

Sep 9th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. 0ad a25.b-8
  2. 0ad-data a25.b-1
  3. 0trace 1.5-4
  4. 1password 8.9.4-44
  5. 1password-cli 2.7.0-1
  6. 2048-cli-git 20161025-1
  7. 42zip 1:42-3
  8. 4chan-downloader 1.7.0-2
  9. 4ti2 1.6.9-2
  10. 6tunnel 0.13-1
  11. 7zip-bin 21.03-1
  12. 8085-simulator 2.0-5
  13. 86box 3.7.1-1
  14. 86box-roms-git 20220701.r16.g43fa4f3-1
  15. 9base 6-7
  16. a2enmod-git r3.5ff0dc9-1
  17. a2jmidid 9-3
  18. a2png 0.1.5-5
  19. a2ps 4.14-12
  20. a2sv 140.cb24c4e-1
  21. a52dec 0.7.4-11
  22. aalib 1.4rc5-14
  23. abcde 2.9.3-5
  24. abduco 0.6-6
  25. abiword 3.0.5-2
  26. abook 0.6.1-7
  27. abricotine-bin 1.1.4-1
  28. abseil-cpp 20220623.1-1
  29. abuse 0.9.0-1
  30. acc 1.58-1
  31. acccheck 0.2.1-5
  32. accerciser 3.40.0-1
  33. access-export 0.2.0-3
  34. accounts-qml-module 0.7-4
  35. accountsservice 22.08.8-2
  36. acetoneiso2 2.3-11
  37. ack 3.6.0-1
  38. acl 2.3.1-2
  39. aclock 16.b561a73-1
  40. acme 2020.08.26-3
  41. 3.0.4-1
  42. 0.1.0-2
  43. acorn 1:8.8.0-1
  44. acpi 1.7-3
  45. acpi_call-dkms 1.2.2-1
  46. acpid 2.0.33-1
  47. acsccid 1.1.8-2
  48. activitywatch-bin 0.12.0-1
  49. adapta-backgrounds
  50. adapta-gtk-theme
  51. adapta-kde 20180828-1
  52. addinclude 1.2.0-1
  53. adduser 1.17-3
  54. adfind 31.9808cb7-1
  55. adflib 0.7.12-2
  56. adif2cabrillo 1.0.5-2
  57. adios2 2.8.3-1
  58. adlplug 1.0.2-5
  59. adminer 4.8.1-1
  60. adminer-editor 4.8.0-1
  61. adms 2.3.7-1
  62. adns 1.6.0-1
  63. adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.038ro+1.058it+1.018var-1
  64. adobe-source-sans-fonts 3.046-1
  65. adom-noteye 3.3.3-6
  66. adonthell 0.3.8-1
  67. adplug 2.3.3-1
  68. adriconf 2.5.0-1
  69. advancecomp 2.3-1
  70. advancemame 3.9-2
  71. advancescan 1.18-1
  72. advcpmv 9.1-1
  73. adventure-qnx
  74. adwaita-icon-theme 42.0+r1+gc144c3d75-1
  75. adwaita-qt5 1.4.1-3
  76. adwaita-qt6 1.4.1-3
  77. aegisub 3.3.3-1
  78. aerc 0.11.0-1
  79. aesfix 1.0.1-5
  80. aeskeyfind 1.0-5
  81. aespipe 2.4f-1
  82. aesshell 0.7-4
  83. afew 3.0.1-5
  84. afflib 3.7.19-1
  85. afio 2.5.2-2
  86. afpfs-ng 0.8.2-2
  87. aften 0.0.8-3
  88. aftershotpro2 2.4-1
  89. afutrainer 3.0-2
  90. agedu 20211129-1
  91. agenda 1.1.2-1
  92. aget 1.3.3-1
  93. aha 0.5.1-2
  94. ahriman 2.1.0-1
  95. aic94xx-firmware 30-10
  96. aide 0.17.4-2
  97. aiksaurus 1.2.1-9
  98. aimage 3.2.5-2
  99. aircrack-ng 1.7-1
  100. airhockey-git r38.bfa266b-1
  101. airoscript 2:45.0a122ee-8
  102. airspy 1.0.10-1
  103. airvpn-bin 2.20.0-1
  104. aisleriot 3.22.25-1
  105. aj-snapshot 0.9.9-2
  106. ajaxterm 0.11-9
  107. akonadi 22.08.1-1
  108. akonadi-calendar 22.08.1-1
  109. akonadi-calendar-tools 22.08.1-1
  110. akonadi-contacts 22.08.1-1
  111. akonadi-import-wizard 22.08.1-1
  112. akonadi-mime 22.08.1-1
  113. akonadi-notes 22.08.1-1
  114. akonadi-search 22.08.1-1
  115. akonadiconsole 22.08.1-1
  116. akregator 22.08.1-1
  117. alacarte 1:3.44.2-1
  118. alacritty 0.10.1-2
  119. aladin 11.024-1
  120. alatools 2022.6-3
  121. albatar 34.4e63f22-1
  122. albert 0.17.3-1
  123. aldo 0.7.8-2
  124. alembic 1.8.3-3
  125. alfis 0.7.6-1
  126. alglib 3.18.0-1
  127. algol68g 3.0.7-1
  128. algol68g-doc 3.0.7-1
  129. alias-tips-git r109.45e4e97-2
  130. aliasrc 1.0.3-1
  131. aliza 2.2.0-2
  132. allegro
  133. allegro4
  134. alligator 22.06-1
  135. alltray
  136. almanah 0.12.3-4
  137. alock-git 2.5.0-1
  138. alpine 2.26-1
  139. alpm-html 0.10.0-1
  140. alpm_octopi_utils 1.0.2-3
  141. alsa-card-profiles 1:0.3.57-1
  142. alsa-firmware 1.2.4-2
  143. alsa-lib
  144. alsa-oss 1.1.8-4
  145. alsa-plugins 1:
  146. alsa-tools 1.2.5-1
  147. alsa-topology-conf
  148. alsa-ucm-conf
  149. alsa-utils 1.2.7-1
  150. alsacap 0-2
  151. alsi 0.4.9-1
  152. alt 3.3.0-1
  153. amanda 3.5.1-2
  154. amber-theme-git r133.b306dc4-1
  155. amberfish 2.3.0-1
  156. amberol 0.9.1-1
  157. amd-ucode 20220815.8413c63-1
  158. amdfand-bin 1.0.13-4
  159. amdgpu-fan 0.1.0-3
  160. amdvlk 2022.Q3.3-1
  161. amethyst 3.3-2
  162. amfora 1.9.2-4
  163. amide 1.0.6-8
  164. amigadepacker 0.04-2
  165. amigashell 2.3-5
  166. amitools r1.be8e003-1
  167. aml 0.2.2-1
  168. amp 0.6.2-1
  169. amrenc 0.5.3-1
  170. amtk 5.5.1-1
  171. amule 1:2.3.3-5
  172. analitza 22.08.1-1
  173. ananicy 2.2.1-1
  174. anbox-git 1:r1358.84f0268-3
  175. anbox-image-gapps-magisk-xposed 2018.07.19-1
  176. ancestris 12-1
  177. ancient-packages 0.3.0-1
  178. android-apktool 2.5.0-2
  179. android-file-transfer 4.2-2
  180. android-messages-desktop-bin 5.3.4-3
  181. android-sdk-build-tools r33-1
  182. android-tools 31.0.3-7
  183. android-udev 20220611-1
  184. androidpincrack 2.ddaf307-2
  185. androidscreencast-bin 0.1-1
  186. androidsniffer 0.1-5
  187. angband 4.2.4-1
  188. angrysearch 1.0.4-1
  189. anki 2.1.54-1
  190. ansi2html 0.23-15
  191. ansifilter 2.18-1
  192. ansiweather 1.18.0-1
  193. ant 1.10.12-1
  194. antergos-wallpapers 0.7-4
  195. anthy 9100h-6
  196. antibody 6.1.1-1
  197. antigen-git v2.2.3.r8.g64de2dc-1
  198. antimicrox 3.2.5-1
  199. antiword 0.37-8
  200. antlr4 4.11.1-1
  201. anydesk-bin 6.2.0-2
  202. anyfs-tools 0.85.1c-5
  203. anyremote 6.7.3-2
  204. anything-sync-daemon 6.0.0-1
  205. aom 3.4.0-1
  206. ap-rename 1.601-1
  207. apache 2.4.54-1
  208. apache-orc 1.7.3-4
  209. apache-users 2.1-4
  210. apcupsd 3.14.14-7
  211. apg 2.2.3-5
  212. apigen 4.1.2-1
  213. apk-decompiler 0.2.2-1
  214. apk-preview 1.3.2-3
  215. apk-tools 2.12.10-1
  216. apkstat 18.81cdad3-2
  217. apm 2.6.4-3
  218. app-icon-preview 3.1.0-1
  219. apparix 11.062-2
  220. apparmor 3.1.1-1
  221. apper 1.0.0-5
  222. appimagelauncher 2.2.0-6
  223. appmenu-gtk-module 0.7.6-1
  224. appstream 0.15.5-1
  225. appstream-generator 0.8.8-2
  226. appstream-glib 0.8.1-1
  227. appstream-qt 0.15.5-1
  228. apr 1.7.0-3
  229. apr-util 1.6.1-9
  230. apricots 0.2.7-1
  231. aprx 2.9.0-2
  232. apt 2.3.15-1
  233. aptman-git r6.2ec5a43-1
  234. aqbanking 6.5.0-2
  235. aqemu 0.9.4-2
  236. arandr 0.1.10-7
  237. arandr-indicator-git 2:r16.20200824.189890e-6
  238. aranym 1.1.0-2
  239. arc-gtk-theme 20220405-1
  240. arc-icon-theme 20161122-3
  241. arc-kde 20180614-3
  242. arc-solid-gtk-theme 20220405-1
  243. arc-x-icons-theme 2.1-3
  244. arcade-history-dat 186-1
  245. arcanefortune-bin 0.4.0-1
  246. arcconf 4.01_24763-1
  247. arch 1.3.5-12
  248. arch-audit 0.1.20-1
  249. arch-backup 0.8.11-2
  250. arch-firefox-search 0.8.2-8
  251. arch-hs
  252. arch-install-scripts 26-1
  253. arch-matrix-grub-theme-git 1.03-1
  254. arch-palemoon-search 0.1-2
  255. arch-plymouthize 1.5.5-5
  256. arch-test-bin 0.18-2
  257. arch-update 1.3.1-2
  258. arch-upgrade 1.21-1
  259. arch-wiki-docs 20220525-1
  260. arch-wiki-lite 20220525-1
  261. arch-wiki-man 1.3.0-1
  262. arch32-light 2015-4
  263. arch4edu-keyring 20200805-1
  264. archalien-git 7e909c9-1
  265. archbashstrap 1.2.3-1
  266. archer 0.1-1
  267. archey4 v4.13.4-1
  268. archimedes 2.0.1-1
  269. archinstall 2.5.0-1
  270. archinstall-gui 0.1rc10-1
  271. archiso 66-1
  272. archiso-encrypted 1.0.0-1
  273. archive-sum 1.1.1-1
  274. archivemount 0.9.1-1
  275. archivetools 3-3
  276. archlinux-appstream-data 20220830-1
  277. archlinux-artwork 1.6-6
  278. archlinux-contrib 20210710-1
  279. archlinux-java-run 9-1
  280. archlinux-keyring 20220831-1
  281. archlinux-lxqt-theme 1.1-1
  282. archlinux-menus 2.5-5
  283. archlinux-repro 20220805-1
  284. archlinux-themes-sddm 2.0-1
  285. archlinux-wallpaper 1.6.1-2
  286. archlinux-xdg-menu
  287. archlinuxinfo 2-6
  288. archstrike-keyring 20200930-2
  289. archstrike-mirrorlist 20200110-1
  290. archstrike-wallpapers 20171113.r18-1
  291. archupd 0.2.1-1
  292. ardor 2.3.3-1
  293. ardour 6.9-5
  294. arduino 1:1.8.19-2
  295. arduino-avr-core 1.8.3-1
  296. arduino-builder 1.6.1-2
  297. arduino-cli 0.26.0-2
  298. arduino-ctags 5.8_arduino11-4
  299. arduino-docs 1.6.6-7
  300. ares
  301. aretext-git 0.r745-1
  302. argon2 20190702-4
  303. argparser 5.1-5
  304. argparser-bash 5.1-1
  305. argparser-c 5.1-1
  306. argparser-doc 5.1-1
  307. argparser-java 5.1-1
  308. argparser-python 5.1-1
  309. argyllcms 2.3.1-1
  310. aria2 1.36.0-1
  311. aria2-systemd 1.1-2
  312. aria2fe 0.0.5-6
  313. aribb24 1.0.3-3
  314. aribb25 0.2.7-2
  315. arj 3.10.22-13
  316. ark 22.08.1-1
  317. armagetronad
  318. arnold-bin 1.0.0-1
  319. arp-scan 1.9.7-2
  320. arpack 3.8.0-3
  321. arpoison 0.7-1
  322. arpwatch 3.3-2
  323. arronax 0.8.1-1
  324. arrow 8.0.1-1
  325. artem-bin 1.1.5-1
  326. artikulate 22.08.1-1
  327. artix-silence-grub-theme-git .r7.cd4bba1-1
  328. as-tree-bin 0.12.0-1
  329. asar 3.2.0-1
  330. ascii 3.18-3
  331. ascii-rain-git r6.a28fe89-1
  332. ascii2binary 2.14-1
  333. asciidoc 10.2.0-1
  334. asciidoctor 2.0.17-1
  335. asciigraph 0.5.5-1
  336. asciinema 2.2.0-2
  337. asciinema-edit 0.0.6-1
  338. asciiplanets-git 18.06-1
  339. asciiportal 1.3.8-5
  340. asciiquarium 1.1-6
  341. asciiworld-git 20.01-2
  342. aseprite 1.2.40-1
  343. asio 1.20.0-1
  344. asix-ax88179-dkms 1.20.0-2
  345. asmjit-git r417.5c469e3-1
  346. asoundconf 1:1.2-7
  347. asp 8-1
  348. aspell 0.60.8-2
  349. aspell-en 2020.12.07-1
  350. aspell-it 2.4_20070901-1
  351. aspnet-runtime 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  352. assimp 5.2.4-2
  353. astroimagej 3.2.0-2
  354. astromenace 1.4.1-2
  355. 0.91-1
  356. astyle 3.1-3
  357. asunder 2.9.7-5
  358. asus-fan-control 3.12.0-1
  359. async 0.1.1-1
  360. at 3.2.5-1
  361. at-spi2-atk 2.38.0-1
  362. at-spi2-core 2.44.1-1
  363. atari++ 1.84-1
  364. atari-space-invaders 1.0-2
  365. atari800 5.0.0-1
  366. atem 0.4.0-1
  367. aterm 1.0.1-7
  368. atftp 0.8.0-3
  369. athenaeum-git v2.3.2.r0.b0cd237-1.1
  370. atk 2.38.0-1
  371. atkmm 2.28.3-1
  372. atlc 4.6.1-3
  373. atom-editor-beta-bin 1.61.0beta0-1
  374. atomicwallet 2.53.1-1
  375. atool 0.39.0-8
  376. atop 2.7.1-2
  377. atril 1.26.0-1
  378. atscan 2454.b1b241e-2
  379. attica 5.97.0-1
  380. attr 2.5.1-2
  381. aubio 0.4.9-14
  382. audacious 4.2-2
  383. audacious-plugins 4.2-1
  384. audacity 1:3.1.3-2
  385. audenc 3.3.6-1
  386. audio-convert
  387. audiocd-kio 22.08.1-1
  388. audiofile 0.3.6-6
  389. audit 3.0.8-1
  390. augeas 1.13.0-1
  391. aur-pkg-status 0.1.0-7
  392. aura-bin 3.2.9-1
  393. auracle-git r366.8739929-5
  394. aurget 4.7.6-1
  395. aurman 2.20.1-2
  396. aurphan 20140212-3
  397. aurpublish r40.gf88c7ae-2
  398. aurupbot 1.3.3-1
  399. aurutils 10b-1
  400. auth-tarball-from-git 0.2.0-1
  401. auto-auto-complete 7.2-1
  402. autoconf 2.71-1
  403. autoconf-archive 1:2022.09.03-1
  404. autoconf2.13 2.13-6
  405. autoenv 0.2.1-1
  406. autofs 5.1.8-2
  407. autojump-git 22.5.3.r0.g06e082c-6
  408. autokey-common 0.96.0-4
  409. autokey-qt 0.96.0-4
  410. automake 1.16.5-1
  411. automounter 0.1-5
  412. autopep8 1:1.7.0-1
  413. autorandr 1.12.1-2
  414. autossh 1.4g-2
  415. autovpn 18.28b1a87-4
  416. avahi 0.8+22+gfd482a7-3
  417. avfs 1.1.4-2
  418. avidemux-cli 2.8.0-3
  419. aview 1.3.0_rc1-3
  420. avogadro-crystals 1.0.1-1
  421. avogadro-molecules 1.0.0-1
  422. avogadrolibs 1.97.0-1
  423. avogadrolibs-qt5 1.97.0-1
  424. avr-binutils 2.39-1
  425. avr-gcc 12.2.0-1
  426. avr-libc 2.1.0-1
  427. avrdude 1:7.0-2
  428. awesome 4.3-3
  429. awesome-terminal-fonts 1.1.0-4
  430. awf-git v1.4.0.r0.gc937f1b-1
  431. awl 0.62-1
  432. aws-cli 1.25.58-1
  433. axel 2.17.11-1
  434. ayatana-ido 0.9.2-1
  435. azuredatastudio-bin 1.39.1-1
  436. babi 1.5.3-1
  437. babi-grammars 0.0.44-1
  438. babl 0.1.96-1
  439. backintime 1.3.2-2
  440. backintime-cli 1.3.2-2
  441. backup-gmail
  442. backuppc 4.4.0-5
  443. badvpn 1.999.130-5
  444. badwolf 1.2.2-2
  445. balena-etcher 2:1.7.7-1
  446. ballandpaddle 0.8.1-1
  447. baloo 5.97.0-1
  448. baloo-widgets 22.08.1-1
  449. balsa 2.6.3-2
  450. bamf 0.5.6-1
  451. bandwidth 1.11.2-1
  452. banner 1.3.2-9
  453. baobab 42.0-1
  454. bar 1.4-6
  455. barcode 0.99-5
  456. bareos-common 21.1.3-4
  457. bareos-director 21.1.3-4
  458. barrier 2.4.0-1
  459. barrier-headless 2.4.0-1
  460. bas 2.6-1
  461. basez 1.6.2-2
  462. bash 5.1.016-1
  463. bash-completion-git 2.9.r2.g483968cd-1
  464. bash-pipes 1.3.0-9
  465. bashburn 3.1.0-5
  466. bashcaster 0.1-1
  467. bashdb 5.0_1.1.2-1.1
  468. bashish 2.2.4-2
  469. bashmount 4.3.2-2
  470. bashmultitool 2.0-1
  471. bashrun 0.16.1-5
  472. bashscan 94.80c066c-1
  473. bashstyle-git
  474. bashtop 0.9.25-1
  475. basilisk-bin 1:52.9.2022.08.06-1
  476. basiliskii-git r2682.6393d14a-1
  477. bat 0.22.0-1
  478. batctl 2022.2-1
  479. bats 1.2.0-1
  480. battlestar 0.51-1
  481. battop 0.2.4-2
  482. baudline-bin 1.08-4
  483. bauerbill 2021.12.31-3
  484. bauh 0.10.3-1
  485. bazel 5.3.0-1
  486. bbe 0.2.2-3
  487. bbscan 46.eece469-1
  488. bc 1.07.1-4
  489. bcache-tools 1.1-1.1
  490. bcc 0.25.0-1
  491. bcc-tools 0.25.0-1
  492. bcg729 1.1.1-1
  493. bcprov 1.71-1
  494. bctoolbox 5.1.58-1
  495. bcunit 3.0.2+12+g3c720fb-1
  496. bdf-tewi-git 0.313.a975d38-2
  497. bdf-unifont 14.0.04-1
  498. beacon 1.1.0-1
  499. beanshell 2.1.0-1
  500. bear 3.0.20-2
  501. beautyline 1:20220814-1
  502. beautysh 6.2.1-1
  503. beav 1.40-1
  504. beebem 0.0.13-1
  505. beecrypt 4.2.1-6
  506. beehive 0.4.0-1
  507. beep 1.4.11-1
  508. belle-sip 5.1.10-1
  509. belr 5.0.35-1
  510. bemenu 0.6.10-1
  511. bemenu-ncurses 0.6.10-1
  512. benchmark 1.7.0-1
  513. benzene-mohex 1.0.1-3
  514. besttrace 1.3.2-1
  515. bettercap 2.32.0-2
  516. bfgminer 5.5.0-4
  517. bftpd 6.1-1
  518. bgrep 24.28029c9-1
  519. bibata-cursor-theme 1.1.2-1
  520. bibata-cursor-translucent 1.1.1-1
  521. bibletime 3.0.3-1
  522. bide 4.4-4
  523. bigtime 2.4.9-1
  524. bin2dec 1.6-2
  525. bin2iso 1.9b-6
  526. bin86 0.16.21-4
  527. binance 1.39.0-1
  528. bind 9.18.6-1
  529. bindead 4504.67019b97b-2
  530. bindfs 1.15.1-3
  531. bindiff 6.0.0-1
  532. binex 1.0-2
  533. bing 1.3.5-1
  534. bingoo 3.698132f-1
  535. biniax2 2.1.30-10
  536. binkd 1.1a.113-1
  537. binutils 2.39-3
  538. binwalk 2.3.3-3
  539. bioarchlinux-keyring 20220422-2
  540. bioarchlinux-mirrorlist 20220723-1
  541. birdfont 2.32.0-1
  542. birdtray 1.9.0-1.1
  543. bison 3.8.2-4
  544. bisonc++ 6.04.04-1
  545. bitcoin-cli 23.0-1
  546. bitcoin-daemon 23.0-1
  547. bitcoin-qt 23.0-1
  548. bitcoin-tx 23.0-1
  549. bitwarden 2022.8.1-1
  550. bitwise 0.43-1
  551. bklk-git r17.8937831-1
  552. black-green-lxqt-theme 1.1-1
  553. black-hole-solver 1.12.0-1
  554. blackarch-artwork 80.fc42f1e-1
  555. blackarch-config-bash 11.b2b10c8-2
  556. blackarch-config-icons 6.f4bf107-1
  557. blackarch-devtools 1:1.5-1
  558. blackarch-installer 1.2.22-1
  559. blackarch-keyring 20180925-5
  560. blackarch-mirrorlist 20220531-1
  561. blackbox 0.77-1
  562. blackhash 0.2-8
  563. blackman 0.5.13-1
  564. bladerf 2021.10-1
  565. blastem 0.6.2-2
  566. bleachbit 4.4.2-3
  567. blender 17:3.3.0-1
  568. blesh 0.3.3-3
  569. bless 0.6.3-1
  570. bletchley 0.0.1-11
  571. blinken 22.08.1-1
  572. blinky 0.23-1
  573. blivet-gui 2.3.0-1
  574. blobwars 2.00-4
  575. blobwars-data 2.00-3
  576. blockattack 2.8.0-1
  577. blogc 0.20.1-1
  578. blosc 1.21.1-2
  579. bludit 3.12.0-1
  580. blueberry 1.4.8-1
  581. bluedevil 1:5.25.5-1
  582. bluefish 2.2.12-3
  583. bluelog 1.1.2-1
  584. bluemail 1.131.13-2
  585. blueman 2.3.2-1
  586. blueranger 1.0-3
  587. bluescan 1.0.6-3
  588. bluetooth-autoconnect 1.3-1.1
  589. bluetooth-unlock BU.V1FR1-1
  590. bluewho 0.5.1-1
  591. bluez 5.65-3
  592. bluez-cups 5.65-3
  593. bluez-hciconfig 5.65-1
  594. bluez-hid2hci 5.65-3
  595. bluez-libs 5.65-3
  596. bluez-plugins 5.65-3
  597. bluez-qt 5.97.0-1
  598. bluez-tools 0.2.0-5
  599. bluez-utils 5.65-3
  600. blur-effect 1.1.3-2
  601. bmake 20220726-1
  602. bmap-tools 3.6-1
  603. bmm 1.0-0
  604. bmon 4.0-4
  605. bmusb 0.7.6-2
  606. bochs 2.7-2
  607. bogofilter 1.2.5-4
  608. boinc 7.20.2-1
  609. boinctui 2.6.0-1
  610. bolt 0.9.3-1
  611. bombardier-git 0.8.3.r0.g8a1d51d-4
  612. bomber 22.08.1-1
  613. bomberclone 0.11.9-7
  614. booklet 2.0-1
  615. bookmark-bin 0.1.0-2
  616. boomaga-qt5 3.0.0-2
  617. boost 1.79.0-1
  618. boost-libs 1.79.0-1
  619. bootableusb 0.4-3
  620. bootinfoscript 0.78-1
  621. bootiso 4.2.0-1
  622. borg 1.2.2-1
  623. boringtun-git 0.4.0.r12.g7b6afad-1
  624. botan 2.19.2-1
  625. botsay 1.2.6-1
  626. bottles 2022.6.14-9
  627. bovo 22.08.1-1
  628. bower 1.8.14-1
  629. box2d 2.4.1-1
  630. boxes 2.1.1-1
  631. boxtron 0.5.4-1
  632. bpkg-git 1.1.3.bd8c92f-1
  633. bpytop 1.0.68-1
  634. brackets 1.14.1-2
  635. brasero 3.12.3-1
  636. brave-bin 1:1.43.89-1
  637. breeze 5.25.5-1
  638. breeze-adapta-cursor-theme 2.0-1
  639. breeze-grub 5.25.5-1
  640. breeze-gtk 5.25.5-1
  641. breeze-icons 5.97.0-1
  642. breeze-obsidian-cursor-theme 1.0-3
  643. breezy 3.2.2-2
  644. bridge-utils 1.7.1-1
  645. brightness-controller-git 2.3.4.r286.ea7434a-2
  646. brlcad 7.32.6-1
  647. brltty 6.5-2
  648. brook 20220406-1
  649. broot 1.14.2-2
  650. brotli 1.0.9-8
  651. browselist 1.4-1
  652. browser-vacuum 4-21
  653. browserpass 3.0.10-2
  654. browserpass-chromium 3.7.2-2
  655. browserpass-firefox 3.7.2-2
  656. browsh-bin 1.8.0-1
  657. bruteforce-salted-openssl 54.6e87cc0-1
  658. bs 2.11-2
  659. bsc 4.1.0-2
  660. bsdmainutils 12.1.7-1
  661. bsnes 115-2
  662. bsod 0.1-6
  663. bspwm 0.9.10-2
  664. btmenu 1.2.0-2
  665. btop 1.2.9-1
  666. btrfs-heatmap 9-2
  667. btrfs-progs 5.19-1
  668. btrfs-snapshot 3.4.1-1
  669. btscanner 2.1-9
  670. bubblewrap 0.6.2-1
  671. buddy 2.4-5
  672. budgie-desktop 10.6.4-1
  673. budgie-desktop-view 1.2-1
  674. budgie-screensaver 5.0.2-1
  675. buici-clock
  676. buildah 1.27.0-1
  677. buku 4.7-1
  678. bulk-extractor 1562.1c67a75-1
  679. bullet 3.24-2
  680. bup 0.32-3
  681. burn-cd 1.8.1-2
  682. burpsuite 1:2022.8.2-1
  683. busybox 1.34.1-1
  684. butter 11-1
  685. butterfly 3.2.5-5
  686. buttermanager 2.4.3-1
  687. bvi 1.4.1-1
  688. bviplus 1.0-1
  689. bwidget 1.9.15-1
  690. byacc 20220128-1
  691. byobu 5.133-3
  692. byte 0.4.2-1
  693. bzflag 2.4.24-1
  694. bzip2 1.0.8-4
  695. bzrtp 5.1.58-1
  696. c 0.14-1
  697. c++utilities 5.19.0-1
  698. c-ares 1.18.1-1
  699. c-client 2007f-14
  700. ca-certificates 20210603-1
  701. ca-certificates-mozilla 3.82-1
  702. ca-certificates-utils 20210603-1
  703. cabanalyst 1.0-2
  704. cabextract 1.9.1-2
  705. cacheclean 2.1-6
  706. cachyos-keyring 2-1
  707. cachyos-mirrorlist 13-1
  708. cachyos-v3-mirrorlist 13-1
  709. cacti 1.2.22-1
  710. cadaver 0.23.3-12
  711. caddy 2.5.2-2
  712. cadence 0.9.2-1
  713. cadet-gtk 0.6.1-1
  714. cage 0.1.4-9
  715. cairo 1.17.6-2
  716. cairo-clock-ccw 0.3.4-1
  717. cairo-dock 3.4.1-4
  718. cairo-dock-plug-ins 3.4.1-19
  719. cairo-perl 1.109-2
  720. cairomm 1.14.3-2
  721. caja 1.26.1-1
  722. caja-extensions-common 1.26.0-2
  723. caja-image-converter 1.26.0-2
  724. caja-open-terminal 1.26.0-2
  725. caja-sendto 1.26.0-2
  726. caja-share 1.26.0-2
  727. caja-wallpaper 1.26.0-2
  728. caja-xattr-tags 1.26.0-2
  729. calc
  730. calcc 0.1.5-2
  731. calcurse 4.8.0-1
  732. calendarsupport 22.08.1-1
  733. calf 0.90.3-5
  734. calibre 6.4.0-1
  735. calibre-server-systemd 1.0-2
  736. calindori-git 22.06.r3.gc7efaa2-1
  737. calligra 3.2.1-37
  738. calligra-plan 3.3.0-2
  739. candy-gtk-theme 0.3-2
  740. canon-pixma-mx920-complete
  741. cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-1
  742. cantata 2.5.0-1
  743. canto-daemon 0.9.8-3
  744. cantor 22.08.1-1
  745. capitaine-cursors 4-1
  746. capnproto 0.10.2-1
  747. caprice32-git 4.5.0.r515.g91b7127-1
  748. caprine 2.56.1-2
  749. capstone 4.0.2-6
  750. cargo-c 0.9.12-1
  751. caribou 0.4.21+75+g8ad9883-3
  752. castero-git 0.8.1.r0.g9fd9a7c-1
  753. castget 2.0.1-1
  754. catatonit 0.1.7-2
  755. catch2 2.13.9-1
  756. catdoc 0.95-3
  757. catdvi 0.14-8
  758. catfish 4.16.4-1
  759. catimg 2.7.0-1
  760. cauchy 0.9.0-3
  761. caudec 1.7.5-2
  762. cauralho-git r8.894c896-1
  763. cava 0.8.2-4
  764. cave9 0.4-4
  765. cavez-of-phear 0.5.1-1
  766. cawbird 1.5-1
  767. cbatticon 1.6.13-1
  768. cbindgen 0.24.3-1
  769. cblas 3.10.1-1
  770. cbmbasic-git 0.r17.89093eb-1
  771. cc65 2.19-1
  772. ccache 4.6.1-1
  773. ccd2iso 0.3-10
  774. ccgo
  775. ccid 1.5.0-1
  776. ccp4m 0.7.3-1
  777. ccrypt 1.11-1
  778. ccsh-git r155.95e72f9-1
  779. cd-discid 1.4-3
  780. cdcd 0.6.6-9
  781. cde 0.1-1
  782. cdemu-client 3.2.5-1
  783. cdemu-daemon 3.2.6-1
  784. cdesktopenv 2.3.2-1
  785. cdetect 0.6.0-1
  786. cdir-git 1.3.r48.a2e4ad8-3
  787. cdparanoia 10.2-8
  788. cdrdao 1.2.4-2
  789. cdrtools 3.02a09-5
  790. cdu 0.37-1
  791. cecilia 5.4.1-1
  792. ceemedia 0.5.4-4.1
  793. celestia
  794. celluloid 0.24-1
  795. cellwriter 1.3.6-1
  796. celt 0.11.3-5
  797. cemu 2.0.106-1
  798. ceph 15.2.17-1
  799. ceph-libs 15.2.17-1
  800. ceph-mgr 15.2.17-1
  801. cereal 1.3.2-1
  802. cernbox 2.9.2_6339-1
  803. certbot 1.29.0-1
  804. certbot-apache 1.29.0-1
  805. certbot-dns-cloudflare 1.29.0-1
  806. certbot-dns-dnsimple 1.29.0-1
  807. certbot-dns-google 1.29.0-1
  808. certbot-nginx 1.29.0-1
  809. cervisia 22.08.1-1
  810. cfitsio 1:4.1.0-1
  811. cfm 0.6.6-1
  812. cfs-zen-tweaks 1.2.0-1
  813. cgal 5.5-1
  814. cgames 2.2-7
  815. cgmanager 0.42-2
  816. cgns 4.3.0-3
  817. cgrep 6.6.32-320
  818. cgroup_event_listener 5.19-1
  819. ch341eepromtool 0.5-3
  820. chafa 1.12.3-1
  821. chaotic-keyring 20220803-1
  822. chaotic-mirrorlist 20220828-2
  823. chaptedit 1.2.2-1
  824. chars 0.6.0-1
  825. cheat 4.3.3-1
  826. check 0.15.2-2
  827. check-pacman-mtree 0.8-3
  828. checkbashisms 2.22.2-1
  829. checkpolicy 3.4-1
  830. 1.2-1
  831. checksec 2.6.0-1
  832. cheese 41.1-2
  833. chemtool 1.6.14-4
  834. cheqlist 0.3.2-1
  835. cherrytree 0.99.47-2
  836. chewing-editor 0.1.1-8
  837. chia-bin 1.5.1-1
  838. chicago95-gtk-theme-git 2.0.1.r118.g7159007-1
  839. chirp-daily 20220823-1
  840. chkcrontab 1.7-5
  841. chkrootkit 0.55-1
  842. chkservice 0.3-3
  843. chmlib 0.40-6
  844. chntpw 140201-4
  845. choose-rust-git r100.abde654-1
  846. chromaprint 1.5.1-4
  847. chromecast-tools-git 17.de27ed2-2
  848. chromecast-wallpapers 2.0-1
  849. chromeos-kde-git r23.e62ac34-1
  850. chromium 105.0.5195.102-2
  851. chromium-bsu
  852. chromium-widevine 1:4.10.2449.0-1
  853. chrootuid 1.3-9
  854. chrpath 0.16-3
  855. r901.571377f-1
  856. cifs-utils 7.0-1
  857. cinelerra-gg 2022.05-1
  858. cinnamon 5.4.9-1
  859. cinnamon-control-center 5.4.6-1
  860. cinnamon-desktop 5.4.2-1
  861. cinnamon-menus 5.4.0-1
  862. cinnamon-screensaver 5.4.2-1
  863. cinnamon-session 5.4.0-1
  864. cinnamon-settings-daemon 5.4.4-1
  865. cinnamon-translations 5.4.2-1
  866. cjdns 21-1
  867. cjs 5.4.1-1
  868. cjson 1.7.15-1
  869. ck4up 1.4-1
  870. ckb-next 0.5.0-2
  871. ckbcomp 1.209-1
  872. ckermit 9.0.302-10
  873. cksfv 1.3.15-1
  874. clac 0.3.3.r8.gbeae8c4-1
  875. clamav 0.105.1-1
  876. clamav-unofficial-sigs 7.2.5-1
  877. clamtk 6.14-1
  878. clang 14.0.6-2
  879. clang13 13.0.1-3
  880. clarity-icon-theme 0.4.2-1
  881. classyshark 8.2-2
  882. claws-mail 4.1.0-2
  883. claws-mail-tango-theme 1.2.1-3
  884. claws-mail-theme-basicsvg 0.6.4-1
  885. clawsker 1.3.5-1
  886. clazy 1.11-2
  887. clean-chroot-manager 2.222-1
  888. clean-home 0.8-1
  889. cleanupdate-git r196.16c9ceb-1
  890. clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme 7.0.1-4
  891. clementine 1.4.0rc2-2
  892. clevis 18-1
  893. cli-visualizer 1.8-10
  894. clifm 1.7-1
  895. climate 0.3-1
  896. clinfo
  897. clipnotify 1.0.2-2
  898. cliqr 1.0.0-2
  899. clisp 2.49.93-6
  900. cln 1.3.6-2
  901. cloc 1.94-1
  902. clockywock 0.3.1a-1
  903. clojure
  904. clonekeen 8.4-2
  905. clonezilla 3.35.2-4
  906. cloud-guest-utils 0.33-1
  907. cloud-image-utils 0.33-1
  908. cloud-init 22.3.1-1
  909. cloud-utils 0.33-1
  910. cloudcross 1.4.8-1
  911. cloudfail 79.7982c7d-1
  912. cloudflared-bin 2022.8.4-1
  913. clr-power-tweaks 208-2
  914. clthreads 2.4.2-5
  915. clucene
  916. clusterssh 4.16-1
  917. clutter 1.26.4-2
  918. clutter-gst 3.0.27-4
  919. clutter-gtk 1.8.4-3
  920. clxclient 3.9.2-4
  921. cmake 3.24.1-1
  922. cmark 0.30.2-1
  923. cmark-gfm 0.29.0.gfm.5-1
  924. cmdcalc 2.4-1
  925. cmospwd 5.1-1
  926. cmsscan 43.f060b4b-2
  927. cmus 2.10.0-2
  928. cni-plugins 1.1.1-2
  929. cobalt 0.18.3-1
  930. cockpit 276-1
  931. cockpit-file-sharing 3.2.0-1
  932. cockpit-machines 274-1
  933. cockpit-navigator 0.5.8-1
  934. cockpit-packagekit 276-1
  935. cockpit-pcp 276-1
  936. cockpit-storaged 276-1
  937. codeblocks 20.03-4
  938. codec2 1:1.0.5-1
  939. codespell 2.2.1-1
  940. codicefiscale 3.0-2
  941. coffeescript 2.7.0-1
  942. cogl 1.22.8-2
  943. coin
  944. coin-or-asl 2.0.0-1
  945. coin-or-cbc 2.10.8-1
  946. coin-or-cgl 0.60.6-1
  947. coin-or-clp 1.17.7-2
  948. coin-or-coinutils 2.11.6-1
  949. coin-or-data-sample 1.2.12-1
  950. coin-or-mp 1.8.4-4
  951. coin-or-osi 0.108.7-1
  952. coinomi-wallet-bin 1.3.0-3
  953. cointop 1.6.10-1
  954. collectd 5.12.0-9
  955. colord 1.4.6-1
  956. colord-gtk 0.3.0-2
  957. colord-gtk-common 0.3.0-2
  958. colord-gtk4 0.3.0-2
  959. colord-kde 0.5.0-3
  960. colord-sane 1.4.6-1
  961. colordiff 1.0.20-1
  962. colorgcc 1.4.5-2
  963. colortool-git 20190811221313-1
  964. compface 1.5.2-10
  965. compiler-rt 14.0.6-1
  966. compiz-core-git 0.8.18.r13.gd5cf9f18-1
  967. composer 2.4.1-1
  968. conan 1.52.0-1
  969. concalc 0.9.3-1
  970. conflict 20210108-1
  971. confuse 3.3-3
  972. conky 1.12.2-2
  973. conky-manager 2.4-4
  974. conkywx 200730-1
  975. conmon 1:2.1.4-1
  976. connman 1.41-1
  977. conntrack-tools 1.4.6-2
  978. consoletype 0.15-1
  979. conspy 1.16-1
  980. consul 1.13.1-1
  981. containerd 1.6.8-1
  982. containers-common 1:0.49.1-2
  983. contractor 0.3.5-2
  984. converseen
  985. convertlit 1.8-10
  986. cool-retro-term 1.2.0-2
  987. coolero 0.12.8-1
  988. coolterm-bin 1.7.0-1
  989. coordgen 3.0.1-1
  990. copyq 6.2.0-2
  991. corectrl 1.2.7-1
  992. corefm 4.4.0-1
  993. coreinfo 4.4.0-1
  994. coremark-git r63.eefc986-1
  995. corepaint 4.4.0-1
  996. coreutils 9.1-1
  997. couchdb 3.2.2-3
  998. cowfortune 0.1.2-7
  999. cowpatty 4.8-2
  1000. cowsay 3.04-2
  1001. cozy-audiobooks 1.2.1-1
  1002. cpeditor 6.9.4-1
  1003. cpick 1.2.1-4
  1004. cpio 2.13-2
  1005. cpmtools 2.22-2
  1006. cpp-hocon 0.3.0-11
  1007. cppunit 1.15.1-3
  1008. cpu-x 4.4.0-1
  1009. cpubars-git r31.d9c9dd3-1
  1010. cpuburn 1.4a-7
  1011. cpufetch-git 1.02.r8.g61a1ad8-1
  1012. cpuid 20220620-1
  1013. cpulimit 1:0.2-2
  1014. cpupower 5.19-1
  1015. cpupower-gui-git 1.0.0.r14.g6c6e8fa-1
  1016. cpuset 1.6-1
  1017. cqrlog-bin 2.5.2-3
  1018. cracklib 2.9.7-2
  1019. crafty 25.2-4
  1020. crawlic 51.739fe2b-2
  1021. crazydiskinfo 1.1.0-2
  1022. createtorrent 1.1.4-6
  1023. crex 0.2.5-4
  1024. crictl 1.25.0-1
  1025. criu 3.17.1-1
  1026. croc 9.6.0-1
  1027. cromfs
  1028. cronie 1.6.1-1
  1029. cronopete 4.15.1-1
  1030. crossftp-client 1.99.9-3
  1031. crosslinked 1:8.ac331f5-1
  1032. crow-translate 2.10.0-1
  1033. crudini 0.9.3-1
  1034. crun 1.6-1
  1035. cryfs 0.11.2-4
  1036. crypthook 18.690dcae-1
  1037. cryptkeeper 0.9.5-6
  1038. cryptmount 5.3.2-1
  1039. crypto++ 8.7.0-1
  1040. cryptojka 0.5.0-1
  1041. cryptomator 1.6.14-1
  1042. cryptonark 0.5.7-1
  1043. cryptonose 2.23.1-1
  1044. cryptpng 1.0-2
  1045. cryptsetup 2.5.0-1
  1046. csol 1.5.0-1
  1047. ctags 1:5.9.20220828.0-1
  1048. ctemplate 2.4-2
  1049. ctodo 1.3-1
  1050. ctop 0.7.7-2
  1051. ctpl 0.3.4-4
  1052. ctronome 0.5.6-2
  1053. cty 3227-1
  1054. cuda_memtest 1.2.3-3
  1055. cueplot 0.0.8-7
  1056. cuetools 1.4.1-4
  1057. cuishark 0.1.2-1
  1058. cuneiform 1.1.0-22
  1059. cunit 2.1.3-3
  1060. cupholder 1.1.0-1
  1061. cups 1:2.4.2-3
  1062. cups-filters 1.28.16-1
  1063. cups-pdf 3.0.1-6
  1064. cups-pk-helper 0.2.7-1
  1065. cura-resources-materials 4.13.0-1
  1066. curl 7.85.0-1
  1067. curlftpfs 0.9.2-8
  1068. curlie 1.6.9-2
  1069. cutecw 1.0-1
  1070. cutefish-statusbar 0.7-1
  1071. cvc4 1.8-2
  1072. cvs 1.11.23-14
  1073. cvs2svn 2.5.0-1
  1074. cwdaemon 0.10.2-2
  1075. cwiid 0.6.00+svn201-3
  1076. cydia-impactor 0.9.56-1
  1077. cylon 6.2-3
  1078. cyrus-sasl 2.1.28-1
  1079. cyrus-sasl-gssapi 2.1.28-1
  1080. cython 0.29.32-2
  1081. cython2 0.29.32-1
  1082. d-containers 0.8.0-8
  1083. d-mir-core 1.1.14-10
  1084. d-stdx-allocator 3.0.2-20
  1085. daa2iso 0.1.7e-3
  1086. daemonize 1.7.8-3
  1087. daemontools-encore 1.10-3
  1088. dagon 244.f065d7b-2
  1089. dallas-git 1460109-1
  1090. dante 1.4.3-3
  1091. dapper 1.0.0-1
  1092. darch 0.28.0-1
  1093. darcs 2.16.5-73
  1094. darkhttpd 1.13-1
  1095. darktable 2:4.0.0-1
  1096. dash
  1097. datecalc 0.2.1-1
  1098. datemath 2.0.10-5
  1099. dateutils 0.4.9-1
  1100. dav 0.8.6-1
  1101. dav1d 1.0.0-1
  1102. davfs2 1.6.1-1
  1103. davical 1.1.10-2
  1104. db 5.3.28-5
  1105. dbd 61.8cf5350-1
  1106. dbeaver 22.1.3-1
  1107. dbeaver-plugin-apache-poi 4.1.1-3
  1108. dbeaver-plugin-office
  1109. dbgl 0.95-1
  1110. dblatex 0.3.12-3
  1111. dboxfe2 0.1.3-6
  1112. dbus 1.14.0-1
  1113. dbus-broker 32-1
  1114. dbus-c++ 0.9.0-10
  1115. dbus-client-gen 0.4-7
  1116. dbus-cpp 5.0.3-1
  1117. dbus-docs 1.14.0-1
  1118. dbus-glib 0.112-2
  1119. dbus-python 1.2.18-3
  1120. dbus-sharp 0.8.1-3
  1121. dbus-sharp-glib 0.6.0-3
  1122. dbusmap 16.6bb2831-2
  1123. dbview 1.0.4-2
  1124. dcaenc-git 3.0.g9b89d76-1
  1125. dcfldd 1.7.1-1
  1126. dcmtk 3.6.7-1
  1127. dconf 0.40.0-1
  1128. dconf-editor 3.38.3-2
  1129. dcraw 9.28.0-3
  1130. dctl 2-1
  1131. dd_rescue 1.99.12-1
  1132. dd_rhelp 0.3.0-1
  1133. ddate 0.2.2-3
  1134. ddccontrol 0.6.0-1
  1135. ddccontrol-db-git 20170716.r28f8e47-1
  1136. ddclient 3.9.1-1
  1137. ddcpuid 0.14.1-1
  1138. ddcutil 1.3.0-1
  1139. ddns 2.1.2-1
  1140. ddpolymerase 0.1.1-1
  1141. ddrescue 1.26-1
  1142. ddrescue-gui 2.1.1-3
  1143. ddutility-bin 1.6-1
  1144. ddwarf 0.83-4
  1145. deadascend 1.1.2-2
  1146. deb2appimage 0.0.3-3
  1147. deb2targz 0.1-7
  1148. debian-archive-keyring 2021.1.1-1
  1149. debootstrap 1.0.127-2
  1150. debtap 3.5.1-1
  1151. debuginfod 0.187-2
  1152. decodify 50.76a0801-3
  1153. deconz 2.17.01-1
  1154. deepin-account-faces
  1155. deepin-anything 5.0.18-1
  1156. deepin-api 5.5.30-1
  1157. deepin-app-services 0.0.16-1
  1158. deepin-boot-maker 5.7.7-1
  1159. deepin-calculator 5.7.21-2
  1160. deepin-calendar 5.9.1-1
  1161. deepin-community-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2
  1162. deepin-compressor 5.12.8-1
  1163. deepin-control-center 5.5.145-1
  1164. deepin-daemon 5.14.101-2
  1165. deepin-desktop-base 2:2022.07.26-2
  1166. deepin-desktop-schemas 5.10.11-1
  1167. deepin-dock 5.5.67-1
  1168. deepin-draw 5.11.3-1
  1169. deepin-editor 5.10.34-1
  1170. deepin-file-manager 1:5.6.4-1
  1171. deepin-gtk-theme 2020.06.10-1
  1172. deepin-icon-theme 2021.11.24-1
  1173. deepin-launcher 5.5.32-1
  1174. deepin-menu 5.0.1-7
  1175. deepin-movie 1:5.10.7-1
  1176. deepin-music 6.2.15-2
  1177. deepin-network-core 1.0.63-2
  1178. deepin-network-utils 5.4.13-1
  1179. deepin-picker 5.0.28-1
  1180. deepin-polkit-agent 5.4.14-1
  1181. deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring 0.1.0-2
  1182. deepin-printer 0.9.13-1
  1183. deepin-pw-check 5.1.16-1
  1184. deepin-qt-dbus-factory 5.5.22-4
  1185. deepin-qt5integration
  1186. deepin-qt5platform-plugins 5.0.65-1
  1187. deepin-screenshot 5.0.0-6
  1188. deepin-session-shell 5.5.71-1
  1189. deepin-session-ui 5.5.28-1
  1190. deepin-shortcut-viewer 5.0.6-1
  1191. deepin-sound-theme 15.10.6-1
  1192. deepin-system-monitor 5.9.27-1
  1193. deepin-terminal 5.4.33-1
  1194. deepin-turbo 0.0.4-1
  1195. deepin-voice-note 5.10.16-1
  1196. deepin-wallpapers 1:1.7.7-2
  1197. deepin-wallpapers-plasma 5.18.5-1
  1198. deepin-wayland 1.0.0-1
  1199. deezloader-remix-git 4.2.1.r327.ga8296d9-1
  1200. dehtml 1.8-3
  1201. dehydrated 0.7.0-2
  1202. deja-dup 43.4-1
  1203. dejagnu 1.6.3-3
  1204. delay 1.6-2
  1205. demorse 1.2-4
  1206. denise
  1207. deno 1.25.1-1
  1208. depot-tools-git r9078.443f9851a-1
  1209. deskcut-git r23.4fa2a81-1
  1210. deskreen 2.0.3-4
  1211. desktop-file-utils 0.26-2
  1212. desmume 0.9.13-1
  1213. destinationsol 2.0.0-2
  1214. detect-it-easy 1:3.02-1
  1215. detox 1.4.5-1
  1216. deutex-git 5.2.2.r1.gef1c06a-1
  1217. devede 4.17.0-1
  1218. device-mapper 2.03.16-2
  1219. devil 1.8.0-6
  1220. devtools 20220621-1
  1221. dex 0.9.0-1
  1222. dextra 1.38.114-2
  1223. dfu-util 0.11-2
  1224. dgen-sdl 1.33-4
  1225. dhclient 4.4.3-3
  1226. dhcp 4.4.3-3
  1227. dhcp-helper 1.2-2
  1228. dhcp_probe 1.3.1-1
  1229. dhcpcd 9.4.1-1
  1230. dhcpf 3.a770b20-2
  1231. dhcpig-git 1:r92.9fd8df5-1
  1232. dhcping 1.2-3
  1233. dhex 0.69-2
  1234. di 4.50-1
  1235. dia 0.97.3-9
  1236. dialog 1:1.3_20220728-1
  1237. dictd 1.13.1-2
  1238. dieharder 3.31.2-2
  1239. dietlibc 0.34-2
  1240. diff-so-fancy 1.4.3-1
  1241. diff2colorhtml 0.1-1
  1242. diff2html 1.0.1-5
  1243. diffmerge
  1244. diffoscope 221-1
  1245. diffpdf
  1246. diffstat 1.64-2
  1247. diffuse 0.7.5-1
  1248. diffutils 3.8-1
  1249. digikam 7.8.0-2
  1250. dillo 3.0.5-11
  1251. din 54-1
  1252. dina-font 2.92-10
  1253. ding-libs 0.6.2-1
  1254. dino 0.3.0-3
  1255. direnv 2.32.1-1
  1256. direwolf 1.5-1
  1257. diriterator 1.0.5-1
  1258. dirsearch 2135.f14cf06-1
  1259. dirsyncpro 1.53-1
  1260. discli 1-1
  1261. discord 0.0.19-1
  1262. discord-chat-exporter-cli 2.35-1
  1263. discount 2.2.7.b-1
  1264. discover 5.25.5-1
  1265. disk-image-scripts 1.4-2
  1266. disk-test 0.2.4-1
  1267. diskmonitor 0.3.4-1
  1268. diskus 0.7.0-2
  1269. dislocker 561.f9674c4-1
  1270. disomaster 5.0.8-1
  1271. disorderfs 0.5.11-1
  1272. disper
  1273. displaycal 3.9.6-2
  1274. dissector 1-3
  1275. dist_detect 1.8-1
  1276. distcc 3.4-4
  1277. distorm 3.5.2-3
  1278. distrobox 1.4.0-2
  1279. distrobuilder 2.1-2
  1280. ditaa 0.11.0-3
  1281. djgpp-binutils 2.34-1
  1282. djvulibre 3.5.28-3
  1283. dkms 3.0.6-1
  1284. dktools 4.34.1-2
  1285. dleyna-connector-dbus 0.4.1-1
  1286. dleyna-core 0.7.0-3
  1287. dleyna-renderer 0.7.2-1
  1288. dleyna-server 0.7.2-1
  1289. dmd 1:2.100.1-1
  1290. dmenu 5.1-1
  1291. dmenu-translate-git r26.e02ece5-1
  1292. dmg2dir 3.1.1-2
  1293. dmg2img 18.f16f247-1
  1294. dmidecode 3.4-1
  1295. dmmediaconverter 2.1-1
  1296. dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-13
  1297. dnf 4.13.0-1
  1298. dnf-legacy-utils 1.0.0-2
  1299. dnf-plugins-core 4.2.1-1
  1300. dnf-plugins-extras 4.0.16-1
  1301. dns-lexicon 3.11.4-2
  1302. dnscomp-git 0.r28.bbcea7c-1
  1303. dnscrypt-wrapper 0.4.2-3
  1304. dnsdiag-git 2.0.2.r9.edb168f-1
  1305. dnsmasq 2.86-2
  1306. dnspredict 0.0.2-3
  1307. dnssearch 20.e4ea439-4
  1308. dnssec-anchors 20190629-3
  1309. dnstop 20140915-2
  1310. dnstracer 1.10-2
  1311. dnsx 309.5cb005c-1
  1312. doasedit 0.7-1
  1313. docbook-xml 4.5-9
  1314. docbook-xsl 1.79.2-7
  1315. docbook2x 0.8.8-18
  1316. docfetcher 1.1.25-1
  1317. docker 1:20.10.17-1
  1318. docker-backup-bin 0.2.3-1
  1319. docker-compose 2.10.2-1
  1320. docker-ls 0.5.1-1
  1321. docker-machine 0.16.2-5
  1322. docker-machine-add-ssh 1.7-1
  1323. docker-makepkg 2.9.1-2
  1324. docker-prune 0.3.0-1
  1325. docker-shell 1.3.1-1
  1326. docker-tray 1.5-3
  1327. docker2aci 0.17.2-1
  1328. dockerscan 59.590a844-4
  1329. dockviz 0.6.3-1
  1330. docopt 0.6.3-2
  1331. docparser 1.0.1-1
  1332. docx2txt 1.4-5
  1333. dollar 3-1
  1334. dolphin 22.08.1-1
  1335. dolphin-emu 1:5.0.r16793.3cd82b6193-1
  1336. dolphin-plugins 22.08.1-1
  1337. domination 1.2.5-1
  1338. domoticz-git r14455-1
  1339. domterm-git 2.9.4.r99.g9840116-1
  1340. dooble 2022.04.04-1
  1341. doom1-wad 1.9-3
  1342. dos2unix 7.4.3-1
  1343. dosage 2.17-1
  1344. dosbox 0.74.3-2
  1345. dosbox-x 2022.08.0-1
  1346. doschk 1.1-3
  1347. dosemu 1:
  1348. dosfstools 4.2-2
  1349. dot2tex 2.11.3-5
  1350. dotconf 1.3-6
  1351. dotnet-host 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  1352. dotnet-runtime 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  1353. dotnet-runtime-3.1-bin 3.1.28.sdk422-1
  1354. dotnet-sdk 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  1355. dotnet-targeting-pack 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  1356. double-conversion 3.2.1-1
  1357. doublecmd-gtk2 1.0.6-2
  1358. doublecontact 0.2.4-1
  1359. dovecot
  1360. downgrade 11.2.1-1
  1361. downgrader 2.0.0-3.1
  1362. downzemall 2.5.8-1
  1363. doxygen 1.9.3-1
  1364. dpkg 1.21.9-1
  1365. draco 1.5.3-1
  1366. dragon 22.08.1-1
  1367. drawing 1.0.1-1
  1368. drbl 2.30.5-2
  1369. driconf 0.9.1-14
  1370. drive 0.4.0-1
  1371. drkonqi 5.25.5-1
  1372. droid64 0.17b-1
  1373. droidcam 1:1.8.2-1
  1374. dron 1.3.3-0
  1375. droopescan 1.45.1-2
  1376. dropbear 2022.82-2
  1377. dropbox 155.4.5493-1
  1378. drumstick 2.7.1-2
  1379. drush 8.4.2-1
  1380. dry-bin 0.11.1-1
  1381. dsb-demodulator-git r1.200e870-1
  1382. dsh 0.25.10-1
  1383. dsniff 2.4b1-28
  1384. dssi 1.1.1-11
  1385. dsxs 130.3e628b6-1
  1386. dtc 1.6.1-4
  1387. dte 1.10-2
  1388. dterm 0.5-1
  1389. dtkcommon 5.5.23-1
  1390. dtkcore 1:5.5.32-2
  1391. dtkgui 5.5.24-1
  1392. dtkwidget 5.5.46-1
  1393. dtkwm 2.0.12-14
  1394. dtools 2.100.0-1
  1395. duck
  1396. duf 0.8.1-2
  1397. duktape 2.7.0-4
  1398. dumb 2.0.3-3
  1399. dump 0.4b47-1
  1400. dump1090-mutability-git 2.1.4.r225.fb5942d-1
  1401. dump_syms 2.0.0-1
  1402. dune 3.4.1-2
  1403. dunesh 0.1.7-2
  1404. duo_unix 1.12.1-1
  1405. dup 20160409-1
  1406. dupeguru 4.3.1-1
  1407. duplicity 0.8.23-1
  1408. durt-bin 1.0.3-2
  1409. dust-git 0.6.2.r52.gb9386cd-1
  1410. dutree 0.2.18-2
  1411. dvb-firmware 2014.11.25-3
  1412. dvd+rw-tools 7.1-9
  1413. dvdauthor 0.7.2-11
  1414. dvdbackup 0.4.2-6
  1415. dvdcat-git 0.1.3.r0.g307b959-1
  1416. dvdisaster 0.79.10-1
  1417. dvdrip 0.98.11-15
  1418. dvgrab 3.5-12
  1419. dwarffortress 0.47.05-2
  1420. dwarffortress-terminal-fonts 1-1
  1421. dwdiff 2.1.4-4
  1422. dwm 6.3-1
  1423. dxcc 20191204-1
  1424. dxvk-bin 1.10.3-1
  1425. dynamic-colors-git 47a91bb-1
  1426. dyndns 1.0.1-2
  1427. e2fsprogs 1.46.5-4
  1428. e3 2.82-6
  1429. e4rat 0.2.3-5
  1430. eam-git 3.7.0.r2.g1eeeaf3-1
  1431. earlyoom 1.7-1
  1432. earthwalker-git r323.57343f5-1
  1433. easy 1.4.0-1
  1434. easy-copy 1.0.0-3
  1435. easy-rsa 3.1.0-1
  1436. easyaur 1.5-1
  1437. easybackup 1.4-0
  1438. easyeda-bin 6.5.15-1
  1439. easyeda2kicad 1.9.2-2
  1440. easymorse r37.601035b-1
  1441. easymp3gain-gtk2 0.5.0-8
  1442. easyrpg-editor-qt-git r589.fae3b88-1
  1443. easyssh 1.7.9-1
  1444. easyterm r106.aa52d8d-1
  1445. easytether-bin 0.8.9-1
  1446. eatmemory 0.1.6-1
  1447. ebook-tools 0.2.2-7
  1448. ebtables 2.0.10_4-8
  1449. ecasound 2.9.3-7
  1450. eclipse-ecj 4.22-2
  1451. econnman 1.1-1
  1452. ecryptfs-utils 111-5
  1453. ect 0.9.3-1
  1454. ed 1.18-1
  1455. edbrowse 3.7.6-2
  1456. edex-ui-bin 2.2.8-1
  1457. edi 0.8.0-1
  1458. edid-decode-git r637.5d183e0-1
  1459. edir 2.14-1
  1460. editline 1.17.1-2
  1461. editorconfig-core-c 0.12.5-1
  1462. edk2-armvirt 202208-1
  1463. edk2-ovmf 202208-1
  1464. edk2-shell 202208-1
  1465. edlin 2.16-1
  1466. eepbeacon 1.0-2
  1467. eepclock 1.1-2
  1468. eepkeyer 1.7-3
  1469. efibooteditor-qt5 1.1.3-1
  1470. efibootmgr 18-1
  1471. efitools 1.9.2-4
  1472. efivar 38-2
  1473. efl 1.26.2-1
  1474. efont-unicode-bdf 0.4.2-1
  1475. egl-wayland 2:1.1.11-2
  1476. eglexternalplatform 1.1-2
  1477. eidolon 1.4.6-1
  1478. eigen 3.4.0-1
  1479. eka2l1-git 5617.925967cb4-1
  1480. elasticsearch 7.10.2-3
  1481. electricsheep 3.0.2-9
  1482. electron 20.0.3-1
  1483. electron12 12.2.3-4
  1484. electron13 13.6.9-3
  1485. electron14 14.2.9-2
  1486. electron15-bin 15.5.7-1
  1487. electron16 16.2.8-2
  1488. electron17 17.4.11-1
  1489. electron19 19.0.13-1
  1490. electron3-bin 3.1.13-6
  1491. electron8-bin 1:8.5.5-4
  1492. electron9 9.4.4-6
  1493. electronmail-bin 5.1.0-1
  1494. electrum 4.3.1-1
  1495. element-desktop 1.11.4-1
  1496. element-web 1.11.4-1
  1497. elementary-icon-theme 7.0.0-1
  1498. elementary-planner 3.0.7-1
  1499. elementary-wallpapers-git r139.7656a8c-1
  1500. eleventy 1.0.1-1
  1501. elf2hex
  1502. elfinfo 1.2.1-1
  1503. elfutils 0.187-2
  1504. elinks 0.15.1-1
  1505. elisa 22.08.1-1
  1506. emacs 28.1-7
  1507. emacs-php-mode 1.24.0-2
  1508. emacs-python-mode 6.2.3-2
  1509. embree 3.13.4-1
  1510. emoj 3.3.0-1
  1511. emoji-cli r43.0fbb2e4-1
  1512. emoji-keyboard 3.1.1-3
  1513. emojify 2.2.0-1
  1514. emote 3.0.3-4
  1515. emptty 0.9.0-1
  1516. emulationstation 2.10.3-1.1
  1517. emulicious-bin 2022.07.31-1
  1518. emutools 113001-1
  1519. enblend-enfuse 4.2.r1524+h4c30a326b3f4-2
  1520. enca 1.19-4
  1521. encfs 1.9.5-5
  1522. enchant 2.3.3-1
  1523. endeavouros-galleon-grub 0.5-1
  1524. endeavouros-keyring 20220614-1
  1525. endeavouros-mirrorlist 4.7-2
  1526. endeavouros-theming 10.0-1
  1527. endlessh-git r100.dfe44eb-1
  1528. enemy-territory-data 2.60b-14
  1529. enet 1.3.17-1
  1530. engrampa 1.26.0-1
  1531. enigma 1.04-7
  1532. enjarify 1.0.3-7
  1533. enki-editor-git 22.08.0.r0.g06fa090c-1
  1534. enlightenment 0.25.3-1
  1535. enlightenment16 1.0.23-1
  1536. enscript 1.6.6-4
  1537. entangle 3.0-2
  1538. entr 5.2-1
  1539. enum4linux 0.9.1-2
  1540. enum4linux-ng 366.d069d75-1
  1541. envlinkfs-git 0.1.r2.b731de6-1
  1542. envrun 0.6.2-1
  1543. envview 1.0.1-1
  1544. eog 42.3-1
  1545. eog-plugins 42.1-1
  1546. eolie 0.9.101-3
  1547. eom 1.26.0-1
  1548. eos-bash-shared 1.28-2
  1549. eos-qogir-icons 4-2
  1550. eos-quickstart 1.3-2
  1551. eos-rankmirrors 2.3-1
  1552. eos-translations 1.12-1
  1553. epdfview 0.1.8-11
  1554. ephoto 1.6.0-1
  1555. epiphany 42.4-1
  1556. episoder 0.9.2-1
  1557. epson-inkjet-printer-201211w 1.0.0-10
  1558. epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.21-1
  1559. epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 1.1.49-1
  1560. epson-inkjet-printer-n10-nx127 1.0.1-10
  1561. epson-inkjet-printer-workforce-320-sx218 1.0.0-10
  1562. epsxe 2.0.5-28
  1563. epub-tools 2.11-1
  1564. epub2pdf 0.5-1
  1565. epub2txt 14.75807c1-1
  1566. eqonomize-git r511.5fc8866-1
  1567. equilux-theme 20181029-2
  1568. erfa 2.0.0-1
  1569. erlang-nox 25.0.3-1
  1570. erlang-unixodbc 25.0.3-1
  1571. erofs-utils 1.5-2
  1572. esearch 4.4.1-1
  1573. eselect-git 821.378832d-1
  1574. eslint 8.23.0-1
  1575. esmska 1.9.2-1
  1576. espeak-ng 1.51-1
  1577. espeakup 0.90-1
  1578. esphome-flasher 1.4.0-1
  1579. esptool 4.2.1-1
  1580. etcetera 1.0-1
  1581. etckeeper 1.18.17-1
  1582. eterm 0.9.6-3
  1583. eternalterminal 6.2.1-1
  1584. etherape 0.9.20-1
  1585. etherpad-lite 1:1.8.18-1
  1586. etherwall 3.0.4-1
  1587. ethstatus 0.4.9-1
  1588. ethtool 1:5.19-1
  1589. etlegacy 2.80.2-1
  1590. etlegacy-mod 2.80.2-1
  1591. evdoublebind r24.3b2f3da-1
  1592. eventviews 22.08.1-1
  1593. evince 42.3-1
  1594. evolution 3.44.4-1
  1595. evolution-bogofilter 3.44.4-1
  1596. evolution-data-server 3.44.4-1
  1597. evolution-ews 3.44.4-1
  1598. evolution-on 3.24.2-3
  1599. evolution-rss 0.3.96-5
  1600. evolution-spamassassin 3.44.4-1
  1601. evolvere-icons-git 2.4.r281.gea76982-1
  1602. evtest 1.35-1
  1603. evtkit 8.af06db3-2
  1604. exa 0.10.1-6
  1605. exe2image 1.1-1
  1606. exempi 2.6.2-1
  1607. exfatprogs 1.1.3-1
  1608. exif 0.6.22-1
  1609. exifcleaner-bin 3.6.0-4
  1610. exiv2 0.27.5-3
  1611. exo 4.16.4-1
  1612. exodus 22.8.26-1
  1613. expac 10-5
  1614. expat 2.4.8-1
  1615. expect 5.45.4-3
  1616. exploitdb 20220615-1
  1617. expressvpn
  1618. ext3grep 0.10.2-6
  1619. ext4magic 0.3.2-4
  1620. extra-cmake-modules 5.97.0-1
  1621. extracthosts 17.8fdff9e-1
  1622. extraterm-bin 0.59.3-1
  1623. extundelete 0.2.4-5
  1624. ezame 0.7.0-2
  1625. ezquake 3.2.3-1
  1626. f1spirit 0.rc9.1615-5
  1627. f2-bin 1.8.0-1
  1628. f2c 20200916-2
  1629. f2fs-tools 1.15.0-1
  1630. faac 1.30-3
  1631. faad2 2.10.0-1
  1632. facter 3.14.24-1
  1633. fahcontrol 7.6.21-1
  1634. fail2ban 0.11.2-3
  1635. fake-hwclock 0.3-1
  1636. fake86-git 2020.05.09.gd275349-2
  1637. fakechroot 2.20.1-2
  1638. fakeroot 1.29-1
  1639. falkon 22.08.1-1
  1640. fancontrol-gui 0.8-1
  1641. fancontrol-kcm v0.8-1
  1642. fanficfare 4.15.0-1
  1643. fang 22.4f94552-2
  1644. fann 2.2.0-5.1
  1645. farstream 0.2.9-3
  1646. fasm 1.73.30-1
  1647. fast 0.0.4-1
  1648. fastgame-git 0.2.0.r3.ge957670-1
  1649. fastjar 0.98-6
  1650. fatattr 1.0.1-7
  1651. fatelf-utils 111.5e7e594b70fa-4
  1652. fatrace 0.16.3-1
  1653. fatsort
  1654. faudio 22.09.01-1
  1655. fbcmd 2.0-1
  1656. fbida 2.14-3
  1657. fbmenugen 0.87-1
  1658. fbreader 0.99.4-11
  1659. fbrokendesktop 1.0.3-1
  1660. fbset 2.1-7
  1661. fbsplash
  1662. fbsplash-theme-arch-black 1.3-1
  1663. fbsplash-theme-arch-elegant 0.2.5-1
  1664. fcgi 2.4.2-2
  1665. fcgiwrap 1.1.0-8
  1666. fcitx5 5.0.19-1
  1667. fcitx5-configtool 5.0.15-1
  1668. fcitx5-gtk 5.0.18-1
  1669. fcitx5-qt 5.0.15-1
  1670. fcrackzip 1.0-6
  1671. fd 8.4.0-1
  1672. fdkaac 1.0.3-1
  1673. fdlog 152i-5
  1674. fdroidcl 0.5.0-3
  1675. fdupes 1:2.1.2-2
  1676. feathernotes 1.0.0-1
  1677. featherpad 1.3.1-1
  1678. feedreader 2.11.0-1
  1679. feedthebeast-classic 1.5.1-3
  1680. feh 3.9.1-2
  1681. ferdi 5.8.1-1
  1682. festival 2.5.0-4
  1683. fetchpkg 0.3-7
  1684. ffcall 2.4-2
  1685. ffdec 15.1.1-1
  1686. fff 2.2-2
  1687. fflas-ffpack 2.5.0-1
  1688. ffmpeg 2:5.1.1-3
  1689. ffmpeg2theora 0.30-8
  1690. ffmpeg4.4 4.4.2-3
  1691. ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.2-4
  1692. ffmpegthumbs 22.08.1-1
  1693. ffms2 2.40-3
  1694. ffmulticonverter 1.8.0-1
  1695. fftw 3.3.10-3
  1696. fftw2 2.1.5-1
  1697. fgallery 1.8.2-3
  1698. fget 0.4.1-4
  1699. fgscanner 11.893372c-2
  1700. fierce 134.99eca52-2
  1701. fife 0.4.2-5
  1702. fifechan 0.1.5-1
  1703. fig2dev 3.2.8.b-1
  1704. figlet 2.2.5-4
  1705. figma-linux 0.9.6-0
  1706. file 5.42-2
  1707. file-commander-git
  1708. file-rename-utils 1.7.3-2
  1709. file-roller 3.42.0-1
  1710. file2key 3.1.1-1
  1711. filebot47 4.7.9-4
  1712. filebrowser-bin 2.22.4-1
  1713. filecast 1.0-4
  1714. filelight 22.08.1-1
  1715. filemanager-actions 3.4-6
  1716. filesystem 2021.12.07-1
  1717. filezilla 3.60.2-1
  1718. finalcut 0.8.0-1
  1719. findfileconflicts-git 2018.04.04-1
  1720. findmyhash 1.1.2-7
  1721. findnewest 0.3-3
  1722. findomain 384.7698d99-1
  1723. findprocessesusing 2.3.2-2
  1724. findutils 4.9.0-1
  1725. findwild 3.3-4
  1726. fineftp-server 1.3.1-2
  1727. fing 5.5.2-1
  1728. fingerterm 1.4.6-1
  1729. fio 3.32-1
  1730. firebase-tools-bin 11.8.0-1
  1731. firedragon 102.0.1-1
  1732. firefox 104.0.2-1
  1733. firefox-dark-reader 4.9.57-1
  1734. firefox-extension-google-search-link-fix 1.6.10-3
  1735. firefox-i18n-it 104.0.2-1
  1736. firejail 0.9.70-4
  1737. firetools 0.9.64-2
  1738. firewalld 1.2.0-1
  1739. firmware-manager 0.1.2-6
  1740. fish 3.5.1-1
  1741. fish-autopair 1.0.4-1
  1742. fish-systemd-git r10.4e922a2-2
  1743. fish-xsession 0.0.2-2
  1744. fishui 0.8-1
  1745. fkill 7.1.0-1
  1746. flac 1.3.4-3
  1747. flac123 0.0.12-5
  1748. flac2all 5.5-2
  1749. flac2mp3 1.0.1-1
  1750. flack 2.0.6-2
  1751. flacon 9.2.0-1
  1752. flake8 1:5.0.0-1
  1753. flam3 3.1.1-2
  1754. flamerobin-git
  1755. flameshot 12.1.0-1
  1756. flare-engine-git 1.13.04.r48.g16be17a7-1
  1757. flare-game-git 1.13.04.r11.g97b74b9c-1
  1758. flareget 5.0.0-2
  1759. flashplugin
  1760. flashrom 1.2-4
  1761. flasm 1.62-5
  1762. flatbuffers 2.0.8-1
  1763. flatpak 1:1.14.0-1
  1764. flatpak-builder 1.2.2-3
  1765. flatplat-blue-theme 3.24.1-1
  1766. flatseal 1.8.0-2
  1767. flauncher 1.5.0-1
  1768. flex 2.6.4-3
  1769. flickcurl 1.26-12
  1770. flightgear 2020.3.13-1
  1771. flightgear-data 2020.3.13-1
  1772. flint 2.9.0-1
  1773. flite 2.2-1
  1774. fllog 1.2.7-1
  1775. florence 0.6.3-2
  1776. flowinspect 97.34759ed-1
  1777. fltk 1.3.8-1
  1778. fluajho 1.7.3-1
  1779. fluent-cursor-theme-git 2022.02.28.r18.g941b8ca-1
  1780. fluent-decoration-git r33.5655249-1
  1781. fluent-kde-theme-git r59.ed75beb-1
  1782. fluent-reader 1.1.2-1
  1783. fluid 1.2.0-1
  1784. fluidplug-git r37.8457f10-1
  1785. fluidsynth 2.2.9-2
  1786. flutter 3.3.1-1
  1787. fluxbox 1.3.7+205+g1d19662c-1
  1788. fluxmod-styles 1-5
  1789. flwkey 1.2.3-2
  1790. flxmlrpc 1.0.1-3
  1791. fman 1.7.3-1
  1792. fmsx 6.0-1
  1793. fmt 9.1.0-1
  1794. focuswriter 1.8.2-1
  1795. foliate 2.6.4-2
  1796. folks 0.15.5-1
  1797. font-bh-ttf 1.0.3-8
  1798. font-manager 0.8.8-1
  1799. fontconfig 2:2.14.0-1
  1800. fonteditfs 1.2-7
  1801. fontfinder 1.4.1-1
  1802. fontfor 0.3.1-2
  1803. fontforge 20220308-1
  1804. fonts-droid-fallback 6.0.1r16-1.1
  1805. fonts-noto-hinted 20161116-1
  1806. fontweak 1.3.1-6
  1807. food_gui 1.2.1-1
  1808. foomatic-db 3:20220328-1
  1809. foomatic-db-engine 4:20220521-1
  1810. foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds 5.3.4-1
  1811. foomatic-db-nonfree 3:20220328-1
  1812. foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds 3:20220328-1
  1813. foomatic-db-ppds 3:20220328-1
  1814. fop 2.7-1
  1815. fop-hyph 2.2-2
  1816. foremost 1.5.7-5
  1817. forkingportscanner 1-2
  1818. fortune-mod 3.14.1-1
  1819. fortune-mod-americandad 1603281158-1
  1820. fortune-mod-dexter 1611140124-1
  1821. fortune-mod-futurama 0.2-4
  1822. fortune-mod-it 1.99-3
  1823. fortune-mod-kylexy 1504030023-1
  1824. fortune-mod-scrubs 1512071537-1
  1825. fortune-mod-theshield 1610170050-1
  1826. fossil 2.19-1
  1827. fotowall 1.0-3
  1828. fox 1:1.6.57-2
  1829. fox-devel 1.7.79-1
  1830. foxitreader
  1831. foxtrotgps 1.2.2-1
  1832. fpc 3.2.2-6
  1833. fpc-src 3.2.2-2
  1834. fping 5.1-2
  1835. fport 2.0-6
  1836. fpp 0.9.5-1
  1837. fprintd 1.94.2-1
  1838. fractal 4.4.0-2
  1839. fragments 2.0.2-1
  1840. frameworkintegration 5.97.0-1
  1841. franz-bin 5.7.0-1
  1842. fraqtive 0.4.8-1
  1843. fred 0.1.1-3
  1844. free-hash-checker 3.0-3
  1845. freealut 1.1.0-8
  1846. freebasic 1.09.0-2
  1847. freecad 0.20.1-5
  1848. freecell-solver 6.6.0-1
  1849. freeciv 3.0.2-1
  1850. freedm 0.12.1-2
  1851. freedoom 0.12.1-2
  1852. freedroid 1.2.1-2
  1853. freefilesync-bin 11.25-1
  1854. freeglut 3.2.2-2
  1855. freeimage 3.18.0-15
  1856. freeipmi 1.6.10-1
  1857. freelan 2.3.0-2
  1858. freeorion-git 0.4.10.with.FreeOrionSDK.v12.1282.g82ed8f737-1
  1859. freepats-general-midi 20210329-2
  1860. freeplane 1.10.3-1
  1861. freeradius 3.2.0-2
  1862. freerdp 2:2.8.0-1
  1863. freesiege 1.3-2
  1864. freesweep 1.0.1-1
  1865. freetds 1.3.13-1
  1866. freetube-bin 0.17.1-1
  1867. freetype2 2.12.1-1
  1868. freetype2-demos 2.12.1-1
  1869. freetype2-docs 2.12.1-1
  1870. freewheeling 0.6.6-3
  1871. frei0r-plugins 1.8.0-2
  1872. fribidi 1.0.12-1
  1873. fritzing 0.9.10-1
  1874. froggix 0.1-6
  1875. fs-uae 3.1.66-2
  1876. fs-uae-launcher 3.1.68-1
  1877. fsarchiver 0.8.6-1
  1878. fsearch 0.2.2-1
  1879. fslint 2.46.20180114.r10.g3c60863-1
  1880. fstrm 0.6.1-1
  1881. fswebcam 20200725-1
  1882. fte 0.50.02-1
  1883. ftgl 2.4.0-2
  1884. ftp-fuzz 1:1337-5
  1885. ftp-scanner 0.2.5-1
  1886. ftp-spider 1.0-5
  1887. ftpmap 52.cbeabbe-1
  1888. ftpscout 12.cf1dff1-6
  1889. fuji 1.0-1
  1890. furiusisomount
  1891. fuse-common 3.11.0-1
  1892. fuse-emulator-sdl 1.6.0-1
  1893. fuse-overlayfs 1.9-1
  1894. fuse-zip 0.7.2-2
  1895. fuse2 2.9.9-4
  1896. fuse3 3.11.0-1
  1897. fuseiso 20070708-8
  1898. fusesmb 0.8.7-4
  1899. fwupd 1.8.4-1
  1900. fwupd-efi 1.3-1
  1901. fx 24.0.0-1
  1902. fx_cast-bin 0.3.0-3
  1903. fzf 0.33.0-1
  1904. g15daemon 3.0.4-1
  1905. g4l 0.60-1
  1906. gabtag 8-1
  1907. gaiasky 2:
  1908. gala 6.3.1-1
  1909. galaxy2 1.8-4
  1910. galculator 2.1.4-7
  1911. gambas3-dev-tools 3.17.3-3
  1912. gambas3-gb-args 3.17.3-3
  1913. gambas3-gb-cairo 3.17.3-3
  1914. gambas3-gb-chart 3.17.3-3
  1915. gambas3-gb-clipper 3.17.3-3
  1916. gambas3-gb-complex 3.17.3-3
  1917. gambas3-gb-compress 3.17.3-3
  1918. gambas3-gb-crypt 3.17.3-3
  1919. gambas3-gb-data 3.17.3-3
  1920. gambas3-gb-db 3.17.3-3
  1921. gambas3-gb-db-form 3.17.3-3
  1922. gambas3-gb-db-mysql 3.17.3-3
  1923. gambas3-gb-db-odbc 3.17.3-3
  1924. gambas3-gb-db-postgresql 3.17.3-3
  1925. gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 3.17.3-3
  1926. gambas3-gb-dbus 3.17.3-3
  1927. gambas3-gb-desktop 3.17.3-3
  1928. gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome 3.17.3-3
  1929. gambas3-gb-desktop-x11 3.17.3-3
  1930. gambas3-gb-eval-highlight 3.17.3-3
  1931. gambas3-gb-form 3.17.3-3
  1932. gambas3-gb-form-dialog 3.17.3-3
  1933. gambas3-gb-form-editor 3.17.3-3
  1934. gambas3-gb-form-htmlview 3.17.3-3
  1935. gambas3-gb-form-mdi 3.17.3-3
  1936. gambas3-gb-form-stock 3.17.3-3
  1937. gambas3-gb-form-terminal 3.17.3-3
  1938. gambas3-gb-gmp 3.17.3-3
  1939. gambas3-gb-gsl 3.17.3-3
  1940. gambas3-gb-gtk3 3.17.3-3
  1941. gambas3-gb-httpd 3.17.3-3
  1942. gambas3-gb-image 3.17.3-3
  1943. gambas3-gb-image-effect 3.17.3-3
  1944. gambas3-gb-image-imlib 3.17.3-3
  1945. gambas3-gb-image-io 3.17.3-3
  1946. gambas3-gb-inotify 3.17.3-3
  1947. gambas3-gb-libxml 3.17.3-3
  1948. gambas3-gb-logging 3.17.3-3
  1949. gambas3-gb-map 3.17.3-3
  1950. gambas3-gb-markdown 3.17.3-3
  1951. gambas3-gb-media 3.17.3-3
  1952. gambas3-gb-media-form 3.17.3-3
  1953. gambas3-gb-memcached 3.17.3-3
  1954. gambas3-gb-mime 3.17.3-3
  1955. gambas3-gb-mysql 3.17.3-3
  1956. gambas3-gb-ncurses 3.17.3-3
  1957. gambas3-gb-net 3.17.3-3
  1958. gambas3-gb-net-curl 3.17.3-3
  1959. gambas3-gb-net-pop3 3.17.3-3
  1960. gambas3-gb-net-smtp 3.17.3-3
  1961. gambas3-gb-opengl 3.17.3-3
  1962. gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl 3.17.3-3
  1963. gambas3-gb-opengl-glu 3.17.3-3
  1964. gambas3-gb-opengl-sge 3.17.3-3
  1965. gambas3-gb-openssl 3.17.3-3
  1966. gambas3-gb-option 3.17.3-3
  1967. gambas3-gb-pcre 3.17.3-3
  1968. gambas3-gb-poppler 3.17.3-3
  1969. gambas3-gb-qt5 3.17.3-3
  1970. gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl 3.17.3-3
  1971. gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit 3.17.3-3
  1972. gambas3-gb-report 3.17.3-3
  1973. gambas3-gb-scanner 3.17.3-3
  1974. gambas3-gb-sdl 3.17.3-3
  1975. gambas3-gb-sdl-sound 3.17.3-3
  1976. gambas3-gb-sdl2 3.17.3-3
  1977. gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio 3.17.3-3
  1978. gambas3-gb-settings 3.17.3-3
  1979. gambas3-gb-signal 3.17.3-3
  1980. gambas3-gb-term 3.17.3-3
  1981. gambas3-gb-util 3.17.3-3
  1982. gambas3-gb-util-web 3.17.3-3
  1983. gambas3-gb-v4l 3.17.3-3
  1984. gambas3-gb-vb 3.17.3-3
  1985. gambas3-gb-web 3.17.3-3
  1986. gambas3-gb-web-form 3.17.3-3
  1987. gambas3-gb-xml 3.17.3-3
  1988. gambas3-gb-xml-html 3.17.3-3
  1989. gambas3-gb-xml-rpc 3.17.3-3
  1990. gambas3-gb-xml-xslt 3.17.3-3
  1991. gambas3-ide 3.17.3-3
  1992. gambas3-runtime 3.17.3-3
  1993. gambas3-script 3.17.3-3
  1994. gameconqueror 0.17-6
  1995. gamehub
  1996. gamemode 1.7-1
  1997. gamescope 3.11.43-1
  1998. gamin 0.1.10-9
  1999. gamma-text-editor 0.0.4-0
  2000. gammy 0.9.64-4
  2001. ganv-git 1.8.0.r388.17f58b9-1
  2002. garcon 4.16.1-1
  2003. garmintools 0.10-7
  2004. garminusb2nmea 0.12a-1
  2005. gashell 0.921-1
  2006. gaupol 1.11-1
  2007. gavl 1.4.0-6
  2008. gawk 5.1.1-1
  2009. gbkunzip 0.2-6
  2010. gbm 1.3.2-1
  2011. gbt-git r306.fd9fbf3-1
  2012. gc 8.2.0-3
  2013. gcab 1.5-1
  2014. gcalcli 4.3.0-2
  2015. gcc 12.2.0-1
  2016. gcc-ada 12.2.0-1
  2017. gcc-fortran 12.2.0-1
  2018. gcc-libs 12.2.0-1
  2019. gcc-objc 12.2.0-1
  2020. gcc7 7.5.0-4
  2021. gcc7-libs 7.5.0-4
  2022. gcc9 9.5.0-1
  2023. gcc9-fortran 9.5.0-1
  2024. gcc9-libs 9.5.0-1
  2025. gcdemu 3.2.6-1
  2026. gcin 2.9.0-4
  2027. gcleaner-git r114.674a6c1-1
  2028. gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-6
  2029. gconf-editor 3.0.1-5
  2030. gconf-sharp 2.24.4-7
  2031. gconfmm 2.28.3-7
  2032. gcovr 5.2-1
  2033. gcr 3.41.1-2
  2034. gcrypt 1:30.7c2fd05-1
  2035. gd 2.3.3-4
  2036. gdal 3.5.1-3
  2037. gdb 12.1-1
  2038. gdb-common 12.1-1
  2039. gdbm 1.23-1
  2040. gddccontrol 0.6.0-1
  2041. gdk-pixbuf-xlib 2.40.2-1
  2042. gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.9-1
  2043. gdl 3.40.0-1
  2044. gdm 42.0+r11+g4a52f026-1
  2045. gdmap 0.8.1-7
  2046. gdome2 0.8.1-7
  2047. gdown 4.4.0-2
  2048. gdrive 2.1.1-2
  2049. gdu 5.16.0-1
  2050. geany 1.38-3
  2051. geany-plugins 1.38-4
  2052. geany-themes 1.24-1
  2053. gearhead 1.310-1
  2054. gearmand
  2055. geary 1:40.0-8
  2056. geckodriver 0.30.0-1
  2057. gedit 42.2-1
  2058. gedit-plugins 42.1-1
  2059. gegl 0.4.38-1
  2060. gelide-git 20150620.g10d8aec-2
  2061. gendesk 1.0.9-3
  2062. genht 1.1.2-1
  2063. genius 1.0.27-3
  2064. gens 2.15.5-12
  2065. gensystray-git r25.fd5a9b7-4
  2066. gentium-plus-font 6.101-1
  2067. gentoo 0.20.7-1
  2068. gentoo-bashrc 2016.0-1
  2069. genymotion 3.2.1-2
  2070. geoclue 2.6.0-2
  2071. geocode-glib 3.26.4-1
  2072. geogebra 6.0.729.0-1
  2073. geoip 1.6.12-2
  2074. geoip-database 20220823-1
  2075. geoip-database-extra 20220823-1
  2076. geos 3.11.0-1
  2077. geotag 0.103-4
  2078. getdepends 1.0-1
  2079. getdns 1.7.0-1
  2080. getmail6 6.18.9-1
  2081. getrid-git 0.2.1.r0.g13a0f7c-1
  2082. gettext 0.21-2
  2083. getver 0.52-2
  2084. gf2x 1.3.0-2
  2085. gfbgraph 0.2.5-1
  2086. gflags 2.2.2-4
  2087. gftp 2.9.1b-2
  2088. gggooglescan 0.4-3
  2089. ghc 9.0.2-1
  2090. ghc-libs 9.0.2-1
  2091. ghex 42.3-1
  2092. ghostpcl 9.56.1-1
  2093. ghostscript 9.56.1-1
  2094. ghostwriter 2.1.4-1
  2095. ghostxps 9.56.1-1
  2096. ghq 1.3.0-1
  2097. gi 0.1.3-2
  2098. giac
  2099. giada 0.22.0-1
  2100. giara 1.0-2
  2101. giblib 1.2.4-9
  2102. gif2png 3.0.0-4
  2103. giflib 5.2.1-2
  2104. gifsicle 1.93-2
  2105. gigedit 1.2.0-1
  2106. giggle 0.7-11
  2107. gimagereader-common 3.4.0-4
  2108. gimagereader-qt 3.4.0-4
  2109. gimp 2.10.32-1
  2110. gimp-help-it 2.10.0-5
  2111. gimp-nufraw 0.43.3-4
  2112. gimp-plugin-dcamnoise2 0.64-7
  2113. gimp-plugin-fblur 3.2.6-6
  2114. gimp-plugin-gmic 3.1.6-1
  2115. gimp-plugin-imgur-git r12.369a75e-1
  2116. gimp-plugin-mathmap 1.3.5-8
  2117. gio-qt 0.0.11-1
  2118. gist 6.0.0-1
  2119. git 2.37.3-1
  2120. git-annex 10.20220822-9
  2121. git-cola 4.0.1-2
  2122. git-crypt 0.7.0-1
  2123. git-filter-repo 2.34.0-1
  2124. git-fire-git r63.4d8f4c4-1
  2125. git-lfs 3.2.0-1
  2126. git-remote-gcrypt 1.4-1
  2127. git-repair 1.20220404-26
  2128. gitea 1.17.0-1
  2129. gitg 2:41-1
  2130. github-cli 2.15.0-1
  2131. github-desktop 3.0.6-1
  2132. gitid 0.3.1-1
  2133. gitkraken 8.8.0-1
  2134. gitlab 15.3.2-1
  2135. gitlab-gitaly 15.2.2-1
  2136. gitlab-shell 3:14.10.0-1
  2137. gitlab-workhorse 8.65.0-1
  2138. gitolite 3.6.12-2
  2139. gitprompt-rs 0.3.0-1
  2140. givaro 4.2.0-1
  2141. gjs 2:1.72.2-1
  2142. gkeyfile-sharp 0.1-4
  2143. gkrellm 2.3.11-2
  2144. gksu 2.0.2-7
  2145. gl-117 1.3.2-9
  2146. gl2ps 1.4.2-2
  2147. glabels 3.4.1-8
  2148. glade 3.40.0-1
  2149. glade-perl 1.008-1.0
  2150. glances 3.2.7-1
  2151. glava 1.6.3-2
  2152. glee 5.4.0-4
  2153. glew 2.2.0-5
  2154. glew-2.1 2.1.0-1
  2155. glew1.10 1.10.0-3
  2156. glfw-x11 3.3.8-1
  2157. glhack 1.2-9
  2158. glib 1.2.10-18
  2159. glib-networking 1:2.72.2-1
  2160. glib-perl 1.329.3-3
  2161. glib2 2.72.3-3
  2162. glib2-docs 2.72.3-3
  2163. glibc 2.36-3
  2164. glibd 2.3.0-7
  2165. glibmm 2.66.4-1
  2166. glibmm-docs 2.66.4-1
  2167. glide 1093.b94b39d-1
  2168. glm
  2169. glmark2-git r971.af498f4-1
  2170. globalplatform 7.3.0-1
  2171. globe-cli 0.2.0-2
  2172. gloox 1.0.24-2
  2173. glpk 5.0-1
  2174. glslang 11.11.0-1
  2175. glu 9.0.2-3
  2176. glusterfs 1:10.1-1
  2177. gmapcatcher
  2178. gmetadom 0.2.6-10
  2179. gmic 3.1.6-1
  2180. gmime 2.6.23+4+g91dcee38-3
  2181. gmime3 3.2.13-1
  2182. gmp 6.2.1-2
  2183. gmp-ecm 7.0.5-1
  2184. gmpc 11.8.16-6
  2185. gmrun 1.4w-1
  2186. gmtp 1.3.11-2
  2187. gmusicbrowser 1.1.16-1
  2188. gn 0.2050.9ef32177-1
  2189. gn-m76 0.1576.81ee1967-1
  2190. gn-m85 0.1792.7d7e8dee-1
  2191. gnac
  2192. gnofract4d 4.3-3
  2193. gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7-4
  2194. gnome-applets 3.44.0-1
  2195. gnome-autoar 0.4.3-2
  2196. gnome-backgrounds 42.0-1
  2197. gnome-bluetooth 3.34.5-4
  2198. gnome-bluetooth-3.0 42.4-1
  2199. gnome-boxes 42.3-1
  2200. gnome-browser-connector 42.0-2
  2201. gnome-calculator 42.2-1
  2202. gnome-calendar 42.2-1
  2203. gnome-characters 42.0-1
  2204. gnome-chess 42.1-1
  2205. gnome-clocks 42.0-1
  2206. gnome-color-manager 3.36.0+r25+g4aab8b59-1
  2207. gnome-common 3.18.0-4
  2208. gnome-contacts 42.0-1
  2209. gnome-control-center 42.3-2
  2210. gnome-defaults-list 42.0-1
  2211. gnome-desktop 1:42.4-1
  2212. gnome-desktop-4 1:42.4-1
  2213. gnome-desktop-common 1:42.4-1
  2214. gnome-desktop2 2.32.1-3
  2215. gnome-dictionary 40.0-1
  2216. gnome-disk-utility 42.0-1
  2217. gnome-do 0.95.3-6
  2218. gnome-doc-utils 0.20.10+16+gc03cc09-3
  2219. gnome-firmware 42.2-1
  2220. gnome-font-viewer 42.0-1
  2221. gnome-games 40.0-3
  2222. gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
  2223. gnome-icon-theme-extras 3.12.0-5
  2224. gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
  2225. gnome-initial-setup 42.2-1
  2226. gnome-keyring 1:42.1-1
  2227. gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.2-6
  2228. gnome-logs 42.0-1
  2229. gnome-maps 42.3-1
  2230. gnome-menus 3.36.0-2
  2231. gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-8
  2232. gnome-mines 40.1-1
  2233. gnome-multi-writer 3.32.1-2
  2234. gnome-music 1:42.1-1
  2235. gnome-nibbles 3.38.2-1
  2236. gnome-online-accounts 3.44.0-1
  2237. gnome-panel 3.44.0-1
  2238. gnome-photos 1:42.0-1
  2239. gnome-power-manager 3.32.0-2
  2240. gnome-screenshot 41.0+r25+g45f08f0-1
  2241. gnome-search-tool 3.6.0+82+g4a8f34e-2
  2242. gnome-session 42.0-1
  2243. gnome-settings-daemon 42.2-1
  2244. gnome-shell 1:42.4-1
  2245. gnome-shell-extension-appindicator-git 1:40+1+g4463b84-3
  2246. gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect 1:50-1
  2247. gnome-shell-extensions 42.3-1
  2248. gnome-software 42.4-1
  2249. gnome-software-packagekit-plugin 42.4-1
  2250. gnome-sound-recorder 42.0-1
  2251. gnome-subtitles 1.7.2-1
  2252. gnome-system-log 3.9.90+160+g4b07190-2
  2253. gnome-system-monitor 42.0-1
  2254. gnome-terminal 3.44.1-1
  2255. gnome-themes-extra 3.28+r6+g45b1d457-1
  2256. gnome-todo 41.0+r106+gebc68374-1
  2257. gnome-tweaks 42beta+r14+g2d9d76c-2
  2258. gnome-usage 3.38.1-1
  2259. gnome-user-docs 42.0-1
  2260. gnome-user-share 3.34.0-2
  2261. gnome-vfs-nosmb 2.24.4-9
  2262. gnome-video-effects 0.5.0+4+g9554041-2
  2263. gnome-weather 42.0-1
  2264. gnomecast-git 1.9.11.r178.2ae979f-1
  2265. gnu-apl 1.8-3
  2266. gnu-efi 3.0.15-1
  2267. gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8
  2268. gnu-netcat 0.7.1-8
  2269. gnubg 1.06.002-7
  2270. gnubiff 2.2.17-10
  2271. gnucash 4.11-1
  2272. gnucash-docs 4.11-1
  2273. gnuchess 6.2.9-2
  2274. gnucobol 3.1.2-1
  2275. gnudos 1.11.4-1
  2276. gnugo 3.8-7
  2277. gnulium-git 2.0.0.r2.gc71ad44-1
  2278. gnumeric 1.12.52-2
  2279. gnunet 0.17.5-3
  2280. gnunet-fuse 0.16.0-1
  2281. gnunet-gtk 0.16.0-1
  2282. gnupg 2.2.39-1
  2283. gnuplot 5.4.4-1
  2284. gnuradio
  2285. gnuradio-companion
  2286. gnuradio-iqbal 0.38.2-7
  2287. gnuradio-osmosdr 0.2.3-11
  2288. gnurl 7.72.0-1
  2289. gnustep-back 0.29.0-1
  2290. gnustep-base 1.28.0-4
  2291. gnustep-gui 0.29.0-1
  2292. gnustep-make 2.9.0-1
  2293. gnutls 3.7.7-3
  2294. go 2:1.19-1
  2295. go-bindata 4.0.0-2
  2296. go-ethereum 1.10.23-1
  2297. go-for-it 1.9.6-1
  2298. go-md2man 2.0.2-2
  2299. go-tools 4:0.1.12-1
  2300. gob2 2.0.20-3
  2301. gobbl 0.2.0-1
  2302. gobject-introspection 1.72.0-1
  2303. gobject-introspection-runtime 1.72.0-1
  2304. gocr 0.52-2
  2305. gocryptfs 2.3-1
  2306. godns-bin 2.7.9-1
  2307. godot 3.5-1
  2308. godotpcktool-bin 1.7-1
  2309. goes16-background-git 0.1-1
  2310. goesimage 0.1.3-1
  2311. goffice 0.10.52-1
  2312. gogglesmm 1.2.2-2
  2313. gogs 1:0.12.10-1
  2314. gohufont 2.1-2
  2315. golded-plus-git r1571.2503b06-1
  2316. goldendict-git 1:1.5.0rc2.r549.gfb224043-1
  2317. gom 0.4-5
  2318. gonvert 0.2.39-1
  2319. goobook-git 3.5.2-1
  2320. goobox 3.6.0-2
  2321. goocanvas 3.0.0-3
  2322. goocanvas1 1.0.0-5
  2323. google-chrome 105.0.5195.102-1
  2324. google-desktop-links 4-1
  2325. google-earth
  2326. google-explorer 140.0b21b57-3
  2327. google-glog 0.6.0-1
  2328. google-keep-desktop 1.7.9-1
  2329. google-maps-desktop 0.91-1
  2330. google-photos-desktop 0.9-1
  2331. google-webdesigner
  2332. googlemaps 20210323-1
  2333. googleplay 1.9.1-1
  2334. googleplaydownloader 2.3-2
  2335. googler 4.3.2-1
  2336. gooscan 1.0.9-4
  2337. gopass 1.14.4-1
  2338. gopenvpn-git svn.migration.r12.gb4192eb-8
  2339. gopreload-git r59.21b08e6-1
  2340. gosign 1.2.7-1
  2341. gotop 4.1.4-1
  2342. gottet 1.2.1-1
  2343. gotty-bin 1.4.0-1
  2344. gource 0.53-2
  2345. governor-switcher-git 1.0-1
  2346. gpa 0.10.0-2
  2347. gpart 0.3-4
  2348. gparted 1.4.0-1
  2349. gpaste 42.1-1
  2350. gperf 3.1-3
  2351. gperftools 2.10-1
  2352. gpg-crypter 0.4.1-4
  2353. gpg-tui 0.9.1-1
  2354. gpgit 1:1.5.0-1
  2355. gpgme 1.18.0-1
  2356. gpgpwd 0.7.2-1
  2357. gphoto2 2.5.28-1
  2358. gphotos-sync 3.0.3-1
  2359. gphotos-uploader-cli 3.4.0-0
  2360. gpick 0.2.6-5
  2361. gpicview 0.2.5-7
  2362. gping-git 1.2.3.r4.ga95a678-1
  2363. gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-4
  2364. gpmdp 4.7.1-2
  2365. gpodder 3.11.0-1
  2366. gpointing-device-settings 1.5.1-5
  2367. gpredict 1629.0f3beb6-1
  2368. gprolog 1.5.0-2
  2369. gpsbabel 1.8.0-1
  2370. gpscorrelate 2.0-3
  2371. gpsd 3.24-1
  2372. gpshell 2.3.0-1
  2373. gpsim 0.31.0-2
  2374. gpsman
  2375. gpsprune 22.1-1
  2376. gptfdisk 1.0.9-1
  2377. gputest 0.7.0-1
  2378. gputils 1.5.2-1
  2379. gpxsee 11.4-1
  2380. gpxviewer 1.1.0-1
  2381. gqrx 2.15.9-2
  2382. gr-adsb-git 15a292-1
  2383. gr-ham-git 0ac9253-1
  2384. graceful-shutdown 1.0.0-1
  2385. gradio 7.3-1
  2386. gradle 7.5.1-1
  2387. gramps 2:5.1.5-1
  2388. granatier 22.08.1-1
  2389. granite 6.2.0-2
  2390. granite7 7.0.0-1
  2391. grantlee 5.2.0-3
  2392. grantlee-editor 22.08.1-1
  2393. grantleetheme 22.08.1-1
  2394. graphene 1.10.8-1
  2395. graphicsmagick 1.3.38-4
  2396. graphite 1:1.3.14-2
  2397. graphviz 5.0.1-1
  2398. graveman 0.3.12-1
  2399. grep 3.7-1
  2400. gridloc 0.7-1
  2401. gridtracker 1.22.0903-1
  2402. grig 0.8.0-1
  2403. grilo 0.3.15-1
  2404. grilo-plugins 1:0.3.15-1
  2405. grim 1.4.0-2
  2406. grive 0.5.1-4
  2407. grml-rescueboot 0.5.2-1
  2408. grml2usb 0.18.5-1
  2409. groff 1.22.4-7
  2410. groovy 4.0.3-1
  2411. grpc 1.48.0-1
  2412. grsync 1.3.0-1
  2413. grub 2:2.06.r322.gd9b4638c5-4
  2414. grub-btrfs 4.11-2
  2415. grub-custom-simona 0.0.3-1
  2416. grub-customizer 5.2.2-1
  2417. grub-hook 2.1-1
  2418. grub-reboot-poweroff 0.2.1-2
  2419. grub-theme-midna 3.1-1
  2420. grub-theme-vimix 20190605-2
  2421. grub-tools 1.6.9-2
  2422. grub2-theme-archlinux 1.0-4
  2423. grub2-theme-archxion 1.0-6
  2424. grub2-theme-dharma-mod 1.0-1
  2425. grub2-theme-endeavouros 20220602-1
  2426. grub2-theme-preview 2.4.2-1
  2427. grunt-cli 1.4.3-2
  2428. gsasl 2.0.1-1
  2429. gscan2pdf 2.12.6-2
  2430. gsettings-desktop-schemas 42.0-1
  2431. gsettings-qt 0.2-1
  2432. gsfonts 20200910-2
  2433. gshutdown 0.2-5
  2434. gsimplecal 2.4.1-1
  2435. gsl 2.7.1-1
  2436. gsm 1.0.22-1
  2437. gsmartcontrol 1.1.4-1
  2438. gsound 1.0.3-2
  2439. gspell 1.10.0-2
  2440. gssdp
  2441. gssproxy 0.9.1-2
  2442. gst-editing-services 1.20.3-1
  2443. gst-libav 1.20.3-1
  2444. gst-plugin-gtk 1.20.3-1
  2445. gst-plugin-pipewire 1:0.3.57-1
  2446. gst-plugin-qmlgl 1.20.3-1
  2447. gst-plugin-qrcode 0.2.1-1
  2448. gst-plugins-bad 1.20.3-1
  2449. gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.20.3-1
  2450. gst-plugins-base 1.20.3-1
  2451. gst-plugins-base-libs 1.20.3-1
  2452. gst-plugins-espeak 0.5.0-4
  2453. gst-plugins-good 1.20.3-1
  2454. gst-plugins-ugly 1.20.3-1
  2455. gst-python 1.20.3-1
  2456. gstatz 1.3-3
  2457. gstreamer 1.20.3-1
  2458. gstreamer-vaapi 1.20.3-1
  2459. gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-20
  2460. gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-14
  2461. gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.36-14
  2462. gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.31-29
  2463. gstreamermm 1.10.0-2
  2464. gtest 1.12.1-1
  2465. gthumb 3.12.2-1
  2466. gtimelog 0.11.3-2
  2467. gtk 1.2.10-18
  2468. gtk-chtheme 0.3.1-10
  2469. gtk-doc 1.33.2-1
  2470. gtk-engine-murrine 0.98.2-4
  2471. gtk-engines 2.21.0-5
  2472. gtk-layer-shell 0.7.0-3
  2473. gtk-sharp-2 2.12.45-4
  2474. gtk-sharp-3 2.99.3-4
  2475. gtk-theme-config 1.0-1
  2476. gtk-theme-elementary 7.0.0-1
  2477. gtk-theme-macos-sierra-archers-git v0.9.r142.gad3a7ad-1
  2478. gtk-theme-switch2 2.1.0-5
  2479. gtk-theme-windows10 3.2.1-1
  2480. gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.8.0-1
  2481. gtk-vnc 1.3.1-1
  2482. gtk2 2.24.33-2
  2483. gtk2+extra 3.3.4-2
  2484. gtk2-perl 1.24993-4
  2485. gtk2_prefs 0.4.1-5
  2486. gtk2fontsel 0.1-7
  2487. gtk3 1:3.24.34-1
  2488. gtk3-nocsd-git r82.512c2bd-1.1
  2489. gtk4 1:4.8.0-1
  2490. gtkd 3.10.0-4
  2491. gtkdatabox 1.0.0-1
  2492. gtkdialog 0.8.3-2
  2493. gtkglarea 2.1.0-6
  2494. gtkglext 1.2.0-13
  2495. gtkhash-caja 1.4-4
  2496. gtkhash-nautilus 1.4-4
  2497. gtkhash-nemo 1.4-4
  2498. gtkhash-thunar 1.4-4
  2499. gtkimageview 1.6.4-7
  2500. gtklp 1.3.4-2
  2501. gtkmathview 0.8.0-9
  2502. gtkmm 1:2.24.5-4
  2503. gtkmm3 3.24.6-1
  2504. gtkmm3-docs 3.24.6-1
  2505. gtksourceview2 2.10.5-6
  2506. gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-1
  2507. gtksourceview4 4.8.3-1
  2508. gtksourceview5 5.4.2-1
  2509. gtksourceviewmm 1:3.18.0-5
  2510. gtkspell 2.0.16-8
  2511. gtkspell3 3.0.10-2
  2512. gtkwave 3.3.111-1
  2513. gtop 1.1.3-1
  2514. gts
  2515. guake 3.9.0-2
  2516. gucharmap 14.0.3-1
  2517. gufw 22.04-1
  2518. guichan 0.8.2-7
  2519. guile 2.2.7-2
  2520. guile-bytestructures 1.0.10-1
  2521. guile-lzlib 0.0.2-1
  2522. guile-sqlite3 0.1.3-1
  2523. guile-zlib 0.1.0-1
  2524. guile1.8 1.8.8-8
  2525. guile2.0 2.0.14-6
  2526. guiscrcpy 1:2022.6.1-1
  2527. guitarix 0.44.1-2
  2528. guix-installer v1.3.0-1
  2529. gulp 4.0.2-3
  2530. gumbo-parser 0.10.1-2
  2531. gummi 2:0.8.3-1
  2532. gunicorn 20.1.0-4
  2533. gupnp 1:1.4.3-1
  2534. gupnp-av 0.14.1-1
  2535. gupnp-dlna 0.12.0-1
  2536. gupnp-igd 1.2.0-2
  2537. gupnp-tools 0.10.3-1
  2538. gutenprint 5.3.4-1
  2539. guvcview 2.0.8-1
  2540. guvcview-common 2.0.8-1
  2541. gv 3.7.4-5
  2542. gvfs 1.50.2-1
  2543. gvfs-afc 1.50.2-1
  2544. gvfs-goa 1.50.2-1
  2545. gvfs-google 1.50.2-1
  2546. gvfs-gphoto2 1.50.2-1
  2547. gvfs-mtp 1.50.2-1
  2548. gvfs-nfs 1.50.2-1
  2549. gvfs-smb 1.50.2-1
  2550. gvm-libs 22.4.0-2
  2551. gvmd 22.4-2
  2552. gwakeonlan 0.8.4-1
  2553. gwaterfall 0.1-3
  2554. gweled 0.9.1-5
  2555. gwenhywfar 5.9.0-1
  2556. gwenview 22.08.1-1
  2557. gxkb 0.9.3-2
  2558. gxmessage 3.4.3-4
  2559. gzip 1.12-1
  2560. gzrt 0.8-1
  2561. habak 0.2.5-7
  2562. hackmd-desktop 0.1.0-1
  2563. hackrf 2021.03.1-2
  2564. haiku-icon-theme 0.7-1
  2565. hakuneko-desktop 6.1.7-2
  2566. hal-info 0.20091130-3
  2567. hamlib 4.4-1
  2568. hamradio-menus 1.0-2
  2569. hamsolar 1.0-3
  2570. handbrake 1.5.1-2
  2571. handbrake-cli 1.5.1-2
  2572. handle 1:0.1-4
  2573. handlr-bin 0.6.4-3
  2574. handshake-cracker 61.e071cd6-1
  2575. hardened_malloc 11-1
  2576. hardinfo
  2577. harfbuzz 5.1.0-1
  2578. harfbuzz-icu 5.1.0-1
  2579. harmonize 0.3.2-1
  2580. haruna 0.9.1-1
  2581. harvest 0.8-1
  2582. harvid 0.9.0-1
  2583. hasciicam 1.3-2
  2584. hash-extender 157.1f29520-1
  2585. hash-identifier 6.0e08a97-1
  2586. hashcat 1:6.2.5-1
  2587. hashcat-utils 1.9-2
  2588. hashcatch 52.8145660-1
  2589. hashdb 1089.1da1b9f-1
  2590. hashdeep 4.4-6
  2591. hasher 48.40173c5-4
  2592. hashfind 8.e9a9a14-2
  2593. hashid 1:397.7e8473a-2
  2594. hashpump 49.314268e-1
  2595. hashrat 1.15-1
  2596. hashtag 0.41-7
  2597. haskell-abstract-deque 0.3-165
  2598. haskell-abstract-par 0.3.3-25
  2599. haskell-adjunctions 4.4.2-10
  2600. haskell-aeson
  2601. haskell-aeson-compat 0.3.10-59
  2602. haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.9-84
  2603. haskell-algebraic-graphs 0.7-20
  2604. haskell-alsa-core
  2605. haskell-alsa-mixer 0.3.0-73
  2606. haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.3-19
  2607. haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-336
  2608. haskell-appar 0.1.8-13
  2609. haskell-arch-web 0.1.1-44
  2610. haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-187
  2611. haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-187
  2612. haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-166
  2613. haskell-assoc 1.0.2-156
  2614. haskell-async 2.2.4-105
  2615. haskell-atomic-primops 0.8.4-135
  2616. haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-33
  2617. haskell-attoparsec-iso8601
  2618. haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-270
  2619. haskell-aws 0.22-471
  2620. haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-1
  2621. haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-4
  2622. haskell-base-orphans 0.8.7-11
  2623. haskell-base-unicode-symbols
  2624. haskell-base16-bytestring
  2625. haskell-base64
  2626. haskell-base64-bytestring
  2627. haskell-basement 0.0.15-1
  2628. haskell-basic-prelude 0.7.0-196
  2629. haskell-bencode
  2630. haskell-bifunctors 5.5.12-20
  2631. haskell-binary-orphans 1.0.3-2
  2632. haskell-bitarray
  2633. haskell-bitvec
  2634. haskell-blaze-builder
  2635. haskell-blaze-html
  2636. haskell-blaze-markup
  2637. haskell-bloomfilter
  2638. haskell-boring 0.2-4
  2639. haskell-brick 0.71-3
  2640. haskell-bsb-http-chunked
  2641. haskell-byteable 0.1.1-25
  2642. haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-24
  2643. haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-103
  2644. haskell-case-insensitive
  2645. haskell-cassava
  2646. haskell-cassava-megaparsec 2.0.4-61
  2647. haskell-cereal
  2648. haskell-chunked-data 0.3.1-210
  2649. haskell-cipher-aes 0.2.11-283
  2650. haskell-citeproc 0.7-20
  2651. haskell-classy-prelude
  2652. haskell-clientsession
  2653. haskell-clock 0.8.3-55
  2654. haskell-cmark-gfm 0.2.3-29
  2655. haskell-cmdargs 0.10.21-4
  2656. haskell-code-page 0.2.1-5
  2657. haskell-colour 2.3.6-128
  2658. haskell-commonmark 0.2.2-13
  2659. haskell-commonmark-extensions
  2660. haskell-commonmark-pandoc
  2661. haskell-comonad 5.0.8-159
  2662. haskell-concurrent-output 1.10.16-13
  2663. haskell-conduit
  2664. haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-22
  2665. haskell-config-ini
  2666. haskell-connection 0.3.1-215
  2667. haskell-constraints 0.13.4-8
  2668. haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-3
  2669. haskell-control-monad-free 0.6.2-17
  2670. haskell-cookie 0.4.5-12
  2671. haskell-cprng-aes 0.6.1-289
  2672. haskell-criterion
  2673. haskell-criterion-measurement
  2674. haskell-crypto-api 0.13.3-36
  2675. haskell-crypto-cipher-types 0.0.9-283
  2676. haskell-crypto-random 0.0.9-290
  2677. haskell-cryptohash-md5
  2678. haskell-cryptohash-sha1
  2679. haskell-cryptonite 0.30-30
  2680. haskell-cryptonite-conduit 0.2.2-517
  2681. haskell-css-text
  2682. haskell-csv 0.1.2-25
  2683. haskell-data-clist 0.2-28
  2684. haskell-data-default
  2685. haskell-data-default-class
  2686. haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-36
  2687. haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-259
  2688. haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-36
  2689. haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-61
  2690. haskell-data-ordlist
  2691. haskell-dav 1.3.4-505
  2692. haskell-dbus 1.2.22-94
  2693. haskell-dec 0.0.5-1
  2694. haskell-decimal 0.5.2-85
  2695. haskell-dense-linear-algebra
  2696. haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.8-82
  2697. haskell-diff 0.4.1-34
  2698. haskell-digest
  2699. haskell-disk-free-space
  2700. haskell-distributive
  2701. haskell-dlist 1.0-181
  2702. haskell-dlist-instances
  2703. haskell-doclayout 0.4-10
  2704. haskell-doctemplates
  2705. haskell-easy-file 0.2.2-19
  2706. haskell-edit-distance
  2707. haskell-either 5.0.2-34
  2708. haskell-email-validate
  2709. haskell-emojis 0.1.2-33
  2710. haskell-enclosed-exceptions 1.0.3-212
  2711. haskell-entropy
  2712. haskell-erf
  2713. haskell-errors 2.3.0-65
  2714. haskell-esqueleto
  2715. haskell-extensible-exceptions
  2716. haskell-extra 1.7.12-1
  2717. haskell-fast-logger 3.1.1-46
  2718. haskell-fdo-notify 0.3.1-610
  2719. haskell-feed
  2720. haskell-fgl
  2721. haskell-file-embed
  2722. haskell-filepath-bytestring
  2723. haskell-filtrable
  2724. haskell-fingertree
  2725. haskell-first-class-families
  2726. haskell-flexible-defaults 0.0.3-110
  2727. haskell-fold-debounce
  2728. haskell-free 5.1.9-18
  2729. haskell-fsnotify
  2730. haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-1
  2731. haskell-git-lfs 1.2.0-20
  2732. haskell-githash
  2733. haskell-glob 0.10.2-49
  2734. haskell-hackage-db 2.1.2-100
  2735. haskell-haddock-library 1.10.0-165
  2736. haskell-hashable
  2737. haskell-hashtables 1.3-8
  2738. haskell-here 1.2.13-316
  2739. haskell-hinotify 0.4.1-130
  2740. haskell-hjsmin
  2741. haskell-hledger-lib 1.26.1-12
  2742. haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-205
  2743. haskell-hslogger
  2744. haskell-hslua 2.2.0-23
  2745. haskell-hslua-aeson
  2746. haskell-hslua-classes 2.2.0-19
  2747. haskell-hslua-core 2.2.1-13
  2748. haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.2.1-7
  2749. haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.0.4-46
  2750. haskell-hslua-module-path 1.0.3-5
  2751. haskell-hslua-module-system 1.0.2-6
  2752. haskell-hslua-module-text 1.0.2-8
  2753. haskell-hslua-module-version 1.0.3-2
  2754. haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.2.1-3
  2755. haskell-hslua-packaging
  2756. haskell-hspec 2.10.0-5
  2757. haskell-hspec-core 2.10.0-5
  2758. haskell-hspec-discover 2.10.0-3
  2759. haskell-hspec-expectations 0.8.2-257
  2760. haskell-hsyaml
  2761. haskell-html
  2762. haskell-html-conduit
  2763. haskell-http 4000.4.1-39
  2764. haskell-http-api-data 0.4.3-152
  2765. haskell-http-client
  2766. haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-55
  2767. haskell-http-client-tls
  2768. haskell-http-conduit 2.3.8-235
  2769. haskell-http-date 0.0.11-95
  2770. haskell-http-media
  2771. haskell-http-types 0.12.3-261
  2772. haskell-http2 3.0.2-141
  2773. haskell-hunit
  2774. haskell-hxt
  2775. haskell-hxt-charproperties
  2776. haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema
  2777. haskell-hxt-unicode
  2778. haskell-ifelse 0.85-26
  2779. haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.2-2
  2780. haskell-indexed-traversable-instances
  2781. haskell-integer-logarithms
  2782. haskell-invariant 0.6-15
  2783. haskell-iproute 1.7.12-37
  2784. haskell-ipynb 0.2-43
  2785. haskell-iwlib 0.1.1-1
  2786. haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.4.0-72
  2787. haskell-js-chart
  2788. haskell-js-flot 0.8.3-24
  2789. haskell-js-jquery 3.3.1-846
  2790. haskell-json 0.10-111
  2791. haskell-juicypixels 3.3.7-29
  2792. haskell-kan-extensions 5.2.5-19
  2793. haskell-keys 3.12.3-223
  2794. haskell-knob 0.1.1-86
  2795. haskell-language-javascript
  2796. haskell-lens 5.1.1-34
  2797. haskell-lexer 1.1-11
  2798. haskell-libmpd
  2799. haskell-libxml-sax 0.7.5-32
  2800. haskell-libyaml 0.1.2-245
  2801. haskell-lift-type
  2802. haskell-lifted-async
  2803. haskell-lifted-base
  2804. haskell-lpeg 1.0.3-8
  2805. haskell-lua 2.2.1-9
  2806. haskell-lucid 2.11.1-20
  2807. haskell-magic 1.1-24
  2808. haskell-math-functions
  2809. haskell-megaparsec 9.2.1-17
  2810. haskell-memory 0.17.0-26
  2811. haskell-mersenne-random-pure64
  2812. haskell-microlens
  2813. haskell-microlens-ghc
  2814. haskell-microlens-mtl
  2815. haskell-microlens-platform
  2816. haskell-microlens-th
  2817. haskell-microstache
  2818. haskell-mime-types
  2819. haskell-mmap 0.5.9-25
  2820. haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-5
  2821. haskell-monad-control
  2822. haskell-monad-logger 0.3.37-7
  2823. haskell-monad-loops 0.4.3-25
  2824. haskell-monad-par 0.3.5-179
  2825. haskell-monad-par-extras 0.3.3-175
  2826. haskell-monadprompt
  2827. haskell-monadrandom 0.5.3-78
  2828. haskell-mono-traversable
  2829. haskell-mono-traversable-instances
  2830. haskell-mountpoints 1.0.2-24
  2831. haskell-mutable-containers 0.3.4-235
  2832. haskell-mwc-random
  2833. haskell-neat-interpolation
  2834. haskell-netlink
  2835. haskell-network
  2836. haskell-network-bsd
  2837. haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.6-137
  2838. haskell-network-info 0.2.1-1
  2839. haskell-network-multicast 0.3.2-167
  2840. haskell-network-uri
  2841. haskell-old-locale
  2842. haskell-old-time
  2843. haskell-onetuple 0.3.1-34
  2844. haskell-only 0.1-22
  2845. haskell-optparse-applicative
  2846. haskell-optparse-simple
  2847. haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.1.7-3
  2848. haskell-pandoc-types
  2849. haskell-parallel
  2850. haskell-parsec-numbers 0.1.0-18
  2851. haskell-parser-combinators 1.3.0-4
  2852. haskell-path-pieces 0.2.1-30
  2853. haskell-pem 0.2.4-243
  2854. haskell-persistent
  2855. haskell-persistent-sqlite
  2856. haskell-pointed 5.0.4-42
  2857. haskell-polysemy
  2858. haskell-pretty-hex 1.1-9
  2859. haskell-pretty-show 1.10-13
  2860. haskell-pretty-simple
  2861. haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-80
  2862. haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal 1.1.3-82
  2863. haskell-primitive
  2864. haskell-profunctors 5.6.2-101
  2865. haskell-psqueues
  2866. haskell-quickcheck 2.14.2-352
  2867. haskell-quickcheck-io 0.2.0-544
  2868. haskell-random
  2869. haskell-random-fu
  2870. haskell-random-shuffle 0.0.4-139
  2871. haskell-random-source
  2872. haskell-reducers 3.12.4-72
  2873. haskell-reflection 2.1.6-155
  2874. haskell-regex-applicative 0.3.4-152
  2875. haskell-regex-base
  2876. haskell-regex-compat
  2877. haskell-regex-compat-tdfa
  2878. haskell-regex-pcre
  2879. haskell-regex-posix
  2880. haskell-regex-tdfa 1.3.2-5
  2881. haskell-resource-pool
  2882. haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-9
  2883. haskell-rio
  2884. haskell-rvar
  2885. haskell-safe 0.3.19-8
  2886. haskell-safe-exceptions
  2887. haskell-safesemaphore 0.10.1-27
  2888. haskell-sandi 0.5-337
  2889. haskell-say
  2890. haskell-scientific
  2891. haskell-securemem 0.1.10-245
  2892. haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-58
  2893. haskell-servant 0.19-4
  2894. haskell-servant-client 0.19-9
  2895. haskell-servant-client-core 0.19-4
  2896. haskell-setenv
  2897. haskell-setlocale
  2898. haskell-sha
  2899. haskell-shakespeare 2.0.30-16
  2900. haskell-shelly 1.10.0-41
  2901. haskell-silently
  2902. haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.30-305
  2903. haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.6-6
  2904. haskell-skein
  2905. haskell-skylighting
  2906. haskell-skylighting-core
  2907. haskell-socks 0.6.1-191
  2908. haskell-some 1.0.4-1
  2909. haskell-sop-core
  2910. haskell-split
  2911. haskell-splitmix
  2912. haskell-src-exts 1.23.1-165
  2913. haskell-src-meta 0.8.10-25
  2914. haskell-stateref 0.3-6
  2915. haskell-statevar 1.2.2-2
  2916. haskell-statistics
  2917. haskell-stm-chans
  2918. haskell-stm-delay
  2919. haskell-streaming-commons
  2920. haskell-strict
  2921. haskell-string-conversions
  2922. haskell-stringsearch
  2923. haskell-syb
  2924. haskell-system-fileio
  2925. haskell-system-filepath 0.4.14-207
  2926. haskell-tabular
  2927. haskell-tagged
  2928. haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-185
  2929. haskell-tar
  2930. haskell-tar-conduit 0.3.2-327
  2931. haskell-tasty
  2932. haskell-tasty-hunit
  2933. haskell-tasty-quickcheck 0.10.2-179
  2934. haskell-tasty-rerun 1.1.18-129
  2935. haskell-temporary 1.3-455
  2936. haskell-terminal-size 0.3.3-1
  2937. haskell-texmath
  2938. haskell-text-conversions
  2939. haskell-text-icu
  2940. haskell-text-short 0.1.5-38
  2941. haskell-text-zipper 0.12-8
  2942. haskell-tf-random 0.5-554
  2943. haskell-th-abstraction
  2944. haskell-th-compat 0.1.4-2
  2945. haskell-th-expand-syns
  2946. haskell-th-extras
  2947. haskell-th-lift 0.8.2-12
  2948. haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-3
  2949. haskell-th-orphans 0.13.14-5
  2950. haskell-th-reify-many 0.1.10-61
  2951. haskell-these
  2952. haskell-time-compat
  2953. haskell-time-locale-compat
  2954. haskell-time-manager 0.0.0-267
  2955. haskell-timeit 2.0-19
  2956. haskell-timezone-olson 0.2.1-1
  2957. haskell-timezone-series 0.1.13-1
  2958. haskell-tls 1.6.0-13
  2959. haskell-tls-session-manager 0.0.4-287
  2960. haskell-torrent 10000.1.1-182
  2961. haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-61
  2962. haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-1
  2963. haskell-type-equality 1-12
  2964. haskell-type-errors
  2965. haskell-type-errors-pretty
  2966. haskell-typed-process
  2967. haskell-tz
  2968. haskell-tzdata 0.2.20220815.0-7
  2969. haskell-uglymemo
  2970. haskell-unagi-chan
  2971. haskell-unbounded-delays
  2972. haskell-unicode-collation
  2973. haskell-unicode-data 0.3.0-26
  2974. haskell-unicode-show
  2975. haskell-unicode-transforms
  2976. haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-148
  2977. haskell-unix-compat 0.6-24
  2978. haskell-unix-time 0.4.7-188
  2979. haskell-unliftio
  2980. haskell-unliftio-core
  2981. haskell-unordered-containers
  2982. haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-109
  2983. haskell-utility-ht 0.0.16-85
  2984. haskell-uuid 1.3.15-86
  2985. haskell-uuid-types 1.0.5-76
  2986. haskell-vault
  2987. haskell-vector
  2988. haskell-vector-algorithms
  2989. haskell-vector-binary-instances
  2990. haskell-vector-instances 3.4-395
  2991. haskell-vector-th-unbox 0.2.2-129
  2992. haskell-void 0.7.3-162
  2993. haskell-vty 5.36-11
  2994. haskell-wai 3.2.3-147
  2995. haskell-wai-app-static
  2996. haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-264
  2997. haskell-wai-extra
  2998. haskell-wai-handler-launch
  2999. haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-120
  3000. haskell-warp 3.3.22-19
  3001. haskell-warp-tls 3.3.3-20
  3002. haskell-wcwidth 0.0.2-17
  3003. haskell-wizards 1.0.3-15
  3004. haskell-word-wrap 0.5-53
  3005. haskell-word8 0.1.3-22
  3006. haskell-x11 1.10.2-1
  3007. haskell-x11-xft 0.3.4-26
  3008. haskell-x509 1.7.7-16
  3009. haskell-x509-store 1.6.9-41
  3010. haskell-x509-system 1.6.7-44
  3011. haskell-x509-validation 1.6.12-46
  3012. haskell-xml 1.3.14-30
  3013. haskell-xml-conduit
  3014. haskell-xml-hamlet
  3015. haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-8
  3016. haskell-xss-sanitize 0.3.7-61
  3017. haskell-yaml
  3018. haskell-yesod 1.6.2-105
  3019. haskell-yesod-core
  3020. haskell-yesod-form 1.7.0-269
  3021. haskell-yesod-persistent
  3022. haskell-yesod-static
  3023. haskell-yesod-test 1.6.14-51
  3024. haskell-zip-archive
  3025. haskell-zlib
  3026. hatari 2.4.0-1
  3027. haveged 1.9.18-1
  3028. hawknl-git 20110125-3
  3029. hblock 3.4.0-1
  3030. hcloud 1.30.3-1
  3031. hcxdumptool 6.2.7-1
  3032. hcxtools 6.2.7-1
  3033. hd-idle 1.05-3
  3034. hddfancontrol 1.5.0-2
  3035. hddtemp 0.3.beta15.53-3
  3036. hdf5-openmpi 1.12.2-3
  3037. hdf5_18-cpp-fortran 1.8.21-2
  3038. hdparm 9.64-1
  3039. hdsentinel 0.19-0
  3040. headset-bin 3.3.3-1
  3041. heaptrack 1.4.0-1
  3042. hedera-gimp-palette
  3043. hedera-plasma5-theme
  3044. hedera-yakuake-theme
  3045. hedgewars 1.0.0-325
  3046. hefur 1.0-7
  3047. heidisql
  3048. heif 3.6.2-2
  3049. heimdall 1.4.2-6
  3050. helix 22.08.1-1
  3051. hello-kde-git r95.87e2b56-1
  3052. help2man 1.49.2-1
  3053. helpdeco 2.1.4-1
  3054. hexchat 2.16.1-2
  3055. hexcompare 1.0.4-1
  3056. hexcurse 1.60.0-1
  3057. hexedit 1.6-1
  3058. hexer 1.0.6-1
  3059. hexer-hobu 1.4.0-8
  3060. hexgrep 2013.9.6-4
  3061. hexitor 0.0.1-1
  3062. hfsprogs 540.1.linux3-4
  3063. hhvm-hack-git 3.24.0-1
  3064. hiawatha 10.12-2
  3065. hicolor-icon-theme 0.17-2
  3066. hidapi 0.12.0-1
  3067. higan 110-2
  3068. highlight 4.2-1
  3069. highlight-gui 4.2-1
  3070. highway 0.15.0-1
  3071. himalaya 0.5.10-1
  3072. hiredis 1.0.2-1
  3073. hivex 1.3.21-7
  3074. hledger 1.26.1-19
  3075. hledger-ui 1.26.1-24
  3076. hledger-web 1.26.1-27
  3077. hmtimer 3.2.0-1
  3078. home-assistant 1:2022.8.7-1
  3079. home-assistant-cli 0.9.4-1
  3080. homebank 5.5.6-1
  3081. homebridge 1.5.0-1
  3082. homebridge-config-ui-x 4.50.0-1
  3083. homemgr 1.8.3-1
  3084. honeyd 337.a0f3d64-2
  3085. hopper 5.7.4-1
  3086. host-extract 1:8.0134ad7-13
  3087. hostapd 2.10-1
  3088. howl 0.6-2
  3089. hp15c 4.3.00-1
  3090. hplip-minimal 3.20.6-1
  3091. hr 1.0.0-1
  3092. hsa-amd-aqlprofile-bin 5.2.3-1
  3093. hsa-rocr 5.2.3-1
  3094. hsakmt-roct 5.2.3-1
  3095. hsetroot 1.0.5-1
  3096. hsqldb2-java 2.6.0-1
  3097. hstr 2.5-1
  3098. htmlcxx 0.87-3
  3099. htop 3.2.1-1
  3100. htpdate 1.3.6-1
  3101. http-parser 2.9.4-1
  3102. httpforge 11.02.01-4
  3103. httpgrep 2.3-2
  3104. httpie 3.2.1-1
  3105. httping 2.5-4
  3106. httprint 301-5
  3107. httpscreenshot 69.0ef8f8f-2
  3108. httpsscanner 1.2-1
  3109. httrack 3.49.2-3
  3110. hud 1.0-1
  3111. hugin 2021.0.0-5
  3112. hugo 0.102.3-1
  3113. humanity-icon-theme 0.6.15-1
  3114. hunspell 1.7.1-1
  3115. hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-4
  3116. hunter 1.3.5-2
  3117. hurl-bin 1.6.1-1
  3118. hw-probe 1.6.4-1
  3119. hwdata 0.361-1
  3120. hwdetect 2022.04-2
  3121. hwinfo 22.1-1
  3122. hwloc 2.8.0-1
  3123. hy 1.0a4-2
  3124. hydrogen 1.1.1-1
  3125. hydrus 499-1
  3126. hyper-git 3.1.2.r55.g676b8790-1
  3127. hypercalc 20150124-1
  3128. hyperfine 1.15.0-1
  3129. hyperkitty 1.3.5-4
  3130. hyperv 5.19-1
  3131. hyphen 2.8.8-4
  3132. hypnotix 2.9-1
  3133. hyx 2021.06.09-1
  3134. i2c-tools 4.3-3
  3135. i2p-bin 1.9.0-1
  3136. i3-gaps 4.20.1-2
  3137. i3-gnome 1:40.4-1
  3138. i3lock 2.14.1-1
  3139. i3status 2.14-1
  3140. i7z 0.27.2.git1-8
  3141. iana-etc 20220715-1
  3142. iat 0.1.7-4
  3143. ibus 1.5.27-1
  3144. icecast 2.4.4-4
  3145. icecat 91.12.0-1
  3146. icedtea-web 1.8.8-1
  3147. icedtea-web-doc 1.8.8-1
  3148. icewm 2.9.9-1
  3149. icmake 10.03.00-1
  3150. ico2xpm 1.3-4
  3151. icoextract 0.1.4-1
  3152. icon-library 0.0.12-1
  3153. icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-5
  3154. icon-requests 0.1.2-1
  3155. icon-slicer 0.3-2
  3156. iconoscope 0.9.9-1
  3157. icons-in-terminal r93.b12286d-4
  3158. iconthemebrowser 1.1.0-2
  3159. icoutils 0.32.3-3
  3160. icq-bin 10.0.13286-1
  3161. icu 71.1-1
  3162. icu55 55.2-1
  3163. id3 0.80-1
  3164. id3lib 3.8.3-18
  3165. id3tool 1.2a-1
  3166. id3v2 0.1.12-6
  3167. idesk 0.7.5-10
  3168. idesk-extras 1.37-6
  3169. idle3-tools 0.9.1-7
  3170. idnkit 2.3-4
  3171. iec16022 0.3.1-1
  3172. ifchk 1.1.2-1
  3173. ifplugd 0.28-16
  3174. ifstat 1.1-1
  3175. iftop 1.0pre4-5
  3176. ifuse 1.1.4-2
  3177. igrep 0.5.1-1
  3178. ii 1.8-1
  3179. ijs 0.35-4
  3180. ike-scan 1.9.5-1
  3181. ikona 1.0-2
  3182. image-bootstrap-git 2:2.0.4.r6.ge2dc991-1
  3183. imageenlarger 0.9.1-2
  3184. imagegrep 8.1f14af2-1
  3185. imagemagick
  3186. imagemagick-doc
  3187. imagemounter 413.383b30b-1
  3188. imagescan 3.65.0-6
  3189. imagewriter 1.10.1432200249.1d253d9.2.13-1
  3190. imake 1.0.8-4
  3191. imath 3.1.5-2
  3192. imcompressor 0.8.4-1
  3193. imeditor 0.9.7-1
  3194. img-git v0.5.11.r17.g16d3b6ca-1
  3195. img2pdf 0.4.4-1
  3196. img2xterm 1.0.0-3
  3197. imgp 2.8-1
  3198. imgpatchtools-git 0.3.r12.g1071fec-1
  3199. 10.1-1
  3200. imgurbash2 3.2-1
  3201. iml 1.0.5-3
  3202. imlib 1.9.15-17
  3203. imlib2 1.9.1-1
  3204. impacket 0.9.24-1
  3205. imvirt 0.9.6-9
  3206. imwheel 1.0.0pre12-6
  3207. in 1.4-1
  3208. inadyn 2.9.1-4
  3209. inboxer 1.3.4-1
  3210. incidenceeditor 22.08.1-1
  3211. incron 0.5.12-5
  3212. indicator-multiload 0.4-3
  3213. inetutils 2.3-1
  3214. influxdb 2.4.0-1
  3215. iniparser 4.1-4
  3216. inkscape 1.2.1-5
  3217. innoextract 1.9-6
  3218. inotify-tools
  3219. inspectrum 0.2.3-3
  3220. instead 3.5.0-1
  3221. insteadman 3.2.2-2
  3222. insync
  3223. insync-emblem-icons
  3224. intel-compute-runtime 22.30.23789-1
  3225. intel-gmmlib 22.1.4-2
  3226. intel-gpu-tools 1.26-1
  3227. intel-graphics-compiler 1:1.0.11485-8
  3228. intel-media-driver 22.4.4-2
  3229. intel-media-sdk 22.4.4-1
  3230. intel-opencl-clang 14.0.0.r3+g5dd5031-1
  3231. intel-ucode 20220809-1
  3232. intel-undervolt 1.7-2
  3233. interminal 0.3.7-5
  3234. intltool 0.51.0-6
  3235. inxi
  3236. iodine 0.7.0-5
  3237. iortcw-data 1.51c-4
  3238. iortcw-git 1.51.r32.g87b51011-1
  3239. iortcw-it 1.51c-1
  3240. ioschedset 1.1.0-1
  3241. iosforensic 1.0-2
  3242. iota-wallet-bin 2.5.7-1
  3243. iotop 0.6-9
  3244. iozone 3.490-2
  3245. ip-https-tools 7.170691f-2
  3246. ipcalc 0.41-7
  3247. iperf 2.1.8-1
  3248. iperf3 3.11-1
  3249. ipmitool 1.8.19-1
  3250. ipp-usb 0.9.22-1
  3251. iproute2 5.19.0-1
  3252. ipscan 3.8.2-1
  3253. ipset 7.15-1
  3254. iptables 1:1.8.8-2
  3255. iptraf-ng 1.2.1-1
  3256. iptux 0.8.3-3
  3257. iputils 20211215-1
  3258. ipv6calc 4.0.1-1
  3259. ipython 8.5.0-1
  3260. ipython2 5.10.0-2
  3261. ircc 0.1.0-1
  3262. ircsnapshot 94.cb02a85-2
  3263. irda-utils 0.9.18-3
  3264. irqbalance 1.9.0-1
  3265. irrlicht 1.8.5-1
  3266. iscan
  3267. iscan-data
  3268. iscan-plugin-perfection-v370 2.30.4-1
  3269. iscan-plugin-perfection-v550 1.0.1-1
  3270. iso-codes 4.11.0-1
  3271. iso-flag-png 1.0.2-1
  3272. isoimagewriter 0.9-1
  3273. isomaster 1.3.16-1.1
  3274. isomd5sum 1.2.3-7
  3275. ispc 1.18.0-3
  3276. ispell 3.4.05-1
  3277. isync 1.4.4-1
  3278. itch 1:1.26.0-2
  3279. itinerary 22.08.1-1
  3280. itstool 1:2.0.7-1
  3281. iucode-tool 2.3.1-4
  3282. ivy 2.5.0-1
  3283. iw 5.19-1
  3284. ix 1.0-1
  3285. j7z 1.4.2-1
  3286. jack2 1.9.21-1
  3287. jack2-dbus 1.9.21-1
  3288. jack_capture 0.9.73-8
  3289. jacksettings 0.1.0-1
  3290. jad 1.5.8e-10
  3291. jami-daemon 20220722-4
  3292. jami-qt 20220726-1
  3293. jansson 2.14-2
  3294. janus-gateway 1.0.4-1.1
  3295. jarexec 3-1
  3296. jasper 3.0.6-1
  3297. java-avalon-framework 4.2.0-9
  3298. java-batik 1.14-1
  3299. java-commons-io 2.11.0-1
  3300. java-commons-logging 1.2-3
  3301. java-environment-common 3-3
  3302. java-flexdock 1.2.4-2
  3303. java-hamcrest 1.3-5
  3304. java-jline 1.0-6
  3305. java-qdox 2.0.1-1
  3306. java-resolver 1.2-4
  3307. java-rhino 1.7.14-1
  3308. java-runtime-common 3-3
  3309. java-service-wrapper 3.5.49-1
  3310. java-skinlf 6.7-6
  3311. java-xmlgraphics-commons 2.7-1
  3312. java11-openjfx 11.0.16.u2-1
  3313. java8-openjfx 8.u202-4
  3314. javahelp2 2.0.05.r90-6
  3315. jave 5-10
  3316. jaxx-liberty-appimage 2.6.5-1
  3317. jbig2dec 0.19-1
  3318. jbigkit 2.1-6
  3319. jcal-git 69.162c703-1
  3320. jchroot-git r36.17f549c-1
  3321. jdk 18.0.2-1
  3322. jdk-openjdk
  3323. jdk11-openjdk
  3324. jdk7 7u80-1
  3325. jdk8-openjdk 8.345.u01-1
  3326. jdtextedit 10.3-1
  3327. jed 0.99.19-6
  3328. jedit 5.6.0-2
  3329. jemalloc 1:5.3.0-1
  3330. jenkins 2.367-1
  3331. jetring 0.30-1
  3332. jeuclid-core 3.1.9-2
  3333. jfsutils 1.1.15-8
  3334. jgmenu 4.4.0-1
  3335. jgoodies-looks 2.8.0-5
  3336. jgraphx 4.2.2-1
  3337. jhead
  3338. jin 2.14.1-5
  3339. jitsi 2.11.5633-1
  3340. jitsi-meet-desktop 2022.8.1-1
  3341. jitterentropy 3.4.1-1
  3342. jkazip 2.3.1-2
  3343. jlatexmath 1.0.7-2
  3344. jlatexmath-fop 1.0.7-1
  3345. jmol 14.32.74-1
  3346. jmtpfs 0.5-3
  3347. jnetmap 0.5.5-1
  3348. jnettop 0.13.0-7
  3349. jnoisemeter 0.2.2-2
  3350. jogl 2.3.2-3
  3351. john 1.9.0.jumbo1-7
  3352. jondo 00.20.001-1
  3353. jondobrowser 0.12-2
  3354. jondoconsole 00.00.163-2
  3355. joomla 4.1.5-1
  3356. joomscan 1:82.7931539-2
  3357. joplin 2.8.8-1
  3358. joplin-appimage 2.8.8-1
  3359. jose 11-1
  3360. josm 18463-1
  3361. jotasync 0.4.1-1
  3362. jove
  3363. jpdftweak 1.1-2
  3364. jpeg-archive 2.2.0-2
  3365. jpegdupes 2.0.13-2
  3366. jpegexiforient 1:20090111.b4f886f-2
  3367. jpegoptim 1.4.7-1
  3368. jpwdhash 0.1-1
  3369. jq 1.6-4
  3370. jre 18.0.2-1
  3371. jre-openjdk
  3372. jre-openjdk-headless
  3373. jre11-openjdk
  3374. jre11-openjdk-headless
  3375. jre6 6u45-4
  3376. jre7 7u80-1
  3377. jre8 8u341-1
  3378. jre8-openjdk 8.345.u01-1
  3379. jre8-openjdk-headless 8.345.u01-1
  3380. jrnl 3.1-1
  3381. jrosetta 1.0.4-6
  3382. jruby
  3383. js78 78.15.0-4
  3384. js8call 2.2.0-5
  3385. js91 91.13.0-1
  3386. jshon 20131105-4
  3387. jslinux 2019_02_10-1
  3388. json-c 0.16-1
  3389. json-glib 1.6.6-2
  3390. jsoncpp 1.9.5-2
  3391. jsoncpp-doc 1.9.5-2
  3392. jstest-gtk-git 0.1.0.r115.g420317b-1
  3393. jstock
  3394. jtdxhamlib 4.2-1
  3395. jucipp 1.7.2-1
  3396. judy 1.0.5-7
  3397. juk 22.08.1-1
  3398. julius 4.6-3
  3399. junit 4.13.2-1
  3400. jupp 40-1
  3401. jupyter-nbclient 0.6.7-1
  3402. jupyter-nbconvert 7.0.0-2
  3403. jupyter-nbformat 5.4.0-1
  3404. jupyter-notebook 6.4.12-1
  3405. jupyter-notebook-shim 0.1.0-1
  3406. jupyter-server 1.18.1-1
  3407. jupyter-server-mathjax 0.2.6-1
  3408. jupyter-widgetsnbextension 1:4.0.3-1
  3409. jupyter_console 6.4.4-2
  3410. jupyterlab 3.4.6-1
  3411. jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.3-1
  3412. jupyterlab_pygments 0.2.2-1
  3413. jxrlib 0.2.4-1
  3414. k2pdfopt 2.53-1
  3415. k3b 1:22.08.1-1
  3416. k4dirstat 3.4.2-1
  3417. k9s 0.26.3-1
  3418. kaccounts-integration 22.08.1-1
  3419. kaccounts-providers 22.08.1-1
  3420. kactivities 5.97.0-1
  3421. kactivities-stats 5.97.0-1
  3422. kactivitymanagerd 5.25.5-1
  3423. kaddressbook 22.08.1-1
  3424. kadimus 113.b036a7f-1
  3425. kajongg 22.08.1-1
  3426. kak-lsp 14.0.0-1
  3427. kakoune 2021.11.08-1
  3428. kalarm 22.08.1-1
  3429. kaldi 5.5.r9217.5cd9c1e29-2
  3430. kaldi-openfst 1.7.2-1
  3431. kalendar 22.08.1-1
  3432. kalgebra 22.08.1-1
  3433. kali-undercover 2021.4.0-4
  3434. kalu-kde 4.4.1-1
  3435. kalzium 22.08.1-1
  3436. kamera 22.08.1-1
  3437. kamoso 22.08.1-1
  3438. kanagram 22.08.1-1
  3439. kapman 22.08.1-1
  3440. kapptemplate 22.08.1-1
  3441. karchive 5.97.0-1
  3442. karlyriceditor 3.2-1
  3443. karton 1.0.0-1
  3444. kasts 22.06-1
  3445. kasync 0.3.0-3
  3446. kat5200 0.8.1-1
  3447. kate 22.08.1-1
  3448. kate-indexview-plugin 0.9.1-1
  3449. katomic 22.08.1-1
  3450. kaudiocreator-git 1.3.r886.f21c160-1
  3451. kauth 5.97.0-1
  3452. kbackup 22.08.1-1
  3453. kbd 2.5.1-1
  3454. kbfs 6.0.2-1
  3455. kblackbox 22.08.1-1
  3456. kblocks 22.08.1-1
  3457. kbookmarks 5.97.0-1
  3458. kbounce 22.08.1-1
  3459. kbreakout 22.08.1-1
  3460. kbruch 22.08.1-1
  3461. kbtui 1.0.1-1
  3462. kcachegrind 22.08.1-1
  3463. kcachegrind-common 22.08.1-1
  3464. kcalc 22.08.1-1
  3465. kcalendarcore 5.97.0-1
  3466. kcalutils 22.08.1-1
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  3472. kcmutils 5.97.0-1
  3473. kcodecs 5.97.0-1
  3474. kcolorchooser 22.08.1-1
  3475. kcolorpicker 0.2.0-1
  3476. kcompletion 5.97.0-1
  3477. kconfig 5.97.0-1
  3478. kconfig-hardened-check 0.5.17-1
  3479. kconfigwidgets 5.97.0-1
  3480. kcontacts 1:5.97.0-1
  3481. kcoreaddons 5.97.0-1
  3482. kcrash 5.97.0-1
  3483. kcron 22.08.1-1
  3484. kdav 1:5.97.0-1
  3485. kdav2 0.4.0-1
  3486. kdb 3.2.0-9
  3487. kdbusaddons 5.97.0-1
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  3491. kde-dev-utils 22.08.1-1
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  3495. kde-servicemenus-komparemenu 0.1-3
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  3561. kfourinline 22.08.1-1
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  3572. khelpcenter 22.08.1-1
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  3605. kio-gdrive 22.08.1-1
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  3610. kiriki 22.08.1-1
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  3615. kitemviews 5.97.0-1
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  3636. kmail 22.08.1-1
  3637. kmail-account-wizard 22.08.1-1
  3638. kmailtransport 22.08.1-1
  3639. kmbox 22.08.1-1
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  3656. knemo
  3657. knetwalk 22.08.1-1
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  3659. knights 22.08.1-1
  3660. knotes 22.08.1-1
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  3662. knotifyconfig 5.97.0-1
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  3666. kobodeluxe 0.5.1-11
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  3677. kodi-addon-game-libretro-scummvm
  3678. kodi-addon-game-libretro-snes9x
  3679. kodi-addon-game-libretro-yabause
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  3686. kodi-addon-screensaver-matrixtrails 1:19.0.1-6
  3687. kodi-addon-screensaver-pingpong 1:19.0.1-6
  3688. kodi-addon-screensaver-pyro 1:19.0.1-6
  3689. kodi-addon-screensaver-stars 1:19.0.0-10
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  3691. kodi-addon-visualization-shadertoy 1:19.1.2-6
  3692. kodi-addon-visualization-spectrum 1:19.0.1-6
  3693. kodi-addon-visualization-waveform 1:19.0.2-6
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  3695. kodi-eventclients 19.4-5
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  3702. kollision 22.08.1-1
  3703. kolourpaint 22.08.1-1
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  3705. komorebi 2.2.1-1
  3706. kompare 22.08.1-1
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  3711. konquest 22.08.1-1
  3712. konsole 22.08.1-1
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  3718. kopete 22.08.1-1
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  3720. korganizer 22.08.1-1
  3721. kosmindoormap 22.08.1-1
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  3724. kparts 5.97.0-1
  3725. kpat 22.08.1-1
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  3753. krunner 5.97.0-1
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  3757. kscreenlocker 5.25.5-1
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  3773. ksudoku 22.08.1-1
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  3787. ktuberling 22.08.1-1
  3788. kturtle 22.08.1-1
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  3791. kubeadm 1.25.0-1
  3792. kubectl 1.25.0-1
  3793. kubernetes-control-plane-common 1.25.0-1
  3794. kubo 0.14.0-1
  3795. kubrick 22.08.1-1
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  3808. kvirc 5.0.0-6
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  3813. kwalletmanager 22.08.1-1
  3814. kwave 22.08.1-1
  3815. kwayland 5.97.0-1
  3816. kwayland-integration 5.25.5-1
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  3820. kwin-effect-shapecorners-git 20181003.1fc34a4-1
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  3822. kwin-effects-appear2 1.3-1
  3823. kwin-effects-appear3 1.4-1
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  3825. kwin-effects-disappear2 1.4-1
  3826. kwin-effects-disappear3 1.5-1
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  3845. ladspa 1.17-1
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  3862. lazarus 2.2.2-3
  3863. lazarus-qt5 2.2.2-3
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  3866. lazydroid 25.0f559ec-1
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  3876. ldb 2:2.5.2-2
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  3888. lesspipe 2.06-1
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  3891. level-zero-loader 1.8.1-1
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  4159. libassuan 2.5.5-1
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  4192. libcap-ng 0.8.3-1
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  4222. libcurl-gnutls 7.85.0-1
  4223. 7.85.0-1
  4224. libcurl-openssl-1.0 7.77.0-1
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  4308. libgcrypt15 1.5.6-6
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  4398. libkdegames 22.08.1-1
  4399. libkdepim 22.08.1-1
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  4423. libldap 2.6.3-1
  4424. libldm 0.2.5-2
  4425. libliftoff 0.3.0-1
  4426. liblightdm-qt5 1:1.32.0-4
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  4428. liblockfile 1.17_1-2
  4429. liblouis 3.23.0-1
  4430. liblphobos 3:1.30.0-1
  4431. liblqr 0.4.2-3
  4432. liblrdf 0.6.1-4
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  4434. libluv 1.44.2_0-1
  4435. liblxqt 1.1.0-3
  4436. liblzf 3.6-3
  4437. libmaa 1.4.7-2
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  4440. libmanette 0.2.6-3
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  4442. libmatemixer 1.26.0-1
  4443. libmateweather 1.26.0-1
  4444. libmatio 1.5.23-2
  4445. libmatroska 1.6.3-2
  4446. libmaxminddb 1.6.0-3
  4447. libmbim 1.26.4-1
  4448. libmcrypt 2.5.8-6
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  4452. libmediawiki 5.37.0-7
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  4455. libmgba 0.9.3-4
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  4457. libmicrohttpd 0.9.75-1
  4458. libmikmod
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  4461. libmm-glib 1.18.10-2
  4462. libmms 0.6.4-3
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  4464. libmnl 1.0.5-1
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  4467. libmodulemd 2.14.0-1
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  4470. libmpc 1.2.1-2
  4471. libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-3
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  4479. libmupdf 1.20.3-1
  4480. libmusicbrainz5 5.1.0-5
  4481. libmwaw 0.3.21-2
  4482. libmygpo-qt5 1.1.0-3
  4483. libmypaint 1.6.1-1
  4484. libmythes 1:1.2.5-1
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  4492. libnetfilter_cthelper 1.0.1-1
  4493. libnetfilter_cttimeout 1.0.1-1
  4494. libnetfilter_queue 1.0.5-1
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  4505. libnm 1.40.0-1
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  4508. libnma-gtk4 1.10.0-1
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  4510. libnova 0.15.0-3
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  4515. libnvidia-container-tools 1.10.0-1
  4516. liboauth 1:1.0.3+r15+gac4cf3a-1
  4517. libodfgen 0.1.8-1
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  4519. libofx 0.10.5-1
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  4521. liboggz 1.1.1-7
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  4523. libopenmpt 0.6.5-1
  4524. libopenraw 0.3.2-1
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  4527. libopenssl-1.0-compat 1.0.2.l-1
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  4532. libosinfo 1.10.0-1
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  4534. libosmosdr 0.1.r10.gba4fd96-2
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  4536. libotr 4.1.1-3
  4537. libots 0.5.0-6
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  4539. libp11-kit 0.24.1-1
  4540. libpackagekit-glib 1.2.5-1
  4541. libpagemaker 0.0.4-3
  4542. libpam-google-authenticator 1.09-1
  4543. libpano13 2.9.21-1
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  4545. libparserutils-git 0.2.4.r1.gd101b2b-1
  4546. libpasastro 1.4.1-1
  4547. libpassman 2.1.1-1
  4548. libpassphrase 1449331105-1
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  4550. libpciaccess 0.16-4
  4551. libpcl 1.12-4
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  4553. libpeas 1.32.0-1
  4554. libpgf 7.21.7-1
  4555. libpgm 5.3.128-2
  4556. libphobos 1:2.100.1-1
  4557. libphonenumber 1:8.12.52-3
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  4559. libpipewire02 0.2.7-2
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  4561. libplist 2.2.0-5
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  4563. libpng12 1.2.59-2
  4564. libpng15 1.5.30-1
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  4567. libportal-gtk4 0.6-1
  4568. libproxy 0.4.18-1
  4569. libpsl 0.21.1-1
  4570. libpst 0.6.76-7
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  4573. libpurple 2.14.10-1
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  4577. libqb 2.0.3-1
  4578. libqmi 1.30.8-1
  4579. libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-2
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  4588. libraqm 0.9.0-1
  4589. libratbag 0.16-1
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  4591. libraw1394 2.1.2-3
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  4596. libreoffice-fresh-it 7.4.0-1
  4597. libreoffice-fresh-sdk 7.4.0-4
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  4602. libretro-beetle-pce-fast 1190-1
  4603. libretro-beetle-psx 2623-1
  4604. libretro-beetle-psx-hw 2623-1
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  4606. libretro-bsnes 1:3069-1
  4607. libretro-bsnes-hd 51-1
  4608. libretro-bsnes2014 1:577-2
  4609. libretro-cap32-git 1:4.5.3.r1.gef0ee89-1
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  4612. libretro-desmume 6345-1
  4613. libretro-flycast 4487-1
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  4617. libretro-mame-git 84544.5526dd0fbf6-1
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  4620. libretro-mesen-s 916-3
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  4623. libretro-nestopia 1:89-1
  4624. libretro-overlays 219-1
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  4626. libretro-picodrive 2222-1
  4627. libretro-play 7354-1
  4628. libretro-ppsspp 32727-1
  4629. libretro-retrodream 1104-2
  4630. libretro-sameboy 1720-2
  4631. libretro-scummvm 93205-2
  4632. libretro-shaders-slang 1003-1
  4633. libretro-snes9x 2152-1
  4634. libretro-yabause 3340-2
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  4639. librsvg-docs 2:2.54.5-1
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  4642. librttopo 1.1.0-5
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  4645. libsass 3.6.5-2
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  4649. libseccomp 2.5.4-1
  4650. libsecp256k1 20220630+1625+g43756da-1
  4651. libsecret 0.20.5-2
  4652. libselinux 3.4-1
  4653. libsemanage 3.4-1
  4654. libsepol 3.4-1
  4655. libserialport 0.1.1-5
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  4657. libshumate-git 1.0.0.beta.r6.g125757b-1
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  4659. libsidplayfp 2.3.1-1
  4660. libsigc++ 2.10.8-1
  4661. libsigc++-3.0 3.2.0-1
  4662. libsignal-protocol-c 2.3.3-1
  4663. libsignon-glib 2.1-5
  4664. libsigrok 0.5.2-10
  4665. libsigrokdecode 0.5.3-5
  4666. libsigsegv 2.14-1
  4667. libsixel 1.10.3-5
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  4669. libsm 1.2.3-3
  4670. libsmbios 2.4.3-5
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  4672. libsodium 1.0.18-2
  4673. libsolv 0.7.22-2
  4674. libsoup 2.74.2-2
  4675. libsoup3 3.0.8-1
  4676. libsoxr 0.1.3-2
  4677. libspatialite 5.0.1-3
  4678. libspecbleach 0.1.6-1
  4679. libspectre 0.2.10-1
  4680. libspectrum 1.5.0-1
  4681. libspeechd 0.11.2-1
  4682. libspf2 1.2.11-1
  4683. libspiro 1:20220722-1
  4684. libspnav 1.0-1
  4685. libsrtp 1:2.4.2-1
  4686. libssh 0.10.4-1
  4687. libssh2 1.10.0-1
  4688. libstaroffice 0.0.7-2
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  4690. libstdc++5 3.3.6-9
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  4692. libstroke 0.5.1-9
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  4694. libsynaptics 0.14.6c-7
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  4697. libsysstat 0.4.6-1
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  4701. libtdesktopenvironment rc1-1
  4702. libteam 1.31-5
  4703. libtermkey 0.22-2
  4704. libthai 0.1.29-1
  4705. libthefrisbee 1.0-0
  4706. libtheora 1.1.1-5
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  4708. libtiff4 3.9.7-5
  4709. libtiger 0.3.4-6
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  4711. libtirpc-compat 0.1-4
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  4713. libtool 2.4.7-5
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  4715. libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.7-1
  4716. libtpms 0.9.5-1
  4717. libtraceevent 1:1.6.2-1
  4718. libtracefs 1.4.2-1
  4719. libtsm 3-5
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  4723. libuhd
  4724. libuhd-firmware
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  4727. libunibreak 5.0-2
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  4733. libunrar 1:6.1.7-1
  4734. libunwind 1.6.2-1
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  4736. liburcu 0.13.2-1
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  4740. libusbmuxd 2.0.2-1
  4741. libusbsio 2.1.11-1
  4742. libusrsctp
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  4744. libutf8proc 2.7.0-2
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  4746. libuvc 0.0.6-1
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  4749. libva-mesa-driver 22.1.7-1
  4750. libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6
  4751. libvc 011-1
  4752. libvdpau 1.5-1
  4753. libverto 0.3.2-4
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  4756. libvirt-dbus 1.4.1-2
  4757. libvirt-glib 4.0.0-2
  4758. libvirt-python 1:8.7.0-1
  4759. libvirt-storage-gluster 1:8.7.0-1
  4760. libvirt-storage-iscsi-direct 1:8.7.0-1
  4761. libvisio 0.1.7-7
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  4767. libvpx1.3 1.3.0-3
  4768. libvterm01 0.1.4-2
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  4770. libwandio 4.2.2-1
  4771. libwebp 1.2.4-1
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  4777. libwpd 0.10.3-3
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  4786. libxaw 1.0.14-1
  4787. libxcb 1.15-1
  4788. libxcomp
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  4791. libxcrypt-compat 4.4.28-2
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  4793. libxcvt 0.1.2-1
  4794. libxdamage 1.1.5-4
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  4796. libxdmcp 1.1.3-4
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  4799. libxfce4util 4.16.0-1
  4800. libxfixes 6.0.0-1
  4801. libxfont2 2.0.6-1
  4802. libxft 2.3.5-1
  4803. libxi 1.8-1
  4804. libxinerama 1.1.4-4
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  4806. libxkbcommon-x11 1.4.1-1
  4807. libxkbfile 1.1.0-3
  4808. libxklavier 5.4-3
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  4810. libxml++-docs 3.2.3-1
  4811. libxml++2.6 2.42.1-1
  4812. libxml-perl 0.08-8
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  4814. libxmlb 0.3.9-1
  4815. libxmlbird 1.2.12-2
  4816. libxmlrpc 1:1.51.08-2
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  4818. libxmu 1.1.3-3
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  4820. libxp 1.0.3-5
  4821. libxpm 3.5.13-3
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  4823. libxrandr 1.5.2-4
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  4830. libxtst 1.2.3-5
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  4834. libxxf86vm 1.1.4-5
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  4836. libytnef 1:2.0-2
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  4839. libzia 4.34-1
  4840. libzim 8.0.0-1
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  4842. libzip1 0.9.3-1
  4843. libzmf 0.0.2-12
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  4849. lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings 1.2.2-7
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  4852. lighttpd 1.4.66-1
  4853. lightzone 4.2.4-1
  4854. lilv 0.24.18-1
  4855. lilypond 2.22.2-2
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  4858. lincity-ng 2.0-10
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  4868. linux-api-headers 5.18.15-1
  4869. linux-atm 2.5.2-7
  4870. linux-bede 5.19.6-1
  4871. linux-bede-headers 5.19.6-1
  4872. linux-bede-lts 5.15.64-1
  4873. linux-bede-lts-headers 5.15.64-1
  4874. linux-bore 5.19.7-1
  4875. linux-bore-headers 5.19.7-1
  4876. linux-cachyos 5.19.7-1
  4877. linux-cachyos-bore 5.19.7-1
  4878. linux-cachyos-bore-headers 5.19.7-1
  4879. linux-cachyos-bore-lto 5.19.7-1
  4880. linux-cachyos-bore-lto-headers 5.19.7-1
  4881. linux-cachyos-bore-lto-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4882. linux-cachyos-cacule 5.19.7-1
  4883. linux-cachyos-cacule-headers 5.19.7-1
  4884. linux-cachyos-cacule-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4885. linux-cachyos-cfs 5.19.7-1
  4886. linux-cachyos-cfs-headers 5.19.7-1
  4887. linux-cachyos-cfs-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4888. linux-cachyos-headers 5.19.7-1
  4889. linux-cachyos-lto 5.19.7-1
  4890. linux-cachyos-lto-headers 5.19.7-1
  4891. linux-cachyos-lto-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4892. linux-cachyos-pds 5.19.7-1
  4893. linux-cachyos-pds-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4894. linux-cachyos-tt 5.19.7-1
  4895. linux-cachyos-tt-headers 5.19.7-1
  4896. linux-cachyos-tt-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4897. linux-cachyos-zfs 5.19.7-1
  4898. linux-ck 5.19.8-1
  4899. linux-ck-generic-v3 5.19.8-1
  4900. linux-ck-generic-v3-headers 5.19.8-1
  4901. linux-ck-headers 5.19.8-1
  4902. linux-exploit-suggester 32.9db2f5a-4
  4903. 164.54a5c01-1
  4904. linux-firmware 20220815.8413c63-1
  4905. linux-firmware-bnx2x 20220815.8413c63-1
  4906. linux-firmware-marvell 20220815.8413c63-1
  4907. linux-firmware-mellanox 20220815.8413c63-1
  4908. linux-firmware-qcom 20220815.8413c63-1
  4909. linux-firmware-qlogic 20220815.8413c63-1
  4910. linux-firmware-whence 20220815.8413c63-1
  4911. linux-headers 5.19.7.arch1-1
  4912. linux-inject 100.268d4e4-1
  4913. linux-lts 5.15.67-1
  4914. linux-lts-docs 5.15.67-1
  4915. linux-lts-headers 5.15.67-1
  4916. linux-mainline 6.0rc4-1
  4917. linux-mainline-docs 6.0rc4-1
  4918. linux-mainline-headers 6.0rc4-1
  4919. linux-nitrous 5.19.8-1
  4920. linux-nitrous-headers 5.19.8-1
  4921. linux-rc 6.0rc4-1
  4922. linux-rc-headers 6.0rc4-1
  4923. linux-rt 5.19.0_rt10-4
  4924. linux-rt-docs
  4925. linux-rt-headers 5.19.0_rt10-4
  4926. linux-steam-integration 0.7.3-4
  4927. linux-tkg-bmq 5.19.7-269
  4928. linux-tkg-bmq-headers 5.19.7-269
  4929. linux-tkg-pds 5.19.7-269
  4930. linux-tkg-pds-headers 5.19.7-269
  4931. linux-wifi-hotspot 4.4.0-1
  4932. linux-xanmod-anbox 5.19.7-1
  4933. linux-xanmod-anbox-headers 5.19.7-1
  4934. linux-xanmod-edge 5.19.7-1
  4935. linux-xanmod-edge-headers 5.19.7-1
  4936. linux-xanmod-lts 5.15.65.xanmod1-1
  4937. linux-xanmod-lts-headers 5.15.65.xanmod1-1
  4938. linux-zen 5.19.7.zen2-1
  4939. linux-zen-headers 5.19.7.zen2-1
  4940. linux_logo 6.0-1
  4941. linuxconsole 1.8.1-1
  4942. linuxdoc-tools 0.9.82-2
  4943. linuxsampler 2.2.0-2
  4944. linuxtv-dvb-apps 1505-2
  4945. liquid-dsp 1.4.0-1
  4946. liquidctl 1.10.0-1
  4947. liquidprompt 2.1.2-1
  4948. lirc 1:0.10.1-12
  4949. liri-calculator 1.3.0-1
  4950. liri-cmake-shared 1.1.0-2
  4951. liri-files
  4952. liri-terminal
  4953. list-urls 0.1-3
  4954. litehtml 0.6-2
  4955. live-usb-install 2.5.12-1
  4956. lksctp-tools 1.0.19-1
  4957. lld 14.0.6-1
  4958. lldb 14.0.6-1
  4959. lldpd 1.0.14-1
  4960. lls 1.5-1
  4961. llvm 14.0.6-3
  4962. llvm-libs 14.0.6-3
  4963. llvm13-libs 13.0.1-3
  4964. lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-1
  4965. lmdb 0.9.29-1
  4966. lmms 1.2.2-10
  4967. lnav 0.11.0-1
  4968. lnkedit 1.1-3
  4969. localepurge
  4970. locatec 0.0.2-1
  4971. lockdev 1.0.3_1.6-6
  4972. lockfile-progs 0.1.19-2
  4973. log4cplus 2.0.8-1
  4974. log4cpp 1.1.3-4
  4975. log4j 2.18.0-1
  4976. logapp 0.15-1
  4977. logkeys 96.2539ccb-1
  4978. logrotate 3.20.1-1
  4979. lokalize 22.08.1-1
  4980. lokinet 0.9.9-1
  4981. lolcat 100.0.1-1
  4982. lollypop 1.4.35-2
  4983. lorien-bin 0.4.0-1
  4984. lostfiles 4.12-1
  4985. loudmouth 1.5.4-1
  4986. love 11.4-1
  4987. low-memory-monitor-git 2.0.r16.g5e06b3b-1
  4988. lowdown 1.0.0-1
  4989. lprint 1.1.0-2
  4990. lpsk31 1.3-1
  4991. lpsolve
  4992. lr-git 1.5.1.r2.gca30975.r245.ca30975-1
  4993. lrcalc 2.1-3
  4994. lrzip 0.651-2
  4995. ls++ 1:0.36-7
  4996. ls_extended 1:1-2
  4997. lsb-release 2.0.r48.3cf5103-1
  4998. lscolors-git r462.7271a7a-1
  4999. lsd 0.23.0-1
  5000. lsdesktopf 1.0.7-4
  5001. lsdvd 0.17-4
  5002. lsgrp 2013.2-5
  5003. lshw B.02.19.2-5
  5004. lsix-git 1.8.r8.gf7cbe5d-1
  5005. lskat 22.08.1-1
  5006. lsm 1.0.21-1
  5007. lsof 4.95.0-1
  5008. lsrtunnel 0.2-4
  5009. lsscsi 0.32-1
  5010. lsw 0.3-6
  5011. lsx 0.1-12
  5012. lsyncd 2.3.0-1
  5013. ltris 1.2.5-1
  5014. lttng-ust 2.13.3-1
  5015. lua 5.4.4-2
  5016. lua-alt-getopt 0.8.0-1
  5017. lua-expat 1.5.0-1
  5018. lua-filesystem 1.8.0-3
  5019. lua-inspect 3.1.3-1
  5020. lua-lpeg 1.0.2-4
  5021. lua-sdl2
  5022. lua-sec 2:1.1.0-1
  5023. lua-socket 1:3.1.0-1
  5024. lua51 5.1.5-9
  5025. lua52 5.2.4-5
  5026. lua52-bitop 1.0.2-9
  5027. lua52-dbi 0.7.2-2
  5028. lua52-expat 1.5.0-1
  5029. lua52-filesystem 1.8.0-3
  5030. lua52-lpeg 1.0.2-4
  5031. lua52-luajson 1.3.4-3
  5032. lua52-sec 2:1.1.0-1
  5033. lua52-socket 1:3.1.0-1
  5034. lua53 5.3.6-1
  5035. lua53-lgi 0.9.2-7
  5036. lua53-lpeg 1.0.2-4
  5037. luajit 2.1.0.beta3.r439.g633f265f-1
  5038. luaradio 0.10.0-1
  5039. luastatic 0.0.12-2
  5040. lucene++ 3.0.8-4
  5041. luckybackup 0.5.0-1
  5042. ludo-bin 0.16.13-1
  5043. ludusavi 0.12.1-1
  5044. luit 20220111-1
  5045. luppp 1.2.1-3
  5046. lutris 0.5.11-1
  5047. lv2 1.18.8-1
  5048. lvm2 2.03.16-2
  5049. lxappearance-gtk3 0.6.3-4
  5050. lxappearance-obconf-gtk3 0.2.3-3
  5051. lxc-git 4.0.0.r2198.g30ebf0964-1
  5052. lxcfs 5.0.2-1
  5053. lxde-common 0.99.2-3
  5054. lxde-icon-theme 0.5.1-5
  5055. lxdm 0.5.3-7
  5056. lxdm-themes 1-9
  5057. lxhotkey 0.1.1-1
  5058. lximage-qt 1.1.0-1
  5059. lxlauncher 0.2.5-4
  5060. lxmenu-data 0.1.5-3
  5061. lxpanel-gtk3 0.10.1-1
  5062. lxqt-about 1.1.0-1
  5063. lxqt-admin 1.1.0-1
  5064. lxqt-archiver 0.6.0-1
  5065. lxqt-build-tools 0.11.0-1
  5066. lxqt-config 1.1.0-1
  5067. lxqt-connman-applet 1:201805-1.1
  5068. lxqt-globalkeys 1.1.0-1
  5069. lxqt-kcm-integration-extra-git r10.7c36c28-1
  5070. lxqt-kwin-desktop-git 0.17.0-1
  5071. lxqt-notificationd 1.1.0-1
  5072. lxqt-openssh-askpass 1.1.0-1
  5073. lxqt-panel 1.1.0-1
  5074. lxqt-policykit 1.1.0-1
  5075. lxqt-powermanagement 1.1.0-1
  5076. lxqt-qtplugin 1.1.0-1
  5077. lxqt-runner 1.1.0-1
  5078. lxqt-session 1.1.1-1
  5079. lxqt-sudo 1.1.0-1
  5080. lxqt-themes 1.1.0-1
  5081. lxqt_wallet 3.2.2-1
  5082. lxrandr-gtk3 0.3.2-2
  5083. lxsession 1:0.5.5-1
  5084. lxt 1.3b-2
  5085. lxtask-gtk3 0.1.10-2
  5086. lxterminal 0.4.0-1
  5087. ly-git 0.5.3.r82.g5db09ce-1
  5088. lynis 3.0.8-1
  5089. lynx 2.8.9-5
  5090. lyx
  5091. lz4 1:1.9.4-1
  5092. lzfse 1.0-2
  5093. lzham 1.0.1-3
  5094. lzip 1.23-2
  5095. lzlib 1.13-2
  5096. lzo 2.10-3
  5097. lzop 1.04-3
  5098. m17n-db 1.8.0-3
  5099. m17n-lib 1.8.0-12
  5100. m4 1.4.19-1
  5101. m4b-tool-bin 0.4.2~20210604-1
  5102. mac 8.43-1
  5103. macast-git 0.7.r21.g8f9d99d-1
  5104. macchanger 1.7.0-5
  5105. macchina 6.0.6-1
  5106. macrofusion 0.7.4-5
  5107. maeparser 1.3.0-1
  5108. magic-wormhole 0.12.0-7
  5109. magnet2torrent-git 0.r74.e3e8450-1
  5110. maia-wallpaper r219-1
  5111. mailcap 2.1.53-1
  5112. mailcommon 22.08.1-1
  5113. mailgraph 1.14-6
  5114. mailimporter 22.08.1-1
  5115. mailman 2.1.39-2
  5116. mailspring 1.10.5-1
  5117. mailutils 3.15-2
  5118. mailwizard 2.0.7-1
  5119. maim 5.7.4-3
  5120. maint 2.9-1
  5121. make 4.3-3
  5122. make-3.81 3.81-4
  5123. makebootfat 1.4-1
  5124. makemkv 1.17.1-1
  5125. malcontent 0.10.5-1
  5126. maldita-castilla 1.0-5
  5127. maliit-framework 2.3.0-1
  5128. maliit-keyboard 2.3.1-1
  5129. mallard-ducktype 1.0.2-8
  5130. maltego 4.3.1-1
  5131. mame 0.247-1
  5132. mame-tools 0.247-1
  5133. mamepgui 1.6.0-3
  5134. man-db 2.10.2-1
  5135. man-pages 5.13-1
  5136. man-pages-it 4.15.0-1
  5137. man2html 3.0.1-8
  5138. manaplus
  5139. mandown 0.1.2-1
  5140. mange 0.1b-5
  5141. mar-git 2.0.2-4
  5142. marble 22.08.1-1
  5143. marble-common 22.08.1-1
  5144. marble-qt 22.08.1-1
  5145. marco 1.26.0-1
  5146. mari0 1.6.2-3
  5147. mariadb 10.9.2-1
  5148. mariadb-clients 10.9.2-1
  5149. mariadb-libs 10.9.2-1
  5150. marisa 0.2.6-9
  5151. markdownpart 22.08.1-1
  5152. marked 4.0.10-1
  5153. marktext-bin 0.17.1-1
  5154. markzz-keyring 20190116-1
  5155. marytts 5.2-2
  5156. massexpconsole 1:v2.3.5.r1.g530c880-1
  5157. masshash 1.0.1-1
  5158. masshash-launcher 1.0.1-1
  5159. masterpdfeditor-free 4.3.89-1
  5160. masterscp 20220302-1
  5161. mate-applet-dock 21.10.0-2
  5162. mate-applet-streamer 0.4.0-2
  5163. mate-applets 1.26.1-1
  5164. mate-backgrounds 1.26.0-1
  5165. mate-calc 1.26.0-1
  5166. mate-common 1.26.0-1
  5167. mate-control-center 1.26.0-3
  5168. mate-desktop 1.26.0-1
  5169. mate-icon-theme 1.26.0-1
  5170. mate-media 1.26.0-1
  5171. mate-menu 22.04.2-1
  5172. mate-menus 1.26.0-1
  5173. mate-netbook 1.26.0-1
  5174. mate-notification-daemon 1.26.0-1
  5175. mate-panel 1.26.2-1
  5176. mate-polkit 1.26.0-1
  5177. mate-power-manager 1.26.0-1
  5178. mate-screensaver 1.26.1-1
  5179. mate-sensors-applet 1.26.0-1
  5180. mate-session-manager 1.26.0-1
  5181. mate-settings-daemon 1.26.0-1
  5182. mate-system-monitor 1.26.0-1
  5183. mate-terminal 1.26.0-1
  5184. mate-themes 3.22.23-1
  5185. mate-tweak 21.10.0-1
  5186. mate-user-guide 1.26.0-1
  5187. mate-user-share 1.26.0-1
  5188. mate-utils 1.26.0-1
  5189. materia-gtk-theme 20210322-2
  5190. materia-kde 20220823-1
  5191. mathjax 3.2.2-1
  5192. mathjax2 2.7.9-1
  5193. matterbridge 1.25.2-2
  5194. maturin 0.13.2-1
  5195. maui-pix 2.2.0-1
  5196. mauikit 2.2.0-1
  5197. mauikit-accounts 2.2.0-1
  5198. mauikit-filebrowsing 2.2.0-1
  5199. mauikit-imagetools 2.2.0-1
  5200. mauiman 1.0.0-1
  5201. maven 3.8.6-1
  5202. mayavi 4.8.0-1
  5203. mbedtls 2.28.0-1
  5204. mbox-importer 22.08.1-1
  5205. mboxgrep 0.7.9-5
  5206. mbr 1.1.11-7
  5207. mc 4.8.28-1
  5208. mcfly 0.6.1-1
  5209. mcmojave-kde-theme-git r82.4eea21a-1
  5210. mcomix 2.0.2-1
  5211. mcpp 2.7.2-7
  5212. md4c 0.4.8-1
  5213. mda.lv2 1.2.10-1
  5214. mdadm 4.2-2
  5215. mdbook 0.4.21-1
  5216. mdbtools 738.823b32f-1
  5217. mdf2iso 0.3.1-4
  5218. mdk3 v6-9
  5219. mdns-scan 0.5-6
  5220. med-openmpi 4.1.1-2
  5221. media-player-info 24-2
  5222. mediaelch 2.8.16-3
  5223. mediainfo 22.06-2
  5224. mediainfo-gui 22.06-2
  5225. mediawriter 5.0.3-1
  5226. medit 1.2.0-7
  5227. medusa 2.2-10
  5228. megasync
  5229. megatools 1.11.0+20220519-1
  5230. meilisearch 0.28.1-1
  5231. meld 3.22.0-1
  5232. mellowplayer 3.6.8-0
  5233. memcached 1.6.16-1
  5234. memconf 3.15-2
  5235. memimager 1.0-1
  5236. memstat 1.1-1
  5237. memtest86+ 5.31b-1
  5238. memtest86-efi 1:9.4build1000-4
  5239. mencal 3.0-1
  5240. mencoder 38359-1
  5241. menda-themes-git r91.2759ebc-1
  5242. menu-cache 1.1.0-3
  5243. menulibre 2.2.3-1
  5244. menumaker 0.99.14-2
  5245. menyoki 1.6.1-1
  5246. mercurial 6.2.2-1
  5247. merkaartor 0.19.0-3
  5248. mesa 22.1.7-1
  5249. mesa-demos 8.5.0-2
  5250. mesa-utils 8.5.0-2
  5251. mesa-vdpau 22.1.7-1
  5252. mesen 0.9.9-2
  5253. meshbird 2.3-6
  5254. meshlab 2022.02-1
  5255. meson 0.63.2-1
  5256. mess822 0.58-2
  5257. messagelib 22.08.1-1
  5258. messenger-nativefier 1.0-3
  5259. metacity 3.44.0-1
  5260. meteo-gtk
  5261. meteo-qt-git 3.2.4.gda15ee1-1
  5262. metis 5.1.0.p10-2
  5263. mg 20210314-2
  5264. mgba-qt 0.9.3-4
  5265. mgba-sdl 0.9.3-4
  5266. mhash
  5267. mhddfs 0.1.39-5
  5268. micro 2.0.11-4
  5269. microcom 2019.01.0-1
  5270. micropad 3.30.6-1
  5271. mictray 0.3.1-1
  5272. mikelpint-keyring 20180320-1
  5273. milou 5.25.5-1
  5274. mimalloc 2.0.6-1
  5275. mimeo 2022.7-3
  5276. mimetic 0.9.8-2
  5277. mimic
  5278. min 1.25.1-2
  5279. minbif 1.0.5-8
  5280. minder 1.14.0-1
  5281. mindi 3.3.0-1
  5282. mindi-busybox 1.25.1-1
  5283. minecraft latest-29
  5284. minergate-cli 1.7-2
  5285. minergate-gui 1.7-3
  5286. mingsweeper 1.00-2
  5287. mingw-w64-binutils 2.38-3
  5288. mingw-w64-crt 10.0.0-1
  5289. mingw-w64-gcc 12.2.0-1
  5290. mingw-w64-headers 10.0.0-1
  5291. mingw-w64-tools 10.0.0-1
  5292. mingw-w64-winpthreads 10.0.0-1
  5293. minicom 2.8-1
  5294. minidlna 1.3.2-1
  5295. minifortune 2.5-1
  5296. minikube 1.26.1-1
  5297. minimodem 353.bb2f34c-2
  5298. minishift-bin 1.34.3-1
  5299. minisign 0.10-1
  5300. miniupnpc 2.2.3-1
  5301. minivmacii 3.5.8-1
  5302. minizip 1:1.2.12-2
  5303. mint-x-icons 1.6.4-1
  5304. mintstick-git r218.0f72349-1
  5305. minuet 22.08.1-1
  5306. miraclecast-git 300.43505ab-1
  5307. mirage 1.0_pre2-4
  5308. miscsplashutils 0.1.8-5
  5309. misfortune
  5310. mixxx 2.3.3-1
  5311. mjpegtools 2.2.1-1
  5312. mkchromecast-git
  5313. mkdocs 1.3.1-1
  5314. mkdocs-material 8.4.2-1
  5315. mkdocs-material-extensions 1.0.3-1
  5316. mkdocs-minify-plugin 0.5.0-1
  5317. mkinitcpio 31-3
  5318. mkinitcpio-archiso 63-1
  5319. mkinitcpio-archlogo 0.3.0-1
  5320. mkinitcpio-busybox 1.35.0-1
  5321. mkinitcpio-colors-git 11.ac5765f-1
  5322. mkinitcpio-netconf 0.0.5-2
  5323. mkinitcpio-nfs-utils 0.3-7
  5324. mkinitcpio-systemd-tool 37-1
  5325. mkinitcpio-uname 0.2.1-1
  5326. mkinitcpio-utils 0.0.4-1
  5327. mkisolinux 2013.05-3
  5328. mkpwd 1.6-3
  5329. mkpxelinux 2013.10-3
  5330. mksh 59.c-1
  5331. mksignkernels 0.0.5-1
  5332. mksyslinux 2013.06-3
  5333. mktorrent 1.1-5
  5334. mkusb 0.3.1-1
  5335. mkvalidator 0.6.0-1
  5336. mkvtoolnix-cli 70.0.0-1
  5337. mkvtoolnix-gui 70.0.0-1
  5338. mkws 0.0.1-1
  5339. mlar 1.1.1-1
  5340. mle 1.5.0-1
  5341. mlt 7.8.0-2
  5342. mlt6 6.26.1-10
  5343. mlterm 3.9.2-1
  5344. mmv 1.01b.orig-4
  5345. moarvm 2022.07-1
  5346. mobile-broadband-provider-info 20220725-1
  5347. mobydroid 0.4-1
  5348. moc 1:2.5.2-6
  5349. mod_dnssd 0.6-8
  5350. modem-manager-gui 0.0.20-2
  5351. modemmanager 1.18.10-2
  5352. modemmanager-qt 5.97.0-1
  5353. modprobed-db 2.46-1
  5354. moe 1.12-1
  5355. mokutil 0.6.0-1
  5356. mold 1.4.2-1
  5357. molequeue 0.9.0-2
  5358. moneymanagerex 1.5.20-1
  5359. mongo-c-driver 1.23.0-1
  5360. mongodb 6.0.1-1
  5361. mongodb-tools 1:4.2.18_rc0-1
  5362. mongosh-bin 1.5.4-1
  5363. monit 5.32.0-1
  5364. monitoring-plugins 2.3.1-2
  5365. mono
  5366. mono-addins 1.3.3-3
  5367. mono-basic 4.8-1
  5368. mono-msbuild 16.10.1.xamarinxplat.2021.
  5369. mono-tools 4.2-2
  5370. monocle 1.0-5
  5371. mons 0.8.2-1
  5372. moon-buggy 1.0.51-2
  5373. moreutils 0.67-2
  5374. morgen-bin 2.5.16-1
  5375. morsetran 1.1-3
  5376. mosh 1.3.2-18
  5377. mosquitto 2.0.15-1
  5378. most 5.2.0-1
  5379. motion 4.4.0-2
  5380. motioneye-git 0.42.1.r579.gc1450aa-1
  5381. mousepad 0.5.10-1
  5382. mousetweaks 3.32.0-2
  5383. movit 1.6.3-2
  5384. moz2fs 2013.9.23.3-4
  5385. mozilla-common 1.4-6
  5386. mozplugger 2.1.6-1
  5387. mp3diags 1.2.03-4
  5388. mp3fs 1.1.1-1
  5389. mp3gain 1.6.2-2
  5390. mp3info 0.8.5a-8
  5391. mp3splt 2.6.2-3
  5392. mp3unicode 1.2.1-5
  5393. mpack 1.6-5
  5394. mpc 0.34-2
  5395. mpd 0.23.9-2
  5396. mpdevil 1.7.0-1
  5397. mpfi 1.5.4-4
  5398. mpfr 4.1.0.p13-3
  5399. mpg123 1.30.2-1
  5400. mpgtx 1.3.1-7
  5401. mpir 3.0.0-3
  5402. mplayer 38359-1
  5403. mpop 1.4.17-1
  5404. mpv 1:0.34.1-5
  5405. mpz 1.0.21-0
  5406. mruby 3.1.0-1
  5407. ms-sys 2.7.0-1
  5408. msgpack-c 4.0.0-1
  5409. msgpack-cxx 4.1.1-1
  5410. msitools 0.101-5
  5411. msmtp 1.8.22-2
  5412. mspaint-xp-bin 2-1
  5413. mtd-utils 2.1.4-1
  5414. mtdev 1.1.6-2
  5415. mtkimg r58.a92c609-1
  5416. mtools 1:4.0.40-1
  5417. mtpaint 3.50.09-2
  5418. mtpfs 1.1-4
  5419. mtr 0.95-3
  5420. mu-editor 1:1.0.3-3
  5421. muffin 5.4.5-1
  5422. mugshot 0.4.2-1
  5423. mujs 1.2.0-2
  5424. multibootusb 9.2.0-5
  5425. multimac 1.0.3-3
  5426. multimon-ng 1.1.9-2
  5427. multipath-tools 0.9.1-1
  5428. multisystem 1.0460-1
  5429. multitail 6.5.1-1
  5430. mumble 1.4.274-1
  5431. muon-ssh 2.2.0-1
  5432. muparser 2.3.3-1
  5433. mupdf 1.20.3-1
  5434. mupdf-tools 1.20.3-1
  5435. muse 4.1.0-1
  5436. musepack-tools 1:0.1+r475-3
  5437. musescore 3.6.2-7
  5438. musikcube 0.97.0-1.1
  5439. mustache 4.1-3
  5440. mutt 2.2.7-1
  5441. mutter 42.4-1
  5442. mutter6 3.36.9-2
  5443. mxml 3.3.1-1
  5444. my_basic-git r1079.gc760bef-1
  5445. mycroft-core 21.2.2-1
  5446. mycroft-gui-git r721.53fb4a1-1
  5447. mygui 3.4.1-1
  5448. myman 0.7.0-6
  5449. mypaint 2.0.1-2
  5450. mypaint-brushes 2.0.2-1
  5451. mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-1
  5452. mypy 0.971-1
  5453. myrddin 0.3.1-1
  5454. myrdp 2018.2.2-1
  5455. mysql++ 3.3.0-1
  5456. mysql-python 1.2.5-5
  5457. mythes-it 2.0.9l-6
  5458. mytop 10.9.2-1
  5459. myuzi v1.2.4-1
  5460. myxer-bin 1.2.1-2
  5461. naev 0.9.4-1
  5462. nagios 4.4.7-1
  5463. namcap 3.3.1-1
  5464. nameinator 0.0.5-1
  5465. namib-keyring 18.06-1
  5466. namib-mirrorlist 18.08-1
  5467. namib-wallpapers 18.08-1
  5468. nano 6.4-1
  5469. nano-backup 0.4.0-1
  5470. nano-syntax-highlighting 2020.10.10-1
  5471. nanomsg 1.2-1
  5472. nanonote 1.3.0-3
  5473. nanosaur 1.4.3-1
  5474. nap 0.2.5-1
  5475. nasm 2.15.05-1
  5476. natpad 2.5-1
  5477. nature-wallpapers 2.1-1
  5478. nautilus 42.2-1
  5479. nautilus-folder-icons 3.0.1-2
  5480. nautilus-image-converter 0.3.0+31+g23441ed-3
  5481. nautilus-sendto 3.8.6+28+gc87aac4-1
  5482. nautilus-share 0.7.3-9
  5483. nautilus-terminal 3.5.0-2
  5484. navit 0.5.6-4
  5485. navitconfigurator-git 19.20170225-1
  5486. nawk 20220122-1
  5487. nbtscan 1.7.2-1
  5488. ncdu 2.1.2-1
  5489. ncftp 3.2.6-4
  5490. ncgopher-git v0.4.0.r70.g12de57a-1
  5491. ncine-git r388.0dc4a59-1
  5492. ncinvaders-git r37.bf05560-1
  5493. ncmpc 0.47-1
  5494. ncmpcpp 0.9.2-7
  5495. ncompress 5.0-2
  5496. ncpamixer
  5497. ncpong-git r74.436b9dc-1
  5498. ncsa-mosaic-git 1:2.7b6.r37.6b855b3-1
  5499. ncspot 0.11.0-1
  5500. ncurses 6.3-3
  5501. ncurses-nonwide 6.1-3
  5502. ncurses5-compat-libs 6.3-1
  5503. ndctl 74-1
  5504. ndisc6 1.0.5-1
  5505. ndn-infoedit-git r13.3226bdc-1
  5506. ne 3.3.1-1
  5507. neatvnc 0.5.3-1
  5508. necromant 3.acbc448-2
  5509. ned 1.3.1-1
  5510. nedit 1:5.7-4
  5511. nemo 5.4.2-1
  5512. nemo-fileroller 5.4.1-1
  5513. nemo-image-converter 5.4.1-1
  5514. nemo-preview 5.4.1-1
  5515. nemo-python 5.4.1-1
  5516. nemo-qml-plugin-notifications 1.0.11-1
  5517. nemo-seahorse 5.4.1-1
  5518. nemo-share 5.4.1-1
  5519. nemo-terminal 5.4.1-1
  5520. neochat 22.06-1
  5521. neofetch 7.1.0-2
  5522. neomutt 20220429-1
  5523. neon 0.32.3-1
  5524. neopop_sdl 0.2-2
  5525. neovim 0.7.2-3
  5526. neovim-qt 0.2.17-2
  5527. nerd-fonts-bitstream-vera-mono 2.2.2-1
  5528. nerd-fonts-hermit 2.1.0-2
  5529. nerd-fonts-terminus 2.2.2-1
  5530. nerdctl 0.22.2-1
  5531. nestopia 1.51.0-1
  5532. net-snmp 5.9.1-4
  5533. net-tools 2.10-1
  5534. netactview 0.6.4-7
  5535. netavark 1.1.0-1
  5536. netbios-share-scanner 1.0-2
  5537. netbrake 0.2-7
  5538. netcdf 4.9.0-3
  5539. netcf 0.2.8-8
  5540. netctl 1.28-1
  5541. netctl-gui 1.4.9-1
  5542. netctlgui-helper 1.4.9-1
  5543. netdata 1.36.1-1
  5544. netdiscover 208.3402efe-1
  5545. nethack 3.6.6-2
  5546. nethogs 0.8.7-1
  5547. netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-1
  5548. netpbm 10.73.37-2
  5549. netperf 2.7.0-6
  5550. netplan 0.105-1
  5551. netrunner-bin 2.0b21-2
  5552. netselect 0.4-4
  5553. netstandard-targeting-pack 6.0.8.sdk108-1
  5554. netsurf-buildsystem-git 1.9.r1.g1fbac2b-1
  5555. nettle 3.8.1-1
  5556. netwag 5.39.0-1
  5557. netwatch 1.3.1_2-3
  5558. netwib 5.39.0-1
  5559. network-manager-applet 1.28.0-1
  5560. network-manager-sstp 1.3.0-1
  5561. networkmanager 1.40.0-1
  5562. networkmanager-dmenu-git r161.d1ae627-1
  5563. networkmanager-fortisslvpn 1.4.0-2
  5564. networkmanager-l2tp 1.20.4-5
  5565. networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.8-2
  5566. networkmanager-openvpn 1.10.0-1
  5567. networkmanager-pptp 1.2.10-2
  5568. networkmanager-qt 5.97.0-1
  5569. networkmanager-strongswan 1.6.0-1
  5570. networkmanager-vpnc 1.2.8-2
  5571. netwox 5.39.0-1
  5572. new-session-manager 1.6.0-1
  5573. newaita-icons-git r929.c2b596b09-1.1
  5574. newbreeze-git v3.0.0.rc8.r28.c8989ae-1
  5575. newsboat 2.28-1
  5576. newspost 2.1.1-4
  5577. nextcloud-client 2:3.5.4-1
  5578. nextcloud-systemd-timers 0.6.2-1
  5579. nfcutils 0.3.2-1
  5580. nfs-utils 2.6.2-1
  5581. nfsidmap 2.6.2-1
  5582. nfsshell 19980519-6
  5583. nftables 1:1.0.5-1
  5584. nghttp2 1.49.0-1
  5585. nginx-mainline 1.21.6-1
  5586. ngrep 1.47-2
  5587. ngrok 3.0.7-2
  5588. ngspice 37-2
  5589. nikola 8.2.3-1
  5590. nilfs-utils 2.2.9-1
  5591. nim 1.6.6-1
  5592. ninja 1.11.1-1
  5593. nirsoft 1.23.30-1
  5594. nitrogen 1.6.1-4
  5595. nix 2.11.0-1
  5596. nix-busybox 1.35.0-1
  5597. nixieclock 1.64-2
  5598. njconnect 1.6-3
  5599. nkk-fossil r36.dab983d9f7-1
  5600. nload 0.7.4-7
  5601. nlohmann-json 3.11.2-1
  5602. nm-connection-editor 1.28.0-1
  5603. nm-tray 0.4.3-1
  5604. nmap 7.92-1
  5605. nmbscan 1.2.6-4
  5606. nmon 16n-2
  5607. nmtree 20200403-1
  5608. nnn-icons 4.6-1
  5609. no-more-secrets-git 0.3.3.r3.g56df5f3-1
  5610. node-gyp 9.1.0-1
  5611. nodejs 18.9.0-1
  5612. nodejs-colors 1.4.0-1
  5613. nodejs-emojione 4.5.0-3
  5614. nodejs-less 4.1.3-1
  5615. nodejs-mapscii 0.3.1-4
  5616. nodejs-material-design-icons 3.0.1-4
  5617. nodejs-nativefier 49.0.0-1
  5618. nodejs-node-red 3.0.2-1
  5619. nodejs-nopt 6.0.0-1
  5620. nodejs-unsplash-wallpaper 6.1.0-1
  5621. noip 2.1.9-7
  5622. noise-repellent 0.2.3-1
  5623. noise-suppression-for-voice 1.03-1
  5624. noisetorch 0.12.2-1
  5625. nomachine 7.10.1-1
  5626. nomacs 1:3.17.2206-8
  5627. nomad 1.3.5-1
  5628. nomad-driver-containerd 0.9.3-2
  5629. nomad-driver-lxc 0.3.0-3
  5630. nomad-driver-podman 0.4.0-1
  5631. non-timeline 1.3.0-4
  5632. nordconnect 0.1.1-1
  5633. nordic-kde-git 2.2.0.r2.g59251a3-1
  5634. nordic-theme-git 2.1.0.r51.g0a00416-1
  5635. nordnm 0.8.1-1
  5636. nordpy 1.3.5-1
  5637. nordpy-plasmoid-git r10.ec6491c-1
  5638. nordselect 1.4.4-2
  5639. nordtray 0.1.1-1
  5640. nordvpn-bin 3.14.2-1
  5641. normalize 0.7.7-7
  5642. normcap 0.3.11-1
  5643. noson-app 5.2.2.r0.g9e5d1876-1
  5644. nota 1.6.0-1
  5645. notepadqq 1.4.8-6
  5646. noter 0.3.alpha-1
  5647. notification-daemon 3.20.0-4
  5648. notify-osd 0.9.35+16.04.20160415-3
  5649. notify-sharp 0.4.1-3
  5650. notmuch 0.37-2
  5651. notmuch-runtime 0.37-2
  5652. noto-fonts 20220607-1
  5653. noto-fonts-cjk 20220126-1
  5654. noto-fonts-emoji 20211101-1
  5655. noto-fonts-extra 20220607-1
  5656. npapi-sdk 0.27.2-3
  5657. npapi-vlc-git 3.0.3.r1570.3.0.3-1
  5658. npm 8.19.1-1
  5659. npm-check-updates 16.0.1-1
  5660. npth 1.6-3
  5661. nqp 2022.07-1
  5662. nrg2iso 0.4.1-2
  5663. nspluginwrapper 1.4.4-5
  5664. nspr 4.34.1-1
  5665. nsq 1.2.1-1
  5666. nss 3.82-1
  5667. nss-mdns 0.15.1-1
  5668. ntfs-3g 2022.5.17-1
  5669. ntfs-file-extractor 6.f2b23d72-1
  5670. ntfs2btrfs-git 1-1
  5671. ntfy 2.7.0-2
  5672. ntk 1.3.1001-1
  5673. ntl 11.5.1-1
  5674. ntop 5.0.1-15
  5675. ntp 4.2.8.p15-1
  5676. ntp-fingerprint 0.1-1
  5677. ntp-ip-enum 0.1-3
  5678. ntpdos 1:4.3fe389b-1
  5679. nuitka 1.0.6-1
  5680. nullinux 123.a647159-1
  5681. numactl 2.0.15-1
  5682. numdiff 5.9.0-1
  5683. nushell 0.67.0-1
  5684. nut 2.8.0-2
  5685. nut-monitor 2.8.0-2
  5686. nutty 1.1.1-1
  5687. nvchecker 2.9-2
  5688. nvidia-cg-toolkit 3.1-6
  5689. nvidia-container-toolkit 1.10.0-1
  5690. nvidia-settings 515.65.01-1
  5691. nvidia-utils 515.65.01-2
  5692. nvm 0.39.1-1
  5693. nvme-cli-git r2646.29c66608-1
  5694. nvtop 2.0.3-1
  5695. nwipe 0.34-1
  5696. nwjs-bin 0.66.1-1
  5697. nx-x11
  5698. nxagent
  5699. nxproxy
  5700. nyancat 1.5.2-2
  5701. nyble 0.5.0-3
  5702. nzbget 21.1-1
  5703. oath-toolkit 2.6.7-1
  5704. obconf 2.0.4-7
  5705. obconf-qt 0.16.2-1
  5706. obfs4proxy 0.0.13-1
  5707. obmenu3 1.05-2
  5708. obs-studio 27.2.4-2
  5709. ocaml 4.14.0-1
  5710. ocaml-base 0.15.0-2
  5711. ocaml-cmdliner 1.1.1-2
  5712. ocaml-compiler-libs 4.14.0-1
  5713. ocaml-compiler-libs-repackaged 0.12.4-5
  5714. ocaml-csexp 1.5.1-5
  5715. ocaml-findlib 1.9.5-2
  5716. ocaml-jane-street-headers 0.15.0-3
  5717. ocaml-lablgl 1.06-12
  5718. ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.4.0-2
  5719. ocaml-num 1.4-6
  5720. ocaml-octavius 1.2.2-5
  5721. ocaml-pp 1.1.2-3
  5722. ocaml-ppx_assert 1:0.15.0-3
  5723. ocaml-ppx_cold 0.15.0-3
  5724. ocaml-ppx_compare 1:0.15.0-3
  5725. ocaml-ppx_derivers 1.2.1-9
  5726. ocaml-ppx_enumerate 1:0.15.0-3
  5727. ocaml-ppx_here 1:0.15.0-3
  5728. ocaml-ppx_optcomp 1:0.15.0-3
  5729. ocaml-ppx_sexp_conv 1:0.15.1-3
  5730. ocaml-ppxlib 0.27.0-2
  5731. ocaml-result 1.5-7
  5732. ocaml-sexplib0 0.15.1-2
  5733. ocaml-stdio 0.15.0-2
  5734. ocaml-stdlib-shims 0.3.0-5
  5735. ocaml-topkg 1.0.5-1
  5736. ocamlbuild 0.14.1-2
  5737. ocd-sddm-theme
  5738. ocl-icd 2.3.1-1
  5739. ocrad 0.28-2
  5740. ocrdesktop 4.0-1
  5741. ocs-url 3.1.0-7
  5742. octave 7.2.0-2
  5743. octopi 0.13.0-2
  5744. octopi-notifier-frameworks 0.13.0-1
  5745. octopussh 1.5.0-1
  5746. ocz-ssd-utility 2.3.2963-3
  5747. ode 0.16.2-1
  5748. odrive-bin 0.3.0-1
  5749. odt2txt 0.5-4
  5750. oed 6.7-1
  5751. offlineimap 8.0.0-2
  5752. oggextract 2-2
  5753. ogmtools 1.5-9
  5754. ogre 13.4.1-1
  5755. oh-my-zsh-git r6617.50550c70e-1
  5756. oidentd 3.0.0-1
  5757. okteta 1:0.26.8-1
  5758. okular 22.08.1-1
  5759. omnihash 70.870e9ae-5
  5760. onboard 1.4.1-7
  5761. onednn 2.6.1-1
  5762. onedrive 1.1.4-1
  5763. oniguruma 6.9.8-1
  5764. onion-service-index 1.0.1-1
  5765. onionshare 2730.72dc6df3-1
  5766. onlyoffice-bin 7.1.1-1
  5767. onvifviewer 0.13-2
  5768. opam 2.1.3-1
  5769. open-adventure 1.9-1
  5770. open-isns 0.101-1
  5771. open-supaplex 7.1.2-2
  5772. open-vm-tools 6:12.1.0-1
  5773. openal 1.22.2-1
  5774. openbabel 3.1.1-5
  5775. openblas 0.3.21-1
  5776. openboard 1.6.3-1
  5777. openbox 3.6.1-8
  5778. openbox-theme-arcbox 0.1.2-1
  5779. openbox-themes 1.0.2-4
  5780. openbve
  5781. opencascade 1:7.5.3-3
  5782. opencbm
  5783. opencc 1.1.4-1
  5784. opencl-headers 2:2022.05.18-1
  5785. opencl-mesa 22.1.7-1
  5786. opencollada 1:1.6.68-2
  5787. opencolorio 2.1.2-1
  5788. opencolorio1 1.1.1-3
  5789. openconnect 1:9.01-2
  5790. opencore-amr 0.1.6-1
  5791. opencryptoki 3.17.0-1
  5792. opencsg 1.4.2-3
  5793. openctm-tools 2:1.0.3-1
  5794. opencv 4.6.0-4
  5795. opendbx 1.4.6-11
  5796. opendht 1:2.4.9-2
  5797. opendkim 2.11.0beta-2
  5798. opendmarc 1.4.2-2
  5799. opendoas 6.8.2-1
  5800. opendoor 422.d1ed311-1
  5801. openelp-git 0.9.2.r5.g49f5c67-1
  5802. openexr 3.1.5-1
  5803. openfire 4.7.3-1
  5804. openfortivpn 1.18.0-1
  5805. opengl-man-pages 20190725-3
  5806. openglide-git last.cvs.r50.g1ecc60a-1
  5807. openhab2 2.5.12-1
  5808. openhardwaremonitor 0.9.6-1
  5809. openimagedenoise 1.4.3-1
  5810. openimageio
  5811. openipmi 2.0.33-1
  5812. openjade 1.3.2-7
  5813. openjpeg2 2.5.0-1
  5814. openldap 2.6.3-1
  5815. openlierox 0.58_rc5-5
  5816. openlitespeed 1.7.16-1
  5817. openmeetings 6.3.0-1
  5818. openmotif 2.3.8-3
  5819. openmp 14.0.6-1
  5820. openmpi 4.1.4-2
  5821. openmsx 18.0-2
  5822. openmsx-catapult 18.0-5
  5823. opennic-resolve-git 1:20211229170134-1
  5824. opennic-up 1.2-1
  5825. openpmix 4.2.0-1
  5826. openpuff 4.01-3
  5827. openra 20210321-2
  5828. openrct2 0.4.1-4
  5829. openredir 1.0-1
  5830. openresolv 3.12.0-1
  5831. openrgb 0.7-6
  5832. opensc 0.22.0-1
  5833. openscad 2021.01-5
  5834. openscenegraph 3.6.5-14
  5835. opensearch 2.2.1-1
  5836. openshadinglanguage
  5837. openshot 2.6.1-5
  5838. opensips 3.3.0-1
  5839. openslide 3.4.1-3
  5840. openslp 2.0.0-2
  5841. opensmile 3.0.1-1
  5842. opensnitch 1.5.2-1
  5843. opensp 1.5.2-9
  5844. openssh 9.0p1-1
  5845. openssh-askpass 2.1.0-4
  5846. openssl 1.1.1.q-1
  5847. openssl-1.0 1.0.2.u-1
  5848. openssl098 0.9.8.zh-2
  5849. openstego 0.8.4-1
  5850. openstreetmap-map-icons-svn 31588-1
  5851. opensubdiv 3.4.4-11
  5852. opentimelineio 0.14.1-2
  5853. openttd 12.2-3
  5854. openttd-opengfx 7.1-1
  5855. openttd-opensfx 1.0.3-1
  5856. openvas-scanner 22.4.0-2
  5857. openvdb 9.1.0-1
  5858. openvkl 1.3.0-2
  5859. openvpn 2.5.7-1
  5860. openvpn-reconnect 1-2
  5861. openvr 1.16.8-2
  5862. openvswitch 2.17.2-1
  5863. openwatcom-v2 2.0-8
  5864. openxr 1.0.25-1
  5865. openzwave-git 7528.4887754f.97f47476b8675683144a4278a4c93271-1
  5866. opera 90.0.4480.84-1
  5867. opera-ffmpeg-codecs 104.0.5112.102-1
  5868. opnplug 1.0.2-5
  5869. optipng 0.7.7-2
  5870. opus 1.3.1-3
  5871. opus-tools 0.2-4
  5872. opusfile 0.12-2
  5873. opustags 1.6.0-1
  5874. orbit2 2.14.19-7
  5875. orc 0.4.32-1
  5876. orchis-kde-theme-git r33.57fd1b4-1
  5877. orchis-theme-git 2022.07.20.r9.ged8c560-1
  5878. origami-editor-3d 1.3.5-2
  5879. orthorobot 1.1.1-1
  5880. os-prober 1.80-1
  5881. osc2midi 0.2.5-2
  5882. osdbattery 1.4-8
  5883. osinfo-db 20220830-1
  5884. osinfo-db-tools 1.10.0-1
  5885. osm-gps-map 1.2.0-1
  5886. osmid 0.8.0-1
  5887. osmo 0.4.4-1
  5888. osmose 0.9.98-1
  5889. ospd-openvas 22.4.0-2
  5890. ospray 2.10.0-4
  5891. ossp 1.3.2+11+g9e94d67-3
  5892. ostree 2022.5-4
  5893. otf-dotrice 1.001-3
  5894. otf-font-awesome 6.1.2-1
  5895. otf-gfs 20210802-1
  5896. otf-hermit 2.0-2
  5897. otf-miama 1.0-7
  5898. otf-murmure 1.002-1
  5899. otf-overpass 3.0.5-1
  5900. otf-punk-nova 1.003-2
  5901. otf-rebecca 1.001-2
  5902. otf-sansita-swashed 1.003-3
  5903. otter-browser 1.0.03-1
  5904. ottools 2013.3-4
  5905. overgrive 3.4.6-0
  5906. ovpngen 1.28-1
  5907. oxygen 5.25.5-1
  5908. oxygen-crystal-diamond
  5909. oxygen-crystal-diamond-lnf-theme
  5910. oxygen-icons 1:5.97.0-1
  5911. oxygen-icons-svg 1:5.97.0-1
  5912. oxygen-sounds 5.25.5-1
  5913. p11-kit 0.24.1-1
  5914. p7zip 1:17.04-3
  5915. p7zip-gui 16.02-7
  5916. p8-platform
  5917. pacapt 3.0.5-1
  5918. pacaur 4.8.6-1
  5919. paccat 0.2.0-1
  5920. pacdep 1.1.0-4
  5921. pace 1.4.2-1
  5922. pacgraph 20110629-5
  5923. pachist-git r51.3f5521b-1
  5924. package-query 1.12-1
  5925. packagekit 1.2.5-1
  5926. packagekit-qt5 1.0.2-1
  5927. packer 1.8.3-1
  5928. packerid 1.4-6
  5929. packetsender 770.c907ae8-1
  5930. pacleaner 2.2-1
  5931. pacman 6.0.1-7
  5932. pacman-backup-hook 1.0.1-2
  5933. pacman-cleanup-hook 1.1-1
  5934. pacman-contrib 1.7.1-1
  5935. pacman-diffs 1.1.0-8
  5936. pacman-mirrorlist 20220828-1
  5937. pacman-static 6.0.1-4
  5938. pacman-utils 1.1.0-1
  5939. pacman-utils-data 2018_12_12-1
  5940. pacman2aria2 2012-5
  5941. pacman4console 1.3-1
  5942. pacmanlogviewer 1.4.3-2
  5943. pacmatic 20150126-3
  5944. pacmixer 0.6.3-4
  5945. pacredir 0.4.5-1
  5946. pacroller 0.1.7-2
  5947. pacseek 1.6.6-1
  5948. pacutils 0.11.1-1
  5949. paho-mqtt-c-git 1.3.2.r9.gd5b2101-1
  5950. pahole 1:1.23-1
  5951. pak-bin 1.1.0-1
  5952. pakku 0.16-1
  5953. palapeli 22.08.1-1
  5954. palemoon-bin 1:
  5955. pam 1.5.2-1
  5956. pam-u2f 1.2.1-1
  5957. pam_mount 2.19-1
  5958. pam_wrapper 1.1.4-2
  5959. pambase 20211210-1
  5960. pamixer 1.6-2
  5961. pan 0.151-1
  5962. pandoc 2.18-52
  5963. pango 1:1.50.9-1
  5964. pango-perl 1.227-15
  5965. pangomm 2.46.2-1
  5966. pangox-compat 0.0.2+2+gedb9e09-3
  5967. pantheon-calculator 2.0.0-1
  5968. pantheon-calendar 6.1.1-1
  5969. pantheon-camera 6.2.0-2
  5970. pantheon-notifications 6.0.2-1
  5971. pantheon-photos 2.7.5-1
  5972. pantheon-print 0.1.3-2
  5973. pantheon-videos 2.8.4-1
  5974. paper 2.3-2
  5975. paper-icon-theme
  5976. paperkey 1.6-3
  5977. paperwork 2.1.1-2
  5978. papirus-claws-mail-theme-git 20201019-1
  5979. papirus-folders 1.12.0-1
  5980. papirus-icon-theme 20220808-1
  5981. pappl-git r914.d42115a-1
  5982. paprefs 1.2-1
  5983. paq8o 9-1
  5984. par2cmdline 0.8.1-2
  5985. parajve 0.7.0-2
  5986. parallel 20220822-1
  5987. pari 2.13.4-1
  5988. parley 22.08.1-1
  5989. parole 4.16.0-1
  5990. partclone 0.3.20-2
  5991. parted 3.5-1
  5992. partimage 0.6.9-13
  5993. partitionmanager 22.08.1-1
  5994. paru 1.11.1-1
  5995. pash 2.3.0-3
  5996. pass 1.7.4-3
  5997. pass-paste 0.8.1-1
  5998. pass-station v1.3.0.r4.g48d5f8d-1
  5999. passe-partout 0.1-2
  6000. passivedns 292.c411c46-1
  6001. passman++ 2.1.1-1
  6002. passphrase 1.4-1
  6003. pastebinit 1.5.1-1
  6004. pasystray 0.8.0-2
  6005. patator 1:214.b97f8b2-1
  6006. patch 2.7.6-8
  6007. patchelf 0.15.0-1
  6008. patchutils 0.4.2-2
  6009. patool 1.12-5
  6010. pavucontrol 1:5.0+r61+gee77d86-2
  6011. pavucontrol-qt 1.1.0-1
  6012. pax 20201030-2
  6013. pax-utils 1.3.3-1
  6014. paxctl 0.9-1
  6015. paxtest 0.9.15-3
  6016. pbar 20160830-1
  6017. pbget 2021.12-3
  6018. pbzip2 1.1.13-3
  6019. pcalc 3-1
  6020. pcaudiolib 1.2-2
  6021. pcb 1:4.3.0-2
  6022. pcb-rnd 3.0.5-2
  6023. pcbdraw 0.6.1-3
  6024. pcc-libs 1.1.0-1
  6025. pcem 17-3
  6026. pciutils 3.8.0-2
  6027. pcmanfm-gtk3 1.3.2-1
  6028. pcmanfm-qt 1.1.0-1
  6029. pcp 6.0.0-1
  6030. pcre 8.45-2
  6031. pcre2 10.40-1
  6032. pcsc-perl 1.4.14-13
  6033. pcsc-tools 1.6.0-1
  6034. pcsclite 1.9.8-1
  6035. pcsx2 1.7.3187-4
  6036. pcsxr 1.9.95-2
  6037. pcurses 5-5
  6038. pd 0.52.2-1
  6039. pdal 2.4.3-1
  6040. pdcurses 3.9-2
  6041. pdd 1.5-1
  6042. pdf-xchange 9.4.363.0-1
  6043. pdf2djvu 0.9.19-1
  6044. pdf2svg 0.2.3-5
  6045. pdfarranger 1.8.2-1
  6046. pdfbox 2.0.26-1
  6047. pdfgrep 2.1.2-2
  6048. pdflib-lite 7.0.5p3-4
  6049. pdfminer3k 1.3.4-2
  6050. pdfmixtool 1.1-1
  6051. pdfmod 0.9.1-12
  6052. pdfsam 4.3.3-1
  6053. pdftk 3.3.2-2
  6054. pdftricks 0.4.1-1
  6055. pdmenu 1.3.6-1
  6056. peaclock 0.4.3-1
  6057. pearl-git r91.853ce3b-1
  6058. peazip-qt5 8.8.0-1
  6059. peg 0.1.18-2
  6060. pegtl 3.2.7-1
  6061. pelican 4.8.0-1
  6062. penbox 81.3b77c69-6
  6063. penguin-command 1.6.11-4
  6064. pensela-bin 1.2.5-1
  6065. pepper-flash
  6066. performous 1.2.0-2
  6067. periodiccalendar 3.4.1-1
  6068. perl 5.36.0-1
  6069. perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-3
  6070. perl-alien-build 2.56-1
  6071. perl-alien-libxml2 0.17-3
  6072. perl-anyevent 4:7.17-5
  6073. perl-anyevent-i3 0.17-8
  6074. perl-archive-zip 1.68-7
  6075. perl-audio-flac-header 2.4-9
  6076. perl-authen-pam 0.16-10
  6077. perl-b-hooks-endofscope 0.26-1
  6078. perl-berkeleydb 0.65-1
  6079. perl-bit-vector 7.4-13
  6080. perl-bytes-random-secure 0.29-10
  6081. perl-cairo-gobject 1.004-12
  6082. perl-canary-stability 2013-5
  6083. perl-capture-tiny 0.48-6
  6084. perl-carp-clan 6.08-5
  6085. perl-cgi 4.54-2
  6086. perl-class-data-inheritable 0.09-2
  6087. perl-class-inspector 1.36-5
  6088. perl-class-load 0.25-2
  6089. perl-class-method-modifiers 2.13-3
  6090. perl-class-singleton 1.6-1
  6091. perl-clipboard 0.28-1
  6092. perl-clone 0.45-4
  6093. perl-common-sense 3.75-4
  6094. perl-config-general 2.64-1
  6095. perl-config-simple 4.59-14
  6096. perl-convert-binhex 1.125-10
  6097. perl-cpan-perl-releases 5.20220820-1
  6098. perl-crypt-openssl-bignum 0.09-7
  6099. perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.15-8
  6100. perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.33-1
  6101. perl-crypt-random-seed 0.03-7
  6102. perl-crypt-random-tesha2 0.01-8
  6103. perl-crypt-rijndael 1.16-1
  6104. perl-crypt-ssleay 0.73_06-1
  6105. perl-curses 1.41-1
  6106. perl-data-dump 1.25-3
  6107. perl-data-optlist 0.112-2
  6108. perl-data-uuid 1.226-3
  6109. perl-data-validate-ip 0.27-6
  6110. perl-date-calc 6.4-9
  6111. perl-date-manip 6.89-1
  6112. perl-datetime 1.58-1
  6113. perl-datetime-format-mail 0.403-4
  6114. perl-datetime-format-strptime 1.79-1
  6115. perl-datetime-format-w3cdtf 0.08-2
  6116. perl-datetime-locale 1.36-1
  6117. perl-datetime-set 0.3900-4
  6118. perl-datetime-timezone 2.53-1
  6119. perl-dbd-mariadb 1.22-2
  6120. perl-dbd-mysql 4.050-8
  6121. perl-dbd-pg 3.16.0-1
  6122. perl-dbd-sqlite 1.70-2
  6123. perl-dbi 1.643-4
  6124. perl-devel-cycle 1.12-3
  6125. perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-8
  6126. perl-devel-patchperl 2.08-1
  6127. perl-devel-stacktrace 2.04-2
  6128. perl-device-serialport 1.04-17
  6129. perl-digest-hmac 1.04-3
  6130. perl-digest-nilsimsa 0.06-22
  6131. perl-digest-sha1 2.13-17
  6132. perl-dist-checkconflicts 0.11-8
  6133. perl-email-date-format 1.005-9
  6134. perl-encode-detect 1.01-9
  6135. perl-encode-locale 1.05-9
  6136. perl-error 0.17029-4
  6137. perl-eval-closure 0.14-8
  6138. perl-event-execflow 0.64-7
  6139. perl-exception-class 1.45-2
  6140. perl-exporter-tiny 1.004000-1
  6141. perl-extutils-config 0.008-8
  6142. perl-extutils-depends 0.8001-3
  6143. perl-extutils-helpers 0.026-8
  6144. perl-extutils-installpaths 0.012-6
  6145. perl-extutils-pkgconfig 1.16-9
  6146. perl-fcgi 0.82-2
  6147. perl-ffi-checklib 0.28-3
  6148. perl-file-basedir 0.09-2
  6149. perl-file-chdir 0.1011-4
  6150. perl-file-copy-recursive 0.45-5
  6151. perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-9
  6152. perl-file-find-rule 0.34-9
  6153. perl-file-homedir 1.006-3
  6154. perl-file-keepass 2.03-4
  6155. perl-file-listing 6.15-2
  6156. perl-file-mimeinfo 0.33-1
  6157. perl-file-next 1.18-4
  6158. perl-file-path-tiny 1.0-1
  6159. perl-file-pushd 1.016-5
  6160. perl-file-remove 1.61-1
  6161. perl-file-rsyncp 0.76-3
  6162. perl-file-sharedir 1.118-2
  6163. perl-file-sharedir-install 0.14-1
  6164. perl-file-slurp 9999.32-2
  6165. perl-file-slurp-tiny 0.004-8
  6166. perl-file-slurper 0.013-1
  6167. perl-file-tail 1.3-8
  6168. perl-file-which 1.27-2
  6169. perl-filesys-df 0.92-13
  6170. perl-finance-quote 1.52-1
  6171. perl-font-ttf 1.06-4
  6172. perl-freezethaw 0.5001-7
  6173. perl-furl 3.14-2
  6174. perl-gd 2.76-1
  6175. perl-glib-object-introspection 0.049-3
  6176. perl-gnome2-wnck 0.18-3
  6177. perl-goocanvas2 0.06-5
  6178. perl-graphics-tiff 12-3
  6179. perl-gtk2-ex-form-factory 0.67-1
  6180. perl-gtk2-ex-simple-list 0.50-2
  6181. perl-gtk2-trayicon 0.07-1
  6182. perl-gtk3 0.038-2
  6183. perl-gtk3-imageview 10-2
  6184. perl-gtk3-simplelist 0.21-1
  6185. perl-html-element-extended 1.18-10
  6186. perl-html-form 6.10-1
  6187. perl-html-parser 3.78-2
  6188. perl-html-tableextract 2.15-6
  6189. perl-html-tagset 3.20-12
  6190. perl-html-tree 5.07-2
  6191. perl-http-cookies 6.10-3
  6192. perl-http-daemon 6.14-2
  6193. perl-http-date 6.05-5
  6194. perl-http-message 6.37-1
  6195. perl-http-negotiate 6.01-10
  6196. perl-http-response-encoding 0.06-6
  6197. perl-http-server-simple 0.52-3
  6198. perl-image-exiftool 12.42-1
  6199. perl-image-info 1.42-1
  6200. perl-image-sane 5-4
  6201. perl-import-into 1.002005-8
  6202. perl-inc-latest 0.500-9
  6203. perl-io-dirent 0.05-15
  6204. perl-io-html 1.004-3
  6205. perl-io-multiplex 1.16-8
  6206. perl-io-socket 1.45-2
  6207. perl-io-socket-inet6 2.73-2
  6208. perl-io-socket-portstate 0.03-11
  6209. perl-io-socket-ssl 2.075-1
  6210. perl-io-string 1.08-12
  6211. perl-io-stringy 2.113-1
  6212. perl-io-tty 1.16-3
  6213. perl-ipc-run 20220807.0-1
  6214. perl-ipc-run3 0.048-10
  6215. perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-4
  6216. perl-javascript-minifier-xs 0.15-1
  6217. perl-json 4.09-1
  6218. perl-json-parse 0.62-1
  6219. perl-json-xs 4.03-3
  6220. perl-lchown 1.01-14
  6221. perl-libintl-perl 1.32-3
  6222. perl-libwhisker2 2.5-6
  6223. perl-libwww 6.67-1
  6224. perl-linux-desktopfiles 0.25-6
  6225. perl-list-allutils 0.19-1
  6226. perl-list-moreutils 0.430-3
  6227. perl-list-moreutils-xs 0.430-3
  6228. perl-list-someutils 0.58-1
  6229. perl-list-utilsby 0.12-1
  6230. perl-local-lib 2.000029-1
  6231. perl-locale-codes 3.72-1
  6232. perl-locale-gettext 1.07-12
  6233. perl-locale-po 0.27-8
  6234. perl-log-log4perl 1.56-1
  6235. perl-log-message 0.08-8
  6236. perl-log-message-simple 0.10-8
  6237. perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-2
  6238. perl-lwp-protocol-https 6.10-4
  6239. perl-lwp-useragent-proxyany 1.02-11
  6240. perl-mail-authenticationresults 2.20210915-2
  6241. perl-mail-dkim 1.20220520-1
  6242. perl-mail-spf 2.9.0-9
  6243. perl-mailtools 2.21-6
  6244. perl-math-random-isaac 1.004-9
  6245. perl-math-round 0.07-4
  6246. perl-mediawiki-api 0.52-2
  6247. perl-mime-charset 1.012.2-9
  6248. perl-mime-lite 3.033-2
  6249. perl-mime-tools 5.509-10
  6250. perl-mime-types 2.22-2
  6251. perl-modern-perl 1.20200211-3
  6252. perl-module-build 0.4231-7
  6253. perl-module-build-tiny 0.039-8
  6254. perl-module-find 0.15-1
  6255. perl-module-implementation 0.09-8
  6256. perl-module-install 1.19-6
  6257. perl-module-pluggable 5.2-8
  6258. perl-module-runtime 0.016-2
  6259. perl-module-scandeps 1.31-3
  6260. perl-moo 2.005004-3
  6261. perl-mozilla-ca 20211001-1
  6262. perl-mp3-tag 1.15-1
  6263. perl-mro-compat 0.15-1
  6264. perl-namespace-autoclean 0.29-4
  6265. perl-namespace-clean 0.27-8
  6266. perl-net-dbus 1.2.0-4
  6267. perl-net-dns 1.34-1
  6268. perl-net-dns-resolver-mock 1.20200215-5
  6269. perl-net-http 6.22-2
  6270. perl-net-ip 1.26-10
  6271. perl-net-ipv4addr 0.10-14
  6272. perl-net-server 2.010-3
  6273. perl-net-ssleay 1.90-3
  6274. perl-net-subnet 1.03-10
  6275. perl-net-telnet 3.05-3
  6276. perl-netaddr-ip 4.079-12
  6277. perl-number-bytes-human 0.11-6
  6278. perl-number-compare 0.03-12
  6279. perl-number-misc 1.2-6
  6280. perl-package-deprecationmanager 0.17-8
  6281. perl-package-stash 0.40-2
  6282. perl-package-stash-xs 0.30-1
  6283. perl-padwalker 2.5-3
  6284. perl-par-dist 0.51-3
  6285. perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-4
  6286. perl-params-util 1.102-3
  6287. perl-params-validate 1.30-3
  6288. perl-params-validationcompiler 0.30-5
  6289. perl-parse-yapp 1.21-5
  6290. perl-path-class 0.37-8
  6291. perl-path-tiny 0.122-2
  6292. perl-pdf-api2 2.041-2
  6293. perl-pdf-builder 3.022-2
  6294. perl-pod-parser 1.65-1
  6295. perl-pod-pom 2.01-1
  6296. perl-pod-pom-view-restructured 1.000003-1
  6297. perl-proc-parallelloop 0.5-2
  6298. perl-proc-processtable 0.634-2
  6299. perl-readonly 2.05-4
  6300. perl-regexp-common 2017060201-5
  6301. perl-rename 1.11-1
  6302. perl-role-tiny 2.002004-3
  6303. perl-scalar-list-utils 1.63-1
  6304. perl-set-infinite 0.65-6
  6305. perl-set-intspan 1.19-8
  6306. perl-sgmls 1:1.1-9
  6307. perl-soap-lite 1.27-7
  6308. perl-socket6 0.29-7
  6309. perl-sort-naturally 1.03-8
  6310. perl-specio 0.48-1
  6311. perl-string-util 1.32-1
  6312. perl-sub-exporter 0.988-2
  6313. perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-8
  6314. perl-sub-identify 0.14-10
  6315. perl-sub-install 0.928-8
  6316. perl-sub-name 0.26-4
  6317. perl-sub-quote 1:2.006_007-2
  6318. perl-sub-uplevel 0.2800-4
  6319. perl-switch 2.17-8
  6320. perl-sys-hostname-long 1.5-9
  6321. perl-term-animation 2.6-9
  6322. perl-term-extendedcolor 0.504-4
  6323. perl-term-menu 0.10-10
  6324. perl-term-readkey 2.38-7
  6325. perl-term-readline-gnu 1.42-2
  6326. perl-term-shellui 0.92-4
  6327. perl-term-ui 0.50-2
  6328. perl-test-differences 0.69-1
  6329. perl-test-fatal 0.016-3
  6330. perl-test-manifest 2.023-1
  6331. perl-test-memory-cycle 1.06-2
  6332. perl-test-mockobject 1.20200122-1
  6333. perl-test-pod 1.52-7
  6334. perl-test-requires 0.11-4
  6335. perl-test-tester 0.109-7
  6336. perl-test-warn 0.37-1
  6337. perl-text-charwidth 0.04-21
  6338. perl-text-csv 2.02-1
  6339. perl-text-diff 1.45-2
  6340. perl-text-glob 0.11-9
  6341. perl-text-iconv 1.7-21
  6342. perl-text-query 0.09-4
  6343. perl-text-template 1.61-2
  6344. perl-text-wrapi18n 0.06-9
  6345. perl-tie-hash-indexed 0.08-1
  6346. perl-time-duration 1:1.21-1
  6347. perl-time-format 1.16-1
  6348. perl-time-modules 2013.0912-8
  6349. perl-timedate 2.33-4
  6350. perl-tk 804.036-4
  6351. perl-tree-dag-node 1.32-1
  6352. perl-try-tiny 0.31-2
  6353. perl-types-serialiser 1.01-1
  6354. perl-unicode-linebreak 2019.001-5
  6355. perl-universal-can 1.20140328-4
  6356. perl-universal-isa 1.20171012-2
  6357. perl-unix-syslog 1.1-16
  6358. perl-uri 5.12-1
  6359. perl-variable-magic 0.62-7
  6360. perl-www-curl 4.17-15
  6361. perl-www-mechanize 2.15-1
  6362. perl-www-robotrules 6.02-10
  6363. perl-x11-protocol 0.56-13
  6364. perl-x11-protocol-other 31-1
  6365. perl-xml-dumper 0.81-4
  6366. perl-xml-libxml 2.0207-3
  6367. perl-xml-libxslt 2.002000-1
  6368. perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-4
  6369. perl-xml-parser 2.46-4
  6370. perl-xml-rss 1.62-1
  6371. perl-xml-sax 1.02-1
  6372. perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-4
  6373. perl-xml-sax-expat 0.51-7
  6374. perl-xml-simple 2.25-7
  6375. perl-xml-tokeparser 0.05-4
  6376. perl-xml-twig 3.52-9
  6377. perl-xml-writer 0.900-1
  6378. perl-xml-xpath 1.48-1
  6379. perl-yaml 1.30-4
  6380. perl-yaml-libyaml 0.84-1
  6381. perl-yaml-syck 1.34-3
  6382. perl-yaml-tiny 1.73-6
  6383. perlbrew 0.96-1
  6384. persepolis 3.2.0-7
  6385. pesign 113-1
  6386. pet-bin 0.4.0-1
  6387. pextractor 0.18b-5
  6388. pgpgram 0.4-1
  6389. phodav 2.5-2
  6390. phoenicis-playonlinux 5.0_snapshot-3
  6391. phoenix-git r1270.f77e221-6
  6392. phonon-qt4 4.10.2-5
  6393. phonon-qt4-gstreamer 4.9.1-1
  6394. phonon-qt4-vlc 0.10.3-1
  6395. phonon-qt5 4.11.1-3
  6396. phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-3
  6397. phonon-qt5-vlc 0.11.3-2
  6398. phoronix-test-suite 10.8.4-1
  6399. phoss 0.1.13-6
  6400. photivo-git 1:20201119_b821057-1
  6401. photoflare 1.6.10-1
  6402. photoqt 2.9.1-1
  6403. phototonic 2.1-3
  6404. php 8.1.10-1
  6405. php-apache 8.1.10-1
  6406. php-apcu 5.1.21-3
  6407. php-box 2.7.5-1
  6408. php-cgi 8.1.10-1
  6409. php-fpm 8.1.10-1
  6410. php-gd 8.1.10-1
  6411. php-geoip 1.1.1-7
  6412. php-igbinary 3.2.7-2
  6413. php-imagick 3.7.0-2
  6414. php-imap 8.1.10-1
  6415. php-intl 8.1.10-1
  6416. php-mcrypt 8.0.0-1
  6417. php-memcache 8.0-2
  6418. php-odbc 8.1.10-1
  6419. php-pear 1:1.10.1-3
  6420. php-pgsql 8.1.10-1
  6421. php-pspell 8.1.10-1
  6422. php-redis 5.3.7-1
  6423. php-snmp 8.1.10-1
  6424. php-sodium 8.1.10-1
  6425. php-sqlite 8.1.10-1
  6426. php-xsl 8.1.10-1
  6427. php7 7.4.30-1
  6428. php7-apache 7.4.30-1
  6429. php7-apcu 5.1.21-3
  6430. php7-cgi 7.4.30-1
  6431. php7-fpm 7.4.30-1
  6432. php7-gd 7.4.30-1
  6433. php7-geoip 1.1.1-7
  6434. php7-igbinary 3.2.7-2
  6435. php7-imagick 3.7.0-2
  6436. php7-imap 7.4.30-1
  6437. php7-intl 7.4.30-1
  6438. php7-mcrypt 1.0.4-1
  6439. php7-memcache 8.0-2
  6440. php7-odbc 7.4.30-1
  6441. php7-pgsql 7.4.30-1
  6442. php7-redis 5.3.7-1
  6443. php7-snmp 7.4.30-1
  6444. php7-sodium 7.4.30-1
  6445. php7-sqlite 7.4.30-1
  6446. php7-xsl 7.4.30-1
  6447. phpdocumentor2 2.9.0-1
  6448. phpmyadmin 5.2.0-1
  6449. phpvirtualbox 5.2_1-6
  6450. physfs 3.0.2-2
  6451. picard 2.8.3-1
  6452. picmi 22.08.1-1
  6453. picocom 3.1-3
  6454. picom 9.1-3
  6455. picplanner 0.1.0-1
  6456. pidcat 2.1.0-3
  6457. pidgin 2.14.10-1
  6458. pidgin-opensteamworks 1.7.1-1
  6459. pifpaf 3.1.5-3
  6460. pigeonhole 0.5.19-2
  6461. pigpio 79-1
  6462. pigz 2.7-2
  6463. pika-backup 1:0.4.2-1
  6464. pikaur-git 1.11.r8.g7ec6518-1
  6465. pim-data-exporter 22.08.1-1
  6466. pim-sieve-editor 22.08.1-1
  6467. pimcommon 22.08.1-1
  6468. pinentry 1.2.0-1
  6469. pinfo 0.6.13-2
  6470. pingnoo 2021.04.30-1
  6471. pingus 0.7.6-27
  6472. pinta 2.0.2-1
  6473. pipe-rename 1.5.0-1
  6474. piper 0.7-1
  6475. 1.3.0-1
  6476. pipewire 1:0.3.57-1
  6477. pipewire-alsa 1:0.3.52-2
  6478. pipewire-media-session 1:0.4.1-2
  6479. pipewire-pulse 1:0.3.52-2
  6480. pipewire-v4l2 1:0.3.57-1
  6481. pipewire-x11-bell 1:0.3.57-1
  6482. pipewire-zeroconf 1:0.3.57-1
  6483. pirate-qt-bin 5.5.1-1
  6484. pitivi 2022.06-1
  6485. piwigo 12.3.0-1
  6486. pixelorama-bin 0.10.2-1
  6487. pixman 0.40.0-2
  6488. pixz 1.0.7-3
  6489. pkcrack 1.2.2-2
  6490. pkcs11-helper 1.29.0-1
  6491. pkgbrowser 0.27-1
  6492. pkgbuild-introspection 10-1
  6493. pkgcacheclean 1.9.0-3
  6494. pkgconf 1.8.0-1
  6495. pkgdiff 1.7.2-4
  6496. pkgfile 21-2
  6497. pkgstats 3.2.4-1
  6498. pkgsync 1.01-1
  6499. pkgtools 25-8
  6500. planeshift 0.6.3-1
  6501. plank 0.11.89-4
  6502. plasma-browser-integration 5.25.5-1
  6503. plasma-desktop 5.25.5-1
  6504. plasma-disks 5.25.5-1
  6505. plasma-firewall 5.25.5-1
  6506. plasma-framework 5.97.0-1
  6507. plasma-integration 5.25.5-1
  6508. plasma-nm 5.25.5-1
  6509. plasma-pa 5.25.5-1
  6510. plasma-pass 1.2.0-1
  6511. plasma-runners-tmux 0.0.3-1
  6512. plasma-sdk 5.25.5-1
  6513. plasma-systemmonitor 5.25.5-1
  6514. plasma-theme-archpaint2 1.2-2
  6515. plasma-thunderbolt 5.25.5-1
  6516. plasma-vault 5.25.5-1
  6517. plasma-wayland-protocols 1.8.0-1
  6518. plasma-wayland-session 5.25.5-2
  6519. plasma-workspace 5.25.5-2
  6520. plasma-workspace-wallpapers 5.25.5-1
  6521. plasma5-applets-active-window-control 1.7.3-3
  6522. plasma5-applets-audio-device-switcher 0.3.0-1
  6523. plasma5-applets-folderlist 1.0.0-1
  6524. plasma5-applets-kde-arch-update-notifier 7.2.1-1
  6525. plasma5-applets-mycroft-git r151.28c5b3a-1
  6526. plasma5-applets-netspeed 1.9-1
  6527. plasma5-applets-plasma-pstate 2.0.0-1
  6528. plasma5-applets-playbar2 2.5-5
  6529. plasma5-applets-presentwindows 8-1
  6530. plasma5-applets-qalculate 0.8.4-2
  6531. plasma5-applets-resources-monitor-git r19.3eb845f-1
  6532. plasma5-applets-simplemenu-git 1.0.4.r51.g6b3ad3e-1
  6533. plasma5-applets-system-panel 1.6.0-1
  6534. plasma5-applets-systemd 1.2.1-3
  6535. plasma5-applets-thermal-monitor 1.3.0-2
  6536. plasma5-applets-weather-widget
  6537. plasma5-applets-window-appmenu 0.8.0-1
  6538. plasma5-applets-window-buttons 0.11.1-1
  6539. plasma5-applets-window-title 0.7.0-2
  6540. plasma5-theme-ocd
  6541. plasmatube-git v22.02.r5.g86100c0-1
  6542. playerctl 2.4.1-2
  6543. playonlinux 4.4+29+gd0ae9ce6-1
  6544. plex-media-player 2.58.1-3
  6545. plex-media-server
  6546. plib 1.8.5-9
  6547. plocate 1.1.16-1
  6548. plotutils 2.6-10
  6549. pluma 1.26.0-2
  6550. plymouth 22.02.122-4
  6551. plymouth-kcm 5.25.0-1
  6552. plymouth-theme-arch10 1-1
  6553. pm2ml 2021.11.20.1-4
  6554. pmount 0.9.23-14
  6555. png++ 0.2.10-2
  6556. png2ico 20021208-8
  6557. pngquant 2.17.0-2
  6558. pnmixer 0.7.2-1
  6559. pnscan 1.14.1-1
  6560. po4a 0.66-1
  6561. poco 1.12.1-1
  6562. pod2man 5.30.2-1
  6563. podget 0.9.0-1
  6564. podman 4.2.1-1
  6565. podman-compose 1.0.3-2
  6566. podman-dnsname 1.3.1-2
  6567. podofo 0.9.8-1
  6568. poke 2.4-1
  6569. polari 42.1-1
  6570. polenum 19.6fb4e3b-1
  6571. polkit 121-1
  6572. polkit-gnome 0.105-9
  6573. polkit-kde-agent 5.25.5-1
  6574. polkit-qt5 0.114.0-1
  6575. polo-bin 18.8.2-1
  6576. polybar 3.6.3-2
  6577. polychromatic 0.7.3-1
  6578. pom1 1.0.0-1
  6579. ponymix 5-4
  6580. ponysay 3.0.3-4
  6581. poppler 22.09.0-1
  6582. poppler-data 0.4.11-1
  6583. poppler-glib 22.09.0-1
  6584. poppler-qt5 22.09.0-1
  6585. poppler-qt6 22.09.0-1
  6586. popt 1.18-3
  6587. popular-packages 0.6.1-1
  6588. portainer-bin 1:2.15.0-1
  6589. portaudio 1:19.7.0-1
  6590. portmidi 236-1
  6591. portsmf 234-2
  6592. posterazor 1.9.7.pre-2
  6593. postfix 3.7.2-1
  6594. postfix-mysql 3.7.2-1
  6595. postfix-sqlite 3.7.2-1
  6596. postfixadmin 3.3.11-1
  6597. postfwd 2.03-1
  6598. postgis 3.2.1-2
  6599. postgresql 14.5-1
  6600. postgresql-libs 14.5-1
  6601. postgrey 1.37-4
  6602. potato 6-1
  6603. potrace 1.16-2
  6604. povray 2:
  6605. powder-toy 96.2.350-1
  6606. powerdevil 5.25.5-1
  6607. powerdns 4.6.3-1
  6608. powerdns-recursor 4.7.2-1
  6609. poweriso 1.5-1
  6610. poweriso-gui 1.1-3
  6611. powerlessshell 113.7159552-1
  6612. powerline 2.8.2-4
  6613. powerline-common 2.8.2-4
  6614. powerline-fonts 2.8.2-4
  6615. powerline-vim 2.8.2-4
  6616. powerpanel 1.4.1-1
  6617. powerpill 2021.11-4
  6618. powershell 7.2.4-1
  6619. powertop 2.14-1
  6620. powertop2 1.98-6
  6621. poxml 22.08.1-1
  6622. ppp 2.4.9-1
  6623. pppusage 0.2.5-13
  6624. pps-tools 1.0.3-1
  6625. ppsspp 1.13.1-1
  6626. ppsspp-assets 1.13.1-1
  6627. pptpclient 1.10.0-2
  6628. presage 0.9.1-1
  6629. print-manager 22.08.1-1
  6630. prips 1.1.1-1
  6631. prison 5.97.0-1
  6632. privatebin 1.4.0-1
  6633. privoxy 3.0.33-1
  6634. procdump 55.6d6575c-1
  6635. process-cpp 3.0.1-2
  6636. procmail 3.22-10
  6637. procmon 1.0.1-1
  6638. procps-ng 3.3.17-1
  6639. procs 0.13.0-1
  6640. profanity 1:0.12.1-2
  6641. profetch 0.1.7-2
  6642. profile-cleaner 2.44-1
  6643. profile-sync-daemon 1:6.47-1
  6644. proftpd 2:1.3.7d-1
  6645. proggyfonts 0.2-2
  6646. progress 0.16-1
  6647. progsreiserfs
  6648. proj 9.0.1-1
  6649. projectm 3.1.12-3
  6650. projectm-pulseaudio 3.1.12-3
  6651. prometheus-firewall 176.a316d66-7
  6652. proot 5.1.0-3
  6653. properties-cpp 0.0.2-1
  6654. prosody 1:0.12.1-1
  6655. protobuf 21.5-1
  6656. protobuf-c 1.4.1-1
  6657. proton-caller 3.1.0-1
  6658. protonhax-git 1.0.4.r0.gd49dfcd-1
  6659. protos-sip 2-4
  6660. protracker-git 1:v1.50.r1.g224f6c2-1
  6661. proxenet 712.67fc6b5-5
  6662. proxychains-ng 4.16-1
  6663. proxycheck 0.1-4
  6664. proxyscan 0.3-4
  6665. ps_mem 3.14-2
  6666. psensor 1.2.1-3
  6667. psiconv 0.9.9-7
  6668. pslist 1.4.0-2
  6669. psmisc 23.5-1
  6670. psp-binutils 2.23.2-1
  6671. pstate-frequency 3.11.0-1
  6672. pstoedit 3.78-1
  6673. pstotext 1.9-6
  6674. psuinfo 1.2-1
  6675. psutils 2.09-1
  6676. psync 0.1.4-1
  6677. ptex 2.4.2-1
  6678. pth 2.0.7-8
  6679. publii 0.40.2-1
  6680. pugixml 1.12.1-1
  6681. pulledpork 397.5ccf5c5-2
  6682. pulseaudio-alsa 1:
  6683. pulseaudio-ctl 1.70-1
  6684. pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa 3.0.2-5
  6685. pulseaudio-qt 1.3-1
  6686. pulsemixer 1.5.1-3
  6687. pulseview 0.4.2-7
  6688. punes 0.109-1
  6689. puppy-icons-theme 0.8-1
  6690. pure-ftpd 1.0.51-1
  6691. pure-ftpd-gui 2017.10-04
  6692. purple-skypeweb 1.7-3
  6693. purpose 5.97.0-1
  6694. putty 0.77-1
  6695. puzzles 20220802-1
  6696. pv 1.6.20-2
  6697. pwd-hash 2.0-2
  6698. pwdump 7.1-6
  6699. pwgen 2.08-2
  6700. pwnedornot 145.a082e6c-1
  6701. pwvault 0.9.37-2
  6702. pxz-git r68.136e5c2-1
  6703. pyalpm 0.10.6-4
  6704. pybind11 2.10.0-1
  6705. pycharm-community-edition 2022.1.4-2
  6706. pydxcluster 2.21-2
  6707. pygtk 2.24.0-10
  6708. pyinstaller 2:3.6-1
  6709. pymdown-extensions 9.5-1
  6710. pyminifakedns 0.1-6
  6711. pypy 7.3.9-1
  6712. pyqt4-common 4.12.3-11
  6713. pyrit 0.5.0-6
  6714. pyside-tools-common 0.2.15-4
  6715. pyside2 5.15.5-3
  6716. pyside2-tools 5.15.5-3
  6717. pyside6 6.3.1-3
  6718. pysolfc 2.16.0-1
  6719. pysolfc-cardsets 2.1-1
  6720. pyston-bin 2.3.4-1
  6721. pystopwatch 2019-4
  6722. pystring 1.1.3.git1-1
  6723. python 3.10.6-1
  6724. python-aaf2 1.6.0-1
  6725. python-absl 1.2.0-1
  6726. python-abydos 0.5.0-4
  6727. python-acme 1.29.0-1
  6728. python-adal 1.2.7-3
  6729. python-aiml 0.9.3-1
  6730. python-aiodiscover 1.4.11-1
  6731. python-aiohttp 3.8.1-4
  6732. python-aiohttp-apispec 2.2.3-1
  6733. python-aiohttp-cors 0.7.0-7
  6734. python-aiohttp-jinja2 1.5-2
  6735. python-aiohttp-socks 0.7.1-4
  6736. python-aiorpcx 0.22.1-1
  6737. python-aiosignal 1.2.0-3
  6738. python-ajpy 0.0.5-3
  6739. python-alembic 1.7.5-1
  6740. python-aniso8601 9.0.1-3
  6741. python-ansiwrap 0.8.4-5
  6742. python-anyio 3.6.1-1
  6743. python-anytree 2.8.0-5
  6744. python-apipkg 3.0.1-1
  6745. python-apispec 5.2.2-1
  6746. python-appdirs 1.4.4-7
  6747. python-apptools 5.2.0-1
  6748. python-apscheduler 3.9.1-1
  6749. python-apsw 3.38.5-1
  6750. python-apt 2.3.0-1
  6751. python-archinfo 9.2.14-1
  6752. python-argcomplete 2.0.0-1
  6753. python-argh 0.26.2-10
  6754. python-argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0-2
  6755. python-argon2_cffi 21.3.0-1
  6756. python-argparse 1.4.0-11
  6757. python-arrow 1.2.3-1
  6758. python-asciichart 1.5.12-1
  6759. python-asgiref 3.5.2-1
  6760. python-asn1crypto 1.5.1-1
  6761. python-asteval 0.9.27-1
  6762. python-astor 0.8.1-5
  6763. python-astral 2.2-5
  6764. python-astroid 2.12.9-1
  6765. python-astropy 5.1-1
  6766. python-astropy-sphinx-theme 1.1-3
  6767. python-asttokens 2.0.8-1
  6768. python-astunparse 1.6.3-6
  6769. python-async-timeout 4.0.2-1
  6770. python-async_generator 1.10-7
  6771. python-atomicwrites 1.4.1-2
  6772. python-atpublic 3.1.1-1
  6773. python-atspi 2.38.2-1
  6774. python-attrs 22.1.0-1
  6775. python-audit 3.0.8-1
  6776. python-augeas 1.1.0-5
  6777. python-aur 0.11.0-1
  6778. python-authres 1.2.0-8
  6779. python-autobahn 22.7.1-1
  6780. python-autocommand 2.2.1-1
  6781. python-automat 20.2.0-10
  6782. python-awesometkinter 2021.11.8-1
  6783. python-awesomeversion 22.8.0-1
  6784. python-babel 2.10.3-1
  6785. python-backcall 0.2.0-6
  6786. python-backports.csv 1.0.7-5
  6787. python-bcrypt 4.0.0-1
  6788. python-beaker 1.11.0-8
  6789. python-beautifulsoup4 4.11.1-1
  6790. python-bidi 0.4.2-4
  6791. python-binaryornot 0.4.4-6
  6792. python-bitarray 2.6.0-1
  6793. python-bitcoinlib 0.11.0-3
  6794. python-bitstring 3.1.9-3
  6795. python-black 22.8.0-2
  6796. python-bleach 5.0.1-2
  6797. python-bleak 0.16.0-1
  6798. python-blessed 1.19.1-2
  6799. python-blinker 1.5-1
  6800. python-blivet 3.4.3-5
  6801. python-blosc 1.10.6-5
  6802. python-bluezero 0.7.1-0
  6803. python-booby-ng 0.8.4-5
  6804. python-boto3 1.24.57-1
  6805. python-botocore 1.27.57-1
  6806. python-bottle 0.12.23-1
  6807. python-bottleneck 1.3.5-1
  6808. python-broadlink 0.18.1-0
  6809. python-brotli 1.0.9-8
  6810. python-brotlicffi
  6811. python-browserid 0.14.0-11
  6812. python-bsddb 6.2.9-3
  6813. python-btchip 0.1.32-2
  6814. python-btrfs 13-2
  6815. python-build 0.8.0-2
  6816. python-cachecontrol 1:0.12.11-1
  6817. python-cached-property 1.5.2-5
  6818. python-cachetools 5.2.0-1
  6819. python-cachy 0.3.0-7
  6820. python-cairo 1.21.0-1
  6821. python-cairocffi 1.3.0-2
  6822. python-cairosvg 2.5.2-4
  6823. python-caja 1.26.0-2
  6824. python-capstone 4.0.2-6
  6825. python-casttube 0.2.1-4
  6826. python-cchardet 2.1.7-4
  6827. python-cement 1:2.10.12-5
  6828. python-certifi 2022.06.15-1
  6829. python-cffi 1.15.1-1
  6830. python-chardet 5.0.0-1
  6831. python-charset-normalizer 2.1.1-1
  6832. python-cheroot 8.6.0-2
  6833. python-cherrypy 18.8.0-1
  6834. python-ciso8601 2.2.0-3
  6835. python-cjkwrap 2.2-9
  6836. python-cleo 1.0.0a5-2
  6837. python-cli-helpers 2.2.1-1
  6838. python-click 8.1.3-1
  6839. python-click-log 0.4.0-2
  6840. python-click-plugins 1.1.1-9
  6841. python-click-repl 0.2.0-3
  6842. python-click-threading 0.5.0-3
  6843. python-clickgen 1.2.0-1
  6844. python-clikit 0.6.2-7
  6845. python-clint 0.5.1-11
  6846. python-cloudflare 2.10.1-1
  6847. python-cloudpickle 2.1.0-1
  6848. python-cloudscraper 1.2.64-1
  6849. python-cmarkgfm 0.8.0-2
  6850. python-cmd2 2.4.2-1
  6851. python-cmp_version 3.0.0-2
  6852. python-colorama 0.4.5-1
  6853. python-colored 1.4.3-2
  6854. python-coloredlogs 15.0.1-2
  6855. python-colorlog 6.7.0-1
  6856. python-colorzero 2.0-2
  6857. python-colour 0.1.5-10
  6858. python-commonmark 0.9.1-5
  6859. python-configargparse 1.5.1-1
  6860. python-configobj 5.0.6.r110.g3e2f4cc-3
  6861. python-constantly 15.1.0-11
  6862. python-contextlib2 21.6.0-1
  6863. python-cookiecutter 2.1.1-1
  6864. python-coverage 6.2-1
  6865. python-crashtest 0.4.0-1
  6866. python-cryptography 38.0.0-1
  6867. python-css-parser 1.0.7-1
  6868. python-csscompressor 0.9.5-5
  6869. python-cssselect 1.1.0-9
  6870. python-cssselect2 0.6.0-1
  6871. python-cssutils 2.3.0-1
  6872. python-curio 1.5-3
  6873. python-cx-freeze 6.11.1-1
  6874. python-cx_oracle 7.3.0-3
  6875. python-cycler 0.11.0-1
  6876. python-cymruwhois 1.6-7
  6877. python-daemon 2.3.0-2
  6878. python-daiquiri 3.2.1-1
  6879. python-dateparser 1.1.1-1
  6880. python-dateutil 2.8.2-4
  6881. python-dbus-client-gen 0.8-3
  6882. python-dbus-next 0.2.3-3
  6883. python-dbus-signature-pyparsing 0.04-3
  6884. python-dbusmock 0.28.4-1
  6885. python-ddt 1.6.0-1
  6886. python-debian 0.1.44-1
  6887. python-debugpy 1.6.3-1
  6888. python-decorator 5.1.1-1
  6889. python-defusedxml 0.7.1-4
  6890. python-deprecated 1.2.13-3
  6891. python-deprecation 2.1.0-6
  6892. python-desktop-file 1.2-1
  6893. python-diff-match-patch 20200713-5
  6894. python-dill 0.3.4-3
  6895. python-discid 1.2.0-7
  6896. python-distlib 0.3.6-1
  6897. python-distorm 3.5.2-3
  6898. python-distro 1.7.0-1
  6899. python-distutils-extra 2.39-10
  6900. python-django 4.0.6-1
  6901. python-django-allauth 0.51.0-1
  6902. python-django-appconf 1.0.5-3
  6903. python-django-compressor 4.1-1
  6904. python-django-extensions 3.2.0-1
  6905. python-django-gravatar 1.4.4-5
  6906. python-django-haystack 3.2.1-1
  6907. python-django-mailman3 1.3.7-4
  6908. python-django-picklefield 3.1.0-1
  6909. python-django-q 1.3.9-4
  6910. python-django-rest-framework 3.13.1-1
  6911. python-dkim 1.0.5-7
  6912. python-dnspython 1:2.2.1-1
  6913. python-docker 5.0.3-3
  6914. python-docker-pycreds 0.4.0-9
  6915. python-docopt 0.6.2-11
  6916. python-docutils 1:0.19-2
  6917. python-doit 0.36.0-1
  6918. python-dominate 2.7.0-1
  6919. python-dotenv 0.21.0-1
  6920. python-dulwich 0.20.46-1
  6921. python-easygui 0.98.1-8
  6922. python-easyprocess 1.1-1
  6923. python-ecdsa 0.18.0-1
  6924. python-editables 0.3-2
  6925. python-editor 1.0.4-8
  6926. python-editorconfig 0.12.3-3
  6927. python-efl 1.26.0-1
  6928. python-entrypoints 0.4-2
  6929. python-envisage 6.0.1-3
  6930. python-etesync 0.12.1-3
  6931. python-ethtool 0.15-3
  6932. python-evdev 1.6.0-1
  6933. python-eventlet 0.33.1-1
  6934. python-execnet 1.9.0-4
  6935. python-executing 1.0.0-1
  6936. python-exif 1.3.4-1
  6937. python-extension-helpers 1.0.0-1
  6938. python-extras 1.0.0-10
  6939. python-fabulous 0.4.0-3
  6940. python-fake-useragent 0.1.11-6
  6941. python-faker 9.0.1-1
  6942. python-fastbencode 0.0.9-1
  6943. python-fasteners 0.17.3-1
  6944. python-fastimport 0.9.14-3
  6945. python-fastjsonschema 2.16.1-1
  6946. python-fastnumbers 3.2.1-2
  6947. python-fastpbkdf2 0.2-8
  6948. python-feedgenerator 1.9.2-3
  6949. python-feedparser 6.0.10-1
  6950. python-fido2 1.0.0-1
  6951. python-filebytes 0.10.2-5
  6952. python-filelock 3.8.0-1
  6953. python-fixtures 4.0.1-1
  6954. python-flake8-black 0.3.3-2
  6955. python-flake8-isort 4.2.0-2
  6956. python-flask 2.1.3-1
  6957. python-flask-api 3.0.post1-2
  6958. python-flask-basicauth 0.2.0-3
  6959. python-flask-bootstrap
  6960. python-flask-cors 3.0.10-3
  6961. python-flask-httpauth 4.7.0-1
  6962. python-flask-restful 0.3.9-3
  6963. python-flask-wtf 1.0.1-1
  6964. python-flatbuffers 2.0.8-1
  6965. python-flufl-lock 7.1.1-1
  6966. python-flup 1.0.3-8
  6967. python-fnvhash 0.1.0-3
  6968. python-fonttools 4.37.1-1
  6969. python-frozenlist 1.3.1-1
  6970. python-fs 2.4.16-1
  6971. python-func_timeout 4.3.5-1
  6972. python-funcparserlib 1.0.0-1
  6973. python-furl 2.1.3-3
  6974. python-fuse 1.0.5-1
  6975. python-fusepy 3.0.1-2
  6976. python-future 0.18.2-7
  6977. python-fuzzyfinder 2.1.0-5
  6978. python-fxa 0.7.7-5
  6979. python-gast03 0.3.3-3
  6980. python-gbinder 1.1.0-1
  6981. python-gdal 3.5.1-3
  6982. python-geoip 1.3.2-12
  6983. python-getdevinfo 2.0.0-1
  6984. python-getkey 0.6.5-3
  6985. python-gevent 21.12.0-1
  6986. python-ghp-import 1.1.0-3
  6987. python-gitdb 1:4.0.9-1
  6988. python-gitpython 3.1.27-1
  6989. python-gmpy2 2.1.2-1
  6990. python-gnupg 0.5.0-1
  6991. python-gobject 3.42.2-1
  6992. python-google-api-core 2.8.2-1
  6993. python-google-api-python-client 2.57.0-1
  6994. python-google-auth 1.35.0-1
  6995. python-google-auth-httplib2 0.1.0-3
  6996. python-google-auth-oauthlib 0.5.2-1
  6997. python-google-cloud-container 2.11.2-1
  6998. python-google-cloud-core 2.3.2-1
  6999. python-google-streetview 1.2.9-6
  7000. python-googleapis-common-protos 1.56.3-1
  7001. python-gpgme 1.18.0-1
  7002. python-gphoto2 2.3.3-1
  7003. python-gpiozero 1.6.2-1
  7004. python-gpxpy 1.5.0-1
  7005. python-graphviz 0.20.1-1
  7006. python-greenlet 1.1.3-1
  7007. python-grequests 0.6.0-4
  7008. python-grpcio 1.48.0-1
  7009. python-guizero 1.3.0-1
  7010. python-h11 0.13.0-1
  7011. python-h2 4.1.0-1
  7012. python-h5py-openmpi 3.7.0-1
  7013. python-hatchling 1.6.0-1
  7014. python-hawkauthlib 2.0.0-10
  7015. python-helpdev 0.7.1-5
  7016. python-helper 2.5.0-2
  7017. python-helpers 0.2.0-3
  7018. python-hidapi
  7019. python-hkdf 0.0.3-9
  7020. python-home-assistant-bluetooth 1.4.0-1
  7021. python-hpack 4.0.0-3
  7022. python-hsaudiotag3k 1.1.3.post1-3
  7023. python-html2text 2020.1.16-5
  7024. python-html5-parser 0.4.10-3
  7025. python-html5lib 1.1-11
  7026. python-htmlmin 0.1.12-8
  7027. python-htmlparser 0.0.2-6
  7028. python-httpcore 0.15.0-1
  7029. python-httplib2 0.20.4-1
  7030. python-httpx 0.23.0-2
  7031. python-humanfriendly 10.0-3
  7032. python-humanize 3.1.0-5
  7033. python-hupper 1.10.3-4
  7034. python-hurry-filesize 0.9-5
  7035. python-husl 4.0.3-9
  7036. python-hyperframe 6.0.1-3
  7037. python-hyperlink 21.0.0-4
  7038. python-icalendar 4.1.0-2
  7039. python-identify 2.5.5-1
  7040. python-idna 3.3-4
  7041. python-ifaddr 0.2.0-1
  7042. python-imagesize 1.4.1-2
  7043. python-imaplib2 3.6-4
  7044. python-imdbpy 2021.4.18-4
  7045. python-importlib-metadata 4.8.3-1
  7046. python-importlib_resources 5.9.0-1
  7047. python-incremental 21.3.0-5
  7048. python-inflate64 0.1.3-1
  7049. python-inflect 6.0.0-1
  7050. python-inflection 0.5.1-5
  7051. python-influxdb 5.3.0-3
  7052. python-iniconfig 1.1.1-5
  7053. python-iniparse 0.5-3
  7054. python-inotify-simple 1.3.5-1
  7055. python-install 0.0.3-3
  7056. python-installer 0.5.1-1
  7057. python-intelhex 2.3.0-4
  7058. python-intervaltree 3.1.0-5
  7059. python-into-dbus 0.08-3
  7060. python-ipaddress 1.0.23-1
  7061. python-ipparser 0.3.8-3
  7062. python-ipwhois 1.2.0-3
  7063. python-ipy 1.01-3
  7064. python-ipykernel 6.15.2-1
  7065. python-ipython-genutils 0.2.0-1
  7066. python-ipywidgets 8.0.2-1
  7067. python-isodate 0.6.1-1
  7068. python-isort 5.10.1-5
  7069. python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-2
  7070. python-iwlib 1.7.0-4
  7071. python-jaraco.classes 3.2.2-2
  7072. python-jaraco.collections 3.5.1-3
  7073. python-jaraco.context 4.1.2-1
  7074. python-jaraco.functools 3.5.1-1
  7075. python-jaraco.itertools 6.2.1-2
  7076. python-jaraco.logging 3.1.2-1
  7077. 3.0.3-2
  7078. python-jaraco.text 3.9.1-1
  7079. python-jarowinkler 1.2.1-1
  7080. python-jdtranslationhelper 2.1-1
  7081. python-jedi 0.18.1-1
  7082. python-jeepney 0.8.0-1
  7083. python-jellyfish 0.9.1-2
  7084. python-jieba 0.42.1-3
  7085. python-jinja 1:3.1.2-2
  7086. python-jinja-time 0.2.0-7
  7087. python-jmespath 1.0.1-1
  7088. python-joblib 1.1.0-3
  7089. python-josepy 1.13.0-2
  7090. python-jpegtran-cffi 0.5.2-3
  7091. python-jsbeautifier 1.14.6-2
  7092. python-jsmin 2.2.2-4
  7093. python-json-logger 2.0.3-1
  7094. python-json2html 1.3.0-4
  7095. python-json5 0.9.10-1
  7096. python-jsonlines 3.1.0-1
  7097. python-jsonpatch 1.32-3
  7098. python-jsonpath-rw 1.4.0-3
  7099. python-jsonpointer 2.3-1
  7100. python-jsonrpclib-pelix
  7101. python-jsonschema 4.15.0-1
  7102. python-jupyter_client 7.3.5-1
  7103. python-jupyter_core 4.11.1-1
  7104. python-jupyter_packaging 0.12.3-1
  7105. python-jupyterlab_server 2.15.1-1
  7106. python-justbases 0.15-3
  7107. python-justbytes 0.15-3
  7108. python-jwcrypto 1.3.1-1
  7109. python-kaptan 0.5.12-7
  7110. python-keras 2.10.0-1
  7111. python-keras-applications 1.0.8-8
  7112. python-keras-preprocessing 1.1.2-6
  7113. python-keyring 23.9.0-1
  7114. python-keyrings-alt 1:4.1.1-1
  7115. python-keystone 0.9.2-3
  7116. python-keyutils 0.6-8
  7117. python-kiwisolver 1.4.4-1
  7118. python-kppy 1.5.2-2
  7119. python-kubernetes 24.2.0-1
  7120. python-kwconfig 1.1.7-4
  7121. python-lark-parser 1.1.2-1
  7122. python-lazy-object-proxy 1.7.1-1
  7123. python-ldap3 2.9.1-3
  7124. python-levenshtein 0.20.2-1
  7125. python-lhafile 0.3.0-2
  7126. python-libarchive-c 4.0-1
  7127. python-libnacl 1.8.0-3
  7128. python-libtmux 0.14.2-1
  7129. python-linux-procfs 0.7.0-1
  7130. python-livereload 2.6.3-2
  7131. python-llfuse 1.4.2-1
  7132. python-lockfile 0.12.2-11
  7133. python-logbook 1.5.3-10
  7134. python-loguru 0.6.0-2
  7135. python-logutils 0.3.5-10
  7136. python-lru-dict 1.1.8-1
  7137. python-lsp-black 1.2.1-1
  7138. python-lsp-jsonrpc 1.0.0-3
  7139. python-lsp-server 1.5.0-1
  7140. python-lxml 4.9.1-1
  7141. python-lz4 3.1.10-7
  7142. python-m2crypto 0.38.0-3
  7143. python-magic 1:0.4.27-1
  7144. python-mailmanclient 3.3.3-3
  7145. python-mako 1.2.2-1
  7146. python-manimpango 0.4.1-1
  7147. python-marisa-trie 0.7.7-1
  7148. python-markdown 3.4.1-1
  7149. python-markdown-it-py 2.1.0-1
  7150. python-markdown-math 0.8-5
  7151. python-markups 3.1.3-1
  7152. python-markupsafe 2.1.1-1
  7153. python-marshmallow 3.17.1-1
  7154. python-matplotlib 3.5.2-1
  7155. python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.6-2
  7156. python-mccabe 0.7.0-1
  7157. python-mdit_py_plugins 0.3.0-1
  7158. python-mdurl 0.1.2-1
  7159. python-mdx-gh-links 0.2-1
  7160. python-mechanicalsoup 1.1.0-2
  7161. python-mechanize 1:0.4.8-1
  7162. python-meilisearch 0.19.1-1
  7163. python-mergedeep 1.3.4-2
  7164. python-mimeparse 1.6.0-10
  7165. python-minidb 2.0.6-2
  7166. python-mistune 2.0.4-1
  7167. python-mock 3.0.5-9
  7168. python-monotonic 1.6-3
  7169. python-more-itertools 8.13.0-2
  7170. python-mpd2 3.0.5-2
  7171. python-mpi4py 3.1.3-2
  7172. python-mpmath 1.2.1-5
  7173. python-mpv 1.0.1-1
  7174. python-msgpack 1.0.4-1
  7175. python-multidict 6.0.2-1
  7176. python-multivolumefile 0.2.3-3
  7177. python-musicbrainzngs 0.7.1-5
  7178. python-mutagen 1.45.1-6
  7179. python-mygpoclient 1.9-1
  7180. python-mypy_extensions 0.4.3-5
  7181. python-mysqlclient 2.1.1-1
  7182. python-myst-parser 0.18.0-1
  7183. python-natsort 8.2.0-1
  7184. python-nautilus 1.2.3-7
  7185. python-nest-asyncio 1.5.5-1
  7186. python-netaddr 0.8.0-5
  7187. python-netdisco 3.0.0-1
  7188. python-netifaces 0.11.0-3
  7189. python-networkx 2.8.6-1
  7190. python-nltk 3.7-1
  7191. python-node-semver 0.8.1-1
  7192. python-nose 1.3.7-14
  7193. python-notify2 0.3.1-7
  7194. python-nspektr 0.4.0-2
  7195. python-ntlm-auth 1.5.0-5
  7196. python-nudatus 0.0.5-1
  7197. python-numexpr 2.8.3-1
  7198. python-numpy 1.23.2-1
  7199. python-numpydoc 1.4.0-1
  7200. python-oauth2client 4.1.3-8
  7201. python-oauthlib 3.2.0-1
  7202. python-olefile 0.46-5
  7203. python-onigurumacffi 1.2.0-1
  7204. python-opencv 4.6.0-4
  7205. python-opengl 3.1.6-1
  7206. python-openid 3.2.0-5
  7207. python-opt_einsum 3.3.0-5
  7208. python-ordered-set 4.1.0-1
  7209. python-ordereddict 1.1-6
  7210. python-orderedmultidict 1.0.1-8
  7211. python-orjson 3.8.0-1
  7212. python-outcome 1.2.0-1
  7213. python-owslib 0.26.0-1
  7214. python-packaging 21.3-1
  7215. python-paho-mqtt 1.6.1-1
  7216. python-pam 2.0.2-1
  7217. python-pandas 1.4.3-1
  7218. python-pandas-datareader 0.10.0-2
  7219. python-pandocfilters 1.5.0-1
  7220. python-paramiko 2.11.0-1
  7221. python-parse 1.19.0-3
  7222. python-parsedatetime 2.6-5
  7223. python-parso 1:0.8.3-1
  7224. python-passlib 1.7.4-5
  7225. python-pasta 0.2.0-6
  7226. python-paste 3.5.2-1
  7227. python-pastedeploy 2.1.1-5
  7228. python-pastel 0.2.1-4
  7229. python-patch 1.16-9
  7230. python-patch-ng 1.17.4-3
  7231. python-pathspec 0.10.1-1
  7232. python-pathtools 0.1.2-11
  7233. python-patiencediff 0.2.2-3
  7234. python-pbkdf2 1.3-10
  7235. python-pbr 5.10.0-1
  7236. python-pcapy 1.0.5-1
  7237. python-pdftotext 2.2.2-3
  7238. python-pecan 1.4.2-1
  7239. python-peewee 3.15.2-1
  7240. python-pefile 2022.5.30-1
  7241. python-pep517 0.13.0-1
  7242. python-perf 2.3.1-1
  7243. python-pexpect 4.8.0-6
  7244. python-pgzero 1.2.post5-2
  7245. python-phpserialize 1.3-9
  7246. python-pickleshare 0.7.5-8
  7247. python-pid 3.0.4-1
  7248. python-piexif 1.1.3-7
  7249. python-pika 1.2.1-1
  7250. python-pikepdf 5.6.1-1
  7251. python-pilkit 2.0-10
  7252. python-pillow 9.2.0-1
  7253. python-pillow6 6.2.1-12
  7254. python-pillowfight 0.3.0-6
  7255. python-pip 22.2.2-2
  7256. python-pivy 0.6.8-1
  7257. python-pkginfo 1.8.3-1
  7258. python-plaster 1.0-6
  7259. python-plaster-pastedeploy 0.7-4
  7260. python-platformdirs 2.5.2-1
  7261. python-pluggy 1.0.0-1
  7262. python-pluginbase 1.0.1-2
  7263. python-plum 0.7.9-1
  7264. python-plumbum 1.7.2-1
  7265. python-ply 3.11-10
  7266. python-pmw 2.1.1-1
  7267. python-podcastparser 0.6.8-1
  7268. python-poetry 1.2.0-5
  7269. python-poetry-core 1.1.0-1
  7270. python-poetry-plugin-export 1.0.6-2
  7271. python-polib 1.1.1-1
  7272. python-pony 0.7.14-3
  7273. python-portend 3.1.0-1
  7274. python-posix_ipc 1.0.5-1
  7275. python-powerline 2.8.2-4
  7276. python-poyo 0.5.0-6
  7277. python-praw 7.6.0-1
  7278. python-prawcore 2.3.0-3
  7279. python-prctl 1.8.1-3
  7280. python-prettytable 3.4.1-1
  7281. python-processmappingscanner 2.3.2-2
  7282. python-progress 1.6-5
  7283. python-progressbar 4.0.0-1
  7284. python-prometheus_client 0.14.1-1
  7285. python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.30-2
  7286. python-protobuf 21.5-1
  7287. python-psutil 5.9.1-1
  7288. python-psycopg2 2.9.3-2
  7289. python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-4
  7290. python-pure-eval 0.2.2-1
  7291. python-pure-protobuf 2.1.0-1
  7292. python-py 1.11.0-1
  7293. python-py7zr 0.19.0-1
  7294. python-pyaes 1.6.1-9
  7295. python-pyalsaaudio 0.9.0-1
  7296. python-pyamdgpuinfo 2.1.3-1
  7297. python-pyaml 21.10.1-1
  7298. python-pyasn1 0.4.8-7
  7299. python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.8-6
  7300. python-pyaudio 0.2.12-1
  7301. python-pybars3 0.9.7-7
  7302. python-pybcj 1.0.1-1
  7303. python-pybluez 0.23-4
  7304. python-pycaption 2.0.9-1
  7305. python-pycdio 2.1.1-3
  7306. python-pychm 0.8.6-6
  7307. python-pychromecast 12.1.4-1
  7308. python-pycodestyle 2.9.1-2
  7309. python-pycountry 22.3.5-1
  7310. python-pycparser 2.21-3
  7311. python-pycryptodome 3.15.0-1
  7312. python-pycryptodomex 3.12.0-1
  7313. python-pycups 2.0.1-5
  7314. python-pycurl 7.45.1-1
  7315. python-pydantic 1.10.2-1
  7316. python-pydbus 0.6.0-9
  7317. python-pydocstyle 6.1.1-3
  7318. python-pydot 1.4.2-3
  7319. python-pydrive 1.3.1-5
  7320. python-pydrive2 1.14.0-1
  7321. python-pyelftools 0.29-1
  7322. python-pyenchant 3.2.2-1
  7323. python-pyephem 4.1.3-2
  7324. python-pyerfa
  7325. python-pyface 7.4.2-1
  7326. python-pyfftw 0.13.0-2
  7327. python-pyflakes 2.5.0-1
  7328. python-pyftpdlib 1.5.6-5
  7329. python-pygame 2.1.2-2
  7330. python-pygame-sdl2 1:2.1.0.r412.bed8099-1
  7331. python-pygithub 1.55-2
  7332. python-pygments 2.13.0-1
  7333. python-pyhamcrest 2.0.0-1
  7334. python-pyicu 2.9-1
  7335. python-pyinotify 0.9.6-11
  7336. python-pyjwt 2.4.0-1
  7337. python-pylev 1.4.0-4
  7338. python-pylibacl 0.6.0-1
  7339. python-pylint 2.14.5-1
  7340. python-pylons-sphinx-themes 1.0.13-2
  7341. python-pyls-spyder 0.4.0-3
  7342. python-pylyrics 1.1.0-3
  7343. python-pymediainfo 5.1.0-3
  7344. python-pymeta3 0.5.1-5
  7345. python-pynacl 1.4.0-5
  7346. python-pynput 1.7.6-1
  7347. python-pynvim 0.4.3-2
  7348. python-pyo 1.0.4-1
  7349. python-pyocr 0.8.3-1
  7350. python-pyopenssl 22.0.0-1
  7351. python-pyotherside 1.5.9-2
  7352. python-pyparsing 3.0.9-1
  7353. python-pyparted 3.11.7-1
  7354. python-pyperclip 1.8.2-4
  7355. python-pyphen 0.13.0-1
  7356. python-pyppmd 1.0.0-1
  7357. python-pyproj 3.3.1-1
  7358. python-pypubsub 4.0.3-4
  7359. python-pyqt4 4.12.3-11
  7360. python-pyqt5 5.15.7-1
  7361. python-pyqt5-chart 5.15.6-1
  7362. python-pyqt5-sip 12.11.0-1
  7363. python-pyqt5-webengine 5.15.6-1
  7364. python-pyqt6 6.3.1-1
  7365. python-pyqt6-sip 13.4.0-1
  7366. python-pyqt6-webengine 6.3.1-1
  7367. python-pyqtgraph 0.12.4-1
  7368. python-pyquery 1.4.3-3
  7369. python-pyramid 2.0-4
  7370. python-pyrfc3339 1.1-9
  7371. python-pyro 4.82-1
  7372. python-pyroute2 0.6.13-1
  7373. python-pyrsistent 0.18.1-1
  7374. python-pyrss2gen 1.1-14
  7375. python-pyscard 2.0.4-1
  7376. python-pyserial 3.5-4
  7377. python-pyshark 0.5.3-1
  7378. python-pyshp 2.3.0-1
  7379. python-pyside-common 1.2.4-13
  7380. python-pysmi 0.3.4-8
  7381. python-pysnmp 4.4.12-5
  7382. python-pysocks 1.7.1-7
  7383. python-pysol_cards 0.14.2-3
  7384. python-pystache 1:0.5.4-7
  7385. python-pystray 0.19.4-1
  7386. python-pytables 3.7.0-3
  7387. python-pytesseract 0.3.10-1
  7388. python-pytest 7.1.3-1
  7389. python-pytest-cov 3.0.0-1
  7390. python-pytest-doctestplus 0.12.0-1
  7391. python-pytest-flake8 1.1.1-1
  7392. python-pytest-lazy-fixture 0.6.3-5
  7393. python-pytest-mock 3.8.2-1
  7394. python-pytest-openfiles 0.5.0-2
  7395. python-pytest-remotedata 0.3.3-1
  7396. python-pytest-runner 6.0.0-1
  7397. python-python-dxf 7.9.0-1
  7398. python-python-libnmap 0.7.2-2
  7399. python-python-nmap 0.6.4-2
  7400. python-python-socks 2.0.3-2
  7401. python-pytoml 0.1.21-7
  7402. python-pytools 2022.1.12-1
  7403. python-pytz 2022.1-1
  7404. python-pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0-3
  7405. python-pyudev 0.24.0-1
  7406. python-pyusb 1.2.1-3
  7407. python-pyvex 9.2.14-2
  7408. python-pyvirtualdisplay 3.0-1
  7409. python-pyxattr 0.7.2-3
  7410. python-pyxdameraulevenshtein 1.7.0-3
  7411. python-pyxdg 0.28-1
  7412. python-pyyaml-env-tag 0.1-1
  7413. python-pyzmq 23.2.0-2
  7414. python-pyzstd 0.15.3-1
  7415. python-qdarkstyle 3.0.3-1
  7416. python-qrcode 7.3.1-1
  7417. python-qscintilla-qt5 2.13.3-1
  7418. python-qscintilla-qt6 2.13.3-1
  7419. python-qstylizer 0.2.1-3
  7420. 1.2.6-1
  7421. python-qtawesome 1.1.1-1
  7422. python-qtconsole 5.3.1-1
  7423. python-qtpy 2.1.0-1
  7424. python-random2 1.0.1-8
  7425. python-rapidfuzz 2.6.1-1
  7426. python-rapidjson 1.8-1
  7427. python-raven 6.10.0-10
  7428. python-rawkit 0.6.0-11
  7429. python-rcssmin 1.1.1-1
  7430. python-rdflib 6.2.0-1
  7431. python-readme-renderer 37.0-1
  7432. python-redis 4.3.4-1
  7433. python-reedsolo 1.5.4-4
  7434. python-regex 2022.8.17-1
  7435. python-relatime 1.1.0-6
  7436. python-remoto 1.2.1-2
  7437. python-rencode 1.0.6-7
  7438. python-repoze.lru 0.7-8
  7439. python-requests 2.28.1-1
  7440. python-requests-file 1.5.1-5
  7441. python-requests-ntlm 1.1.0-8
  7442. python-requests-oauthlib 1.3.1-1
  7443. python-requests-toolbelt 0.9.1-7
  7444. python-requests-unixsocket 0.3.0-1
  7445. python-resolvelib 0.8.1-1
  7446. python-retrying 1.3.3-13
  7447. python-rfc3986 2.0.0-1
  7448. python-rfc3987 1.3.8-8
  7449. python-rfc6555 0.1.0-1
  7450. python-rich 12.5.1-1
  7451. python-rjsmin 1.2.1-1
  7452. python-robot-detection 0.4.0-6
  7453. python-rope 0.23.0-1
  7454. python-routes 2.5.1-5
  7455. python-rply 0.7.8-3
  7456. python-rpyc 5.2.3-1
  7457. python-rsa 4.9-1
  7458. python-rtree 1.0.0-1
  7459. python-ruamel-yaml 0.17.21-1
  7460. python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.6-3
  7461. python-rx 3.2.0-3
  7462. python-s3transfer 0.6.0-2
  7463. python-scapy 2.4.5-4
  7464. python-schedutils 0.6-11
  7465. python-scikit-learn 1.1.2-1
  7466. python-scipy 1.9.1-1
  7467. python-scrypt 0.8.20-1
  7468. python-secretstorage 3.3.3-1
  7469. python-selectors2 2.0.2-5
  7470. python-selenium 3.141.0-5
  7471. python-semantic-version 2.10.0-1
  7472. python-semver 2.13.0-5
  7473. python-send2trash 1.8.0-3
  7474. python-sentry_sdk 1.7.0-1
  7475. python-serpent 1.41-1
  7476. python-service-identity 21.1.0-4
  7477. python-setproctitle 1.3.1-1
  7478. python-setuptools 1:62.3.4-1
  7479. python-setuptools-git 1.2-8
  7480. python-setuptools-scm 7.0.5-1
  7481. python-sgmllib3k 1.0.0-4
  7482. python-sh 1.14.3-1
  7483. python-shellingham 1.5.0-1
  7484. python-shiboken2 5.15.5-3
  7485. python-show-in-file-manager 1.1.4-1
  7486. python-shtab 1.5.5-1
  7487. python-simplebayes 1.5.8-1
  7488. python-simplejson 3.17.6-4
  7489. python-simplesoapy 1.5.1-9
  7490. python-simplespectral 1.0.0-9
  7491. python-sip-pyqt4 4.19.24-2
  7492. python-sip-pyqt5 4.19.19-3
  7493. python-sip4 4.19.25-3.1
  7494. python-six 1.16.0-6
  7495. python-slip 0.6.5-7
  7496. python-slugify 6.1.2-1
  7497. python-smmap 1:5.0.0-3
  7498. python-sniffio 1.3.0-1
  7499. python-snowballstemmer 2.2.0-3
  7500. python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-3
  7501. python-sounddevice 0.4.5-1
  7502. python-soupsieve 2.3.2.post1-1
  7503. python-spake2 0.8-10
  7504. python-sphinx 5.1.1-2
  7505. python-sphinx-alabaster-theme 0.7.12-9
  7506. python-sphinx-astropy 1.7.0-1
  7507. python-sphinx-automodapi 0.14.1-1
  7508. python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme 0.8.1-3
  7509. python-sphinx-gallery 0.11.1-1
  7510. python-sphinx-inline-tabs 2022.01.02.beta11-1
  7511. python-sphinx_rtd_theme 1.0.0-5
  7512. python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2-9
  7513. python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2-9
  7514. python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.0-5
  7515. python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1-12
  7516. python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3-9
  7517. python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5-4
  7518. python-sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.4-3
  7519. python-spyder-kernels 2.3.2-1
  7520. python-sqlalchemy 1.4.40-1
  7521. python-sqlitedict 2.0.0-1
  7522. python-sqlparse 0.4.2-3
  7523. python-srcinfo 0.0.8-7
  7524. python-ssoclient 2.1.1-2
  7525. python-stack-data 0.5.0-1
  7526. python-stem 1.8.0-5
  7527. python-stevedore 4.0.0-1
  7528. python-stringcase 1.2.0-5
  7529. python-structlog 22.1.0-1
  7530. python-suntime 1.2.5-1
  7531. python-sympy 1.11.1-1
  7532. python-systemd 235-1
  7533. python-sysv_ipc 1.1.0-2
  7534. python-tabulate 0.8.10-1
  7535. python-taser 0.3.3-3
  7536. python-tasklib 2.4.3-3
  7537. python-tempora 5.0.2-1
  7538. python-tenacity 8.0.1-3
  7539. python-tensorboard_plugin_wit 1.8.1-3
  7540. python-tensorflow 2.10.0-1
  7541. python-tensorflow-estimator 2.10-1
  7542. python-termcolor 1.1.0-12
  7543. python-terminado 0.15.0-1
  7544. python-terminaltables 3.1.0-9
  7545. python-testfixtures 7.0.0-1
  7546. python-testpath 0.6.0-1
  7547. python-testtools 2.5.0-3
  7548. python-text-unidecode 1.3-8
  7549. python-textdistance 4.2.2-1
  7550. python-texttable 1.6.4-3
  7551. python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1
  7552. python-three-merge 0.1.1-3
  7553. python-tinycss 0.4-7
  7554. python-tinycss2 1.1.1-1
  7555. python-tinydb 4.7.0-1
  7556. python-tldextract 3.3.1-1
  7557. python-tlsh 4.7.2-3
  7558. python-toml 0.10.2-8
  7559. python-tomli 2.0.1-1
  7560. python-tomlkit 0.11.4-1
  7561. python-tornado 6.2.0-1
  7562. python-tqdm 4.64.1-1
  7563. python-traitlets 5.3.0-1
  7564. python-traits 6.3.2-1
  7565. python-traitsui 7.4.0-1
  7566. python-translationstring 1.4-6
  7567. python-trio 0.21.0-1
  7568. python-trove-classifiers 2022.8.31-1
  7569. python-twisted 22.2.0-1
  7570. python-txaio 22.2.1-1
  7571. python-txtorcon 22.0.0-1
  7572. python-typed-ast 1.5.4-1
  7573. python-types-pyyaml 6.0.10-1
  7574. python-types-requests 2.28.9-2
  7575. python-typing_extensions 4.3.0-1
  7576. python-tzdata 2022.2-1
  7577. python-tzlocal 1:2.1-2
  7578. python-uc-micro-py 1.0.1-3
  7579. python-ujson 5.4.0-1
  7580. python-unicorn 2.0.0-1
  7581. python-unidecode 1.3.4-1
  7582. python-unrardll 0.1.5-1
  7583. python-update-checker 0.18.0-5
  7584. python-uritemplate 4.1.1-1
  7585. python-urllib3 1.26.12-1
  7586. python-urwid 2.1.2-3
  7587. python-utils 3.3.3-1
  7588. python-validate-pyproject 0.10.1-1
  7589. python-vcrpy 4.2.1-1
  7590. python-vdf 3.4-2
  7591. python-venusian 3.0.0-3
  7592. python-virtualenv 20.13.1-1
  7593. python-virtualenv-clone 0.5.7-3
  7594. python-virtualenvwrapper 4.8.4-6
  7595. python-visitor 0.1.3-7
  7596. python-vlc 3.0.16120-1
  7597. python-vobject
  7598. python-voluptuous 0.13.1-1
  7599. python-voluptuous-serialize 2.5.0-2
  7600. python-waitress 2.1.2-1
  7601. python-wand 0.6.10-1
  7602. python-watchdog 1.0.1-1
  7603. python-wcwidth 0.2.5-6
  7604. python-webargs 8.2.0-1
  7605. python-webassets 2.0-3
  7606. python-webcolors 1.12-1
  7607. python-webdriver-manager 3.8.3-1
  7608. python-webencodings 0.5.1-9
  7609. python-webob 1.8.7-4
  7610. python-websocket-client 1.4.1-1
  7611. python-websockets 10.3-1
  7612. python-webtest 3.0.0-3
  7613. python-werkzeug 2.2.2-1
  7614. python-whatthepatch 1.0.2-1
  7615. python-wheel 0.37.1-1
  7616. python-whichcraft 0.6.1-5
  7617. python-whoosh 2.7.4-9
  7618. python-win_inet_pton 1.1.0-5
  7619. python-wrapt 1.14.1-1
  7620. python-wsaccel 0.6.3-4
  7621. python-wtforms 3.0.1-1
  7622. python-wurlitzer 3.0.2-3
  7623. python-www-authenticate 0.9.2-5
  7624. python-wxpython 1:4.1.1-3
  7625. python-xapp 2.2.2-1
  7626. python-xattr 0.9.9-1
  7627. python-xcffib 0.11.1-4
  7628. python-xgoogle 20.3db20fb-7
  7629. python-xlib 0.31-3
  7630. python-xlrd 2.0.1-2
  7631. python-xlsxwriter 3.0.3-1
  7632. python-xlwt 1.3.0-6
  7633. python-xmltodict 0.13.0-2
  7634. python-xxhash 3.0.0-1
  7635. python-yaml 6.0-1
  7636. python-yappi 1.3.5-1
  7637. python-yapsy 1.12.2-7
  7638. python-yara 4.2.3-1
  7639. python-yarl 1.8.1-1
  7640. python-z3-solver 4.11.0-1
  7641. python-zc.lockfile 2.0-8
  7642. python-zeroconf 0.39.0-1
  7643. python-zipfile-deflate64 0.2.0-1
  7644. python-zipp 3.8.1-1
  7645. python-zope-component 5.0.1-3
  7646. python-zope-deferredimport 4.4-1
  7647. python-zope-deprecation 4.4.0-7
  7648. python-zope-event 4.5.0-6
  7649. python-zope-hookable 5.1.0-3
  7650. python-zope-interface 5.4.0-4
  7651. python-zope-proxy 4.5.0-3
  7652. python-zstandard 0.18.0-1
  7653. python2 2.7.18-5
  7654. python2-altgraph 0.17.2-1
  7655. python2-apipkg 1.5-9
  7656. python2-appdirs 1.4.4-6
  7657. python2-apsw 3.33.0-4
  7658. python2-argparse 1.4.0-6
  7659. python2-arrow 0.15.4-1
  7660. python2-asn1crypto 1.4.0-4
  7661. python2-atomicwrites 1.4.0-7
  7662. python2-attrs 21.2.0-4
  7663. python2-babel 2.8.1-1
  7664. python2-backports 1.0-4
  7665. python2-backports-abc 0.5-4
  7666. python2-backports.entry-points-selectable 66.d4b54f4-1
  7667. python2-backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.4-3
  7668. python2-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0-5
  7669. python2-bcrypt 3.1.7-5
  7670. python2-beautifulsoup3 3.2.1-6
  7671. python2-beautifulsoup4 4.9.3-4
  7672. python2-boto
  7673. python2-cachecontrol 0.12.6-6
  7674. python2-cairo 1.18.2-5
  7675. python2-certifi 2019.9.11-1
  7676. python2-cffi 1.14.6-3
  7677. python2-chardet 4.0.0-3
  7678. python2-cheroot 8.6.0-1
  7679. python2-cherrypy 17.4.2-2
  7680. python2-click 7.1.2-4
  7681. python2-colorama 0.4.4-4
  7682. python2-colorlog 1:4.1.0-1
  7683. python2-configobj 5.0.6-7
  7684. python2-configparser 4.0.2-3
  7685. python2-contextlib2 0.6.0.post1-6
  7686. python2-coverage 5.5-3
  7687. python2-crack 0.5.1-2
  7688. python2-crcmod 1.7-6
  7689. python2-cryptography 3.3.2-2
  7690. python2-cycler 0.10.0-6
  7691. python2-dateutil 2.8.2-2
  7692. python2-dbus 1.2.18-2
  7693. python2-decorator 4.4.2-4
  7694. python2-dis3 0.1.3-5
  7695. python2-distlib 0.3.3-2
  7696. python2-distro 1.6.0-2
  7697. python2-distutils-extra 2.39-6
  7698. python2-django 1.11.27-2
  7699. python2-dnspython 1.16.0-3
  7700. python2-dpkt 1.9.8-1
  7701. python2-easyprocess 1.1-1
  7702. python2-enum 0.4.7-3
  7703. python2-enum34 1.1.10-1
  7704. python2-exiv2 0.3.2-21
  7705. python2-feedparser 5.2.1-10
  7706. python2-filelock 3.0.12-6
  7707. python2-flask 1.1.2-2
  7708. python2-fs 2.4.11-1
  7709. python2-funcsigs 1.0.2-4
  7710. python2-fuse 1.0.0-2
  7711. python2-future 0.18.2-3
  7712. python2-futures 3.3.0-3
  7713. python2-fuzzywuzzy 1:0.18.0-1
  7714. python2-gevent 21.1.2-4
  7715. python2-gobject 1:3.34.0-1
  7716. python2-gobject2 2.28.7-7
  7717. python2-graphillion 1.5-2
  7718. python2-greenlet 1.0.0-3
  7719. python2-gtkglext 1.1.0-8
  7720. python2-gtksourceview2 2.10.1-1
  7721. python2-html5lib 1.1-9
  7722. python2-httplib2 0.18.1-2
  7723. python2-idna 2.10-4
  7724. python2-impacket 0.9.21-1
  7725. python2-importlib-metadata 2.1.1-4
  7726. python2-importlib_resources 1.0.2-4
  7727. python2-iniconfig 1.1.1-5
  7728. python2-ipaddr 2.2.0-6
  7729. python2-ipaddress 1.0.23-3
  7730. python2-ipy 1.00-5
  7731. python2-itsdangerous 1.1.0-4
  7732. python2-jaraco 2019.10.22-4
  7733. python2-jeepney 0.4.1-1
  7734. python2-jinja 2.11.3-1
  7735. python2-kiwisolver 1.1.0-4
  7736. python2-ldap3 2.7-2
  7737. python2-levenshtein 0.12.0-8
  7738. python2-libxml2 2.9.14-1
  7739. python2-lxml 4.6.2-2
  7740. python2-m2crypto 0.37.1-2
  7741. python2-macholib 1.16-1
  7742. python2-magic 5.37-2
  7743. python2-markupsafe 1.1.1-7
  7744. python2-matplotlib 2.2.4-3
  7745. python2-mock 3.0.5-9
  7746. python2-more-itertools 5.0.0-3
  7747. python2-msgpack 0.6.2-5
  7748. python2-mutagen 1.43.0-4
  7749. python2-netaddr 0.7.19-5
  7750. python2-netifaces 0.10.9-4
  7751. python2-networkx 2.2-3
  7752. python2-nose 1.3.7-13
  7753. python2-ntplib 0.4.0-2
  7754. python2-numexpr 2.7.3-1
  7755. python2-numpy 1.16.6-3
  7756. python2-olefile 0.46-4
  7757. python2-opengl 3.1.5-3
  7758. python2-ordered-set 3.1.1-4
  7759. python2-ordereddict 1.1-6
  7760. python2-packaging 20.9-7
  7761. python2-paramiko 2.10.3-1
  7762. python2-passlib 1.7.1-3
  7763. python2-pathlib 1.0.1-6
  7764. python2-pathlib2 2.3.7.post1-1
  7765. python2-pbr 5.8.0-2
  7766. python2-pcapy 0.11.5-3
  7767. python2-pefile 2019.4.18-5
  7768. python2-pep517 0.11.0-4
  7769. python2-pexpect 4.8.0-4
  7770. python2-pickleshare 0.7.5-6
  7771. python2-pillow6 6.2.1-12
  7772. python2-pip 20.3.4-4
  7773. python2-platformdirs 2.0.2-2
  7774. python2-pluggy 0.13.1-9
  7775. python2-ply 3.11-8
  7776. python2-portend 2.6-3
  7777. python2-prettytable 0.7.2-13
  7778. python2-progress 1.6-1
  7779. python2-prompt_toolkit 2.0.10-4
  7780. python2-prompt_toolkit1 1.0.15-3
  7781. python2-psutil 5.9.0-2
  7782. python2-psycopg2 2.8.6-4
  7783. python2-ptyprocess 0.7.0-2
  7784. python2-py 1.11.0-1
  7785. python2-pyaml 20.4.0-2
  7786. python2-pyasn1 0.4.8-5
  7787. python2-pyasn1-modules 0.2.8-4
  7788. python2-pyblake2 1.1.2-4
  7789. python2-pybluez 0.23-1
  7790. python2-pycparser 2.21-1
  7791. python2-pycryptodome 3.15.0-1
  7792. python2-pycryptodomex 3.9.9-2
  7793. python2-pycups 1.9.74-4
  7794. python2-pycurl 1:7.45.1-1
  7795. python2-pydes 2.0.1-7
  7796. python2-pydnet 1.0-7
  7797. python2-pyenchant 2.0.0-6
  7798. python2-pygame 2.0.3-2
  7799. python2-pygments 2.5.2-3
  7800. python2-pylibemu 0.7-1
  7801. python2-pynacl 1.3.0-4
  7802. python2-pynids 0.6.1-3
  7803. python2-pyopenssl 21.0.0-3
  7804. python2-pyparsing 2.4.7-6
  7805. python2-pypcap 1:1.2.3-2
  7806. python2-pyqt4 4.12.3-11
  7807. python2-pyqt5 5.15.4-1
  7808. python2-pyserial 3.5-1
  7809. python2-pysha3 1.0.2-6
  7810. python2-pyside 1.2.4-13
  7811. python2-pyside-tools 0.2.15-4
  7812. python2-pysmi 0.3.4-2
  7813. python2-pysnmp 4.4.12-1
  7814. python2-pysocks 1.7.1-5
  7815. python2-pysqlite 2.8.3-4
  7816. python2-pytest 4.6.11-2
  7817. python2-pytest-cov 2.12.1-3
  7818. python2-python-libnmap 0.7.2-2
  7819. python2-python-nmap 0.6.4-2
  7820. python2-pytoml 0.1.21-6
  7821. python2-pytz 2021.3-2
  7822. python2-pyusb 1.0.2-3
  7823. python2-pyvirtualdisplay 3.0-1
  7824. python2-pyxattr 0.6.1-2
  7825. python2-pyzmq 19.0.2-2
  7826. python2-re2 0.2.24-1
  7827. python2-regex 2020.7.14-2
  7828. python2-reportlab 3.5.32-4
  7829. python2-requesocks 0.10.8-2
  7830. python2-requests 2.26.0-2
  7831. python2-requests-file 1.4.3-6
  7832. python2-resolvelib 0.5.5-2
  7833. python2-retrying 1.3.3-10
  7834. python2-ruamel-yaml 0.16.5-1
  7835. python2-scandir 1.10.0-4
  7836. python2-scipy 1.2.3-2
  7837. python2-scrypt 0.8.13-1
  7838. python2-selectors2 2.0.2-3
  7839. python2-selenium 3.141.0-2
  7840. python2-service-identity 18.1.0-7
  7841. python2-setuptools 2:44.1.1-2
  7842. python2-setuptools-scm 5.0.2-6
  7843. python2-sha3 0.2.1-6
  7844. python2-shiboken 1.2.4-9
  7845. python2-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1
  7846. python2-simplejson 3.17.2-4
  7847. python2-singledispatch
  7848. python2-sip-pyqt4 4.19.24-2
  7849. python2-sip-pyqt5 4.19.24-2
  7850. python2-six 1.16.0-5
  7851. python2-soupsieve 1.9.6-3
  7852. python2-sphinx_rtd_theme 0.4.3-4
  7853. python2-subprocess32 3.5.4-1
  7854. python2-tempora 1.14.1-6
  7855. python2-tinydb 4.7.0-1
  7856. python2-tldextract 2.2.2-1
  7857. python2-toml 0.10.2-8
  7858. python2-tornado 5.1.1-4
  7859. python2-traitlets 4.3.3-7
  7860. python2-typing
  7861. python2-tzlocal 2.0.0-4
  7862. python2-unidecode 1.1.1-4
  7863. python2-urllib3 1.26.7-2
  7864. python2-validators 0.20.0-1
  7865. python2-vcrpy 2.1.1-1
  7866. python2-virtualenv 20.13.0-2
  7867. python2-wcwidth 0.2.5-6
  7868. python2-webencodings 0.5.1-7
  7869. python2-werkzeug 1:0.16.0-1
  7870. python2-wheel 0.37.0-5
  7871. python2-whoosh 2.7.4-6
  7872. python2-wrapt 1.12.1-2
  7873. python2-wxpython3
  7874. python2-xlib 0.31-1
  7875. python2-xmltodict 0.12.0-5
  7876. python2-yaml
  7877. python2-yara 4.0.5-2
  7878. python2-zc.lockfile 2.0-8
  7879. python2-zipp 1:1.1.1-2
  7880. python2-zope-event 4.5.0-4
  7881. python2-zope-interface 5.4.0-2
  7882. python3-aur 2021.11.20.1-4
  7883. python3-colorsysplus 2021.11-4
  7884. python3-memoizedb 2021-4
  7885. python3-threaded_servers 2022-3
  7886. python3-xcgf 2021-4
  7887. python3-xcpf 2021.12-3
  7888. python38 3.8.14-2
  7889. pythonqt 3.2-9
  7890. pyxenon 0.1-16
  7891. q4wine-git
  7892. qalculate-gtk 4.3.0-1
  7893. qastools 0.23.0-1
  7894. qbe-git r1276.0715a39-1
  7895. qbittorrent 4.4.5-1
  7896. qbs 1.23.1-1
  7897. qca-qt5 2.3.4-3
  7898. qca-qt6 2.3.4-3
  7899. qcad
  7900. qcal 0.8.8-1
  7901. qcard 0.5.0-2
  7902. qccrypt 0.8.1-3
  7903. qcheckers 0.9.0-2
  7904. qconf 2.5-2
  7905. qcustomplot 2.1.0-1
  7906. qdep 1.1.1-1
  7907. qdirstat 1.8.1-1
  7908. qdocumentview-git r7.d58dd20-1
  7909. qelly 1.0b-3
  7910. qemacs-cvs 0.3.2.r2018.04.11-1
  7911. qemu-audio-alsa 7.1.0-4
  7912. qemu-audio-dbus 7.1.0-4
  7913. qemu-audio-jack 7.1.0-4
  7914. qemu-audio-oss 7.1.0-4
  7915. qemu-audio-pa 7.1.0-4
  7916. qemu-audio-sdl 7.1.0-4
  7917. qemu-audio-spice 7.1.0-4
  7918. qemu-block-curl 7.1.0-4
  7919. qemu-block-dmg 7.1.0-4
  7920. qemu-block-gluster 7.1.0-4
  7921. qemu-block-iscsi 7.1.0-4
  7922. qemu-block-nfs 7.1.0-4
  7923. qemu-block-rbd 7.0.0-10.1
  7924. qemu-block-ssh 7.1.0-4
  7925. qemu-chardev-spice 7.1.0-4
  7926. qemu-common 7.1.0-4
  7927. qemu-desktop 7.1.0-4
  7928. qemu-guest-agent 7.1.0-4
  7929. qemu-hw-display-qxl 7.1.0-4
  7930. qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu 7.1.0-4
  7931. qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-gl 7.1.0-4
  7932. qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci 7.1.0-4
  7933. qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci-gl 7.1.0-4
  7934. qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga 7.1.0-4
  7935. qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga-gl 7.1.0-4
  7936. qemu-hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw 7.1.0-4
  7937. qemu-hw-usb-host 7.1.0-4
  7938. qemu-hw-usb-redirect 7.1.0-4
  7939. qemu-hw-usb-smartcard 7.1.0-4
  7940. qemu-img 7.1.0-4
  7941. qemu-launcher 1.7.4-6
  7942. qemu-pr-helper 7.1.0-4
  7943. qemu-system-aarch64 7.1.0-4
  7944. qemu-system-alpha 7.1.0-4
  7945. qemu-system-arm 7.1.0-4
  7946. qemu-system-mips 7.1.0-4
  7947. qemu-system-ppc 7.1.0-4
  7948. qemu-system-riscv 7.1.0-4
  7949. qemu-system-x86 7.1.0-4
  7950. qemu-tests 7.1.0-4
  7951. qemu-tools 7.1.0-4
  7952. qemu-ui-curses 7.1.0-4
  7953. qemu-ui-dbus 7.1.0-4
  7954. qemu-ui-egl-headless 7.1.0-4
  7955. qemu-ui-gtk 7.1.0-4
  7956. qemu-ui-opengl 7.1.0-4
  7957. qemu-ui-sdl 7.1.0-4
  7958. qemu-ui-spice-app 7.1.0-4
  7959. qemu-ui-spice-core 7.1.0-4
  7960. qemu-user 7.1.0-4
  7961. qemu-vhost-user-gpu 7.1.0-4
  7962. qemu-virtiofsd 7.1.0-4
  7963. qextserialport 1.2rc-7
  7964. qgis 3.26.2-1
  7965. qgit 2.10-2
  7966. qgpgme 1.18.0-1
  7967. qgrid 3.2-1
  7968. qhexedit2 0.8.9-1
  7969. qhull 2020.2-4
  7970. qimgv-git v1.0.3.alpha.r73.g70e65ee-1
  7971. qjackctl 0.9.7-2
  7972. qjournalctl 0.6.3-3
  7973. qmapshack 1.16.1-3
  7974. qmidinet 0.9.6-2
  7975. qmltermwidget 0.2.0.git1-1
  7976. qmmp 2.1.1-1
  7977. qmmp-plugin-pack 2.1.0-1
  7978. qmpanel 0.1-1
  7979. qmplay2 22.08.21-1
  7980. qoauth 2.0.0-3
  7981. qomp 1.4-3
  7982. qopenvpn 2.0.0-6
  7983. qpakman 0.67-1
  7984. qpdf 10.6.3-1
  7985. qpdfview 0.4.18-2
  7986. qpid-proton 0.37.0-2
  7987. qprint 1.1-2
  7988. qps 2.5.0-1
  7989. qqc2-desktop-style 5.97.0-1
  7990. qqsp 1.9-1
  7991. qrcp-bin 0.9.1-1
  7992. qrencode 4.1.1-1
  7993. qrq 0.3.5-1
  7994. qrupdate 1.1.2-4
  7995. qscintilla-qt4 1:2.10.4-1
  7996. qscintilla-qt5 2.13.3-1
  7997. qscintilla-qt6 2.13.3-1
  7998. qscite 0.5_svn211-2
  7999. qservicemenuconfig 0.1.2-1
  8000. qshutdown
  8001. qsp-common 20180830-1
  8002. qspectrumanalyzer 2.2.0-5
  8003. qsshfs 1.1.0-3
  8004. qsstv 9.5.8-1
  8005. qsynth 0.9.7-2
  8006. qt-gstreamer 1.2.0-4
  8007. qt-installer-framework 4.2.0-1
  8008. qt-installer-framework-docs 4.2.0-1
  8009. qt-solutions-git 55.2fb541e-1
  8010. qt-virt-manager 0.72.99-4
  8011. qt4 4.8.7-30
  8012. qt5-3d 5.15.5+kde+r15-1
  8013. qt5-backgroundprocess 1.6.0-2
  8014. qt5-base 5.15.5+kde+r184-1
  8015. qt5-charts 5.15.5+kde+r1-1
  8016. qt5-connectivity 5.15.5+kde+r5-1
  8017. qt5-datavis3d 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8018. qt5-declarative 5.15.5+kde+r19-1
  8019. qt5-doc 5.15.5-1
  8020. qt5-examples 5.15.5-1
  8021. qt5-feedback
  8022. qt5-gamepad 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8023. qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8024. qt5-gsettings 1.3.0-1
  8025. qt5-imageformats 5.15.5+kde+r4-1
  8026. qt5-location 5.15.5+kde+r3-1
  8027. qt5-mqtt 5.15.2-5
  8028. qt5-multimedia 5.15.5+kde+r1-1
  8029. qt5-networkauth 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8030. qt5-purchasing 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8031. qt5-quick3d 5.15.5+kde+r1-1
  8032. qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8033. qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.5+kde+r6-1
  8034. qt5-quicktimeline 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8035. qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8036. qt5-script 5.15.10-2
  8037. qt5-scxml 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8038. qt5-sensors 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8039. qt5-serialbus 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8040. qt5-serialport 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8041. qt5-speech 5.15.5+kde+r1-1
  8042. qt5-styleplugins
  8043. qt5-svg 5.15.5+kde+r11-1
  8044. qt5-systems
  8045. qt5-tools 5.15.5+kde+r1-3
  8046. qt5-translations 5.15.5+kde+r2-1
  8047. qt5-ukui-platformtheme 1.0.8-1
  8048. qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.15.5+kde+r3-1
  8049. qt5-wayland 5.15.5+kde+r38-4
  8050. qt5-webchannel 5.15.5+kde+r3-1
  8051. qt5-webengine 5.15.10-2
  8052. qt5-webglplugin 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8053. qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-15
  8054. qt5-websockets 5.15.5+kde+r3-1
  8055. qt5-webview 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8056. qt5-x11extras 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8057. qt5-xmlpatterns 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
  8058. qt5ct 1.5-2
  8059. qt5pas
  8060. qt6-3d 6.3.1-1
  8061. qt6-5compat 6.3.1-1
  8062. qt6-base 6.3.1-1
  8063. qt6-charts 6.3.1-1
  8064. qt6-connectivity 6.3.1-1
  8065. qt6-datavis3d 6.3.1-1
  8066. qt6-declarative 6.3.1-1
  8067. qt6-imageformats 6.3.1-1
  8068. qt6-lottie 6.3.1-1
  8069. qt6-multimedia 6.3.1-1
  8070. qt6-networkauth 6.3.1-1
  8071. qt6-positioning 6.3.1-1
  8072. qt6-quick3d 6.3.1-1
  8073. qt6-quicktimeline 6.3.1-1
  8074. qt6-remoteobjects 6.3.1-1
  8075. qt6-scxml 6.3.1-1
  8076. qt6-sensors 6.3.1-1
  8077. qt6-serialbus 6.3.1-1
  8078. qt6-serialport 6.3.1-1
  8079. qt6-shadertools 6.3.1-1
  8080. qt6-svg 6.3.1-1
  8081. qt6-tools 6.3.1-3
  8082. qt6-translations 6.3.1-1
  8083. qt6-virtualkeyboard 6.3.1-1
  8084. qt6-wayland 6.3.1-1
  8085. qt6-webchannel 6.3.1-1
  8086. qt6-webengine 6.3.1-1
  8087. qt6-websockets 6.3.1-1
  8088. qt6-webview 6.3.1-1
  8089. qt6ct 0.5-4
  8090. qt6gtk2 0.2-1
  8091. qtalarm 4700238.2.3.1-1
  8092. qtav 1.13.0-4
  8093. qtcreator 8.0.1-2
  8094. qtcurve-gtk2 1:1.9-5
  8095. qtcurve-kde 1:1.9-5
  8096. qtcurve-utils 1:1.9-5
  8097. qtdbusextended 0.0.3-1
  8098. qtemu-git r254.8ac0f15-1
  8099. qterminal 1.1.0-1
  8100. qtermwidget 1.1.0-1
  8101. qtfm 6.2.1-1
  8102. qtile 0.21.0-1
  8103. qtkeychain-qt5 0.13.2-1
  8104. qtkeychain-qt6 0.13.2-1
  8105. qtmpris 1.0.6-1
  8106. qtox 1.17.4-3
  8107. qtpass 1.3.2-2
  8108. qtqr 2.1-3
  8109. qtractor 0.9.28-1
  8110. qtresistors 0.1.3-2
  8111. qtspell 1.0.1-1
  8112. qtutilities 6.8.0-1
  8113. qtvkbd 0.8.3-1
  8114. qtwaw 1.6.14-1
  8115. qtwebflix-git 0.1.r190.g54c2c1b-1
  8116. qtwebkit 2.3.4-7
  8117. qtws-base 0.92-1
  8118. qtxdg-tools 3.9.1-1
  8119. quadrapassel 40.2-1
  8120. quakewatch 1.0-1
  8121. quark-git r287.68b4f73-1
  8122. quassel-client 0.14.0-2
  8123. quassel-common 0.14.0-2
  8124. quassel-core 0.14.0-2
  8125. quazip-legacy 0.9.1-1
  8126. quazip-qt4 0.7.2-1
  8127. quazip-qt5 1.3-1
  8128. quazip-qt6 1.3-1
  8129. qucs 0.0.20_rc2-2
  8130. quickemu 4.1-2
  8131. quickgui-bin 1.2.4-1
  8132. quilt 0.67-1
  8133. quirc 1.1-1
  8134. quixand 2020-4
  8135. quota-tools 1:4.06-2
  8136. qutepart-git 3.3.3.r0.gf83da66-1
  8137. qvkbd git20190819-1
  8138. qweborf 0.19-1
  8139. qwt 6.2.0-1
  8140. qwtplot3d 0.2.7-11
  8141. qxgedit 0.9.6-2
  8142. qxmledit 0.9.17-1
  8143. r 4.2.1-2
  8144. r-fansi 1.0.3-7
  8145. rabbitmq 3.10.7-1
  8146. radamsa 0.6-2
  8147. radare2 5.6.6-3
  8148. radeon-profile-git 20200824.r26.g0d632ba-1.1
  8149. radeontool 1.6.3-4
  8150. radeontop 1.4-1
  8151. radicale 3.1.8-1
  8152. radicale-imap-git r6.8e3e6bb-1
  8153. radiotray 0.7.3-16
  8154. radiotray-ng 0.2.8-2
  8155. ragel 6.10-3
  8156. rainbarf-git 20140404-1
  8157. rainbowcrack 1.8-1
  8158. raine 0.91.15b-1
  8159. rainlendar-beta 1:2.14.3.b161-1
  8160. rakudo 2022.07-1
  8161. rambox-bin 0.6.3-1
  8162. ranger 1.9.3-4
  8163. ranger-scanner 149.3aae5dd-9
  8164. ranpwd 1.1-3
  8165. rapid-photo-downloader 0.9.33-1
  8166. rapidjson 1.1.0-5
  8167. rapidyaml 0.4.1-1
  8168. raptor 2.0.15-19
  8169. raptor-chess 1.0-1
  8170. rarcrack 0.2-5
  8171. rarian 0.8.1-7
  8172. raspi-gpio-git r41.22b44e4-1
  8173. rasqal 1:0.9.33-5
  8174. ratarmount-git 20220410-1
  8175. ratpoison 1.4.9-3
  8176. raul-git 1:1.1.0.r662.c56e725-1
  8177. rav1e 0.5.1-2
  8178. rawtherapee 1:5.8-3
  8179. razercfg 0.42-5
  8180. razor 2.85-17
  8181. rbutil 1.5.1-1
  8182. rclone 1.59.1-1
  8183. rclone-browser 1.8.0-3
  8184. rcm 1.3.5-1
  8185. rcs 5.10.1-1
  8186. rdesktop 1.9.0-2
  8187. rdiff-backup 2.0.5-3
  8188. rdiff-backup-fs 1.0.0-2
  8189. rdiffweb 0.10.4-1
  8190. re2 1:20220601-1
  8191. re2c 3.0-1
  8192. readline 8.1.002-1
  8193. readstat 1.1.8-1
  8194. realboy 0.2.2-1
  8195. realtime-privileges 4-1
  8196. reaper-bin 6.61-1
  8197. reaver 1.6.6-1
  8198. recode 3.7.12-1
  8199. recoll 1.32.7-1
  8200. recoverdm 0.20-4
  8201. recultis 2.1.0-1
  8202. recutils 1.9-1
  8203. redis 7.0.4-1
  8204. redland 1:1.0.17-8
  8205. redshift 1.12-5
  8206. refind
  8207. reflector 2021.11-5
  8208. reflector-bash-completion 1.1-1
  8209. reflector-simple 2021.12.31-1
  8210. regal 11.823d99e-1
  8211. regen 0.95-7
  8212. reglookup 1.0.1-7
  8213. regview 1.3-2
  8214. reicast-git 20.04.r48.g0bd6ea371-1
  8215. reiser4progs 1.2.2-1
  8216. reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-3
  8217. relink 1.2-1
  8218. remarkable 1.87-7
  8219. remind 4.0.3-1
  8220. remmina 1:1.4.27-1
  8221. remotebox 3.1-1
  8222. rename 1.3-8
  8223. renameutils 0.12.0-7
  8224. renogare 1.0-1
  8225. renpy 8.0.1-2
  8226. renpy-demos 8.0.1-2
  8227. repacman2 2.0-3
  8228. replxx 0.0.4-1
  8229. repo 2.29.1-1
  8230. repoctl 0.21-4
  8231. repose 7.1-6
  8232. repotool 1.5.0-1
  8233. reptyr 0.8.0-1
  8234. resourcehacker 5.1.8-1
  8235. rest 0.8.1+r4+ge5ee6ef-1
  8236. restic 0.14.0-1
  8237. restview 3.0.0-1
  8238. retext 7.2.3-2
  8239. retro-gtk 1.0.2-1
  8240. retroarch 1.10.3-2
  8241. retroarch-assets-ozone 1:437-1
  8242. retroarch-assets-xmb 1:437-1
  8243. retrovirtualmachine 2.0.beta.1.r7-1
  8244. revelation 0.5.4-1
  8245. rextract 1.1.1-1
  8246. rgbds 0.5.2-2
  8247. rgzip 0.991119-1
  8248. rhash 1.4.2-1
  8249. rhino 1.7.14-1
  8250. rhtvision 2.2.3-1
  8251. rhythmbox 3.4.6-1
  8252. rinetd 0.62-4
  8253. rink 0.6.3-1
  8254. ripcord 0.4.29-1
  8255. ripgrep 13.0.0-2
  8256. ripperx 2.8.0-3
  8257. ristretto 0.12.3-1
  8258. riwifshell 38.40075d5-2
  8259. rkcommon 1.10.0-1
  8260. rkhunter 1.4.6-2
  8261. rkrenamer 0.4.0-3
  8262. rkward 0.7.4-1
  8263. rlwrap 0.45.2-1
  8264. rmdupe 1.0.4-1
  8265. rmlint 2.10.1-3
  8266. rmlint-shredder 2.10.1-3
  8267. rmtrash 1.14-1
  8268. rng-tools 6.15-1
  8269. rnnoise 0.4.1-1
  8270. rnr-fm 1.0.9-1
  8271. robodoc 4.99.43-1
  8272. rocksndiamonds
  8273. rocksndiamonds-contrib 5-2
  8274. rocksndiamonds-data
  8275. rocm-device-libs 5.2.3-1
  8276. rocm-llvm 5.2.3-1
  8277. rocs 22.08.1-1
  8278. rofi 1.7.5-1
  8279. rofi-calc 2.1.0-1
  8280. rofi-emoji 3.0.1-2
  8281. roll 2.6.1-1
  8282. rolldice 1.16-2
  8283. rolo 019-1
  8284. rootbrute 1:0.1-6
  8285. ropper 1.13.8-2
  8286. rosa-icons 1.1.20-1
  8287. rosa-image-writer 2.6.2-3
  8288. rosegarden 22.06-1
  8289. roundcubemail 1.6.0-1
  8290. routino 3.3.3-1
  8291. rox 2.11-7
  8292. roxterm-git 1:3.11.1.r2.ga08dfb9-1
  8293. rp-pppoe 3.15-2
  8294. rpcbind 1.2.6-2
  8295. rpcemu 0.9.4-1
  8296. rpcs3-git
  8297. rpcsniffer 7.9fab095-5
  8298. rpcsvc-proto 1.4.3-1
  8299. rpctools 1.0-4
  8300. rpdscan 2.a71b0f3-4
  8301. rpm-tools 4.17.1-1
  8302. rrdtool 1.8.0-1
  8303. rrun 0.2.3-1
  8304. rsakeyfind 1.0-4
  8305. rsatool 29.b5f56da-1
  8306. rshack 64.cf197e3-3
  8307. rslsync 2.7.3-1
  8308. rsnapshot 1.4.4-1
  8309. rssguard 4.2.4-1
  8310. rsync 3.2.5-2
  8311. rt-tests 2.4-1
  8312. rtapp 1.0-1
  8313. rtaudio 5.2.0-1
  8314. rtirq 20210329-1
  8315. rtkit 0.13-2
  8316. rtl-sdr 1:0.8.0-4
  8317. rtl_433-git 20150518-2
  8318. rtmidi 5.0.0-1
  8319. rtmpdump 1:2.4.r99.f1b83c1-2
  8320. rtorrent 0.9.8-3
  8321. rtorrent-systemd 0.1-1
  8322. rttr 0.9.6-4
  8323. rua 0.19.0-3
  8324. rubberband 3.0.0-2
  8325. ruby 3.0.4-9
  8326. ruby-abbrev 0.1.0-1
  8327. ruby-addressable 2.8.1-1
  8328. ruby-ansi 1.5.0-7
  8329. ruby-ast 2.4.2-2
  8330. ruby-base64 0.1.1-1
  8331. ruby-benchmark 0.2.0-1
  8332. ruby-bigdecimal 3.1.2-1
  8333. ruby-bundledgems 3.0.4-9
  8334. ruby-bundler 2.3.19-1
  8335. ruby-cgi 0.3.2-1
  8336. ruby-clocale 0.0.4-1
  8337. ruby-colorls 1.4.4-1
  8338. ruby-concurrent 1.1.10-1
  8339. ruby-concurrent-ruby-0 0.9.2-1
  8340. ruby-connection_pool 2.2.5-3
  8341. ruby-csv 3.2.5-1
  8342. ruby-date 3.2.2-1
  8343. ruby-delegate 0.2.0-1
  8344. ruby-did_you_mean 1.6.1-1
  8345. ruby-diff-lcs 1.5.0-1
  8346. ruby-digest 3.1.0-1
  8347. ruby-docopt 0.6.1-6
  8348. ruby-domain_name 0.5.20190701-4
  8349. ruby-drb 2.1.0-1
  8350. ruby-english 0.7.1-1
  8351. ruby-equatable 0.7.0-2
  8352. ruby-erb 2.2.3-2
  8353. ruby-erubis 2.7.0-10
  8354. ruby-etc 1.3.0-2
  8355. ruby-fcntl 1.0.1-1
  8356. ruby-fiddle 1.1.0-1
  8357. ruby-filesize 0.2.0-1
  8358. ruby-fileutils 1.6.0-1
  8359. ruby-find 0.1.1-1
  8360. ruby-forwardable 1.3.2-1
  8361. ruby-getoptlong 0.1.1-1
  8362. ruby-hamster 3.0.0-2
  8363. ruby-homesick 1.1.6-5
  8364. ruby-http-cookie 1.0.3-9
  8365. ruby-io-console 0.5.11-1
  8366. ruby-io-nonblock 0.1.0-1
  8367. ruby-io-wait 0.2.3-1
  8368. ruby-ipaddr 1.2.4-1
  8369. ruby-irb 1.4.1-1
  8370. ruby-json 2.6.2-1
  8371. ruby-kramdown 2.3.1-2
  8372. ruby-logger 1.5.1-1
  8373. ruby-manpages 0.6.1-4
  8374. ruby-mdless 1.0.14-1
  8375. ruby-mechanize 2.8.3-1
  8376. ruby-mime-types 3.4.1-1
  8377. ruby-mime-types-data 3.2022.0105-1
  8378. ruby-mini_portile2 2.8.0-1
  8379. ruby-minitest 5.16.3-1
  8380. ruby-mustache 1.1.1-2
  8381. ruby-mutex_m 0.1.1-1
  8382. ruby-necromancer 0.7.0-2
  8383. ruby-net-http 0.2.2-1
  8384. ruby-net-http-digest_auth 1.4.1-10
  8385. ruby-net-http-persistent 2:4.0.1-4
  8386. ruby-nokogiri 1.13.8-2
  8387. ruby-ntlm-http 0.1.1-15
  8388. ruby-open-uri 0.2.0-2
  8389. ruby-optimist 3.0.1-2
  8390. ruby-paint 2.3.0-1
  8391. ruby-parallel 1.22.1-1
  8392. ruby-parser
  8393. ruby-pastel 0.8.0-2
  8394. ruby-power_assert 2.0.1-1
  8395. ruby-psych 4.0.4-2
  8396. ruby-public_suffix 4.0.7-1
  8397. ruby-rainbow 3.1.1-1
  8398. ruby-rake 13.0.6-1
  8399. ruby-rdiscount
  8400. ruby-rdoc 6.4.0-2
  8401. ruby-regexp_parser 2.5.0-1
  8402. ruby-reline 0.3.1-1
  8403. ruby-rexml 3.2.5-1
  8404. ruby-ronn-ng 0.9.1-5
  8405. ruby-rspec 3.11.0-1
  8406. ruby-rspec-core 3.11.0-1
  8407. ruby-rspec-expectations 3.11.0-1
  8408. ruby-rspec-mocks 3.11.1-1
  8409. ruby-rspec-support 3.11.0-1
  8410. ruby-rubocop 1.36.0-1
  8411. ruby-rubocop-ast 1.21.0-1
  8412. ruby-ruby-progressbar 1.11.0-2
  8413. ruby-ruby2_keywords 0.0.5-1
  8414. ruby-rubyntlm 0.6.3-3
  8415. ruby-snmp 1.3.2-5
  8416. ruby-stdlib 3.0.4-9
  8417. ruby-stringio 3.0.2-1
  8418. ruby-term-ansicolor 1.7.1-2
  8419. ruby-test-unit 3.5.3-1
  8420. ruby-thor 1.2.1-1
  8421. ruby-time 0.2.0-2
  8422. ruby-tins 1.31.0-1
  8423. ruby-tmpdir 0.1.2-1
  8424. ruby-trollop 2.9.10-1
  8425. ruby-tty-color 0.6.0-2
  8426. ruby-tty-cursor 0.7.1-2
  8427. ruby-tty-prompt 0.23.1-1
  8428. ruby-tty-reader 0.9.0-2
  8429. ruby-tty-screen 0.8.1-2
  8430. ruby-unf 1:0.1.4-4
  8431. ruby-unf_ext 0.0.8-2
  8432. ruby-unicode-display_width 2.2.0-1
  8433. ruby-uri 0.11.0-2
  8434. ruby-webrick 1.7.0-1
  8435. ruby-webrobots 0.1.2-11
  8436. ruby-wisper 2.0.1-3
  8437. ruby-xdg 5.3.0-1
  8438. ruby2.7 2.7.6-1
  8439. rubygems 3.3.19-1
  8440. ruffle-git
  8441. run-parts 5.5-1
  8442. runa 5.7.1-1
  8443. runc 1.1.4-1
  8444. rundaemon 1.0-1
  8445. runin-git r5.b40f047-1
  8446. ruplacer 0.8.0-1
  8447. rustscan 648.a444ab6-1
  8448. rustup 1.25.1-1
  8449. rusync 0.7.0-2
  8450. rutorrent 3.10-1
  8451. rx_tools 1.0.3-4
  8452. rxvt-unicode 9.30-1
  8453. rxvt-unicode-terminfo 9.30-1
  8454. rygel 1:0.40.4-1
  8455. ryzenadj-git 0.11.0.r0.gf937c16-1
  8456. s 0.6.6-0
  8457. s-nail 14.9.24-1
  8458. s-tui 1.1.3-2
  8459. safekeep 1.5.1-1
  8460. sakura 3.8.5-1
  8461. salad 1.0.0-1
  8462. salt 3004.2-1
  8463. samba 4.16.5-1
  8464. sambascan 0.5.0-3
  8465. samsung_magician-consumer-ssd 1.0-1
  8466. samurai 1.2-2
  8467. sand-lxqt-theme 1.0-1
  8468. sandmap 579.a7c4860-1
  8469. sane 1.1.1-1
  8470. sane-airscan 0.99.27-1
  8471. sane-frontends 1.0.14-9
  8472. sane-gt68xx-firmware 1.0-9
  8473. sassc 3.6.2-3
  8474. sasteroids 3.0.1-10
  8475. sawef 32.e5ce862-1
  8476. saxon-he 11.4-1
  8477. sbc 2.0-1
  8478. sbctl 0.9-1
  8479. sbkeys 1.1.0-2
  8480. sbsigntools 0.9.4-1
  8481. sbsms 1:0.0.0-1
  8482. sbt 1:1.7.1-1
  8483. sc-controller
  8484. sc-im 0.8.2-1
  8485. sc68 2.2.1-1
  8486. scanbd 1.5.1-5
  8487. scanmem 0.17-6
  8488. scanssh 2.1-9
  8489. scantailor-advanced 1.0.16-4
  8490. scapy 2.4.5-4
  8491. scat 2:0.0.1-1
  8492. scdoc 1.11.2-4
  8493. schedtool 1.3.0-7
  8494. schroot 1.6.10-31
  8495. scid 4.7.4-1
  8496. scim 1.4.18-3
  8497. scite 5.3.0-1
  8498. scons 4.4.0-1
  8499. scopa 1.1.0a1-1
  8500. scorch-git r35.94dc147-1
  8501. scour 0.38.2-2
  8502. scponly 4.8-11
  8503. scrcpy 1.24-1
  8504. screen 4.9.0-1
  8505. screen-message 0.25-1
  8506. screenfetch 3.9.1-1
  8507. scribus 1.5.8-9
  8508. scrot 1.7-1
  8509. scrounge-ntfs 0.9-7
  8510. scrub 2.6.1-1
  8511. scrutiny-bin 0.5.0-5
  8512. scrutiny-web-frontend 0.3.13-1
  8513. scrypt 1.3.1-1
  8514. scummvm 2.6.0-1
  8515. scummvm-tools 2.6.0-1
  8516. sd 0.7.6-2
  8517. sdbus-cpp 1.2.0-1
  8518. sdcc-svn 4.1.6.svn12325M-1
  8519. sddm 0.19.0-8
  8520. sddm-archlinux-theme-git 0.1.r13.ge2054bd-1
  8521. sddm-config-editor-git 0.1.r89.g24cb417-1
  8522. sddm-futuristic-theme 0.1-3
  8523. sddm-kcm 5.25.5-1
  8524. sddm-maia-theme r219-1
  8525. sddm-nordic-theme-git 2.2.0.r2.g59251a3-1
  8526. sddm-old-breeze-theme 1.0-1
  8527. sddm-stellar-theme 0.1-2
  8528. sddm-theme-archpaint2 1.1-2
  8529. sddm-theme-archpaint2-breeze 1.1-2
  8530. sddm-theme-sugar-candy-git r41.a1fae51-1
  8531. sdedit 4.2.1-1
  8532. sdl12-compat 1.2.52-2
  8533. sdl2 2.24.0-1
  8534. sdl2_gfx 1:1.0.4-2
  8535. sdl2_image 2.6.2-1
  8536. sdl2_mixer 2.6.2-1
  8537. sdl2_net 1:2.2.0-1
  8538. sdl2_pango 0.1.2-1
  8539. sdl2_ttf 2.20.1-1
  8540. sdl2trs 1.2.24-1
  8541. sdl_gfx 2.0.26-5
  8542. sdl_image 1.2.12-7
  8543. sdl_mixer 1.2.12-11
  8544. sdl_net 1.2.8-5
  8545. sdl_pango 0.1.2-9
  8546. sdl_sound 1.0.3-8
  8547. sdl_ttf 2.0.11-6
  8548. sdlmame-cheats 0.245-1
  8549. sdparm 1.12-1
  8550. sdrangel-bin 7.6.3-1
  8551. se 3.0.1-1
  8552. se98-icon-theme-git 0.2.13-1
  8553. seabios 1.16.0-3
  8554. seahorse 1:42.0-1
  8555. seahorse-nautilus 1:3.11.92+r88+g86214b8-1
  8556. seamonkey 2.53.13-1
  8557. searchmonkey-gtk 0.8.3-2
  8558. seatd 0.7.0-2
  8559. secure-delete 1:1.b63d814-1
  8560. sed 4.8-1
  8561. selinux-python 3.4-1
  8562. semver 7.3.7-1
  8563. send_email 0.4.7-1
  8564. sensors-applet 3.0.0+13+g0728426-5
  8565. sensu-agent 6.8.0-0
  8566. sensu-backend 6.8.0-0
  8567. sensu-cli 6.8.0-0
  8568. sequoia-sqv 1.1.0-1
  8569. serd 0.30.14-1
  8570. serf 1.3.9-5
  8571. serman 2014.7-4
  8572. servicectl 1.0-1
  8573. session-desktop-bin 1.10.0-2
  8574. setcolors-git 67.99ec18b-1
  8575. setconf 0.7.7-2
  8576. setools 4.4.0-2
  8577. sfml 2.5.1-2
  8578. sfsexp 1.4.0-1
  8579. sftpman 1:1.2.2-1
  8580. sfutils
  8581. sg3_utils 1.47-1
  8582. sgml-common 0.6.3-8
  8583. sha3sum 1.2.2-1
  8584. shaderc 2022.1-4
  8585. shadered-bin 1.5.6-1
  8586. shadow 4.11.1-1
  8587. shairplay 20180824.096b61a-3
  8588. shalarm 1.7-3
  8589. shapelib 1.5.0-3
  8590. shards 0.17.0-1
  8591. shared-color-targets 0.1.7-3
  8592. shared-mime-info 2.0+155+gf4e7cbc-1
  8593. sharutils 4.15.2-4
  8594. shashlik-bin 0.9.3-4
  8595. shc 4.0.3-1
  8596. shd 0.1.4-1
  8597. shed 2.0.0-1
  8598. shell2http-bin 1.14.1-1
  8599. shellcheck 0.8.0-192
  8600. shfmt 3.5.1-1
  8601. shfs-utils 0.35-7
  8602. shhmsg 1.4.2-5
  8603. shiboken 1.2.4-5
  8604. shiboken6 6.3.1-3
  8605. shine 3.1.1-2
  8606. shntool 3.0.10-7
  8607. shorewall 5.2.8-1
  8608. shorewall-core 5.2.8-1
  8609. shorewall6 5.2.8-1
  8610. shortwave 1:3.0.0-1.1
  8611. shotcut 22.06.23-1
  8612. shotwell 2:0.30.16-2
  8613. shtool 2.0.8-2
  8614. shuffle 1.5-7
  8615. shy 0.1.10-3
  8616. sicuit 9.1-1
  8617. sigal 2.3-1
  8618. sigil 1.9.20-1
  8619. signal-desktop 5.58.0-1
  8620. signify 31-1
  8621. signon-kwallet-extension 22.08.1-1
  8622. signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25-1
  8623. signon-ui 0.17+20171022-3
  8624. signond 8.61-1
  8625. sigspotter 1.0-5
  8626. siji-git r23.c691f20-2
  8627. silicon 0.4.3-1
  8628. simgear 2020.3.13-1
  8629. simh 3.11.1-3
  8630. simona-kde-color-scheme-custom 0.0.1-1
  8631. simona-konsole-colorscheme-custom 0.0.1-1
  8632. simona-prompt-powerline-zsh 0.0.1-1
  8633. simonas-scripts 0.1.0-1
  8634. simple-scan 42.1-1
  8635. simplescreenrecorder 0.4.4-1
  8636. simplicity-sddm-theme-git 64-1
  8637. simutrans 123.0.1-1
  8638. simutrans-pak64 123.0-1
  8639. sink 0.9.0-1
  8640. sip 6.6.2-3
  8641. sipcalc 1.1.6-4
  8642. sipscan 1:0.1-7
  8643. siren 0.9-1
  8644. sizeof 0.37-1
  8645. sk1 1:2.0rc5-1
  8646. skanlite 22.08.1-1
  8647. skim 0.9.4-2
  8648. skopeo 1.9.2-1
  8649. skrooge 2.28.0-1
  8650. skychart 4.2.1-2
  8651. skycoin-bin 0.27.1-2
  8652. skypeforlinux-stable
  8653. sl 5.05-3
  8654. slack-desktop 4.28.171-1
  8655. slang 2.3.3-1
  8656. sleuthkit 4.11.1-1
  8657. slimevolley 2.4.2-5
  8658. slingshot-python3 1:0.9+5+g243aef9-1
  8659. slip 2.0.6-1
  8660. slirp4netns 1.2.0-1
  8661. slock 1.4-6
  8662. slop 7.5-7
  8663. slsk 1.0.0-1
  8664. slurp 1.3.2-3
  8665. smartcvs 7.1.9-1
  8666. smartgit 21.2.3-1
  8667. smartmontools 7.3-1
  8668. smb4k 3.1.3-1
  8669. smbclient 4.16.5-1
  8670. smbnetfs 0.6.3-3
  8671. smem 1.5-3
  8672. smile 1.7.0-1
  8673. smpeg 0.4.5-5
  8674. smplayer 22.7.0-1
  8675. smplayer-skins 1:20.11.0-1
  8676. smplayer-themes 1:20.11.0-1
  8677. smtptx 1.0-4
  8678. smtube 21.10.0-3
  8679. snack 2.2.10-11
  8680. snap-pac 3.0.1-1
  8681. snap-sync 0.7-1
  8682. snapd 2.57.1-2
  8683. snapper 0.10.2-2
  8684. snappy 1.1.9-2
  8685. snarf 7.0-8
  8686. snd 22.6-1
  8687. sndcpy-bin 1.1-2
  8688. sndio 1.9.0-1
  8689. sniffit 0.5-2
  8690. snipes-git r235.aafc30e-1
  8691. snixembed-git 0.3.0.r0.gd930513-1
  8692. snmpcheck 1.9-5
  8693. snorenotify 0.7.0-5
  8694. snort 2.9.20-1
  8695. snownews 1.9-1
  8696. sntop 1.4.3-1
  8697. soapy_power 1.6.1-10
  8698. soapyairspy 0.2.0-1
  8699. soapyaudio 0.1.1-3
  8700. soapybladerf 0.4.1-4
  8701. soapyhackrf 0.3.4-1
  8702. soapynetsdr 0.2.0-2
  8703. soapyplutosdr 0.2.1-4
  8704. soapyremote 0.5.2-1
  8705. soapyrtlsdr 0.3.3-1
  8706. soapysdr 0.8.1-3
  8707. soapysdrplay-git r64.a48b702-1
  8708. soapyuhd 0.4.1-6
  8709. socat
  8710. sof-firmware 2.2.1-1
  8711. sofia-sip 1.13.6-1
  8712. softethervpn v4.38_9760-2
  8713. softethervpn-client-manager v4.38_9760-1
  8714. softethervpn-server-manager v4.38_9760-1
  8715. softmaker-office-2018-bin 2018.982-1
  8716. soil 1.16-5
  8717. solaar 1.1.4-2
  8718. solarized-sddm-theme 0.1.8-1
  8719. solarwolfx 1.6-1
  8720. solid 5.97.0-1
  8721. solidity 0.8.16-2
  8722. sonic-visualiser 4.5-4
  8723. sonivox 3.6.11-1
  8724. sonnet 5.97.0-1
  8725. soqt 1.6.0-3
  8726. sord 0.16.12-3
  8727. sound-juicer 3.38.0+r27+g9f97ca1f-1
  8728. sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-5
  8729. sound-theme-sakura 1.0-4
  8730. soundconverter 4.0.3-1
  8731. soundfont-fluid 3.1-3
  8732. soundkonverter 3.0.1-5
  8733. soundmodem 0.20-1
  8734. soundtouch 2.3.1-2
  8735. source-highlight 3.1.9-8
  8736. sowing 1.1.26-2
  8737. sox 14.4.2-7
  8738. spacefm 1.0.6-3
  8739. spaceship-prompt 4.2.5-1
  8740. spamassassin 3.4.6-3
  8741. spampd 2.61-1
  8742. spandsp 0.0.6-3
  8743. sparforte-git 2.1.r187.ga0568e1-1
  8744. sparsehash 2.0.4-2
  8745. spatialindex 1.9.3-1
  8746. spdlog 1.10.0-3
  8747. speakup-utils 3.1.6-6
  8748. spec-git r8.9549867-1
  8749. spectacle 22.08.1-1
  8750. spectemu 0.99.3-6
  8751. spectre-meltdown-checker 0.45-1
  8752. speech-dispatcher 0.11.2-1
  8753. speed-test 3.0.0-1
  8754. speedcrunch 0.12.0-3
  8755. speedometer 2.9-1
  8756. speedpwn 8.3dd2793-1
  8757. speedtest++ 1.14.r71.0f63cfb-1
  8758. speedtest-cli 2.1.3-2
  8759. speex 1.2.1-1
  8760. speexdsp 1.2.1-1
  8761. spflashtool-bin 6.2208-1
  8762. spglib 2.0.1-1
  8763. spice 0.15.0-1
  8764. spice-gtk 0.41-2
  8765. spice-protocol 0.14.4-1
  8766. spiped 1.6.2-2
  8767. spipscan 1:69.4ad3235-4
  8768. spirv-headers 1:
  8769. spirv-llvm-translator 14.0.0.r57+g33898cef-1
  8770. spirv-tools 2022.1-1
  8771. splatmoji-git r80.cc35b5e-1
  8772. splint 3.1.2.git20180129-2
  8773. spotify 1:
  8774. spotify-qt 3.9-1
  8775. spotify-tui 0.25.0-2
  8776. spotifyd 0.3.3-1
  8777. spotlight 52.e6d845c-1
  8778. spring 106.0-1
  8779. spyder 5.3.2-2
  8780. sqlcipher 4.5.1-2
  8781. sqlite 3.39.3-1
  8782. sqlitebrowser 3.12.2-2
  8783. sqlmap-bin 1.6.8-2
  8784. square-beam-icon-theme 1.0-5
  8785. squashfs-tools 4.5.1-1
  8786. squashfuse 0.1.105-1
  8787. squid 5.7-1
  8788. squirrelmail-dev-svn r14977-1
  8789. sratom 0.6.12-1
  8790. srsgui 2.0-2
  8791. srt 1.5.0-1
  8792. ssdeep 2.14.1-3
  8793. sshfs 3.7.3-1
  8794. sshpass 1.09-1
  8795. sshrc 0.6.2-2
  8796. sshscan 1:1.0-2
  8797. sslscan 2.0.15-1
  8798. sslsplit 0.5.5-1
  8799. ssr 0.5.0-4
  8800. sssd 2.7.4-1
  8801. sstp-client 1:1.0.17-1
  8802. st 0.8.5-1
  8803. st-editor 1.0-1
  8804. stacer 1.1.0-1
  8805. stalld 1.17.0-1
  8806. stalonetray 0.8.4-2
  8807. standardnotes-bin 3.23.61-1
  8808. stardict
  8809. starship 1.10.3-1
  8810. start-stop-daemon 1.21.9-1
  8811. startdde 5.9.51-2
  8812. startup-notification 0.12-7
  8813. startupwmclassfixer 0.1.1-1
  8814. statusnotifier 1.0.0-1
  8815. steam
  8816. steam-acolyte 0.7.9-1
  8817. steam-native-runtime
  8818. steam-tweaks 0.9.1-1
  8819. steamcmd latest-3
  8820. steamrun 0.3.0-1
  8821. steamtinkerlaunch 11.0-1
  8822. stegolego 8.85354f6-3
  8823. stella 6.7-2
  8824. stellar-desktop-client 4.4-1
  8825. stellarium 0.22.2-1
  8826. stellarsolver 2.4-1
  8827. step 22.08.1-1
  8828. step-cli 0.22.0-1
  8829. stfl 0.24-5
  8830. stftp 1.1.0-4
  8831. sthttpd 2.27.1-4
  8832. stk 4.6.2-1
  8833. stockfish 1:15-3
  8834. stoken 0.92-4
  8835. stone-soup 0.29.0-1
  8836. stonks 1.0.10-1
  8837. stow 2.3.1-3
  8838. strace 5.19-1
  8839. stratis-cli 2.4.2-2
  8840. stratisd 2.4.4-1
  8841. strawberry 1.0.9-1
  8842. streamtuner2 2.2.2-1
  8843. stress 1.0.5-1
  8844. stress-ng 0.14.00-1
  8845. strigi 0.8.0.r18.e017dc9-1
  8846. strongswan 5.9.7-1
  8847. stunnel 5.65-1
  8848. stuntrally-bin 2.6-1
  8849. sub2srt 0.5.5-3
  8850. subconverter-bin 0.7.1-4
  8851. subdomainer 1.2-4
  8852. sublime-merge 2077-1
  8853. sublime-text 4126-1
  8854. subnetcalc 2.4.19-1
  8855. subsonic 6.1.6-1
  8856. subsurface 5.0.9-1
  8857. subsurface-libdc 5.0.9-1
  8858. subtitlecomposer 0.7.1-4
  8859. subtitleeditor 0.54.0-5
  8860. subversion 1.14.1-6
  8861. sucrack 1.2.3-7
  8862. sudo 1.9.11.p3-1
  8863. suil 0.10.16-3
  8864. suitesparse 5.13.0-1
  8865. sunclock 3.57-3
  8866. sundials 6.3.0-1
  8867. supermin 5.3.2-1
  8868. supertux 0.6.3-4
  8869. sushi 42.0-1
  8870. svgalib 1.9.25-5
  8871. svgcleaner 0.9.5-3
  8872. svgpart 22.08.1-1
  8873. svgtools 2021-4
  8874. svox-pico-bin 1.0+git20130326-8
  8875. svt-av1 1.2.1-1
  8876. svt-hevc 1.5.1-2
  8877. swaks 20201014.0-1
  8878. swap-digger 51.4d18ce0-1
  8879. sway 1:1.7-9
  8880. swaybg 1.1.1-1
  8881. sweep 0.9.3-6
  8882. sweeper 22.08.1-1
  8883. sweethome3d 7.0.2-1
  8884. sweethome3d-3dmodels-blendswap-cc0 1.8-1
  8885. sweethome3d-3dmodels-blendswap-ccby 1.8-1
  8886. sweethome3d-3dmodels-katorlegaz 1.8-1
  8887. sweethome3d-3dmodels-lucapresidente 1.8-1
  8888. sweethome3d-3dmodels-reallusion 1.8-1
  8889. sweethome3d-3dmodels-scopia 1.8-1
  8890. sweethome3d-3dmodels-trees 1.8-1
  8891. sweethome3d-furniture-library 1.26-1
  8892. sweethome3d-textures-contributions 1.2-2
  8893. sweethome3d-textures-scopia 1.2-2
  8894. swh-plugins 0.4.17-4
  8895. swig 4.0.2-5
  8896. swine 1.0.4-3
  8897. switchboard 6.0.2-1
  8898. switchboard-plug-bluetooth 2.3.6-2
  8899. switchboard-plug-printers 2.2.0-1
  8900. switchboard-plug-sound 2.3.1-1
  8901. switcheroo-control 2.6-1
  8902. sword 1.9.0-5
  8903. swtpm 0.7.3-1
  8904. sx 2.1.7-2
  8905. sxhkd 0.6.2-2
  8906. sxiv 26-1
  8907. sylpheed 3.7.0-6
  8908. symlinks 1.4.3-3
  8909. synclinks 2017.8-4
  8910. syncthing-relaysrv 1.21.0-1
  8911. syndication 5.97.0-1
  8912. synergy 1.10.3-3
  8913. synfig 1.4.2-2
  8914. syntax-highlighting 5.97.0-1
  8915. sysbench 1.0.20180830.6269364-1
  8916. sysfsutils 2.1.1-1
  8917. sysinternals-suite 1:5.8-1
  8918. syslinux 6.04.pre2.r11.gbf6db5b4-3
  8919. sysmon-git 1.0.1.r0.g9d5b2d8-2
  8920. sysmontask 1:1.x.x-5
  8921. sysstat 12.6.0-1
  8922. system-config-printer 1.5.18-1
  8923. system-tar-and-restore 7.0-1
  8924. systemd 251.4-1
  8925. systemd-bootchart 234-1
  8926. systemd-kcm 1.2.1-5
  8927. systemd-libs 251.4-1
  8928. systemd-removed-services-hook 1.3.4-2
  8929. systemd-swap 4.4.0-2
  8930. systemd-system-update-pacman 2-1
  8931. systemd-sysvcompat 251.4-1
  8932. systemd-ui 3-5
  8933. systemdgenie 0.99.0-4
  8934. systemsettings 5.25.5-1
  8935. systester-cli 1.5.1-4
  8936. systray-x-git 0.9.2.r12.g2488b58-1
  8937. sz 2.1.12-4
  8938. t1lib 5.1.2-8
  8939. t1utils 1.42-1
  8940. tablet-mode 2.2.0-1
  8941. tack 1.08-1
  8942. tageditor 3.7.5-1
  8943. taglib 1.12-2
  8944. taglib-extras 1.0.1-7
  8945. tagparser 11.5.0-1
  8946. tailscale 1.30.0-1
  8947. talloc 2.3.4-1
  8948. tango-icon-theme 0.8.90-14
  8949. taoup-git 1.1.12.r16.g31e5094-1
  8950. tar 1.34-1
  8951. tarlz 0.22-1
  8952. tarsnap 1.0.40-1
  8953. task 2.6.2-1
  8954. taskell 1.11.4-224
  8955. taskwarrior-tui 0.23.6-1
  8956. tasque 0.1.12-6
  8957. tbb 2021.5.0-2
  8958. tbe
  8959. tbftss-the-pandoran-war 1.5.1-1
  8960. tbsm 2022.01.23-1
  8961. tcalc 1.1.0-1
  8962. tcc 0.9.27-4
  8963. tcl 8.6.12-3
  8964. tcllib 1.21-1
  8965. tcolors-git r11.fed0e89-1
  8966. tcp-wrappers 7.6.31-4
  8967. tcpdump 4.99.1-1
  8968. tcpextract 1.1-7
  8969. tcpping 2.4-2
  8970. tcptraceroute 1.5beta7-8
  8971. tcptrack 1.4.3-1
  8972. tcpview 3.1.0-1
  8973. tcsh 6.24.01-2
  8974. tdb 1.4.7-1
  8975. tdisk-git 0.1-1
  8976. tdu 2008_05_07-2
  8977. tea-qt 61.0.0-1
  8978. teamspeak3 3.5.6-2
  8979. teamviewer 15.33.7-1
  8980. tedit 1.7.8-1
  8981. teeworlds 0.7.5-1
  8982. tekdefense-automater 88.42548cf-3
  8983. teleconsole-bin 0.4.0-1
  8984. telegram-desktop-bin 3.7.3-1
  8985. telegram-purple 1.4.7-1
  8986. telegram-qt 0.1.0-4
  8987. telegram-tdlib 1.8.0-3
  8988. telepathy-accounts-signon 2.1-2
  8989. telepathy-farstream 0.6.2-7
  8990. telepathy-gabble 0.18.4-4
  8991. telepathy-glib 0.24.2-2
  8992. telepathy-haze 0.8.1-1
  8993. telepathy-idle 0.2.2-1
  8994. telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm 22.08.1-1
  8995. telepathy-kde-approver 22.08.1-1
  8996. telepathy-kde-auth-handler 22.08.1-1
  8997. telepathy-kde-call-ui 22.08.1-1
  8998. telepathy-kde-common-internals 22.08.1-1
  8999. telepathy-kde-contact-list 22.08.1-1
  9000. telepathy-kde-contact-runner 22.08.1-1
  9001. telepathy-kde-desktop-applets 22.08.1-1
  9002. telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler 22.08.1-1
  9003. telepathy-kde-integration-module 22.08.1-1
  9004. telepathy-kde-send-file 22.08.1-1
  9005. telepathy-kde-text-ui 22.08.1-1
  9006. telepathy-logger 0.8.2-5
  9007. telepathy-logger-qt 17.09.0-1
  9008. telepathy-mission-control 5.16.6-2
  9009. telepathy-morse 0.1.0-3
  9010. telepathy-qt 0.9.8-2
  9011. telepathy-salut 0.8.1-7
  9012. tellico 3.4.4-1
  9013. template-glib 3.34.1-1
  9014. tensorboard 2.10.0-1
  9015. tensorflow 2.10.0-1
  9016. tepl 1:6.0.2-1
  9017. termbox-git r264.a04f34c-1
  9018. termcap 1.3.1-1
  9019. terminal-colors 2.2-1
  9020. terminal-mines 1.2.0-1
  9021. terminal-screensaver 0.8.2-3
  9022. terminator 2.1.1-3
  9023. terminology 1.12.1-1
  9024. terminology-themes-git r107.f807916-1
  9025. terminus-font 4.49.1-2
  9026. terminus-font-ttf 4.49.1-1
  9027. termite 16.4-2
  9028. termite-terminfo 15-8
  9029. termsyn-font 1.8.7-2
  9030. termtrack 0.7.3-2
  9031. ternimal-git r9.e7953b4-1
  9032. tesseract 5.2.0-1
  9033. tesseract-data-afr 2:4.1.0-3
  9034. tesseract-data-osd 2:4.1.0-3
  9035. testdisk-wip 7.2-1
  9036. tetrinet 0.11-9
  9037. tevent 1:0.13.0-1
  9038. tex-gyre-fonts 2.501-2
  9039. tex2png 2014.12.28-5
  9040. texi2html 5.0-7
  9041. texinfo 6.8-2
  9042. texlab 4.2.2-1
  9043. texlive-bin 2022.62885-1
  9044. texlive-core 2022.63035-1
  9045. texlive-formatsextra 2022.62529-1
  9046. texlive-games 2022.62102-1
  9047. texlive-latexextra 2022.63034-1
  9048. texlive-pictures 2022.62992-1
  9049. texlive-science 2022.62977-1
  9050. textsnatcher-git 2.0.0.r0.g7192ac1-1
  9051. texvc 1.28-3
  9052. tftp-hpa 5.2-9
  9053. tgcd 1.1.1-1
  9054. the-libs 5.1-0
  9055. the_silver_searcher 2.2.0-2
  9056. thecalculator 2.2-0
  9057. thefile 4.0.2-0
  9058. thermald 2.5-1
  9059. theterminal 3.0-0
  9060. thin-provisioning-tools 0.9.0-1
  9061. threadweaver 5.97.0-1
  9062. thrift 0.16.0-1
  9063. thumbcacheviewer
  9064. thunar 4.16.11-2
  9065. thunar-archive-plugin 0.5.0-2
  9066. thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.3.0-2
  9067. thunar-volman 4.16.0-1
  9068. thunderbird 102.2.0-1
  9069. thunderbird-60-bin 60.9.1-3
  9070. thunderbird-conversations 4.0.19-1
  9071. thunderbird-i18n-it 102.2.0-1
  9072. ti99sim 0.16.0-1
  9073. tic-80-git r2147.aa4313d0-1
  9074. tickr 0.7.1-1
  9075. tidy 5.8.0-2
  9076. tig 2.5.7-1
  9077. tigervnc 1.12.0-3
  9078. tiled 1.9.1-1
  9079. tilix 1.9.5-3
  9080. tilt 90.2bc2ef2-4
  9081. time 1.9-3
  9082. timegen 0.4-2
  9083. timer 10.6d03419-1
  9084. times-newer-roman 1-1
  9085. timeset 1.6-1
  9086. timeset-gui 2.5-1
  9087. timeshift 22.06.5-1
  9088. timew 1.4.3-3
  9089. timezonemap
  9090. timg 1.4.4-1
  9091. timidity++ 2.15.0-5
  9092. tinc 1.0.36-1
  9093. tint2 17.0.2-2
  9094. tiny-media-manager 4.3.3-1
  9095. tinybasic 1-1
  9096. tinycdb 0.78-5
  9097. tinyemu 2019_12_21-2
  9098. tinyproxy 1.11.1-2
  9099. tinyserial 20090305-4
  9100. tinyssh 20220801-1
  9101. tinyxml 2.6.2-9
  9102. tinyxml2 9.0.0-1
  9103. tipp10 3.3.0-1
  9104. tiv 2015-4
  9105. tk 8.6.12-1
  9106. tkdiff 5.5.1-1
  9107. tkimg 1.4.13-1
  9108. tkpacman 1.9.1-2
  9109. tldp-howtos-html-single 20161114-3
  9110. tldr 3.1.0-2
  9111. tlp 1.5.0-5
  9112. tlpui-git 2:1.5.0.r0.g83e4129-3
  9113. tlsh 4.7.2-3
  9114. tlssled 1.3-6
  9115. tmon 5.19-1
  9116. tmpmail-git 72.gf32c7ee-1
  9117. tmux 3.3_a-2
  9118. tmux-mem-cpu-load-git 3.4.0.r44.gb6afa5c-1
  9119. tmuxinator 3.0.5-1
  9120. tmuxp 1.13.1-1
  9121. tnef 1.4.18-2
  9122. tnftp 20210827-1
  9123. todoist 0.16.0-1
  9124. todoman 4.1.0-1
  9125. todour 2.21-1
  9126. tofrodos 1.7.13-3
  9127. toilet 0.3-1
  9128. tokei-bin 12.1.2-2
  9129. tong 1.3-4
  9130. toolbox
  9131. topgrade 9.0.1-1
  9132. tor
  9133. tor-browser 11.5.2-1
  9134. tor-browser-en 11.5.2-1
  9135. tor-router 4.001a510-1
  9136. torbrowser-launcher 0.3.5-4
  9137. torcrawl 81.3241834-2
  9138. tornado_systemd 1.0.1-1
  9139. torrent-file-editor-qt5-git 0.3.17.r12.g6f8a201-1
  9140. totem 42.0-1
  9141. totem-pl-parser 3.26.6-1
  9142. toxcore 1:0.2.13-1
  9143. toybox 0.8.8-1
  9144. tpacpi-bat 3.1-3
  9145. tpasm 1.11-1
  9146. tpc-git 0.44rc2plus-2
  9147. tpm2-tools 5.2-1
  9148. tpm2-tss 3.2.0-1
  9149. trace-cmd 3.1.2-1
  9150. traceroute 2.1.0-5
  9151. tracker 1:2.3.6+r7+gb27396252-1
  9152. tracker3 3.3.3-1
  9153. tracker3-miners 3.3.1-2
  9154. traefik 2.8.3-1
  9155. trafshow 5.2.3-7
  9156. transcode 1.1.7-40
  9157. translate-shell
  9158. translit 1.0.0-1
  9159. transmageddon 1.5-9
  9160. transmission-cli 3.00-4
  9161. transmission-gtk 3.00-4
  9162. transmission-qt 3.00-4
  9163. transmission-remote-gtk 1.5.1-1
  9164. transset-df 6-8
  9165. trash-cli
  9166. tre 0.8.0-6
  9167. tre-command 0.4.0-1
  9168. tree 2.0.2-2
  9169. tree-sitter 0.20.7-1
  9170. treefrog-framework 2.4.0-2
  9171. tribler 7.12.0-1
  9172. trid 2.24-6
  9173. trid-defs 2022.08.31-1
  9174. triehash 0.3.3-1
  9175. trizen 1:1.66-1
  9176. trousers 0.3.15-2
  9177. trovotutto 0.1-2
  9178. truehunter 14.0a2895d-1
  9179. trustedqsl 2.6.4-2
  9180. tslib 1.22-1
  9181. tsnake 0.1.5-1
  9182. tsscreenlock 2.3-0
  9183. tt-rss 2:r11325.8f19423c2-1
  9184. ttaenc 3.4.1-3
  9185. ttf-agave 37-1
  9186. ttf-anonymous-pro 1.003-6
  9187. ttf-arabeyes-fonts 20150617-2
  9188. ttf-barlow 1.422-1
  9189. ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-14
  9190. ttf-borg-sans-mono 0.2.0-1
  9191. ttf-caladea 20200113-3
  9192. ttf-calibri 5.72.20160831-1
  9193. ttf-carlito 20130920-6
  9194. ttf-cascadia-code 2111.01-1
  9195. ttf-cheapskate 2.0-20
  9196. ttf-consolas-with-powerline 5b42778-1
  9197. ttf-cormorant 3.609-1
  9198. ttf-courier-prime 1.203-5
  9199. ttf-croscore 20220607-1
  9200. ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-3
  9201. ttf-droid 20121017-10
  9202. ttf-droid-monovar 1.0-7
  9203. ttf-everson-mono 7.0.1b-2
  9204. ttf-fira-code 6.2-2
  9205. ttf-fira-mono 2:3.206-4
  9206. ttf-fira-sans 1:4.301-2
  9207. ttf-fixedsys-excelsior-linux 3.02.9-3
  9208. ttf-font-awesome 6.1.2-1
  9209. ttf-font-logos 1.0.1-2
  9210. ttf-gelasio-ib 1.007-1
  9211. ttf-gentium-basic 1.102-2
  9212. ttf-hack 3.003-3
  9213. ttf-heuristica 1.0.2-5
  9214. ttf-ibm-plex 6.0.2-1
  9215. ttf-impallari-cantora 1.001-5
  9216. ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-3
  9217. ttf-inconsolata-g 20090213-4
  9218. ttf-ionicons 6.0.3-1
  9219. ttf-iosevka 16.1.0-1
  9220. ttf-iosevka-nerd 2.2.1-1
  9221. ttf-junicode 1.003-2
  9222. ttf-liberation 2.1.5-1
  9223. ttf-linux-libertine 5.3.0-8
  9224. ttf-mac-fonts 20100901.134-1
  9225. ttf-marcellus 1.000-1
  9226. ttf-merriweather 1:2.100-1
  9227. ttf-merriweather-sans 1.008-3
  9228. ttf-monaco 6.1-6
  9229. ttf-monofur 1.0-7
  9230. ttf-mononoki 1.3-1
  9231. ttf-mph-2b-damase 002.000-1
  9232. ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-13
  9233. ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em 2.2.2-1
  9234. ttf-opendyslexic 1-3
  9235. ttf-openlogos-archupdate 1.0-2
  9236. ttf-opensans 1.101-2
  9237. ttf-paratype 1:2.005-4
  9238. ttf-perfectdos 1-2
  9239. ttf-prociono 20160215-3
  9240. ttf-proza-libre 1.0.r12.g45ea7bb-3
  9241. ttf-quintessential 1.001-6
  9242. ttf-roboto 2.138-4
  9243. ttf-roboto-mono 2:2.002-1
  9244. ttf-signika 2.000-1
  9245. ttf-sudo 0.50-1
  9246. ttf-symbola 13.00-8
  9247. ttf-tt2020 2-1
  9248. ttf-twemoji 14.0.2-1
  9249. ttf-ubraille 001.000-11
  9250. ttf-ubuntu-font-family 0.83-8
  9251. ttf-unifont 14.0.04-1
  9252. ttf-wps-fonts 1.0-5
  9253. ttpassgen 133.a06d99d-3
  9254. tttermwidget 1.0.1-0
  9255. tty-clock 2.3-1
  9256. ttyd 1.6.3-3
  9257. tucnak 4.34-1
  9258. tuimoji 1.0.0-3
  9259. tuiview 1.2.9-1
  9260. tumbler 4.16.1-1
  9261. tuna 1:0.18-1
  9262. tuned 2.19.0-1
  9263. tuner 1.5.1-2
  9264. tuntox
  9265. tuptime 5.1.0-1
  9266. turbostat 5.19-1
  9267. tusk 0.23.0-0
  9268. tuxboot 1:0.8-1
  9269. tuxclocker 0.1.1-2
  9270. tuxcmd-git 0.6.78.r6.gc39411f-1
  9271. tuxcmd-modules-git 0.6.74.r10.gbc2840a-1
  9272. tuxpaint 0.9.28-1
  9273. tvheadend 4.2.8-4
  9274. tvtime 1.0.11-4
  9275. twin 0.9.0-2
  9276. twine 4.0.1-1
  9277. twolame 0.4.0-2
  9278. twombit 1.0.5-1
  9279. txt2man 1.7.1-2
  9280. txt2tags 3.7-7
  9281. typescript 4.8.2-1
  9282. typespeed 0.6.5-9
  9283. typewriter 0.4.3-1
  9284. typora 1.3.6-1
  9285. tzdata 2022c-1
  9286. u3d 1.4.5-2
  9287. uade-quad 2.13q-2
  9288. uboot-tools 2022.07-1
  9289. ubuntu-keyring 2021.03.26-1
  9290. ubuntu-wallpapers 22.04.4-2
  9291. ucblogo 6.2.2-3
  9292. ucc 2.9-1
  9293. uchardet 0.0.7-1
  9294. uci-git r554.g4b3db11-1
  9295. ucl 1.03-9
  9296. ucon64 2.2.2-1
  9297. ucon64-gui 2.0.0-13
  9298. ucx
  9299. udefrag 5.0.0AB.8-1
  9300. udevil 0.4.4-4
  9301. udftools 2.3-1
  9302. udiskie 2.4.2-1
  9303. udisks2 2.9.4-1
  9304. udisks2-qt5 5.0.6-1
  9305. udp2raw-tunnel 20200818.0-1
  9306. ueberzug 18.1.9-4
  9307. uefi-run 0.5.0-1
  9308. uefitool-ng-git r430.2335e69-1
  9309. uefivars-git r1.1f22f91-1
  9310. uex
  9311. ufw 0.36.1-1
  9312. ufw-extras 0.7.0-3
  9313. uget 2.2.3-5
  9314. uget-integrator 1.0.0-2
  9315. uget-integrator-chrome 1.0.0-4
  9316. uget-integrator-chromium 1.0.0-4
  9317. uget-integrator-firefox 1.0.0-4
  9318. uget-integrator-opera 1.0.0-4
  9319. uglify-js 3.17.0-1
  9320. ugrep 3.9.2-1
  9321. uif2iso 0.1.7c-3
  9322. uksmd 0.0.0.r15.f10f38e3ad-2
  9323. ukui-biometric-auth 1.2.2-4
  9324. ulauncher 5.14.7-2
  9325. ultimatestunts
  9326. ultracopier
  9327. ultravnc-viewer 1.3.2-1
  9328. umbrello 22.08.1-1
  9329. umockdev 0.17.13-1
  9330. umurmur 0.2.20-1
  9331. unace 2.5-11
  9332. unadf 1.0-4
  9333. unarchiver 1.10.7-6
  9334. unarj 2.65-1
  9335. unbound 1.16.2-1
  9336. unclutter 1:1.6-2
  9337. uncrustify 0.75.1-1
  9338. undms 1.3-2
  9339. unetbootin 702-1
  9340. unibilium 2.1.1-1
  9341. unicode-character-database 14.0.0-1
  9342. unicode-cldr-annotations 39.0-1
  9343. unicode-emoji 14.0-1
  9344. unicorn 2.0.0-1
  9345. unicornscan 0.4.7-7
  9346. unifdef 2.12-2
  9347. unified-remote-server
  9348. uniflash
  9349. unionfs-fuse 2.2-1
  9350. unison 2.52.1-1
  9351. units 2.21-3
  9352. univga-bdf 1.0-7
  9353. unix-privesc-check 1.4-6
  9354. unixbench 5.1.3-4
  9355. unixcw 3.6.0-1
  9356. unixodbc 2.3.11-1
  9357. unknown-horizons 2019.1-5
  9358. uno-calculator-bin
  9359. unoconv 0.9-2
  9360. unpaper 7.0.0-1
  9361. unrar 1:6.1.7-1
  9362. unrar-free 1:0.1.0-1
  9363. unreal-speccy-portable 0.0.83-3
  9364. unrtf 0.21.10-2
  9365. unzip 6.0-19
  9366. upd72020x-fw 20200826-3
  9367. update-grub 0.0.1-7
  9368. upower 0.99.20-1
  9369. uptimed 0.4.6-2
  9370. upx 3.96-3
  9371. urbanterror 1:4.3.4-1
  9372. urh 2.9.3-2
  9373. uriparser 0.9.6-1
  9374. urlscan-git r195.83c848b-1
  9375. urlwatch 2.25-2
  9376. urxvtconfig-git 1.0.r9.gf5140f9-1
  9377. usb-canary 31.bb23552-1
  9378. usb-creator 0.3.10-3
  9379. usb_modeswitch 2.6.1-3
  9380. usbaudio-git r4.6f46c43-1
  9381. usbguard 1.1.1-3
  9382. usbimager 1.0.8-1
  9383. usbip 5.19-1
  9384. usbmuxd 1.1.1-1
  9385. usbredir 0.13.0-1
  9386. usbreset 1.0.0-2
  9387. usbrip 290.153ce22-1
  9388. usbtop 1.0-1
  9389. usbutils 014-2
  9390. usbview 3.0-2
  9391. utf8cpp 3.2.1-1
  9392. uthash 2.3.0-1
  9393. util-linux 2.38.1-1
  9394. util-linux-libs 2.38.1-1
  9395. utox 0.18.1-2
  9396. uucp 1.07-7
  9397. uusi
  9398. uutils-coreutils 0.0.15-1
  9399. uwsgi 2.0.20-7
  9400. uwsgi-plugin-mono 2.0.20-7
  9401. uwsgitop 0.11-5
  9402. v4l-utils 1.22.1-1
  9403. v4l2loopback-dc-dkms 1:1.8.2-1
  9404. v4l2ucp 2.0.2-6
  9405. vadorz 40-1
  9406. vagrant 2.3.0-7
  9407. vakzination-git r150.31dc285-1
  9408. vala 0.56.3-1
  9409. vala-panel-git 0.5.0.r16.gead4e7a-1
  9410. vale-bin 2.20.1-1
  9411. valgrind 3.19.0-5
  9412. vamp-aubio-plugins 0.5.1-5
  9413. vamp-plugin-sdk 2.10.0-1
  9414. vapoursynth R59-1
  9415. varicad-view 2022.2.02-1
  9416. variety 0.8.9-1
  9417. vasm 1.9-1
  9418. vault 1.11.3-1
  9419. vault-scanner 299.0303cf4-3
  9420. vbam-sdl 2.1.4.r573.7f1d49d3-1
  9421. vbindiff 3.0_beta5-2
  9422. vbscan 1:39.2b1ce48-3
  9423. vcdimager 2.0.1-4
  9424. vde2 2.3.3-2
  9425. vdfuse 82a-12
  9426. vdirsyncer 0.18.0-4
  9427. vdpauinfo 1.5-1
  9428. vdr 2.6.1-1
  9429. vdr-xorg 1.0-1
  9430. vecx-git v1.1.r0.gbe44a67-2
  9431. vegeta 12.8.4-3
  9432. ventoy-bin 1.0.79-5
  9433. venv-wrapper-bin 2.0.2-1
  9434. veracrypt 1.25.9-3
  9435. vertex-themes 20170128-1
  9436. vgrive 1.6.1-6
  9437. vhba-module-dkms 20211218-65
  9438. vhdtool-git r24.cafd9bf-3
  9439. vi 1:070224-5
  9440. vibrancy-colors 2.7-2
  9441. vice 3.6.1-2
  9442. vid.stab 1.1-3
  9443. vidalia 0.2.21-6
  9444. vidcutter
  9445. vifm 0.12-1
  9446. vigra 1.11.1.r67+g093d57d1-3
  9447. vim 9.0.0354-1
  9448. vim-colorschemes 20130124-1
  9449. vim-colorsupport 1.0.5-3
  9450. vim-devicons 0.11.0-1
  9451. vim-gnupg 2.7.1-2
  9452. vim-guicolorscheme 1.2-7
  9453. vim-nerdtree 6.10.16-1
  9454. vim-plug 0.11.0-1
  9455. vim-runtime 9.0.0354-1
  9456. vim-spell-en 20200604-3
  9457. vim-spell-it 20200604-3
  9458. vim-surround 2.2-1
  9459. vim-workspace 1.8.3-1
  9460. vimix-cursors 2020.02.24-5
  9461. vimix-gtk-themes 2022.04.24-1
  9462. vimix-icon-theme 2021.11.09-1
  9463. vimpc-git 0.09.2.r8.gc518610-2
  9464. vimrc-git r399.92dab794-1
  9465. vinagre 3.22.0+35+gadcb63c-2
  9466. vino 3.22.0+74+g7a95e10-1
  9467. vintage-basic-bin 1.0.3-3
  9468. virglrenderer 0.9.1-1
  9469. virt-install 4.1.0-1
  9470. virt-manager 4.1.0-1
  9471. virt-viewer 11.0-1
  9472. virt-what 1.25-1
  9473. virtio-win
  9474. virtme-git v0.1.r4.g3345a7a-1
  9475. virtualbox 6.1.38-1
  9476. virtualbox-ext-oracle 6.1.38-1
  9477. virtualbox-ext-vnc 6.1.38-1
  9478. virtualbox-guest-iso 6.1.38-1
  9479. virtualbox-guest-utils 6.1.38-1
  9480. virtualbox-host-dkms 6.1.38-1
  9481. virtualbox-sdk 6.1.38-1
  9482. virtualgl 3.0.1-1
  9483. virtualjaguar-git r504.8d86cf7-1
  9484. virustotal 4.9aea023-3
  9485. visual-grep 0.30-1
  9486. visual-studio-code-bin 1.71.0-3
  9487. visualvm 2.1.4-1
  9488. vit-git 2.2.0.r18.ge37a75d-1
  9489. vitunes 2.3-1
  9490. viu 1.4.0-2
  9491. vivaldi 5.4.2753.47-1
  9492. vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs 104.0.5112.101-1
  9493. vivaldi-snapshot-ffmpeg-codecs 104.0.5112.79-1
  9494. vivid 0.8.0-1
  9495. vizex 2.1.1c-4
  9496. vkd3d 1.4-1
  9497. vlan 1.9-6
  9498. vlc
  9499. vmaf 2.3.1-1
  9500. vms-empire 1.14-1
  9501. vmware-keymaps 1.0-3
  9502. vmware-workstation 16.2.4-1
  9503. vncdotool 1.0.0-3
  9504. vncrack 1.21-4
  9505. vnstat 2.9-1
  9506. volpack 1.0c7-2
  9507. volume_key 0.3.12-7
  9508. volumeicon 0.5.1-5
  9509. vor 0.5.8-1
  9510. vorbis-tools 1.4.2-2
  9511. vorbisgain 0.37-6
  9512. vorta 0.8.7-1
  9513. voxelands-bin 1602.00-3
  9514. voxforge-am-julius 4.3.1-1
  9515. vp 2.1.279-1
  9516. vpacman 1.4.7-1
  9517. vpcs 0.8.2-1
  9518. vpnc 1:0.5.3.r506.r204-1
  9519. vpnpivot 22.37bbde0-1
  9520. vpointer-desktop 1.0.2-1
  9521. vrms-arch 0.1.0.r25.g802c767-1
  9522. vscan 10.da4e47e-5
  9523. vsftpd 3.0.3-7
  9524. vt-cli 0.10.2-1
  9525. vte-common 0.68.0-2
  9526. vte-legacy 0.28.2-10
  9527. vte3 0.68.0-2
  9528. vtk 9.1.0-20
  9529. vtk6-legacy 6.3.0-1
  9530. vtop 0.6.1-1
  9531. vuescan-bin 9.7.82-2
  9532. vulkan-headers 1:1.3.227-1
  9533. vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.226-1
  9534. vulkan-intel 22.1.7-1
  9535. vulkan-mesa-layers 22.1.7-1
  9536. vulkan-radeon 22.1.7-1
  9537. vulkan-swrast 22.1.7-1
  9538. vulkan-tools 1.3.226-1
  9539. vulscan 2.0-4
  9540. vvave 2.2.0-1
  9541. vvv-bin 1.4.0-1
  9542. vysor-bin 4.1.77-2
  9543. w3m 0.5.3.git20220409_1-1
  9544. wacom-utility 1.21-7
  9545. waf 2.0.24-2
  9546. waffle 1.7.0-1
  9547. wahcade 0.99pre8-4
  9548. wal-git r264.a9ec79d-1
  9549. wallpaper-archpaint2 1.1-3
  9550. wallsplash 0.1-3
  9551. wallutils 5.11.1-1
  9552. warpinator 1.2.13-1
  9553. warzone2100 4.2.7-1
  9554. wasabi-wallet-bin
  9555. wascan 1:37.6926338-1
  9556. wasi-compiler-rt 14.0.6-1
  9557. wasi-libc 1:0+258+30094b6-1
  9558. wasi-libc++ 14.0.6-1
  9559. wasi-libc++abi 14.0.6-1
  9560. wasmer-bin 2.3.0-2
  9561. wastesedge 0.3.8-2
  9562. watchexec 1.20.6-1
  9563. waterfox-classic-bin 2022.08-0
  9564. wattman-gtk-git r203.54d2482-1.1
  9565. wavegain 1.3.1-4
  9566. wavemon 0.9.4-1
  9567. wavpack 5.5.0-1
  9568. waydroid 1.3.1-1
  9569. wayland 1.21.0-1
  9570. wayland-docs 1.21.0-1
  9571. wayland-protocols 1.26-1
  9572. wayland-utils 1.0.0-2
  9573. waylandpp 1.0.0-1
  9574. waypipe 0.8.3-1
  9575. wayvnc 0.5.0-1
  9576. wcmcommander 0.20.0-1
  9577. wcslib 7.11-1
  9578. wd719x-firmware 1-8
  9579. wdiff 1.2.2-4
  9580. wdisplays 1.1-1
  9581. web-news 1.6.4-9
  9582. webapp-manager 1.2.5-1
  9583. webcamoid 9.0.0-2
  9584. webhook 2.8.0-2
  9585. webkit2gtk 2.36.7-1
  9586. webkit2gtk-4.1 2.36.7-1
  9587. webkitgtk2-bin 3:2.4.11-26
  9588. webmin 1.999-1
  9589. weborf 0.19-1
  9590. webp-pixbuf-loader 0.0.6-1
  9591. webrtc-audio-processing 0.3.1-3
  9592. websearch 3.09935a5-1
  9593. webtorrent-desktop-bin 0.24.0-1
  9594. webtty 0.5.1-1
  9595. weechat 3.6-1
  9596. wego 2.1-1
  9597. welcome 3.34-1
  9598. weresync 1.1.5-1
  9599. weston 10.0.2-1
  9600. wget 1.21.3-1
  9601. wget2 2.0.1-1
  9602. wgetpaste 2.32-1
  9603. wgetpkg 0.2.0-1
  9604. wgnord 0.1.10-1
  9605. whack-a-mole-git r9.a0d161a-1
  9606. whatbreach 42.dad6b9f-3
  9607. whatmp3 3.8-1
  9608. whatportis 54.59a1718-1
  9609. whatpulse 4.2-1
  9610. whatsapp-desktop 0.5.0-1
  9611. whatsapp-nativefier 2.2222.11-1
  9612. whatsapp-purple 0.9.0-4
  9613. whatsapp-web-desktop 2.18.269-1
  9614. whatsmyname 1487.bfffea9-1
  9615. whdd 3.0.1-1
  9616. when 1.1.43-1
  9617. which 2.21-5
  9618. whipper 0.10.0-4
  9619. whitedb 0.7.3-7
  9620. whitesur-cursor-theme-git r7.5c94e8c-1
  9621. whitesur-gtk-theme-git 2022.08.26.r5.g07d3561-1
  9622. whitesur-icon-theme-git r299.1fc9d502-1
  9623. whitesur-kde-theme-git r84.5535e28-1
  9624. whois 5.5.13-1
  9625. whoogle 0.7.4-1
  9626. whowatch 1.8.6-2
  9627. wifibroot 84.d0cd2cc-2
  9628. wificurse 0.3.9-5
  9629. wiki-js-git 2.5.170.r23.g06325124-1
  9630. wikipediafs 0.4-3
  9631. wikiquote-fortune 1.5-1
  9632. wildmidi 0.4.4-1
  9633. wimlib 1.13.5-1
  9634. winamp2 2.95-2
  9635. windowmaker 0.95.9-1
  9636. windows-longhorn-icons-git r2.832012f-1
  9637. windows2usb-git 0.2.1.r0.g9f855fa-2
  9638. wine-gecko 2.47.3-1
  9639. wine-gui-git 0.14alpha.11.ged571a1-1
  9640. wine-installer 5.0.3-2
  9641. wine-mono 7.3.0-1
  9642. wine-staging 7.16-2
  9643. wine-wizard-git 3.0.2-1
  9644. winegui-bin 1.8.2-1
  9645. winetricks 20220411-1
  9646. winexe 1.00-5
  9647. winfo 2.0-5
  9648. wingpanel 3.0.2-6
  9649. wingpanel-indicator-power 6.1.0-2
  9650. winkeydaemon 1.0.PE7T-2
  9651. winregfs-git 0.7-4
  9652. wipe 2.3.1-5
  9653. wipefreespace 2.5-1
  9654. wiredtiger 10.0.0-1
  9655. wireguard-tools 1.0.20210914-1
  9656. wireless-ids 24.b132071-3
  9657. wireless-regdb 2022.08.12-1
  9658. wireless_tools 30.pre9-3
  9659. wireshark-cli 3.6.8-1
  9660. wireshark-qt 3.6.8-1
  9661. wiznote 2.8.5-1
  9662. wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6-1
  9663. wl-clipboard 1:2.1.0-2
  9664. wla_dx 10.2-1
  9665. wlc 0.0.11-2
  9666. wlcs 1.3.0-2
  9667. wlr-sunclock-git r34.acd130a-1
  9668. wlroots 0.15.1-6
  9669. wmctrl 1.07-6
  9670. wmget 0.6.1-1
  9671. woeusb 5.2.4-1
  9672. woff2 1.0.2-4
  9673. wol 0.7.1-9
  9674. wol-systemd 20210121-2
  9675. wolf-shaper 0.1.8-1
  9676. wolfenstein3d 1.4-3
  9677. wolfssl 5.4.0-1
  9678. words 2.1-6
  9679. workrave 1.10.50-1
  9680. worldwind 2.2.0-1
  9681. worm 0.3.1-1
  9682. wp2latex 3.108-1
  9683. wpa-bruteforcer 4.d5f8586-3
  9684. wpa-cute 0.8.3-1
  9685. wpa-psk 0.3.0-1
  9686. wpa_supplicant 2:2.10-5
  9687. wpa_supplicant_gui 2.10-1
  9688. wpebackend-fdo 1.12.1-1
  9689. wps-office
  9690. wpscan 1:3.8.22-2
  9691. wpsweep 1.0-1
  9692. write_stylus 300.r440-1
  9693. writerperfect 0.9.6-4
  9694. wscript 201.0410be2-1
  9695. wttr 1.2.1-2
  9696. wv 1.2.9-5
  9697. wvdial 1.61-8
  9698. wvstreams 4.6.1-18
  9699. wxgtk2.8
  9700. wxhexeditor 722.c22ce20-3
  9701. wxtoimg 2.10.11-2
  9702. wxwidgets-common 3.2.0-6
  9703. wxwidgets-gtk2 3.2.0-4
  9704. wxwidgets-gtk2-debug 3.2.0-4
  9705. wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.0-6
  9706. x11-ssh-askpass
  9707. x11docker-git r1883.bf30330-1
  9708. x11vnc 1:0.9.16-5
  9709. x16-emulator-bin r38-1
  9710. x16-rom-bin r38-1
  9711. x264 3:0.164.r3095.baee400-4
  9712. x265 3.5-3
  9713. x2goclient
  9714. x2goserver
  9715. x86_energy_perf_policy 5.19-1
  9716. x88000 1.5.3-3
  9717. x_x 0.9-2
  9718. xa 2.3.13-1
  9719. xalan-java 2.7.2-3
  9720. xampp 8.1.6-1
  9721. xaos 4.2.1-2
  9722. xapian-core 1:1.4.20-1
  9723. xapp 2.2.14-1
  9724. xarchiver
  9725. xastir 2.1.8-1
  9726. xautomation 1.09-4
  9727. xaw3d 1.6.4-1
  9728. xbat 1.1.1-5
  9729. xbindkeys 1.8.7-3
  9730. xbitmaps 1.1.2-3
  9731. xboard 4.9.1-3
  9732. xboxdrv 0.8.8-7
  9733. xbps 0.59.1-1
  9734. xca 2.4.0-2
  9735. xcalib 0.10-3
  9736. xcb-imdkit 1.0.3-1
  9737. xcb-proto 1.15.2-1
  9738. xcb-util 0.4.0-4
  9739. xcb-util-cursor 0.1.3-4
  9740. xcb-util-errors 1.0-4
  9741. xcb-util-image 0.4.0-4
  9742. xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0-4
  9743. xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.9-4
  9744. xcb-util-wm 0.4.1-4
  9745. xcb-util-xrm 1.3-2
  9746. xcftools 1.0.7-8
  9747. xchm 1.33-1
  9748. xcircuit 3.10.30-2
  9749. xclip 0.13-3
  9750. xcompmgr 1.1.8-3
  9751. xcp 0.9.1-1
  9752. xcpc 1:0.37.0-1
  9753. xcur2png 0.7.1-7
  9754. xcursor-bluecurve 0.1.1-7
  9755. xcursor-chicago95-git 2.0.1.r118.g7159007-1
  9756. xcursor-comix 0.9.2-1
  9757. xcursor-flatbed 0.4-3
  9758. xcursor-neutral 1.13a-9
  9759. xcursor-openzone 1.2.9-1
  9760. xcursor-pinux 0.3-13
  9761. xcursor-pixelfun-all 1:1.0-1
  9762. xcursor-premium 0.3-10
  9763. xcursor-semi-transparent 2016.04.15-2
  9764. xcursor-simpleandsoft 0.2-9
  9765. xcursor-themes 1.0.6-3
  9766. xdemineur 2.1.1-1
  9767. xdf 1.4.37-1
  9768. xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.4-1
  9769. xdg-desktop-portal 1.15.0-1
  9770. xdg-desktop-portal-gnome 42.3-1
  9771. xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.14.0-1
  9772. xdg-desktop-portal-kde 5.25.5-1
  9773. xdg-launch 1.12-1
  9774. xdg-open-server 1.3-1
  9775. xdg-user-dirs 0.18-1
  9776. xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10+9+g5b7efc6-3
  9777. xdg-utils 1.1.3+21+g1a58bc2-1
  9778. xdgmenumaker 2.0-1
  9779. xdialog 2.3.1-9
  9780. xdiskusage 1.60-2
  9781. xdm-archlinux 0.7-2
  9782. xdman 2020.7.2.11-2
  9783. xdotool 3.20211022.1-1
  9784. xdotool-gui 1.2-2
  9785. xdx 2.5.0-1
  9786. xed 3.2.7-1
  9787. xemu-git 0.7.67.r0.g940bee452c-1
  9788. xerces-c 3.2.3-6
  9789. xerces2-java 2.12.1-1
  9790. xf86-input-elographics 1.4.2-3
  9791. xf86-input-evdev 2.10.6-3
  9792. xf86-input-libinput 1.2.1-1
  9793. xf86-input-synaptics 1.9.2-1
  9794. xf86-input-vmmouse 13.1.0-6
  9795. xf86-input-void 1.4.1-6
  9796. xf86-input-wacom 1.1.0-1
  9797. xf86-video-amdgpu 22.0.0-1
  9798. xf86-video-ati 1:19.1.0.r15.g7a6a34af-1
  9799. xf86-video-dummy 0.4.0-1
  9800. xf86-video-fbdev 0.5.0-3
  9801. xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+916+g31486f40-2
  9802. xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.17-2
  9803. xf86-video-openchrome 0.6.0.r763.gdc661c5-1
  9804. xf86-video-qxl 0.1.5.r16.g52c421c-2
  9805. xf86-video-sisusb 0.9.7-4
  9806. xf86-video-vesa 2.5.0-3
  9807. xf86-video-vmware 13.3.0-4
  9808. xf86-video-voodoo 1.2.5-12
  9809. xfburn 0.6.2-1
  9810. xfce4-appfinder 4.16.1-2
  9811. xfce4-artwork 0.1.1a_git20110420-6
  9812. xfce4-battery-plugin 1.1.4-1
  9813. xfce4-clipman-plugin 1.6.2-1
  9814. xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.2.7-1
  9815. xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 1.2.6-1
  9816. xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.8.1-1
  9817. xfce4-dev-tools 4.16.0-1
  9818. xfce4-dict 0.8.4-1
  9819. xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.7.0-1
  9820. xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.6.0-1
  9821. xfce4-finder 1.0.3-1
  9822. xfce4-fsguard-plugin 1.1.2-1
  9823. xfce4-genmon-plugin 4.1.1-1
  9824. xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.3.0-1
  9825. xfce4-mount-plugin 1.1.5-1
  9826. xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.5.2-2
  9827. xfce4-netload-plugin 1.4.0-1
  9828. xfce4-notes-plugin 1.9.0-1
  9829. xfce4-notifyd 0.6.4-1
  9830. xfce4-panel 4.16.5-1
  9831. xfce4-power-manager 4.16.0-3
  9832. xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 0.4.4-1
  9833. xfce4-screenshooter 1.9.11-1
  9834. xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.4.3-1
  9835. xfce4-session 4.16.0-2
  9836. xfce4-settings 4.16.3-1
  9837. xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.5.2-1
  9838. xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.3.1-1
  9839. xfce4-taskmanager 1.5.4-1
  9840. xfce4-terminal 1.0.4-1
  9841. xfce4-time-out-plugin 1.1.2-1
  9842. xfce4-timer-plugin 1.7.1-1
  9843. xfce4-verve-plugin 2.0.1-1
  9844. xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.6.3-1
  9845. xfce4-weather-plugin 0.11.0-1
  9846. xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2.7.1-1
  9847. xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.8.3-1
  9848. xfconf 4.16.0-2
  9849. xfdesktop 4.16.1-1
  9850. xfe-arch 1.43.2-1
  9851. xfhell 3.3-1
  9852. xfig 3.2.8-1
  9853. xfmpc 0.3.0-4
  9854. xfractint 20.04p16-1
  9855. xfsprogs 5.19.0-1
  9856. xfsudo 0.7.1-2
  9857. xfwm4 4.16.1-3
  9858. xfwm4-themes 4.10.0-4
  9859. xgalaga++ 0.9-2
  9860. xiaomi-adb-fastboot-tools-bin 7.0.3-1
  9861. xiaomitool-v2 20.7.28-2
  9862. xiccd 0.3.0-1
  9863. xine-lib 1.2.12-2
  9864. xine-ui 0.99.13-2
  9865. xinetd
  9866. xinit-xsession 1-3
  9867. xiphos-chess-git 60-1
  9868. xjadeo 0.8.11-1
  9869. xkeyboard-config 2.36+89+g382c5feb-1
  9870. xkeycaps 2.47-2
  9871. xkeysnail 0.4.0-1
  9872. xl2tpd 1.3.17-1
  9873. xloadimage 4.1-15
  9874. xlockmore 5.71-1
  9875. xlog 2.0.24-2
  9876. xlogin-git 14-1
  9877. xmedcon-gtk2 0.17.0-1
  9878. xmldiff 2.4-4
  9879. xmlsec 1.2.34-2
  9880. xmlstarlet 1.6.1-3
  9881. xmlto 0.0.28-4
  9882. xmltoman 0.4-4
  9883. xmobar 0.43-7
  9884. xmonad 0.17.1-2
  9885. xmonad-contrib 0.17.1-1
  9886. xmonad-utils
  9887. xmoto 0.6.1-1
  9888. xmouseless-git r36.19537ed-1
  9889. xmp 4.1.0-1
  9890. xnconvert 1.95.0-1
  9891. xnec2c 4.4.6-1
  9892. xnoise 0.2.21-5
  9893. xnp2 0.86-3
  9894. xnviewmp 1.3.0-1
  9895. xonsh 0.13.1-1
  9896. xorg-appres 1.0.6-1
  9897. xorg-bdftopcf 1.1-3
  9898. xorg-docs 1.7.2-1
  9899. xorg-font-util 1.3.3-1
  9900. xorg-font-utils 7.6-6
  9901. xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.3-7
  9902. xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.3-7
  9903. xorg-fonts-alias-100dpi 1.0.4-1
  9904. xorg-fonts-alias-75dpi 1.0.4-1
  9905. xorg-fonts-alias-cyrillic 1.0.4-1
  9906. xorg-fonts-alias-misc 1.0.4-1
  9907. xorg-fonts-cyrillic 1.0.3-6
  9908. xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.6-1
  9909. xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.3-10
  9910. xorg-fonts-type1 7.7-6
  9911. xorg-iceauth 1.0.9-1
  9912. xorg-mkfontscale 1.2.2-1
  9913. xorg-oclock 1.0.5-1
  9914. xorg-server 21.1.4-1
  9915. xorg-server-common 21.1.4-1
  9916. xorg-server-devel 21.1.4-1
  9917. xorg-server-xephyr 21.1.4-1
  9918. xorg-server-xnest 21.1.4-1
  9919. xorg-server-xvfb 21.1.4-1
  9920. xorg-sessreg 1.1.2-3
  9921. xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.3-1
  9922. xorg-smproxy 1.0.6-4
  9923. xorg-twm 1.0.12-1
  9924. xorg-util-macros 1.19.3-1
  9925. xorg-xauth 1.1.2-1
  9926. xorg-xbacklight 1.2.3-3
  9927. xorg-xbiff 1.0.4-3
  9928. xorg-xcalc 1.1.1-1
  9929. xorg-xclipboard 1.1.4-1
  9930. xorg-xclock 1.1.1-1
  9931. xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.6-1
  9932. xorg-xconsole 1.0.8-1
  9933. xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.7-3
  9934. xorg-xdm 1.1.13-1
  9935. xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.3-4
  9936. xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.6-3
  9937. xorg-xedit 1.2.3-1
  9938. xorg-xev 1.2.5-1
  9939. xorg-xeyes 1.2.0-1
  9940. xorg-xfd 1.1.3-3
  9941. xorg-xfontsel 1.1.0-1
  9942. xorg-xgamma 1.0.6-4
  9943. xorg-xhost 1.0.8-3
  9944. xorg-xinit 1.4.1-3
  9945. xorg-xinput 1.6.3-3
  9946. xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.5-1
  9947. xorg-xkbevd 1.1.4-4
  9948. xorg-xkbutils 1.0.5-1
  9949. xorg-xkill 1.0.5-3
  9950. xorg-xload 1.1.4-1
  9951. xorg-xlogo 1.0.5-3
  9952. xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.3-3
  9953. xorg-xlsclients 1.1.4-3
  9954. xorg-xlsfonts 1.0.7-1
  9955. xorg-xmag 1.0.7-1
  9956. xorg-xman 1.1.5-3
  9957. xorg-xmessage 1.0.6-1
  9958. xorg-xmodmap 1.0.11-1
  9959. xorg-xpr 1.1.0-1
  9960. xorg-xprop 1.2.5-1
  9961. xorg-xrandr 1.5.1-2
  9962. xorg-xrdb 1.2.1-1
  9963. xorg-xrefresh 1.0.7-1
  9964. xorg-xset 1.2.4-3
  9965. xorg-xsetroot 1.1.2-3
  9966. xorg-xvidtune 1.0.3-5
  9967. xorg-xvinfo 1.1.4-3
  9968. xorg-xwayland 22.1.3-1
  9969. xorg-xwd 1.0.8-1
  9970. xorg-xwininfo 1.1.5-3
  9971. xorg-xwud 1.0.6-1
  9972. xorgproto 2022.2-1
  9973. xorsearch 1.11.4-1
  9974. xorstrings 0.0.1-3
  9975. xosd 2.2.14-10
  9976. xosview 1.23-1
  9977. xournalpp 1.1.1-1
  9978. xpacman 0.11-8
  9979. xpad 5.8.0-1
  9980. xplanet 1.3.1-4
  9981. xplc 0.3.13-10
  9982. xplot
  9983. xplr 0.19.0-1
  9984. xpra 4.3.3-1
  9985. xprintidle 0.2.4-1
  9986. xpsk31 3.6.1-1
  9987. xrdp 0.9.19-1
  9988. xreader 3.4.2-1
  9989. xritty 0.6-2
  9990. xrn 10.11-1
  9991. xrootd 5.5.0-1
  9992. xsane 0.999-5
  9993. xsane-gimp 0.999-5
  9994. xsatcom 3.2-1
  9995. xscreensaver 6.04-1
  9996. xsdm-git 1.0.0.r1.g552b5e1-1
  9997. xsel
  9998. xsensors 0.80-3
  9999. xsettings-client 0.10-9
  10000. xsettingsd 1.0.2-1
  10001. xsimd 9.0.1-1
  10002. xspy 1.0c-6
  10003. xsss 0.40b-7
  10004. xstarter 0.8.1-1
  10005. xsw 0.3.5-3
  10006. xteddy 2.2-5
  10007. xterm 372-2
  10008. xtrabackup 8.0.29_22-1
  10009. xtrlock 2.15-1
  10010. xtux 20030306-1
  10011. xuserrun-git r6.de60127-1
  10012. xvidcore 1.3.7-2
  10013. xvkbd 4.1-1
  10014. xwallpaper 0.7.4-1
  10015. xwax 1.8-1
  10016. xwefax 2.4.4-1
  10017. xwxapt 3.4.2-1
  10018. xxdiff 5.1-1
  10019. xxhash 0.8.1-2
  10020. xz 5.2.6-1
  10021. yabasic 2.90.2-1
  10022. yabause-qt 0.9.15-3
  10023. yacpi 3.0.1-5
  10024. yad-eos 12.0-1.3
  10025. yadm 3.2.1-1
  10026. yaegi 0.14.1-1
  10027. yajl 2.1.0-5
  10028. yakuake 22.08.1-1
  10029. yakuake-session-git 0d0d445-1
  10030. yakyak-git v1.5.12.rolling.beta.r36.g8f8cbc0-1
  10031. yamdi 1.9-4
  10032. yaml-cpp 0.7.0-2
  10033. yamllint 1.27.1-2
  10034. yandex-browser-beta
  10035. yaourt 1.9-1
  10036. yaourt-gui 1.5-2
  10037. yapf 0.32.0-1
  10038. yara 4.2.3-1
  10039. yara-rules 1796.0f93570-1
  10040. yarn 1.22.19-1
  10041. yarock-mpv 1.4.0-1
  10042. yarsync 0.1.1-1
  10043. yaru-gtk-theme 22.10.1-1
  10044. yas-git
  10045. yasm 1.3.0-5
  10046. yate 6.4.0-2
  10047. yay 11.3.0-1
  10048. yaz 5.32.0-1
  10049. yaze 2.40.5-1
  10050. ycrawler 0.1-6
  10051. ydotool 1.0.1-2
  10052. yed 1:3.22-1
  10053. yefm 0.2-3
  10054. yelp 42.1-2
  10055. yelp-tools 42.0-1
  10056. yelp-xsl 42.0-1
  10057. yetris 2.3.0-3
  10058. yfklog 0.6.0-2
  10059. yfktest r671-1
  10060. yin-yang-git 1.0.beta.r214.ge15663f-1
  10061. ympd 1.3.0-4
  10062. yodl 4.03.03-1
  10063. yoshimi 2.2.2-1
  10064. you-get 0.4.1620-1
  10065. your-freedom-network 20200925-1
  10066. youtube-dl 2021.12.17-1
  10067. youtube-tool 1.0.11-2
  10068. youtube-viewer 1:3.10.2-1
  10069. yp-tools 4.2.3-6
  10070. ypbind-mt 2.7.2-1
  10071. yq 3.1.0-1
  10072. yrd 0.5.3-6
  10073. ysflight 20181124-1
  10074. yt-dlp 2022.09.01-1
  10075. yt-watch 3.0-1
  10076. ytree 2.04-1
  10077. yubico-c 1.13-6
  10078. yubico-c-client 2.15-5
  10079. yubikey-full-disk-encryption r150.2c5fdf3-1
  10080. yubikey-manager 4.0.9-1
  10081. yubikey-personalization 1.20.0-3
  10082. yubioath-desktop 5.1.0-3
  10083. yup-bin 1.1.8-3
  10084. yuranpad 2.4-1
  10085. z 1.11-2
  10086. z3 4.11.0-1
  10087. z80-asm 2.4.pre3-3
  10088. z80ex 1.1.21-1
  10089. z81 2.1-1
  10090. zafiro-icon-theme 1.3-3
  10091. zam-plugins 3.14-1
  10092. zart 2.9.7-6
  10093. zbar 0.23.1-9
  10094. zbar-desktop 0.0.5-2
  10095. zboy 0.53-1
  10096. zchunk 1.1.12-1
  10097. zeit-git 0.6.0.r0.gc80c6d2-1
  10098. zeitgeist 1.0.4-1
  10099. zenity 3.43.0-1
  10100. zenkit 20211006-1
  10101. zenmonitor3-git 89.2e68a31-1
  10102. zenphoto 1.4.10-1
  10103. zenpower3-dkms 0.2.0-3
  10104. zenstates-git r6.0bc27f4-1
  10105. zerofree 1.1.1-1
  10106. zeromq 4.3.4-2
  10107. zesarux 10.1-1
  10108. zeus-scanner 414.21b8756-4
  10109. zfp 0.5.5-5
  10110. zfs-utils 2.1.6-1
  10111. zget 0.11.1-2
  10112. zig 0.9.1-2
  10113. zigbee2mqtt 1.27.2-1
  10114. zile 2.6.2-2
  10115. zim 0.74.3-1
  10116. zim-tools 3.1.1-2
  10117. zimg 3.0.4-1
  10118. zinnia 0.07-1
  10119. zint 2.11.0-1
  10120. zint-qt 2.11.0-1
  10121. zip 3.0-10
  10122. zipf 1.0.5-1
  10123. ziproxy 3.3.2-3
  10124. zipwalk 1.0-1
  10125. zita-ajbridge 0.8.4-1
  10126. zita-alsa-pcmi 0.5.1-1
  10127. zita-convolver 4.0.3-2
  10128. zita-resampler 1.8.0-1
  10129. zizzania 124.8f2062f-1
  10130. zlib 1:1.2.12-2
  10131. zmap 2.1.1-8
  10132. znc 1.8.2-10
  10133. zola 0.16.1-1
  10134. zoom-firefox 0.0.3-0
  10135. zopfli 1.0.3-2
  10136. zotero-bin 6.0.13-1
  10137. zpaq 7.15-1
  10138. zsh 5.9-1
  10139. zsh-autosuggestions 0.7.0-1
  10140. zsh-completions 0.34.0-2
  10141. zsh-doc 5.9-1
  10142. zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-git r884.9a5a4a5-1
  10143. zsh-git-prompt 0.5-1
  10144. zsh-history-substring-search 1.0.2-1
  10145. zsh-lovers 0.9.1-3
  10146. zsh-plugin-wd-git v0.4.6.r7.a5d5ced-1
  10147. zsh-prompt-ys 1.0.0-1
  10148. zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.7.1-1
  10149. zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git r4060.4bbb198-1
  10150. zshdb 1.1.2-1
  10151. zsnes 2.0.10-1
  10152. zssh 1.5c-13
  10153. zstd 1.5.2-7
  10154. zsync 0.6.2-5
  10155. zuki-themes-git r256.5cc9f1c-3
  10156. zulu-16-bin 16.0.2-1
  10157. zulucrypt 6.2.0-1
  10158. zurl 1.11.1-1
  10159. zutty 0.12-1
  10160. zvbi 0.2.35-4
  10161. zxing 2.2-1
  10162. zxing-cpp 1.4.0-1
  10163. zziplib 0.13.72-1
  10164. zzuf 0.15-3
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