
Cobain was in a Saturn Cult/me gloating all silly

Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. [picture of Kurt Cobain wearing a 9 1 1 shirt with a plane above the middle 1]
  3. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... a cult.
  5. Also it's a plane. Above a 9(/)11. On a guy who died years before the event happened. Because it was planned decades prior and everyone in the cult either knew or had some idea. Bill Cooper tried to warn us, etc.
  7. If all of America wakes up and the elites all flee to China before we can arrest them, then I will be piss. PISS I TELL YOU. China doesn't stand a chance, their internet is *completely* censored, whereas ours merely makes it difficult to find information.
  9. This is why we need a unified global great awakening all at the same time, or bust. It does us no good if one country awakens, only for the Luciferians to suddenly put on their jew-hats and run crying to another country shouting "anti-semitisms!!!1!11" like they did the first 109 times.
  11. On the bright side, I see redpilled posts EVERYWHERE now. I can actually post on almost any given website and find people who can teach me things. YouTube comments are LIT these days, on every video and every subject.
  13. I even made a thread on /pol/ this morning about the "Sirius/Climate Change" code psy-op that hit almost 300 replies within a couple hours, despite being the middle of the night. Roughly 40 individual posters had significant insight on the subject, and taught me quite a lot --- with resources for me to learn more, though they'll take ages to sort through...
  16. Imagine if we started learning about this back in K-12 school, instead of the fake history and (mostly fake) science they had us rote memorize. Eheh... More on that later, that's an emotionally charged subject in itself.
  18. But it's okay. We're gonna make it bros and sisses ;_; we're really gonna make it...
  20. (Video on examples of the Climate Change/Sirius psy-op. Watch it the entire channel if you have to, until it makes sense and you are no longer uncertain about whether this is real or not. It is. It isn't arbitrary or dubious. It's undeniably real:)
  23. One Anon suggested that "climate change" is an elite dog-whistle for the political/cultural climate. No shit they're acting like we're all going to die --- they are in sirius-ly deep shit if too many people figure out what's going on. Their ass is (this) close to being grass.
  25. I mean, you COULD choose to ignore it and not know anything, but I don't think anyone's political opinions are even remotely valid without knowing there's a fucking cult that controls almost everything...
  27. I know, I know. I'm provocative and I make insecure betas get their panties in a twist. But it's for a good cause that is important to all of us. I actually hate getting too much attention, but this is bigger than me. Put on your They Live sunglasses and help us save the world. 😎
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