
ur mom

Apr 13th, 2014
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  1. ArmandasJ: "Screw you guys im going home"
  2. Creeeeeed: I screwed ur mom.
  3. ArmandasJ: STFU Creeeeeep
  4. Creeeeeed: Creeeeeed*
  5. Meistheman: Wow, so civilised.
  6. Meistheman: Just like my spelling.
  7. Creeeeeed: u dyslexic bish
  8. Creeeeeed: Hey Meis.
  9. Meistheman: Hey.
  10. Thesexykid: how do you even know shes dyslexic?
  11. moorsy: Are you Ursarkar?
  12. Meistheman: Yes, he is.
  13. Creeeeeed: M-Maybe.
  14. ArmandasJ: I didn't misspell you are a creep
  15. Creeeeeed: W-Why do you a-ask?
  16. moorsy: Intrigue.
  17. Thesexykid: just ignore creeeeed he is a troll
  18. Creeeeeed: How do you know Ursarkar?
  19. Meistheman: Moorsy is a mod.
  20. Creeeeeed: Sexykid you dyslexic bish, they are six e's, not five.
  21. Meistheman: He knows everything.
  22. Thesexykid: who cares?
  23. Creeeeeed: I do.
  24. Creeeeeed: It's my name you bish.
  25. Thesexykid: good for you
  26. moorsy: Creed, stop insulting people.
  27. ArmandasJ: Thats just how he is i guess
  28. Thesexykid: creeed obviously doesn't know what dyslexic means
  29. Creeeeeed: Hey moorsy.
  30. Creeeeeed:
  31. Thesexykid: 1 grammar mistake and he thinks you are dyslexic
  32. moorsy: Adorable.
  33. Creeeeeed: Sexykid, are you calling me ignorant?
  34. Thesexykid: no.
  35. Thesexykid: but you kinda are
  36. moorsy: Yes.
  37. Creeeeeed: I am offended.
  38. Creeeeeed: Reported btw.
  39. Creeeeeed: Enjoy your bans.
  40. moorsy: There's a thing you don't know.
  41. Thesexykid: lol ban me for what?
  42. Creeeeeed: W-What would that be?
  43. moorsy: A lot of things, I'd assume.
  44. moorsy: There are a lot of things I don't know.
  45. Creeeeeed: At least I know ur mom.
  46. Thesexykid: lol
  47. Thesexykid: bad comeback creeeeeed
  48. moorsy: Strangely enough, so do I.
  49. ArmandasJ: ...
  50. Creeeeeed: If you want my comeback, kid, you can wipe it off ur mom's chin.
  51. Thesexykid: it doesn't even make sense at all
  52. Thesexykid: why is all your comebacks have to do with "your mom"
  53. moorsy: Why are you trying to rile people, creed?
  54. Creeeeeed: Because ur mom told me to do that.
  55. Creeeeeed: M-Me?
  56. Creeeeeed: I neverever annoy anybody.
  57. moorsy: Stutter all you like. It's not cute.
  58. Creeeeeed: It's a medical case.
  59. Thesexykid: creeeeeeeeeed how old are you?
  60. moorsy: No comment.
  61. Creeeeeed: Old enough for ur mom.
  62. ArmandasJ: Step forward now and fullfill your de-de
  63. ArmandasJ: Your de
  64. Thesexykid: oh right i know you cant count that high
  65. ArmandasJ: Step forward now and fullfill your de-de-destiny
  66. Creeeeeed: I'm high, unlike you midget.
  67. Creeeeeed: Get on my level. Jk you can't.
  68. moorsy: It's time to d-d-d-duel.
  69. ArmandasJ: Yea s-sure
  70. Creeeeeed: Only i-if you say so.
  71. ArmandasJ: S-s-shure
  72. ArmandasJ: sure
  73. ArmandasJ: my language is failing me again
  74. Meistheman: It's time to duel?
  75. Meistheman: **** yes
  76. Meistheman: I active Exodia!
  77. Meistheman: activate*
  78. moorsy: Damn.
  79. moorsy: How unlikely!
  80. Creeeeeed: I call ur mom from the skies.
  81. JoeN123: hello
  82. moorsy: Hey, Joe.
  83. Meistheman: So unlikely, right?
  84. JoeN123: hi
  85. Meistheman: Hello Joe.
  86. Meistheman: Just like Yugi giving his deck to some stupid bug type deck user
  87. JoeN123: how do you get kongreate points
  88. Meistheman: With badges.
  89. JoeN123: kk
  90. ArmandasJ: Joe lvl?
  91. moorsy: Badges, rating games, badge of the day gives double.
  92. devil123456789: netflic
  93. MIDGETYMAN: is there a way to build a different path?
  94. Creeeeeed: Yes of course.
  95. Meistheman: Hax
  96. moorsy: No.
  97. Creeeeeed: Try pouring tea on your GPU.
  98. Creeeeeed: Works everytime.
  99. moorsy: GPU?
  100. Creeeeeed: Graphic processing unit.
  101. moorsy: Odd.
  102. Creeeeeed: If you can't find it,
  103. Creeeeeed: pour the tea everywhere.
  104. Creeeeeed: Works 99% of the times.
  105. MIDGETYMAN: Who drinks tea?
  106. ArmandasJ: Me...
  107. Thesexykid: i do sometimes
  108. moorsy: Me.
  109. Creeeeeed: Pritish people.
  110. moorsy: People from Great Pritain.
  111. ArmandasJ: I'm not from britain
  112. Meistheman: I'm from ESPANA
  113. moorsy: Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed... What happened to Ursarkar?
  114. ArmandasJ: My classmate is from there
  115. Meistheman: Which classmate?
  116. ArmandasJ: Marta or martha i don't know how to spell her name :3
  117. Creeeeeed: Oh, yes.
  118. Creeeeeed: Ursarkar was banned.
  119. Creeeeeed: Something along the absolutely fake lines of "account only using for harassing".
  120. moorsy: How do you know them?
  121. Creeeeeed: He was a great guy though.
  122. Creeeeeed: Well, me and Ursarkar grew up together.
  123. moorsy: I'm sure you did.
  124. moorsy: In much the same way I grew up with moorsy.
  125. moorsy: Hell, he and I could well be twins.
  126. Creeeeeed: Same thing with me and Ursarkar.
  127. Creeeeeed: We even had the same parents.
  128. moorsy: Well, isn't that interesting?
  129. moorsy: It also seems like your account is used purely for harassing other people.
  130. ArmandasJ: moorsy grew up with moorsy
  131. Creeeeeed: Me and Ursarkar were very close, moorsy. That's why we have similar personalities.
  132. ArmandasJ: Oh noes...
  133. ArmandasJ: Did this chat die?
  134. moorsy: Pretty much.
  135. Creeeeeed: ur mom died
  136. Thesexykid: that's mean
  137. Dylanwatson21099: ohh
  138. Dylanwatson21099: shit
  139. Dylanwatson21099: who is the nigga talking too
  140. Thesexykid: what if you told that to someone and there mom actually did die
  141. Dylanwatson21099: i would ****ing laugh
  142. Kong Bot: Set status to active
  143. Thesexykid: ...... wow ok then
  144. Dylanwatson21099: naw just joking
  145. moorsy: Oh.
  146. Thesexykid: k
  147. moorsy: Wow.
  148. Thesexykid: ikr
  149. Thesexykid: creeeeeeed is a big jerk
  150. ArmandasJ: Well my mom is alive so yay
  151. Thesexykid: mine too
  152. moorsy: Well, Creed's going to be quiet for a bit.
  153. Thesexykid: creeeed should be banned
  154. Thesexykid: hate that guy
  155. Meistheman: Just because you hate him doesn't mean he has to be banned.
  156. ArmandasJ: He has tons of pictures
  157. ArmandasJ: and he keeps asking
  158. moorsy: I should buy some icecream.
  159. Thesexykid: he should be banned because he is harassing people
  160. ArmandasJ: True
  161. ArmandasJ: And morsy get me some too :D
  162. ArmandasJ: i'll pay you back
  163. moorsy: Which flavour?
  164. ArmandasJ: any
  165. moorsy: Chilli?
  166. ArmandasJ: no :D
  167. Thesexykid: i want mint
  168. Thesexykid: :)
  169. ArmandasJ: Yes mint will be good
  170. moorsy: So not any?
  171. ArmandasJ: yes mint please
  172. moorsy: Do you mind if it melts before it gets to you?
  173. Thesexykid: do people still play call of duty black ops 2?
  174. ArmandasJ: No i have 2 fridges
  175. Thesexykid: i haven't played it sense last august
  176. moorsy: Nobody plays anything.
  177. moorsy: Gaming is a thing of the past.
  178. Thesexykid: except gta 5
  179. Thesexykid: and btw you gotta pay for online
  180. Thesexykid: which is so stupid
  181. THATITIMMAD: me too
  182. Thesexykid: so what is it?
  183. ArmandasJ: what is in now if not gaming?
  184. moorsy: Books.
  185. moorsy: They're making a return.
  186. ArmandasJ: Yes becouse my teacher is torturing us with them :(
  187. Thesexykid: i was on a tuesday :)
  188. Thesexykid: born*
  189. moorsy: Tuesday's child is full of grace.
  190. Thesexykid: :)
  191. Thesexykid: do you know sunday literally means sun-day
  192. ArmandasJ: I'm born at monday :|
  193. ArmandasJ: I think
  194. Thesexykid: mondays child is fair of face
  195. LeafPaw12: um hello?
  196. Thesexykid: my dad was born on a weekend
  197. moorsy: Hi there.
  198. Thesexykid: you are more likely to be born on a weekday then weekend
  199. ArmandasJ: fair of face?
  200. moorsy: 5/7 days are weekdays.
  201. moorsy: Of course you're more likely.
  202. ArmandasJ: Translate fair of face
  203. LeafPaw12: guys go to foom one
  204. ArmandasJ: "mondays child is fair of face"
  205. LeafPaw12: im in there
  206. LeafPaw12: PEACE OUT!
  207. ArmandasJ: translate that please
  208. moorsy: Fair of face. Nice to look at. Pretty. A sight to behold.
  209. Thesexykid: transalte tuesday full of grace thing?
  210. Thesexykid: translate*
  211. ArmandasJ: ;)
  212. Thesexykid: please :)
  213. moorsy: Err... Graceful.
  214. Thesexykid: ty
  215. moorsy: How was that sufficient? I just moved some of the words.
  216. ArmandasJ: Why do i like pain?
  217. moorsy: It reminds you that you're alive.
  218. Thesexykid: moorsy are u a boy or a girl?
  219. moorsy: No.
  220. Creeeeeed: FINALLY.
  221. Creeeeeed: Who silenced me?
  222. Thesexykid: who do you think?
  223. Creeeeeed: Definitely not you.
  224. MaginManiac7: What's that? Silence you? OKAY (reply)
  225. Creeeeeed: Because you're a pleb and you'd never get mod powers.
  226. Thesexykid: obviously
  227. ArmandasJ: Well
  228. To MaginManiac7: But I was just out of a silence
  229. To MaginManiac7: unfer
  230. moorsy: I'm, technically, a pleb.
  231. MaginManiac7: Too bad (reply)
  232. moorsy: And shall be for just over a year.
  233. parker2323: hey moorsy
  234. Thesexykid: did u know it possible to swallow your tounge
  235. To MaginManiac7: Who muted me though?
  236. MaginManiac7: Wow moorsy, you ain't old
  237. Creeeeeed: Magin, you muted me?
  238. MaginManiac7: U wot
  239. moorsy: No, but I will get a degree.
  240. Creeeeeed: Magin, reported.
  241. Creeeeeed: Enjoy your ban.
  242. MaginManiac7: Er, ok
  243. moorsy: Creed.
  244. Thesexykid: lol creeeeed you should know who someone is before you try to ban them
  245. parker2323: who is the host
  246. moorsy: Look at numbers 1 through 3.
  247. moorsy: Hell, look at them all.
  248. Creeeeeed: I know who ur mom is, sexykid. That's enough for me.
  249. Creeeeeed: I've been on that page many times before, moorsy.
  250. Creeeeeed: I live on that page.
  251. moorsy: And yet you haven't learnt anything.
  252. Creeeeeed: It's a medical case.
  253. moorsy: Mmm... it seems you're exceptional.
  254. Creeeeeed: That's what the doctors said.
  255. Creeeeeed: btw the doctor is ur mom.
  256. moorsy: Creed. Stop.
  257. Creeeeeed: But I'm not doing anything wrong.
  258. Creeeeeed: "We’re all gamers here so nobody’s going to ban you for life for something like, “Damn, I suck at this game” or even, “I like boobs.”"
  259. Creeeeeed: See?
  260. Thesexykid: whenever i eat junk i feel like crap but when i eat healthy i feel like the strongest person ever
  261. Creeeeeed: lol pleb
  262. Creeeeeed: It's 2014, you still eat food?
  263. Thesexykid: you don't make sense
  264. ArmandasJ: What do you eat?
  265. ArmandasJ: BTW POPCORNĄ
  266. Creeeeeed: P-
  267. Thesexykid: fruit, water meat
  268. Creeeeeed: Pussy.
  269. moorsy: Drumroll.
  270. Thesexykid: usually vegtables too
  271. moorsy: Damn. Too late.
  272. Thesexykid: im on a diet
  273. Creeeeeed: Indeed, moorsy.
  274. Creeeeeed: But it's the thought that counts.
  275. moorsy: Yeah. I thought "If I was Creed, how predictable could I be?"
  276. Creeeeeed: It's one of my traits.
  277. ArmandasJ: Who went to the church today?
  278. moorsy: Replace that with learning from your mistakes.
  279. Creeeeeed: It's 2014 now, nobody goes to Churches.
  280. Thesexykid: little true
  281. Creeeeeed: I'm always true, kid.
  282. Thesexykid: no your not
  283. Creeeeeed: no u
  284. ArmandasJ: The church was full today and my country isn't even 3millions
  285. Thesexykid: nobody goes to church where i live
  286. Creeeeeed: Did you think about bombing the church, armandas?
  287. Thesexykid: only when we have to
  288. ArmandasJ: No....
  289. Creeeeeed: You're such a pleb.
  290. Creeeeeed: Next time, you strap a bomb to yourself.
  291. ArmandasJ: How about strap a bomb to your mom.
  292. Creeeeeed: Hey
  293. Creeeeeed: Don't say shit about my mom.
  294. Creeeeeed: Asshole.
  295. moorsy: Or we could all stop. That'd be lovely.
  296. Thesexykid: you say shet about others people mom
  297. Thesexykid: peoples*
  298. Creeeeeed: ur mom is lovely, moorsy
  299. ArmandasJ: My popcorn is lovely
  300. Creeeeeed: not as lovely as ur mom tho
  301. ArmandasJ: Maybe, maybe...
  302. Creeeeeed: I'm kidding.
  303. Creeeeeed: Your mom isn't lovely.
  304. moorsy: Creed, you may have to look up the definition of "harass".
  305. ArmandasJ: And yours has a snuke up her snizz
  306. Creeeeeed: "subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation."
  307. Creeeeeed: I'm not pressuring anyone.
  308. ArmandasJ: So im nobody now eh?
  309. Creeeeeed: You were always a nobody.
  310. ArmandasJ: look at a mirror first
  311. moorsy: *sigh*
  312. Creeeeeed: When I look at my mirror, I see myself.
  313. Creeeeeed: Unlike ur mom, she can't even see 1/17 of her body.
  314. Creeeeeed: :^D
  315. You have been silenced for 1 hour. Click here to read about silences.
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