
The World Hereafter. [Ch2] My kingdom for a map.

Oct 24th, 2013
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  1. >Day 2 in Equestria.
  4. >A rhythmic beeping wakes you up.
  5. >Your eyes are heavy and you feel like shit.
  6. >Raising your right arm to rub your eyes, you feel something tugging at your wrist, a slight pinch following the sensation.
  7. >You manage to pry open your right eye and see that a small tube has been attached to your arm.
  8. >You are currently in your slacks, socks and your white shirt have it's sleeve rolled up.
  9. "whrs gngn nn?"
  10. >Is all you can manage to utter, trying to look around the bright room.
  11. >The wall are off-white, illuminated by morning sun shining in between the white curtains over the window.
  12. >You see yourself tucked in under a sheet in a bed.
  13. >Are you in a hospital?
  14. >Someone must have found you in the water after the impact and brought you here.
  15. >It was all a dream!
  16. >No more weird ponies!
  17. >YES!
  19. >A muffled conversation can be heard outside the room through a small gap in between the door and the frame.
  20. >Two voices, one sounding worried and the other reassuring.
  21. >Probably your rescuer and a nurse.
  22. >You clear your throat and try calling out to them, letting them know you're awake.
  23. "Allô? Que se passe-t-il?"(Hello? What's going on?)
  24. >Silence falls upon the room and a slight shuffling is heard before the door slides open.
  25. >Oh no...
  26. >Rarity peeks in through the door and lets out a happy gasp before trotting in with another unicorn in tow.
  27. >The other one is wearing a small nurses cap and has a pair of saddle bags with various papers and medical equipment in it on her back.
  28. >They stop at the end of the bed, the nurse picking up a sheet of paper from the basket at the foot of the bed and reading through it.
  29. >Rarity meanwhile, speaks up.
  30. >"vous évanoui."(You passed out.)
  32. >You raise your left hand, rubbing your temple before looking back at her.
  33. >Her expression is fluctuating between worried and glad.
  34. >"I noticed you had a bit of an accent there, Anonymous. I take it you came here from Prance?"
  35. >You push yourself into a more upright position and lean your head against the wall behind you.
  36. "Not exactly."
  37. >You are freaking out so hard right now, but..
  38. >But she had taken you to a hospital and she seems genuinely concerned.
  39. >Maybe you had overreacted to all of this.
  40. >HA! As if!
  41. >This is freaking you out more than you want to admit.
  42. >Trying to go with the flow was a huge failure.
  43. >You are currently in another country, inhabited at least partly by sentient, magical ponies.
  44. >What part of this is even close to alright by any standard?
  46. >"Fucking pull yourself together!" You think.
  47. >"-There might still be a way to get home. Maybe one of them can zap you back to Cassis or something."
  48. >You turn your head back to Rarity and sigh.
  49. "Alright... wait! You said, Prance, right? Is that the local name for France?"
  50. >Oh god just let it be a coincidence and not some horrible pun.
  51. >She seems to ponder this for a bit.
  52. >"Not sure, to be honest. I don't think I've ever heard of any place in Equestria or any surrounding nation where it's spelled or pronounced with an F."
  53. >Your heart sinks a foot or two.
  54. "But it might be the same, right?"
  55. >Hoping desperately for a chance to know where to go, you look back into her worried, blue eyes.
  56. >"I'd say there is a chance that it could be so, yes. The language seems to the same at least."
  57. >She replies with a smile and a nod.
  58. >Oh thank the powers that be!
  59. >Rarity then looks over to the nurse who's been trying to get your attention with some subtle coughs.
  60. >"Something wrong?"
  61. >She is now sounding worried again.
  62. >"No. He's just dehydrated and experienced a major shock. He's been given drip and should be fit to leave now that he's awake."
  63. >The nurse gives you a serious look.
  64. >"I strongly suggest that you go and get something to eat and drink a lot of water for the next 24 hours unless you want to spend another night here."
  65. >With that, she walks up and removes the tube from your arm, plants a small band-aid on the wrist and trots out of the room, leaving you and rarity.
  67. >You sit up, feeling drained but otherwise alright.
  68. >Damn it. Passing out in public.
  69. >Not only were you in a town of talking horses, but you had made a fool out of yourself.
  70. >Frowning, you stand up and walk over to the chair where your suit jacket and vest lay neatly folded with the red tie hanging on the armrest.
  71. >You don the tie and vest and button up the jacket, then pull your coat from the hook on the wall and put it on.
  72. >Feeling proper once more, you turn back to Rarity.
  73. >She had watched you dress with interest, probably from the fact that your clothes looked very different from the ones she would be used to.
  74. >When she notices that you are presentable once more, she nods and trots over to the door.
  75. >Instincts pop in and you take a few quick steps to get ahead of her and you promptly open the door and hold it up for her.
  76. >"How kind of you, Anonymous. A true gentlecolt indeed."
  77. >She giggles, gives you a slight bow and walks out with you following closely behind.
  78. >The hospital smells like any other hospital, antiseptic and sterile. Ugh.
  79. >The fresh air hits you like a welcome hug as you exit into the morning light.
  80. "Oh god, so much better."
  81. >You take a deep breath and stretch out your arms.
  83. >"Now that you're up and about, how about we get ourselves some breakfast, Anonymous?"
  84. >Her suggestion perks your ears and you can feel the black hole in your stomach suddenly make it's presence known, big time.
  85. >"Alright." You think. "First breakfast, then we'll see if we can find ourselves a map or something. That way we can always take a train or bus or something if they can't just magic you back home."
  86. >-"Sounds like a plan. Can't plan travels on an empty stomach."
  87. >Turning to Rarity, you feel a bit more comfortable now that you see a chance to get out of here.
  88. >No need to freak out, just show patience and good things will come.
  89. "That sounds marvelous. Would you mind recommending a place?"
  90. >You pull the collar up on your coat and follow her as she begin walking back towards town.
  91. >"I know this adorable little place that I'm sure you'll love."
  92. >The town is a bit more lively now than it was before.
  93. >Apparently there has been some sort of event taking place yesterday so the inhabitants would most likely have just started returning when you passed out.
  94. >A few of them sends curious looks your way.
  95. >A few whispers are exchanged.
  96. >One or two trots out of your way but generally they don't seem THAT worried about you.
  97. >More curious than anything else.
  98. >"Seems as if you are turning a few head, Anonymous."
  99. >She sings out teasingly while you're walking.
  100. "huh, can't imagine why. Just your average giant walking amongst them."
  101. >You reply with a sarcastic tone, followed my a chuckle.
  104. >The feeling of being the center of attention is working on your nerves, so joking seems like a good way to not freak out again.
  105. >"Seems" like was the word.
  106. >You are sweating slightly.
  107. >"Ah, here we are."
  108. >The two of you stop outside a small café. A cute little establishment painted in red and cream wood walls with a white roof, crowned with orange fall-themed bushes in arcs around the outside serving area.
  109. >It looks quaint, but incredibly charming. Like a regular hangout in some TV-show.
  110. >The bell jingle as you enter the establishment and except for a few whispers and occasional clink of cups, the place is fairly quiet.
  111. >Rarity walks up to the counter and grab two menus with her magic and make her way towards a window seat before she stops and looks over to another table.
  112. >"Fluttershy!"
  113. >She exclaims with a small bounce.
  114. >The yellow mare sitting alone at the table lets out a squeak and slides down on the couch she sits on.
  115. >wat
  116. >Rarity promptly makes her way over her.
  117. >"Oh, I'm sorry if I startled you, dear. It's just, I've never seen you at the café before."
  118. >You carefully walk over to the table and take a closer look at the scene.
  121. >At the sight of you, the yellow pony lets out another squeak, slides further down onto the floor and curl up into a small shuddering yellow and pink ball.
  122. >Oh no... my heart!
  123. "Uh.. is everything alright?"
  124. >You raise an eyebrow at Rarity and lean against the backrest of the couch.
  125. >She lets out a sigh and sits down across the table on the couch you were leaning on.
  126. >"Really, Fluttershy. You really ought to work on that confidence!"
  127. >She speaks with a soft tone.
  128. >"and don't worry about Anonymous here. He's a gentlecolt by every definition."
  129. >She waves her hoof and opens up her menu.
  130. >You kneel down near the ball and try to put on your most harmless voice you can.
  131. "I'm sorry if I spooked you. I'm Anonymous, pleased to meet you."
  132. >She stops shaking and slowly crawls back up on the couch, her face partially obscured by her pink bangs.
  133. >"Uhm... i-it's nice to meet y-you too, Anonymous."
  134. >She mumbles almost silently. A large, deep turquoise eye is looking up at you while she's fidgeting with her hooves on the table.
  137. >You take a seat next to Rarity and open up your menu as well, but keep your eyes on Fluttershy.
  138. >"So, Fluttershy. I haven't seen you here before. Is there a special occasion going on?"
  139. >Rarity asks with a curious smile on her lips.
  140. >"Uhm... not really."
  141. >She takes a careful sip from her mug, now avoiding your gaze.
  142. >"I just heard from Twilight that they have really nice hot coco here."
  143. >Fluttershy puts the cup down and looks out through the window at the autumn sunrise.
  144. >"The birds have flown south and the animals have started preparing for their hibernation. Now it's only me and Angel at home and he's sleeping right now, so I thought I'd come down and try it out."
  145. >She gives a nervous smile back to Rarity before she begins to fidget again.
  146. >You take your eyes off her and obey your rumbling stomach.
  147. >Scanning through the menu, you notice it to be a vegetarian place.
  148. >No biggie. You could eat anything right now so you try to pick out what seems to be the biggest meal.
  149. >The waiter collects your menus after you and Rarity decide to share a large rotating plate with vegetable sticks and dips.
  150. >Fluttershy seems content with her coco.
  151. >While waiting for the food, you decide to speculate a bit.
  152. >Alright, so far you've found out that you are probably still on Earth.
  153. >Prance or France was a place, so you could probably get back to Cassis.
  154. >Also, the ponies here wore clothes from time to time apparently.
  155. >So, logically, once you've gone back home, you could probably come back here again and maybe set up a boutique here as well.
  156. >Hmmm, maybe in Canterlot? She said that's where the royal castle was so maybe some rich ponies would be interested in some 'exotic' human fashion, made for ponies, of course.
  157. >Wow. Perhaps this wasn't as bad as you initially thought.
  158. >You could get back to your business and even expand into these lands.
  161. >But... wait. This doesn't make sense.
  162. >If I'm on Earth, then why have I never heard of something like this?
  163. >It wouldn't seem very mundane and people would probably talk about even if it had been known long enough to be a normal thing.
  164. >And what about magic?
  165. >Was the government covering this up?
  166. >Oh god. If they are and they know I've been here then I'd probably be taken to some blacksite and tortured or something.
  167. >Oh fuck.
  168. >Then.. if this was true, then the legends of pegasi and unicorns could just be information leaks or something?
  169. >Times throughout history when something slipped in between the cracks?
  170. >Crap, this was way too much.
  171. >But it DID make it all feel much more comprehensible.
  172. >A shit theory is better comfort than none.
  173. >Someone had told you that on the internet.
  174. >The internet wouldn't lie to you.
  176. >The food arrives and you wash the thoughts away as you begin eating.
  177. >The vegetables are delicious, perfectly cooked and steamed and the dip was creamy as all hell.
  178. >An audible "mmmh" escapes your lips with something like a melting-in-pleasure face before you put up your stoic wall again.
  179. >Rarity is eating, so she didn't really pick it up, but hearing Fluttershy let loose a faint giggle lets you know she saw it all.
  180. >She knows.
  181. >She must die.
  182. >After you finish eating, of course.
  183. >A glorious meal worthy of the Emperor himself later, Rarity leans back into the couch while you sip on your water.
  184. >The food re-invigorates you beyond your expectations and you feel better than you ever have before.
  185. >What did they put in the food?
  186. >The waiter returns and collects the dishes and leaves the check in one magic swoop of his horn.
  187. >You kinda jelly.
  188. >Picking out your wallet, you look at the check and quickly scan for the price.
  189. >20?
  190. >That's cheap as heck.
  191. >If everything here is this cheap you'd have to be careful with the value of your clothes once you set up shop.
  192. >You leave a 20 bill and an extra 5 for the tip.
  195. >Fluttershy and Rarity looks at the bills, then up at you with quizzical expressions.
  196. >"Excuse me, Darling. But what are those?"
  197. >You turn to give her a matching confused look.
  198. "Oh. You don't use Terra bonds here?"
  199. >Latest fad that swept the world. A global currency that you had invested in at an early stage, one of the reasons why you could amass such a fortune and open up everywhere since pretty much every nation had voted them into their exchange and could use them at your store amongst a few other smart investor brands.
  200. >"I'm afraid not. Equestria uses Bits, dear."
  201. >She smiles and pushes the bills back to you before levitating a few golden coins from... somewhere and lay them onto the note.
  202. "Ah I see. Well, thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't treat you to this. I'll try and make it up to you somehow."
  203. >Rarity lets out a giggle and Fluttershy, now a bit more comfortable with you being so nice and all joins her.
  204. >"Don't worry mister Anonymous. Rarity here is the element of generosity. She's always willing to help out others."
  205. >She gives Rarity a sly smile.
  206. >"Though she DOES like to be pampered sometimes."
  207. >Rarity opens her mouth to agree with Fluttershy before letting out a "bwah?!"
  208. >She looks at Fluttershy with a shocked look.
  209. >"W-what are you saying Flutterhsy?!"
  210. >Suddenly the yellow pegasus retreats back, shrinking a bit.
  211. >"uh.. I-I was just joking. D-did I overdo it?"
  212. >She lets out the most adorable intimidated squeak you've heard and you resist the sudden urge to hug her forever.
  214. >Rarity blinks, regains her composure and starts laughing.
  215. >"N-haha Not at all, Fluttershy, darling!"
  216. >She wipes a tear from her eye and smiles.
  217. >"I wasn't expecting it, is all."
  218. >Fluttershy relaxes and smiles, seeming a bit proud of herself from whatever Rarity meant.
  219. >After a bit of small talk you all decide to head off.
  220. >Fluttershy gives you a smile after setting a date later in the week for them to visit a spa.
  221. >"It was nice to meet you Mr. Anonymous."
  222. >Looks like these ponies have a lot in common with humans.
  223. >Indulgence is not a vice after all.
  224. >Neither are manners.
  225. >You return the smile and a wave.
  226. "Likewise, Miss Fluttershy. Have a nice day."
  227. >She heads back to her place and you and Rarity take a stroll through town.
  228. >She seems to have a particular place in mind as she's taking specific turns between buildings.
  229. "Miss Rarity, if I may ask. Is there a place where I could get a map? I'd like to know where I am so I can get home quickly. My colleagues should be able to run my business in my absence but it won't look good for the company image if the boss just vanishes."
  230. >She chuckles and looks up at you.
  231. >"I know exactly what you mean. It's funny how you'd mention that. I thought we'd head over to my friend Twilight. She lives in the town library and should have a map there."
  232. >A wide smile spreads on your lips. Finally some progress.
  233. >After turning left at another house you see it.
  234. >A tree, a huge tree. A huge tree with windows, a door and a balcony.
  235. >You want one.
  236. >So bad.
  238. >Rarity takes up a faster trot and knocks on the door before you reach it.
  239. >The door opens up and a voice suddenly calls out.
  240. >"Rarity, look out. There's a thing behind you!"
  241. >Something resembling a bipedal lizard jumps out in between you and Rarity and brandishes a broom which he points at you with an adorable little scowl.
  242. >A laugh is all the little green and purple thing gets from Rarity before she gives him a kiss on the head.
  243. >"Aww. My little Spikey-Wikey. You're such a brave knight to come to my aid. But this is Anonymous and he's most certainly friendly."
  244. >Spikey-Wikey suddenly blushes and begins swaying cartoonishly at the kiss.
  245. >"W-whatever you say, Rarity."
  246. >He Wobbles inside and Rarity gives you a muted giggle with a hoof over her mouth before she trots inside and calls out for someone.
  247. >"Twilight, hun. I have somepony here who needs your help."
  248. You walk up to the door and peek inside.
  249. >This place looks much bigger on the inside. Was this even possible?
  250. >Oh wait.. magic, nevermind.
  251. >"Coming! I was just in the middle of sort-Woah!"
  252. >The surprise at seeing your face sticking in through the door and looking at her sends her stumbling clumsily down the staircase leading up to an upper floor.
  253. >She's the one you saw casually trotting through the woods where you woke up.
  254. >Purple coat of fur, dark blue mane with a pink and purple streak through it, unicorn and now that she's not wearing the number patch you can see a tattoo of some sort on her flank. A pink star with smaller white stars around it.
  255. >You look at Rarity and she's got one too. How didn't you notice it before?
  256. >Three blue diamonds.
  258. >huh.. guess tattoos are another thing they shared with humans.
  259. >Well, can't say they weren't making this easier to accept now that the fear and shock had began to subside.
  260. >The more you saw, the more it felt like normal. Odd how humans seem to have an ability to turn anything mundane after a while.
  261. >You snap out of your thoughts as you realize you have entered into the tree, the lizard had closed the door behind you and you have have missed a short conversation between Rarity and Twilight.
  262. >The purple pony walks closer to you, eying you from head to toe with curiosity.
  263. >You let your arms hand casually by your sides and let her take a look.
  264. >She scrunches her nose a bit. Oh god these ponies can be adorable.
  265. >She turns back to Rarity and shakes her head, speaking with an annoyed tone.
  266. >"No idea Rarity. I've never seen or heard of anything like him. But if what you say is true then he shouldn't be a danger to anyone. But I'd like to ask him a few questions if that's alright."
  267. >You tense up a bit. You don't like being questioned. It makes you feel like you are being reviewed. A weakness of your is that despite your solid outer wall, you are pretty insecure about yourself. Always worrying about what people think about you.
  268. >You can take critique, but it does make you feel like people liked to point out what you lacked.
  269. >Wanting to be liked while having a job where you are expected to be businesslike and ruthless has created a plethora of issues that you have to deal with and it becomes easy to blow things out of proportion.
  270. >You take a deep breath and fight the urge to stutter.
  271. "Ask away."
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