
gamergate rant

Aug 30th, 2018
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  1. The problem with calling GamerGate a hate movement or an investigation into journalistic integrity in video games is that it's both at the same time.
  3. GamerGate Alpha, as I like to call it, is the story lots of people on the left like to tell: Game developer dumps boyfriend, boyfriend airs dirty laundry about girlfriend cheating on him, people on the internet, from 4chan and the like, harass her. Through this, however (and this is the part the left doesn't tell), they learn some not-so-nice things about her, which further strengthens their hatred of her. (Funnily enough, if the left believed the things these people discovered, they'd hate her too. It's toxic behavior they complain about men doing.)
  5. GamerGate Beta, on the other hand, is a story not so often told. It's often dismissed by the left as "a coverup" of the truth. It starts the same way: "Game developer dumps boyfriend, boyfriend airs dirty laundry about girlfriend cheating on him..." but this is where it diverges. Some people notice that one of the accused men is Nathan Grayson, of Polygon. He did a review on the developer's game (we'll call it "Sadness Journey", in the same roundabout way Wil did), but he didn't disclose this fact. This lead to more and more investigations, and uncovered a lot of corruption beneath the surface.
  7. By looking at Alpha as the only true GamerGate, they're able to shame people like TotalBiscuit (R.I.P.) for being a part of Beta. After all, as far as the left is concerned, GamerGate Beta doesn't exist! He was a part of the rabble harrassing a poor woman!!!!1!(eleven)!
  9. This kind of behavior disgusts me. People should be better than this
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