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Feb 3rd, 2018
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  1. She wasn't sinister. On the contrary, she was the opposite of him. Her look softened, even though the smile that graced her lips had disappeared, her angelic features stayed warm and welcoming. *"I had a premonition, a vision of the future. A day when our paths would cross."* She started explaining swiftly, as more and more of the tree roots emerged from the ground, creating a wall between him and his guards, and Lazzarond. Gytha had him to herself. *"The day we were supposed to meet is in five winters. You brought death to my kingdom. Just like you are planning on doing now as we speak."* The witch did not wish to shed tears. Her features stayed unchanged but there was a light sparkle in her eyes. She blinked the emerging tears away, the corner of her lips twitched and a crooked smile began to form. *"I might be foolish to think I can once again go against a whole kingdom and win, just because I was lucky once."* Gytha tried to lighten the mood, but she quickly cleared her throat, taking a step closer before continuing the sultry whispers inside his skull.
  5. Helvuanir depended on her. Her people depended on her ability to negotiate with a sadistic killer. *"I do not wish for war. I do not wish to sacrifice anyone else for my cause. I do not wish for my people to suffer. I do not wish for anyone else to suffer. I have grown tired of death."* She realized how stupid and weak she might sound, but she ignored it. She ignored everything as she continued closing the distance between them, leaving her only weapon behind. The ruby was glowing brightly and her hair matched the luminescence. The witch was ready to start a wildfire. The area surrounding her began to grow warm. Sparks and flashes sizzled and popped throughout the air, ready to ignite. The snow began to melt under her feet as the wind picked up making her long crimson locks swirl around her as the dying beams of the sun focused on the female, giving an illusion of her being on fire.
  9. "I wish for you to acknowledge me and my people as equals. I wish to have your word that you shall never threaten the lands I rule over." Gytha spoke up as the distance between them disappeared. Her fingers went for her hair and she pulled the white flower out from where it had been placed. "You bring only death and suffering. I could never be your ally. I do not agree with your ways." Gytha tried to choose her words carefully, but it was more difficult than she could have imagined. She once again offered it to him, holding it carefully between her fingers. "I can be a silent neighbor, Regis Nex." Gytha smiled at him, tiny wrinkles appeared at the corner of her eyes. For the first time her smile had touched her scarred eyes.
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