
[f-list] leo harwey x ishtar

Jul 6th, 2018
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  1. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey quietly waves to the goddess of lewds.
  2. [2018/07/01]Ishutaru waves back to the small prince with considerably less subtlety. Both hands, wrist action, million-shekel smile, the works.
  3. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey offered a slight bow in return, along with a pleasant smile at the enthusiastic greeting from the demi-servant. "I've never gotten to meet a goddess before!"
  4. [2018/07/01]Ishutaru reels herself back in by clasping her hands neatly behind her back and fixing her vibrant red gaze on his. "Mm? Not many mortals have, especially not in this age... I, on the other hand, have rubbed elbows with a myriad of monarchs. None quite so little, though." A lighthearted, almost airy giggle bubbled up from her lips, which was covered delicately by one hand released from the clasp. "Then again, we are rather close in height. I should be more mindful of the limitations of this form."
  5. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey offered a slight nod of his head at her words, though one might have found her mentioning of his height to perhaps be an insult he shrugged it off for the time being as little more then friendly banter. His smile was untouched as those emerald orbs shifted their angle slightly to meet her gave with a friendly glance, punctuated by the further spread of that childish grin. "You seem much more personable than your mention in his legend described." And there it was a friendly bit of banter that easily could have been taken a rude jab at her, and behind those emerald orbs a curious mind eager to see how she might respond to what on the surface seemed quite the backhanded compliment.
  6. [2018/07/01]Ishutaru "Do I? Perhaps it is another limitation. I certainly don't feel different." The goddess spoke rather absentmindedly about the subject and opted to adjust one of her twintails, as if she had missed the potentially hostile subtext altogether. The ever-so-subtle narrowing of her eyes, indicated strongly by the creasing of the pristine skin surrounding them, held the potential to indicate otherwise, but her tone was still courteous (if taunting) when she spoke again, observing their surroundings. Her words did not betray her reasoning, but she flitted her gaze back to him all the same. "Or more likely, you have not given me reason to be wrathful yet. Uruk fell only after provocation, yes? It would be a waste of time and magical energy if I were to attack you here, not to mention a shame. Someone as cute as you has no business toying with the heavens, you know." Her amicable smile seemed to twitch even further upward after her little comment.
  7. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey nodded absently at her words, as though he weren't really listening to their content so much as judging their delivery, though that final sentence certainly made his ears perk up slightly and take notice of her intent. "The Heavens couldn't exist without man, in that paradoxical relationship between the two, it stands to reason, that eventually whatever I do in my role as a future king, I will be forced to mess with the heavens." His words seemed somewhat threatening despite the jovial tone that accompanied them, and his unwavering smile continued to shine like a bright beacon of light in an otherwise cloudy world. For a moment though, an all too brief second his expression became far more serious and those emerald orbs that were often filled with such childish delight became cold and calculating, as it evaluating the servant before him. "Though, I suppose I need a servant to help me achieve that power."
  8. [2018/07/01]Ishutaru did not have such a persistent grin; it melted into a much more neutral expression the more he spoke as if processing the words required the precious energy spent concealing her thoughts. "Ah, is that so? I suppose I never thought about it that way. I am - er, was - often the one doing the meddling, after all. Appearing before men and getting whatever I desired without having to think about the petty details and intricacies of my existence. Receiving only praise in return... except from... from him." She paused to cross her arms over her chest and toss her hair with a haughty movement of her hair. "Well, whatever." The pronoun was spit rather than spoken. Clearly talking of her defeat in the situation rather than her small collateral victory struck a nerve, the dismissive voice immediately following it was indicative of her desire not to tread that segment of memory lane despite her dredging it up. His words snapped her from her self-inflicted agitation and she was once again looking him in the eye. Glistening, raw ruby against cleanly cut and controlled jade. "I'd have thought someone like you would have one by now. Then again, I suppose I have not been entirely accurate with my assumptions thus far."
  9. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey 's amusement over her own reactions was tempered behind a mask of a ghostly smile, and a veiled gaze that hid the mocking thoughts that trickled through his mind, her hatred of Gilgamesh was quite legendary indeed, and even tempered by a human vessel it seemed the goddess' vanity had not faded much at all. "Power is something easily obtained by those with a will to rule, but the ease of obtaining might is also the downfall of poor kings. I can't select just any servant, the servant I take on, must be able to shake the very heavens themselves." He explained quite coolly, giving a handful of gentle nods as if confirming his own words. "Which is why I'd like you to become my servant."
  10. [2018/07/01]Ishutaru regarded him with narrowed eyes and bated breath through his spiel. Unmoving, unchanging, painstakingly maintaining her defensive skepticism. The final statement was what spurred her to deeply inhale, replenishing her lungs and signalling that she wasn't ready to answer on the spot. Her silence lingered for a few short minutes as she weighed the benefits: full strategic use of her abilities, more interesting circumstances than the Average Joe humans she had previously interacted with since manifesting, the chance to rise to power (or at the very least as the tool to do so), an opportunity to observe mortals from a higher perch akin to her throne in the heavens... never mind the complications or potential downsides, her answer was ready with relatively little thought given the sheer weight of the decision. "I accept." The goddess did not let go of her almost uncharacteristically grim, straight expression as she spoke these words, not intending to, but the relaxation of her eyes and the twitching of the corners of her mouth might have been indicators of her true feelings. Keen ears may have been capable of picking up the tinge of excitement in her closing words, mere pleasantries: "please take care of me."
  11. [2018/07/01]Leo Harwey 's ears indeed detected a rather pleasant note to her voice, an amusing reaction from a goddess who spent most of her life looking down upon the lowly mortals, until being rebuffed by one. Still, he didn't show any outward signs of his own amusment at their situation merely a simple smile as he held aloft his right hand. "Then shall we make it official?" His voice cooed playfully as he revealed the dull markings of his command seals etched upon the back of his hand, the contrast between their dark discoloration and his ivory skin tone immediately obvious even to the most casual of observers though for the moment this servant was the only one watching, "You, of thy heavens, bound within chains and pulled to earth. Thou, bound in the cage of servitude. I am he who command those chains, hear my call and serve as the King's divine protector." His summoning chant was quite the mouthful, though he'd never imagined the words would be so fitting, particularly for the servant he was now casually binding himself to in bloody oath. Once she agreed in to his call, those seals went from a dull faded brown, to a bright crimson hue giving off an ominous glow as he moved his hand to gaze at those three crystallized miracles etched into his very flesh.
  12. [2018/07/02]Ishutaru rolled her eyes in a joking manner just before he began, but quickly found herself rigid and intently listening; her status as a possessor of such a powerful magus and summoned in such a unique, almost "hands-free" circumstance meant that she was unused to such flowery incantations and the subtle manipulation of the magical energy. An indescribable feeling for certain - foreign, even, as evidenced by her clenching and unclenching of her fingers as if ascertaining that they were still hers to command. "Intriguing," she murmured while he admired his own handiwork and her muscles faded back into relaxation, hands resting comfortably on her wide hips and a calm smile on her face. "...Is that it?" Clearly she didn't inherit Tohsaka's knowledge of the subject quite like she did that meddling virtuous nature. Regardless, she was content to shift her weight and once again turn her attention to everything but the boy in front of her - her new Master, a word that still felt somewhat foreign in her mouth, her subconscious pushing her to see if anyone had witnessed the extraordinary event even if she was well-aware they were alone. "I suspect having my strings pulled rather than being the puppeteer will be a humbling experience. Though you may find I am not quite so obedient as a puppet." Right back to her lighthearted teasing, accented with another short burst of giggling. Not a threat by any means despite the potential granted by her class' Independent Action; this state of affairs was far too interesting to squander.
  13. [2018/07/02]Leo Harwey Archers could be so troublesome, but it was undeniable, in a normal circumstance summoning a god was impossible, which made up for any perceived issues with shear power, of course he was quick to respond by holding out his hand, allowing her to to get a better look at those command seals. "Just remember that should your wings grow too large for the cage I've placed you in, I can still clip them with these." The words themselves were obviously threatening but his voice was still charming and affably sweet for a turn of phrase that was so bitter. After a moment passed he decided to answer her initial question, a bit out of order but he thought it actually prudent to explain to her how things worked since she was no ordinary servant. "Since you have yourself a host body, you're not as much of a drain on my Prana as you might have been had I summoned a pure goddess, but you should still be able to feel my mana flowing through you along with that girls."
  14. [2018/07/02]Ishutaru nodded her head in affirmation and understanding. She voiced her (inconsequential) opinion on the matter while she refocused her attention, the crimson seal presented to her like a brand though it was not emblazoned on her own body, a symbol of servitude stretching back millennia, one that she was all too familiar with despite her independence for the duration of her summoning. "It is a foreign feeling, but welcome. I suppose this form could not sustain a Divine Spirit for terribly long even if I am an Archer." She was far too prideful to admit any concrete gratitude - a simple 'thank you' was out of the question - but it truly was helpful. Even if his sinister words sent a chill up her spine alongside the adjacent currents that she would soon be more used to. "I shall keep them drawn close to my body. In the meantime, I look forward to the songs you shall have me sing, Master." She waxed poetic and picked up on his extended metaphor, but found her already-wavering speech devolving into laughs stifled by her hand not long after she concluded her statement. "Perhaps I should hold fast to my own brand of eloquence if I can help it, mm?"
  15. [2018/07/02]Leo Harwey: Sadly, I need to be going to bed, but I thoroughly enjoyed this.)
  16. [2018/07/02]Leo Harwey: I'll look forward to playing with you again the next time I see you.)
  17. [2018/07/02]Ishutaru: { I should likely be following your example, but I agree, this was fun - I don't regret accepting the friend request against my initial judgment. I'll be anticipating it as well! }
  18. [20:50] Ishutaru: After a few days of coming on for a few moments at a time, I am rather starved of magical energy. Offering like that makes it even more difficult to refuse. ♡
  19. [20:51] Leo Harwey: You really should keep your master more abreast of your needs, my Archer.
  20. [20:57] Ishutaru: Admitting such a thing, even for a goddess representing amorousness to some degree, is... difficult, especially when afforded a class-based ability to stay quiet. Forgive my reservation, but dire need only makes the transfer more exciting, no?
  21. [21:03] Leo Harwey smiled at the Archer, reaching his right hand out to very delicately caress her cheek, brushing his thumb just below her left eye as he explored the texture of her host's skin. "Is that so? I wouldn't know much about dire situations, I tend to find myself the easy victor so often." He offered with a playful smile that hand flattening as his palm gently brushed along her cheekbone, and continued to slide along the contour of her face until he was caressing her jaw. "How dire is your need, Archer?" His voice which had been so kind seemed to be a bit more devious than before as if the question itself contained some sort of double meaning that he had not made her aware of, but he, himself, was keenly focused on. There he stood, emerald orbs gazing into her ruby hues expectantly waiting to hear her answer.
  22. [21:20] Ishutaru jolted at the initial contact - it was a purely instinctual reaction, one that she loathed and made up for by gingerly resting her own hand atop his. Her pristine flesh was warm to the touch and produced a noticeable cooling feeling. "It appears we have similar thought patterns, Master. With me by your side, perhaps we will not have similar experiences." As if the presence of his touch had some sort of calming property, she did not get upset at her own recollection this time, instead opting to serenely close her eyes and consider the answer to his inquiry. When they re-opened and re-focused on the opposite gaze, her lids remained half-closed. The shift in tone appeared to go unnoticed... or perhaps purposefully ignored. "I shall soon be subsiding on the energy of this vessel, which would be insufficient if we were attacked." The ghost of a smile spread across her lips, and she leaned into his palm to accent her conclusion. "Do not be coy, Master."
  23. [21:26] Leo Harwey That jolt had amused him slightly though the feel of her hand against his own, was strange, though he'd offered his hand to others few ever dared touch him, with the exception of his mother, others were quick to remind him that it was rude to touch a King's bare hand. He'd taken to wearing gloves since but this was a fresh experience, a stranger actually touching him, amusing. "There is nothing to be coy about, if you need it then I would have you show it as I am sure only a goddess of fertility truly could." He finally stated simply as he continued to caress her cheek, his thumb brushing at the corner of her lips and that scant hint of a grin she wore like a demure flower. It was quite the sight a visage he doubted many were allowed to see and a sight he would make sure to treasure.
  24. [21:36] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is online.
  25. [21:42] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is offline.
  26. [21:56] Ishutaru exhaled audibly through her nose, a long and drawn out breath that seemed to be ridding her of all her trepidation. The "form's" influence seemed to be exerting itself here, too, but unlike her cruelty her allure would not be dampened. "As you wish. I shall be thorough, that I may continue to serve you for awhile longer." Tiring of words and nearly-empty pleasantries, the pseudo-servant extended her free hand and lightened the pressure on its occupied twin - she did not desire to impede him, but the sensation of flesh-on-flesh was one that she had missed sorely the last several millennia. With outstretched fingers, she ran the tips feather-light down his chest and noted the textures of the fabric, surely expensive and indicative of his status in this era not unlike the crowns and similarly vibrant coloration of the robes she was used to seeing in her ancient place of origin. They continued to trail downward, scoring invisible lines... until they reached their true destination, poised just at the hem of his top. After one last lingering glance, she flicked her eyes downward and twisted her wrist as to change the orientation of her palm and almost hesitantly. After a split second she padded forward one step on her bare feet, seeking such little proximity that their breaths would mix and intertwine, their chests all-too-close together and her arm pressed between two lithe bodies. "Once again, excuse my reservation. It is strange to see you so generous, Master." Never once did her other hand move, but her eyes did glitter mischievously with her teasing jab. Not that she was in a position to talk about odd behavior.
  27. [22:07] Leo Harwey even as she attempted to show him a bold front, something told him, her host was holding her back creating more trepidation than a goddess of fertility would normally possess, the fact he'd progressed as far as she had seemed a testament to her divine will, though her attempts to tease further felt more like a stalling tactic than a genuine jab. Without a single word the hand that had been caressing her cheek moved to fall upon the one currently nestled at the hem of his shirt and the waist of his pants. "A King should be generous to all his subjects, but you even more so." He paused for a moment offering the raven haired goddess a smile, "To borrow a metaphor you're the King's horse." He was well aware how insulting such words must have seemed but in both respects it seemed to be quite on the nose to her actual situation. He didn't think further words were necessary in the slightest as his left hand which had previously been unoccupied decided to display a slightly darker side of the young boy who always put on a brilliant smile that rivaled even the shining sun. All punctuated by the lacing of delicate fingers around the midnight strands laced into one of her twin tails and demonstrated by the rough tug he delivered to draw their faces closer together so that he could silence any protest she might have offered with a forceful kiss to silence the tsundere suppressing the will of his Ishtar. A hungry kiss, an assault of his tongue against her lips and a forceful pounding on the gate until he could invade her mouth and wrestle down that pink muscle, the first act of a King intending to claim what was his.
  28. [22:24] System: Conner J is online.
  29. [22:25] System: Conner J is offline.
  30. [22:25] System: Conner J is online.
  31. [22:33] Ishutaru did not have time to process a retort, let alone form it verbally before she was releasing an undignified, involuntary yelp that hit a wall in the form of the other's mouth. Given the shock factor, her defenses were weak and her supple lips parted with ease, but the goddess' tongue retained her old competitiveness. Tohsaka had no dominion anymore, even if that which she had was unconscious - this was a battle, something fit for only a servant to do. With this mindset she did not jerk away, but pressed her face voluntarily forward and tilted her head vying for a better vantage point, tangling herself in the liplock and relishing in the moist, carnal noises emanating. Similarly, her palm - which slid downward involuntarily in the flinch of her hair being yanked so suddenly and with such force, was much more content to fulfill its task as if a set of shackles had been lifted. There was no uncertainty left, her digits pressing together and curling in tandem to cup his groin and create a languid, rhythmic friction that created little noise besides the sound of her soft skin gliding over the fabric. The quiet consistency clashed violently with the raucous chaos above, a fact that only spurred the divine spirit to try harder. Applying more pressure, intermittently squeezing the developing bulge. Screwing her eyes shut to block out any unnecessary senses, focusing on auditory and touch-based cues. Being more aggressive with her tongue. Forget the vessel - if she were outdone here, she would have no right to claim dominion over the fertility and femininity of any civilization, especially not the cradle.
  32. [22:47] Leo Harwey as his Archer fought back against his opening assault it became clear he'd invoked the wrath of a goddess, a fact he'd intended but had perhaps underestimated. The furry of her tongue lashing against his own wrestling for dominance, leaving spittle dribbling down their chins. As the sloppiness of the affection she showered him with began to manifest itself in messy fashion his lips were finally forced into retreat as his lungs could no longer simply be sated by the deep inhalations through his flaring nostrils. A string of saliva between their lips kept them connected for a moment before the parting of his lips an a deep breath caused that bridge of crash and fall away onto his chin. Her palm was working diligently and a small spot had formed in those red trousers that she squeezed and cajoled into attention with such divine authority that eager droplets of precum had begun to seep through his shorts from the rampant stimulation. Though his confidence was mighty and his master strokes bold the reality of his youthful inexperience was made manifest in her dedicated affections. Soft pants leaving his lips as he felt a slight hint o paint from the fact his young cock had bloomed into a cradle far too small for it's continued occupancy. Seven inches of needy, firm flesh trapped within a cage teased by the furious rubbing and groping of a Sumerian goddess, a wondrous sort of hell to be sure.
  33. [22:48] Leo Harwey: [sub]I haven't been feeling this inspired in my writing in quite awhile. You're really bringing out my best, I just wanted you to know that. heart emote)
  34. [23:04] System: Kuwabara Kazuo is offline.
  35. [23:21] Ishutaru allowed her tongue to loll out of her mouth for a few precious seconds, equally grateful for but not in quite as dire need of the precious oxygen - the warmth and comparatively dry, cool air was almost sobering after she allowed herself to get so invested. While she drew it back into her mouth, she did not lap up the share of the mixed fluid that left the area surrounding her mouth glistening and her face to be lurid (a state invoked half from oxygen deprivation, though she may have been able to hold it a bit longer, and half from general heat that spurred such sweet vasodilation). It was almost like a sort of token of their shared affections, a reminder of what she was up against... though, in truth, the reactions that she was currently indulging in seemed like a much greater trophy. The damp spot was no longer able to evade her attention now that it was her only occupation and was the catalyst for a wide, smug grin. "Fufu, are you this susceptible to my divine technique?" A firm-yet-ginger squeeze. "Were you any other mortal I may find it tempting to tease you a little longer, but it would be reminisce of a Servant not to fulfill her Master's desires." Ominous words that foreshadowed her next move: involving her other hand in the release of his straining erection, hooking nimble fingers into the waistband of those crimson shorts and sliding them down at an agonizing speed, careful to introduce the most possible friction to the stiff obstacle impeding their progress. She neglected to inform him of her next move, however: bringing herself voluntarily into a squatting position, testing the limits of her inelastic "panties" and the strength of her slender, toned legs, toes supporting her meager weight and exhibiting extraordinary balance. The goddess gazed up through her long, thick eyelashes at the face of her Master and, without so much as another word, parted her jaws and pressed the flat surface of her tongue gingerly against the fabric with a deep, self-indulgent inhale... and a wink, demonstrating her ability to be goading even with her mouth occupied.
  36. [23:22] Ishutaru: ( Haah, that makes me really happy to hear~. I feel that I'm getting more into it than I normally would, as well. )
  37. [23:32] System: Big Bad Jock is online.
  38. [23:33] System: Big Bad Jock changed status to Looking, Would love this Lovely scene [] played out. (All genders welcome, feel free to approach IC or OOC)
  39. [23:35] Leo Harwey Goddess of Love, Fertility and War, while he had not seen the qualifications for at least one of those three titles, and possibly for two of them, he could easily tell this minx was well deserving of her divine role as the Goddess of Fertility. Such simple machinations could produce an extreme variance of results that made him both shiver and cringe, wary of the creature he'd unleashed with his forceful gesture earlier. "I-I am a King...but...I am still a young king. E-v-ven my sometimes...l-limited." His precious stuttered was brought about by the cruel yet wonderful teasing, his ivory skin developing a goosebump after goosebump over the feel of his own pants sliding against the swollen pinkish-purplish glands that adorned the tip of his swollen cock. Her tongue resting on the outside of his underwear sheltering his flesh from direct contact made him seethe with a mixture of desire and frustration as those emerald orbs glared back down at the goddess who teased him so easily without the slightest need for a single word. "Y-you can be quite merciless...ahhh-Archer." He breathed out his own body tempted to force his mind into using a command seal just to grant him release from this teasing that he could properly recharge her mana.
  40. [23:55] System: Leo Harwey changed status to Busy, ^.^ []
  41. [00:05] Ishutaru allowed herself a few more sacred moments of this, soaking the offending barrier in her saliva and vying for a better taste of the sweet, spiritually-sustaining ambrosia. It wasn't until she was perfectly content with how much she'd made her master squirm and was unable to find a segment of the undergarments' front that was dry did she pull away and allow herself another condescending giggle. "Did you truly expect anything less of the Mistress of Heaven? I'll prove my legitimacy one way or another, little prince." Despite the informality, she found herself slipping back into that demeaning pet name, but did not allow herself to observe the reaction... or the chance for one to be elicited, for she was pressing on in due time. Once again her nails scraped gently across the surrounding centimeters of flesh making up his hips before finding agency in the elastic and pulling them down, peeling them away from the engorged shaft that had been pulsating indirectly against her tongue for so long. She had a ballpark idea of his size from her previous ministrations, but watching it reveal itself as the fabric pulled down & away with a faint sticking noise from the moisture still evoked a faint sense of awe. "...Perhaps that nickname is inaccurate. It seems I chose an adequate mana source, fufufufu." Through the duration of her provocation she was ever-so-gently pumping him with the inflamed head pointed at her moving lips in case he deigned to refuel her before she could finish her sentence, but regardless, she was soon wrapping her lips around those painful-looking glans and flicking her tongue against the frenulum. Fixated on his face with great interest in his response, nonverbal or verbal, violent or reserved.
  42. [00:22] Leo Harwey a soft flush had long ago overtaken his cheeks from the heat of their encounter and the passion of her efforts which had so far managed to make his white underwear nearly see-through from the moisture that stained them so thoroughly. There were many words he would have wished to muster but few that he could articulate because for his youthful form, such machinations were quite rare for him to endure. It was only by pure luck he had no prematurely leaked his Servan't s dinner into those very briefs that were now sliding down his hips. Eventually though, her machinations proved successful enough that he found his cock laid bare, nearly eight inches of youthful swollen flesh poking towards her chin as his knees nearly buckled from the newfound sense of freedom. Tears had begun to well within his emerald orbs but he managed to choke them back with a firm bite into his lower lip. The pleasure of her actual tongue and delicate lips though, even with her teasing he could not last much longer, and the reward she so craved was quick to squirt against her face in a violent throbbing shudder that saw his well-endowed cock tremble and flex within her grasp staining her hands and face with thick spunk, from cum heavy balls that had been backed up since long before he'd made a pact with his Archer. White rope after white rope just continued to pump forward from that sorely teased member, draining those heavy balls of as much spunk as he could muster just to paint his mana-filled spunk across the lovely face of the Goddess he'd made his own. His entire body shuddered and shivered as his member continued to twitch in her eager grasp though it did not shrink, instead it remained firm within her grasp as though he could easily go a round two despite the thick white strands of cum dangling from swollen glands that indicated he'd already reached his climax. "Ha...ha.....": He wasn't laughing so much as panting from the sudden rush of endorphins that had flooded his senses and made those cheeks swell an even darker shade of pink, "I-...I am.....ready...for more..." He breathed out as he watched her reaction to see precisely how she'd treat his 'hair trigger.'
  43. [00:23] System: Anthro Jelly changed status to Looking
  44. [00:44] System: Conner J is offline.
  45. [00:54] Ishutaru flinched away from the thick, white-hot barrage at first out of instinct, but soon found herself angling the errant head towards an outstretched mouth with a lolling tongue and half-lidded eyes. It seemed to get everywhere, clinging to her eyelashes and sticking in her hair, coating her already-fair skin in a viscous glaze and bathing her rosy tongue and anticipating throat in a subtly salty flavor, the musk taking over her entire olfactory system and the magical energy coursing through her malnourished body. Independent Action and magus vessel or no, the tingling feeling of rejuvenation was truly unmatched... and fueled her in sucking out those final vestiges that were not so easily extracted, leaving the residue on her hands and face for another time in favor of greedily suckling on the very tip and pressing her tongue into the dip surrounding his urethra. She paid no mind to the overstimulating nature of such ministrations directly after climax, but for her own survival, greedily seeking out every ounce of magical energy like a man dying of dehydration in the desert. When absolutely sure she had exhausted this burst, she did not pull away or relent... but pressed her lips down with more firmness, made rock solid eye contact with her clouded red eyes, and - with only a moment of preparatory hesitation to steady herself with her hands gently impressing on his rear (and, presumably, relax her throat) - applied a slight bit of pressure from the back to urge his hips forward to meet her plunging head. In a moment her nose was buried in the base and her tongue, sticking out just beyond her lips to press upon the seam of his balls and shaft, was scrabbling for a foothold as she forced herself to stay there with tears in her eyes and guttural noises exuding from her throat. Clearly this form did not have the same integrity (or rather, experience) of throat muscles the same as its lungs, and it took all her willpower to stay there, forcing herself to breathe through her nose through that infamous divine persistence. If it weren't for the tears beading in her eyes, threatening to spill beyond her lids and score her hollowed cheeks, it may have looked effortless.
  46. [01:02] Leo Harwey: I am loving every second of this, but sadly, I have to cut it short, since I work tomorrow and need to up earlier than usual.)
  47. [01:03] Ishutaru: ( Not a problem - we can always continue another time, and hopefully my attendance will be a little more reliable for the next couple days. What we did get through was very enjoyable, in any case! )
  48. [01:04] Leo Harwey: You're quickly becoming one of my favorite partners on this site.)
  49. [01:04] Leo Harwey: Every roleplay has been a delight so far, I'm entirely glad I worked up the courage to send you that random invite.)
  50. [01:04] Leo Harwey: Goodnight, My Archer. ♥ )
  51. [01:04] Ishutaru: ( Sweet dreams, Master~. )
  52. [21:01] Ishutaru sidles up behind him, about as stealthily as a being with such a potent magical presence can, and snakes her arms around his waist with her chin on his shoulder. Directly into his ear, on a cloyingly warm breath: "Good evening, Master."
  53. [21:04] Leo Harwey 'd been absorbed into a book he'd been reading and so he was actually surprised when he felt her arms snake themselves around his waist, those emerald orbs of his darting wide as he felt a slight pink twinge forming upon his cheeks from the warm breath grazing against his earlobe. "Good evening, Archer." He finally said in a hushed whisper as those emerald orbs turned to catch a glimpse at the side of her face as she nestled her chin against his shoulder.
  54. [21:06] System: Ayla Ryder is online.
  55. [21:06] System: Ayla Ryder is offline.
  56. [21:15] Ishutaru smiled, clearly pleased with herself - having the advance in such a manner was a victory she valued above any other she had endured. Her eyes traveled momentarily to the exposed pages, but found herself rather disinterested and instead puckered her lips and pressed them gently against his turned cheek. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," the goddess murmured as she idly clasped her fingers together near his navel. "...I'm just sure my situation does not bear repeating."
  57. [21:22] Leo Harwey felt that peck to his lips, their close proximity actually made it impossible to see much of anything given how much of his view was filled by her raven locks, even the majority of her beautiful face was withheld from his gaze. As he felt her hands encircling his belly he turned his head to face forward once again, his hand closing the book since it was currently no longer his chief focus. "Your situation hasn't escaped me, Archer. It's actually quite amusing to have a Goddess need me so." His flippant quip, punctuated by one of his right hand settling atop own as they encircled his waist. "If you are ready, then I will happily indulge you, Ishtar."
  58. [21:42] Ishutaru hummed to herself for a moment in affirmation and relished in the warmth of his hand atop her own clasped pair. In truth she didn't even need to consider her answer, but with her arms around him like this, her head resting comfortably perched upon his shoulder, her nostrils filled with the lingering scent of shampoo... if it could sustain her, she would prefer to stay in such a position for the remainder of her vessel's prolonged years. But that was hardly an option, so she instead opted to separate her hands, lean forward for better coverage, and press one of her palms against the groin of his trousers. "...My true name has a nice ring to it coming from your lips, Master," she mused.
  59. [21:43] Ishutaru: { Sorry about that delay, my internet lapsed for a second (not sure if it reflected here) and I had to make sure it wasn't something up with the equipment. }
  60. [21:43] Leo Harwey: It's alright.)
  61. [21:49] Leo Harwey felt her hands begin to shift beneath his own, and without word he simply released any pressure he may have been pressing upon them to allow her to move. The destination of her hands was entirely unsurprising, but also quite welcomed as he felt her touch, probing to find the youthful bulge within his red trousers. A soft smile played upon his lips as he felt her begin to knead into his bulge which was already quite eager, given that the feel of her breasts pressing to his back had stimulated him long before her touch had factored into it. Even with their modest size such a keen realization was stimulating enough to have brought forth a rather expected outcome, as his lips parted to let out a wavering sigh from her delicate touch, "I'm pleased you enjoy it, Ishtar. In private perhaps I'll refer to you by name rather than by title. Would you like that?" He questioned between quickening breaths as her touch motivated an increase in his breathing.
  62. [21:56] System: Conner J is online.
  63. [22:07] Ishutaru "I would." Given her focus on the task at hand - pressing her free hand subconsciously against his navel and moving her occupied one such that her fingers could "hook" into the gap between his legs - she was not in a position to speak much more than that. To make up for her lack of talkativeness the pseudo-servant was much more diligent in moving her palm vertically and bating her breath as to get the most out of her moist breath washing over the side of his face. She was keenly aware of the pulsating, stiffening mass beneath her hands, and each yet-subtle throb only egged her on further. More pressure. Slower, more deliberate movement. The sudden drift of her hand from the bottom to the top, nails scraping against the doubly-covered tender area as she made for the waistband and paused with a devilish, unseen smirk - testing him, no doubt, with her long nails just scarcely straying beneath the surface. It certainly didn't help that, with her arms requiring all the possible reach, her back was bent at such an angle that their hips did not meet, but her breasts pressed against his back with extra pressure... allowing him a better sensation of the gradual hardening of her nipples through the thin silken cloth of her top.
  64. [22:17] Leo Harwey "I-I see." His breath caught and hitched within his throat as she teased his arousal, to the point it was almost a little painful, and her eager efforts pressing her breasts into his back made it all the harder to ignore the pleasurable sensations that were beginning to overwhelm him. "T-then tell me Ishtar....h-how will you get your pr-prana if I finish....inside my....p-p-pants." Speaking was growing more difficult between his heavy breaths, his lips slightly agape as he began to pant a bit more from that teasing stimulation of hers, unfortunately because she'd sneaked up behind him, he was at a marked disadvantage when it came to getting revenge upon the goddess, though at the moment he would have happily finished and then teased her by denying her anymore. Still, she was quite low on Prana, and it was his duty to replenish her completely and totally, by filling her to the very brim. It would have been a bit too cruel a prank in his own estimation to actually do something like that.
  65. [22:25] System: Conner J is offline.
  66. [22:33] System: Kuwabara Kazuo is offline.
  67. [22:43] Ishutaru was on the cusp of pressing on, her first knuckle submerged beneath the strip of red weakly impeding her progress, but that single comment caused her to pause and think for a moment. A still, lingering silence broken only by the laborious breathing filling the air, broken only by the rekindled sound of shifting fabric as she plunged her hand in even beyond his underwear, feeling the moist, tender flesh for herself. "Then I'll merely have to salvage it... and extract more. I know your supply is not so limited, Master, though your body's stamina may be limited... fufu." Unsatisfied with the limited movement she had in such a limited space, she used her free hand to awkwardly push down the twin waists of both his trousers & undergarments, eventually meeting her goal - no matter how many times she witnessed it, the appearance of his erection popping out from its prison, almost glistening with moisture and glowing with heat, caused her tongue to subconsciously run over her glossy lips. "...Though, I will admit I would prefer you to finish in my hand for easier consumption. My pride prevents me from having the desire to suck on your clothing like a dog without being commanded, ufufu." True to her word, she began to ever-so-slowly work the shaft with a light grip, providing just enough stimulation, while her other positioned itself in a cupped position just beneath the twitching red glans. "What'll it be, Master? Shall I continue as I am, or shall we move on with the transfer immediately?" Another pause that allowed her to draw her tongue over the lobe of his ear. "I await your command."
  68. [22:56] Leo Harwey in moments like this it was obvious to him that this was closer to the true personality of the goddess he'd contracted with clearly still muted but far less depressed than the usual interactions they normally exchanged. Such musings were interesting albeit difficult to maintain because her vice like grip and teasing stroke of her hand working his slick shaft, from base to tip and then back. "I-I..." He was about to say something when that teasing draw of her tongue against his earlobe resulted in a hitch to his breathing, and a momentary wide eyed expression that lingered for longer than he'd liked. "So...this is the type...of lewd are...." He breathed out softly as his hand moved to cease her stroking digits and spare himself for a moment to compose himself, even if the feel of her hand on his shaft, and her breasts on his back remained unabated. "Y-ou envision yourself...sucking your reward from my cloth....even thinking about my use of power to force you into it...." He paused, his voice taking on a more teasing tone as he closed his eyes to steady that breathing. "Truly you're a lewd woman, my Ishtar." His lips ticked up into a slight smirk, as his hand continued to hold back her stroking digit with no small amount of force. "You're a servant who is fit to rule over any other as a Goddess, but your true goal is to be on your knees isn't it?"
  69. [23:19] Ishutaru ceased her ministrations for a moment to listen better to his words, and, more importantly, consider a response. Her hand remained there, moistened with sweat and turning clammy from the sheer heat of the object of her "affection." Her eyes fixated on the sight for a moment before fluttering closed and inviting a much more prominent grin. "...It is the duty of a Servant to take care of their Master. It is the condition of me appearing in this form and being immortalized even after the civilization which I presided over collapsed and lost faith. If I cannot do that much, I would feel I have failed as a deity representing - even if indirectly - motherhood as well as a Divine Spirit. Besides." Another languid movement of her tongue over his ear, this time threatening to infiltrate further, offset her words and added emphasis to the cessation. "There are two effective ways to rule over a man: fear... and pleasure. I am capable of both, but I find the latter considerably more exciting." Those lids opened once again, only halfway. "It would appear you agree, in body if not soul. Now, Master. Are you willing to assist me in achieving such a goal, such that the former method is available to you in claiming dominion over the rest of the world?" Unable to stroke unimpeded, she instead tightened her grip - not enough to hurt, but enough that her soft skin sat much more flush against the sensitive cock resting in her palm.
  70. [23:30] Leo Harwey felt that tongue and quite enjoyed the sensation followed by that squeeze of his cock, and it seemed she would not be denied in fact her answers were quite entertaining now that he could focus on her words rather than her pleasurable and hard to ignore actions. Finally though his hand retreated allowing her to have as much freedom as she chose, "You really are a terrifying woman, Ishtar." He stated rather flatly as he moved that now free hand up, still smelling of musk, and a slit hint of sweat from the close proximity to his bare cock. As that hand reached up his index finger moved to scratch teasingly beneath her chin, as one might pet a kitten, though he doubted very much that even a cat in heat could not hope to match the sex drive of his servant. "I've given you free use of your hand, but would you rather drink my nectar, or have your womb filled with it? That is the question that amuses me most." His cool and calm demeanor had set itself back into place thanks to the fact he could focus on something other than pleasure, though he was well away the rabbit hole he'd stepped into when it came to her desires. Still, he could think of nothing more interesting then allowing her do as she pleased, he'd never seen this side of her and his desire to explore it and his own sense of curiosity towards the servant he'd made a pact with had created a situation where his own safety was now in question because of his desire to see more.
  71. [23:42] System: Midwestern Boy changed status to Looking
  72. [23:50] System: Midwestern Boy is offline.
  73. [23:51] System: Midwestern Boy is online.
  74. [23:51] System: Midwestern Boy changed status to Looking
  75. [23:59] Ishutaru laughed, though it was more of a quickly-expelled breath than a genuine use of her vocal cords. A signal of amusement, in any case. "And to think you doubted the extent of my cruelty. This form has limitations, but a goddess in her element is more than capable of overcoming them." With that, she relinquished her grip and slid her arms back to her sides where they belonged, removing the less-than-oppressive weight from his back in the process. Her spine made a cracking sound that was heard more than felt when she straightened up and raised her arms high above her head as she moved around his front, putting an almost comically exaggerated sauntering quality in her steps. At last, standing before him, she made a mockery of a curtsy using the "curtains" on either side of her clothing. "...A tough question, Master, given how delectable your prana proved to taste... but I fear I have waited for a proper transfer for far too long to be greedy." A display of the magus' mental influence, of course. Her hands dropped the fabric and she met his gaze levelly, arms once again crossed over her chest in that haughty display of self-importance. "I only question if you'll be able to reach my womb given the state you're in." A momentary glance downward toward that swollen, almost painful-looking erection. A sense of pride swelled up in her bosom at her handiwork. "Will you prove me wrong, Master? For once in my immortal life, I hope my words are contradicted." With no further words nor actions besides the slight adjustment of her arms to sit beneath her chest, a soft glow of light and her sudden exposure marked the dematerialization of her divine clothing. Without a hint of trepidation from her nudity, she merely grinned and drew her forearms more tightly against her ribs. "...Though I am curious to see whether you will take charge or if I shall have to forcefully seize my prana. I know too much of your capriciousness, Master."
  76. [00:20] Leo Harwey 's emerald orbs began to follow her as her lithe form first stepped into his field of vision her clothing dancing as she stepped from behind him like she was some sort of Arabian belly dancer. The entire scene quite amusing as she came to rest, standing before him with her arms folded just below her breasts making him curious as to the reason for her position, though he secretly believed she crossed her arms in such a manner because she wished to push her breasts up and make them appear larger. "I have no doubts I could reach your womb, Ishtar." Though her words seemed like some fort of challenge, his response was punctuated with a simple smile, as though he were simply giving his honest opinion and not playing some sort of game with his servant. As her attire melted away his smile did not, instead remaining quite static as she revealed herself to him in all of that glory. "You're beautiful, Ishtar." She received no direct response to her worry of whether he was force her to seize what she wanted or be taken, instead he simply allowed that tension to hang in the air for a moment, and then another allowing the seconds tick away to see her impatience grown and grow and once he was satisfied he moved in to sate her desires, by claiming her lips in a passionate kiss. Forced to stand upon his tiptoes because of the slight differential in their height it made little difference as the young King asserted himself as forcefully as an older man, as that tongue of his poked against her lips in an attempt to deepen his passionate assault upon his precious servant.
  77. [00:22] System: Midwestern Boy is offline.
  78. [00:23] System: Zachary Gallagher is online.
  79. [00:45] System: Radst Rovh changed status to Online, lonely demon
  80. [00:48] Ishutaru indeed grew quite agitated - the indentation of her fingertips grew deeper and more noticeable upon her thin arms, and in fact she unraveled her arms and very nearly took a step forward when she found herself captured in a heated kiss that she was unable to retaliate against on account of her being off-guard. It took her a moment for eyes to cease being wide and her hands to find a place wrapped back around his waist, previously hanging stationary on either side of him in a daze. No sooner did she reignite her embrace, though, did she open her mouth for him and launched her own assault, tongues sliding together and saliva already beginning to escape the corners of their intertwined mouths. She wouldn't be outdone, not when she allowed herself to look so visibly impatient in front of him, showing weakness after so confidently jabbing at him. Her bare skin against the crimson fabric of his still-clothed torso created a friction that made her terribly conflicted, as did the proximity of the throbbing length so close to her own slit, practically searing and faintly pulsing in anticipation for not only sustenance, but rich pleasure that had been denied her for millennia as she waited to be summoned and even longer as she wandered without a reliable source besides herself.
  81. [01:01] Leo Harwey words weren't needed at this point as their tongues did battle to determine supremacy, his pink muscle brushing against her own, flicking and jabbing in heated passion as his left hand settled itself upon her hip, giving it a tug to brush their pelvises together. He had no intention of going easy on her now that she'd laid down such an obvious challenge, the feel of his cock brushing against her slit was a double edged sword, the roll of his hips meant to hotdog his firm, cock between her moist lips dragging her juices along it's length and making it glisten with the signs of her arousal. The soft roll of his hips was meant to help defeat that tongue of hers, a fight for supremacy as his hips continued to rock and egg her own pushing back to tease her as brutally as she'd been teasing him only a short time ago. His right hand even taking hold of his cock, to very playfully brush the head of his cock to her entrance as though he might part those folds only to smack it against her lips instead and then roll his length between them. The firction of her chest against his own making his clothing wrinkle and fold in all sorts of undignified ways clearly showcasing the passion between them, as he stood there, just in front of the pool of clothing on the floor his pants, and underwear having been left behind when he took that step to initiate their current predicament.
  82. [01:12] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is online.
  83. [01:16] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is offline.
  84. [01:16] Ishutaru knew for a fact, though her eyes were screwed shut and her potential field of vision consumed entirely by her Master, that the color in her face was far more than just a tinge. It was an inferno that spread from the tips of her ears to the apples of her cheeks, inviting rivulets of sweat to join the moisture that coated the surrounding area of her mouth as she struggled to seize and maintain an advantage and the slippery natural lubricant that all-too-eagerly clung to the surface of his shaft as it slid between her thickset thighs and elicited muffled moans and springing tears to bead in her eyes with each moment that she was denied her prize. And yet she refused to relent or retreat from the interlacing above, continuing to struggle with a weakened, wavering muscle and dissolving constitution, her arms tremulous around his torso and her hips pressing forward as if begging for more of that friction, or at least incidental penetration - as it stood, her defenses were crumbling, and she was doing all she could not to abuse her power... because on some level, that magus was taunting her, an amorphous taunting in the back of her mind that very nearly rivaled that cruel display of power from that slap. You're deserving of it and you know it. It almost made her sick knowing that the voice in the dredges of her soul was correct and enduring such punishment was paying her dues... but the goddess also knew that she could not give up this vain power struggle for the words of a little girl who unintentionally relinquished her body to such an amorous deity. Not when another intrusive thought echoed alongside it: saying that kind of thing will only get your body ruined.
  85. [01:26] Leo Harwey 's cruel torture continued as his right hand took hold of his cock helping to hotdog it between her eager folds which were now drenching his eager cock with flavor of her arousal, sticky strands of her lubricant making his cock glisten even more almost matching the the level of slobber forming on their chins from that heated kiss. The longer that embrace lingered the hard it was becoming to not simply give in and fuck her but he wanted to tease her to push her to her limits and see precisely how she would break. Would she beg for him to enter, would she snap and throw him to the floor? Both options at the very least presented a unique set of amusements he was eager to test. Still with a hold on his own cock he was able to limit those touches, to make sure he didn't push himself too far, and finally he got a clever little idea. It was a thought he couldn't precisely trace, amidst the flurry of tongues, but it was one he knew sounded fun, and with his hand taking hold of his cock he smacked his stiff shaft against her pussy. It wasn't teasing or gentle, but rough and hard, certainly a little painful for himself. She was a servant, so the amount of pain her could inflict always felt limited, but he at the very least mused that certain things would still be clearly more sensitive and vulnerable than others. As saliva began to dribble down from their chins his teasing continued as did those lewd smacks of his cock which were punctuated by the moist slapping noises filling the room.
  86. [01:57] Ishutaru very nearly ended up biting both of their tongues the first time, a yelp rising out of her throat and getting lost in the kiss with only a "Mmnph!" to show for its existence. It was at that moment her tongue ceased to move and struggle for the first time since he'd asserted himself so strongly and it was taking all her strength to merely keep her lips on his and maintain her breathing so that Tohsaka's somewhat frail mortal body did not die of oxygen deprivation. On the second, she found "herself" pinned. On the third, she ripped her mouth away and didn't give either party the opportunity to revel in the strings of saliva between them nor did she wipe her mouth. Instead, she just indulged herself in a full-bodied, low moan. "M-Mmmaster... you..." Admittedly, the pain was not severe or unbearable, but something so stiff slapping against such a tender, needy area sent shockwaves of partially agitated pleasure and partially a dull sensation... not quite pain, but the feeling of something there that made her more and more terribly impatient. The noises weren't helping her cause, and brought forth a few more mewls and a great deal more squirming before she finally narrowed her eyes and her hand shot back from her embrace, almost autonomously, to grab his wrist and display to him just how much she was trembling, her knuckles white and her thighs stained with her own juices. Miraculously, her voice was level and almost... grim... as she spoke between labored breaths. "Master... do you intend to persist teasing me until I return to the spiritual plane? Or shall you prove to me with deeds that you're truly capable of reaching my womb rather than my lips? If you don't..." Her grip tightened, more blood rushed from her trembling knuckles - she was hardly exerting her full strength. "I'll... I'll have to prove it myself."
  88. ---
  90. [21:30] Leo Harwey very gently pats her head.
  91. [21:35] Ishutaru looks ready to indulge in it like normal, but visibly stops herself and puts on an exaggerated pout. "Who are you trying to fool, being so ginger after last night?"
  92. [21:38] Leo Harwey smiled and reached out to pinch the cloth covering her lifting it slightly as he offered his servant a teasing smile, "Well, to be fair it's not as though there is much keeping us from finishing what we started."
  93. [21:53] Ishutaru shakes her head while she angles her glance downward to observe the path of his hand. "No, I suppose not... though I fear at this point I'll wither away..." In an over-the-top theatrical display, she raised her head to her forehead and swooned. After a pause for dramatic effect, an airy giggle left her lips and she put that hand to better use coiling around his waist and pulling him a step or two closer. "...And I'm sure you will not allow that to happen."
  94. [21:56] Leo Harwey laughed to himself as he was pulled closer, normally such gestures were supposed to be done by the male, being on the receiving end of such treatment was a unique experience to say the very least. As his hand continued to lift that bit of cloth covering her front, he cocked his head to the left slightly and smiled at her. "Of course I wouldn't. You are my goddess of victory." He reassured and moved his left hand up to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb just below her eye as he leaned in closer, until their lips finally collided.
  95. [22:15] Ishutaru was much more reserved in this kiss than the previous, or at the very least less "bloodthirsty" - her tongue did not immediately shoot out to join the fray, instead contenting itself to remain in her mouth for the time being... in sharp contrast to her only seconds-old forwardness. Perhaps it was the fluttering in her stomach that originated from his affections, or maybe the fact that her hands were consuming much of her focus. Her right was admittedly low-maintenance, simply grasping his side as if afraid to let him go - it was her left taking up considerably more energy. Wedging itself between their flush bodies at an almost awkward angle. Straining her upper arm, but worth it as the heel of her palm found a comfortable position just above his budding bulge. Twitching her fingers as to subtly stimulate despite the forced position, rubbing her knuckles unintentionally against the upper part of her own groin, thankfully (for her resolve) to no effect. To an experienced strategist, her actions may have been recognized as vying for the upper hand before springing an offense.
  96. [22:22] Leo Harwey it took some time for him to realize her intentions, and in the midst of that kiss once they dawned upon him, he nearly broke it from his laughter, and in fact after a few more moments he had to pull away precisely because he could no longer stifle his amusement. "You're the man!" He shouted out playfully as he was nearly in tears by this point from the awkwardness of their reversed rolls, it was all far too much for him to take and there was no other way to express himself but that laughter. He didn't get far mostly because her arm kept him from scooted away, but her hand trying to work his bulge like a boy on prom night trying to rub at his girlfriend to tease her on the dance floor, he couldn't help but seem the similarities. Tears were forming in those emerald pools as he gazed back at her, only slightly apologetic for the situation his outburst had certainly caused. "I'm's just this situation seems totally backwards."
  97. [22:42] Ishutaru tilted her head to the side at his original outburst, her hand ceased, but soon found herself giggling into a quickly lifted palm. The differences in era expectations, the sight of seeing him "crack" in such a way that wasn't a teasing manner, a glimmer of embarrassment that stood out against the hulking mass of her pride... her head shook once again, sending her twintails into her face, and she wiped away a few tears of her own. It seemed she had gotten carried away in the assertiveness she found herself having to exhibit to successfully seduce men back in the days of her legend. Or, more aptly, the fact that none of them refused her overt advances because they were terrified of angering a deity with such a fearsome reputation. "Master, you are certainly rather... enigmatic," she finally said after her much more subdued laughter petered out and she had a chance to awkwardly comb her fingers through her bangs. Still, she didn't quite understand the situation, and with her hands firmly planted on her hips she released a dejected sigh. "Shall I be less up-front..?"
  98. [22:47] Leo Harwey his laughter turned to giggling and then finally after another long pause it subsided, his right hand reaching up to brush away the beginnings of tears that had formed in his eyes, while his chest ached slightly from his faded outburst. "No Ishtar, you're perfect the way you are." He offered with a small smile, moving his hand to slip against her cheek once more cradling her face as he moved to stand upon his tiptoes and place a soft kiss against her lips. It didn't linger long just the briefest of pecks, as he took a step back, and glanced around the room. Walking off for a moment he found a nice red chair, and moved to seat himself, his hand patting against his thigh, inviting his goddess over to join him. "I assumed it might be easier for both of us if we didn't have to be on our feet." The words he offered from his seat were punctuated by the barest hint of a sly grin as he awaited a response to his move to see precisely how she would take his gesture or recover from his outburst, which, in truth he was feeling a bit bad about.
  99. [22:59] System: Radst Rovh changed status to Away
  100. [23:08] Ishutaru tracked his every movement with all the interest of a pet, not entirely sure she believed his first set of words even given their accompanying kiss... but she certainly agreed with the second. A "woman whose feet never truly touched the ground" or not, she admitted the inch of difference was nearly akin to that of the world, and such a position had less than broad options. On the contrary, she was almost too eager to approach his makeshift throne and swing her leg over it, unsteady despite her light weight and death grip upon his shoulders. Still, with her chin angled downward to face him and her scantily-covered rear pressed against his thighs and their groins in such close proximity, she couldn't help but release a sigh and move forward with a hint of trepidation, scooting forth and creating a slight bit of friction. Straddling him in such a manner, with her legs dangling awkwardly on either side of the chair not quite long enough to touch the floor, was simultaneously inconvenient and... exciting. "You're correct, but I admit I'm a little out of practice, Master," she muttered dryly. "What are they...? Lap dances were hardly an Assyrian creation."
  101. [23:17] Leo Harwey Once again he found himself amused by her reactions, it was almost comical at this point, sex was normally something one thought of as a serious and passionate exchange, but so far they'd gone from deadly serious, near pornographic video content, to a comedy of errors. The contrast between then and now was very much night and day but he said nothing on the subject of lap dances instead he lifted up the cloth covering her ass, just enough so that he could lean forward and blow on the exposed skin now left uncovered by his previous gesture. Once he'd had his fun with that little prank he settled back into the chair for a moment as those emerald orbs drifted closed for the briefest of moments as he rolled his hips allowing her to feel his clothed bulge press to her clothed sex. "Foreplay isn't necessary Ishtar, if we pull a few things to the side, I can finally replenish you properly." He offered simply quite matter of fact in his explanation as his free hand moved to settle on her hip, and dig his fingers in slightly to steady her on his lap.
  102. [23:30] System: Radst Rovh is offline.
  103. [23:48] Ishutaru gasped at his teasing, but soon found herself instead releasing a low whine at the grinding. "Nnnn... It seems unfair to pull something like that and immediately target a woman's desires, Master. I just hope that you can maintain a promise." With those final words, she trusted in the resilience of his grip and released her own, leaning back just a bit to allow him a more complete view of her body as her clothing once again dematerialized. Little though it was, only revealing the remainder of her navel and her supple breasts, the feeling of no more light metal crossed against her tender abdominal flesh was liberating, and being in the view of someone that she'd come to trust - albeit in a short time and perhaps due to some sort of subconscious obligation from the contract - sent a jolt down her spine. Or maybe she was just an exhibitionist, lingering in that position with her chest rising and falling for a few moments that felt like an eternity before she scooted the rest of her lower body back just enough that she had access to his zipper. In hurried, trembling movements she unfastened the very bare minimum that allowed her hand access to the band of his underwear, which she plunged her hand under just enough to extract his shaft ever-so-gingerly. With it still gripped in her hand she scooted forward just enough that she could press it against her navel. "Do not disappoint me, Master."
  104. [00:03] Leo Harwey as she fished for his cock a slight blush crept upon his features, the feel of her soft hand holding him so tightly bringing a shiver along his spine, as his arms began to goose pimple from the delightful sensation. Pre-cum leaked from those swollen red glands leaving a sticky mostly clear stain just below her belly button as she warned him not to disappoint. "I would never think of it, my Goddess." He offered with a solemn nod as he took his time to study her body, now that he was seated, and she was atop him, he was treated to sights he'd been unable to admire the night before. The soft creamy feel of her pale skin, the pert peek of her pink nipples, and of course the glistening spectacle of her red moistened lips, she was a true beauty. As she held his cock the moves her could make were quite limited for the moment, and so he waited watching to see what she'd do with his assurances to thoroughly please her, though the longer she held him to her belly the messier it was getting as he was beginning to paint her with his pre-cum that sticky clear fluid, just a slight hint of white smearing itself just below her belly button from the slightest movement.
  105. [00:20] Ishutaru offered only a giggle in response before she scooted forward, purposefully brushing the swollen head over her inner lips. The position caused her breasts to be in his face on account of her raised position and proximity, and she reveled in the idea of teasing him with such a sight before getting back to the task at hand: lining everything up and, all at once, plunging down upon his shaft. After prolonged waiting, edging, and deprivation, the sensation elicited a languid moan to go with the sharp, moist sound of the engorged head sliding into her slit. "M-Maa...ah..ster... aaahuhn..." She'd underestimated just how tight this form would be, let alone just how deep he would reach; even with the vertical position, when she chanced a glance downward at her flat abdomen, the subtle outline of his shaft against her pale skin caused her to tense up just in time for another powerful throb, directly against her g-spot. It seemed that every part of her was full, and there still remained an inch or two. Beads of sweat formed and glistened on her hairline while tears formed in her eyes; she was no stranger to size, but between her prana deficiency, dry spell, and unfamiliar vessel, she felt like she was going to collapse from pleasure. In a sense, she did, her body leaning forward and her arms wrapping around his back, the opposite side of her forearms caught between his shoulderbladed and the back of the chair, her breathing erratic, her body trembling in his grip. Still, despite her acting like her form - that is, a virgin - she refused to be defiled in such an undignified way for a goddess of her type. "Move howe-- nmnhgh... however you like, Maaa-ah...ster~."
  106. [00:39] Leo Harwey he'd let things get quite far for once and he had to admit there was a certain anticipation as she raised herself up finally and prepared to take the plunge upon his hard cock, that youthful shaft eager to finally taste her insides as he felt her dive down onto him with a reckless abandon. She was a goddess of fertility so he wasn't shocked with how bold she was about it, what shocked him was how tight she felt. His sie certainly helped the bulge of his cock against her slender tummy, helping to emphasize the kind of hold her pussy had on that thick pole as she writhed atop of him seemingly lost in a state of pleasure from the sudden invasion into her pussy until the head of his cock was kissing the door to her womb with still more to spare. " must asked for this..." He offered with a playful smile between heavy panting breathes as his hips pushed up to slam or at the very least punch the head of his cock past her cervix, forcing those last three inches into her with a lewd smack of her ass cheeks to his covered thighs allowing his cock to slip into her womb. The quick thrust of his hips drawing a loud moan from parted lips as those emerald hues broke their gaze upon her so he could squeeze them shut and savor the cling of her pussy to his shaft and the even tighter grasp her cervix had upon the head of his cock. " very good Ishtar." He breathed out as those lithe hips pulled back as far as they could unable to remove himself but able to draw away enough to allow for a second thrust to pierce her.
  107. [00:53] Ishutaru wasn't even in a position, mentally or physically, to respond to his jeering; she could only arch her back and release a scream of unequal parts pleasure & pain as a jolt of pain gripped her spinal cord from the sudden invasion - prickling heat spread through her entire body, and she even released her grip on his shoulders to lean back. If it weren't for the pure strength of her thighs (which were like a vice around the sides of his), she may have fallen out of the chair altogether - her abilities as a servant and his status as a mere human, if a particularly plucky one, meant she was able to recover, but the feeling of his shaft pulsating against every last inch of her inner walls, even those which were not meant to be touched, was terribly sinful even for a goddess of lust. It devolved her into a mess of mewls and heavy breaths, the word 'Master' interspersed and terribly broken up in between labored, semi-voluntary noises, saliva dribbling from her ajar mouth as she remained stationary, almost afraid to move due to the friction of the second thrust. The bulge against her abdomen, the ache in the pit of her stomach, the utter sensation of depravity... there was only one thing she wanted, and blinking tears from her half-lidded eyes she put it into one singular, potent word. "M-more."
  108. [01:02] Leo Harwey continued to rock his hips and savor the feeling of parts too tight for a cock, holding onto his head and stroking every last inch of it as he pumped into her cervix like a bull ramming through a china shop. Even from his position beneath her, he managed to work up a heavy steady rhythm to his thrusts throwing as much weight into his strokes as he could possible muster, making the muscles of his legs and back throb, as seat began to stain his brow. Beneath that red blazer his white button down was turning more opaque as white fabric was growing more transparent from the sweat beading into his attire. Each pump of his hips resulted in a smack, as his trouser covered thighs continued to bump into her ass with enough force that surely the snow white complexion of her bottom was turning a pale shade of pink from the effort he placed into his stroke. As that bulge faded and then reemerged with each thrust he was milked continuously by the vice like grip of her pussy and the way is tugged at him like she was trying to milk every ounce of cum from him she could manage. youthful hands moved to place themselves on her hips helping to steady her for his thrusts to make sure he could go nice and deep and continue to invade that cervix with his cock fucking her as deeply as he could, his cock trying to jab at her womb like the punch of a boxer.
  109. [01:36] Ishutaru was developing quite the sheen herself, body being pushed to its limits in a far different way - maybe if she were a pure servant of magical energy she wouldn't be having such a difficult time accommodating him... but that was a "fantasy" she could hardly bear to think about in this thick fog of clashing sensations and ruthless stimulation. It was bad enough that her folds were already being stretched so far, but the sensation of her cervix being deflowered so thoroughly, pried open by his pulsing glans and sending gradually-fading jolts of fire up her spinal column, setting the rest of her body ablaze and her fingers twitching, arms otherwise limp and attempting to steady the rest of her body on nothingness, seeking agency in a blank space. Quiet mewls and yelps spilled from her saliva-glossed lips with no attempt to stem the flow. She couldn't go back on her word, not when the scarlet fabric of his trousers had already begun to irritate her skin and stain it red from the savagery of his movement. Not when the head of his cock was lodged so far in her slit, drooling precum with each thrust and twitch and movement into her starved womb. Not when she was deriving so much pleasure from the feeling of her Master claiming her body in such a way, though this point was one that she would not dare voice. A mere human, robbing her of her ability to walk and bringing her to her knees when she did not entirely will it? Their lewd noises from languid moans to wet slapping noises filling the air and falling into an erratic rhythm on her weary ears? She couldn't allow it, she wouldn't allow it... but her notions of pride were slowly melting away with every rivulet of sweat that scored down her thin arms and soaking into her raven locks that stuck to her animated breasts and every curl of her bare toes. Still the idea of "defeat," no matter how luxurious... somewhere, within her lust-fogged mind, it terrified her even as she welcomed it with open legs.
  110. [01:47] Leo Harwey Her moans and groans were more than enough to continue to spur him on no words were needed for him to act as his fingers dug deeper into to her hips making that milky flesh bulge through the gaps in his fingers as he braced her as tightly as he could. "Ah---at this r-rate I'll....impregnate" His voice panting heavily as the sensations of her thighs clamping upon him, squeezing his hips and her velveteen folds milking his cock, had brought him much closer to the brink still he felt far from done. It was a struggle but he maintained his pace to pound himself into her the rough pump of his hips the lewd slam of his thighs against her own ivory cheeks which continued to turn a deeper shade of red, leaving the room to fill with the dull wet packing sounds of flesh colliding into flesh, and the musky stench of sweaty bodies permiated the air. The meeting of cock and pussy had felt like pure bliss and continued to drive him towards the brink as the lewd smell of sex hung thick in the air and filled his nostrils. Each strike of his hips, each tug of her cunt upon his cock, each pump making her stomach bulge around his girth, and he could barely take it anymore. She was driving him mad with her body but he too was trying to fuck her into submission now it was simply a matter of who would blink first. As he stretched that cunt and warped her cervix to match the shape of his cock it was now a race against time, and time was certaintly running out as more and more pre-cum spilled from the tip of his cock.
  111. [01:49] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is online.
  112. [01:51] System: Hypnotic Shinigami is offline.
  113. [01:55] System: Young Richard is online.
  114. [02:14] Ishutaru found it within herself among the roiling heat and endorphin rush to regain her senses... and smirk. "That... nnnh-! Is of no conce--eeehrn... to me." Her speech clearly did not hold the same dignified arrogance as her face. Nor did her body, with its contortion and molding to suit the needs and shape of his body, stretching to hold him and him alone. "Wheeehn... mmh! The girl that everyone - hnn-! Mistakes me for... granted her form to me, she... gh! Too became... me." Despite the desperation of half of her body to pull away from the unnaturally deep penetration it was being subjected to, she forced her arched back to straighten so she could lean in close to his ear and steady her breathing adjacent to him, allowing him to hear every belabored breath before she spoke one clear sentence accented by the slapping of flesh against fabric, the friction of her pussy being absolutely destroyed and broken more and more with each thrust. "Get me pregnant, Master." Her potent words were reduced, of course, to another pile of pathetic moans, her nails now practically digging gouges and bruises in the well-concealed skin of his shoulders with her breasts brushing up against his sweat-stained, entirely drenched shirt, adding another fluid to the discoloration of the previously elegantly starched cloth. She herself was losing her grip on herself, her pelvic muscles tightening and pulling even harder on his relentless shaft, and she meant to hold it back a little longer, but the heightened sensitivity and raw feeling was just about killing her. To be outdone like this... it was disgraceful, but when she cried out his proper first name rather than his contract-sanctioned title in a flurry of cries, her back arching back and very nearly resembling the curve of her heavenly "bow," her knuckles going white, a surge of fluid spilling over the groin of his pants and soaking the fabric a deeper shade of red... she knew that she, in some sense, had lost.
  115. [02:27] Leo Harwey "I...I'll fill the brim....Ish...Ishtar." His voice was strained, his breathing deep and hard Those were the last words he could muster, his mind intoxicated with lust, his body equally entranced by her frame, the feel of those breasts against his chest, her hands clawing into his clothing everything was driving him to edge. The hard flat thuds of his thighs to hers, driven forward like a machine roughly pounding against her cervix, roughly, like some kind of sledge hammer to her insides. Her pussy was like a warm glove clinging tight against sensitive glands milking his shaft, each of his nerves feeling like they were on fire in the most magnificient way he could possibly imagine as each and every inch of her inviting cunt carressed his invading cock. As he could almost feel the outline of his cock sliding up her stomach pressing to his chest with each roughand powerful bucking thrust of his hips. He knew the time was short he couldn't last much longer amid the assault her pussy alone had placed upon his senses. So it came, or rather he came in that very next moment his body was rocked by that powerful orgasm, his cock erupting inside of her like a volcano of lust had just gone off, an explosion of tar-thick white hot cum came eagerly flooding her cunt, stuffing every nook and cranny of her greedy cunt. His orgasm began painting her inner velveteen walls, spraying her guts with his thick sticky seed. Thick bubbling cum erupted from around his cock rupting the tight seal her pussy had on his thick girth as her insides swelled with the load he dropped into her. His hips continued to rut riding out his orgasm and pumping more of that cum into puss, and spilling it on to the floor. Thick drops pouring down pale thighs, sticky ropes sliding down the length of his shaft and matted down blond pubes as his crotch was left sticky and moist. Droplets of heavy cream, hung from his balls which wildly slammed into her pussy spreading his jizz across her thighs and staining his trousers as he reached the apex of the mount.
  116. [02:48] Ishutaru was unsure as to whether she should curse or praise herself for coming to an orgasm first, because the twitching residual rolls of his hips and the searing sensation of his seed pouring into her womb, distending its walls and forcing itself back out in the narrow space afforded in her cervix, felt that much more intoxicating. The heat felt amplified, both sets of her lips quivered that much more, the moist noises reverberating through the room sounded amplified and seemed to echo in her skull as she was still reeling from her own orgasm, hips moving unconsciously and entire body tremulous and almost painful... it was no wonder that soon after he came, she nearly fell limp not-quite in his arms, her eyes rolled back into her head and her twintails hanging limply towards her saturated pink rear, her tongue lolling loosely from her ajar mouth and smearing saliva onto her chin. Perhaps in her mind she had re-ascended to her home in the heavens, riding out a divine climax and surging with magical energy, her stores successfully refilled and her body feeling as if it could put out several Noble Phantasms... but distantly, both she and the two consciousnesses she shared this body with, the slumbering magus and her vindictful sister, knew that it was just residue from the high. With her thighs painted white, semen like cobwebs between her thighs and connecting their two bodies just as the transfer itself connected their souls, the white-hot substance turning sticky and cooling in the comparatively arctic air of the room, however, she felt alive. Not a glorified ghost possessing some poor 17-year-old's body, but a bona fide goddess being brought low by a member of the royalty she thought she had come to loathe. And even in her state, very nearly fucked silly, the thought caused the corners of her gaping mouth to twitch upwards.
  117. [02:56] System: Zachary Gallagher is offline.
  118. [02:57] Leo Harwey Musky odors of sweat and spunk filled the room as he peered through matted blond bangs to stare up at his servant, taking note of her expression, since it was one he was quite pleased with. That look on her face seemed to prove the superiority of his cock his promise to fill her womb having been easily fulfilled as he rocked his hips back allowing his cock to slide down, nearly flopping free of her cunt allowing more of his cum to pour free of her pussy and drip down to his lap and the cushion below him. As he savored the feeling of his climax as he leaned his head back and sighed blissfully as his hands fell from her hips and sank against his thighs as he continued to pant heavily from the exhaustive pace he'd taken to get her to this point. "I-I promised I'd f-f-fill you up." His words were labored as he attempted to catch his breath, though such an effort felt almost completely pointless given how much he'd exerted himself to get to this point.
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