
[FR] Day Shipping in Equestria

Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. >Day Shipping in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anon
  3. >And you are on a date at the carnival with your exgirlfriend; Fluttershy.
  4. >Also, Pinkie Pie is pointing a pair of guns to you and Fluttershy's head.
  5. >”Isn't this nice? Just a lovely date between a lovely couple who are in love. How lovely!”
  6. “Y-Yeah, it's great!”
  7. >”S-simply amazing! He-heheh.”
  8. >This all started yesterday, when you explained to your friends that you and Fluttershy had broken up. It was mutual and there were no hard feelings between you two.
  9. >Pinkie tried to convince you two that you were meant for each other, but to no avail.
  10. >Now she is trying to make you two see how in love you and Fluttershy are.
  11. >”Anon, shouldn't you win your MAREFRIEND prize?”
  12. >You nod rapidly.
  13. “Y-yes! I think I'll do just that!”
  14. >Pinkie Pie leads you two to a game booth.
  15. >”Step right up and win a- are you okay sir!?”
  16. >”HE'S JUST FINE!”
  17. >Pinkie shifts one of the guns to the booth operator.
  18. >He raises his hand and chuckles.
  19. >”O-oh? S-sorry for asking. W-would you like to play a game on the house to show there are no hard feelings???”
  20. >He is possibly more scared than you or Fluttershy are.
  21. >”Aw, see Nonny? He just offered you a free game because of how lovely you two are together!”
  22. >You nod and looks to the operator.
  23. “S-so, how do you play?”
  24. >He puts three darts on the table and gulps.
  25. >”Y-you pop balloons with these darts, pop thr-ONE. Pop a single balloon and win a grand prize!”
  26. >Pinkie giggles.
  27. >”Nonny, you can pop a single balloon if it's for your marefriend... RIGHT?!?”
  28. “OF COURSE! I-I can pop one easily for her!”
  29. >You grab the darts and throw the first one without thought.
  30. >Miss.
  31. >Pinkie growls.
  32. >You take a deep breath and focus. Throw.
  33. >Miss.
  34. >You hear her cock the gun pointed at you.
  35. >You yelp and throw the last dart without thinking.
  36. >Miss.
  37. “P-PINKIE DO-”
  38. >*Pop*
  39. “Huh?”
  40. >The operator popped one of the balloons with his hooves.
  41. >”Look at that! We have a winner! AHAHAHAHA! Please take your prize and go?”
  42. >Thank god for this stallion.
  43. >”Yippee! Look Fluttershy, look! Anon won a prize all for you!”
  44. >”Y-Yes he did! I-I'm so happy I could...”
  45. >”Kiss him!”
  46. >Fluttershy grabs your head and forces the two of you to kiss.
  47. >It only lasts a second and you two share a laugh filled with fear.
  48. “O-Oh Fluttershy! You silly girl!”
  49. >The operator hands you a giant stuffed dragon and you three rush away from him.
  50. “Whew! Well, this was a fun date! But I should really-”
  51. >”What do you mean Nonny? The date is just getting started!”
  52. >Sweet merciful Celestia. If you truly are a goddess, like these ponies treat you, please save Fluttershy and I.
  55. >The day goes on in a similar manner as at the booth.
  56. >You and Fluttershy are forced to ride a ride or play a game.
  57. >The ponies around you act as Pinkie Pie wants them too.
  58. >You two finish one activity and are forced to do repeat this cycle.
  59. >Soon the stuffed animals became too many to carry, so Pinkie -convinced- some ponies to take them to Fluttershy's cottage.
  60. >She shows some mercy as the sun begins to set, letting you two take a break to eat.
  61. >”So, how's the spaghetti you two?”
  62. >Pinkie sits across from you and Fluttershy as you eat.
  63. >”De-delicious!”
  64. “Best spaghetti I have ever had!”
  65. >Pinkie sighs and sets the guns on the table, still holding them... somehow.
  66. >”You know what this reminds me of? That one movie with the girl and boy... sharing a spaghetti dinner. They accidentally grab the same string of pasta and share a kiss. Have you two seen that?”
  67. >How the fuck has this mare seen Lady and the Tramp?
  68. >You turn to Fluttershy and her eyes meet yours.
  69. >With a simple nod you two try and -accidentally- fork the same string.
  70. >It only takes a moment before one is forked.
  71. >You two bring your forks to your respective mouths and slowly slurp on the pasta.
  72. >Three
  73. >Two
  74. >One
  75. >Boom, forced near exact duplicate of the spaghetti scene from lady and the tramp.
  76. >”Awwww! Adorable!”
  77. >You two turn away from each other and laugh.
  78. ”O-Oh Fluttershy!”
  79. >”T-Teehee Anon!”
  80. >Pinkie giggles and lifts the gun.
  81. >”Okay, thats enough. Lets go!”
  82. >You need to end this soon.
  83. >”A-Actually Pinkie, isn't it kind of late?”
  84. >Thank you Fluttershy.
  85. “Yeah. *Yawn* I am sooo tired.”
  86. >”Awww, I guess we better end the date then...”
  87. >Yes!
  88. >”With one last ride!”
  89. >No!
  90. >Pinkie stands and fixes the guns on you two.
  91. >”Who's up for a Ferris Wheel ride?”
  92. >”I-I am!”
  93. “W-who isn't ready is a better question!”
  94. >Pinkie giggles and walks you two over to the Ferris wheel.
  95. >The line is quite long.
  96. “Oh nooo, look at this line! We'll never get to ride it in time. Welp, guess it's time to call it a-”
  97. >*BANG BANG*
  98. >Pinkie fires two rounds into the air and the crowd parts.
  99. >”Oh look! The line suddenly opened up! Lucky lucky, huh Anon?”
  100. “... Yes, lucky... lucky.”
  101. >You and Fluttershy hold -hands- out of fear, but Pinkie misinterprets your action.
  102. >”See? I knew you two still loved each other!”
  103. >Once you are at the front, you notice each seat can only hold two people.
  104. >You may just be able to make a break for it with Fluttershy.
  105. >”Excuse me sir, but we need to break the rules just this one teeny weeny time. Will that be a problem?”
  106. >The teenage stallion shakes his head and waves the three of you through.
  107. >So much for that...
  108. >You and Fluttershy sit next to each other as Pinkie hops on top of the seat. Tying herself to it with rope.
  109. >As the ride starts, Fluttershy yelps and clings to your arm.
  110. “It's okay Fluttershy. You can fly, remember?”
  111. >You place a hand on her head and smile.
  112. >”R-Right... um, don't let go though? P-Please?”
  113. >She holds onto you tighter, scooching closer.
  114. “I won't.”
  115. >This reminds you of your time together. It was nice, she was so... cute, amazing, caring. So so many things.
  116. >”Awww, this is just so cute!”
  117. >Your reminiscing is cut short with the reminder that you are being held at gun point.
  118. >You hold onto Fluttershy as you two reach the top.
  119. >The scene before you is stunning, a sky high view of Ponyville in the evening.
  120. >”W-wow... it's beautiful.”
  121. “It is, like you.”
  122. >Fluttershy looks away, blushing.
  123. >”Th-Thank you Anon.”
  124. >”Aaaand this is good.”
  125. >Right, Pinkie is here.
  126. >You hear a *Click click* and look up.
  128. >Pinkie is holding a sniper.
  129. >”Whaaaaat?”
  130. >She fires once, near the teen stallion.
  131. >”STOP THE WHEEL!”
  132. >His scream is heard even from your height. The wheel shudders and comes to a halt.
  133. >Now you're stuck up here... super.
  134. >”Oh noooo, looks like you two are all alone at the top of a Ferris Wheel!”
  135. >This mare has seen way too many romance movies. On that note, how does she even know they exist?
  136. >Your thoughts come to a stop as Fluttershy places her hoof in your hand.
  137. >She looks up at you, staring into your eyes.
  138. >”A-Anon... despite everything, I really did have a nice time today.”
  139. “I did too Fluttershy... I did too.”
  140. >You still love her, but the problem was never about love. Her job started to conflict with your relationship, as much as you wanted to stay together. You two knew you couldn't.
  141. >”Kiss.”
  142. >You look up at Pinkie.
  143. “What?”
  144. >She brings the barrel of her sniper to point at your head.
  145. >”KISS.”
  146. >Fluttershy brings your face to hers. She doesn't kiss you this time, only leaning in slightly.
  147. >”Anon... it's okay..”
  148. “Fluttershy...”
  149. >She is so beautiful...
  150. >You want this.
  151. >You bring your lips to hers, locking them together. You moan as does she.
  152. >Fluttershy wraps her forehooves around your waist, hugging you. You rub down her mane and pull her close.
  153. >This lasts for minutes at a time.
  154. >When you finally stop, you are breathless.
  155. >”Mmm, okay. START THE WHEEL AGAIN!”
  156. >The wheel starts moving again.
  157. >As you two exit the ride, Pinkie follows.
  158. >”Welp, guess it's time to call it a night.”
  159. “Yeah... I suppose so.”
  160. >Fluttershy still has her hoof in your hand.
  161. >”I guess this is goodnight then Anon?...”
  162. “Yeah... night Fluttershy.”
  163. >Pinkie chuckles.
  164. >”What are you two talking about?”
  165. >You turn around, Pinkie has her guns back to pointing at you two.
  166. “You said it's time to call it a night.”
  167. >”It is.”
  168. >What does she want?
  169. “So what then?”
  170. >Pinkie giggles and shakes her head.
  171. >”You're supposed to take her home Nonny! It's time for the lovers to have their private time~”
  172. >She cannot be serious.
  173. “Pinkie, are yo-”
  174. >She points both guns at you.
  175. >”Am I what Nonny?”
  176. “... Serious?”
  177. >”Of course I am! Now, shouldn't you take your marefriend home for some loving?~”
  178. >Fuck, she's not going to let this go.
  179. >You sigh and relent.
  180. “Your place or mine Fluttershy?”
  181. >She thinks for a moment.
  182. >”... Yours.”
  183. >With that settled, you lead the two mares to your home.
  186. >You unlock the door and step inside, still holding Fluttershy's hoof.
  187. >Pinkie steps in as well, before you can attempt to slam the door on her.
  188. >”So, where would be the best place for this?”
  189. >Pinkie smiles and cocks her head.
  190. “... The bed?”
  191. >She smacks one of the guns softly against her head.
  192. >”The bed! Of course, hee, silly Pinkie.”
  193. >She jerks her head to the stairs.
  194. >You sigh and lead them to your room.
  195. >Once inside, Pinkie sets up a camera.
  196. “Where'd did you even get that?”
  197. >”Somewhere.”
  198. >You grunt and rub your temples.
  199. “So you're going to, what, watch?”
  200. >She sits down on a fold away chair and continues to fix her guns on you two.
  201. >”Yep yep.”
  202. >You smack your forehead and let out a groan.
  203. “Okay Pinkie, when is this going to stop? This is gettin-”
  204. >”I-I'm a virgin...”
  205. >You pause, turning to Fluttershy.
  206. “Right... You've never had sex before.”
  207. >Pinkie gasps and squees.
  208. >”So I get to watch my OTP make love for the very first time? YAY!”
  209. >OTP... That's what this is all about?! She threatened Fluttershy and you because she ships you?!
  210. >Your fists shake and you are huffing.
  211. >You are about to step towards Pinkie when Fluttershy stops you.
  212. >”A-Anon don't... don't do it, she'll hurt you.”
  213. “Fluttershy, you can't be serious... She wants me to take your virginity!”
  214. >The yellow mare looks away, hiding behind her mane.
  215. >”... So?”
  216. “... Fluttershy.”
  217. >”I-I love you Anon, I never stopped. If I am going to be forced to lose it... Can't I atleast have my first time be with you?”
  218. >You had asked before, but you two always ended up just fooling around. Perhaps she is afraid tonight you or she might... No, don't start thinking like that.
  219. >”I'll tell you what, if you two make love, I'll leave and never ever bother you again!”
  220. “... Pinkie Promise?”
  221. >”Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”
  222. >You two will finally be done with this.
  223. “Put the guns away too, I can't exactly get it up with a weapon pointed at me.”
  224. >Pinkie tosses the guns under your bed and crosses one leg over the other.
  225. >You look to Fluttershy, she stands on her hind legs and embraces you.
  226. >”Anon... please, let tonight be our night.”
  227. “Fluttershy... all right.”
  228. >She starts to take off your shirt, you lift and lay her on your bed.
  229. >You will ignore Pinkie Pie, this isn't her moment. It's a moment for you and Fluttershy.
  230. >Fluttershy pulls your shirt off, working on your pants. You kiss her and reach down to her haunches, groping her breasts.
  231. >She lets out a guttural moan and pauses.
  232. >”Make me feel like a woman.”
  233. “You are a woman. My woman.”
  234. >You gently squeeze her nipples as she presses her body against your hand.
  235. >You continue to tease her. She pulls your head down and she kisses you deeply. Her tongue pushes into your mouth, running along your teeth before pressing against yours. You let go of her breasts and run your hand lower, rubbing her marehood. She responds by gently rubbing her hind hoof against your erection, pushing it up and down.
  236. >You gasp and pull back. You finish stripping and mount her. Her head lays on your hands as you kiss her, pressing your manhood against her marehood.
  237. >She whimpers and moans.
  238. >”Please stop teasing me, I want you.”
  239. >You can't resist a request like that. With a quick thrust of your hips you steal the virginity of the mare you love. She clings to you and her walls tighten on your cock. You shush her and hold her close, pushing your cock gently deeper into her.
  240. >”I-It hurts a little...”
  241. “It'll go away soon, I promise.”
  242. >She looks into your eyes and nods, kissing you.
  243. >You continue this gentle movement for a few minutes, letting Fluttershy adjust to having a penis inside of her. She whimpers and lets out a shaky moan. You smile and begin to pump harder, rocking the bed as you do.
  244. >”O-Oh my, more Anon, please. More!”
  245. >You start to roughly pump your cock in and out of her marehood, she squeals softly and gasps.
  246. >”Yes, yes, A-ah!”
  247. >You kiss her and grind your hardened member inside her. She suckles on your tongue and moans deeply. You can feel her hips start to buck slightly, her first orgasm must be approaching.
  248. >A quick flip has her on top, your hands on her ass. She simply nods and starts to pull her hips up and down, placing her forehooves on your chest.
  249. “I-I love you Fluttershy, I love you!”
  250. >She lunges forward and kisses you, riding your cock quickly, squealing and tearing up.
  251. >”An-Anon, I'm-”
  252. >You spank her, not letting her finish that sentence. You continue to beat your mares bottom as she starts slamming her hips down. She stops and yells, throwing her head up into the air as she cums.
  253. >“AH! AH! ANON! O-OH CELESTIA!”
  254. >Her hips jump on your cock as she finishes.
  255. >She lays her body against your and gasps.
  256. >You pull her head close and whisper.
  257. “I'm not done with you yet~”
  258. >She opens her eyes and whimpers with a smile on her face.
  259. >A quick smack on the ass has her riding you again.
  260. >Her walls squeeze your cock, grinding up and down it. You moan and coo into your lovers ear, nibbling it as your hand move north, onto her back.
  261. “Is tha-ah~ at all you got baby?”
  262. >She licks her lips seductively and giggles.
  263. >She holds you down and starts to -drop- herself on your cock. Forcing deep and thorough thrusts into her tight cunt.
  264. >She smiles dominantly and starts to squeeze your prick, forcing loud moans of pleasure out of your body.
  265. >You can't take much more of this and she can see this.
  266. >She starts bucking wildly against your hips, forcing her cunny down on your cock, practically milking it.
  267. >”Cum Anon, cum!”
  268. >You pull her head down and roughly kiss her. Unloading your sperm inside her, forcing a second orgasm from the yellow mare as the sensation of being filled runs through her.
  269. >You pant and moan, letting her fall against you.
  270. >She was a virgin, but that didn't stop her from forcing one of the largest orgasms you've ever had.
  271. >It was amazing.
  272. >You look into her eyes, which are now drooping.
  273. >”I... I do love you Anon... so much.”
  274. >You kiss her once, smiling.
  275. “I love you too Fluttershy... I never... stopped...”
  276. >Your eyes feel heavy, body weak.
  279. >You stretch and yawn, a warm feeling on your chest.
  280. >As your eyelids slowly lift, you can make out a yellow and pink blur.
  281. >It takes a moment before you realize the blur is Fluttershy.
  282. “Heh... adorable.”
  283. >You lay a hand on her and smile.
  284. >Your smile soon leaves as you hear another yawn from across the room.
  285. >”Whoo, that was some fun last night, Huh?”
  286. >Pinkie.
  287. “Get out of my house you psychopath.”
  288. >”Not until you two admit you are together again!”
  289. >Your argument stirs Fluttershy awake.
  290. >”A-Anon?”
  291. >You pet her and glare at Pinkie.
  292. “Leave.”
  293. >”Oh come on! After everything that you two did you still won't admit you truly love each other???”
  294. >Fluttershy scowls, she looks to Pinkie with tears in her eyes.
  295. >”It wasn't a matter of us falling out of love Pinkie! I-It was... my job... w-we couldn't be together because of my job, okay?!? Yes, I still love Anon and it is wonderful to know he still loves me, but we CAN'T be together!”
  296. >You hold Fluttershy close, trying to calm her.
  297. >Pinkie chuckles.
  298. >”Is that it? Why didn't you two say so earlier!”
  299. >Before you can question the insane mare, she jumps out your window.
  300. >”Pinkie!”
  301. “What are you going to do?!”
  302. >No answer... this is not good.
  303. >You dress yourself as fast as possible and run with Fluttershy to her cottage.
  304. >It's quiet, as in no sounds at all. No animals noises, nothing.
  305. >”Wh-what did she do?!”
  306. “No... please no.”
  307. >She opens her front door and not a single animal is inside.
  308. >Fluttershy sink to her knees and looks around.
  309. >”... N... No... no no no no no”
  310. >She is crying into her hooves, you wrap your arms around her and hold her.
  311. >As you do, a small kick hits your foot.
  312. >”Angel!”
  313. >It's true, the little bunny is still here. He has a note tied to his neck.
  314. >You grab it and read it aloud.
  315. “Dear Nonny and Fluttershy, I took all your animals and found them good homes. Don't worry, they are all 100% safe, Pinkie promise! Now, will my OTP please get back together?”
  316. >”... Oh thank Celestia.”
  317. “Thank god. Well... There is certainly some free time in your schedule if all the animals have good homes... What do you say Fluttershy?”
  318. >You take her hoof in your hand.
  319. “Will you be my marefriend again?”
  320. >Fluttershy is tearing up again, she nods and pounces you.
  321. >”Yes, yes! Of course I will Anon!”
  322. >You two share a kiss as the annoyed bunny tries to signal he is hungry.
  325. >Day Pinkie shouldn't be allowed to ship in Equestria.
  326. >You are walking through the market with your marefriend on your back.
  327. >It's been an amazing few months
  328. >You and Fluttershy are now living together.
  329. >Pinkie has been busy since she found out how... -successful- her first shipping session went.
  330. >She has now forced several other couples together, whether they want to be or not.
  331. >Derpy and Dr. Whooves, Applejack and Rarity, Bon bon and Caramel, even Spike and Tom.
  332. >Don't ask. Seriously, don't.
  333. >She has also found homes for every single one of Fluttershy's animals.
  334. >Snowflake is passing by with his new pet bear as you are thinking this.
  335. >”Anon, honey, what's that?”
  336. >You squint and can make out a figure. Two, wait, three.
  337. >It looks like Big Mac and Braeburn are being chased by Pinkie Pie.
  338. >”Come on! You KNOW you want each other!”
  339. >”Eeenope!”
  340. >”I agree with ya cus! Nuh-uh!”
  341. >You chuckle and shake your head.
  342. “Pinkie! You can't hook up cousins!”
  343. >”Incest is wincest Anon!”
  344. >You and Fluttershy giggle and continue your walk.
  345. >Fucking Pinkie Pie.
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