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Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. Taking this challenge was simultaneously the most fun and most painful week in my life. It all started when I asked my housemaster if I could be the head of the house for a week. I was anticipating a quick no, but instead, I received a half-hour lecture on why I should take the prefect roles more seriously. Because of this, I stuck to tamer questions for the next few days. On day 2, I asked my friend Okello if I could take R100 from him. Unsurprisingly, he said no immediately. On day 3, I asked a random prefect if he could give me his detention booklet for a day. Surprisingly, he agreed to this and I had to ask another prefect for his detention booklet. On day 4, I decided to be adventurous again and ask my science teacher if she could spend the lesson lecturing the chemistry of lemonade. She looked at me like I was possessed and then said no. Since I wanted to get this challenge over and done with on day 5, I just asked my friend Nick if he could buy me a pizza and a coke. On day 6, I asked a random grade 8 if he could do a handstand for me and he said no. Finally, on day 7, to go out with a bang, I asked on a group if they would be interested in all going out on a date with me. I received a resounding series of "NO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU". 10/10 would probably do again if I was forced to.
  3. I definitely feel like I am more equipped for rejection after this week, as I no longer feel a crushing sensation when I get rejected for even the most trivial things. I suggest first reflecting on why you were rejected for a while, then, while keeping that reflection in mind, try to forget about the negativity of the rejection because you achieve nothing by hanging onto rejection and wasting that energy instead of focussing on entrepreneurship.
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