

Jan 11th, 2023
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  1. What she expects is what she gets, except the sheer number of them is... massive. All of them are asleep too. | The hammer and blade slams into her, completely unexpected. The blade leaves a long gash on her side, and she does not look happy about that. She looks so unhappy that some of the colour on her seems to flicker before she returns to her normal state. However as somewhat of an instinct for her, she brings up a shield around her, blocking the bolt of electricity. Her horn continues to sparkle, ready to cast.
  3. She grits her teeth in anger. "Okay. I think we can stop planning for Summerstone now. This is far more evil." she says. | Solaria smirks, the hammer sends out large distracting pulses of heat. Lunara sends a telepathic message....of some sort of ultrasonic sound. Its quite distracting to say the least. Solaria summons her retractable blade, in its unretracted state. She puts her hoof quietly against the barrier, the blade extends as she charges it up quickly, causing a few cracks in her barrier.
  5. "Yes... yes it certainly is... whatever she's using them all for, it can't be good. It can't be good at all! We need to tell Lunara about this as soon as we can!" Letolance states. | The pulses of heat as well as the telepathic message seems to prove ineffective at stopping her. Before Solaria can impact the barrier however, Magloria is already teleporting away from the fight, and teleports again and again. She has no reason to stick around if she has nothing to actually fight.
  7. She agrees. "Probably for magic! So she can cast spells...." he mutters. | They fly up into the air as quietly as possible. Watching her, to see if she stops teleporting around eventually.
  9. He nods. "Like what she did with us... sort of... We're all some giant battery..." he mumbles. | She does eventually stop a very far distance away, though she continues to cast spells it seems. The bleeding spot on her seems to be clearing up, and even then she still casts a spell. Some sort of wave spreads out from her in a large radius.
  11. She growls in anger. "We need to kill her...she needs to die...a painful death...." she says. | They do their best to dodge the wave, while keeping a close eye on her. Solaria and Lunara touch their horns together. Making the banishing spell that is ready stronger.
  13. "But I don't think... any of these ponies are actually dead." Letolance states as he looks around at each of them with Twilight's eyes. "They're all breathing. They all look healthy so they're not starving or anything... If I were less caring about their wellfare, I would probably say they look like they're peacefully sleeping... But yes, Magloria needs some sort of punishment for this." he says. | Their best is hopeless, since the wave seems to be spreading out over everything, and she just keeps emitting more over and over again. Nothing seems to happen though, until Magloria looks directly up at them. They still are cloaked, but she can see them. A massive spark charges up on her horn and fires a fast focused blast of electricity up at them, sort of like what Lunara's weapon's spell looked like, just stronger...
  15. She sighs and frowns. "Any ideas how to escape?" | They both focus, and teleport to behind her before the blast could hit them. They uncloak as they do this. Solaria and Lunara lock the banishing spell onto her. Destination: Sun.
  17. "I've had several, but all of them require magic. There was the idea of killing youself and I becoming my full body again, but I fear that this ball would stop me just as much as you." he sighs. Then they start feeling their energy being drained away... | The waves keep being emitted by her, and she spins around to see them both. "Alicorns... how fortunate..." she says in a low growl. She just stands there as the banishing spell locks. If they were to look close enough, they could probably see a slight smirk.
  19. She sighs as she feels the energy being drained away. | They both don't say a thing. They know she is up to something. They focus on a long distance teleporation spell, and are gone completely this time. If she were to look around they would be nowhere. | Trixie tells Dunewave to get out the anti magic device Legacy gave them.
  20. The energy drain stops after a bit, mostly anyway. Just a bare trickle now. | Magloria shakes her head as they leave, continuing on her teleporting way. | Dunewave brings out the small sphere from his cloak. "I hope this thing still works and is not a one time use." he mumbles.
  22. Twilight feels hopeless at this point. | Solaria and Lunara tell Trixie and Dunewave mentally that Magloria has alot of tricks up her sleeve and about what she did and where she is located. Trixie starts flying there, being sure to keep low to the ground.
  24. Letolance tries to comfort her, but it's hard for him to not feel hopeless as well. | Dunewave tells Solaria and Lunara they are on their way and follows after Trixie, keeping just as low as she is. Eventually they can both see Magloria teleporting away, occasionally bringing out the beam.
  26. Her anger flares up again. "No mercy for her." she says. | Solaria and Lunara say they have a plan. Trixie tells them about what they are doing, Solaria says she will stab Magloria with one of her swords while she is distracted. Trixie quietly tells Dunewave to activate the thing.
  28. Letolance just sighs at this clear display of anger. "I wonder if we're able to wake any of the others..." he mumbles. | Dunewave says that they're nowhere near her, so it wouldn't have any effect, unless they're thinking about flying over to Magloria afterwards.
  30. "We can try...." she says, and begins shouting at the nearest pony, trying to see if they will wake up. | Trixie says they will fly over after it is activated. She tells him to hide it securely.
  32. The nearest pony stirs in their sleep briefly before calming down. "You definitely did something. Try again!" Letolance encourages. | Dunewave nods and after fiddling around with it for a moment, it activates. They all feel their magic abandon them.
  34. She keeps trying. | She enstructs him to fly along close as possible to her, and then they will dive down and tackle Magloria.
  36. After a few minutes of trying, the pony she shouted to awakes from their deep sleep. She groans as he looks around, then looks over to Twilight, confused. | Dunewave flies over as fast as he can to the teleporting Magloria, and eventually he gets close enough that the device starts to work on her. The first thing that happens is that her coat starts flickering again to her surprise.
  38. "Hello. As you can see... we are trapped." she says. | Trixie dives down and tackles her, and begins punching her on the head quite a bit. Not stopping.
  40. "Is that what you woke me up for? Because I'm trapped? Gee... I hadn't realized..." she snarks before resting her head back down on the floor of her orb. | Magloria gets tackled, however with the momentum she also shoves Trixie off her very easily before blocking every attack. By now the flickering has stopped. Magloria looks... slightly different. Along her coat and mane, she's got black stripes all over her along with the blue.
  42. "Whats your name?" she asks. | Trixie then goes to attack her, punching all over, also kicking.
  44. "Why do you care? It doesn't matter." she snaps back. | Magloria blocks each attack and throws a few counters back at Trixie. She's very fast, and rather strong too. She ain't all pony that's for sure. Dunewave goes over to help, but she ducks and weaves around his as well.
  46. "If know try to get out, it might just work." she replies. | Trixie ducks and keeps trying to land a few hits on her. Solaria and Lunara quietly and quickly descend. Lunara has a sort of crossbow with a poison arrow. They stop around a mile up, Lunara aims the crossbow carefully at Magloria, waiting for the perfect time to shoot.
  48. "There is no way out! We've all tried, we've all failed. Just accept it and go back to sleep..." she shouts, then relaxes and starts closing her eyes. | Every single one of her hits is blocked. When she goes to kick, Magloria actually slides under her and kicks her in the stomach. Dunewave does what he can, but a hoof to the nose later and he realizes that this isn't going to be easy. "Who the hell are you?? I thought you were my sister!" he shouts.
  50. She huffs in anger, and tries to bang the orb with her horn again. | Trixie ignores the pain, and as she blocks she does the same to Magloria, starting to mirror her actions. Lunara finds an oppurtunity and fires the crossbow. They then cloak and move to another area, Solaria readies her sword.
  52. She only succeeds in chipping more off her horn. Another piece falls off. She suddenly starts feeling the drain again. | Magloria was expecting that, since it was her move. As Trixie slides under her, she quickly stomps on her stomach again. The bolt sails through the air and, considering a mile away had to be a lucky shot, it hits her. She looks pissed off at that then shoves both Dunewave and Trixie away. She must've started to do something, because the anti-magic barrier started glowing blue. The device that Dunewave has starts shaking.
  54. She does her best to resist the drain. | Trixie narrows her eyes, and circles around her. She growls in pain, she runs behind her and bits her in the neck. Hard. Lunara fires another bolt at her, carefully aimed. Solaria focuses the sun onto this specific area, and a good deal of the area around it. Trixie and Dunewave, probably Magloria start sweating. The heat keeps rising. They then back off and hide behind a cloud. Solaria keeping the most intense part aimed at Magloria.
  56. She cannot resist the drain at all. It just keeps stealing her magic away. | As soon as Trixie runs behind her, she gets a kick to the face, followed by a stomp to the stomach if she should try sliding under Magloria again. She's aware that she's being shot at now, and with an ear flick, she swiftly steps to the side, letting the bolt strike the ground near her. The blue field around the anti-magic area suddenly hardens into a shield, blocking out all of the heat. Dunewave wasn't sweating since he's Dunewave, however he backs off momentarily to look at the shield, confused.
  58. InkyRose — 07/20/2017 7:24 PM
  59. "I...will kill her!" she screams. | Trixie keeps fighting, she does not give up, and starts developing her own tactics and starts doing random attacks now. Solaria and Lunara touch their horns together, and a massive bright flash occurs.
  61. "When we get the chance Twilight... and no sooner then that. I don't want you taking a risk and... she actually kills you." Letolance states. | Magloria smiles more and more as Trixie and Dunewave continue to fight her. She backs off constantly from the dual assault though, before turning and running. Something begins opening just under the shield.
  63. She nods slowly. | Trixie begins backing off, quickly running away from the something. Solaria is now getting more and more pissed. She begins harnessing her full power a bright bolt of pure sunlight strikes the shield, followed by more. Each strike causes the parts struck to burn.
  65. Letolance goes silent. Twilight's magic starts draining faster. | Dunewave backs off as well, wiping a bit of the blood off his nose and putting himself between Trixie and Magloria. The something forms into a portal, spilling out a weapon. A long and thin blade drops down and Magloria catches it. A rapier. After the first bolt of sunlight strikes the shield, the shield hardens as more magic is put into it, but where is that magic even coming from...?
  67. "I have to die..." Twilight says. | Solaria and Lunara touch their horns together, and begin draining the magic of the shield.
  69. "But we can't actually kill you..." Letolance says sadly. Her magic drains even faster now. | Strangely... As Solaria and Lunara try to drain the shield, it refuses to actually drain into them. It just tears off from the shield and hangs around their horns. If they were to stop the draining, it would flow back into place. Magloria approaches Dunewave and Trixie, swishing around the rapier. Dunewave barely avoids the first strike, but he's too slow to avoid the second one. Though what it succeeds in doing is cutting the part that keeps his cape on himself. Magloria smirks at that.
  71. "DAMMIT!" Twilight screams. | They keep this up. Trixie avoids the rapier as best as she can.
  73. Letolance goes silent once more. She is starting to feel tired with the magic being drained, but nowhere near what Lunara had reduced her to. | As they keep it up, a big clot of blue coloured magic has now formed around them. It still refuses to belong to them for some strange reason. Trixie is not actually being aimed at, and Magloria, in one swift strike whisks away Dunewave's cape from him. Magloria sighs as she sees the pair of sandy coloured wings on him. "And here I thought my brother could've not been one." she growls.
  75. Lunara begins keeping this up, Solaria resumes the bombardment of the shield with the sunlight. As Magloria focuses on him, she feels a sudden stab in her back. Trixie has stabbed her with her horn. She pulls out, leaving a hole, blood begins pouring out of it, she then fights her for control of the Rapier.
  77. Magloria looks up at Lunara and Solaria for a moment, and concentrates for a moment. The magic that had been floating around the pair suddenly solidifies into stone. Trapping both inside and rendering them unable to keep themselves in the air. They also start suffocating too I guess. This however gave Trixie the time she needed to stab Magloria in the back. Magloria winces at that, but as soon as she pulls her horn out it gives Magloria the flexibility to swish around the rapier in one swift motion, not even giving Trixie a chance to fight for control or Dunewave a chance to stop her, else he get hit as well. She feels a long sharp pain about where her throat is.
  79. Solaria and Lunara focus on teleporting out. They teleport out of the magic stone, and begin draining more off. Trixie grabs the part that Magloria used to stab her, she fights Magloria for control of the rapier. This distacts Magloria, and gives Dunewave a chance to do something.
  81. The teleportation succeeds As they drain more of the magic from the shield, it continues to solidify into stone on their horns making them feel quite heavy. Magloria hadn't stabbed her, she had done a slash straight through her throat, and as she fights for control over the rapier she can feel the pain start to blur her vision and weaken her senses. This wound felt worse then most did. Thankfully it gave Dunewave the chance to do a roundhouse kick to her face, and while she ducks enough that it doesn't hit her nose or anything like that, she still backs off from the force, a little bit of red trickling down her face and the rapier slipping from Trixie's grasp, as Magloria had proper control over it at the time.
  83. InkyRose — 07/21/2017 10:40 AM
  84. Solaria stops and sends out more sunlight attacks, Lunara keeps it going and keeps draining, teleporting around, Solaria sends out a message to Starlight. At this time Magloria can feel lots of pain all of her body, her vision is starting to blurr and she is starting to not think straight. Must be the poision. Trixie dodges to the rapier to the best of her ability should Magloria swing it, and tries to be unpredictable as possible.
  86. The shield continues to block the sunlight, and Lunara finds something out very quickly. The stone has started to appear as incredibly sharp spikes. She finds this out when suddenly a big blast of sharp spikes erupts from where all the magic was, not giving her any chance to move out of the way. Magloria already was in alot of pain, she just doesn't care. However the poison was effecting her ability to fight. Trixie was now bleeding excessively from her throat and having incredible difficulty breathing or doing much else, and it's a good thing Maglora focuses on Dunewave, considering her effectively dead now. Another couple of swift slashes at Dunewave, one touching his shoulder, another one missing his leg and then another he wasn't expecting. Straight into the chest.
  88. Solaria warns Lunara of what she is about to do. Lunara teleports out of the way after she was hit, she starts healing, and sending lasers at the shield. Solaria focuses for a few seconds. A huge blast of flames, heat and sunlight hits the shield. Its not stopping anytime soon. Trixie collapses. However a small pink dot is approaching the scene from a distance at top speed.
  90. The shield continues to hold, though it's amazing how long it's lasted. However it does start to flicker. Magloria withdraws the rapier from Dunewave and blood starts leaking out. Dunewave tries to throw one final attack but just hits the ground. Magloria ditches the rapier and runs as fast as she can to the edge of the anit-magic field, which is slightly slower then what she would do before thanks to the poison, since Dunewave is no longer following her. As soon as she's out, the shield peels away from the anti-magic zone and around her instead as a very thick bubble.
  92. As soon as she is out a large blast of fire and heat hits her shield aswell as a few lasers. The poision at this point is getting more and more intense. Starlight approaches the scene and goes after Magloria, she sends out waves of lasers.
  94. All of the fire and lasers blast at her shield, leaving cracks all over the first few layers. The top layers shatter away, but Magloria is building up a strong spell.
  96. Solaria pelts the area with fire and heat and goes back. Starlight focuses from a distance and attempts to remove her cutie mark. Lunara prepares to teleport the 3 away should something happen.
  98. Lunara's plan is exactly what Magloria does. In a large burst of blue particles, the shield disappears around her and she's gone. A look around the surface indicates that she didn't do one of those short range teleports like she did beforehand.
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