

Apr 6th, 2016
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  1. So I've been thinking over the past few days, and I've thought of something. An AU bassed off oof the original script. What if Zootopia version 1 existed, and the whole shock collar thing happened. But instead of Nick/Judy leaving or fixing the city, a race war happened? I'm not talking "war" like in version 2, I mean an all out civil war, with the predators casting off their collars and striking back at their prey oppressors. A massive, bloody civil war would ensue, where the prey have the numbers, but the predators would have generations of pent up anger and frustration on theirs. Think of the atrocities that would be committed. It would start with small-scale riots, with the prey police on the defensive, then slowly evolve into larger larger and larger conflicts. I'm talking murder, public lynchings, bombs going off in hospitals and schools, civilian casualties. The city is eventually torn in half, with the predator freedom fighters on one side, and the prey police/militia on the other. The fighting goes on for 2 years, eventually dying down enough to let the city become a shadow of its former self. Zootopia splits and forms two new cities, Preyville and Predator Town. Opposite classes in the wrong cities are discriminated against highly, making relations between cities tense.
  2. >at this time Nick is a grown-up hustling on the streets for money, his father killed in the original riots
  3. >Judy, who grew up in Bunnyburrow, far away from the fighting, is a cop in the Preyville 1st precinct
  4. During a conference to discuss trade negotiations and a possible peace treaty, the predator ambassador goes savage, mauling the prey delegates. The thinly veiled peace has shattered. Predators are kicked out of Preyville, or killed if they refuse. War once more consumes both cities. Meanwhile, Judy is assigned as a spy to sneak into Predator town capital building and figure out what their plan is. She gets caught on the roof, knocked out, and falls into a pile of trash near Nick, who just happens to be walking by. He thinks of leaving her, but he can't force himself to and takes her home with him. She wakes up in his warehouse, her wounds taken care of, terrified and confused.
  5. "Morning sleepyhead," Nick says as his head looms over hers. Judy screams, jumps up, and roundhouse kicks him head first into a beam. She climbs on top of him and shakes him awake.
  6. "Who are you, where am I, how did I get here?"
  7. "Ow that smarts," *brings hand up and lightly touches brow* "yea, that's going to leave a mark."
  8. "TALK, FOX."
  9. "Oh gee I'd love to, but at the moment I have something else to get off my chest."
  10. "Don't joke with me, unless you want a load of predator repellent to the face!"
  11. "You know, you're pretty mean to a the guy that saved your life."
  12. "What do you mean 'saved my life'?"
  13. "You fell from a roof, unconscious, and I saved your fluffy butt."
  14. "I don't have a fluffy bu-arrg that's not the point, where am I?"
  15. "In an abandoned warehouse, on the outskirts of Predator Town."
  16. "Oh, ok..." Judy steps off of him, having lost some of her fire. Nick gets up and walks into an office *the sound of a cabinet being opened is heard, and two clinks*
  17. "What are you doing in there?" She asks, her voice a little too shaky to be the one in charge.
  18. "Cups."
  19. "Cups?"
  20. "Cups," Nick answers, walking out of the office with two coffee cups full of water.
  21. "You know you really should be more thankful," He says, offering her a cup. "If not for me, you would still be lying in that garbage heap, dead or dying."
  22. "I suppose I should say thank you, but why did you save me?"
  23. "Maybe it's because not all predators are senseless maniacs."
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