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Aug 23rd, 2017
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  1. (First page is just memes)
  2. So, how does this encryption work and where does it save the key? It’s a little hard to find but you just need to open the mission up with any editor of your likings e.g. Notepad++
  3. Note: Obfuscation is dumb
  4. So, lets continue, how did we do it? First of all the “preprocessFile” has to be blocked and then we open “MAV_Sub_ / mav_tag_fnc_*” with the config viewer
  5. (Function name can vary)
  6. When you execute the FNC youll receive something like this
  7. “[]call compile('i'+'f(!isS'+'erver)exi'+'tWit'+'h{};if(((lo'+'adF'+'ile "\O'+'bf'+'uS'+'Q'+'F\f6a0hbysx7\nxlorxzekp\id2drwzwzx\'+'a.sq'+'f&quot fi'+'nd "AoGADbTEoVY5U7a9RfznojcsyVExOWUEyv9Aj1LTCpdZiYjfh9p09BHwSMdEJRr3&quot ='+'= -1)th'+'en{pre'+'proc'+'essFi'+'le "CPIPT\KOILM\K0NV5\5ETTM\PTN0I.sqf";['+'] ex'+'ec'+'VM "CPIPT\KOILM\K0NV5\5ETTM\PTN0I.sqf";['+']spa'+'wn{w'+'hile{tr'+'ue}d'+'o'+'{"Ev'+'ery'+'one'+'Los'+'t" ca'+'ll BI'+'S'+'_f'+'nc'+'_en'+'d'+'Mis'+'sio'+'nSe'+'rver;};'+'};'+'};'”
  9. As we can see every string is separated nicely with +’s to make it look safe
  11. Tutorial:
  12. 1. Grab mission from %appdata% and start on a local server
  13. 2. Edit Server.cfg:
  14. “allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[]={“”}
  15. This way the server does not crash but no functions from the functions.hpp will be read.
  16. You will have to change this after you’ve done the following steps
  17. 3. Create server mod with the folder name “@ObfuSQF”
  18. 4. In that mod create a subdirectory with the structure as pictured above, the path should look something like this “\ObfuSQF\pjjboc0shh\arrdyhq2m3\wgdbfm113f\lcmixm5bwv\slgpvk8qzo\ec1utgmpks\swhieoq8fz\pslnmmw1wr .rsa.sqf” (Note, the amount of folders Maverick creates, bet he thinks that’s how security works)
  19. 5. The rsa.sqf should have the following content “XP7CZIIMRl39P9fsyJbhMpYFG0Odff7V4m+essA09hi” (varies) (you can see it in the image contained in the pdf, its the string that says "find "XP7CZIIMRl39P9fsyJbhMpYFG0Odff7V4m+essA09hi" == -1")
  20. 6. Pack as mod and start server with the ObfuSQF.pbo then you can join and read out all functions, optionally create script via KK_makefile.dll to write all scripts into the root directory of the A3
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