
Little Johnny

Jan 27th, 2019 (edited)
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Albo's Howard Antipathy

What can we expect of Anthony Albanese should he become ALP leader? Perhaps more of this kind of parliamentary rhetoric where, in 1998, he took direct aim at John Howard: "In the pantheon of chinless blue bloods and suburban accountants that makes up the Australian Liberal Party, this bloke is truly one out of the box …

John Winston Howard grew up in the inner west of Sydney. His father owned a service station on the corner of the street where I now live. These were the halcyon days of little Winston's life - when the working classes knew their place and when all migrants were British …

It all started going wrong in the late 1960s. Here is a man who lived at home until he was 32. You can imagine what he was like. Here were young Australians demonstrating against the Vietnam War, listening to the Doors, driving their tie-dyed Kombi vans, and what was John Howard doing? He was at home with mum, wearing his shorts and long white socks, listening to Pat Boone albums and waiting for the Saturday night church dance."

Source: Peter FitzSimons -

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