
Lancer Jojo Mech v2

Apr 20th, 2021 (edited)
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  2. [The girl, not yet two decades old, kneeled in the shrine. She paid scarce attention to her priest’s words on tendays, and now was struggling to recall beyond the most basic of prayers. She was there for a very simple reason: Her colony had failed to pay tribute to their masters one too many times, and so retribution was coming, tearing gouges across the once blue sky.
  4. She prayed and she prayed and she prayed, and yet it could not calm the turmoil raging in her heart. What of her home, the only place she had known? What of her family, their mortality now so clearly defined? What of her love, unspoken and unknown to the one who mattered? She had no answer. She received no answer.
  6. The distant rumbling shook the shrine, and she felt her cheeks wetten as she realized nothing would stop her life from being burnt to the ground.
  8. “If only,” she cried. “I had the power to stop them.”
  10. Light blinded her eyes. When she blinked the spots out of her vision, she gasped. For she had her answer, shining silver and purple.]
  12. Striker/Controller
  13. Size: ½
  14. Armor: 1
  15. Save Target: 10
  16. Sensors: 5
  17. Hull
  18. HP: 6
  19. Repair: 4
  20. Agility
  21. Evasion: 8
  22. Speed: 3
  23. Systems:
  24. E-Defense: 8
  25. Tech Attack: -2
  26. SP: 6
  27. Engineering:
  28. Heat Cap: 5
  30. Mounts:
  31. Main/Aux Mount
  33. Traits:
  34. ORAORAORA - 1/round
  35. Once per round, when attacking with a melee weapon, you may roll a 1d6. On a 4+, you may roll the damage value again and add it to the original damage value.
  36. Fist to Fist
  37. Gain the Fist to Fist reaction
  38. Fist to Fist - Reaction, 1/round
  39. Trigger - You are hit by a melee attack
  40. Effect - Select one of your melee weapons and roll its damage. Subtract this value from the incoming damage. If your value is greater than the incoming damage, deal the difference to the enemy mech as damage. You may not use this weapon until the end of your next turn.
  42. Core System:
  43. Passive - Doppelganger
  44. Protocol - 1/scene
  45. Once per scene, you may summon a single doppelganger as a separate controllable mech. This doppelganger shares the same characteristics, stats, systems, and weapons as your mech, however it only has 1 structure, 1 quick action, and cannot Overcharge or perform any action that requires a full action. If the doppelganger is destroyed, immediately take 1 structure damage. If the doppelganger overheats, it is dismissed and you take 1 stress.
  46. You may dismiss the doppelganger as a free action.
  47. -
  48. [Her faceless visor snapped back and forth, the girl gripped by indecision. To her left, one of her master’s dogs, tearing down the barricades of her friend’s home, shouting taunts and jeers as they trampled her friend’s beloved flowers. To her right, her brother and his family, circled by her master’s dogs as they nipped and cackled at her kin, superiority and contempt stretching each of their faces into rictus grins.
  50. ‘If only,’ she thought. ‘I could help them both.’
  52. She blinked, and then she saw herself staring back. Identical in every way. A newly-born twin.
  54. And then they split apart, bounding off in a mirrored stride. Her master’s dogs were mean, cruel things, but they were too used to drubbing those beneath them, and grown soft from complacency. They had not lasted more than a single breath.]
  55. Active - The World
  56. Protocol - 1/mission
  57. Stop the flow of time and obtain a World Die, 1d6 starting at 1. Immediately gain 1 extra quick action for you and your doppelganger if it is active. Until the end of your turn, none of your allies or enemies can take reactions and all damage and effects are suspended.
  58. After you have completed all available actions, you may choose to roll a 1d6. If you roll a value equal to or higher than your World Die, you immediately gain an additional quick action for you and your doppelganger and increase the value of your World Die by 3. You must spend this quick action on both you and your doppelganger before you can roll again. If you fail the roll, your turn ends.
  59. Once you end your turn, all suspended damage and effects are immediately applied as a single attack against each target.
  60. -
  61. [She saw the state of her colony, her beloved colony, and wept. The radio spire, bent like a sapling in a storm. The stores, broken and looted. The great hall, burning and tarnished. And everywhere she looked, she saw her master’s dogs, skittering through the skeleton of her home and terrorizing her people.
  63. She knew even with her other-self, she would never be able to stop them all.
  65. “If only,” she said. “I could be everywhere at once.”
  67. She blinked, and then she had seen everything had stopped. Licking flames were frozen like ice sculptures. People locked into place like display pieces. Sound gone entirely, as if someone had turned down the world’s volume.
  69. Time itself standing still.]
  71. License
  72. I
  73. Equipment - The Hermit
  74. 2 SP, Unique, Heat 1 (Self), Quick Action
  75. Hermit Divine - quick action
  76. Take 1 heat to mark an enemy within sensors with Hermit’s Vines. An enemy affected by Hermit’s Vines takes +1 difficulty to all actions against allied units until the end of their next turn.
  77. Hermit Bind - quick action
  78. Take 1 heat to immobilize an enemy within sensors until the start of your next turn.
  80. Equipment - The Chariot
  81. 1 SP, Unique, Limited 1, Quick Action, Protocol
  82. Don Armor - quick action
  83. Expend a charge to gain the Armored Chariot effect and increase your armor by 2, however you must halve your speed and evasion rounded down.
  84. Shed Armor - protocol
  85. If you have the Armored Chariot effect, you may shed your armor, removing the Armored Chariot effect, the 2 armor bonus, and the speed and evasion penalty. For the rest of your turn, you have double your original speed.
  86. -
  87. [The punch sent her body through a tree, and then the tree behind that, and then the one behind that. She groaned, the sharp ache of a fierce beating new to her, for even if she thought her parents strict they had never laid a single hand on her.
  89. Her master’s dogs were weak, cruel things, but even they were smart enough to realize when they were outmatched, and cried for help. Their answer stood beyond her, its imposing bulk casting shadows in the burning light.
  91. ‘If only,’ she thought. ‘I could withstand its strength.”
  93. She blinked, and suddenly she felt weight hold her down. She looked at her body, and saw it was covered in shining metal. Her foe unleashed another attack, and yet she felt nothing. No matter what the brute did, its torrent of blows slid off like droplets on a holoscreen.]
  95. II
  96. Frame - JOJO MECH
  97. Equipment - The Emperor
  98. 2 SP, Unique, Quick Action
  99. Fire the Emperor - quick action
  100. Target an enemy within range 5. They must succeed on an agility save or take 1d3+1 kinetic damage. On success, they take 1 kinetic damage.
  101. -
  102. [These dogs danced outside of her reach, their hover transport keeping them far from her fists and zipping too nimbly for her thrown projectiles. Irritation flared up as she glared impotently at them, their confidence surging back as they thought her powerless.
  104. “If only,” she said. “I could reach them.”
  106. She blinked, and she felt her hand wrap around a handle. It was a beautiful silver that matched her beloved’s eyes, and its weight was balanced perfectly in her grip. Its chambers spun with oiled smoothness, and its barrel was as crisp as her most treasured memories.
  108. And then she pointed it upwards, and every single shot was true.]
  109. Equipment - The Star
  110. 2 SP, Unique, Quick Action
  111. Punch Rush - quick action
  112. Target an enemy within range 1 and deal 1d3+1 kinetic damage. They must succeed on a hull save or be knocked prone. On success, they are not.
  113. -
  114. Autopsy of the retrieved bodies and wreckage showed that they received hundreds of blunt force attacks in the span of seconds. Analysis of the impacts puts them about the size of a human fist. As the most common description of the attacker put them as roughly human in size and preferring to engage in melee, it’s improbably that the perpetrator did this purely through conventional physical means. Paracausal effects likely.
  115. - Stonewind Colony Disciplinary Action 203AD-3021 After Action Report
  117. III
  118. Equipment - The Diamond
  119. 3 SP, Unique, Reaction
  120. Gain the Diamond Restoration reaction
  121. Diamond Restoration - reaction, 1/round
  122. Trigger - An ally, object, or terrain is damaged
  123. Effect - If the target was an object or terrain, you may completely undo any effect or damage that was done. If the target was an allied mech, half the received damage is repaired and any effects applied are cleared. The attacker does not get their action back.
  124. -
  125. [She saw her. She saw her beloved Holly lying on the ground, red staining her the dress she loved so dearly. She was at Holly’s side in seconds, and could only sob even as she sighed in relief that Holly was still breathing, at least for the moment. Holly still found the strength to smile up at her, to declare her affections she kept hidden until it was too late, and the girl only wept harder.
  127. “If only,” she cried. “I could fix this.”
  129. She blinked tears, and then heard Holly gasp. She saw the red stain shrink, and color return to her beloved’s skin until Holly was sitting up in her arms, confusion and relief and embarrassment on her face. She never looked so beautiful.]
  130. Equipment - The Hand
  131. 3 SP, Unique, Heat 3 (Self), Quick Action
  132. Erasure - quick action
  133. Take 3 heat to erase any object of equal or lesser size adjacent to your mech. If applied to open ground, you may teleport up to line 2 in a direction of your choice. If applied to an adjacent enemy mech, they must succeed on an agility save or take your size rounded up + 3 energy AP damage.
  134. -
  135. [Her master cowered in the gaudy office, now soiled with blood and piss, clutching his broken hand as if he had never received an injury in his life. For years she had thought him godlike. Invincible. Unassailable.
  137. Yet all she could see now was a gangly rat begging for his life.
  139. “Who are you?” he cried, pathetic tears dripping down his scraggly beard.
  141. “I am Josefina Jorgen.” Her voice rang imperiously in the broken room. “And I’m here to collect.”]
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