
Lisa's Awakening back up

Jun 8th, 2020
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  1. Lisa's Awakening.
  4. "The White Walkers are a completly lost cause," says the doctor escorting the men in suits, politicians and generals through the secure underground Neveda facility, "nothing but mindless fungus hitching a ride on human bodies, the red algae infections too; what the media aptly called the abominations. However;"
  6. The doctor stops before a one way mirror, inside are ten people, men and women, grey skin, white hair, and green globular glowing eyes. They are wearing clothes and performing intelligence tests, shapes, colors, even learning to red and write.
  8. "Our staff has dubbed them Green Eyes," says the doctor.
  10. "They've regained their humanity?" asks one of the men in suits.
  12. "For the most part yes," says the doctor, "and an unfortunate happenstance, this infection looks to have been one of the more common infections, the cracking grey skinned zombies we had to put down in mass. As it turned out if they recieved enough protein they'd after a few years start to heal, although changed, and become these. Unfortunatly I say they regained their humanity only for the most part as while they can recognize objects, shapes, and in a few cases read and write, none so far have retained much in the way of personal memories. The brain was damaged during the zombification states via oxygen and nutrient loss, and much of the brain's mass was more copied and replaced by the green geletanous substance you see as their eyes."
  14. "Intelligent slimes using human hosts," says one of the generals, "harly a triumph in a cure. That only changes the situation from a viral outbreak to some assimulation style invasion by an unknown hostile. At the very least I assume you intend to put them to work."
  16. "Um," says the doctor not sure how to respond to that, "at this time they are not unlike mentally disabled patients, they have minimal capacities, and unfortunatly they are still infectious. Their bodily fluids can still infect anyone who makes contact, its why we communicate with those here only through monitors and robotic arms."
  18. "Should just put them down," says another general, "the implications here are frightening and they are the majority of the infected. It does come across as some other organism trying to usurp humanity."
  20. "That said," says the doctor, "I have something else to show you."
  22. He takes them to an elevator going further down, "Tell me," says the doctor as the elevator descends, "have any of you heard the rumors about the Red Eyes."
  24. "Urban legend," says one of the politicians proudly, getting a raised eyebrow from the generals.
  26. "Our men," says one of the generals, "have reported grey skins with red eyes, they're fast, keep their distance, some towns folk our units rescued reported them claiming them to be vampires."
  28. "Stage 1," says the doctor, "looks like any other zombie, but the eyes turn red, becomes a vicious monster. But like the Green Eyes, they regain human intelligence and undergo a startling metamorphosis.
  30. He takes them to a one way mirror, there are chairs, and a camera facing the mirror. The room is dimply lit. Inside there is a woman, skin pale white, lips blood red, hair long and dark red; her eyes are striking, where the eye should be white it is red, the iris is enlarged to double that of a human eye and is layored colors of sky blue and violet giving it an almost flower like apperance and a slight glow, the pupil is a slit like those of a cat. The woman is dressed in black pleather material with a long dress like train trailing from her hips and wearing thigh high boots.
  32. "What; is this?" asks the politician who had spoken before.
  34. "Who is there?" asks the woman as she picks up a wine glass from the table in the room, a red thick substance inside her, her long red fingernails almost metallic in apperance.
  36. She sips the glass and smiles, "I hear, let's see, six men, one is the good doctor, three are rapid; afraid, and two are a little sped up, adrenaline. But of course."
  38. Her eyes glow, "I can also see your auras. Frail old men. What do I owe the pleasure?"
  40. "This," says the doctor the five men, "is an advanced red eye. Super humanly strong, fast, durable, enhanced healing, stealthy, feeds primarily on fluids, although can and will also eat meat, bright lights arn't fatal but do irritate them and can pause a nervous reaction resulting in paralysis, they can through their nails infect the grey skins causing them to become obedient to them; thralls in other words. Gentlemen, for all intents and purposes what we have here is a real life vampire."
  42. ******
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