
Clone Wars

May 25th, 2016
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  1. “This is stupid. Misaka communicates with utter disdain.” A figure spoke, her green visor aglow in the shadows of the day, her uniformed figure standing out against the dark background within which she’s perched. “Spying on rivals is one thing but Misaka doesn’t see how watching where the free delivers go will have any impact on Misaka’s profit margin. Misaka sighs with exasperation.”
  3. “Misaka should stop complaining. It’s not like if Misaka is anything more than shock troop. Misaka answers wary of complaints.” Beside the girl another stood, identical in every way, eyes glued upon the target, a trio consisting of a young man more boyish and cute than anything manly, a girl of beautiful red hair, and another with ice blue hair and eyes. The meek looking red head seemed as if she was about to wilt under the boy’s stern gaze. “Misaka notes that the targets seem to be talking to each other, and would like for Misaka’s partner to get off of her lazy fat ass and start preparing the sound scanning laser. Misaka says with pointed false politeness and implicit threat.”
  5. The first girl simply rolled her eyes, turning around and fishing for the components which she needed to assemble the apparatus even as she talked back to the girl beside her.
  7. “Misaka notes that Misaka’s threats have been getting stale of late. Misaka also notes that Misaka must be suffering badly from being taken off of ‘street’ work duty for an espionage assignment. Misaka suggests that maybe Misaka’s nethers are getting the dry itch like the slut hole she is. Misaka returns volley with a polite and generous smile.”
  9. “Misaka recommends that Misaka shut her bloody whore mouth before Misaka clocks a bitch! Misaka intimidates sternly.” The second girl glared, taking the object from the first’s loose grip. “Now quiet, Misaka needs to concentrate. Misaka dismisses.”
  11. The two settled down almost as if a switch had been flipped, perfect stillness reigning as the invisible beam of light was bounced against a small discarded soda can right beside their targets.
  13. “…Oh lord did you HAVE to leave one of the good ones there? Geez… Genma’s going to take the loss of a combat model out my hide, and if I have to suffer then you’re going to be suffering right along with me. Even if it’s mostly a blank we don’t hand out potential weaponry for free.” The brown haired young man’s angry scowl bore down upon the red head, as he swiped his hand upside her head in a show of displeasure. “What the hell were you even thinking?”
  15. The young woman whimpered, her red hair obviously disarrayed even at the distance from which they were being observed.
  17. “I… I…” She stuttered, eyes down to the ground with a light sob. “I thought that it should be one of our good ones... I just wanted her to have a good home.”
  19. “You do realize she’s probably just going to be a glorified sex toy right? You could have just used any of the generic brand girls. Good lord why did I even let you go in for offloading duty?” The young man sighed.
  21. “Because you were busy soliciting sex from strange men.” The bluette spoke with ice calm, twirling a knife between her fingers as she waited, ignoring the angry glare which returned her way. "What? You wanted an answer."
  23. The young man sighed again... louder than before.
  25. "Ugg... insubordination everywhere... No respect at all." The youth sighed a third time, then turned to look the bluette in the eye. "Either way let’s get back on the truck, still have a few more deliveries to make before we drop the rest off at the Sky Branch HQ. Commander Ritsuko will probably murder another Rei if we don't hurry. Got to get the rest of the combat models in, and keep this looking like a standard delivery."
  27. "That's fine by me. Little bitches usually have it coming." The Bluette sniffed disdainfully.
  29. "... you know far be it for me to disagree with you, but haul ass anyway." The boy rolled his eyes, even as he pulled the other crying red head to her feet, still scrubbing at her eyes with her palms, as he waved them all back into the parked delivery truck which they’d been beside the whole time. They drove off soon after, back set on a route almost seemingly arcane.
  31. In the distance the watching pair begin to scramble almost immediately into action, reaching hands out towards each other as a spark leapt between them, the buzz of their synchronized power the only proof of what they were doing.
  33. "Misaka confirms this to be a drop off for sampled goods, low scale delivery. Alpha vectors continue to keep eyes on the target, teams review route. This is a combat delivery. Repeat this is a combat delivery. Misaka urges with urgency."
  35. All about the neighborhood they emerged, eyes upon the payload as it began to move, green visors glaring despite the bright midday sun. Two become six, six become twelve as they hustle in perfect coordination towards their target; eyes forward and without fear.
  37. The only indication which was given was the initial blast. The sound of a bullet slamming into the heavy reinforced tires of the truck only to work its way though, accelerated by the power of several of the identical Little sisters together, the electric buzz of the three who accomplished the feat still audible as the gathered their weapons for the confrontation to come.
  39. “Fuck... Guys, we’ve got company…” the cry came from within the truck its ruined wheel forcing the driver into a wild swerve, before having to pull to a hault. “Broad flipping daylight too… what the hell.”
  41. “Think they know… what we’re…” The redhead asked from her seat behind the other two.
  43. “Dammit If I know, but it looks like hostiles are coming out of the woodworks.” The boy noted, eyes darting every which way, until he caught a flash of a white uniform top. “… oh great, really? Rival company incoming it seems. Not a simple flat tire… this is Corporate Espionage.”
  45. “Did somebody say my favourities words?” The Bluette seemed to waken all at once, her previously dozing form, having slept though even the wild swerves caused by your now busted tire had not woken her up.
  47. “Yeah, suit up… I’ll start waking; you and Asuka just get out there and keep the bloody Little Sisters busy for now. The Academia… dammit… I figured Spiral Corp would have been the ones to try something… even got some bloody wards against their battle-mages on the shipment too.” The boy complained as he moved into action, swinging out of the front and into the containers held behind him.
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