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Mar 11th, 2013
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  1. [12:23] <tcarter_> i'm not able to get live tv working on xmbc/rpi. the tvheadend backend is running on the pi and the windows clients can play from it without any problems (using the tvheadend pvr client for xbmc/win), but on the pi i just have a black screen and the log is full of "PrepareNextRender no buffer" messages - any ideas?
  2. [12:24] <fritsch> tcarter_: you bought a mpeg-2 licence?
  3. [12:24] <tcarter_> no, but the streams are mpeg4
  4. [12:25] <fritsch> oki, no idea
  5. [12:27] <tcarter_> mpeg-2 streams aren't playing as well, but they have a different error message (like "not supported configuration"), so i assume this is down to the missing license. but the mpeg-4 streams should play as far as it comes to licensing (and they do for non-stream videos) so i guess this is a problem related to the omxplayer
  6. [12:32] <fritsch> tcarter_: or the way you feed it
  7. [12:36] <tcarter_> fritsch: as said, the tvheadend backend seems to be steup correctly, as a windows xbmc client using the tvheadend pvr client (as the rpi does) can play the streams without any issue. as far as i can read the log ( the stream is identified correctly ("Video codec omx-h264 width 720 height 576 profile 77 fps 25.000000"), but no picture and lots of "PrepareNextRender no buffer".
  8. [12:37] <fritsch> tcarter_: which xbmc version?
  9. [12:37] <fritsch> tcarter_: error which build of xbmc?
  10. [12:38] <tcarter_> XBMC (12.0 Git:a1a93b5), Platform: Linux (OpenELEC - Version: 2.99.4, 3.6.11 armv6l). Built on Mar 1 2013
  11. [12:39] <fritsch> oki
  12. [12:39] <fritsch> tcarter_: can you go back to 2.99.3 without loosing anything?
  13. [12:41] <tcarter_> ahm... yes, i'll give it a try and report back in a few minutes.
  14. [13:04] <tcarter_> fritsch: i'm now back at 2.99.3 and it apperas to work quite fine there, the mpeg-4 stream is playing and no "PrepareNextRender no buffer" messages in the log.
  15. [13:05] <fritsch> tcarter_: this is what I assumed
  16. [13:05] <fritsch> tcarter_: 2.99.4 has got some Render patches, that buffer
  17. [13:05] <fritsch> tcarter_: also for the Pi
  18. [13:05] <opdenkamp> tvheadend on the pi = broken
  19. [13:05] <fritsch> tcarter_: please open a bug on github openelec
  20. [13:05] <fritsch> opdenkamp: are you sure? 2.99.3 works and 2.99.4 does not - we integrated render buffer patches for the pi in .99.4
  21. [13:06] <opdenkamp> it needs fixing in omxplayer
  22. [13:06] <fritsch> opdenkamp: when he downgrades, it should not touch tvheadend at all
  23. [13:06] <fritsch> cause it is local
  24. [13:06] <opdenkamp> i mean pvr.hts + xbmc + rpi = not working properly
  25. [13:06] <opdenkamp> known issue
  26. [13:06] <opdenkamp> and dom just started to look into it
  27. [13:06] <fritsch> oki
  28. [13:07] <tcarter_> interestingly enough i just rebooted the rpi with a 2.99.4 sd and the mpeg-4 stream worked, at least exactly once. i stopped the stream and tried to open it again and i'm now running into the same "PrepareNextRender no buffer" again.
  29. [13:08] <opdenkamp> yes, it can work if tvh is slow when starting a new stream
  30. [13:08] <opdenkamp> but buffering in omxplayer doesn't work as i intended it to work and how it's implemented in dvdplayer
  31. [13:09] <opdenkamp> players are flipping between paused/playing all the time, when they should be paused and not touch buffers
  32. [13:11] <tcarter_> so this problem is restricted to rpi, tvheadend and 2.99.4? (just to get a proper bug report title)
  33. [13:12] <opdenkamp> it's restricted to rpi and pvr.hts
  34. [13:12] <opdenkamp> and whatever version you try
  35. [13:12] <opdenkamp> and a 1 liner would probably work around the issue but i refuse to add it :)
  36. [13:14] <fritsch> opdenkamp: why? that sounds like religion :-)
  37. [13:15] <opdenkamp> a) it's a nasty usleep() b) it doesn't fix the issue
  38. [13:15] <fritsch> hehe
  39. [13:17] <opdenkamp> someone needs to fix cachestate pvr in omxplayer, so it does what dvdplayer does
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