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Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. // Sorceress config file
  3. /* Brief instructions:
  4. * Notepad++ is HIGHLY recommended to use for editing these files. Visit
  5. * To comment out something, put // in front of that line
  6. * !!!Never comment out something you're not sure about, set it to false or disable as noted in description if you don't want to use it.
  7. * true and false are case sensitive. Good: Config.SomeVar = true; Bad: Config.SomeVar = True;
  8. */
  10. function LoadConfig() {
  11. /* Sequence config
  12. * Set to true if you want to run it, set to false if not.
  13. * If you want to change the order of the scripts, just change the order of their lines by using cut and paste.
  14. */
  16. // User addon script. Read the description in libs/bots/UserAddon.js
  19. // Battle orders script - Use this for 2+ characters (for example BO barb + sorc)
  20. Scripts.BattleOrders = false;
  21. Config.BattleOrders.Mode = 0; // 0 = give BO, 1 = get BO
  22. Config.BattleOrders.Wait = false; // Idle until the player that received BO leaves.
  23. Config.BattleOrders.Getters = []; // List of players to wait for before casting Battle Orders (mode 0). All players must be in the same area as the BOer.
  25. // Team MF system
  26. Config.MFLeader = false; // Set to true if you have one or more MFHelpers. Opens TP and gives commands when doing normal MF runs.
  28. // Boss/area scripts
  30. // *** act 1 ***
  31. Scripts.Corpsefire = true;
  32. Config.Corpsefire.ClearDen = true;
  33. Scripts.Mausoleum = true;
  34. Config.Mausoleum.KillBloodRaven = true;
  35. Config.Mausoleum.ClearCrypt = true;
  36. Scripts.Rakanishu = false;
  37. Config.Rakanishu.KillGriswold = false;
  38. Scripts.UndergroundPassage = false;
  39. Scripts.Coldcrow = false;
  40. Scripts.Tristram = true;
  41. Config.Tristram.PortalLeech = false; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.
  42. Scripts.Pit = false;
  43. Config.Pit.ClearPit1 = true;
  44. Scripts.Treehead = false;
  45. Scripts.Smith = true;
  46. Scripts.BoneAsh = true;
  47. Scripts.Countess = false;
  48. Config.Countess.KillGhosts = false;
  49. Scripts.Andariel = true;
  50. Scripts.Cows = false;
  52. // *** act 2 ***
  53. Scripts.Radament = false;
  54. Scripts.Coldworm = false;
  55. Config.Coldworm.KillBeetleburst = false;
  56. Config.Coldworm.ClearMaggotLair = false; // Clear all 3 levels
  57. Scripts.AncientTunnels = true;
  58. Config.AncientTunnels.OpenChest = true; // Open special chest in Lost City
  59. Config.AncientTunnels.KillDarkElder = false;
  60. Scripts.Summoner = true;
  61. Config.Summoner.FireEye = true;
  62. Scripts.Tombs = false;
  63. Scripts.Duriel = true;
  65. // *** act 3 ***
  66. Scripts.Stormtree = false;
  67. Scripts.KurastTemples = false;
  68. Scripts.Icehawk = false;
  69. Scripts.Endugu = false;
  70. Scripts.Travincal = false;
  71. Config.Travincal.PortalLeech = false; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.
  72. Scripts.Mephisto = true;
  73. Config.Mephisto.MoatTrick = false;
  74. Config.Mephisto.KillCouncil = false;
  75. Config.Mephisto.TakeRedPortal = true;
  77. // *** act 4 ***
  78. Scripts.OuterSteppes = false;
  79. Scripts.Izual = false;
  80. Scripts.Hephasto = false;
  81. Scripts.Vizier = false; // Intended for classic sorc, kills Vizier only.
  82. Scripts.FastDiablo = false;
  83. Scripts.Diablo = false;
  84. Config.Diablo.Entrance = true; // Start from entrance
  85. Config.Diablo.SealWarning = "Leave the seals alone!";
  86. Config.Diablo.EntranceTP = "Entrance TP up";
  87. Config.Diablo.StarTP = "Star TP up";
  88. Config.Diablo.DiabloMsg = "Diablo";
  89. Scripts.SealLeader = false; // Clear a safe spot around seals and invite leechers in. Leechers should run SealLeecher script. Don't run with Diablo or FastDiablo.
  91. // *** act 5 ***
  92. Scripts.Pindleskin = true;
  93. Config.Pindleskin.UseWaypoint = false;
  94. Config.Pindleskin.KillNihlathak = false;
  95. Config.Pindleskin.ViperQuit = false; // End script if Tomb Vipers are found.
  96. Scripts.Nihlathak = false;
  97. Config.Nihlathak.ViperQuit = false; // End script if Tomb Vipers are found.
  98. Scripts.Eldritch = false;
  99. Config.Eldritch.OpenChest = true;
  100. Config.Eldritch.KillShenk = true;
  101. Config.Eldritch.KillDacFarren = true;
  102. Scripts.Eyeback = false;
  103. Scripts.SharpTooth = false;
  104. Scripts.ThreshSocket = false;
  105. Scripts.Abaddon = false;
  106. Scripts.Frozenstein = false;
  107. Config.Frozenstein.ClearFrozenRiver = true;
  108. Scripts.Bonesaw = false;
  109. Config.Bonesaw.ClearDrifterCavern = false;
  110. Scripts.Snapchip = false;
  111. Config.Snapchip.ClearIcyCellar = true;
  112. Scripts.Worldstone = false;
  113. Scripts.Baal = false;
  114. Config.Baal.HotTPMessage = "Hot TP!";
  115. Config.Baal.SafeTPMessage = "Safe TP!";
  116. Config.Baal.BaalMessage = "Baal!";
  117. Config.Baal.SoulQuit = false; // End script if Souls (Undead Soul Killers) are found.
  118. Config.Baal.DollQuit = false; // End script if Dolls (Undead Stigyan Dolls) are found.
  119. Config.Baal.KillBaal = true; // Kill Baal. Leaves game after wave 5 if false.
  121. /* ### leeching section ###
  122. * Unless stated otherwise, leader's character name isn't needed on order to run.
  123. * Don't use more scripts of the same type! (Run AutoBaal OR BaalHelper, not both)
  124. */
  126. Config.Leader = ""; // Leader's ingame character name. Leave blank to try auto-detection (works in AutoBaal, Wakka, MFHelper)
  127. Config.QuitList = [""]; // List of character names to quit with. Example: Config.QuitList = ["MySorc", "MyDin"];
  128. Config.QuitListMode = 0; // 0 = use character names; 1 = use profile names (all profiles must run on the same computer).
  130. Scripts.TristramLeech = false; // Enters Tristram, attempts to stay close to the leader and will try and help kill.
  131. Scripts.TravincalLeech = false; // Enters portal at back of Travincal.
  132. Config.TravincalLeech.Helper = true; // If set to true the character will teleport to the stairs and help attack.
  133. Scripts.MFHelper = false; // Run the same MF run as the MFLeader. Leader must have Config.MFLeader = true
  134. Scripts.Wakka = false; // Walking chaos leecher with auto leader assignment, stays at safe distance from the leader
  135. Scripts.SealLeecher = false; // Enter safe portals to Chaos. Leader should run SealLeader.
  136. Scripts.DiabloHelper = false; // Chaos helper, kills monsters and doesn't open seals on its own.
  137. Config.DiabloHelper.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Chaos. If Config.Leader is set, it will wait only for the leader.
  138. Config.DiabloHelper.Entrance = true; // Start from entrance. Set to false to start from star.
  139. Config.DiabloHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for town portal and directly head to chaos. It will clear monsters around chaos entrance and wait for the runner.
  140. Config.DiabloHelper.SkipIfBaal = false; // End script if there are party members in a Baal run.
  141. Scripts.AutoBaal = false; // Baal leecher with auto leader assignment
  142. Config.AutoBaal.FindShrine = false; // false = disabled, 1 = search after hot tp message, 2 = search as soon as leader is found
  143. Config.AutoBaal.LeechSpot = [15115, 5050]; // X, Y coords of Throne Room leech spot
  144. Config.AutoBaal.LongRangeSupport = false; // Cast long distance skills from a safe spot
  145. Scripts.BaalHelper = false;
  146. Config.BaalHelper.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Throne
  147. Config.BaalHelper.KillNihlathak = false; // Kill Nihlathak before going to Throne
  148. Config.BaalHelper.FastChaos = false; // Kill Diablo before going to Throne
  149. Config.BaalHelper.DollQuit = false; // End script if Dolls (Undead Soul Killers) are found.
  150. Config.BaalHelper.KillBaal = true; // Kill Baal. If set to false, you must configure Config.QuitList or the bot will wait indefinitely.
  151. Config.BaalHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for a TP, go to WSK3 and wait for someone to go to throne. Anti PK measure.
  152. Scripts.Follower = false; // Script that follows a manually played leader around like a merc. For a list of commands, see Follower.js
  154. // *** special scripts ***
  155. Scripts.WPGetter = false; // Get missing waypoints
  156. Scripts.GetKeys = false; // Hunt for T/H/D keys
  157. Scripts.OrgTorch = false;
  158. Config.OrgTorch.MakeTorch = true; // Convert organ sets to torches
  159. Config.OrgTorch.WaitForKeys = true; // Enable Torch System to get keys from other profiles. See libs/TorchSystem.js for more info
  160. Config.OrgTorch.WaitTimeout = 15; // Time in minutes to wait for keys before moving on
  161. Config.OrgTorch.UseSalvation = true; // Use Salvation aura on Mephisto (if possible)
  162. Config.OrgTorch.GetFade = false; // Get fade by standing in a fire. You MUST have Last Wish or Treachery on your character being worn.
  163. Scripts.Rusher = false; // Rush bot. For a list of commands, see Rusher.js
  164. Config.Rusher.WaitPlayerCount = 0; // Wait until game has a certain number of players (0 - don't wait, 8 - wait for full game).
  165. Config.Rusher.Radament = false; // Do Radament quest.
  166. Config.Rusher.LamEsen = false; // Do Lam Esen quest.
  167. Config.Rusher.Izual = false; // Do Izual quest.
  168. Config.Rusher.Shenk = false; // Do Shenk quest.
  169. Config.Rusher.Anya = false; // Do Anya quest.
  170. Config.Rusher.LastRun = ""; // End rush after this run. List of runs:
  171. Scripts.Rushee = false; // Automatic rushee, works with Rusher. Set Rusher's character name as Config.Leader
  172. Config.Rushee.Quester = false; // Enter portals and get quest items.
  173. Config.Rushee.Bumper = false; // Do Ancients and Baal. Minimum levels: 20 - norm, 40 - nightmare
  174. Scripts.CrushTele = false; // classic rush teleporter. go to area of interest and press "-" numpad key
  175. Scripts.Questing = false; // solves missing quests (skill/stat+shenk)
  176. Scripts.Gamble = false; // Gambling system, other characters will mule gold into your game so you can gamble infinitely. See Gambling.js
  177. Scripts.Crafting = false; // Crafting system, other characters will mule crafting ingredients. See CraftingSystem.js
  178. Scripts.GhostBusters = false; // Kill ghosts in most areas that contain them
  179. Scripts.Enchant = false;
  180. Config.Enchant.Triggers = ["chant", "cows", "wps"]; // Chat commands for enchant, cow level and waypoint giving
  181. Config.Enchant.GetLeg = false; // Get Wirt's Leg from Tristram. If set to false, it will check for the leg in town.
  182. Config.Enchant.AutoChant = false; // Automatically enchant nearby players and their minions
  183. Config.Enchant.GameLength = 20; // Game length in minutes
  184. Scripts.IPHunter = false;
  185. Config.IPHunter.IPList = []; // List of IPs to look for. example: [165, 201, 64]
  186. Config.IPHunter.GameLength = 3; // Number of minutes to stay in game if ip wasn't found
  187. Scripts.KillDclone = false; // Kill Diablo Clone by using Arcane Sanctuary waypoint. Diablo needs to walk the Earth in the game.
  188. Scripts.ShopBot = false; // Shopbot script. Automatically uses shopbot.nip and ignores other pickits.
  189. // Supported NPCs: Akara, Charsi, Gheed, Elzix, Fara, Drognan, Ormus, Asheara, Hratli, Jamella, Halbu, Anya. Multiple NPCs are also supported, example: ["Elzix", "Fara"]
  190. // Use common sense when combining NPCs. Shopping in different acts will probably lead to bugs.
  191. Config.ShopBot.ShopNPC = "Anya";
  192. // Put item classid numbers or names to scan (remember to put quotes around names). Leave blank to scan ALL items. See libs/config/templates/ShopBot.txt
  193. Config.ShopBot.ScanIDs = [];
  194. Config.ShopBot.CycleDelay = 0; // Delay between shopping cycles in milliseconds, might help with crashes.
  195. Config.ShopBot.QuitOnMatch = false; // Leave game as soon as an item is shopped.
  196. Scripts.ChestMania = true; // Open chests in configured areas. See sdk/areas.txt
  197. //Config.ChestMania.Act1 = [13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19]; // List of act 1 areas to open chests in
  198. //Config.ChestMania.Act2 = [55, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72]; // List of act 2 areas to open chests in
  199. Config.ChestMania.Act3 = [79, 80]; // List of act 3 areas to open chests in
  200. //Config.ChestMania.Act4 = []; // List of act 4 areas to open chests in
  201. //Config.ChestMania.Act5 = [115, 116, 119, 125, 126, 127]; // List of act 5 areas to open chests in
  202. Scripts.ClearAnyArea = false; // Clear any area. Uses Config.ClearType to determine which type of monsters to kill.
  203. Config.ClearAnyArea.AreaList = []; // List of area ids to clear. See sdk/areas.txt
  205. // *** Guest scripts ***
  207. // Baal Assistant by YourGreatestMember
  208. Scripts.BaalAssistant = false; // Used to leech or help in baal runs.
  209. Config.BaalAssistant.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in the throne / portal wait / safe TP wait / hot TP wait...
  210. Config.BaalAssistant.KillNihlathak = false; // Kill Nihlathak before going to Throne
  211. Config.BaalAssistant.FastChaos = false; // Kill Diablo before going to Throne
  212. Config.BaalAssistant.Helper = true; // Set to true to help attack, set false to to leech.
  213. Config.BaalAssistant.GetShrine = false; // Set to true to get a experience shrine at the start of the run.
  214. Config.BaalAssistant.GetShrineWaitForHotTP = false; // Set to true to get a experience shrine after leader shouts the hot tp message as defined in Config.BaalAssistant.HotTPMessage
  215. Config.BaalAssistant.SkipTP = false; // Set to true to enable the helper to skip the TP and teleport down to the throne room.
  216. Config.BaalAssistant.WaitForSafeTP = false; // Set to true to wait for a safe TP message (defined in SafeTPMessage)
  217. Config.BaalAssistant.DollQuit = false; // Quit on dolls. (Hardcore players?)
  218. Config.BaalAssistant.SoulQuit = false; // Quit on Souls. (Hardcore players?)
  219. Config.BaalAssistant.KillBaal = true; // Set to true to kill baal, if you set to false you MUST configure Config.QuitList or Config.BaalAssistant.NextGameMessage or the bot will wait indefinitely.
  220. Config.BaalAssistant.HotTPMessage = ["Hot"]; // Configure safe TP messages.
  221. Config.BaalAssistant.SafeTPMessage = ["Safe", "Clear"]; // Configure safe TP messages.
  222. Config.BaalAssistant.BaalMessage = ["Baal"]; // Configure baal messages, this is a precautionary measure.
  223. Config.BaalAssistant.NextGameMessage = ["Next Game", "Next", "New Game"]; // Next Game message, this is a precautionary quit command, Reccomended setting up: Config.QuitList
  225. // Town settings
  226. Config.HealHP = 90; // Go to a healer if under designated percent of life.
  227. Config.HealMP = 0; // Go to a healer if under designated percent of mana.
  228. Config.HealStatus = true; // Go to a healer if poisoned or cursed
  229. Config.UseMerc = true; // Use merc. This is ignored and always false in d2classic.
  230. Config.MercWatch = true; // Instant merc revive during battle.
  232. // Potion settings
  233. Config.UseHP = 90; // Drink a healing potion if life is under designated percent.
  234. Config.UseRejuvHP = 50; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if life is under designated percent.
  235. Config.UseMP = 60; // Drink a mana potion if mana is under designated percent.
  236. Config.UseRejuvMP = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if mana is under designated percent.
  237. Config.UseMercHP = 80; // Give a healing potion to your merc if his/her life is under designated percent.
  238. Config.UseMercRejuv = 15; // Give a rejuvenation potion to your merc if his/her life is under designated percent.
  239. Config.HPBuffer = 3; // Number of healing potions to keep in inventory.
  240. Config.MPBuffer = 3; // Number of mana potions to keep in inventory.
  241. Config.RejuvBuffer = 5; // Number of rejuvenation potions to keep in inventory.
  243. // Chicken settings
  244. Config.LifeChicken = 40; // Exit game if life is less or equal to designated percent.
  245. Config.ManaChicken = 0; // Exit game if mana is less or equal to designated percent.
  246. Config.MercChicken = 0; // Exit game if merc's life is less or equal to designated percent.
  247. Config.TownHP = 55; // Go to town if life is under designated percent.
  248. Config.TownMP = 0; // Go to town if mana is under designated percent.
  250. /* Inventory lock configuration. !!!READ CAREFULLY!!!
  251. * 0 = item is locked and won't be moved. If item occupies more than one slot, ALL of those slots must be set to 0 to lock it in place.
  252. * Put 0s where your torch, annihilus and everything else you want to KEEP is.
  253. * 1 = item is unlocked and will be dropped, stashed or sold.
  254. * If you don't change the default values, the bot won't stash items.
  255. */
  256. Config.Inventory[0] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0];
  257. Config.Inventory[1] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0];
  258. Config.Inventory[2] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0];
  259. Config.Inventory[3] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0];
  261. Config.StashGold = 100000; // Minimum amount of gold to stash.
  263. /* Potion types for belt columns from left to right.
  264. * Rejuvenation potions must always be rightmost.
  265. * Supported potions - Healing ("hp"), Mana ("mp") and Rejuvenation ("rv")
  266. */
  267. Config.BeltColumn[0] = "hp";
  268. Config.BeltColumn[1] = "mp";
  269. Config.BeltColumn[2] = "mp";
  270. Config.BeltColumn[3] = "rv";
  272. /* Minimum amount of potions. If we have less, go to vendor to purchase more.
  273. * Set rejuvenation columns to 0, because they can't be bought.
  274. */
  275. Config.MinColumn[0] = 3;
  276. Config.MinColumn[1] = 3;
  277. Config.MinColumn[2] = 0;
  278. Config.MinColumn[3] = 0;
  280. // Pickit config. Default folder is kolbot/pickit.
  281. Config.PickitFiles.push("kolton.nip");
  282. Config.PickitFiles.push("LLD.nip");
  283. Config.PickRange = 40; // Pick radius
  284. Config.FastPick = false; // Check and pick items between attacks
  286. // Additional item info log settings. All info goes to \logs\ItemLog.txt
  287. Config.ItemInfo = false; // Log stashed, skipped (due to no space) or sold items.
  288. Config.ItemInfoQuality = []; // The quality of sold items to log. See NTItemAlias.dbl for values. Example: Config.ItemInfoQuality = [6, 7, 8];
  290. // Item identification settings
  291. Config.CainID.Enable = false; // Identify items at Cain
  292. Config.CainID.MinGold = 2500000; // Minimum gold (stash + character) to have in order to use Cain.
  293. Config.CainID.MinUnids = 3; // Minimum number of unid items in order to use Cain.
  294. Config.FieldID = false; // Identify items in the field instead of going to town.
  295. Config.DroppedItemsAnnounce.Enable = false; // Announce Dropped Items to in-game newbs
  296. Config.DroppedItemsAnnounce.Quality = []; // Quality of item to announce. See NTItemAlias.dbl for values. Example: Config.DroppedItemsAnnounce.Quality = [6, 7, 8];
  298. // Repair settings
  299. Config.CubeRepair = false; // Repair weapons with Ort and armor with Ral rune. Don't use it if you don't understand the risk of losing items.
  300. Config.RepairPercent = 40; // Durability percent of any equipped item that will trigger repairs.
  302. // Gambling config
  303. Config.Gamble = false;
  304. Config.GambleGoldStart = 1000000;
  305. Config.GambleGoldStop = 500000;
  307. // List of item names or classids for gambling. Check libs/NTItemAlias.dbl file for other item classids.
  308. Config.GambleItems.push("Amulet");
  309. Config.GambleItems.push("Ring");
  310. Config.GambleItems.push("Circlet");
  311. Config.GambleItems.push("Coronet");
  313. /* Cubing config. All recipe names are available in Templates/Cubing.txt. For item names/classids check NTItemAlias.dbl
  314. * The format is Config.Recipes.push([recipe_name, item_name_or_classid, etherealness]). Etherealness is optional and only applies to some recipes.
  315. */
  316. Config.Cubing = true; // Set to true to enable cubing.
  318. // Ingredients for the following recipes will be auto-picked, for classids check libs/NTItemAlias.dbl
  320. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Amethyst"]); // Make Perfect Amethyst
  321. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Topaz"]); // Make Perfect Topaz
  322. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Sapphire"]); // Make Perfect Sapphire
  323. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Emerald"]); // Make Perfect Emerald
  324. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Ruby"]); // Make Perfect Ruby
  325. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Diamond"]); // Make Perfect Diamond
  326. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Skull"]); // Make Perfect Skull
  328. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Token]); // Make Token of Absolution
  330. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Pul Rune"]); // Upgrade Pul to Um
  331. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Um Rune"]); // Upgrade Um to Mal
  332. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Mal Rune"]); // Upgrade Mal to Ist
  333. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Ist Rune"]); // Upgrade Ist to Gul
  334. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Gul Rune"]); // Upgrade Gul to Vex
  336. Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Caster.Amulet]); // Craft Caster Amulet
  337. Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Blood.Ring]); // Craft Blood Ring
  338. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Blood.Helm, "Armet"]); // Craft Blood Armet
  339. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.HitPower.Gloves, "Vambraces"]); // Craft Hit Power Vambraces
  341. // The gems not used by other recipes will be used for magic item rerolling.
  343. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Reroll.Magic, "Diadem"]); // Reroll magic Diadem
  344. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Reroll.Magic, "Grand Charm"]); // Reroll magic Grand Charm (ilvl 91+)
  346. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Reroll.Rare, "Diadem"]); // Reroll rare Diadem
  348. /* Base item for the following recipes must be in pickit. The rest of the ingredients will be auto-picked.
  349. * Use Roll.Eth, Roll.NonEth or Roll.All to determine what kind of base item to roll - ethereal, non-ethereal or all.
  350. */
  351. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Weapon, "Thresher", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Thresher
  352. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Weapon, "Cryptic Axe", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Cryptic Axe
  353. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Armor, "Sacred Armor", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Sacred Armor
  354. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Armor, "Archon Plate", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Archon Plate
  356. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToExceptional, "Heavy Gloves", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Bloodfist to Exceptional
  357. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToExceptional, "Light Gauntlets", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Magefist to Exceptional
  358. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "Sharkskin Gloves", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Bloodfist or Grave Palm to Elite
  359. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "Battle Gauntlets", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Magefist or Lavagout to Elite
  360. //Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "War Boots", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Gore Rider to Elite
  362. /* Runeword config. All recipes are available in Templates/Runewords.txt
  363. * Keep lines follow pickit format and any given runeword is tested vs ALL lines so you don't need to repeat them
  364. */
  365. Config.MakeRunewords = false; // Set to true to enable runeword making/rerolling
  367. //Config.Runewords.push([Runeword.Insight, "Thresher"]); // Make Insight Thresher
  368. //Config.Runewords.push([Runeword.Insight, "Cryptic Axe"]); // Make Insight Cryptic Axe
  370. //Config.KeepRunewords.push("[type] == polearm # [meditationaura] == 17");
  372. //Config.Runewords.push([Runeword.Spirit, "Monarch"]); // Make Spirit Monarch
  373. //Config.Runewords.push([Runeword.Spirit, "Sacred Targe"]); // Make Spirit Sacred Targe
  375. //Config.KeepRunewords.push("[type] == shield || [type] == auricshields # [fcr] == 35");
  377. // Public game options
  379. // If Config.Leader is set, the bot will only accept invites from leader. If Config.PublicMode is not 0, Baal and Diablo script will open Town Portals.
  380. Config.PublicMode = 0; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 0 = disable
  381. // Party message settings. Each setting represents an array of messages that will be randomly chosen.
  382. // $name, $level, $class and $killer are replaced by the player's name, level, class and killer
  383. Config.Greetings = []; // Example: ["Hello, $name (level $level $class)"]
  384. Config.DeathMessages = []; // Example: ["Watch out for that $killer, $name!"]
  385. Config.Congratulations = []; // Example: ["Congrats on level $level, $name!"]
  386. Config.ShitList = false; // Blacklist hostile players so they don't get invited to party.
  387. Config.UnpartyShitlisted = false; // Leave party if someone invited a blacklisted player.
  389. // General config
  390. Config.AutoMap = false; // Set to true to open automap at the beginning of the game.
  391. Config.LastMessage = ""; // Message or array of messages to say at the end of the run. Use $nextgame to say next game - "Next game: $nextgame" (works with lead entry point)
  392. Config.MinGameTime = 60; // Min game time in seconds. Bot will TP to town and stay in game if the run is completed before.
  393. Config.MaxGameTime = 1200; // Maximum game time in seconds. Quit game when limit is reached.
  394. Config.TeleSwitch = false; // Switch to slot II when teleporting more than 1 node.
  395. Config.OpenChests = true; // Open chests. Controls key buying.
  396. Config.MiniShopBot = true; // Scan items in NPC shops.
  397. Config.PacketShopping = false; // Use packets to shop. Improves shopping speed.
  398. Config.TownCheck = true; // Go to town if out of potions
  399. Config.LogExperience = false; // Print experience statistics in the manager.
  400. Config.PingQuit = [{Ping: 500, Duration: 5}]; // Quit if ping is over the given value for over the given time period in seconds.
  402. // Shrine Scanner - scan for shrines while moving.
  403. // Put the shrine types in order of priority (from highest to lowest). For a list of types, see sdk/shrines.txt
  404. Config.ScanShrines = [];
  406. // MF Switch
  407. Config.MFSwitchPercent = 0; // Boss life % to switch weapons at. Set to 0 to disable.
  408. Config.MFSwitch = 0; // MF weapon slot: 0 = slot I, 1 = slot II
  410. // Speedup config. Full packet casting is not recommended for melee skills.
  411. Config.FCR = 0; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Cast Rate.
  412. Config.FHR = 0; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Hit Recovery.
  413. Config.FBR = 0; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Block Recovery.
  414. Config.IAS = 0; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Increased Attack Speed.
  415. Config.PacketCasting = 0; // 0 = disable, 1 = packet teleport, 2 = full packet casting.
  416. Config.WaypointMenu = true;
  418. // Anti-hostile config
  419. Config.AntiHostile = false; // Enable anti-hostile.
  420. Config.HostileAction = 0; // 0 - quit immediately, 1 - quit when hostile player is sighted, 2 - attack hostile.
  421. Config.TownOnHostile = false; // Go to town instead of quitting when HostileAction is 0 or 1.
  422. Config.RandomPrecast = false; // Anti-PK measure, only supported in Baal and BaalHelper and BaalAssisstant at the moment.
  423. Config.ViperCheck = false; // Quit if revived Tomb Vipers are sighted.
  425. // DClone config
  426. Config.StopOnDClone = true; // Go to town and idle as soon as Diablo walks the Earth
  427. Config.SoJWaitTime = 5; // Time in minutes to wait for another SoJ sale before leaving game. 0 = disabled
  428. Config.KillDclone = false; // Go to Palace Cellar 3 and try to kill Diablo Clone. Pointless if you already have Annihilus.
  429. Config.DCloneQuit = false; // 1 = quit when Diablo walks, 2 = quit on soj sales, 0 = disabled
  431. // Monster skip config
  432. // Skip immune monsters. Possible options: "fire", "cold", "lightning", "poison", "physical", "magic".
  433. // You can combine multiple resists with "and", for example - "fire and cold", "physical and cold and poison"
  434. Config.SkipImmune = ["cold and physical"];
  435. // Skip enchanted monsters. Possible options: "extra strong", "extra fast", "cursed", "magic resistant", "fire enchanted", "lightning enchanted", "cold enchanted", "mana burn", "teleportation", "spectral hit", "stone skin", "multiple shots".
  436. // You can combine multiple enchantments with "and", for example - "cursed and extra fast", "mana burn and extra strong and lightning enchanted"
  437. Config.SkipEnchant = [];
  438. // Skip monsters with auras. Possible options: "fanaticism", "might", "holy fire", "blessed aim", "holy freeze", "holy shock". Conviction is bugged, don't use it.
  439. Config.SkipAura = [];
  441. /* Attack config
  442. * To disable an attack, set it to -1
  443. * Skills MUST be POSITIVE numbers. For reference see
  444. */
  445. Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.
  446. Config.AttackSkill[1] = 59; // Primary skill to bosses.
  447. Config.AttackSkill[2] = 45; // Primary untimed skill to bosses. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[1] is untimed skill.
  448. Config.AttackSkill[3] = 59; // Primary skill to others.
  449. Config.AttackSkill[4] = 55; // Primary untimed skill to others. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[3] is untimed skill.
  450. Config.AttackSkill[5] = -1; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
  451. Config.AttackSkill[6] = 42; // Secondary untimed skill if monster is immune to primary untimed.
  453. // Low mana skills - these will be used if main skills can't be cast.
  454. Config.LowManaSkill[0] = -1; // Timed low mana skill.
  455. Config.LowManaSkill[1] = -1; // Untimed low mana skill.
  457. /* Advanced Attack config. Allows custom skills to be used on custom monsters.
  458. * Format: "Monster Name": [timed skill id, untimed skill id]
  459. * Example: "Baal": [38, -1] to use charged bolt on Baal
  460. * Multiple entries are separated by commas
  461. */
  462. Config.CustomAttack = {
  463. //"Monster Name": [-1, -1]
  464. };
  466. Config.Dodge = true; // Move away from monsters that get too close. Don't use with short-ranged attacks like Poison Dagger.
  467. Config.DodgeRange = 15; // Distance to keep from monsters.
  468. Config.DodgeHP = 100; // Dodge only if HP percent is less than or equal to Config.DodgeHP. 100 = always dodge.
  469. Config.BossPriority = false; // Set to true to attack Unique/SuperUnique monsters first when clearing
  470. Config.ClearType = 0xF; // Monster spectype to kill in level clear scripts (ie. Mausoleum). 0xF = skip normal, 0x7 = champions/bosses, 0 = all
  471. Config.TeleStomp = true; // Use merc to attack bosses if they're immune to attacks, but not to physical damage
  473. // Wereform setup. Make sure you read Templates/Attacks.txt for attack skill format.
  474. Config.Wereform = false; // 0 / false - don't shapeshift, 1 / "Werewolf" - change to werewolf, 2 / "Werebear" - change to werebear
  476. // Class specific config
  477. Config.CastStatic = 60; // Cast static until the target is at designated life percent. 100 = disabled.
  478. Config.StaticList = []; // List of monster NAMES or CLASSIDS to static. Example: Config.StaticList = ["Andariel", 243];
  481. // AutoBuild System ( See /d2bs/kolbot/libs/config/Builds/README.txt for instructions )
  482. Config.AutoBuild.Enabled = false; // This will enable or disable the AutoBuild system
  484. Config.AutoBuild.Template = "BuildName"; // The name of the build associated with an existing
  485. // template filename located in libs/config/Builds/
  487. Config.AutoBuild.Verbose = true; // Allows script to print messages in console
  488. Config.AutoBuild.DebugMode = true; // Debug mode prints a little more information to console and
  489. // logs activity to /logs/AutoBuild.CharacterName._MM_DD_YYYY.log
  490. // It automatically enables Config.AutoBuild.Verbose
  491. }
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