Guest User


a guest
Nov 11th, 2018
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  1. on right click on sign:
  2. line 1 of clicked block is "&3■■&2■&1|-||&aWayPoint&1||-|&2■&3■■"
  3. line 2 of clicked block is "&7Right click"
  4. line 3 of clicked block is "%region at player%"
  5. line 4 of clicked block is "&3■■&2■&1|-||&aground&1||-|&2■&3■■"
  6. if player is on ground:
  7. set {_cooldown} to difference between {cp.%player%.lastused} and now
  8. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  9. send " &c&l<&4&l<&4&l WP &4&l>&c&l> &4Please wait at 1 second for Waypoint save to next."
  10. stop
  11. set {checkpoint.%region at player%.%player%} to location of player
  12. set {cp.%player%.lastused} to now
  13. send " &f&l<&e&l< &f&lWP &e&l>&f&l> &aWaypoint has been saved (%region at player%)"
  14. execute console command "playsound entity.player.levelup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  16. else:
  17. send " &c&l<&4&l<&4&l WP &4&l>&c&l> &c空中で設定することはできません!"
  18. on sign change:
  19. line 1 is "cp"
  20. set line 4 to "&3■■&2■&1|-||&aground&1||-|&2■&3■■"
  21. set line 3 to "%region at player%"
  22. set line 2 to "&7Right click"
  23. set line 1 to "&3■■&2■&1|-||&aWayPoint&1||-|&2■&3■■"
  24. on rightclick with quartz:
  25. player's gamemode is adventure
  26. teleport player to {checkpoint.%region at player%.%player%}
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