
Winter Formal And The Divorce Rate In Portland

Dec 16th, 2014
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Musik has joined the chat
  3. Covet: [plopping my happy ass in here while I go smoke, and leave the magazine party]
  9. Covet: [It screams Dean...I couldn't see him in a full suit]
  10. Brylie has joined the chat
  11. Musik: (He only wears full suits at his wedding.. And that was a one time thing.)
  12. Lunicy has joined the chat
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood on one side of the DJ booth, nodding her head to the man with headphones hanging around his neck in an all black suit, finishing setting up his equipment. "Awesome. Give it like give minutes and then you can start playing."-
  14. Shyft has joined the chat
  15. Musik: -Dean slid out of the big red truck, shutting the door. He looked in the mirror looking at his bruised nose and shook his head walking around to open the passenger door helping Jaylee out and then opening the back door to help Caroline out.- // -Caroline slid out the truck and adjusted her dress and stepped around Dean crossing her arms over her dress.- "I can't believe you right now, Dean. I just can't."
  16. Lunicy: -Elsa walked into the ballroom. She gazed around at the beautiful decor in awe, smiling at the new faces before her. She was new to NWSU and hoped this evening would be the night she'd meet her fellow peers.-
  17. EmilyAnneRiker has joined the chat
  18. EmilyAnneRiker has left the chat
  19. EmilyAnneRiker has joined the chat
  20. Brylie: -Jaylee slid out of the truck, grabbing the tail of her dress, picking it up just a little so that it didn't drag on the ground. She looked at Caroline and then at Dean shaking her head at the two. "Not tonight, please. Let's just go and have fun and try and not think about the wrong choices someone made last night." She slid her arm around Dean,s walking towards the front entrance with him and Caroline-
  21. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  22. Covet: [am I still here?]
  23. Lunicy: [yess]
  24. Covet has left the chat
  25. Shyft: Jaice stepped out of a recently acquired 1957 Lotus 7, sporting a tux that he couldn't wait to et out of at the end of the night. He slammed the door shut, tuggin at the bowtie around his neck. He let out a sigh, then ran a hand through his mane. He pattedhis pocket, making sure the flask was still there. It was, and he smiled to himself. He walked into the room, and was met by a landscape of black and white decorations. He nodded, ever so slightly, as the color scheme was one he favored. He looked around at some of the faces that were there already, then made his way to an empty seat to await people he knew
  26. Brylie: (Since my loading is being shitty. Jaylee's outfit-
  27. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia hadnt planned on really coming to homecoming, but she figured she would give it a try. She pulled up on her motorcycle her dress bunched around her legs and her curly wispy hair flying behind her. She looked up at building and sighed. Socializing wasnt much her thing. Neither was dancing but her parents had written her asking about school and she felt she had nothing to tell them. So thats how she ended up here. Mia parked her bike and climbed off, smoothing out her dress she entered the building and her lip twitched seeing the beautiful design of the inside.
  28. Covet has joined the chat
  29. Shyft: (the punch bowl ;) HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE)
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded to the DJ as he turned back to the stereo, beginning to start mixing music, the load sounds booming from the speakers. (For those that would like tonight's playlist: ) Steph turned around and began to walk down the stairs, her dress trailing behind her as she stepped down onto the main floor, taking in the people beginning to arrive. She let out a deep breath and headed over to the dining room, smiling at the servers as she watched them begin to make their rounds with serving trays of appetizers. // Bryan pulled his car into the parking lot of the hotel, killing the engine and fidgeting in his jacket, his head turning to look at Aubrey with a bruised jaw and a split lip. "Are you going to be fuckin' pissed all night?" // Justin turned the corner into the parking lot, pulling up into a parking spot outside the hotel. He climbed down out of his jeep, walking around to the passenger side to open Brylie's door for her, extending his hand up to help her down out of the car.-
  31. Musik: -Dean made his way inside and let out a sigh, he looked around and slid his jacket off.- "I'm going to ditch this stupid thing somewhere, I'll.. Be back." -He walked away from the two of them to an empty table, dropping it on a table making his way to the bar.- // -Caroline huffed watching Dean walk away before looking at Jaylee.- "Men." -She hooked her arm with Jaylee's smiling at her walking further into the room.- // -Aubrey looked at Bryan and pushed the door open, moving her crutches out of the car and climbing out. She pushed the door shut and adjusted the crutches under her arms making her way up to the main doors.-
  32. FreyahRMcCullen has joined the chat
  33. EmilyAnneRiker: She walked over and took a seat at one of the tables as she sighed. this wasnt her scene.
  34. Lunicy: //-Following behind Elsa was her friends Izzy and Jeff. Izzy had on a sparkling black gown that showed off her tattoo sleeved arms, with beaded strings draping across her bare back, her hair pulled up and black platform stilletos. While Jeff, was simply dressed in a button up white shirt with a long sleeve black v neck shirt, black tie/pants & shoes. They skimmed the crowd trying to find their pink haired friend, Elsa but couldn't so they found a seat and talked as more people arrived.-//
  35. Brylie: -Jaylee watched as Dean walked away and looked down at Caroline. "I'll never understand why someone would fight the night before a big night like this and to think I wanted pictures." She laughed, taking Caroline's hand, she looked around the room. "Wow, this is amazing." // Brylie grabbed Justin's hand and slid out of his jeep, smoothing her black dress down. She smiled up at him before slipping her hand into his arm, hooking it. "I'm pretty excited to see what the place looks like." She lifted her dress a little as they walked towards the building. // Wes pulled his car into the parking lot of the hotel and slid out. He was wearing an all white suit with white dress shoes. He ran his hands down his pant legs, smoothing them out. He looked up at the hotel before headed to the entrance, following behind Justin and Brylie.-
  36. Tsaaq: "This song is stupid." Remy whispered bitterly as he sat in the passenger seat of the car. "This tie is bothering my neck. It's hot in here." He continued to grumble. His hair up in a pony, he wore his suit in a very Reservior Dog style. He started to shove at the blonde beside him who had been driving. "Why am I going to this, school events are for squares, what if Justin or Tony isn't there. I've been M.I.A. since that fight."// Bliss sputtered as she drove. She saw the window on Remy's side was open causing her bun to be dishevilled by wind. "JESUS ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP COMPLAINING!?" The blonde said loudly when she brought the car to an abrupt stop. She huffily unbuckled her seatbelt and headed towards the venue. Bliss stomped away angrily. "I can't with cisgender men right now." She sighed. "You asked me to be your designated driver, so I'm essentially babysitting you. So please, let's get this over with."// Remy lurched forward, knocking his nose on the dashboard. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt. "FUCK!" He yelled as he covered his face. He jogged inside after Bliss when he heard her fuss. "Bliss wait, my nose. BLISS. WAIT. BLISS!" Remy called out, becoming more shrill with each word. When the two finally reached the inside Remy looked around for familiar faces and food. Preferably food.
  37. FreyahRMcCullen: Freyah Walked in as she looked around. Her mind began to Race, Had she picked the right outfit, was her hair perfect, did her makeup make her look a little too easy... Her eyes had widen at the sight of the area. She was self concious but she walked in with confidence. Her head straight her back posed just right. Her mothers words rang through her head 'You are my beautiful girl, Act like a lady and the world will stare.' She managed to get pass her goons. Nothing would stop her tonight. Her Designer dress, That her mother had made especially for her hugged her body perfectly. Her heels Made clicking sounds as she walked down the stairs... Stopping half way as she looked at everyone. She Barely knew these people and would they like her. Little Miss French girl.
  38. Shyft: Jaice glanced up at a girl taking a seat not far from him. She looked like she didnt want to be here, but he said nothing. He pulled out his phone, and started scrolling through some emails that had built up over the course of the day, as christmas themed music played in the background. He looked at the constant stream of people coming through the doors, and thought that it was a really good turnout. Looking back at his phone, he absentmindedly fingered the golden flask sitting in his pocket.
  39. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia noticed Freyah and got up walking over to her. "Hey, nice dress." She nodded towards her dress and crossed her arms over her chest.
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned and walked back out onto the dance floor, crossing her arms over her chest as she scanned the constantly filling ballroom of the hotel. She blew out a sigh of relief as everything seemed to be going smoothly. She turned to look up at the DJ and his music that was already blaring, ( for those that missed the link ), nodding mostly to herself. // Bryan rolled his eyes, shoving his door open and climbing out of the car, slamming it closed behind him as he started after Aubrey. "Well fine, fuck you too. I'm telling you, he started it." // Justin led Brylie inside the ballroom, tipping his head up to look around the vast room as he took in the decor, letting out a small breath. "Wow... you girls really did a great job with this. It's perfect." // Liz pulled her car into the parking lot of the hotel, climbing out and sweeping her dress behind her, running her fingers over the top of her hair briefly to make sure it was in place before stepping up and making her way to the building, smiling up at Wes beside her as she walked. "Hi!"-
  41. FreyahRMcCullen: She smiled seeing Mia approach her "Bonjour Mia, I love your dress as well. Very pretty. "She tilt her head "I did nots think you would be here tonights." She said in her heavy French accent
  42. EmilyAnneRiker: She nodded her thanks at the compliment and then shrugged. "Me neither. Just checking things out, I guess."
  43. FreyahRMcCullen: She looked around and shook her head "I has no idea who half of these people are..." She leaned in so she could hear her over the music...
  44. Musik: -Dean ordered a beer and slid nodded to the bartender taking the beer. He turned and walked up to the stairs, standing at the top of them as he took a drink of his beer, looking around and spotted Aubrey walk in. He groaned and leaned his head back, he knew she was going to murder him.- // -Caroline bounced on the balls of her feet.- "Oh I gotta dance! J dance with me!" -She grabbed her hand tightly dragging her to the middle of the dance floor starting to move her hips.- // -Aubrey walked through the doors and spotted turning to look up at Bryan.- "I don't give a fuck who started it, Bryan. I fucking asked you to just leave. You couldn't even do that." -She shook her head and pressed her lips together turning back around to look around the room.-
  45. EmilyAnneRiker: "Me neither. talk about social nightmare."
  46. FreyahRMcCullen: She giggles softly and nods " Indeed... I guess that is what we gets for being new."
  47. Brylie: -Jaylee laughed and followed behind Caroline to the dance floor. She looked around the room before she started to move her body to the music. // Brylie nodded her head. "Well it was more of the other girls. I wasn't around this past week." She bit the inside of her cheek, glancing around the room. // Wes looked down at Liz and smiled at her. "Hey there." He held the door open for her letting her step inside before he walked in.-
  48. EmilyAnneRiker: "Yeah I migth get outta this dump soon. I'll just lie to my parents and say ive made tons of friends."
  49. Shyft: He looked up briefly, before tucking his phone into his pocket and standing up. He walked to the edge of the dancefloor, his legs unwilling to move one step further. He sighed, then turned around, as he walked over to the table covered in food. He pocketed the flask, and picked out a couple of snacks to munch on. He wasn't hungry in the first place.
  50. FreyahRMcCullen: Giggles "This place is Beautiful. I do not think this is a dump, plus you have a friend... Me." smiles
  51. EmilyAnneRiker: She thinks on it for a moment and then sighs. "Ok. Ill stay for you." a ghost of a smile graces her lips.
  52. EmilyAnneRiker: "lets go make some friends."
  53. FreyahRMcCullen: Giggles... " You do not have to stick around just for little me."
  54. EmilyAnneRiker: "sure I do." she punches Freyah in the arm lightly. "Us foreign friends have to stick together." Her russian accent spilling out.
  55. Lunicy: -Elsa noticed a group of people out in the middle of the floor dancing their hearts out. "Welp, here I go" she said to herself before clicking her heals against the tile floor. Her hips swaying as she joined in on the fun.-
  56. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned around to look at Jaylee and Caroline as they joined her on the dance floor, sending them a smile. "Heyyy! What do you think?" // Bryan threw his hands up in the air, stopping short to stare at the back of his head as he glared and mumbled under his breath. "He's a dick..." He walked passed her and down the stairs to the dance floor, walking across the floor to spot Steph standing in the middle of it. He walked up behind her, giving her a small shove. "Sup shortstack?" // Justin laughed, stepping down onto the dance floor and leading Brylie over to the dining room. "Well you still worked to put this together. You all did a great job." He placed her hand onto the back of one of the chairs, beginning to shrug out of his jacket before stopping abruptly and shrugging it back on. "Actually, I should keep this on a little longer, right?" // Liz stepped inside the ballroom in front of Wes, smoothing her dress out with her hands as her eyes lit up, glancing around the room. "Oh my god!"-
  57. Covet: -Cadence made her way through the doors, her eyes looking over the decorations and the event, scrutenizing the hard work she'd put into the set up over the weekend, let alone today. She wanted to do a lap around the place since she had bolted right before the finishing touches were added, before she had to drop by the agency to pick up her dress and get dolled up. As she walked around, smiling at people and waving, straigtening things as she went. The music was loud but fitting and everyone seemed to be more or less enjoying themselves. After her lap around, She walked over to the buffet to grab herself something to snack on and drink. She'd starved allday, spending it working, it was time to have some fun and enjoy the efforts of the work.-
  58. FreyahRMcCullen: Feeling the slight Punch to her arm. She smiled "Okay, I just do not want this to be torture to you... You mights have to smile and be nice." she teased slightly.
  59. EmilyAnneRiker: "Nah." she laughed lightly. "If they dont like me frown n all, they can go Pereyti trakhat' sebya." she paused and then said. "Go fuck themselves."
  60. FreyahRMcCullen: Her eyes widened at Mia's Words as she made a shushing sound. " That wont make friends ats all."
  61. EmilyAnneRiker: "Hey it happens." She shrugged. "Now who should we torture first?"
  62. FreyahRMcCullen: She giggles "Shall we go try and dance with those in the middle?"
  63. Tsaaq: Bliss pulled Remy by his suit jacket to the side as the others entered. "Hey guys!" She said with faux sweetness. Bliss turned her head slowly and pulled her hair out of her bun and shook it out. "How do I look?"// "Like a baby prostitute." Remy answered quickly.// Bliss glared at him then tried to adjust her cleavage, or rather what little there was. Then she pulled down the back of her short dress to cover her butt. "You're so crass." She hissed. // Remy placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm serious, you're wearing too much eyeliner, your lipstick is too dark and your NOT cleavage and NOT ass is all up in my face." He began to point at her boobs and face. "I mean... If I didn't know you it'd be hot. But I do know you so... gross." Remy said with a shrug as he fiddled with his tie. // Bliss rolled her eyes. "Please, silence yourself. You drugged dunce." She said with a pout as she walked away from him. "Try not to get too inebriated." Bliss called out then ran to the buffet table poking at Cadence. "Hi!" She called out excitedly. "This all looks great!" // Remy grumbled and walked awkwardly as he went deeper into the ballroom. "Shit..." He whispered. "Where's the bathroom?" He asked himself.
  64. Musik: -Dean watched Aubrey walking closer to where he was standing he jumped slightly and quickly hurried off to the table where his jacket was. He sat down sinking down into the chair as far as he could without being on the floor.- // -Caroline smiled at Steph.- "It looks amazing, Steph!" -She looked up at Bryan then looked around before looking back at him.- "Where's Aubrey?" // -Aubrey blew out a breath making her way over to the tables, her broekn ass wasn't dancing. She spotted her brother as he hurried off and smiled slightly.- "Alrighty then." -She said to her self and followed him over to his table, plopping down in the chair next to him, folding her hands on the table, looking at him with a smile on her face, keeping her voice calm.- "So.. Big brother of mine. Let's have a chat."
  65. EmilyAnneRiker: She wrinkled her nose at the thought of dancing. "You can. Ill sit back and cheer you on."
  66. Brylie: Jaylee danced across from Steph and beside Caroline. "Oh my gosh. It's amazing. Seeing things like this make me want to get out of the house more, but it's hard with two little ones." She smiled at her. "You guys did amazing." She looked over at the pink haired girl who joined them, smiling at her. She continued to dance before slowing down a little, looking at the girl again. "I don't think I've seen you around. Are you new?" // Brylie walked along with Justin across the dance floor and into the dining room, her hand resting on one of the chairs as she watched him take off his jacket only to put it back on. "Unless you want to dance, then you should probably take it off. You'll probably get a bit hot dancing in a jacket." She turned her body a little, taking in the decorations. // Wes stopped and looked around once he got in, standing beside Liz. "You can say that again. This place is amazing."
  68. FreyahRMcCullen: She looked to Mia and smiled "Are you sure?" she pointed to the dance floor before swaying her hips. "It could be fun... Could be lots of fun."
  69. Brylie: (Oh yea. I'm SORRY. THREE*)
  70. EmilyAnneRiker: "What do you think of the idea of guys, Frey?" She smiled mischeviously.
  71. FreyahRMcCullen: She looked at her..."Ive seen and read some things from these boys at this school... Im not impressed..." She stuck her nose at the idea of boys... "I know one of those 'Boys' Started the confession board on my body guards..." she mumbles.
  72. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia raised an eyebrow. "Well then lets find out who has the guts to say something about you and kick their osly."
  73. FreyahRMcCullen: She smiled " I will let you kick their..."She tilted her head as she tried her ardest to repeat the word correctly "osly..."
  74. Shyft: He bit into a cookie, barely tasting it as he looked around. He pulled out his phone one more, slouching into a corner near the the dining area, scrolling through cars.
  75. EmilyAnneRiker: "Close enough." she smiled at Freyah.
  76. FreyahRMcCullen: She smiled and nodded. "Oh great I have to learn english and Russian now." her words were barely coming together. She would be surprised if Mia Caught onto what she said.
  77. Lunicy: -Elsa looked over at Jaylee and smiled. "Yis. Just moved here from Russia 2 year ago.- she replied in her thick Russian accent.
  78. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smiled nervously at Caroline and Jaylee, lifting her hand to flick at her curled bangs on one side of her face. "Thanksss. Cadence worked her ass off in this room all weekend." She jumped when Bryan shoved her, turning around to look up into her brother's face, immediately furrowing her brows. "What the hell happened to your face? It got uglier than it normally looks." // Bryan lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck, looking to Caroline first. "Probably crying somewhere or some shit." His eyes shifted back to look at Steph, rolling his eyes. "Dean was being a fuckin' prick last night." //Justin smiled, turning to face Brylie as he held his hand out to her. "I never thought I'd say this, but do you want to dance?" // Liz nodded her head up to Wes, stepping down the stairs as she started to wander away from him, heading over to the dining room to place her clutch down in the center of one table. She turned to look toward the food, spotting Cadence and Bliss standing together and immediately making her way over to them. "Hey!"-
  79. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia heard a strong Russian accent and her ears perked up. It had been awhile since she had spoken to anyone from back home. she didnt even talk to her mother and father on the phone. It was mostly writing back and forth.
  80. Covet: -Cadence smiled at Bliss as she walked up to her at the buffet- Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoy it. Seems like everyone is enjoying it. -she looked back over her shoulder than at Bliss- You look positively adorable , I don't think I've seen this much of your skin in one sitting -she smirked and grabbed herself some of the eggnog as well as some of the other bits of food. She laughed seeing pizza on the table- Yep, this is still College. // Kelsey knew she was going to be late, but she had to drive back here from Deadwood just to make it. Today was the final classes at EHHS, for the semester and she had to be there for a performance at the assembly. Her dad didn't intend to let her come, but he'd already told her she wasn't allowed to go to music in the park. Thankfully her Mom had persuaded him to let her drive up for tonight. She looked around for any of the familiar faces she knew, a bright smile on her face as she looked about, completely floored by the event, and excited at the same time.
  81. FreyahRMcCullen: She made her way to the center of the room where most were gathered and talking. She had pulled Mia along. Hoping to get her to socialize a little more. "Bonjour" She said as she smiled and looked around "Im Freyah, and this is Mia."
  82. Lunicy: -Elsa looked over at the two girls who joined in, nodding to both of them as she continued dancing. "Hellos. I am Elsa. A pleasure to meet you"-
  83. Covet: *then [ugh my grammar today ]
  84. FreyahRMcCullen: She smiled and nodded. "Pleasure to meets you too." Her french accent rang out clear
  85. Alexithymiaa: (TIME FOR A SWITCH.)
  86. Brylie: -Jaylee smiled at her. "Well welcome to NWSU. I'm Jaylee or J. Everyone mostly calls me J." She continued to dance looking back at Steph. "Well she did awesome." // Brylie's eyes widened a little before taking his hand. "I'm so taking advantage of this right now." She laughed, pulling him to the dance floor. // Wes watched as Liz walked off before spotting Steph on the dance floor. He hadn't let her know he was back yet. He smiled to himself as he walked down the steps and across the dance floor, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. "Sorry guys, but I haven't seen my girlfriend..." He stopped talking hearing them go on about Bryan's face. "Oh."-
  87. Musik: -Dean sighed and sat up bringing his beer to his lips.- "What about? The fact that you're dating a fucking dickbag? Or the fact that he's completely lucky I didn't throw his scrawny ass out the window?" // -Caroline frowned instantly glaring up at him.- "What did you do to my sister?" // -Aubrey lauhged softly and looked down at her hands, before looking back up at her brother still smiling.- "No.. About how you want to tell my boyfriend that he's ruining my life when clearly the only fucker ruining my life is the one person who's.. Well not supposed to do that. You! Lookie there. And here you are, just sitting here enjoying a beer. "
  88. Tsaaq: "You're very welcome my lovely." She replied and nudged Cadence. She reached at the food selection then retracted her hand. She didn't want to risk it. Bliss grinned widely. "Wow! You think I look adorable!? Thank you so much Cay!" She said with gritted teeth, she was going more for sexy so that was a little frustrating but she got over it quickly. "You look great too, really my darling." Bliss chirped playfully. Her head turned at Liz, damn her and her breasts and body. Before she knew it she was doing the gritted teeth smile again. "Wow! You look so beautiful Elizabeh! Goodness!" She tried to sound convincing. // Remy's eyes widened when he heard the soothing voice of Patrick Stump play over the speakers. He let out the girliest scream and ran out onto the dance floor and began to sing along like he didn't even give a crap.
  89. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia looked at the girl who spoke. "Youre the other Russian girl, I heard speak earlier." Her own accent rang out, though not as strong as hers.
  90. Shyft: no
  91. Shyft: (ignore that)
  92. Covet: [XD]
  93. FreyahRMcCullen: She started to dance as she looked at the rest... She looked up at the stairs seeing her two goons walking in... She sighed as she ducked behind Mia... "oh merde" She said in a whisper.
  94. Lunicy: //-Jeffery patted Izzy on the back and walked over to the bar and started to flirt with some of the other nwsu students, leaving Izzy alone.-// *Izzy huffed and pulled out her phone and began to scroll through her facebook feed.* -Elsa giggled hearing Mia speak, it had been awhile since she had spoken to someone from her country and couldn't help but to hug her. "You sound like home. I like. I like very much" she giggled, letting her go.-
  95. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia freezes at the embrace. She wasnt much of one for hugging or affection. She awkwardly patted her on the back. "Yes, home."
  96. EmilyAnneRiker: She looks back seeing Freyah coward behind her and then her eyes landed on two men in black suits. "Frey, you need me to take care of those Gorillas?"
  97. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes went wide, leaning forward to shove Bryan in the chest. "What the fuck did you do? Because he might be retarded, but he sure as shit is not a prick." She turned her head when Wesley wrapped his arms around her waist, her face turning up into a smile as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. "Thank god you are here because no part of me wants to get blood on this dress." She pressed her hands on either side of his cheeks, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips before whirling around to stare at Bryan. "I'm waiting..." // Bryan stumbled backward when Steph pushed him, rolling his eyes. "I didn't do shit. Why don't you go ask your fuckin' brother why Aubrey's being all pissy, Squirt. Chill out." His eyes settled between Steph and Wes, sighing and shaking his head. "Wonderful..." // Justin laughed as he walked out to the dance floor with Brylie, spinning her around and into him as he took her hand and laid his other hand on the small of her back, his feet moving to the beat. "You have no idea how long this took to not look like an awkward tree doing the robot." // Liz smiled widely at Bliss, running her hands down over the front of her dress. "Oh, thank you! You girls look totally gorgeous too! This whole place is amazing."-
  98. Lunicy: -Elsa blushed, slightly embarrased. "My apology. Its just been a long time."-
  99. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia nodded, "Its fine. Im just not a very touchy feely kinda person."
  100. FreyahRMcCullen: "Wont help... They just come back... Likes little..." Thinks of appropriate words..."Bugs..." She looked up at them as they searched the room for her. "I thinks I will surrender and heads home..." She pouted. "I do nots want to cause a scene... I have enough due to them."
  101. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia looked at the men in black and pounded her fist against her hand and snarled at them. The proceeded to motion that she was watching them. She then turned to Freyah and nodded. "Ohk. but if you ever need someone to kick their Osly, I will gladly."
  102. Musik: -Dean groaned leaning his head back.- "Aubrey he's holding you back. Why else would you still be here and not in LA every fucking day working on your music and living a real fucking life." -He said looking at her.- // -Caroline glared at him and turned on her heels to find Dean and Aubrey. She spotted them up at the tables and walked up to them looking at Aubrey.- "Good, no tears." -She turned to Dean.- "What happened?" // -Aubrey slammed her hands against the table pushing up to her feet, balancing on one foot.- "Fuck you Dean. You have no clue about anything I do. I'm here because I want to be, not because he's making me stay. I want to be here and go to school with my friends and actually get a fucking degree. Maybe I like being in fucking Portland, maybe LA is just too big for me right now. Ever think this is what I wanted!? Of course you didn't beause it has nothing to do with your life right?" -She grabbed her crutches and walked away from the table.-
  103. Covet: Well I'd say Hot, don't typically do Hot, so if that's what you are going for you nailed it. I just figured saying cute was the safer bet. -she laughed and shrugged and looked at Liz- Holy shit bombshell, look at you, I knew that was going to work for you! -she grinned and took her drink and the small plate of food over to a nearby table, setting down to keep talking to Liz and Bliss. // Kelsey walked out onto the dance floor, dancing a little bit listening to the music until she found Steph, and a bunch of other people. Hey Steph! I'm super glad I found you, I wanted to say sorry for bailing on the Music in the park thing. Dad was being crazy mean and freaking out about the shooting, because apparently Mom, neglected to tell him, and somehow he managed to not hear about it until later. I haven't been here much because of that...but She sweet talked him into letting me come tonight! -she grinned and flailed- And I'm sooooo glad he did, this is amazing!
  104. Brylie: -Jaylee turned back around, seeing Bryan standing there. She shook her head listening to everyone talk around her. // Brylie spun around, resting her free hand on top of his shoulder. "Did you take dancing lessons or something or have you just been practicing by yourself?" // Wes smiled down at Steph, kissing her back. "Wow, you look beautiful." Once she turned back around he looked at he group, his eyes laying on Bryan. He smirked. "Looks like someone got you pretty good."
  105. FreyahRMcCullen: She smiled brightly as she heard Mia's words and nodded before looking at the two men who had their Arms crossed against their Big Muscular Chest... Giving her a look of not Amused at all. She lowered her as she waved to them and walked over... The stepped aside letting her pass as they turned and followed closely behind. Their hands attached to her arms tightly almost as if Raising her and carrying her home. ' Princess is secure.' they said into their headsets as they walked off. (night guys)
  106. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia called after then men carrying Freyah away. "Ty kucha pridurkov !" (You guy are a bunch of assholes!)
  107. FreyahRMcCullen has left the chat
  108. Covet: [Oh CRAP, this reminds me, there are still pics to be taken too...D: I might have to just individually pull people in to edit the image fact yes I will do that, ignore me...XD]
  109. Lunicy: [xD]
  110. Covet: [I will do that tomorrow if I invite you randomly...It's to take a picture XD]
  111. Lunicy: [add me? :o]
  112. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia looked down at her phone and then at Elsa. "We should talk more, sometime soon." She stopped dancing and made her way towards the door. "Until then, I am expecting an important phone call from home." She saluted Elsa. (Im switching characters.)
  113. Shyft: sitting on the floor in the corner, jaice pulled off his jacket, and undid his bowtie. He sighed again, then pulled out the flask he had in his pocket. He uncovered it, and the smell of cinnamon and apples wafted to his nose, laced with the scent of liquor. He smiled. It was his first drink in forever, and he wanted to cherish it. He tipped his head back, the flask at his lips, and took a long drink from it. He took the flask from his lips, wincing a bit as the alcohol burned its way down his throat.
  114. Tsaaq: Remy did the awkward shuffle over to where Justin and Brylie had been. "Hey guys." He said with wide away before shimmying away. "Bye guys." He ran over to the buffet table and unapologetically reached his hand into the pile of mini hot dogs and started to eat. "Snowflake, Cay, Sheldonette." He nodded at the three of them curtly. // Bliss smiled a bit at Cadence then lowered her head. "I never really attempted to look so, sultry before. I must admit." She giggled. "But I do have a goal for the night." Her eyes fell on Liz with great envy. Her gaze was broken as soon Remy jogged over. "Oh for heaven's sake!" She pouted then crossed her arms.
  115. Lunicy: [I'll do the same, switching to Izzy] Elsa saluted back to Mia before making her way to the buffet table for a few snacks, meanwhile, Izzy glanced over at the gentleman with the flask. She stood up, and walked over to him, pulling out a silver flask from her small purse. "Got room for another?" She asked, waving her flask in front of him.-
  116. EmilyAnneRiker: Mia left and hoped on her motorcycle, taking off.
  117. EmilyAnneRiker has left the chat
  118. EmilyAnneRiker has joined the chat
  119. Alexithymiaa: -Steph shook her head, reaching forward to grab Bryan by the ear, turning around to point her finger up at Wesley. "Do not start with him, otherwise I'll kick your ass too." She started dragging him off the dance floor, running into Kelsey. "Oh dude, it's fine. I know how he can be. Just give me a second." She continued to drag Bryan off the dance floor, walking up into the dining room and looking around until she spotted Dean and Caroline off at one of the tables. She started for them, shoving Bryan in his direction and planting her hands on her hips. "Now please... tell me, because I am dying to know, why the fuck the two of you proceed to act like petty children and beat on each other? And I swear to Matt Rubano if I don't get answers in three seconds, I'm going to be really mad about staining this dress. So spill before I spill you both." // Bryan flailed his arms around as Steph dragged him by the air, cursing all the way over to the table. "Ow! What the fuck? Steph! Stop!" He stumbled to the side when she pushed him, immediately shoving his hands down into his jacket pockets, kicking his shoes at the floor. "Ask him." // Justin smiled, twirling her around again. "You really think I would get away with paying someone for dance lessons when my sister has been begging to teach me for years?" // Liz smiled at Bliss, turning quickly to look at Remy, her smile growing wider as she slid up beside him. "Remy! Oh my god you look totally amazing." She spun around quickly in her heels, sliding her hands down over her dress. "Do you like my snowflake dress?"-
  120. Shyft: He looked up, at the female in front of him. "Ja" he said softly, motioning with his hand at the ground next to him. "Welcome to my humble corner, please, make ourself at home" he said, a stupid smile on his face.
  121. Shyft: (yourself**)
  122. Lunicy: *Izzy grinned, tucking her dress under herself as she took a seat next to him on the floor. "Don't mind if I do" she clinked her flask against his and took a sip of the whiskey inside.*
  123. Musik: "God damnit Caroline none of your God damned business. You don't have to put your fucking nose into every little thing that happens around here. Go back to your.. Whatever you're doing. I'm already sick of fucking hearing i..." -He stopped looking up at Steph, nodding his head.- "Great. More. Why don't we get a line of fucking people, let them all in on the bitch at Dean hour, huh?" -He chugged down the rest of his beer and pushed up from the chair shoving past Steph over down teh stairs over to the Camera. He dropped his hands onto it and picked it up off the stand, looking down at it to make sure it was ready.- // -Caroline opened her mouth to speak but closed it as she watched him walk away.- "Oh.." -She said sadly, tucking her bouncy curls behind her ears.- "That was.. Mean.." // -Aubrey made her way up to the bar ordering herself a beer, leaning against the bar as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.-
  124. Brylie: -Jaylee watched as her little group walked off, she pursed her lips together before walking off the dance floor and over to the snack table, grabbing a cookie. She lifted it to her mouth, taking a bite. // She spun around, her hand going back to his shoulder. She looked up at him with a smile on her face. She then laid her head against his chest. "Well you had a great teacher. You're doing pretty good." // Wes looked at Steph, nodding at her quickly as she walked off with Bryan. He turned on his heels and walked over to one of the tables, sitting down.-
  125. EmilyAnneRiker: Emily arrived at the Homecoming dance. She was hoping to get asked out but that didnt happen. She didnt plan on coming but she figured it would be fun and maybe she would see someone she knew. She self conciously smoothed out the poofie princess cut dress her parents had sent her when she told them about it. She hadnt ever been to a dance because she had always been too busy so she didnt know what to wear. When she walked into the dance hall, she suddenly felt over dressed and she felt herself blush. She didnt want to be the center of attention, She just wanted to have fun, dance, and make friends. She nervously pushed her blond hair behind her ear as she descended the stairs.
  126. Lunicy: //-At the bar, Jeffery noticed a beautiful woman lean against the counter just a chair away from him. He grabbed his drink and moved over towards her. "Waiter..whatever the Misses orders, make it a double." he looked over and grinned. -//
  127. Covet: Oooh Really now? -she smirked at Bliss- What, or rather who's got you jumping to ourside of the fence, intending to impress someone by changing the length of her skirt....-she narrowed her eyes- Should I be concerned? -she rolled her eyes seeing Remy- Be nice, buttface. -she turned Bliss towards her and sat her down with a grin as Liz pre-occupied herself with Remy- So c'mon, I want the details....There's never news like this from Bliss... -she munched on the items on her plate- // -Kelsey saw the sheer determination in Steph's face as she turned around then dragged Bryan off, Curious to the newly developing family drama she followed after them, intending to listen in.-
  128. Shyft: He tapped his flask against hers as she sat next to him. He turned his head to look at her. She wasn't familiar at all, possibly one of the newer students at the school. "I'm Jaice" he said, looking at her, before taking a sip of his brännvin
  129. Lunicy: *Isabella ... or Izzy as most people call me. A pleasure to meet you Jaice." she smirked, wiping the excess booze from her bottom lip. "I just started this school a few weeks ago."*
  130. Tsaaq: Remy grumbled at Cadence and Bliss. He sucked his teeth as he walked over to Liz and placed a hand on the small of her back. "You're the prettiest snowflake I've seen in a while." He leant over and whispered to her. Remy stepped away from her hastily and went back to pigging out. // She started to smirk and crossed her leg over the other. "Well technically I'm still in a relationship with the boyfriend from hell. This is more of a social experiment if anything." Bliss began to explain quietly. "Okay, I'm lying. I'm trying to build up a reputation so I can make him mad. Tonight is only the begnning. Whenever that brute returns he won't be very happy with what he finds." Bliss nodded her head and flipped a few strands of her hand over her shoulder.
  131. Shyft: "Likewise" he said, with a slight smile.
  132. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stumbled to the side as Dean shoved passed her, her mouth falling open as she turned around to stare at him as he walked off. She whipped her head back around to stare at Bryan, pointing at him. "Move, or die." She turned back quickly to follow after Dean, stepping up beside him and moving her foot to step the heel of her shoe down into the toe of his shoe. She smiled fakely up at him, talking through her teeth. "If you fill this dance with drama, I will personally see to your demise. Do I make myself clear?" // Bryan rolled his eyes watching as Steph turned and walked away. As soon as she couldn't see him, he immediately pushed off the wall and headed to the bar. He desperately needed a drink, apparently just like many of the other students as he walked up beside Aubrey. He leaned his arms down on the bar, looking to the hired bartender. "Fuckin'... jack and coke. All of it." He turned his head to look toward Aubrey. "Are you done?" // Justin smiled, pulling Brylie against him as he swayed back and forth. "I'll let her know you think so. You know I love you, right?" // Liz smiled widely as Remy leaned over to whisper in her ear, her eyes lighting up as her head shot up to look at him. She quickly leaned over, hugging him tightly around the middle and squeezing before quickly releasing him, casually skimming her hand over the top of her hair and dropping her voice. "You're like, the sweetest ever. Are we going to dance? Friends dance, right?"-
  133. EmilyAnneRiker: Emily walked over to a table and sat down. She was too shy to talk to anyone. She still hadnt seen anyone she knew, not that she knew many people but she had hoped.
  134. Lunicy: *Izzy smiled. "So tell me.. Why are you on the floor, mister Jaice?" she asked curiously.*
  135. Covet: -Cadence tilted her head to the side and looked a bit concerned as Bliss spoke.- Wait,Brute boyfriend from hell? And building up an Reputation? Who are you and what have you done with Bliss? Not that I think this version of Bliss isn't amazing... You sure you're okay? -she asked with more sincerity, watching her close- // Kelsey watched as the guy Steph had walked up to, got up and left and Steph following after. She frowned seeing Caroline pushed aside and walked around to the other side of the table- What the heck is going on with everyone? -she asked her-
  136. Musik: "I'm not ruining anything Steph. I just came here to do these pictures, dance with my wife and leave. Alright? I'll fucking stay away from the man you were cursed to call your brother. And aparently my sisters because I fuck that shit up too." -He kept his eyes locked on his camera screen, lifting it up to look through the eyehole.- // -Caroline watched Steph walk away, then watched Bryan as he walked away. She threw her hands up and made her way back over to Jaylee.- "Would it be totally awful if I left early?" -She said looking at her with her sad puppy eyes.- // -Aubrey looked over at the guy who had told the bartender to make her drink a double. She sent him a slight smile lifting her beer to him.- "Ones good enough, I'm not supposed to be drinking. But thanks." -She turned to Bryan, her smile fading.- "Undecided."
  137. Shyft: "I..uh" he paused. "I don't really dance." he said softly. "I'm a quite boring person to say the least. I play lacrosse, and manipulate stocks." he pursed his lips. "what about you? why did you decide to join me?"
  138. Brylie: -Jaylee took another bite of her cookie, finishing it off. Her eyes drifted around the room as she watched Steph march over to Dean. She wasn't happy with what had happened the night before either. She scrunched her nose watching Steph dig the heel of her shoe into Dean's foot. "Ouch" She spoke softly to herself, turning to grab another cookie before looking at Caroline and the girl that walked over to Caroline. "If you left early, I'm sure there would be some people that missed you." She nodded towards Kelsey before looking back down at Caroline.-// Brylie looked up at him, nodding her head. "I know and I love you too." She smiled at him before resting her head back down on his chest. // Wes pushed up from the table and headed to the bar. "Beer, please?"
  139. EmilyAnneRiker has left the chat
  140. Tsaaq: "I'm still the same Bliss." She replied quickly as she pulled at the bottom of her dress. "It's just that, with hardship you find changes within yourself." Bliss whispered as she lowered her gaze. "I'm fine, dear. He's just a brute, trust me. I can handle it. I know what the plan is already. And no I won't be having intercourse with anyone. That's a little much." She scrunched up her face a bit. // "Uhhh yeah sure!" Remy smirked at Liz and placed his hand on her shoulder as he led her to the dance floor. "Warning, I don't know how to dance. I only know how to scream and jump up and down."
  141. Lunicy: //-"I meant, make it a double so I could join you. Guess no beers for me." Jeff said jokingly. He spun around in his bar stool and looked out towards the people dancing."-// *I'm not much of a formal person, so I feel out of my element. She lifted a picture[] of her everyday self on her phone. And anyone with a flask is alright in my book"*
  142. Alexithymiaa: -Steph narrowed her eyes up at Dean, pulling her foot from his and resituating her dress with a small huff. "Uhuh... just stay away from each other, alright?" She pursed her lips and turned around, spotting Wesley at the bar from a mile away. She turned her head to watch as the caterer began serving 'dinner' at the buffet table, nodding to herself before making her way up behind Wesley, laying her head against his back. "I need a nap... or a xanax... or both." // Bryan rolled his eyes as he took the glass from the bartender, bringing it up to his lips. "None of this shit is my fault. He started in with me, so don't hold this against me." He dropped his eyes down to the drink she held, keeping his eyes focused on it for a moment before they jumped up to look at the male sitting down the bar from her. // He smiled, sliding his hand down Brylie's back. "And you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, right?" // Liz laughed as she walked out to the dance floor with Remy, beginning to bounce on her feet as she grabbed his hand and spun herself around into him, spinning back out and stretching her arm out behind her, throwing her head back. "It's okay! I know how to dance!"-
  143. Shyft: His green eyes skimmed over the photo on the screen. He nodded in approval at her comment, then tipped his flask to her. "That works fine for me." He glanced at her flask. "What's in there?" he asked curiously, before putting his own to his lips again and taking another sip from it. He glanced up, and looked at the shitshow that happened not to far from them, which ended with dean stormng away. He saw Aubrey sitting at the bar, a stranger a little ways down from her, and a few familiar faces at the other end of the food table
  144. Lunicy: *"Fireball, a cinnamon whiskey. Pretty smooth. Wanna try?" she then offered her flask to him after taking a sip for herself.*
  145. Covet: -Cadence bit her lip listening to Bliss- Care to ellaborate on him being a Brute? I know he's a big guy, but somehow I don't think that's what you mean....-She watched her get quiet- Bliss...Did he do something to you? -she asked her tone getting more serious.- // Kelsey looked at Caroline- Hey, I just got here, you can't leave yet... -she frowned and held out her hand- C'mon we can go dance, or sit in the corner and sing along with the music -she offered up-
  146. Shyft: He nodded, reaching for her flask. He took a small sip, and in his mind, he was comparing it to the stuff in his flask. He handed it back to her. "It's not bad. But, it's not as strong as mine..I'm still considering spiking the drinks" he chuckled, a mischievous grin on his face.
  147. Musik: -He waved her off and dropped his hand down to his foot as he brought it up slight.- "Fucking ow.." -He mumbled and let out a sigh planting his foot back down on the ground, going back to setting up his camera.- // -Caroline frowned slightly.- "But Dean's being mean, he's completely ruined this night for me already.." -She turned to look at Kelsey.- "I don't even know.. I just know my brother and your cousin got into a fight, and now my sister is apparently upset with them both? I guess.. I don't know." // "Well you sure as fuck didn't end it like I asked you to, did you? Nope. You continued. I feel special." -Aubrey glared at him slightly and turned back to the guy, frowning slightly.- "Sorry, my brain isn't all here." -She extended her arm towards him to shake his hand.- "Aubrey."
  148. Brylie: -Jaylee smiled at the two. "Yeah, Care. Go dance with her. I'm going to go talk to your brother." She finished off her cookie and walked over to Dean. "Are you okay, babe?" // Brylie kept her head against his chest. "Although you've never actually said it, I hoped so." // Wes turned around, pulling Steph into him. "Well tonight you can get all the sleep you want, just no pills."
  149. DragonWolfReaper has joined the chat
  150. DragonWolfReaper: (heya)
  151. TMI has joined the chat
  152. Lunicy: *Izzy giggled in excitement, I would do it, but only if you joined me." she grinned at Jaice curiously to see if he would actually join her. She always enjoyed causing mischief.* //-Jeffery took her hand, kissed the top of it before giving it a slight shake before releasing her dainty hand. "I'm Jeffery, the pleasure is mine." he smiled at her.-//
  153. Tsaaq: She poked out her lower lip and hugged her sides. "Well, he's mean. And calls me a freak, among other things. But I'm fine!" Bliss explained dismissively. "I'm not like others okay? I don't just let things happen to me. I'm too smart to be in a toxic relationship with a shallow, abusive jerk." Her voice cracked a bit. // Remy stiffly waved his body along with his hand hovering over her waist. "I always forget that you can dance, and sing. Also talent." He chuckled.
  154. TMI has left the chat
  155. Shyft: He chuckled. "I've done it before, at the halloween dance. It was my strongest brew to date, but.." he paused, swirling his flask around "This should be sufficient enough to get people to loosen up." He looked at her, and stood up, offering his hand to her. "Shall we?" he asked politely
  156. DragonWolfReaper: -Jayden arrived at the Ball which he hadn't known about once again until last minute and had just so happened to have something fitting for the theme. He looked around as he entered, seeing something out of a winter wonderland dream as he saw what looked like clear ice, freshly fallen snowball worthy snow and his fellow student dressed beautifully and dancing or socializing around him which he couldn't help beut to smile at the chistmas spirit the party seemed to bring about as he stepped carefully around the ballroom-
  157. Lunicy: *She giggled, taking his hand as she was helped up by him. "We shall" Izzy winked as she walked with him over to the buffet slyly.*
  158. Covet: -As Cadence listened she took a drink before speaking- And you're still with him? -she paused and took a deep breath- Look, I know you are a very strong, independent and smart woman....That's something I admire about you. But if something is really wrong, you can tell me...Because I swear to God, if he's ever laid a hand on you, I'll throw his ass back into the hellfire he crawled back out of...-she told her with a very serious cold tone to her voice.- // - Kelsey looked at Caroline with another bright smile, motioning to the dance floor- Screw everyone else tonight, let's go have fun
  159. DragonWolfReaper: (is this just gonna be another one of those things where nobody talks to Jayden again?)
  160. Tsaaq: ((A bloo bloo bloo))
  161. Shyft: ((not necessarily))
  162. Musik: (Maybe Jayden should fucking talk to people. Jesus. No one is going to walk up to him and be like "OH HEY YOU'RE THE KID NO ONE TALKS TO I'LL TALK TO YOU.")
  163. Lunicy: [if you go by the buffet, one of characters is there with nobody to talk to lol]
  164. DragonWolfReaper: (kay how about you dont scream at me, thanks)
  165. Covet: [Well you kind of came in to a bunch of little shit storms and other stuff already going on, so sorry we aren't dropping everything to pay attention to the new kid....]
  166. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smiled, sliding up beside him as she leaned her head down against his side. "Yeah.. that was just a joke. Probably tasteless considering everything..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I was just crossing my fingers this would go off without a hitch and thus far, it's proving to not." // Bryan raised his brows as he looked between Aubrey and the unfamiliar male. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" // Justin smiled, removing his hand from Brylie's back and slipping it into the inside pocket of his jacket to pull out a small black box. He took a deep breath, pulling it in front of him as he kept his eyes on her. "Some things just go without saying, at least for a while. But I guess it just kind of comes a time when you should speak up about those kinds of things and quit assuming and make it definite." He released her hand and slid down to one knee in front of her, pulling the small box open to reveal a round cut diamond engagement ring with a diamond halo. With his eyes fixed on her face and the sweat tickling at the back of his neck, he smiled at her. "Brylie Dafern, will you marry me?" // Liz laughed, grabbing at his other hand as she stepped back and extended her arms in front of her with his, sliding back in to grab his torso as she swayed to the music. "You're talented, Remy!"-
  167. DragonWolfReaper: (why's there ALWAYS drama? eesh)
  168. Tsaaq: ((BRUH))
  169. Musik: (Why are you ALWAYS breathing?)
  170. DragonWolfReaper: (that was harsh...)
  171. Musik: (Well so is asking why there's drama in an rp group. That's how we get our fix. So sit down and be social, buddy.)
  172. Covet: [There is always drama, because in a mundane human RP, that's what drives the RP. It doesn't have to be big...but there is always stuff going on. Think of it like a Skins, or]
  173. Musik: -Dean looked over at Jaylee, nodding his head a bit setting the camera down, wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her forehead.- "Everything's fine. Having fun?" // -Caroline smiled at Kelsey and took her hand heading off to the dance floor, dancing around to the music with her.- // -Aubrey furrowed her brows a bit, pulling her hand away from Jeff.- "Right.. Well.." -She stared at Jeff's face for a second before turning to look back at Bryan.- "Calm down killer." -She put her hand on his chest patting it gently.-
  174. Shyft: Jaice offered his arm to Izzy, as the two made their way over to the punch bowl. He casually leaned against the table, one leg crossed in front of the other, and began whistling, all the while as he emptied the contents of his flask into the punch. Once it empied, he put it away with a flourish, and looked at his counterpart. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Tiny on one knee with a box in his hand. "Oh shit" he said, as he pointed to what was going on.
  175. DragonWolfReaper: -Jayden stood from the seat he'd found after noticing the buffet and made his way over to it, looking at the selection he grabbed a plate and took a few things here and there, noting another whom he could swear he'd never met before, which was likely considering how new to the area and school he still was. Part of him wished Scarlet was able to make it to this festive event but couldn't blame her with her busy schedule. After a moment he spoke up to the person he didn't know- Hey... this whole event is a friggin' amazing piece of work huh?
  176. Tsaaq: Bliss covered her mouth as her eyes fixed on Cadence's visage. "I don't know if I can-" She squeaked then lowered her blonde head. // He raised a brow at her then smirked. "I'm talented?" He repeated unsurely.
  177. Lunicy: //-Jeffery payed no attention to the unknown man next to Aubrey. He eyed her up and down, smirking before getting up. "see you round' Aubrey." he spoke softly, gently caressing her shoulder as he got up and walked outside, lighting a cigarette before sitting on top of his car, listening to the sound of the bumping music.-// *Izzy grinned as she stood by the other punch bowl, quickly pouring her whiskey into the mix. She then walked over to Jaice's side and watching the "big question" go down in the middle of the dancefloor.*
  178. Covet: -Cadence grabbed Bliss's hand and scooted closer to her, leaning in to talk to her- Bliss...Tell me, you know I have your back... You don't have to deal with him by yourself, You've got at the very least. -she let a hand rest on her back, trying to comfort her- // Kelsey was dancing with Caroline, when she saw someone bend down on the dance floor- Oh Holy Night....-she stopped and turned Caroline around, her mouth hanging open-
  179. Brylie: -Jaylee looked up at him, pushing up on her toes to kiss his lips. "I would be if my husband could play nice for a night." She smiled at him. "So come on. Forget about everyone else and come dance with me." // As Justin spoke, she kept her eeyes on him. Once he opened the box revealing the beautiful diamond her hands quickly went up to her mouth. at first all she could do was nod her head, her mouth wasn't working the way she wanted it to. She bent down a little, wrapping her arms around his neck, her attempt to hold the tears back was failing as she was finally able to answer him. "Yes! Yes I will!" She hugged him tightly, pulling back a little to look at him. "Of course I will. I love you." // Wes shook his head at Steph. "Just stop worrying about everyone else and lets have fun. I'm sure you know what that means, right?"
  180. Alexithymiaa: -Steph raised her brows, giving Wesley a small shove in the arm. "Har har, very funny. Yes I know what fun is, and prancing around in a fancy dress is not my idea of fun. Planning the shit out of the fancy dress party is, and then going home to sit by myself with you and the cats is significantly more fun than having to worry if everything went according to plan." // Justin smiled widely, wrapping his arms around her back as he stood to his feet, squeezing her tightly before pulling the box back in front of him and removing the ring from inside it. He took her left hand, sliding the ring onto her finger. He let out a small laugh, shifting his hand up to brush his thumb over her cheek, wiping her face. "Why are you crying?" // Bryan leaned forward against Aubrey's hand, staring at the male as he got up and walked away, his eyes quickly jumping back to Aubrey. "What the fuck was that bullshit?" // Liz nodded. "Of course! You're super good at stuff we can't talk about right now." She smiled, spinning around again, her eyes going wide as she stared at Justin and Brylie, backing up and bumping into Remy. "Oh my god... Remy... REMY!"-
  181. Shyft: He nodded, and started clapping as Brylie said yes to Justin. "Not bad, not bad at all." He pursed his lips, then returned his gaze to Izzy, his eyes falling over her fully tattooed arms. He made his way back over to the little spot on the ground where he was sitting previously. He spied Jayden near the food table talking to another girl he hadnt seen before. 'Good for him to be out and about' he thought to himself, as he situated himself on the floor
  182. Alexithymiaa: (Okay, switching yet again.)
  183. Tsaaq: She lifted her head and let out a long sigh. "Well, there have been a couple of instances where he has demonstrated unneccessary force on me..." Bliss seemed to mumbled.// "Yeah that doesn't make me feel like a human dildo or anything." He whispered inaubily. Remy turned around to look at Justin and Brylie. His eyes widened from the sight as well. "Oh god no." Remy wheezed. "This is isn't fucking happening." He was sure that nobody heard him, but fuck.
  184. Musik: -Dean smiled and grabbed her hand to lead her to the dance floor, stopping in his track as he saw Justin and Brylie.- "Well lookie there." -He let go of Jaylee's hand and started clapping his hands hard together.- // -Caroline spun around her eyes locking on Justin and Brylie.- "No way.." -She smiled widely and bounced slightly.- "Oh my god!" // -Aubrey shrugged.- "Fuck if I know. I just wanted a fucking beer and the next thing I know there's a guy telling the bartender to make it a double and then he's kissing my hand and touching my shoulder and I don't fucking know." -She rolled her eyes keeping her hand against his chest, lifting her eyes to look up at him.- "No more fighting. I'd say please but that obviously doesn't help my case."
  185. Covet: [Okay I'm putting this here, because this is stupid....What exactly are you wanting as far as Equal treatment Kyle? What do you want from us, since apparently we aren't meeting your needs? EVERYONE Is involved with what is going on with their characters. Someone shouldn't have to point out to you who is where, or where the best place to RP is...It's called reading....and if you'd figure out that people are spread out across the venue involved in their individual things, not to mention the plethora of NPC students that are filling the place too...We aren't going to spot you...People are dancing, people are eating....Figure it out and quit your bitching about it....because I'm trying to enjoy this event that I painstakingly put together for everyone to enjoy, and you are making that very difficult to do right now. You need to sit down and quit having a ME ME ME moment and be a team player. Mkay? Mkay.]
  186. Covet: [Also you are different because we haven't been Rping with you for the last are new...and your RP irritates people because you hear shit from clear across the room that you wouldn't be able to normally hear....That kind of kills it for some of us dedicated people.]
  187. Covet: [Lunicy is new here too, and she had no problem stepping right in and getting involved. Sorry I'm not bringing my RP to you on a silver fucking platter.]
  188. Covet: [Posting now :D]
  189. DragonWolfReaper: (kay you know what? I rp to enjoy myself and i'm sorry i'm not the greatest at it like the rest of you multi-charactering badasses I just want to fucking take part and it's apparently not possible for someone to spot Jayden in a crowd? none of you are any better than the people i deal with in real life... and i still manage to notice people in a crowd, we're not talking about some fucking mosh pit kind of crowd here like fuck but out of all the people you play as and plus the number of people rping and not one can take it in their time to fucking include me when I post? FUCKING LAME!)
  191. DragonWolfReaper has left the chat
  193. Shyft: (that happened so quickly.)
  194. Covet: [-ignores his messages-]
  195. Shyft: (i'm gonna eat now)
  196. Tsaaq: ((Why did he bring us all into this wtf ))
  197. Lunicy: *Izzy looked around to see her friend Elsa, drunk babling to other students, taking weird selfies and such. "Oh dear lord." she rushed over to her, putting Elsa's arm around around her shoulder. "C'moooon kiddo. Lets get you home." She passed by Jaice, "I'll be right back" She giggled, shaking her head. Izzy walked her out to Jeffery's truck and told him to go without her. She walked back inside, spotted Jaice and leaned against the wall. "sorry about that."*
  198. Covet: [CAUSE HE'S A BITCH! That's why]
  199. Brylie: -Jaylee started towards the dance floor with Dean before her eyes fells upon Brylie and Justin. She smiled, moving her hands in front of her to clap them together. She then took Dean's hand again, "That was sweet." // Brylie kept her eyes on him before looking down at the ring that was now around her finger. She looked back up at him. "I don't know. I can't help but to cry. I'm just really happy right now." // Wes laughed. "Sitting with your cats is not fun, but I can see why you included me in that. I am pretty fun." He smiled down at her before turning to look at Justin and Brylie in the middle of the dance floor. "Did he just...?"
  200. EmilyAnneRiker has joined the chat
  201. Shyft: He laughed as Izzy escorted her friend outside. He pulled out his phone and scrolled around just so hs fingers would have something to do. He looked up as Izzy got back. "Will she be okay?" he asked as he slid his phone back into his pocket
  202. EmilyAnneRiker: ((So my computer automatically restarted on me and updated. So sorry for random poofies.))
  203. Lunicy: [mine did that earlier lol]
  204. EmilyAnneRiker: ((its so stupid. Like I dont even want to update but it makes me. haha))
  205. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smirked, turning her head to look back toward Justin and Brylie, her eyes going wide as she stared. "Oh god... now I need a drink." She turned back around to the bar, lifting her fingers into the air. "Beer, please?" // Justin smiled, pocketing the box and leaning down to wrap his arms around her, lifting her up off her feet as he hugged her. "As long as you're happy. Because you have no idea how nervous I've been about this." // Bryan smirked, settling down onto the stool beside Aubrey, reaching for his glass again to take a sip. "I don't know this ridiculous please word you're talking about, but considering I've already been told I look fuckin' retarded, I guess I can hold off on the fighting for a night. So long as that fuckin' douchebag doesn't fuckin' do shit." // Liz turned and haphazardly slapped at Remy's chest excitedly, jumping up and down. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I can't believe he didn't tell meeeee! Did he tell you? Remy, did he tell YOU?"-
  206. Lunicy: *"Oh yeah, she'll be fine" She chuckled. "She hasn't been out in awhile. Got our room mate to take her home". Izzy pulled out a mini bottle of fireball from her boussom and took a sip.*
  207. Covet: Unnecssary force....I'm taking that as Blissinese that he did hit you....fuck...-she whispered- Hey look...-she squeezed Bliss's hand- You don't need to be afraid...And you don't have to lower your standards to please him, or to make him jealous or whatever you are doing, unless it is for you and you alone. -she sighed- I swear to God, he's going to wish he stayed in that bonfire... -she had her Jaw set as she looked at Bliss, she looked up and saw everyone cheering and Steph sitting at the bar- C'mon, lets go get a drink // -Kelsey clapped out excitedly with Caroline as Justin slid the ring on her finger.- See aren't you glad you didn't leave yet? You would have missed that!
  208. Musik: -Dean took her hand and lead her to the dance floor patting Justin on the back.- "Congrats you two crazy kids." -He smiled at them and walked away spinning Jaylee out and tugging her closer to his body, resting his hand on her lower back as he started swaying.- // "I can't believe that just happened. Can you believe that just happened?" -She said turning her head to look at Kelsey.- "Oh my god, I wonder if Liz knew. If she did why didn't she tell me! Oh my god where's Liz!" -She bounced a bit more looking around before her eyes settled back on Kelsey's face, laughing.- "So glad." // -Aubrey rolled her eyes lifting her beer to her lips dropping her hand froom his chest as she set her beer down, folding her hands in her lap.- "Pretty sure if you stay near me he won't come around. Not after I went off on him." -She looked down at her hands chewing the inside of her cheek.-
  209. EmilyAnneRiker: Emily gets up and walks over to one of the tables occupied and looks at the man and woman sitting there. "Can I umm... sit with you both?"
  210. Shyft: (we're on the floor in the corner emily xD )
  211. EmilyAnneRiker: ((Well damn you people. Nevermind. scratch that shit. -sits at her own lonesome table.- haha))
  212. Shyft: ((lmao she's welcome to join. We're waiting for people to start drink the punch.))
  213. Musik: (hands on her lower back*)
  214. EmilyAnneRiker: ((oh god. haha give me a mo))
  215. Tsaaq: "Uhhhhhhh, no?" He answered stiffly as he stared, appalled at the display. Remy had a sudden urge to sing 'Back to Black' by Amy Winehouse as everyone swamped them for congratulations. // Bliss had teared a bit when she spoke. She wiped the corners her eyes then tried to smile. "Okay." She answered as she stood and pulled down her dress. "Goodness I'm cold in this thing." Bliss whined under her breath.
  216. Brylie: -Jaylee walked towards Justin and Brylie with Dean, smiling at them. "Oh my god. Yes. Congrats!" After Dean and her started dancing she looked up at him, smiling. "You know, we haven't danced together like this since our wedding." // She kept her arms around his neck. "Of course I'm happy. The love of my life just asked me to marry him. Who wouldn't be happy?" She pulled back to kiss his lips. "You shouldn't have been nervous. I wouldn't tell you no." Once Dean and Jaylee came over to congratulate them, she smiled at them both. "Thank you!" // Wes nodded and moved over to the bar with Steph. "Make that two please."
  217. Shyft: He watched as she pulled out a small bottle of Fireball. "I'm guessng that's your drink of choice?"
  218. EmilyAnneRiker: Emily sees two people standing in a corner and shyly places her hands in front of her and walks over to him. It was about time she decide to talk to people and be social. She smiles at them. "Hey there." she nervously tucks her blond hair behind her ear.
  219. Lunicy: *Izzy grinned, "Nah, I'm not picky. Just what I felt like sneaking in today." She looked up at Emily. "Good evening. Sip?" She asked, offering it to her.*
  220. EmilyAnneRiker: She looks down at the drink. "Sure, what is it?"
  221. Covet: Yeah, You defintely have to have to be used to enduring the cold in such dresses. I applaud you for how long you heldout though -she smiled at her and walked up to the bar next to Steph- So... We need to talk... -she looked back to Bliss- We might need your assistance with some, how did you put it Bliss, Unnecessary no..I can't even sugar coat it, Someone needs his ass re-toasted. -she told Steph bluntly, then looked at the bartender- Can I get a beer? // YES! Where is Liz...I haven't seen her in forever...-she laughed and followed Caroline as they hunted her down-
  222. Shyft: He looked up at the new face before them. "Hej" he said with a smile, his swedish spilling out. She seemed nervous, but friendly. "I'll be right back" he said to Izzy, as he got up and walked over to the table to help himself to a few munchies
  223. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took one of the beers as the bartender slid them over to them, immediately bringing it up to her lips and taking a long drink, nearly chugging half the glass before setting it down. "I feel like my eyes are betraying me right now. That just happened, right? If I turn around, it'll still be real?" // Justin smiled, turning his head to look at Dean as he patted him on the back. "Thanks, man." His eyes dropped back down to Brylie. "I knew you wouldn't say no, but that didn't make me any less nervous." // Bryan shrugged, lifting up his drink and finishing off the contents of the glass, sliding it back across the bar. "Good. Cause fuck that shit. I can't draw attention to myself. My sister is out for blood." // Liz smiled widely, quickly turning around again to face Remy. "I'm thirsty. Are you thirsty? I want a drink. Do you want a drink? I'll get you a drink." She quickly walked off the dance floor and away from him, stepping into the dining room and up to the punch table. She set two cups down, pouring punch into both cups to the top.-
  224. Shyft: (yesss..drink the punch. Nothing will go wrong they said. )
  226. Alexithymiaa: (STAHP IT YOU.)
  227. Shyft: (but remy and liz, and spiked punch= BAHAHAHAHAHA)
  228. Lunicy: *Izzy nodded to Jaice as he got up. She heard the talk about the punch bowl and her eyes widened with excitement. With a slight smirk, she looked away and mumbled. "Let the party begin."*
  229. Alexithymiaa: (STOP IT. YOU KNOW NOTHING.)
  230. Covet: [Oh if you only knew Padowan]
  231. Alexithymiaa: ( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ )
  232. Covet: [-pats his head-]
  233. Shyft: (oh god. now i'm concerned)
  234. Covet: [I'm sure everyone at Talon is...]
  235. Shyft: (facedesk)
  236. Alexithymiaa: (Welcome to the space jam....)
  237. Covet: [AHAHAHA]
  238. Shyft: (done)
  239. Shyft: (so done)
  240. EmilyAnneRiker: ((shit brb again. -poofies as she mumbles obsenities at the computer-))
  241. EmilyAnneRiker has left the chat
  242. Tsaaq: "I don't even, I. Yeah sure." Remy said in a monotone. He splashed the juice into his mouth and slammed the cup on the table. "My best friend is getting married. I'm gonna die alone." He sighed. // Bliss started to pout again. "Well guys we don't need to burn him, he's obviously overcompensating for his horrible regard for women in general." She said quietly. She spun her head to look at the scene. "No it looks pretty real."
  243. Musik: -Dean nodded his head slightly looking down at her.- "Well that's because we have three kids and jobs and school and barely have enough time to breathe my dear Wife." // -Caroline spotted Liz next to Remy and bounced on her heels grabbing her dress slightly holding it up a little as she power walked over to her, she let go of her dress and tapped her shoulder.- "Liz! Did you know about that!?" -The smile still plastered on her lips.- // "She's not the only one.." -Aubrey said softly as she picked her beer up pressing it to her lips to take a long drink.-
  244. Brylie: "Well if we had a live in nanny we would have a little time to breathe." She laughed. "Don't get me wrong, I love our life, but I miss my personal time. Not to mention, I miss working." // -She smiled at him before looking around the room. "I need to find Aubrey." She looked back at him before kissing his lips. "I'll be right back." She looked around the room again before spotting Aubrey at the bar. She lifted the bottom of her dress and walked over to her. She stood off to the side to where Aubrey couldn't see her and slid her hand with the ring on it in front of Aubrey, hoping she'd notice that the ring was different.- // Wes took the beer and took a long sip turning his head to look back at the dance floor. "I'm pretty sure that was real." He shook his head, turning to look at Cadence and Bliss, taking another sip of his beer-
  245. Covet: -Looking back at Bliss- No, you don't get to give him excuses, I don't care what his reasons are, he shouldn't be treating you like that. It's bullshit. -Cadence looked at Steph and Bliss, then at everyone congratulating Justin and Brylie- Ugh...Did those to do something annoying and gagginly perfect again? -she turned back to the bartender, Can I get a double shot of Whiskey to add to that?-
  246. Covet: *bartender-
  247. Alexithymiaa: -Steph swiveled on her chair, her eyes falling to Cadence and then Bliss as she furrowed her brows. "Wait wait wait. What? Who's ass am I kicking and do I have time for appropriate footwear before said ass kicking?" She lifted her beer up again, finishing off the remaining half of the glass and sliding it over to the bartender, signaling for a refill. // Bryan raised his brows. "What, you still want to kill me too?" His eyes drifted over to Brylie's hand stuck in front of Aubrey's face, swiveling around on his stool to look at her. "Yeah, definitely not having a conversation or any shit. It's cool...." // Justin smiled, leaning down to kiss Brylie back before she took off. He took a deep breath, turning to head toward the buffet table of food. He was starved. // Liz handed Remy the cup of punch, lifting her up to her mouth as she took a long sip, wrinkling her nose down into the cup. "Ew..." Her eyes shot up to look between Caroline and Kelsey. "Oh my god, no! I had no idea!"-
  248. Shyft: Jaice, after picking out the few cookies that looked appealing to him, went back to his spot on the floor. He absentmindedly nibbled on one, as he watched Liz become the first victim to the punch. He smiled wickedly as she took two cups and left. "This should be a fun night"
  249. Covet: [Shit...let me post Kelsey....XD Steph helped fuck up posting order]
  251. Covet: [I lied let me put Kelsey in on the next one, She auto followed Caroline...XD ]
  252. Covet: [...I don't post fast, what is this nonsense]
  253. Lunicy: [Gotta go <3]
  254. Shyft: (take care c: )
  255. Brylie: (Love you Mandiiii)
  256. Tsaaq: "This punch tastes like alcohol." Remy said quietly as he held the cup. He stood in silence then his eyes widened. "... THIS PUNCH TASTES LIKE ALCOHOL." He repeated loudly then dunked his face into the liquid while the girls conversed. // Bliss stared at her beer and took a sip then curled up her face. "Lucius has been an awful boyfriend and now Cay wants to destroy his entire existence." She said casually, apprehensive in taking another sip.
  257. Musik: -Dean shrugged.- "Once I get more clients we'll hire someone to help.. a little. I refuse to let someone else raise our babies. I won't miss anything. Once school is done this will be easier. We won't have to bounce them between us and then barely see each other at night. I promise." -He leaned his head down to kiss her lips.- // -Caroline squeeked slightly grabbing her free hand.- "Oh my god this is absolutely amazing! Another wedding! And good, I'm glad you didn't know and just didn't tell me. That would've been so not cool." // "Yes, I do. Both you and my idiot br.." -Her wrods were cut short as a hand apeared in her face. She furrowed her brows a bit grabbing the hand staring at the ring.- "I know the hand.. But the.. No way.. No fucking way!" -She spun around on the stool quickly smiling up at Brylie.- "No way."
  258. Covet: [Thanks for joining in and being a team player, you rock! :D]
  259. Musik: (Love you Mandi<3)
  260. Lunicy has left the chat
  261. Covet: ....Being a horrible boyfriend is an understatement, and I don't threaten to re-set people on fire without a good reason -she folded her arms as she watched the bartender get her drinks.- It won't be tonight Dick, so your footwear and stunning dress are just fine. -she smiled pleasantly- // -Kelsey smiled and laughed as Liz and Caroline freaked out, then turned to stare at the guy bobbing for something in the punch bowl- you think he needs help? I would...but...White stains so easily...
  262. Brylie: -Jaylee nodded, keeping her body swaying to the music. "I still want to work again. I was serious when I said I missed it." She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I can do like in home work or something." // -Brylie looked at Bryan. "You have conversations with her all the time. Give me 5 minutes. It won't kill you." She rolled her eyes at him before looking back down at Aubrey, nodding her head. "Yes!" She pulled her hand back infront of her, looking at her hand. "I wasn't totally not expecting this like... Not for a very very long time." // -Wes looked at Cadence, nodding his head. "They did." He took another long sip of his beer. "At least it's not drama and bullshit."
  263. Covet: [switched to Kelsey, cause apparently I like this standing spot...XD]
  264. Tsaaq: ((AHah!))
  265. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes shifted back and forth between Cadence and Bliss, turning back to the bar and laying her forehead down on her arms across the bar as the bartender slid her another beer. She let out a small groan, leaning her shoulder against Wesley. "Why can't everyone just die and stop being shitty? Why?" // Bryan raised his brows, shaking his hand to mock Aubrey's excitement, his eyes dropping down to Brylie's hand as he listened to the two talk. "Wait, what the fuck? What? Seriously? Now? He was talking about that shit like three months ago." // Justin grabbed a plate from the table, filling his plate with food before walking over to his table, setting the plate down in front of his chair and shrugging out of his jacket, tossing it onto the back of the chair. He slid down into the seat, beginning to eat. // Liz laughed, lifting her cup up to finish off the rest of the punch as her face contorted, keeping her eyes on Caroline. "Oh my god, I totally would have told you." She turned around to look in Remy's direction as Kelsey pointed him out, letting out a small laugh as she held her cup out to him. "Um, Remy?"-
  266. Shyft: His partner in crime gone, he stood up and walked around the room, merely observing the decorations, not really paying any mind to the people around him. He bit into another cookie, as he stopped walking and leaned into the wal nearest to him.
  267. Tsaaq: Remy lifted his head from the bowl and let out a loud gasp. He turned his wet head in her direction and nodded at her. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked casually. "Hang on a tic." He put his head in again, taking all the liquid possible into his mouth. When he lifted his head again he swallowed then stood up. "Okay, shoot." // She shrugged and hovered anxiously near the bar. "I don't know. I guess it's because they think they're entitled to things." Bliss answered. "Humility can go a long way but, nobody wants to hear that."
  268. Musik: "Well we will make it happen, babe. Whatever you want to do. We can get someone for the days, and then we can take over at four-thirty five.. And we can just have family nights from now on. And get a sitter for every Thursday and just go out and have fun." -He reached up grabbing her hand from behind his neck, pushing her out slightly to spin her around.- // -Caroline looked at Remy and furrowed her brows a bit before she looked aorund and spotted Jaice.- "I'll be right back guys." -She walked past them and over to Jaice, leaning against the wall next to him.- "Havin' fun?" // -Aubrey smiled widely up at her and grabbed her hand to look down at the ring again.- "Oh my god, go Justin. That ring is beautiful holy shit." -She turned her head slightly to look at Bryan.- "You didn't tell meeee!" // -Tony stumbled his way into the hotel, clearly baked off his ass. His white suit with purple waist band (don't know the name for it but fuck it.) and his purple bowtie untied draping across his neck. He looked around a bit as he rocked back on his heels.-
  269. Covet: Ugh...They did the thing...didn't they....-she shook her head and grabbed the glass of whiskey and held it up with a sarcastic tone- To Mister Cleaver and his new Beaver...-she tipped it back and swallowed, with a wince. Looking at Bliss she nudged the beer towards her- Feel free to drink up, They have Champagne if you'd rather have that. -she said not caring to get involved in the existential question of existence- // -Kelsey laughed as Remy re-dunked his head into the bowl. Nobody else around seemed to be too shocked by the mans actions though.-
  270. Alexithymiaa: (cummerbund)
  271. Covet: [that's what she said....]
  272. Shyft: He was looking at the drapes when Caroline bounced over to him and asked if he was having fun. "Yea, Yea, time of my life" he said, obviously lying off his ass. "You look beautiful he said, giving her a once over with his eyes. "You having fun?"
  273. Brylie: Jaylee smiled, spinning around when he spun her. "Oh, that sounds great. I really like that idea. All of it." // Brylie smiled. "It's so pretty, right?" Her eyes drifted up to Bryan. "You knew? I'm surprised you didn't complain about it to Aubs." She shook her head, looking at Aubrey. "You two can join us.. If you want." She looked back behind her at the tables spotting Justin. "We're right over there. I'm starving so I need to go eat." She smiled at Aubrey again before turning on her heels, walking over to the table full of food. She put some things onto her plate and made her way over to Justin, sitting down next to him. She grabbed the napkin and placed it on her lap before she started to eat. // Wes ordered another beer, and took a sip of it. "Here's to those who aren't making super big life changes before we graduate college."
  274. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sighed, lifting her head up and grabbing her refilled beer, lifting it up into the air for the toast. "I can definitely toast to that." She tipped the beer back, drinking it down. // Bryan shrugged, swiveling back around to lean against the bar. "I didn't think he was serious. And even if he was, I wasn't fuckin' gonna go and blow that shit up. That's not blow up shit." // Justin lifted his fork up to his mouth, chewing his food and looking around as he enjoyed the buffet table. He lifted his head up as she sat down beside him, smiling. "Foods good." // Liz tipped her cup back and forth in front of him, a lazy smiling crossing her face as the potent alcohol started to run through her system. "Um, a refill. You can shareee."-
  275. Covet: Holy Fuck a Christmas Miracle, Me and your boyfriend finally have something to agree on! -Cadence sputtered out and slid her glass across the bar- I'll have another, just to toast to that. // -Kelsey looked at Liz- I was gonna say, Must be some really good punch...I haven't even tried any yet, and by the looks of it, I may not get to -she laughed seeing Remy's punch soaked head and stained collar-
  276. Musik: -Dean nodded bringin her back closer to his body, wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her up off her feet slightly.- "Well Mrs. Sanchez, it's a done deal." -He pecked her lips.- // -Caroline smiled looking down at her dress as she ran her hands over it.- "Thanks." -She lifted her eyes back up to look at his face.- "I am, but I don't believe you are." // -Aubrey laughed watching Brylie walk away before turning on the stool to look at him.- "Anyway.. Back to our conversation." // -Tony strutted down the steps through the crowd of people over to wwhere the food was, he spotted Liz and Remy and some chick he didn't know, walking over to them.- "Have you seen Care?" -He looked between the three of them.-
  277. Shyft: "I'm good. It may not look like it, But i'm good" he paused, looking down at her. He faked a smile as best he could, then nibbled on one of the cookies he was holding. He looked at her again, and stretched out his hand with a cookie in it. "Want one?" he asked her
  278. Tsaaq: She put down her beer and turned her head slighty. "Champange in a thoroughly cleaned glass please?" She asked quickly. When she got her glass she raised it as she looked between the two girls then sipped on it. // Remy dumped the cup in the punch then handed it to Liz, he retracted it really fast to drink then handed it to her again. "Yep, this is definitely alcohol."
  279. Brylie: -She kissed him back, dropping her hands down to his side. "You have no idea how bad these heels are killing me. When we get home, you're totally rubbing my calf muscles. I can tell I haven't wore heels in forever." // Brylie finished what was in her mouth before looking up at Justin, nodding her head. "I agree and I think our mini agrees. All day when I've ate something I've felt sick to my stomach. I actually don't feel sick right now." She took another bite, chewing it up. // He looked up at Cadence as he took another drink before looking over at Steph. "So, tonight didn't go that bad, did it?"
  280. Tsaaq: Remy turned his head slowly at Tony's question. "Baby Aubrey? No. Have you birds seen baby Aubrey?" He asked as he pointed at the two blondes. "I dunno, maybe she's somewhere singing about coming to get it. Na na na."
  281. Musik: (LOL.)
  282. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took a deep breath, sliding the glass between her hands. "You mean besides wanting to kill your best friend and my brother? Not atrociously. Although it definitely did not go as planned. But I kind of feel like these things never do." She brought the glass to her lips, taking another sip. // He raised his brows. "How come you didn't tell me? I'd have gotten you something to make you feel better." // Bryan shrugged. "I don't remember what we were talking about." // Liz nodded her head quickly, taking the cup from Remy and reaching out to grab Tony's hand, dragging him across the dining room to where Jaice and Caroline stood. She smiled widely, giivng Tony a small shove in Caroline's direction. "There she is!" She bounced on her heels, turning back around and walking back to Remy as she sipped her punch. "This punch tastes... not like normal alcohol. It tastes like weird alcohol." She started to giggle, her torso beginning to lean to the side against Remy.-
  283. Musik: -Dean set her down and brought his hands up to rest on the sides of her neck, laughing.- "That's what you think. When we get home you're rubbing my feet. I've been trying to break these shoes in since.. Our wedding. That shit's not happening." // -Caroline smiled at him and shook her head.- "No than.." -Her words cut off as she saw Liz and a guy out of the corner of her eyes. She pushed away from the wall slightly furrowing her brows as she stared at Liz, then at Tony.- "What?" // -Aubrey rolled her eyes and finished off her beer.- "Right, well. Unless you want to go over there and eat with the overly happy couple. We could go back to my apartment and you can have your Christmas present. Only part of it came in, but it's the main part." -She ran her finger through her bouncy curled extentions.- // -Tony stumbled a bit as Liz pushed him towards her. He watched her walk off then looked at Caroline then at Jaice.- "Uh.. Hi." -He said keeping his eyes on Jaice before turning his head to look at Caroline.- "Hi."
  284. Covet: -Cadence nodded at Steph- This one wasn't shot up by that's a plus -she grinned and held her thumbs up, then asked- too soon? -she grabbed the glass again, this time sipping from it.- // Kelsey looked at them both then leaned towards the punch bowl reeling back when she smelled it- Woah...... -she decided against the punch, If she thought her Dad was pissed before, she'd definitely be in the fire for drinking- So...Liz....Care to introduce me to your punch covered friend? I know he lives in the dorms...but..I don't think we've officially met.
  285. Musik: (TOO SOON CADENCE.)
  286. Covet: [XD]
  287. Shyft: He eyed Tony, but didn't care to answer him. He just nodded curtly, and leaned against the wall
  288. Shyft: (
  289. Tsaaq: "Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't give me whiskey dick." He replied in a slur and looked at the other blonde girl. "You look lke a mouse, but like. A sexy mouse. You're like a grandma but at the same time, a hot grandma. You look like the lady from American Horror Story. You guys have the same mouth and nose." He rambled on. // Bliss drank her glass down then hissed. "I heard about that guy, so sad to hear about. I didn't think that would ever happen here."
  290. Brylie: -She laughed shaking her head. "Oh no. I am not touching your nasty man feet. Men feet are so much worse than lady feet. Yalls feet are boney and just plain gross." // "I know, but I figured you were busy today. I know I was. Getting ready for this formal. I had to go get my hair done, my makeup, my nails, and then I had to pick up my dress from the dry cleaners." She sighed. "I was okay as long as I wasn't eating." // "Just a little too soon." He looked down at his suit. "I'd say it was a pretty good night. I was afraid I'd have to beat someone's ass for getting blood on my suit."
  291. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned her head slowly, staring at Cadence. "Yes Bruce. Yes. It is in fact, too soon." She shook her head, downing the rest of her beer. She turned her head back to look at Wesley, smirking. "If blood was shed enough to actually get blood on your suit, I would kill everyone. I'd be done." She finished off her beer, swiveling around on the stool and sliding off to her feet, her heels sliding out from underneath her as she hit the floor, the room spinning. She let out a small huff, her hands immediately tugging at her dress to cover herself. "And I think it's time to call it on these shoes. And the beer." // Bryan raised his brows, immediately sliding off the stool and walking around behind Aubrey. "Is it ass? Is my Christmas present your ass?" // Justin shook his head. "Not really. I had one last final today, and then I just went home to play xbox until it was time to shower." // Liz wrinkled her nose, tipping her cup up to finish the punch inside, tossing it onto the table before looking between Remy and Kelsey. "Kelsey, this is Remy. Remy, this is Kelsey." She crossed her arms over her chest, frowning.-
  292. Covet: -Cadence tilted her head to the side and looked at Wes- Eh...I think it'd look better with some blood on it...but that's just me -she shrugged and laughed- Gosh...I'd rather think about someone shooting the place up than someone attaching himself to a ball and chain...for some reason one seems a lot more logical than the other....// -Kelsey blinked at Remy as he called a slew of confusing things that she wasn't sure if she was supposed to take as an insult, or compliment- Nice to meet you Remy. -she looked back at Liz- What's with the frown? Is everything okay?
  293. Musik: "Mannn come onnnn. I rubbed your girly ass feet for eight in a half months. I still fuckin do." -He whined slightly looking down at her.- // -Caroline grabbed Jaice's hand and shoved passed Tony pulling Jaice along with her. She walked over to a table and sat down, pushing her hair off her shoulder.- "Sorry..I just don't feel like being near him righ tnow.- // -Aubrey laughed leaning back against him.- "Not exactly, considering I'm still -broken-. But you'll still like it." -She turned around on the stool looking up at him as she slid off the stool.- // -Tony groaned turning onhis heels leaning against the wall as he stared at Jaice and Caroline.-
  294. Brylie: -Wes hooked his arm around Steph, keeping her steady. "I'd say beer and heels don't mix. Plus, I need you pretty sober for tomorrow. That's when I'm taking you to meet Selina." // Brylie looked up at time. "Oh. Well still. I'm okay." She took another bite, chewing it before speaking again. "How far are you on your game?" // Jaylee laughed. "I'm your wife. You're supposed to do that because you love me. I'll stick to rubbing your back."
  295. Shyft: He was pulled away by caroline, and was quite surprised at how easily she had gotten him to move. He followed her past Tony, and to a table when he sat next to her. He glanced back at tony, who happened to be looking directly at them as well. "Why don't you like him?" he paused, mulling for words. "Besides the fact that i can't stand him"
  296. Tsaaq has left the chat
  297. Shyft has left the chat
  298. Alexithymiaa: -She climbed up to her feet unsteadily, grabbing a hold of Wesley before reaching down to slip her shoes from her feet. She lifted her head quickly, staring at him. "Really? I get to go see her? Seriously?" She stared wide eyed, the entirety of the dance dissipating around her as she thought about the baby giraffe. // Bryan held his hand out to her for her to steady herself, grabbing for her crutches to situate them in front of her. "So then let's get the fuck out of here so I can take my pants off." // Justin shrugged, lifting his fork to his mouth. "Probably like halfway. I haven't played that much with finals going on. I've tried to restrict myself. Between studying and trying to fit dance lessons into Liz's busy schedule, my time hasn't been my own that much lately." // Liz watched as Remy stumbled off out of the building, chewing on the inside of her cheek and shrugging her shoulders. "Nothing, it's fine." She turned her head to look back to where Caroline had been standing with Tony and Jaice, furrowing her brows when she saw Tony standing against the wall by himself. She grabbed a hold of Kelsey's hang, tugging her along over to Tony. "What happened? I thought you were talking to Caroline."-
  299. Musik: -Dean laughed and grabbed her hand spinning her around once more.- "Alright fine. Though this is slightly unfair, I'll take what I can get." // -Caroline folded her hands on the table, twidling her tumbs slightly. She blew out a breath keeping her eyes on her hands.- // -Aubrey adjusted her crutches under her arms and started off towards the door.- "Thank god. I'm ready to get out of this dress." // -Tony shrugged looking at Liz.- "I was. Then she grabbed what's his hairs hand and walked away."
  300. Musik: (i tried* not I was.)
  301. Brylie: -Wes nodded at her, keeping his hands on her to hold her up. "I think we should probably get back to my place. That way you can sleep those two beers off and we can wake up in time for us to go meet her." // She finished what was on her plate looking over at him. "Well now you can have as much time as you want. For a little white atleast." // She spun around once again, resting her hands on either side of his chest. "Babe, we should get going. I miss our children and my feet are killing me."
  302. Covet: -Cadence pulled out her phone and checked the time, finishing off her drink- Well this has been fun...But I think I'm going to head back home, and be all loner cat lady. Have a good rest of the night Dick, and we'll talk more about Bliss's man problems later. // -Kelsey followed Liz, as if she had much of a choice. She looked a little confused standing there in front of Tony-
  303. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded to Cadence, sending her a small salute before shifting to scoop her shoes up into her hand. "Yeah... probably a good idea. Because Selina needs my attention. Do you think they'd be opposed to bringing the cats with me for playdates?" She tipped her head up to look at him. // Bryan laughed, sliding his arm around her shoulder as he walked with her. "Good, cause I'm ready to get you out of that dress." // Justin smiled, slumping back in his seat as he let out a deep breath. "Well we got invited to a party on Thursday, if you want to go to that. Some holiday party something or other." // Liz leaned over to look over at Caroline, crossing her arms over her chest as she struggled to keep her balance on her feet. "Well... I can't help it if she doesn't want to talk to you."-
  304. Musik: -Dean nodded taking her hand.- "Alright. Let me go check on Care and grab my jacket." -He kissed her hand before letting go of it hurrying off to find his coat, and then walked over to Caroline sliding his arms into his jacket.- "We're heading out. You ready?" // -Caroline looked up at Dean and shook her head.- "I'll probably wait and just go with Liz.." // "So wait, am I getting more than a kiss tonight? Has hell frozen over?" -She said pushing through the doors, using one of her crutches to hold it open so he could walk through.- // -Tony sighed.- "Why are you even trying to help me? I thought you hated me?"
  305. Brylie: -He pursed his lips together, walking her towards the door. "I think if you took your cats to a playdate with a giraffe.. You wouldn't have any cats to bring back.. Not alive cats anyways." // She pushed her plate in front of her looking over at him. "Oh? By who?" // Jaylee nodded and headed towards the door, standing next to it to wait for Dean-
  306. Covet: -Kelsey kept standing there, not really sure what to say or do as she stood there with Liz, listening to her and Tony talk.-
  307. Covet: [-.- It's at the end of the dance...why the fuck am I moving trees that were off center now? -.-]
  308. Musik: (Because.. life.)
  309. Musik: (That's my excuse for everything now.)
  310. Covet: [It's a good excuse, I like it]
  311. Covet: [Steph...I can see Liz's side boob from a mile away...]
  312. Covet: [It's just like...poking out there]
  313. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rolled her eyes, walking toward the door and stopping at the exit, leaning down to place her shoes on the floor. "I definitely did not think the shoe thing out." She sighed, struggling to stick them back onto her feet. "Well I don't know... I just thought they could all get along and frolic together or some shit like that." // Bryan stepped outside behind Aubrey, pulling his keys from his pocket and unlocking the doors. He walked around to the passenger side, waiting to help her with her crutches. "Ha ha, fuck you. Get in the fucking car." // "This chick I met at the diner the other night. I'm not really sure, but she seemed nice. She was sitting and talking to Chris and just kind of extended the invitation out." // Liz rolled her eyes, lifting her hands to fix her hair slightly. "I dont hateeee you. I just think you keep like super bad company. And you're mean sometimes. But sometimes you're nice. Like ordering us pizza."-
  314. Alexithymiaa: (You made this dress. I dont want to hear it.)
  315. Covet: [YOU PICKED OUT THE MESH!]
  317. Covet: [No I picked out the other Mesh, but you liked this one more]
  318. Alexithymiaa: (I dont remember this. Proof or it didnt happen.)
  319. Covet: [I don't have proof...other than the other dress....]
  320. Musik: -Dean nodded and leaned down kissing her head.- "See you later, Kiddo." -He walked back down the stairs walking over to Jaylee, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.- "Alright.. We're good. Let's get home ot our Dinos." -He smiled at her and headed out the door to the truck, helping her in before he got in and started the truck up pulling off.- // -Caroline nodded to him and looked over towards Tony, seeing Liz and Kelsey over there with him. She sighed and leaned back in the chair.- // -Aubrey alughed and handed him her crutches sliding into the car, she pulled the end of her dress in after her and adjusted the top of her dress.- // "Well she hates me. And who can blame her for what I did to her." -He shook his head pushing away from the wall.- "I'm gonna go. Showing up here was a bad idea. Fucking stupid idea. Now she's not having fun, she deserrves to have fun. I'm gonna leave."
  321. Brylie: -He laughed before bending down to pick up her shoes. "Here. I got this." He then picked her up and carried her outside, opening up his car door for his, placing her in the passenger seat. He walked back around to the drivers side, sliding in. "I don't think cats and giraffes mix babe." // Brylie nodded her head. "Oh. Okay. Yeah, that sounds fun." She smiled at him, yawning a little bit. She covered her mouth before looking around the room. "It's started to clear out."
  322. Covet: -Kelsey frowned a bit hearing the guys words and looked over at Caroline. She made a mental note to ask more about it later.-
  323. Alexithymiaa: -Steph grabbed his shoulder as he lifted her off her feet, laughing and tipping her head back. She situated herself inside the car, taking her shoes from him and placing them on the floor beside her. "They could... they could get along. Especially Harley and Selina because theyre both still young." // Bryan Slid her crutches in after her, situating them down before shutting her door and walking around to the other side of the car to slid down into the driver's seat. He stuck the keys in the ignition, starting the engine and backing out of the parking lot quickly. // Justin glanced around behind him, nodding his head. "Yeah, we should probably get going. I need to get my fiance into bed." He smirked, his eyes settling over her. // Liz leaned forward quickly, grabbing his arm to stop him from walking away, stumbling to keep her balance. "No! You can't go! She doesn't hate you, she just hates what you did. It's totally different."-
  324. Musik: -Caroline jumped slightly hearing Liz shout no. She furrowed her brows watching them.- // -Tony stopped and turned around looking down at her.- "She's obviously never going to forgive me, Liz. So what's the point for me to keep trying?"
  325. Brylie: -He started the engine to his car looking over at her. "It's not that they wouldn't get along, but cats are small. Selina is big.. You'd have kitty pancakes." He laughed, before reaching over to the glovebox pulling a small deep purple velvet box out, holding it out to her. "It's not an engagement ring or any of that shit, just a promise ring. A promise to you that I'm not going anywhere and you can always count of me. I know I'm a dick and sometimes I have my moments of being a dick to you, but I promise I don't mean the shit I say during those times and I promise the love I have for you is honest and real."
  326. Musik: (SO. MANY. RINGS. TONIGHT.)
  327. Brylie: (Hey. You knew about Wes' to Steph.)
  328. Musik: (i did. i did.)
  329. Brylie: (Oh. I pressed enter too soon.)
  330. Musik: (No it was your turn.)
  331. Brylie: -She looked up at him, smiling. "I think that... Is a very good idea." She pushed up from her seat, walking to stand next to him. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his. "Let's go home, babe."
  332. Musik: (OH THAT.)
  333. Brylie: (I didn't post Bry's. Lol.)
  334. Brylie: (I'm tired. Forgive me.)
  335. Musik: (Not forgiven.)
  336. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes dropped down to the box in his hand, reaching out to take it from him. She settled it down into her lap, prying the lid open to look at the ring inside. She smiled as she pulled the ring from the box, sliding it onto her finger, holding her hand up to study it before looking back over to him. "Wesley, it's gorgeous. And you might be a dick sometimes, but I am Dick, so I guess we're even." She leaned over, pulling his chin over to her with her hand and laying her lips on his before settling back into her seat. "Thank you." // He pushed up from his seat and grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, swinging it around his shoulders to slide his arms inside the sleeves before turning back to look at her. "Got everything?" // Liz frowned up at Tony, blowing out a small breath. "She will forgive you. She likes you. She's just still mad because you totally hurt her. Like, for real. She just needs time."-
  337. Musik: -Caroline pushed up from the table walking over to them, turning her body to face Liz, completely ignoring Tony.- "Do you care if I ride home with you?" // -Tony opened his mouth to talk, looking at Liz confused before his eyes dropped down to Caroline.- "I can give you a ride home."
  338. Brylie: -He smiled at her before kissing her back. "You're welcome. Now there's one last thing that I have for you and you'll see it once you get to my house. It's for you to wear a couple weeks from now when we go to that new rastaurant. (That dress.)" He pulled his car out of the parking lot and drove off, heading to his apartment- // Brylie nodded her head, slipping her arm through his. "Yes, I do." She leaned agaisnt him, looking down at her hand with a huge smile plastered across her face-
  339. Covet: -Kelsey looked at Liz and Caroline then gave an awkward eyebrow raise- Well It was a great event, but I think I'm taking off back to the dorms...Have a good night everyone. -she waved and made her way back out to her vehicle.-
  340. Alexithymiaa: -Justin smiled down at her, leading her out to his car. He pulled his keys from his jacket pocket, unlocking the doors and pulling the passenger side door open for he rto climb in. // Liz looked back and forth between Tony and Caroline, shaking her head. "I don't know if I should drive. I'm like, totally seeing double." She quickly lifted her hand to wave at Kelsey, calling after her. "Byeee!"-
  342. Musik: -She sighed crossing her arms over her chest.- "Well. I can drive, then." // "Care just let me take you home.." -He said putting his hand on her shoulder gently.-
  343. Alexithymiaa: (Shes le dumb.)
  344. Brylie: -She walked outside with him and stood in front of the door once he opened it. Before climbing inside she wrapped her arms around his neck once more, pressing her lips against his holding them there for a good minute. She then pulled away and climbing into the seat, pulling her dress inside the vehicle-
  345. Alexithymiaa: -He smiled, waiting until she was situated inside the jeep before shutting her door. He walked around to the other side, climbing up and inside behind the wheel to start the engine. He looked behind him, putting the car into reverse and backing out of his spot, pulling off to head back to the apartment. // Liz chewed on her lower lip, staring at Caroline. "Tony can just take us back to Talon. He's just trying to be nice, right Tony?"-
  346. Brylie has left the chat
  347. Covet has left the chat
  348. Musik: -She frowned staring at Liz before shrugging his hand off her shoulder.- "Fine. Whatever." -She grabbed Liz's arm gently pulling her with her, after being far enough ahead of Tony she whispered.- "If you're trying to set me up with him, this is done now." // -Tony therw his head backwards leltting out a groan before turing around to follow them.-
  349. Alexithymiaa: -Liz laughed as she stumbled along with Caroline, shaking her head quickly. "I'm nottt! He's just trying super hard to be nice and I feel really bad for him. I mean, he DID buy is pizza and try to make dinner."-
  350. Musik: "He still hurt me.." -She crossed her arms over her chest as htey walked out of the building to his car. She stood by the driver side door and held out her hands looking at him.- "There's no hiding you're stoned. Give me the keys. I refuse to die in this dress." // -Tony raised a brow looking at her, dropping the keys into her hand. He walked around the passenger side and climbed intot he back seat pulling the chair back so Liz could sit in the front.-
  351. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at Tony, sliding down into the front seat as she swept her dress in with her, reaching over to pull the door closed before looking into the back seat. "Thanks!" She reached for her seatbelt, pulling it around her body.-
  352. Musik: -Caroline started up the car after climbing inside and pulled her seatbelt across her body, putting the car into reverse to back out of the spot, pulling off to head to Talon.- // -Tony nodded to Liz and sunk down into the seat as she pulled off.-
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