
Inuyasha Rambling

Nov 30th, 2017
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  1. It was just after dusk and the air was growing colder as the night came on. The sun dipping beneath the horizon. We had separated from the others as they went off to fight. We had another job to do equally as important.
  3. We waited in the clearing for him to show himself, it didn’t take him long to step out from behind some trees. Even if I couldn’t sense him beforehand I knew he would be there.
  5. I took a deep breath as I stood across from the man in the baboon skin, our eyes locked on to one another. My hand Squeezed Tamamo’s slightly as she stood beside me offering me quiet encouragement.
  7. Off in the distances were sounds of explosions and fighting. Likely friends fighting for their lives… however I had my own fight here to face and I couldn’t afford to lose it.
  9. Since I arrived we had been locked in a dance of trying to out maneuver each other, plans within plans in a high stakes game of cat and mouse. Today we decided who was the cat and who was the mouse.
  11. I had a debt I owed him, he murdered my family in this world and had hurt so many others. I had gone to lengths I would not normally, manipulating friends and family just to place me at this moment.
  13. He laughed “ How does it feel to have all your planning turned against you.” He spoke first. “Even as we talk here my demons are slaughtering Inuyasha and the rest of your friends.” He taunted I flinched. I had to trust they could hold out long enough.
  15. “I really must say thank you for being foolish enough to make this happen, you really believed you could take me down with such simple moves. How does it feel to know that you have cost your friends their lives?” he asked seeking to twist the knife.
  17. I sighed deeply “I wouldn’t know, don’t you think you’re It’s a bit too early to be gloating.” I said giving him the first indication that something might be wrong.
  19. I saw him twitch just slightly beneath the mask.
  21. “I knew you were going to turn my trap against me I knew you were still controlling Kohaku… I knew you were waiting for just the right moment to attack us.”
  23. Another twitch.
  25. “I have come here to end you Naraku. You see a lot of people have tried to kill you. However like a little spider you hide inside your web letting others do your dirty work, like this puppet I am talking to now. However you can hear me through it and that is enough. I know the real you is somewhere around here. I know your waiting for the very end to show up and make your move. You see though all I needed was for you to be in range.” As I said that I turned wraped my arm around Tamamo and kissed her. It may have seemed odd timing. Tamamo never one to turn down affection kissed me back breaking off the kiss with a smile.
  27. I have many powers; one that I gained very early on is to boost the powers of others with a kiss, the greater our affection for each other the greater the boost…
  29. “You can do it at any time Tomamo.” I told her.
  31. Her mirror bobbed and floated around her as she cast her spell holding a piece of hair Naraku
  32. used to bind himself to his puppets. It should be noted Tamamo is one of the most dangerous witches in her world even among heroic spirits and letting any spellcaster have a piece of your hair or a bit of your blood is extremely dangerous.
  34. The puppet screamed and dropped like it’s strings had been cut. Elsewhere something let out an inhuman scream like it was being torn apart.
  36. “what…what did you do to me?” came a weak voice from the puppet.
  38. “Well a little curse my wife here made it so your body would reject anything demonic and since your body is mostly made up of demons… Your tearing yourself to pieces… don’t worry though it won’t kill you. I am leaving that honor to someone else.” I said coldly. I didn’t know what I was expecting to feel once I did this… satisfaction, anger? Instead I was just feeling a coldness and emptiness and a touch of sickness for orchestrating all of this.
  40. “This can’t be happening, all of my work, all of my plans. It can’t end like this!”
  42. “Oh by the way I bumped in to Kagura a while back. You see she was afraid of you using her heart to destroy her… so I decided to help the poor girl. I managed to hide my tampering but she is now free of you… I’ll bet she is there right now watching as you crumble to pieces.”
  44. “No…NO!” I heard the puppet scream, not to me though. Then it twitched and fell silent. A piece of himself having been what did him in.
  46. I sighed and shook my head.
  48. “You alright?” asked Tamamo concerned.
  50. “I don’t know… I just.”
  52. “Feel empty.”
  54. I nodded.
  56. “Usually I hate killing but something about him drove me to this… and yet even now I am torn. Part of me is sickened by what I have done to kill that parasite and part of me really thinks I let him off too easy.
  58. “Well I happen to know a thing or two about killing and vengeance.” She said a slight sadness touching her voice as she dropped her playful facade. “I also happen to know you well enough to know you aren’t the type to enjoy this sort of stuff. You have too kind a heart. That by the way is what makes you such a wonderful Husband.”
  60. “Wife.” I corrected
  62. “Whatever, the point is that cockroach isn’t something you should feel bad about. If it makes you feel any better Kagura and I are really the ones who killed him. You just got him to the spot he needed to be for it to happen.”
  64. “Yeah but what about all the things I did…”
  66. “Lets leave it in the past, things turned out ok.” I couldn’t help but notice that the sounds of battle had silenced elsewhere. A quick telepathic check told me that everyone was ok.
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