Guest User


a guest
Feb 21st, 2017
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  2. // OPTIONS
  3. // set '1' for 'ON' and '0' for 'OFF'
  5. #master=1
  7. #activechat=1
  8. #money=1
  9. #bank=0
  10. #shop=1
  11. #tpa=1
  12. #guildinfo=1
  13. #ping=1
  14. #mail=1
  15. #votes=1
  16. #server=1
  18. #debug=0
  20. // TAGS
  21. &tag_activechat="§r§8§l>>>§r"
  22. &tag_afk="§r§8[§7§lAFK§r§8]§r"
  24. &tag_money="§r§8[§r§aMoney§r§8]§r"
  25. &tag_itime="§r§8[§r§aiTime§r§8]§r"
  26. &tag_bank="§r§8[§r§aBank§r§8]§r"
  27. &tag_shop="§r§8[§r§aShop§r§8]§r"
  29. &tag_tpa="§r§8[§r§aTpa§r§8]§r"
  31. &tag_ping="§r§8[§r§aPing§r§8]§r"
  32. &tag_mail="§r§8[§r§aMail§r§8]§r"
  34. &tag_votes="§r§8[§r§aVotes§r§8]§r"
  36. &tag_arrow="§r§8»§r"
  37. &tag_pipe="§r§8|§r"
  38. &tag_pipeend="§r§8L§r"
  40. if(#master)
  41. // Chat (NICHT ANGEFANGEN)
  42. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[G] ")
  43. else
  44. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§9[T] ")
  45. else
  46. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] ")
  47. else
  48. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§b[h] ")
  49. else
  50. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[S] ")
  51. else
  52. // Guild Chat (NICHT ANGEFANGEN)
  53. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[Guild] > ")
  54. else
  55. // Shop ("SHOP VOLL" HINZUFÜGEN)
  56. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] ")
  57. if(#shop)
  58. ifcontains(%CHAT%,") von ")
  59. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] §r§fDu hast §r§a")
  60. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) von (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  61. else
  62. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) von (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  63. endif
  64. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7bought§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r §7from§r §3%&shop_player%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  65. #cut=1
  66. endif
  67. ifcontains(%CHAT%,") an ")
  68. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] §r§fDu hast §r§a")
  69. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) an (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  70. else
  71. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) an (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  72. endif
  73. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7sold§r §3%&shop_player%§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  74. #cut=1
  75. endif
  76. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat von dir §r§a")
  77. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis Steuern) gekauft.§r")
  78. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r \(0.01 Kadis Steuern\) gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  79. else
  80. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  81. endif
  82. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7bought§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  83. #cut=1
  84. else
  85. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat von dir ")
  86. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis Steuern) gekauft.§r")
  87. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r \(0.01 Kadis Steuern\) gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  88. else
  89. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  90. endif
  91. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7bought§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  92. #cut=1
  93. endif
  94. endif
  95. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat dir §r§a")
  96. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  97. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7sold§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  98. #cut=1
  99. else
  100. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat dir ")
  101. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_player,&shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  102. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7sold§r §e%&shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  103. #cut=1
  104. endif
  105. endif
  106. endif
  107. else
  108. // Money
  109. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] ")
  110. if(#money)
  111. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] §r§2Balance: §r§f")
  112. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2Balance: §r§f(.*) Kadis§r",{&money_pocket})
  113. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7got§r §e%&money_pocket%§r §eKadis§r §7in§r §7your§r §7pocket§r§7.§r")
  114. #cut=1
  115. endif
  116. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] §r§2You have sent §r§f")
  117. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2You have sent §r§f(.*) Kadis§r§2 to §r§f(.*)§r§2.§r",{&money_payed,&money_receiver})
  118. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7have§r §7sent§r §e%&money_payed%§r §eKadis§r §7to§r §3%&money_receiver%§r§7.§r")
  119. #cut=1
  120. endif
  121. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"§r§2 has sent you §r§f")
  122. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§f(.*)§r§2 has sent you §r§f(.*) Kadis§r§2.§r",{&money_sender,&money_received})
  123. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7recieved§r §e%&money_received%§r §7from§r §3%&money_sender%§r§7.§r")
  124. #cut=1
  125. endif
  126. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"'s Balance: §r§f")
  127. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2(.*)'s Balance: §r§f(.*) Kadis§r",{&money_name,&money_pocket})
  128. log("%&tag_money%§r §3%&money_name%§r §7has§r §e%&money_pocket%§r §eKadis§r §7in§r §7the§r §7pocket§r§7.§r")
  129. #cut=1
  130. endif
  131. endif
  132. else
  133. // Ping
  134. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r§aPING§r§6]§r§7: §r§aDein Ping ist: §r§6")
  135. if(#ping)
  136. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[§r§aPING§r§6\]§r§7: §r§aDein Ping ist: §r§6(.*)§r",{&ping_ping})
  137. log("%&tag_ping%§r§7 Your ping is §e%&ping_ping%§r §ems§r§7.§r")
  138. #cut=1
  139. endif
  140. else
  141. // iTime
  142. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fTime§r§2] §r§2Balance: §r§f")
  143. if(#money)
  144. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fTime§r§2\] §r§2Balance: §r§f(.*) Minutes§r",{&itime_itime})
  145. log("%&tag_itime%§r§7 You have §b%&itime_itime%§r &biTime§r§7.§r")
  146. #cut=1
  147. endif
  148. else
  149. // Mail
  150. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r")
  151. if(#mail)
  152. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[§r(.*)§r§6\] §r(.*)§r",{&mail_sender,&mail_message})
  153. log("%&tag_arrow%§r §3%&mail_sender%§r§f:§r §f%&mail_message%§r")
  154. if(#mail_just_sent)
  155. #mail_just_sent=0
  156. if(&mail_receiver=&mail_sender)
  157. #mail_refresh=1
  158. echo("/tpa")
  159. log("mail refresh set")
  160. endif
  161. endif
  162. #cut=1
  163. endif
  164. else
  165. if(#mail)
  166. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast keine Nachrichten.§r")
  167. &mail_mails="0"
  168. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%&mail_mails% mails§7.")
  169. #cut=1
  170. endif
  171. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast keine neue Nachrichten.§r")
  172. &mail_mails="0"
  173. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%&mail_mails% mails§7.")
  174. #cut=1
  175. endif
  176. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e ---- §r§6Mail: read §r§e--§r§6 Seite §r§c")
  177. match(%CHAT%,"§e ---- §r§6Mail: read §r§e--§r§6 Seite §r§c(.*)§r§6/§r§c(.*) §r§e----§r",{&mail_page_now,&mail_page_of})
  178. if(&mail_page_of="1")
  179. if(&mail_mails="1")
  180. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 There is §e1 mail§7 in your mailbox.")
  181. else
  182. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 There are §e%&mail_mails% mails§7 in your mailbox.")
  183. endif
  184. else
  185. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 Opening mailbox §e%&mail_page_now%§7 of §e%&mail_page_of%§7. You got §e%&mail_mails% mails§7.")
  186. endif
  187. #cut=1
  188. endif
  189. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§6 wurde diese Mail gesendet:§r")
  190. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 wurde diese Mail gesendet:§r",{&mail_receiver})
  191. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You sent §3%&mail_receiver%§7 the following mail:")
  192. #mail_just_sent=1
  193. #cut=1
  194. endif
  195. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast §r§c")
  196. match(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast §r§c(.*) §r§6Nachrichten\! Schreibe §r§c/mail read§r§6 um deine Nachrichten anzuzeigen.§r",{&mail_mails})
  197. if(#mail_refresh=0)
  198. if(&mail_mails!="0")
  199. if(&mail_mails="1")
  200. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%&mail_mails% mail§7. Type §a/mail read§7 to read it.")
  201. else
  202. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%&mail_mails% mails§7. Type §a/mail read§7 to read them.")
  203. endif
  204. endif
  205. endif
  206. #cut=1
  207. endif
  208. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Nachrichten gelöscht!§r")
  209. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You cleared your mailbox.")
  210. &mail_mails="0"
  211. #cut=1
  212. endif
  213. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um deine Nachrichten zu löschen, schreibe§r§c /mail clear.§r")
  214. if(%&mail_page_of%="0")
  215. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 Your mailbox is empty.")
  216. log("§4§lMAILBOX§r")
  217. else
  218. if(%&mail_page_of%="1")
  219. log("%&tag_arrow%§r§7 Clear your mailbox with §c/mail clear§7.")
  220. else
  221. log("%&tag_arrow%§r§7 Use §a/mail read 1§8..§a%&mail_page_of%§7 to read and §c/mail clear§7 to clear.")
  222. endif
  223. endif
  224. #cut=1
  225. endif
  226. endif
  227. // ActiveChat
  228. if(#activechat)
  229. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt mit §r§f")
  230. match(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt mit §r§f(.*)§r§e.§r",{&activechat_active})
  231. &activechat_colored="§d%&activechat_active%"
  232. #updatelabel=1
  233. #updatechat=1
  234. #cut=1
  235. endif
  236. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt in §r")
  237. match(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt in §r(.*)§r§e.§r",{&activechat_colored})
  238. strip(&activechat_active,%&activechat_colored%)
  239. #updatelabel=1
  240. #updatechat=1
  241. #cut=1
  242. endif
  243. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eSpieler wurde nicht gefunden.§r")
  244. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 Player not found...")
  245. #cut=1
  246. endif
  247. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eNiemand hat dir eine Nachricht hinterlassen.§r")
  248. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 There is no one to reply...")
  249. #cut=1
  250. endif
  251. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eChannel wurde nicht gefunden.§r")
  252. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 Channel not found...")
  253. #cut=1
  254. endif
  255. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eDu bist nun AFK.§r")
  256. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 You are AFK now. §cGoodbye§7!")
  257. #afk=1
  258. #updatelabel=1
  259. #cut=1
  260. endif
  261. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu bist nicht länger AFK.§r")
  262. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 You returned from your AFK-Adventure. §aWelcome back§7!")
  263. #afk=0
  264. #updatelabel=1
  265. #cut=1
  266. endif
  267. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§c§lDu wirst zu Server ")
  268. #switch=1
  269. #cut=1
  270. endif
  271. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6\*\*\* Willkommen auf §r§§r§6! Ihr gestaltet die Stadt! \*\*\*§r")
  272. &activechat_colored="§eLocal"
  273. &activechat_active="Local"
  274. #afk=0
  275. if(%#switch%=0)
  276. #guild=0
  277. endif
  278. #switch=0
  279. #updatelabel=1
  280. endif
  281. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§2Gilden§r§bchat wurde aktiviert§r")
  282. #guild=1
  283. #updatelabel=1
  284. #updatechat=1
  285. #cut=1
  286. endif
  287. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§2Gilden§r§bchat wurde deaktiviert§r")
  288. #guild=0
  289. #updatelabel=1
  290. #updatechat=1
  291. #cut=1
  292. endif
  293. if(%#updatelabel%)
  294. #updatelabel=0
  295. if(%#guild%)
  296. if(%#afk%)
  297. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_afk%§r §7§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  298. else
  299. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_activechat%§r §a§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  300. endif
  301. else
  302. if(%#afk%)
  303. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_afk%§r §7%&activechat_active%§r")
  304. else
  305. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_activechat%§r %&activechat_colored%§r")
  306. endif
  307. endif
  308. endif
  309. if(%#updatechat%)
  310. #updatechat=0
  311. if(%#guild%)
  312. if(%#afk%)
  313. log("%&tag_afk%§r §7§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  314. else
  315. log("%&tag_activechat%§r §a§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  316. endif
  317. else
  318. if(%#afk%)
  319. log("%&tag_afk%§r §7%&activechat_active%§r")
  320. else
  321. log("%&tag_activechat%§r %&activechat_colored%§r")
  322. endif
  323. endif
  324. endif
  325. endif
  326. // Guildinfo (GUILD MEMBERS HINZUFÜGEN)
  327. if(#guildinfo)
  328. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§b-----------------------------------------------------§r")
  329. #cut=1
  330. endif
  331. ifendswith(%CHAT%," hat das Spiel betreten§r")
  332. match(%CHAT%,"§a(.*) hat das Spiel betreten§r",{&guild_join_leave})
  333. log("§8[§a+§8] §3%&guild_join_leave%")
  334. #cut=1
  335. endif
  336. ifendswith(%CHAT%," §r§chat das Spiel verlassen§r")
  337. match(%CHAT%,"§a(.*) §r§chat das Spiel verlassen§r",{&guild_join_leave})
  338. log("§8[§4-§8] §3%&guild_join_leave%")
  339. #cut=1
  340. endif
  341. endif
  342. // Tpa
  343. if(#tpa)
  344. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Teleportierungsanfrage ist abgelaufen.§r")
  345. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 No teleport request found within the last §e30 seconds§7.")
  346. #cut=1
  347. endif
  348. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Du hast keine Teleportierungsanfragen.§r")
  349. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 No teleport request found within the last §e30 seconds§7.")
  350. #cut=1
  351. endif
  352. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§6 fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.§r")
  353. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.§r",{&tpa_teleportin})
  354. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleport §3%&tpa_teleportin% §7to you? §8[§a/tpaccept§8] [§c/tpdeny§8]")
  355. &tpa_teleport="here"
  356. #cut=1
  357. endif
  358. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§6 fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.§r")
  359. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.§r",{&tpa_teleportin})
  360. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleport to §3%&tpa_teleportin%§7? §8[§a/tpaccept§8] [§c/tpdeny§8]")
  361. &tpa_teleport="there"
  362. #cut=1
  363. endif
  364. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7Teleportierungsanfrage akzeptiert.§r")
  365. if(%&tpa_teleport%="here")
  366. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleported §3%&tpa_teleportin%§7 to you.")
  367. elseif(%&tpa_teleport%="there")
  368. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 You teleported to §3%&tpa_teleportin%§7.")
  369. endif
  370. #cut=1
  371. endif
  372. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um zu teleportieren, schreibe §r§c/tpaccept§r§6.§r")
  373. #cut=1
  374. endif
  375. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um diese Anfrage abzulehnen, schreibe §r§c/tpdeny§r§6.§r")
  376. #cut=1
  377. endif
  378. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Diese Anfrage wird nach§r§c 30 Sekunden§r§6 ungültig.§r")
  379. #cut=1
  380. endif
  381. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Anfrage gesendet an§r§c ")
  382. match(%CHAT%,"§6Anfrage gesendet an§r§c (.*)§r§6.§r",{&tpa_teleportout})
  383. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleport request sent to §3%&tpa_teleportout%§7.")
  384. #cut=1
  385. endif
  386. ifendswith(%CHAT%," §r§6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.§r")
  387. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*) §r§6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.§r",{&tpa_teleportaccepted})
  388. #cut=1
  389. endif
  390. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Teleportiere...§r")
  391. if(%&tpa_teleportaccepted%)
  392. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 §3%&tpa_teleportaccepted%§7 was teleported to you.")
  393. &tpa_teleportaccepted=0
  394. #cut=1
  395. endif
  396. endif
  397. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6teleportieren zu §r§c")
  398. match(%CHAT%,"§6teleportieren zu §r§c(.*)§r§6.§r",{&tpa_teleportaccepted})
  399. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 You have been teleported to §3%&tpa_teleportaccepted%§7.")
  400. &tpa_teleportaccepted=0
  401. #cut=1
  402. endif
  403. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Kehre zur letzten Position zurück.§r")
  404. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Wooosh! You're back!")
  405. #cut=1
  406. endif
  407. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Request to teleport to the specified player.§r")
  408. #cut=1
  409. endif
  410. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Request that the specified player teleport to you.§r")
  411. #cut=1
  412. endif
  413. endif
  414. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"/tpa <player>§r")
  415. if(#mail_refresh)
  416. #mail_refresh=0
  417. #cut=1
  418. log("mail refresh reset")
  419. else
  420. if(#tpa)
  421. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpa <Name>§7 to teleport yourself to a player.")
  422. #cut=1
  423. endif
  424. endif
  425. endif
  426. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"/tpahere <player>§r")
  427. if(#tpa)
  428. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpahere <Name>§7 to teleport a player to you.")
  429. #cut=1
  430. endif
  431. endif
  433. if(#votes)
  434. ifendswith(%CHAT%," für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r")
  436. endif
  437. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis§r§a für die neuen Votes erhalten :)§r")
  438. match(%CHAT%,"§f(.*) Kadis§r§a für die neuen Votes erhalten :\)§r",{&votes_kadis})
  439. #cut=1
  440. endif
  441. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Minuten§r§b für die neuen Votes erhalten :)§r")
  442. match(%CHAT%,"§f(.*) Minuten§r§b für die neuen Votes erhalten :\)§r",{&votes_minuten})
  443. log("%&tag_votes%§r§7 You received §a+§e%&votes_kadis% Kadis§7 and §a+§b%&votes_minuten% iTime§7!")
  444. #cut=1
  445. endif
  446. endif
  447. // Server
  448. if(#server)
  449. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§dWelcome to the server ")
  450. #cut=1
  451. endif
  452. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§bYou joined '§r§bkadcon")
  453. match(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§bYou joined '§r§bkadcon(.*).server'§r",{&server_server})
  454. log("§e§lWelcome to§r §4§lK§r§a§§r §e§lServer§r §6§l%&server_server%§r§e§l!§r")
  455. #cut=1
  456. endif
  457. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f §r§f §r§1 §r§0 §r§2 §r§f §r§f §r§2 §r§0 §r§4 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r")
  458. #cut=1
  459. endif
  460. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f §r§f §r§1 §r§0 §r§2 §r§4 §r§f §r§f §r§2 §r§0 §r§4 §r§8 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r")
  461. #cut=1
  462. endif
  463. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§e §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§d §r")
  464. #cut=1
  465. endif
  466. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6\*\*\* Willkommen auf §r§§r§6! Ihr gestaltet die Stadt! \*\*\*§r")
  467. #cut=1
  468. endif
  469. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§bForum: §r§§r§7 - §r§bVotes: §r§§r")
  470. #cut=1
  471. endif
  472. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Dir gefaellt der Server? Bitte §r")
  473. #cut=1
  474. endif
  475. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§c2x §r§§r§c und 825 Kadis erhalten!§r")
  476. #cut=1
  477. endif
  478. endif
  479. endif
  480. endif
  481. endif
  482. endif
  483. endif
  484. endif
  485. endif
  486. endif
  487. endif
  488. endif
  489. endif
  490. if(#debug=0)
  491. if(#cut)
  492. #cut=0
  493. filter
  494. endif
  495. endif
  496. endif
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