
Final Fantasy VIII Loyalty Challenge

Dec 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. One Guardian Force per character challenge (or Loyalty Challenge) is to try to beat both Superbosses and the Final Boss while never transferring summons.
  2. To keep matters less confusing, Laguna, Kiros, Ward, Seifer, and Edea each get their own GFs, different from the 6 main characters. That makes for a total of 11 junctionable GFs, but I cannot swap GF from character to character. Magic may be transferred, however.
  3. When the story tries to transfer junctions(such as from Squall to Laguna), must fix it immediately. There is never a time when this fixing is unavailable.
  4. All subscribers are allowed to ban one GF per playthrough. As I meet that requirement, I'm banning Quetzacoatl. If more bans are delivered, then I will add them to this document.
  5. The list of GF assignments for the first playthrough: Squall<--Shiva, Seifer<--Ifrit, Laguna<--Siren, Quistis<--Diablos, Irvine<--Brothers, Rinoa<--Carbuncle, Zell<--Cerberus, Selphie<--Alexander, Kiros<--Pandemona, Ward<--Leviathan, Edea<--Tonberry.
  6. Will do another playthrough with this challenge when someone else bans a GF, or if I have determined that defeating Omega or Ultima Weapon is impossible with the current run.
  7. As I was asked to provide results of the run, here are a couple of highlights of the most difficult feats in the run. //Ultima Weapon dungeon ; //Omega Weapon battle
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