

Jan 5th, 2019
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  1. [19:26] Karias hovers over the battlefield; his malevolent, sanguine gaze meanwhile vigilantly scanning his surroundings.
  3. With a snap of his fingers, he unleashed a corrosive wave of poisonous substances which spread about like wildfire and ate away at the marching non-magis' skin and flesh upon contact, and eventually disintegrated their bodies completely, leaving not even the slightest trace behind.
  5. His gaze meanwhile is shifted inbetween the marching magis of Huangzhou; noting the presence of a couple of familiar individuals, such as Salthiel, Zeriel and Moriya.
  7. A sinister cackle, inevitably, escaped his lips as he propelled himself forward and took yet another look at the battlefield, although, this time around looking at the whole, bigger picture.
  9. He observed and examined the situation carefully, as the magis of each army split up and engaged in combat with the opposing force's magis.
  11. Karias did the same.
  13. He spotted a somewhat isolated magi, Mei, and then, he proceeded onto dissipating his levitation magic, essentially allowing his body to come crashing down onto the ground with a loud thud.
  15. BOOOM
  17. Without a prior notice, he landed right in front of Mei. Upon impact with the snowy landscape, the surrounding area quite literally quaked as a crater was created underneath Karias, at the point of impact.
  19. Clearly, this vampire packed quite a bit of weight.
  21. "Greetings." - he spoke whilst exercising his neck ever so slightly, making a couple of audible cracking sounds with his bone-joints in the process.
  23. "Do not expect to leave in one piece, vermin."
  25. Intimidating, crimson matter began to seep out from his very core, subsequently enshrouding his body as a whole, all while a poisonous, miasma-like substance swirled and coiled about his form.
  27. He then swiftly unsheathed his serrated blade and rushed towards Mei; his blade brandished and threatening.
  28. (Karias Van Landerge)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [19:40]
  32. {LOAD GAME}
  34. [19:45] Weapons clashed fiercely in the snowy wastes.
  36. She fought vampires before, but Karias was something different. Unlike her last two opponents, the poison kept her on edge; hell, the woman felt some fear when engaging the man. Holy fire is sent his way, scorching the land and perhaps burning the vampire to some degree, but not nearly enough to down the fierce creature. Blasts of telekinetic energy are shot out as well, absolutely decimating trees and causing the ground to crack in some places.
  38. Even the earth below Karias occasionally reached up to entrap him, bolstered in strength by holy magic. This is all used in combination with the woman's sheer skill in swordsmanship, but it isn't enough. Perhaps the fear of being melted was just too strong, or maybe Karias himself was simply far too durable.
  40. Whatever the case was, the last blow she was able to land on Karias was a simple sword slash across his torso.
  42. She receives light blasts of poison here and there; they sizzle and burn at her armor, some of it even reaching down to her skin. Minor burns were being healed as soon as they formed, but the bigger ones remained and sizzled grossly.
  44. She was in a world of hurt, but she lived. Mei Xiang would live to fight another day.
  45. (Mei Xiang)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [19:55] Karias lunged towards Mei and rained a barrage of swift, precise attacks upon her. Although, despite the said attacks being astonishingly fast, they by no means lacked in actual strength.
  50. Each strike; each swing, made the whole surrounding area QUAKE as poisonous substances spread about like wildfire; causing the surrounding vegetation to wither, die and eventually disintegrating completely - making it obvious to Mei that if she were to come into direct contact - it'd be extremely lethal, even to a powerful magi such as herself.
  52. Karias' serrated blade was brandished, again, and again. Its serrated edge caught and tore through flesh and skin alike, however, it was simply not enough. It wasn't really clear whether Karias' attacks were lacking, or if Mei was simply that durable. Which would be plausible, for a earth user such as herself, and well, also due to the fact that she slurped down that weird potion at the beginning of the bout - very much like Koume back in the time..
  54. He was completely kept in bay by the flurry of holy attacks that Mei had sent his way. His blade - was unable to inflict any grievous wounds upon Mei. His poison - unable to reach her.
  56. Completely overwhelmed. It sure has been awhile since he had met a worthy, powerful opponent.
  58. Despite losing, a widely stretched grin could be perceived on his face. He was enjoying it.
  60. However, it was getting too dangerous.
  62. "You're definitely a cut above the other humans. However, at the end of the day, you still are a mere human." - he spoke as his very form dispersed and flew through the air at a high-speed, essentially making his escape. While doing so, he'd look very much like a phantom in the winds, wrapped in a thick layer of black smoke.
  64. "Therefore, you too, one day will die by my hand."
  66. And with that, he vanished.
  67. (Karias Van Landerge)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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