
Scootarape One Shot (Clop)

Nov 2nd, 2012
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  1. Many thanks to Rainbow Rage for correcting my grammar for me. Sorry it took so long to update it. You are awesome!
  4. You are Scootaloo
  5. >School just ended for the day.
  6. >Normally you would hang out with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, but Applebloom is busy helping with the harvest and Sweetie Belle is going to be at Rarity's because her parents are visiting.
  7. >You pull out your scooter from your backpack and head down the road.
  8. >Should you hang out in the park, or just go back to the orphanage?
  9. >Nah, you decide to tool around town. See if you can spot Rainbow Dash doing some mad tricks.
  10. >As you scoot through the town you get about halfway through the market when you see a rainbow blur shoot by overhead.
  11. >While trying to follow it as fast as you can, you hit something very hard.
  12. >You scramble to your hooves and check your scooter before realizing that you hit a living thing.
  13. >"I am so sorr-", you say before you realize who...what you hit.
  14. >IT was that alien that showed up in town two weeks ago with Twilight and her friends.
  15. >Something about the magic of friendship blah blah portal blah blah magic tree.
  16. >You never really got a close look at the guy. Most ponies stayed away from him .
  17. “No, no its OK” he says, giving you a smile before he winces as he tries to get up. "I didn’t expect a knee-high rocket to be going through the market", he chuckles.
  18. >He extends his foreleg out to you and says,
  19. "Hi! I’m Anonymous. You can call me Anon."
  20. >You shake his...whatever you call that doodad. "Hi, I’m Scootaloo! Sorry again about running into you."
  21. "Well Scoots, in my world if you run into someone you have never met it means fate intended for you to meet", he says with a smile. "Want to join me for a cupcake at Sugarcube Corner? I was meeting Pinky there to place an order anyways."
  22. >You frown when he calls you Scoots. You hate that. could never turn down a free cupcake!
  23. >"Sure!" you say, a bit too excitedly.
  24. >He chuckles again as you both head for Sugarcube Corner.
  25. >When you arrive inside you see a pink blur pop up from behind the counter.
  27. >Yup, that’s Pinky alright.
  28. >Anon seems to enjoy her antics as he has a hard time keeping a straight face while he orders a thank you cake for Twilight.
  29. "Also, I want a couple of cupcakes for me and Scoots here. We ran into each other in town so I figured, hey, why not treat her to a cupcake?"
  30. >Scoots..Oh well, free cupcake.
  31. >You both pick out your cupcakes and sit down with them. He takes one bite and stops.
  32. "Pinky, I completely forgot. Can I get a glass of milk with this? You want one too, Scoots?"
  33. >You look at him with a mouth full of cupcake and nod.
  34. "Make that two glasses then", he laughs out.
  35. "OKIE DOKIE LOKIE!", she yells from behind the counter.
  36. "So Scoots. I’ve seen you hanging around with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Do you try to keep them out of trouble?"
  37. >"MMMPF HMMF!", you say as you’re swallowing some cupcake. "I try, but Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are troublemakers", you joke with him.
  38. "I understand. My friends back where I am from are the same way." He says that with a serious look on his face before he cracks into a smile.
  39. "So, from the way you devoured that cupcake I take it you don’t get them often, huh?"
  40. >You shake your head. "Only on special occasions."
  41. >He looks like he’s about to say something when his watch starts to beep.
  42. "Oh shi- I’m supposed to meet Twilight for a lesson!" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some bits. "Yo Pinkie! Here’s 8 bits. Make sure that Scoots here leaves with half a dozen cupcakes!", he yells at Pinkie Pie. "And sorry I couldn’t chat Pinkie. I’ll come by tomorrow! Bye Scoots!", he says to you with a wink.
  43. "ITS OK I’LL HAVE YOUR CAKE READY THEN! BYEEEEEEEEE!” You hear Pinkie yell at him.
  44. >You stare at him as he leaves. The only pony you have ever met that was as awesome as him was Rainbow Dash.
  45. >He’s not as cool. But still awesome.
  47. You are Anonymous
  48. >It has been over a month since you met Scoots and she has become like a little sister to you.
  49. >Scoots comes by your place after school every day to hang out. Usually bringing Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to try to earn their cutie marks.
  50. >You and Rainbro have finally gotten Scoots to calm down around her, though she still won’t stop staring occasionally.
  51. >Hero worship. What can you do?
  52. >Its been a tough day after Fluttershy pushed you into the lake to have a reason to try to strip you.
  53. >Then Twilight set you on fire trying to dry you off.
  54. >Rainbro tried to help by blowing the fire out but all she did was cause it to spread. You had to jump in the lake to put the fire out.
  55. >Somehow you got away with only a few minor burns and singed hair but you decided to head home after that to preserve your chances of living.
  56. >When you get there you have a letter from the schoolhouse waiting for you.
  58. > Dear Mister Anonymous,
  59. I wish to have a talk with you about Scootaloo after class one day.
  60. If you would please come by I have some things to bring to your attention.
  62. -Cherilee
  64. >Oh crap, what’s going on? This cannot be good.
  65. >By the time you take a hot shower and get dressed, it’s almost time for their class to end.
  66. >As you walk to the door you are almost ran over by a wave of colts and fillies escaping the confines of their classroom.
  67. >Scoots sees you as she is leaving.
  68. "ANON!" she shouts while hugging your shin, "What are you doing here?"
  69. >You smile at her. "Ahh, I just gotta talk to Miss Cherilee. I won’t be at my house this afternoon though, so don't bother heading there."
  70. "Aww. Fine, we’ll go to the park to try and get our cutie marks..", she says sadly.
  71. >You ruffle her mane with your hand. "Don't worry, I’ll see you tomorrow."
  72. >Heading in you find Miss Cherilee's classroom.
  73. >You knock before you open the door, "Miss Cherilee, you wanted to see me?"
  74. >Why do you feel like you’re in trouble?
  75. >She smiles at you and waves you in.
  76. "Anonymous! It’s nice to meet you. I assume you are wondering why I called you in here about Scootaloo?”
  77. >"It’s nice to meet you as well, and yes, I was wondering about that."
  78. "Well, Scootaloo is a great filly and a cheer to have in the classroom, but she is starting to fall behind in her lessons."
  79. >”Uh huh. What does this have to do with me?”
  80. "I have tried my best to help her, but I feel her problem is a lack of focus in her off time. Normally I would talk to the foal’s parents first, but since Scootaloo is an orphan, I thought I could talk to you."
  81. >Wait wait wait. What? Scoots is an orphan?
  82. >"Scoots is an orphan?"
  83. "Did you not know? I assumed she would have told you." She looks out the window sadly before turning back. "Well, I was hoping that since she values you so highly and is often with you, I was wondering if you would help her with her home work."
  84. >"I-I understand Miss Cherilee. I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for telling me about this.”
  85. She smiles at you. "I am glad you care about our little Scootaloo. Too many people around here are willing to turn a blind eye to the orphans here."
  86. >You thank her and leave. On your way home, Rainbro comes across you.
  87. "Hey bro, what’s wrong? You look upset."
  88. >"Did you know that Scoots, our Scoots, is an orphan?", you ask calmly.
  89. She looks away from you. "Yeah. I think everyone does. Didn't she tell you?"
  90. >You sigh. "She didn't tell me."
  91. >A thought pops into your head. A crazy thought that wouldn’t seem to go away.
  92. >"Rainbro? I need to talk to Twilight."
  94. You are Scootaloo
  96. >Anon asked you to come by early, saying that he had a gift for you that he wanted to give to you before your birthday
  97. >It’s a little late. You had been hanging out with your friends trying to get your cutie marks again.
  98. >You arrive at Anon’s door as the sun is setting.
  99. >You knock at the door and Anon yells,
  100. "Come in!"
  101. >He is sitting at his kitchen table with some papers on the table in front of him.
  102. >"Anon! You said you had something for me?” you ask, a wide grin on your face.
  103. He smiles up at you and says, "Yes. Three things in fact. I wanted to give them to you before your party so you can tell everyone!"
  104. >He pats the chair beside him so you walk up and have a seat.
  105. "The first thing I have for the birthday girl is this." He hands you a brightly painted strip of cardboard. "That is your ticket to the Wonderbolts show that me and Dash are taking you to."
  107. >You squeal and throw your forelegs around him screaming, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!"
  108. >He hugs you back until you calm down.
  109. "Now, your second present you don't have to accept. I learned a few weeks ago that you’re an orphan.", he says gently.
  110. >Oh no. Your face falls. HOW DID HE FIND OUT? Now he’ll hate you like everyone else..
  111. >But if he hates you, why would he buy you these gifts?
  112. >He stands up, grabs you, and sets you on his shoulder.
  113. "After I learned that, I wish you had been the one to tell me first, but I understand your hesitance to do so. Anyways, I decided to learn about how the orphanage works and I learned that they don't require you to stay there, so."
  114. >He sets you down in front of a door and opens it.
  115. >Inside is a bedroom with several Wonderbolts posters on the walls.
  116. "I was wondering if you wanted to live with me? Dash helped me pick out stuff for the room.”
  117. >Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.
  118. >He wants you to live with him! Oh Celestia, could this day get any better?!
  119. "This last gift you only have to accept if you want. I won’t be mad if you don't.”
  120. >He crouches down and looks you in the eyes.
  121. "I want to adopt you..if you want me to. I have all the paperwork ready. All I have to do is sign it and take it to them, and it’s done."
  122. >You can’t fight the tears anymore. In less than FIVE minutes he has given you everything you have ever wanted your whole life.
  123. >You throw your forelegs around his neck and cry into his shoulder for what felt like hours before you finally calmed down.
  124. >Finally when you have stopped crying, you pull back and look him in the eyes.
  125. "So does that mean, yes?" he asks, with a stupid smile on his face.
  126. >You smile and nod.
  127. "Come on Scoots, I have some papers to sign and deliver."
  129. Two Years later
  130. You are Scootaloo
  131. And you have a secret
  132. >You are madly in love with your adoptive father.
  133. >Though, neither of you ever went along with the father thing.
  134. >He still calls you Scoots, and you still call him Anon.
  135. >You were both totally happy.
  136. >Until..Rainbow Dash confessed her love to Anon.
  137. >He tried to let her down easily saying he didn’t care about her, at least not in that way
  138. >The next day, she came back and tried to force herself on him.
  139. >Things got rough, and he ended up giving her a black eye and telling her not to come back.
  140. >It’s been two months since you have seen her, and Anon has been sad ever since.
  141. >Dash was his best friend in the world; of course he was sad that she wasn’t here. So you tried to step up.
  142. >Shortly after that is when you realized how you felt about him, but you can never tell him or you would lose him.
  143. >Anon means more to you then anything else in the world, so losing him would destroy you.
  144. >The last week has taken your mind off of it. It has been a blur of work as you and Anon prepare for Estrus.
  145. >Luckily, you are too young for your body to go into Estrus yet. Next year, however, you might not be so lucky.
  146. >After working all day, you finally get the windows boarded up and the extra locks on the door.
  147. >A few hidden traps here and there, just in case.
  148. >The cupboards are stocked and ready.
  149. >Finally, when everything is ready, Anon pulls out a spray bottle of liquid made by Twilight.
  150. >She said it is the same pheromones that a mare secretes around a household she claims while in estrus.
  151. >It should help deter most mares from entering.
  152. >When he is done spraying the outside of the house, he follows Twilight’s instructions and sprays himself.
  153. "Scoots, can you spray my back for me?
  154. >You grab the spray bottle and try to squeeze it to spray his back and
  155. >WHOOSH! You get a face full of mare pheromones .
  156. >"BLECH! OH CELESTIA THAT'S DISGUSTING!" You yell as you wipe your hooves across your face.
  157. "Scoots, did you just spray yourself?" He asks, laughing.
  158. "Come here." He starts wiping your face with his hands before stops and says,
  159. "Just wipe your face on my back. Kill two birds with one stone."
  160. >You wipe your face on his shirt and decide to go take a shower.
  161. "Just think Scoots, now no mare will steal you away from me" He says, with a smile.
  162. >You turn away to hide your blush.
  164. The next day
  165. >Today sucked.
  166. >You woke up this morning feeling terrible.
  167. >Your stomach ached, your hair was frazzled, your wings were weak, and you feel like someone kicked you in the head.
  168. >You made it out and said hi to Anon, who immediately picked up on you not feeling well.
  169. >You never could hide much from him.
  170. >He nursed you all day. Even made your favorite soup, Broccoli and Cheese.
  171. >You couldn’t eat much, but it was still delicious.
  172. >He placed you on top of him while you laid down on the couch and watched a movie.
  173. >His scent was driving you wild for some reason. You couldn’t get it off your mind.
  174. >Finally, you dosed off and woke up with your head against his cheek as you both slept through the afternoon.
  175. >Every feeling you have for him was at its peak today.
  176. >As night sets, you can’t even think straight enough to fly anymore.
  177. >Anon is worried about you. He’s talking about leaving and trying to find a doctor.
  178. >You assure him you’re alright. You don't have a fever; it’s just that you’re tired.
  179. >Somehow, you convince him to let you sleep in his bed with him.
  181. Anon PoV
  182. >Scoots was sick all day.
  183. >You were quite worried, so when she asked to sleep with you, you didn’t fight it.
  184. >When she hit the mattress she was fast asleep, snoring like usual.
  185. >As you lay down beside her you feel her and she seems to feel a bit cold.
  186. >You pull her close and cover you both up.
  187. >Laying there thinking for a bit, you come to the conclusion that the stuff Twilight gave you should probably be kept away from fillies.
  188. >You love Scoots too much to ever want anything like this to happen to her.
  189. >After she moved in with you she became your life.
  190. >Especially after don't want to think about it.
  191. >She stepped up and tried to keep you happy when you were at your worst
  192. >You can never repay her for that.
  193. >As you lay there you start noticing movement against your side.
  194. >You ignore it until the pressure increases.
  195. >You look over and Scoots is moving in her sleep.
  196. >It's almost like she is grinding on you, but it cant be that..
  197. >You grab her and roll her over, pulling her close.
  198. >She makes some cute grumbling noises and settles down.
  199. >Smiling, you drift off to sleep
  201. >When you wake up, you immediately know something is wrong.
  202. >Scoots is gones and there’s a strange scent in the air.
  203. >You get up and look around the room, but see nothing strange.
  204. >You look in her room and she’s not there, neither is she in her bathroom.
  205. >Getting worried you yell out "Scoots? Scoots, where are you?"
  206. "H-here", a tear filled voice says behind you.
  207. >Turning around you see scoots tears running down her face as she shoves a piece of cloth against your face.
  208. >You inhale out of instinct and feel the blackness envelop you.
  210. >A throbbing in your head awakens you to the fact that you have just been chloroformed.
  211. >You know the feel well, thanks to Fluttershy.
  212. >In fact, you probably had a few bottles laying around because of her.
  213. >You try to move your arms and legs, but come to realize you have been tied to the bed, spread eagle.
  214. >Lifting your head up hurts like a bitch. but a quick look down tells you that yes, you are naked.
  215. >Why would Scoots do this?
  216. >Did another mare force her? What was the reason for this?
  217. >Then you think back to yesterday. How sick she was. Mares get sick when they enter their fist estrus.
  218. >Oh god, Scoots was in estrus.
  219. >As that thought pops into your mind Scoots flies into the bedroom, and sees you awake
  220. >You can tell she has been crying…Oh god, this must be so confusing to her.
  221. >"Scoots. You’re in estrus. You aren’t thinking straight! Untie me and I can help you”, you say to her.
  222. "I..can't. I can't stop myself!" She says in a quiet sob as she flies over to the bed, her wings fluffed out.
  223. >You struggle some as she lands on your chest, placing her forehead against yours.
  224. "I love you, Anon. Please..don't hate me", she whispers.
  225. >"I love you Scoots, but please, don't do this.." you whisper back.
  226. >She turns around, raising her tail in the air and you get a good view of her mare hood as she slowly walks down your body.
  227. >The strange scent from before overpowers you nose.
  228. >The sent of her sex in estrus.
  229. >You unwillingly feel stirrings of lust.
  231. >You feel something against your penis.
  232. >She is nuzzling on it so sweetly.
  233. >Your dick begins to rise to a full salute as she begins to lick and suck on it.
  234. >When you are at full mast she turns around back to you.
  235. "Anon", she says through tears. "Please don't hate me for this. You are the most important thing in the world to me. Please, just don't hate me.." The last thing is said as she lowers herself down onto your member.
  236. >It is incredibly tight, hot, and it felt simply amazing.
  237. >You might be able to actually enjoy it if Scoots wasn’t weeping on your stomach as she did it.
  238. >When your member reaches her hymen, she lets out a squeak and stops, looking at you.
  239. >With a fresh sob, she slams herself the rest of the way onto your rod.
  240. >As soon as you are all the way inside her she tenses up her mare hood, grabbing your dick painfully.
  241. >A look of pain crosses her face for a moment and you think you hear her whisper something.
  242. >Soon she starts grinding her crotch on yours, tensing her vaginal walls off and on as she does so.
  243. >Its like she’s trying to milk your member as she rides you.
  244. >Soon she tightens up and moans loudly, having her first ever maregasm.
  245. >After a moment she starts moving again, this time pumping you in and out of her.
  246. >Wave after wave of pleasure flows through you as she continues.
  247. >You feel guilty that this is the most pleasure you have ever had during sex before.
  248. >You feel yourself start to reach your limit when she slams down, hard, on your cock and moans loudly.
  249. >That brings you to your limit as you pour your seed inside of her.
  250. >She lays on your stomach panting, for a few minutes, before crawling her way up your chest and she throws her forelegs around your neck.
  251. "Please dont hate me, Anon. I couldn’t live with myself if you did...You’re the only person that has ever really cared about me. After what Rainbow Dash did, I knew if you found out how I feel that..that you would hate me..", she says as she sobs into your shoulder.
  252. >You want to comfort her so bad. Wait, why? She just rapied you..but she shouldn’t really control herself..
  253. >She just said she LOVE loves you. What are you going to do about that?
  254. >You feel her let go of your neck as she goes and starts to untie your arms.
  255. >Once both arms are untied, you grab her and hold her close.
  256. >"Scoots. I could never hate you. I’m not sure how I feel about what just happened, but..I could never bring myself to hate you.”
  257. >She starts to cry once again.
  258. >The next few days are going to be hard..
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