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Aug 17th, 2017
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text 22.40 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; <COMPILER: v1.0.48.5>
  2. #NoEnv
  3. SendMode Input
  5. Gui, Add, Text, x135 y0 w320 h30 +Center, F12 = Keybinder An / Aus
  6. Gui, Add, Text, x150 y350 w480 h20 , /a1-6 = Arrest fuer 1`,2`,3`,4`,5`,6 Wanted's
  7. Gui, Add, Text, x150 y370 w480 h20 , /t1-36 = Uebernehme tX + Marker setzung
  8. Gui, Add, Text, x150 y390 w480 h20 , /r1-19 = Uebernehme rX + Marker setzung
  9. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y40 w40 h20 +Smooth, alt+1
  10. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y70 w40 h20 , alt+2
  11. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y100 w40 h20 , alt+3
  12. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y130 w40 h20 , alt+4
  13. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y160 w40 h20 , alt+5
  14. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y190 w40 h20 , alt+6
  15. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y220 w40 h20 , alt+7
  16. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y250 w40 h20 , alt+8
  17. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y280 w40 h20 , alt+9
  18. Gui, Add, Text, x246 y310 w40 h20 , alt+0
  19. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y40 w180 h20 valt1, %alt1%
  20. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y70 w180 h20 valt2, %alt2%
  21. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y100 w180 h20 valt3, %alt3%
  22. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y130 w180 h20 valt4, %alt4%
  23. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y160 w180 h20 valt5, %alt5%
  24. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y190 w180 h20 valt6, %alt6%
  25. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y220 w180 h20 valt7, %alt7%
  26. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y250 w180 h20 valt8, %alt8%
  27. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y280 w180 h20 valt9, %alt9%
  28. Gui, Add, Edit, x296 y310 w180 h20 valt0, %alt0%
  29. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y40 w180 h20 vstrg1, %strg1%
  30. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y70 w180 h20 vstrg2, %strg2%
  31. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y100 w180 h20 vstrg3, %strg3%
  32. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y130 w180 h20 vstrg4, %strg4%
  33. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y160 w180 h20 vstrg5, %strg5%
  34. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y190 w180 h20 vstrg6, %strg6%
  35. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y220 w180 h20 vstrg7, %strg7%
  36. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y250 w180 h20 vstrg8, %strg8%
  37. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y280 w180 h20 vstrg9, %strg9%
  38. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y310 w180 h20 vstrg0, %strg0%
  39. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y40 w40 h20 +Center +Invert, strg+1
  40. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y100 w40 h20 +Center, strg+3
  41. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y130 w40 h20 +Center, strg+4
  42. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y160 w40 h20 +Center, strg+5
  43. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y190 w40 h20 +Invert +Center, strg+6
  44. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y220 w40 h20 +Center, strg+7
  45. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y250 w40 h20 +Center, strg+8
  46. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y280 w40 h20 +Center, strg+9
  47. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y310 w40 h20 +Center, strg+0
  48. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y70 w40 h20 +Center, strg+2
  49. Gui, Add, Button, x135 y420 w220 h30 gSpeicherfunktion, Keybinds abpeichern
  50. Gui, Show, x131 y91 h460 w483, SAPD Binder 0.7 - By Andre Black
  51. Return
  55. IniRead, strg1, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg1
  56. IniRead, strg2, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg2
  57. IniRead, strg3, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg3
  58. IniRead, strg4, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg4
  59. IniRead, strg5, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg5
  60. IniRead, strg6, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg6
  61. IniRead, strg7, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg7
  62. IniRead, strg8, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg8
  63. IniRead, strg9, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg9
  64. IniRead, strg0, Keybinder.ini, STRG, strg0
  66. IniRead, alt1, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt1
  67. IniRead, alt2, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt2
  68. IniRead, alt3, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt3
  69. IniRead, alt4, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt4
  70. IniRead, alt5, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt5
  71. IniRead, alt6, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt6
  72. IniRead, alt7, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt7
  73. IniRead, alt8, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt8
  74. IniRead, alt9, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt9
  75. IniRead, alt0, Keybinder.ini, ALT, alt0
  77. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y40 w180 h20 vstrg1, %strg1%
  78. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y70 w180 h20 vstrg2, %strg2%
  79. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y100 w180 h20 vstrg3, %strg3%
  80. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y130 w180 h20 vstrg4, %strg4%
  81. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y160 w180 h20 vstrg5, %strg5%
  82. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y190 w180 h20 vstrg6, %strg6%
  83. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y220 w180 h20 vstrg7, %strg7%
  84. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y250 w180 h20 vstrg8, %strg8%
  85. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y280 w180 h20 vstrg9, %strg9%
  86. Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y310 w180 h20 vstrg0, %strg0%
  87. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y40 w40 h20 +Center +Invert, strg+1
  88. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y100 w40 h20 +Center, strg+3
  89. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y130 w40 h20 +Center, strg+4
  90. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y160 w40 h20 +Center, strg+5
  91. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y190 w40 h20 +Invert +Center, strg+6
  92. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y220 w40 h20 +Center, strg+7
  93. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y250 w40 h20 +Center, strg+8
  94. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y280 w40 h20 +Center, strg+9
  95. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y310 w40 h20 +Center, strg+0
  96. Gui, Add, Text, x6 y70 w40 h20 +Center, strg+2
  97. Gui, Add, Button, x16 y420 w190 h30 gSpeicherfunktion, Speichern
  98. Gui, Show, x131 y91 h383 w483, SAPD Binder 0.4
  99. Return
  101. Speicherfunktion:
  102. GuiControlGet,strg1 ,,strg1
  103. GuiControlGet,strg2 ,,strg2
  104. GuiControlGet,strg3 ,,strg3
  105. GuiControlGet,strg4 ,,strg4
  106. GuiControlGet,strg5 ,,strg5
  107. GuiControlGet,strg6 ,,strg6
  108. GuiControlGet,strg7 ,,strg7
  109. GuiControlGet,strg8 ,,strg8
  110. GuiControlGet,strg9 ,,strg9
  111. GuiControlGet,strg0 ,,strg0
  112. GuiControlGet,alt1 ,,alt1
  113. GuiControlGet,alt2 ,,alt2
  114. GuiControlGet,alt3 ,,alt3
  115. GuiControlGet,alt4 ,,alt4
  116. GuiControlGet,alt5 ,,alt5
  117. GuiControlGet,alt6 ,,alt6
  118. GuiControlGet,alt7 ,,alt7
  119. GuiControlGet,alt8 ,,alt8
  120. GuiControlGet,alt9 ,,alt9
  121. GuiControlGet,alt0 ,,alt0
  123. IniWrite, %strg1% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg1
  124. IniWrite, %strg2% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg2
  125. IniWrite, %strg3% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg3
  126. IniWrite, %strg4% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg4
  127. IniWrite, %strg5% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg5
  128. IniWrite, %strg6% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg6
  129. IniWrite, %strg7% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg7
  130. IniWrite, %strg8% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg8
  131. IniWrite, %strg9% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg9
  132. IniWrite, %strg0% ,Keybinder.ini,STRG, strg0
  133. IniWrite, %alt1% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt1
  134. IniWrite, %alt2% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt2
  135. IniWrite, %alt3% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt3
  136. IniWrite, %alt4% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt4
  137. IniWrite, %alt5% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt5
  138. IniWrite, %alt6% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt6
  139. IniWrite, %alt7% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt7
  140. IniWrite, %alt8% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt8
  141. IniWrite, %alt9% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt9
  142. IniWrite, %alt0% ,Keybinder.ini,ALT, alt0
  144. msgbox,0,Speichern,Deine Keybinds wurden Erfolgreich gespeichert!
  145. return
  147. GuiClose:
  148. ExitApp
  150. #IfWinActive, GTA:SA:MP
  152. #UseHook
  155. t::
  156. Suspend On
  157. SendInput t
  158. Hotkey, Enter, On
  159. Hotkey, Escape, On
  160. Hotkey, t, Off
  161. return
  163. NumpadEnter::
  164. Enter::
  165. Suspend Permit
  166. Suspend Off
  167. SendInput {Enter}
  168. Hotkey, t, On
  169. Hotkey, Enter, Off
  170. Hotkey, Escape, Off
  171. return
  173. Escape::
  174. Suspend Permit
  175. Suspend Off
  176. SendInput {Escape}
  177. Hotkey, t, On
  178. Hotkey, Enter, Off
  179. Hotkey, Escape, Off
  180. return
  183. ^1::
  184. Suspend On
  185. SendInput t%strg1% {enter}
  186. Suspend Off
  187. return
  189. ^2::
  190. Suspend On
  191. SendInput t%strg2% {enter}
  192. Suspend Off
  193. return
  195. ^3::
  196. Suspend On
  197. SendInput t%strg3% {enter}
  198. Suspend Off
  199. return
  201. ^4::
  202. Suspend On
  203. SendInput t%strg4% {enter}
  204. Suspend Off
  205. return
  207. ^5::
  208. Suspend On
  209. SendInput t%strg5% {enter}
  210. Suspend Off
  211. return
  213. ^6::
  214. Suspend On
  215. SendInput t%strg6% {enter}
  216. Suspend Off
  217. return
  219. ^7::
  220. Suspend On
  221. SendInput t%strg7% {enter}
  222. Suspend Off
  223. return
  225. ^8::
  226. Suspend On
  227. SendInput t%strg8% {enter}
  228. Suspend Off
  229. return
  231. ^9::
  232. Suspend On
  233. SendInput t%strg9% {enter}
  234. Suspend Off
  235. return
  237. ^0::
  238. Suspend On
  239. SendInput t%strg0% {enter}
  240. Suspend Off
  241. return
  242. F12::
  243. Suspend ; Keybinder pausieren
  244. Return
  247. !1::
  248. Suspend On
  249. SendInput t%alt1% {enter}
  250. Suspend Off
  251. return
  253. !2::
  254. Suspend On
  255. SendInput t%alt2% {enter}
  256. Suspend Off
  257. return
  259. !3::
  260. Suspend On
  261. SendInput t%alt3% {enter}
  262. Suspend Off
  263. return
  265. !4::
  266. Suspend On
  267. SendInput t%alt4% {enter}
  268. Suspend Off
  269. return
  271. !5::
  272. Suspend On
  273. SendInput t%alt5% {enter}
  274. Suspend Off
  275. return
  277. !6::
  278. Suspend On
  279. SendInput t%alt6% {enter}
  280. Suspend Off
  281. return
  283. !7::
  284. Suspend On
  285. SendInput t%alt7% {enter}
  286. Suspend Off
  287. return
  289. !8::
  290. Suspend On
  291. SendInput t%alt8% {enter}
  292. Suspend Off
  293. return
  295. !9::
  296. Suspend On
  297. SendInput t%alt9% {enter}
  298. Suspend Off
  299. return
  301. !0::
  302. Suspend On
  303. SendInput t%alt0% {enter}
  304. Suspend Off
  305. return
  309. ;kurzbinds
  312. :?:/arinni::
  313. Suspend Permit
  314. SendInput /kaufen{enter}
  315. sleep 600
  316. SendInput {enter}
  317. sleep 600
  318. SendInput {Down 1}{Enter}
  319. Sleep 600
  320. SendInput {Down 2}{enter}
  321. sleep 600
  322. SendInput {Down 3}{enter}
  323. sleep 600
  324. SendInput 25{enter}
  325. sleep 1000
  326. SendInput {Escape}
  327. sleep 1000
  328. SendInput t/exit{enter}
  329. Suspend Off
  330. Hotkey, t, On
  331. Return
  333. :?:/arjagd::
  334. Suspend Permit
  335. SendInput /kaufen{enter}
  336. sleep 500
  337. SendInput {enter}
  338. sleep 500
  339. SendInput {Down 1}{Enter}
  340. Sleep 500
  341. SendInput {Down 2}{enter}
  342. sleep 500
  343. SendInput {Down 3}{enter}
  344. sleep 400
  345. SendInput 55{enter}
  346. sleep 500
  347. SendInput {Down 4}{enter}
  348. sleep 600
  349. SendInput 130{enter}
  350. sleep 600
  351. SendInput {Escape}
  352. Suspend Off
  353. Hotkey, t, On
  354. Return
  356. :?:/mstop::
  357. Suspend Permit
  358. SendInput /m Hier Spricht die Polizei, Fahren Sie sofort rechts ran{!}{enter}
  359. Suspend Off
  360. Hotkey, t, On
  361. return
  363. :?:/mfolgen::
  364. Suspend Permit
  365. SendInput /m Hier Spricht die Polizei, Bitte dem Streifenwagen folgen{!}{enter}
  366. Suspend Off
  367. Hotkey, t, On
  368. return
  370. :?:/mvk::
  371. Suspend Permit
  372. SendInput /m Allgemeine Verkehrskontrolle - Bitte anhalten{!}{enter}
  373. Suspend Off
  374. Hotkey, t, On
  375. return
  377. :?:/mplatz::
  378. Suspend Permit
  379. SendInput /m Hier spricht die Polizei - Bitte die Strasse Räumen{!}{enter}
  380. Suspend Off
  381. Hotkey, t, On
  382. return
  384. ;Anrufbeantworter
  386. :?:/ab::
  387. Suspend Permit
  388. SendInput /p{enter}
  389. sleep 1000
  390. SendInput tIch bin momentan leider Nicht zu erreichen, versuchen Sie es spaeter nochmal{enter}
  391. sleep 1000
  392. SendInput tSchoenen Tag noch{enter}
  393. sleep 1000
  394. SendInput t/h{enter}
  395. Suspend Off
  396. Hotkey, t, On
  397. Return
  400. ;CopArrest
  402. :?:/a1::
  403. Suspend Permit
  404. SendInput /arrest 100 2 1000{enter}
  405. Suspend Off
  406. Hotkey, t, On
  407. Return
  409. :?:/a2::
  410. Suspend Permit
  411. SendInput /arrest 200 4 2000{enter}
  412. Suspend Off
  413. Hotkey, t, On
  414. Return
  416. :?:/a3::
  417. Suspend Permit
  418. SendInput /arrest 300 6 3000{enter}
  419. Suspend Off
  420. Hotkey, t, On
  421. Return
  423. :?:/a4::
  424. Suspend Permit
  425. SendInput /arrest 400 8 4000{enter}
  426. Suspend Off
  427. Hotkey, t, On
  428. Return
  430. :?:/a5::
  431. Suspend Permit
  432. SendInput /arrest 500 10 5000{enter}
  433. Suspend Off
  434. Hotkey, t, On
  435. Return
  437. :?:/a6::
  438. Suspend Permit
  439. SendInput /arrest 600 12 0{enter}
  440. Suspend Off
  441. Hotkey, t, On
  442. Return
  444. :?:/a7::
  445. Suspend Permit
  446. SendInput /arrest 700 14 0{enter}
  447. Suspend Off
  448. Hotkey, t, On
  449. Return
  451. ;CopRestaurants
  453. :?:/r1::
  454. Suspend Permit
  455. SendInput /r Übernehme Marina Burger Shot (R1){enter}
  456. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  457. sleep 400
  458. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  459. Sleep 200
  460. SendInput {enter}
  461. Suspend Off
  462. Hotkey, t, On
  463. Return
  465. :?:/r2::
  466. Suspend Permit
  467. SendInput /r Übernehme Mullholland Burger Shot (R2){enter}
  468. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  469. sleep 400
  470. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  471. Sleep 200
  472. SendInput {Down 1} {enter}
  473. Suspend Off
  474. Hotkey, t, On
  475. Return
  477. :?:/r3::
  478. Suspend Permit
  479. SendInput /r Übernehme Willowfield Clucking Bell (R3){enter}
  480. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  481. sleep 400
  482. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  483. Sleep 200
  484. SendInput {Down 2} {enter}
  485. Suspend Off
  486. Hotkey, t, On
  487. Return
  489. :?:/r4::
  490. Suspend Permit
  491. SendInput /r Übernehme Market Clucking Bell (R4){enter}
  492. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  493. sleep 400
  494. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  495. Sleep 200
  496. SendInput {Down 3} {enter}
  497. Suspend Off
  498. Hotkey, t, On
  499. Return
  501. :?:/r5::
  502. Suspend Permit
  503. SendInput /r Übernehme East LS Clucking Bell (R5){enter}
  504. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  505. sleep 400
  506. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  507. Sleep 200
  508. SendInput {Down 4} {enter}
  509. Suspend Off
  510. Hotkey, t, On
  511. Return
  513. :?:/r6::
  514. Suspend Permit
  515. SendInput /r Übernehme Blueberry Well Stacked Pizza (R6){enter}
  516. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  517. sleep 400
  518. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  519. Sleep 200
  520. SendInput {Down 5} {enter}
  521. Suspend Off
  522. Hotkey, t, On
  523. Return
  525. :?:/r7::
  526. Suspend Permit
  527. SendInput /r Übernehme Montgomery Well Stacked Pizza (R7){enter}
  528. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  529. sleep 400
  530. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  531. Sleep 200
  532. SendInput {Down 6} {enter}
  533. Suspend Off
  534. Hotkey, t, On
  535. Return
  537. :?:/r8::
  538. Suspend Permit
  539. SendInput /r Übernehme Palomino Creek Well Stacked Pizza (R8){enter}
  540. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  541. sleep 400
  542. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  543. Sleep 200
  544. SendInput {Down 7} {enter}
  545. Suspend Off
  546. Hotkey, t, On
  547. Return
  549. :?:/r9::
  550. Suspend Permit
  551. SendInput /r Übernehme Idlewood Well Stacked Pizza (R9){enter}
  552. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  553. sleep 400
  554. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  555. Sleep 200
  556. SendInput {Down 8} {enter}
  557. Suspend Off
  558. Hotkey, t, On
  559. Return
  561. :?:/r10::
  562. Suspend Permit
  563. SendInput /r Übernehme Market Rusty B. Donuts (R10){enter}
  564. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  565. sleep 400
  566. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  567. Sleep 200
  568. SendInput {Down 9} {enter}
  569. Suspend Off
  570. Hotkey, t, On
  571. Return
  573. :?:/r11::
  574. Suspend Permit
  575. SendInput /r Übernehme Garcia Burger Shot (R11){enter}
  576. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  577. sleep 400
  578. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  579. Sleep 200
  580. SendInput {Down 10} {enter}
  581. Suspend Off
  582. Hotkey, t, On
  583. Return
  585. :?:/r12::
  586. Suspend Permit
  587. SendInput /r Übernehme Juniper H. Burger Shot (R12){enter}
  588. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  589. sleep 400
  590. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  591. Sleep 200
  592. SendInput {Down 11} {enter}
  593. Suspend Off
  594. Hotkey, t, On
  595. Return
  597. :?:/r13::
  598. Suspend Permit
  599. SendInput /r Übernehme Donwtown Burger Shot (R13){enter}
  600. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  601. sleep 400
  602. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  603. Sleep 200
  604. SendInput {Down 12} {enter}
  605. Suspend Off
  606. Hotkey, t, On
  607. Return
  609. :?:/r14::
  610. Suspend Permit
  611. SendInput /r Übernehme Angel Pine Cluckin Bell (R14){enter}
  612. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  613. sleep 400
  614. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  615. Sleep 200
  616. SendInput {Down 13} {enter}
  617. Suspend Off
  618. Hotkey, t, On
  619. Return
  621. :?:/r15::
  622. Suspend Permit
  623. SendInput /r Übernehme Queens Cluckin Bell (R15){enter}
  624. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  625. sleep 400
  626. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  627. Sleep 200
  628. SendInput {Down 14} {enter}
  629. Suspend Off
  630. Hotkey, t, On
  631. Return
  633. :?:/r16::
  634. Suspend Permit
  635. SendInput /r Übernehme Downtown Cluckin Bell (R16){enter}
  636. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  637. sleep 400
  638. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  639. Sleep 200
  640. SendInput {Down 15} {enter}
  641. Suspend Off
  642. Hotkey, t, On
  643. Return
  645. :?:/r17::
  646. Suspend Permit
  647. SendInput /r Übernehme Financial Well Stacked Pizza (R17){enter}
  648. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  649. sleep 400
  650. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  651. Sleep 200
  652. SendInput {Down 16} {enter}
  653. Suspend Off
  654. Hotkey, t, On
  655. Return
  657. :?:/r18::
  658. Suspend Permit
  659. SendInput /r Übernehme Esplanade Well Stacked Pizza (R18){enter}
  660. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  661. sleep 400
  662. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  663. Sleep 200
  664. SendInput {Down 17} {enter}
  665. Suspend Off
  666. Hotkey, t, On
  667. Return
  669. :?:/r19::
  670. Suspend Permit
  671. SendInput /r Übernehme Santa Flora Rusty B. Donuts (R19){enter}
  672. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  673. sleep 400
  674. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  675. Sleep 200
  676. SendInput {Down 18} {enter}
  677. Suspend Off
  678. Hotkey, t, On
  679. Return
  681. :?:/r20::
  682. Suspend Permit
  683. SendInput /r Übernehme Spinybed Burger Shot (R20){enter}
  684. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  685. sleep 400
  686. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  687. Sleep 200
  688. SendInput {Down 19} {enter}
  689. Suspend Off
  690. Hotkey, t, On
  691. Return
  693. :?:/r21::
  694. Suspend Permit
  695. SendInput /r Übernehme Whitewood Burger Shot (R21){enter}
  696. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  697. sleep 400
  698. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  699. Sleep 200
  700. SendInput {Down 20} {enter}
  701. Suspend Off
  702. Hotkey, t, On
  703. Return
  705. :?:/r22::
  706. Suspend Permit
  707. SendInput /r Übernehme Redsands E. Burger Shot (R22){enter}
  708. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  709. sleep 400
  710. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  711. Sleep 200
  712. SendInput {Down 21} {enter}
  713. Suspend Off
  714. Hotkey, t, On
  715. Return
  717. :?:/r23::
  718. Suspend Permit
  719. SendInput /r Übernehme Old Vent. S. Burger Shot (R23){enter}
  720. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  721. sleep 400
  722. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  723. Sleep 200
  724. SendInput {Down 22} {enter}
  725. Suspend Off
  726. Hotkey, t, On
  727. Return
  729. :?:/r24::
  730. Suspend Permit
  731. SendInput /r Übernehme Starfish Burger Shot (R24){enter}
  732. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  733. sleep 400
  734. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  735. Sleep 200
  736. SendInput {Down 23} {enter}
  737. Suspend Off
  738. Hotkey, t, On
  739. Return
  741. :?:/r25::
  742. Suspend Permit
  743. SendInput /r Übernehme Tierra R. Cluckin Bell (R25){enter}
  744. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  745. sleep 400
  746. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  747. Sleep 200
  748. SendInput {Down 24} {enter}
  749. Suspend Off
  750. Hotkey, t, On
  751. Return
  753. :?:/r26::
  754. Suspend Permit
  755. SendInput /r Übernehme Fort C. Cluckin Bell (R26){enter}
  756. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  757. sleep 400
  758. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  759. Sleep 200
  760. SendInput {Down 25} {enter}
  761. Suspend Off
  762. Hotkey, t, On
  763. Return
  765. :?:/r27::
  766. Suspend Permit
  767. SendInput /r Übernehme Emerald Cluckin Bell (R27){enter}
  768. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  769. sleep 400
  770. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  771. Sleep 200
  772. SendInput {Down 26} {enter}
  773. Suspend Off
  774. Hotkey, t, On
  775. Return
  777. :?:/r28::
  778. Suspend Permit
  779. SendInput /r Übernehme Old Vent. S. Cluckin Bell (R28){enter}
  780. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  781. sleep 400
  782. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  783. Sleep 200
  784. SendInput {Down 27} {enter}
  785. Suspend Off
  786. Hotkey, t, On
  787. Return
  789. :?:/r29::
  790. Suspend Permit
  791. SendInput /r Übernehme Starfish Cluckin Bell (R29){enter}
  792. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  793. sleep 400
  794. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  795. Sleep 200
  796. SendInput {Down 28} {enter}
  797. Suspend Off
  798. Hotkey, t, On
  799. Return
  801. :?:/r30::
  802. Suspend Permit
  803. SendInput /r Übernehme Creek Cluckin Bell (R30){enter}
  804. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  805. sleep 400
  806. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  807. Sleep 200
  808. SendInput {Down 29} {enter}
  809. Suspend Off
  810. Hotkey, t, On
  811. Return
  813. :?:/r31::
  814. Suspend Permit
  815. SendInput /r Übernehme Roca Esca. Well Stacked Pizza (R31){enter}
  816. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  817. sleep 400
  818. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  819. Sleep 200
  820. SendInput {Down 30} {enter}
  821. Suspend Off
  822. Hotkey, t, On
  823. Return
  825. :?:/r32::
  826. Suspend Permit
  827. SendInput /r Übernehme Emerald Wenn Stacked Pizza (R32){enter}
  828. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  829. sleep 400
  830. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  831. Sleep 200
  832. SendInput {Down 31} {enter}
  833. Suspend Off
  834. Hotkey, t, On
  835. Return
  837. :?:/r33::
  838. Suspend Permit
  839. SendInput /r Übernehme Starfish Well Stacked Pizza (R33){enter}
  840. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  841. sleep 400
  842. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  843. Sleep 200
  844. SendInput {Down 32} {enter}
  845. Suspend Off
  846. Hotkey, t, On
  847. Return
  849. :?:/r34::
  850. Suspend Permit
  851. SendInput /r Übernehme Creek Well Stacked Pizza (R34){enter}
  852. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  853. sleep 400
  854. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  855. Sleep 200
  856. SendInput {Down 33} {enter}
  857. Suspend Off
  858. Hotkey, t, On
  859. Return
  861. :?:/r35::
  862. Suspend Permit
  863. SendInput /r Übernehme Fort C. Rusty B. Donuts (R35){enter}
  864. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  865. sleep 400
  866. SendInput {Down 10}{Enter}
  867. Sleep 200
  868. SendInput {Down 34} {enter}
  869. Suspend Off
  870. Hotkey, t, On
  871. Return
  873. ;Cop Tankstellen
  875. :?:/t1::
  876. Suspend Permit
  877. SendInput /r Übernehme Alhambra Petrol Station (T1){enter}
  878. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  879. sleep 400
  880. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  881. Sleep 200
  882. SendInput {enter}
  883. Suspend Off
  884. Hotkey, t, On
  885. Return
  887. :?:/t2::
  888. Suspend Permit
  889. SendInput /r Übernehme BSN Petrol Station (T2){enter}
  890. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  891. sleep 400
  892. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  893. Sleep 200
  894. SendInput {Down 1} {enter}
  895. Suspend Off
  896. Hotkey, t, On
  897. Return
  899. :?:/t3::
  900. Suspend Permit
  901. SendInput /r Übernehme Dillimore Petrol Station (T3){enter}
  902. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  903. sleep 400
  904. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  905. Sleep 200
  906. SendInput {Down 2} {enter}
  907. Suspend Off
  908. Hotkey, t, On
  909. Return
  911. :?:/t4::
  912. Suspend Permit
  913. SendInput /r Übernehme Montgomery Petrol Station (T4){enter}
  914. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  915. sleep 400
  916. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  917. Sleep 200
  918. SendInput {Down 3} {enter}
  919. Suspend Off
  920. Hotkey, t, On
  921. Return
  923. :?:/t5::
  924. Suspend Permit
  925. SendInput /r Übernehme RS Haul Petrol Station (T5){enter}
  926. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  927. sleep 400
  928. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  929. Sleep 200
  930. SendInput {Down 4} {enter}
  931. Suspend Off
  932. Hotkey, t, On
  933. Return
  935. :?:/t6::
  936. Suspend Permit
  937. SendInput /r Übernehme Whetstone Petrol Station (T6){enter}
  938. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  939. sleep 400
  940. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  941. Sleep 200
  942. SendInput {Down 5} {enter}
  943. Suspend Off
  944. Hotkey, t, On
  945. Return
  947. :?:/t7::
  948. Suspend Permit
  949. SendInput /r Übernehme Angel Pine Petrol Station (T7){enter}
  950. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  951. sleep 400
  952. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  953. Sleep 200
  954. SendInput {Down 6} {enter}
  955. Suspend Off
  956. Hotkey, t, On
  957. Return
  959. :?:/t8::
  960. Suspend Permit
  961. SendInput /r Übernehme Doherty Petrol Station (T8){enter}
  962. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  963. sleep 400
  964. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  965. Sleep 200
  966. SendInput {Down 7} {enter}
  967. Suspend Off
  968. Hotkey, t, On
  969. Return
  971. :?:/t9::
  972. Suspend Permit
  973. SendInput /r Übernehme Easter Basin Petrol Station (T9){enter}
  974. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  975. sleep 400
  976. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  977. Sleep 200
  978. SendInput {Down 8}{enter}
  979. Suspend Off
  980. Hotkey, t, On
  981. Return
  983. :?:/t10::
  984. Suspend Permit
  985. SendInput /r Übernehme Juniper Hill Petrol Station (T10){enter}
  986. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  987. sleep 400
  988. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  989. Sleep 200
  990. SendInput {Down 9} {enter}
  991. Suspend Off
  992. Hotkey, t, On
  993. Return
  995. :?:/t11::
  996. Suspend Permit
  997. SendInput /r Übernehme Tierra R. Petrol Station (T11){enter}
  998. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  999. sleep 400
  1000. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1001. Sleep 200
  1002. SendInput {Down 10} {enter}
  1003. Suspend Off
  1004. Hotkey, t, On
  1005. Return
  1007. :?:/t12::
  1008. Suspend Permit
  1009. SendInput /r Übernehme El Q. Petrol Station (T12){enter}
  1010. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1011. sleep 400
  1012. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1013. Sleep 200
  1014. SendInput {Down 11} {enter}
  1015. Suspend Off
  1016. Hotkey, t, On
  1017. Return
  1019. :?:/t13::
  1020. Suspend Permit
  1021. SendInput /r Übernehme Bone C. Petrol Station (T13){enter}
  1022. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1023. sleep 400
  1024. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1025. Sleep 200
  1026. SendInput {Down 12} {enter}
  1027. Suspend Off
  1028. Hotkey, t, On
  1029. Return
  1031. :?:/t14::
  1032. Suspend Permit
  1033. SendInput /r Übernehme Fort C. Petrol Station (T14){enter}
  1034. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1035. sleep 400
  1036. SendInput {Down 13}{Enter}
  1037. Sleep 200
  1038. SendInput {Down 13} {enter}
  1039. Suspend Off
  1040. Hotkey, t, On
  1041. Return
  1043. :?:/t15::
  1044. Suspend Permit
  1045. SendInput /r Übernehme Come-A-Lot Petrol Station (T15){enter}
  1046. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1047. sleep 400
  1048. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1049. Sleep 200
  1050. SendInput {Down 14} {enter}
  1051. Suspend Off
  1052. Hotkey, t, On
  1053. Return
  1055. :?:/t16::
  1056. Suspend Permit
  1057. SendInput /r Übernehme Emerald Petrol Station (T16){enter}
  1058. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1059. sleep 400
  1060. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1061. Sleep 200
  1062. SendInput {Down 15} {enter}
  1063. Suspend Off
  1064. Hotkey, t, On
  1065. Return
  1067. :?:/t17::
  1068. Suspend Permit
  1069. SendInput /r Übernehme Redsands Petrol Station (T17){enter}
  1070. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1071. sleep 400
  1072. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1073. Sleep 200
  1074. SendInput {Down 16} {enter}
  1075. Suspend Off
  1076. Hotkey, t, On
  1077. Return
  1079. :?:/t18::
  1080. Suspend Permit
  1081. SendInput /r Übernehme Spinybed Petrol Station (T18){enter}
  1082. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1083. sleep 400
  1084. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1085. Sleep 200
  1086. SendInput {Down 17} {enter}
  1087. Suspend Off
  1088. Hotkey, t, On
  1089. Return
  1091. :?:/t19::
  1092. Suspend Permit
  1093. SendInput /r Übernehme Linden Petrol Station (T19){enter}
  1094. SendInput t/stadtplan{enter}
  1095. sleep 400
  1096. SendInput {Down 12}{Enter}
  1097. Sleep 200
  1098. SendInput {Down 18} {enter}
  1099. Suspend Off
  1100. Hotkey, t, On
  1101. Return
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