pretty personal, and it didn’t feel right for her to drag the people closest to Bonnevali into it. But then she wondered if she could stop them from sticking their nose into it to begin with, and found herself looking a bit harder at Emii.(edited)
  389. Spam Fam Spiny10/30/2020
  390. "Y-yeah, I don't...I don't feel like magic anymore today..."
  391. Emii's ears were as flat as they could be. Did she say something wrong?? Why did Bonn run away??? She sniffled. This didn't make ANY sense, ugh!!! She didn't get it! They're two good people so why aren't they getting along?????
  392. The sadness welling up in Emii soon took a turn towards anger, though it was only being expressed in a swift kick to the wall, before looking up at Sherri, scowling a bit.....wait, why's Auntie looking at me like that...?
  393. Seeing the telltale signs of "Auntie is about to get me in trouble" on Sherri's face, Emii's scowl disappeared, her eyes widening a little. Oh no.
  395. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/30/2020
  396. Sherri kept looking at Emii, but not for overly long. In fact, once Emii stopped scowling, she looked away and stepped back into the bedroom, carefully angling her legs over Molly as the plushie followed, and stuck with, her fire sister.
  398. With no further words, she sat down at her desk, pulled out a pen and her favourite sheets of paper -- brownish, artificially aged to be like the parchment she'd been used to some 50 years ago. She started writing. Bonnevali, I want to talk to you. No, that was too aggressive. ...need to talk to you. That wasn't strictly true.(edited)
  399. October 31, 2020
  401. Motter Otter10/31/2020
  402. Molly doesn't really know how to deal with Bonnevali, but she does know how to help Emii to some extent, so she does that! She climbs up onto Emii's head, between her horns and starts to pull on them like handlebars. Not with enough force to hurt, but more like a rattalouie steering of usogi.
  403. "...We're gonna crash into the wall if I don't get you away from it!" She proclaims, trying to distract Emii from the issue at hand
  405. Spam Fam Spiny10/31/2020
  406. Whoooaaaa! Feeling the soft thumpf of plush on her head snapped Emii out of it, if only for a moment! She looked up at her plush sister, stiffening slightly at the tugs and beginning to move wherever Molly is tugging at the time!
  407. "Whhooaoaaaaaa!!!!" She exclaimed, moving away from Sherri's door - very intentionally so. She didn't get what Sherri was doing - first she didn't yell at her, now she's just...sitting and writing? That isn't helping! That isn't fixing this! Or...yelling at Emii for potentially breaking it in the first place, but regardless! The first step was to get away from Sherri discreetly, and Molly was definitely helping with that!
  409. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/31/2020
  410. The noise of two rambuntious children echoes down the halls.
  412. Motter Otter10/31/2020
  413. Molly designates this as time for kid fun!
  414. "Let's go find Sully and Aki! :D" She proclaims, ready to run with her friend down the hallway
  416. Spam Fam Spiny10/31/2020
  417. Emii stopped at Molly's suggestion, taking the time to look around at the (presumably) empty hallway. Okay...nobody's around! She removed Molly from her head, smiling at her, but shaking her head.
  418. "Nnnnope! It is not time for that yet! We're gonna find Auntie Bonn!"
  420. Bonnevali is taller than me10/31/2020
  421. Bonnevali shifted to a sitting position facing out into her room, still hugging her knees she rested her head against the wall. She took a few shaky deep breaths, hiccupping. She needed to stop crying, she- another sob slipped out. Did she hate her family? Didn't she want to be here? Did her family hate her? No. She just could connect with them.
  422. They can connect with Sherri. They like Sherri. She fit so well, she fit like Bonnevali never felt she could.
  423. "Is that why I hate her? I hate her for taking the place I always wanted. For getting so comfortable and well loved in the family in 8 years compared to my WHOLE LIFE! And all while I was gone. She replaced me." Bonnevali thought. She let out a strained exhale through her mouth, her nose too stuffy from crying to let out a breath. "They wanted an older sister and daughter, never a little annoying one. That's all I'll ever be."
  424. "Why didn't I just stay in Overgrowth where I belong?" Bonnevali whispered to herself. "I could have left this all behind and let them be happy and comfortable without me. I could have had my own life without having to worry about who I used to be. New friends and family that wouldn't see me as the brat I used to be."
  426. Bonnevali froze, hearing the sound of someone talking and approaching the door, Emii. She scooted to the back corner of her nook, camouflaging with the stone. Hoping Emii would just leave at not seeing her in there, and that should wouldn't be able to climb up the small hand-holds to the nook up on the wall. It was dark, barren, and out-of-the way. Maybe she wouldn't even notice it. Maybe she wouldn't come in at all. Bonnevali didn't want to face anyone right now, especially an earnest high energy niece.(edited)
  428. Milk Carton (Strawberry)10/31/2020
  429. Normally, writing a letter is not an enormous task -- for most people. Sherri was not most people, and she was as exacting about what she wrote to Bonnevali as she was incapable of weaving together words in persuasive fashion.
  431. I think I'm going about this the wrong way. Why do we have to talk now? I can invite her to talk later. Sherri set her pen down and leaned straight back against her chair. If she hates me though, that might not be direct enough. But I doubt I can force the issue, no matter what I do.
  433. Sherri was uncomfortable, considering the possibility of someone unfamiliar in her own home hating her. It'd been a long time since that was ever an issue, and now that she had one again... would Bonnevali ask that she be kicked out? She's not adopted. It'd make sense to listen to her about matters of family first.
  435. No, she wouldn't, Sherri told herself. That's ridiculous. And before paranoia of the most unproductive sort could grip her, she focused and wrote the opening line to her letter.
  437. "Bonnevali,
  438. I think we should talk more often"
  440. But why would she be interested in doing that? Sherri didn't know enough to say, so she guessed.
  442. "Bonnevali,
  443. I think we should talk more often so the kids don't cry or cause trouble."
  445. Whatever the differences between them were, neither of them liked what happened today. That worked, right?(edited)
  446. November 1, 2020
  448. Motter Otter11/01/2020
  449. Molly wiggles around on Emii's head, cause she also has an idea "But what will we say to Bonbon? I don't know how to talk to her! Maybe we gotta like, headbutt her till she feels happy ono" [that works for Emiis, for sure]
  451. Spam Fam Spiny11/01/2020
  452. "IIiiii dunno what I'll say but I'll figure that out when I get there!!!" Emii said, confidently! ...Of course, she was ALSO making a guess on where TO go, as she carried Molly over to Bonn's currently closed door.
  453. Bonn seemed upset...and when people're upset, they go to their rooms, right? So Bonn probably went to her room!!!! She opened her mouth to cry out.......
  454. Then closed it again. Wait. "Molly, when YOU'RE don't like to be bothered, or like, talked to, right?"
  456. Motter Otter11/01/2020
  457. Molly mulls on this for a minute, :mollythink: "I like to chew on the thing that upset me! But I don't think that works here. Otherwise, I talk with my moms!"
  458. [1:19 AM]
  459. Molly "What if we found Bonnie's mom..."
  461. Spam Fam Spiny11/01/2020
  462. "You mean like Gramma Remilla?" Emii looked up at her. But...........then...would they get in trouble for making Bonn feel like this.....? Emii shuffled her feet. "I dunnoooo......"
  463. [1:23 AM]
  464. Well...that just meant they DID have to try to solve this now, right? And make Auntie Bonn feel better!!! "I'm gonna......knock on the door, okay?" She said, looking up at Molly!
  466. Motter Otter11/01/2020
  467. Molly nods affirmatively! "Ready or not here you go!"
  469. Spam Fam Spiny11/01/2020
  470. Knock knock knock on the door go the little starforged hands! "Auntie Bonnnnnnnn? Auntie Bonn? Are you theerrrrrre?"
  472. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/01/2020
  473. So what should they talk about? Sherri’s writing stopped as she considered the question.
  475. The family? No. That’d just remind her that Bonnevali was here first, that she grew up here. She’d be reminded of how much she missed. All the history and growth and time she was never there for.
  477. Magic? Bonnevali didn’t seem interested, and probably wouldn’t be after today.
  479. Bonnevali is taller than me11/01/2020
  480. Bonnevali remained dead silent and invisible as she heard a knocking on the door. "I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here." she thought, feeling a pit in her stomach.
  482. Motter Otter11/01/2020
  483. Molly starts trying to push Emii from behind , maybe there's a chance she can activate a wink of plush demon kid magic and teleport through the door, Emii would like that, right? But she hasn't gotten there quite yet, so its merely shoulder shoving forward, for now!
  485. Spam Fam Spiny11/01/2020
  486. No response...? Emii frowned. Maybe...she was inside? Or maybe she really didn't wanna be bothered? But she had...well, she had to say something, right?? She turned the doorknob, and not a moment after received a shove from Molly, causing her to stumble in, letting out a small cry of surprise!
  487. ...It was a formality, really. When Molly shoves, Emii moves. It was only fair, for someone so small to still be able to affect the big world!!!
  488. Still. After catching herself, she scanned the room, of all its masks and figurines and slightly-dusty bed and a little bit of paper.
  489. But seemingly no Bonn. Maybe...maybe she was hiding? Her ears went down as she hopped up to sit down on Bonn's bed, mmmph. She WAS good at hiding. She thought back.....
  490. Whenever SHE was upset, she hid too, after all! Just, under the bed. But Dad still talked to her sometimes, in a really, really nice tone, and he explained things and sometimes just left without her saying anything! usually made her feel a LITTLE better. Sometimes. Maybe she should try that!
  491. "Ummmm......I'm sorry for saying...something bad, auntie Bonn?"
  492. She...HAD said something bad, right? She...didn't entirely know what, seemed correct?
  493. "Um, whatever it was, but...I said something bad, wouldn't have ran and...stuff....."
  494. November 2, 2020
  496. Bonnevali is taller than me11/02/2020
  497. Bonnevali just wanted to squeeze deeper into her nook and continue hiding (which she did). But as she did she felt an ache in her chest, she felt ashamed for hiding from Emii. She was supposed to be Emii's aunt, not acting like this. She ached to say something. Like "No Emii, it's my fault." but she said nothing, and felt even worse. She felt like she was shouting it but it just wouldn't come out.
  499. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/02/2020
  500. What did they have in common? They'd both travelled. That wasn't a comfortable subject for Sherri, but it was still preferable to bringing up the family and their places in it -- where Bonnevali had left and returned to excitement and expectation, while Sherri felt like she might lose her family if she did not work to keep it.
  502. "I've never been to Overgrowth and you could tell me about it."
  503. November 3, 2020
  505. Motter Otter11/03/2020
  506. Molly doesn't say anything to bonn here, this is Emii's time to shine! But she does nab and whisper into Emii's ear "I don't.. think you did anything wrong? We're still here to get Mom n Bonn back together so uh, Chin up?" and then she tries to in fact, reach over Emii's shoulder and nudge her muzzle up sdfdsjf
  508. Spam Fam Spiny11/03/2020
  509. Emii looked at Molly leaning down and forcing her chin up, ack! "...Mmmmmaybe, but I still upset auntie Bonn!" Emii said, still frowning. She looked around the room again, sitting on Bonn's bed. Maybe she WASN'T in here? She would have heard something, right? And responded? But she was already this far in, might as well continue!
  510. "Ummmm......" What else WAS there to say, actually? Ugh, dad always made this look so easy! What was there to it????
  511. "Um, well, I still love you lots! You're still my auntie! And...are still really cool, and.....uh, are a really cool aunt!!!"
  512. [5:45 PM]
  513. ...Was that good? Emii was treading completely blind in these waters, and fumbling with her words. But, she FELT like she was doing a pretty good job? Maybe? Hopefully?
  515. Bonnevali is taller than me11/03/2020
  516. Bonnevali remained silent and hidden but she relaxed some, not clutching her legs so close to her body. She found herself smiling slightly, some how Emii could always do that to her. She still wanted to two to leave but she found herself starting to calm down.
  518. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/03/2020
  519. But when would they talk? If this was an open invitation, with no timeline, the situation would sit in the back of Sherri's mind... and Bonnevali could avoid it for as long as she liked. That sounded worse for both of them, but Sherri admitted to herself that her greater concern was for her own ability to focus on work, to spend time guiltlessly with the rest of the family. Things like that.
  521. She drew her pen up and wrote a line above the previous.
  523. What would be a good timeline. Weekly? Probably too often for Bonnevali. Monthly? Not enough.
  525. "What if we meet every other week to have tea?"
  527. Spam Fam Spiny11/03/2020
  528. Stilllllll no response. Emii looked down, clasping her hands and fiddling with them as she kicked her legs. Was she helping? "....You're really fun an' cool and good to be around! Annn...And I like you a lot!!"
  529. Wait, did she already say that? She did! She scanned the room again, with all the masks. Ohhh...maybe!
  530. "Those masks're cool, too, and....and I dunno, maybe we can do stuff together eventually!! I'd like that! makin' the carving of me like you said, could show me how to make em!!!" She said, smiling up at nothing in particular!(edited)
  532. Motter Otter11/03/2020
  533. Molly claps for Emii in approval at her little speech, yes!
  535. Bonnevali is taller than me11/03/2020
  536. Bonnevali set her head back against the wall, closing her eyes and trying to relax more. She let her legs slip out away from her body and put her arms to her sides, taking in slow steady breaths.
  538. Spam Fam Spiny11/03/2020
  539. "When and, uh, if you wanna do that, I'll...well, I'll be with my dad, probably, oooor in the castle, and...yeah! Stuff!" Emii finished, nodding, still grinning despite her somewhat sour, sad mood. "Uh.....I think I'll go now, when you wanna, uh, do that stuff and......" Wait, she already said that...
  540. [9:12 PM]
  541. Emii hopped off the bed, her own speech cheering herself up a bit. Uh. She looked up at Molly. "D'ya think Auntie Bonn heard that...?"
  543. Bonnevali is taller than me11/03/2020
  544. Bonnevali took another deep breath and cut off, sneezing. She instantly froze and covered her mouth leaning farther back into her nook
  546. Motter Otter11/03/2020
  547. Molly spoke up before Bonnevali's sneeze "Well, I think you did pretty well either way!" Then she hears the sneeze and a smug plush smile spreads across her face "...and maybe the mice and squeakers heard you too :>"
  549. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/03/2020
  550. There was one last consideration. She didn't want this to seem too confrontational. How could she avoid that though? Bonnevali would have to come to her to discuss this... unless she didn't.
  552. "You can respond by sliding a return letter under my door if you want.
  553. Sherri"
  555. That, she decided, would do. She quickly took one of the few envelopes she kept, from the second drawer from the bottom on the left, and sealed the letter inside it. Finally, she wrote on it: "For Bonnevali only."
  557. Spam Fam Spiny11/03/2020
  558. Emii squeaked a bit in response to the sneeze, jumping a bit! She looked up at Molly afterwards.... "Wait, you think a squeaker or a mouse just sneezed?" .....It didn't SOUND like a squeaker or a mouse.....
  559. As usual, a little bit of sarcasm or gentle verbal nudge was lost on Emii.
  561. Spam Fam Spiny11/03/2020
  562. Still. Emii began heading out to the door! "Um, if you ARE in here Auntie Bonn, I...hope you feel better soon...?"
  563. November 4, 2020
  565. Bonnevali is taller than me11/04/2020
  566. Bonnevali waited until she heard the door click behind Emii and Molly before peaking out to see if they were gone. Finding no one there she let out a sigh of relief. She slipped down from her nook and reached up letting her hair down from it's nigh-perpetual bun. She took in another deep shaking breath as it fell around her shoulders and down her back, her cheeks were still damp, eyes still puffy, and she could still feel the wet knotted rag in her chest.
  567. She continued her steady calming breaths, walking over to her mess of still partially packed luggage and taking a hair brush perched atop and brushing out her hair as she sat on her bed, letting it puff up as much as possible as she worked the knots out and then ran through it again and again, continuing her steady breathing until she let out a deep final sigh and sat with a massive poomf of hair.
  568. [12:11 AM]
  569. "Okay Bonn." She told herself. "You can do this."
  571. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/04/2020
  572. With the envelope in her hands, Sherri stood, left her room, and locked the door behind her with a wave of her hand. She passed through the halls, avoiding the sounds of others -- whether they were staff, her siblings, or what have you, she wasn't sure, but she didn't want to be seen dropping this off.
  574. She approached Bonnevali's door, quickly slid her letter in its envelope under it, and then teleported away, back to her room.
  576. Bonnevali is taller than me11/04/2020
  577. Bonnevali watched as an envelope shoomp slid under her door. But she left it for now. "Okay Bonn." she thought. "What is the problem we need to solve here." She looked around her room, scrutinizing it. Dusty, empty, dim, sad. This was her room again, her space again. She needed to make in better.
  578. Taking in another breath she stood up gracefully, composed she walked over and picked up the letter. "For Bonnevali only." it read. This was from Sherri.
  579. She cracked the seal as a walked around her room, imagining how she could change it. She didn't just want to re-decorate it. She wanted to change it. She eyed her nook, it did need new upholstery, at least.
  580. She turned with purpose toward her desk, taking a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Before she began sketching she skimmed the letter. Despite her new resolve she couldn't help but cringe slightly thinking about facing Sherri again. She wanted to get to her room-planning but she needed to respond first.
  581. She took out a pen instead and paused, her hand hovering over the paper.
  583. "Tea would be nice." She paused thinking. "What about a picnic? I know a good place on the surface. Where we won't be bothered." She leaned back. That would do. She folded it in half, not bothering to put it in an envelope. She stood up and left her room, holding her chin up and breathing steadily down the hall to Sherri's room. She quietly slid the letter under the door, no one was around at the moment but if someone had been she decided she still would have done it. She needed to deal with this.
  585. Milk Carton (Strawberry)11/04/2020
  586. The informal response she received didn't bother her, and the fact Bonnevali was so prompt made her happy. She put Bonnevali's response in the same drawer that held her small handful of other personal communications, and got back to work, feeling a little bit better about the situation.
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