
Supreme Alphabet

Oct 10th, 2019
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  1. Supreme Alphabet
  3. PEACE = Positive – Energy – Always – Creates – Elevation
  5. 1) A – ALLAH – Is the supreme being Black man from Asia. The sole controller and ruler of the universe. Allah is the Black man who has knowledge of himself, and to know self, is to know all things in existence. Allah is Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, supreme Head. Allah is the one who knows and understands everything in the science of life. Is the original Asiatic Black man, the maker and owner of The planet earth and the one who made the Holy Koran which he applies to every mile of land one year to equal his home circumference, who is the all-eye-seeing Allah see All.
  6. 2) B – BE or BORN – Be means to exist. Born is to be brought into existence physically and mentally. Just as it takes 9 months to bring a child into this world (physically), it takes 9 stages (from knowledge to born) to be born mentally through Allah’s mathematics. Be is to be myself so I can make the knowledge born to build powers and babies to teach them the mathematics born mentally god, planting the seed of life into the womb of the wisdom giving birth to the strong part, the understanding.
  7. 3) C – SEE – Is to understand clearly through the third eye which is the mind. Your 2 physical eyes are but doorways to the third eye which is the all—eye seeing. See is to see something in a clear picture through the physical eye which the mental eye detects at the same time, cause soon as you do the knowledge, your mind be drawing up an understanding so you can counteract with the wisdom to make the cipher complete. The mind is justice, righteous and truth. See to see is to understand; at one time we couldn’t truly see the trick that was planted in our path cause we had the all-eye mattress thrown over our eyes, but we’ve been born twice and know that we are Allah the supreme eye that can see all.
  8. 4) D- DIVINE or DESTROY – One must be divine, meaning pure and refined, in order to destroy all negativity. Divine is something that is being purified from negative things. God himself is divine because he builds upon positive to keep it divine so it can’t be destroyed. Divine in order for you to be divine, you must destroy all negative thoughts in your brain by building on positive thoughts, and in this day and time the only way you can be divine is by building with I- Self – Lord And Master.
  9. 5) E- EQUALITY – Is to deal equal in all aspects of life. Equality is also the wisdom’s (Black woman’s) limitation. Due to the fact that she only has 6 ounces of brain cells. Equality is dealing with my alike. Equality is dealing with the devil and the wisdom. It deals with them both because it’s their limitation which they cannot go above because they would be dealing with God cipher divine itself. is to be equal in every form of knowledge with your alike in order to take back the planet from the devil, (un-alike).
  10. 6) F- FATHER – Physically to Fat-her with the divine seed of god which is the understanding (Black child). Mentally to Fat-her with the proper knowledge so that she may properly raise the understanding (Black child). Father is when one furthers one’s education. Only to fat her with the knowledge of self so they won’t be mentally dead or blind, deaf and dumb to the reality of life. Father is to father (fat-her) the young with the knowledge of self which is righteousness and by teaching them the science of everything in life which is love, peace and happiness.
  11. 7) G- GOD – God is every original Black man on the planet earth. Every Black man is god by nature God is the Black man who possesses 7 1/2 ounces of original brain cells. God is the one who knows and understands all that consists in his cipher. God reveals to others that they are the gods and queens of the planet earth. Allah is God, God is Allah who is the son of man. Father is the supreme being, the original man, the one who is a winner without an opponent in everything he deals with, because god put all things here by wisdoming his power and knowledging his equality from all things he built upon.
  12. 8) H- HE or HER – He or her has the power to build or destroy, depending on his or her level of awaren~s, meaning supreme intelligence. He be the ones who shine the light so that he could build her so she can build to her fullest equality. He must refine her with the knowledge of he, which is god, in order to build and born a strong foundation to carry out civilization through the queen (her).
  13. 9) I- I, ISLAM or EYE – I means one’s self whose true culture is Islam. I-Self-Lord-And-Master or I -Sincerely Love-Allah’s-Mathematics. Eye is the third eye which is the mind. I deals with I self lord and master, all things in life cause the I (eye) is the understanding that is positive which Islam is. Islam is the only universal way of life for the Black man, woman and child. This is Islam, and the only one that knows and understands this is god. And god must resurrect the dead with Islam; teaching that which will bring them to freedom, justice and equality.
  14. 10) J- JUSTICE – Is one’s reward or penalty depending upon his or her ways and actions. Justice is Just-I-See-Equality being done. One is served justice depending on his or her ways and actions after being given the knowledge on a person, place or thing. Justice is one’s reward or penalty due to one’s ways and actions whether they are positive or negative. If the penalty is negative you get a negative justice. If the penalty is positive the justice is positive (reward). Justice all those who can’t deal with mathematics will be just-ice at 32 degrees below zero because they fail to understand the wisdom of god which deals just and true with all human families on the planet earth.
  15. 11) K- KING or KINGDOM – King is one who shows and proves to be all right and exact to guide the people justly. God is the king and the earth is his kingdom. King is the one who controls all that is within his universal family which consists of his moon & star. The king rules his throne justly and wisely with the knowledge being shined out to his family, cause only the king has the right to rule who is in Allah’s circumference. the king is the founder of this kingdom so he must acknowledge the knowledge in his circumference so that he can enforce his laws to be recognized as being the king of his kingdom.
  16. 12) L- LOVE, HELL or RIGHT – If you love your nation, you will go through hell to make it come out right. love is to love Allah’s mathematics with all your heart. You will go through trials and tribulations, which is hell to only come to right and exact. the love is the understanding, and a misunderstanding is what brought forth hell. But this is all going back to the degree of supreme understanding, because this is the only truth that is right and exact at all times.
  17. 13) M- MASTER – Is one who knows and understands everything within his circumference. The master’s culture is Islam. Allah is the Master of the known and unknown. Master is one who possesses the knowledge of everything in life dealing with 360 degrees of his cipher. The master is the lord who is the king that is who is Allah. Master is the one who has experienced a certain type of skill, but the true master of all is god Allah because he knows and understands all circumferences on earth and in the universe.
  18. 14) N – NOW or END – Now is the time for us to come together and build a strong righteous nation. And put an end to the devil’s uncivilized nation. now is the time to build on a strong positive nation to show and prove you be striving to be right & exact. Now is the time to build a strong positive nation which is Islam to end all negative things existing.
  19. 15) O – CIPHER – Is any place, person or thing complete within itself. Cipher is a 360 degree circle. The, woman is also a cipher because cipher means C-I-Power—HER, and surely god powers her by mastering her with his mind. Her powers you must see in order to master her equality. Cipher is dealing with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding. 120 degrees of each, boring 360 degrees to be born to born which is saying, things are being born in the cipher. Cipher is a person, place or thing, it is most commonly called cipher because C-I-power-her~~ through the equality that I gave her is the truth and the truth is 360 degrees of purified knowledge.
  20. 16) P – POWER – Is the truth. Truth is the light to set your mental powers free to see the Black man is indeed god. Power is the manifestation of wisdom which is , Reflecting the living light of Allah’s mathematics shined by the knowledge to bring forth the power of the understanding which light is given to those who are mentally dead, or blind, deaf and dumb to the reality of life. Power the mental and physical powers of a devil is nothing in comparison to that of the original man, the devil has six ounces of grafted brain which are weak and wicked devil. But god’s power is original, meaning the first, and possesses seven and half ounces of brain which put all things here, which is also 100%. The understanding in god is what makes him Allah.
  21. 17) Q – QUEEN – Is a refined Black woman who knowledges god in order to build alongside of god. A queen is the female companion or counterpart to the king. So she must always knowledge the king to uphold her place by the king. Queen is the one who acknowledges god’s circumference so she could be able to build to her fullest equality the most purified particle of Allah, better known as the true, rich, black soil, the mother of civilization, who has the scale of justice within her but is still blind to her powers, which is being queen of the universe and earth below, but has power to control both, from the energy that god gave her.
  22. 18) R- RULE or RULER – To rule is the nature of the Black man, for the reason being that to rule means to be a ruler. The Black man was not made to be ruled because the Black man’s knowledge must build in order to make all things known. Rule is to rule something wisely the way the king does because he gives it to the understanding. Rules are given to those who are living a righteous way of life and those rules are given by the king who is Allah god is the only ruler there is, by acknowledging his building powers and making it born to all the planets of the universe, so that they can go according to it and bear witness to who the true ruler is.
  23. 19) S – SELF or SAVIOR – The Black man’s knowledge is what makes him the savior of himself by borning himself or completing himself. The only one that can save you is yourself. Self is the act of saving self from all negative things. It is also being one who was blind, deaf and dumb to life and then found and when he was found, he was then saved from all negative things. Before he could save someone else, he must save self. you must be a savior to yourself, so that in the atmosphere you’re in, you can be capable of saving self for the best part, because self is the nation of the 5% from knowledge to born self.
  24. 20) T – TRUTH or SQUARE – The truth is the light that leads one out of darkness. A square has 4 corners. Each corner has 90 degrees (90 x 4 = 360) is a perfect cipher showing and proving that the truth is the way to square off all unrighteousness. the truth is the living light of Allah’s mathematics which is the truth, cause the mathematics is holy. The truth is the light that the knowledge shines to the wisdom, which is the great words of life, which is the truth to build to this understanding. The square coincides with the earth’s four corners to born 360 degrees. the truth is the only light that can stand by itself in the surroundings of darkness and yet be noticed shining in the square of the universe which is 360 degrees. When the wisdom add a cipher shines that energy of truth breaks through darkness.
  25. 21) U – YOU or UNIVERSE – When you wisdom (speak) your knowledge you bring forth understanding which is the completion of your Universe. The universe is everything-sun, moon and stars. They are celestial bodies. When U—N—I—VERSE we bring about a more glorious and higher elevation of understanding. You must be a part to make something whole and strong so it can’t be destroyed by anything weak. You be me, I be you and together we are one Allah. U-n-i-verse all negativity. You are the universe because you are the producer of the sun, moon and stars. The man, woman and child.
  26. 22) V – VICTORY – Is to show one’s culture (Islam ) by teaching one’s nation. This is the way to be victorious over the devil in his attempts to keep our people illiterate. (Blind, deaf and dumb). Victory is something Allah will achieve when we the gods as a nation take. the devil off our planet. Victory is also dealing with the wisdom cause she gets victory over a weak man through her vagina. wisdom brings about a bad culture when one’s wisdom is destroying instead of acting according to the way of life which makes the culture I-god which is Islam, the only victory known.
  27. 23) W – WISDOM – Is to speak wisely. Wisdom is water, the substance of earthly life. The wisdom (Black woman) is like water because she is swift and changeable in her ways and actions. Wisdom is being the Black woman who wears 3/4 clothing over her physical body to show and prove she coincides with herself being the planet which is covered 3/4 of its surface with (water). Wisdom is an expression of knowledge while the understanding brings about a dear picture of both through the eye of understanding.
  28. 24) X – UNKNOWN – If one can not speak about his or her culture they are unknown to their true self. Therefore they can not deal equality with others. God must make the unknown known to the blind, deal and dumb. Unknown is to those who are blind, deaf and dumb to who they really are, which is the true and living Gods and Queens of the planet. So it is up to you to make knowledge born tot in. equality is unknown to those who don’t know themselves, the 85%ers, the deaf, dumb and blind so-called Negroes that need to grow from their mental death and power, because they are unknown to themselves.
  29. 25) Y – WHY – Is the question mostly asked by the babies and the blind, deaf and dumb. God is the only one qualified to answer it. Why this is a question asked to seek more knowledge to. Ifs mostly asked by the blind, deaf and dumb. Why is the question most frequently asked by those who are blind, deaf and dumb because they don’t know how to wisdom their power, to show and prove Y-U god manifesting the making of god-u-y. The 85% ask Why? The 5% ask For What Cause?
  30. 26) Z – ZIG, ZAG, ZIG – Zig, Zag, Zig to understand. Zig, Zag, Zig Is Black man, Black woman and Black child. Sun, moon and star. Knowledge, Wisdom and understanding. Zig, Zag Zig only meaning the knowleddge, wisdom and understanding of ones cipher going through that Zig Zag Zig to come out right and exact.
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