
festival Leon-Foleo

Mar 24th, 2016
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  1. [usual disclaimer:]
  3. Foleo: Father! Those stalls are selling some cute ornaments. If I add them on these clothes I'm making they would look great.
  4. Leon: Oh...well, then I'll buy them for you. Would this blue one be all right?
  5. Foleo: But father, the merchants have evacuated so no one's here.
  6. Leon: You're right. But if we properly leave the money behind then it's fine. We can explain things later too.
  7. Foleo: Is that so? Then I shall take you up on that offer.
  8. Leon: Yeah. Here, take it.
  9. Foleo: Thank you very much father.
  10. Leon: ......
  11. Foleo: Father? Did something happen?
  12. Leon:'s just that this exchange now made me happy. Just a father and his son without social standing or anything else mattering...I can't really put it well in words but it's nice being with you like this.
  13. Foleo: Yes, somehow I also understand. I could not spend time with father like this so this simple and normal exchange makes me very happy.
  14. Leon: Foleo...I'm sorry Foleo. You've had a hard time until now. It was lonely growing up in the secluded region wasn't it? And since the battle isn't over yet you might still have a hard time. But just remember this. You are my precious son. I'll always, always love you.
  15. Foleo: I am happy father. I will always keep loving father as well.
  16. Leon: Haha, this somehow got a little embarrassing.
  17. Foleo: Hehe, my face too is all red.
  18. Leon: All right, why don't we stop this conversation here? If we don't exterminate the enemies the festival can't resume.
  19. Foleo: Yes. Let us go father.
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