
sends people in a fall and prevents them from being hurt

May 11th, 2020
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  1. “(Hey,)” Accelerator whispered to Yoshikawa Kikyou next to him. “(I’m going to destroy
  2. the ground with my foot. A subway tunnel runs underneath. The rest of you need to use
  3. the tunnel and the passageways for workers to escape.)”
  4. “(What about you?)”
  5. “(I’ll stay here to crush these eyesores.)”
  6. He did not wait for a response.
  7. With an explosive roar, the ground completely crumbled away within a 10 meter radius
  8. of Accelerator. Yoshikawa Kikyou, Last Order, Takitsubo Rikou, Fremea, and Hamazura
  9. Shiage were within that range and they fell down below.
  10. Only Accelerator, the one who had caused it, shot straight up like a rocket.
  12. ***
  14. “Nyahh!!”
  15. Fremea let out a short scream as she rolled down into the subway tunnel.
  16. Yoshikawa stood up and tapped on the hard floor with her foot.
  17. “You can see the good side of that boy in how he makes sure we don’t sprain our ankles
  18. in the fall. If only he would let that side out more often.”
  20. - New Testament Volume 6 Chapter 5 Part 13-14
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