
Golems attack!

Jun 25th, 2016
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  1. 19:37 The-Golems Neon City! Its...well, its been a quiet few months believe it or not. For some citizens, its been nice to have some down time, no attacks every week. For others, they moved out of Neon to other cities. Either way, most people hoped Neon would get back to its insane greatness soon...and they may get their wish sooner then they would hope. A few weeks ago...
  2. 19:37 The-Golems Something was awoken, ancient and evil. Exploring the City, unseen by modern man. This being, a king with a soul trapped in clay. This king wanted to test the age of modern man, and so he used his power and Mastery of the Alchemic arts creating Three Servants
  3. 19:37 The-Golems Obsidian, Huge and strong as the Volcano that birthed his Stone. Mercury, fast and swift, mastery at the pain it gives. Emerald, while small, it is the king of long range attacks, able to hit a fly off a horses nose with a 5 foot pole it shoots from its body. These three Golems traveled down the Road of Neon, not getting much attention really from the people
  4. 19:37 The-Golems of the Modern world. That was until they started attacking the buildings and cars around everyone
  5. 19:47 Greg It was surprising for Greg to see a car suddenly jolt across the road in destructive fashion. The city has been a little quiet. Too quiet. For him, this was quality time to spend with his Granddaughter, who he had built a strong passion to be with. In fact, the only reason he was on that street to begin with was because he was buying comic books for her.
  6. 19:47 Greg Greg knew that she was excited about the New Rebirth series of Umbrella Man, uncovering the mystery of why a blue man in a black speedo zapped the fun out of his universe. He grunted in displeasure, seeing the three colossals cause havok in this city which he calls home. "Good Grief. I don't think I'll make it back home in time. Hope Samantha won't be too
  7. 19:47 Greg mad."
  8. 19:50 Oyuun One of the many things about being a Rentavenger was that the pay relied rather heavily on the demand. If there was something going on, they could collect a pretty hefty sum for being the ones to help put it down. Ever greedy, Oyu had joined on this prospect given her strange abilities...
  9. 19:51 Oyuun But in the last few months, everything was peaceful. It was great, it meant things were going well, but it also meant the Rentavengers were not needed. They could end up disbanding if they didn't get on some kind of business, so the moment the golems were sighted the young student dropped whatever she was doing to get right on the scene.
  10. 19:52 Oyuun Phasing in through the walls of buildings carelessly, she sprinted the quickest route over, finally coming in through an alleyway to the scene. "W-Woooooh! Here we go... Not too late!"
  11. 19:54 The-Golems Each of the Golems were, oddly enough, more or less causing property damage. They avoided any normal humans, scaring them off instead of attacking. Obsidian was doing the most damage, picking up and throwing cars every which way, into buildings or just straight up to come crashing down! The smaller Mercury Golem, around the size of a normal man, was...
  12. 19:56 The-Golems Speeding around, cutting Light Poles or chunks out of buildings, he was a near blur of speed, but not unstoppable so. As for the Last and smallest Golem, Emerald, it was climbing up the walls of the Tallest building it could fine, planning on shooting from above! While he was mostly out of the way, the other Two golems noticed the Metal man Greg! Both...
  13. 19:57 The-Golems looked at each other for a few seconds, before the Giant started charging at Greg! Mercury going back to cutting, and he was heading towards the Same alleyway as Oyuun! She wasn't spotted yet, but must think quickly!
  14. 20:03 Greg remembered his training in Sambo. He squatted in position and widened his arms, ready to grasp the giant Golem and wrestle him into submission. This was a brewing for the immovable object versus an unstoppable force type of scenario, but Greg seemed calm.
  15. 20:06 Oyuun was going to just wait for the rest of her team to show up... but then she had a thought about her own cut of the take if she did this herself. It is questionable what is worse, doing it alone out of foolish cockiness or doing it for profit, but the result would be the same...
  16. 20:07 Oyuun sprinted up ahead and launched herself into the air with her unnatural speed, putting whatever weight she had and nimble positioning to try to land both feet squarely on the back of Mercury's head to send him right down into the ground. She hoped.
  17. 20:14 The-Golems Obsidian was going for a Shoulder tackle! Speeding along until he ran right into Gregs arms, and not in a loving embrace! His massive size and weight would be a feat to behold! Meanwhile, Mercury was almost like a Ballet dancer, moving smoothly and calmly, that was until Oyuun double stomped his head, making him lose his balance and fall face first onto the..
  18. 20:14 The-Golems Ground
  19. 20:15 The-Golems But, being a Golem, his arms twisted and bent, trying to stab Oyuun in the leg! Obsidian stomping and trying to run over Greg
  20. 20:26 Greg quickly bent back, carrying Obsidian's weight and momentum moreso forward into the ground while sliding his foot to the left to get a proper angle. With it, he latched his arms quickly around Obsidian, his arms hugged below his torso. His weight was quite featful, for even Greg struggled under it. Twisting whatever muscles he had in his back, Greg ensured a
  21. 20:26 Greg tight, secure lock. With it, he suplexed Obsidian right into the tar of the road, and laughed arrogantly with the stunt he just pulled off.
  22. 20:30 Oyuun narrowly avoided getting skewered by a quick phasing, flipping up and out into the street. This plan wasn't going as well as she had hoped, in fact that team idea was looking a lot better now, but too late to worry about little things. Planning now. "Much of a talker? I'd love to hear what your actually doing hre."
  23. 20:35 The-Golems Mercury slowly got up, his head was literally flattened, but soon popped back into shape. Looking up at Oyuun, he just ran at her, once more trying to Stab her! Spinning and Dancing almost with Blades sharper then Nippon Steal!
  24. 20:37 The-Golems Meanwhile, Obsidian was kinda stuck in the Ground, his 'head' was located in the middle of his head, so it was mostly shoulders that were stuck. His fingerless hands didn't have anything to grab on, or grab with anyways. But he still had legs! He tried to kick Greg...and thats it really, until he got unstuck
  25. 20:39 The-Golems But Greg wasn't out of the pot yet! Emerald made it to the top of the building, and started shooting at Both Greg and Oyuun randomly. 4 foot pools of Emerald, a inch thick, perfect spears for stabbing the Girl and probably mildly annoying the Giant Metal Russian
  26. 20:48 Greg The emerald glaive took Greg by surprise, ripping open his favorite coat, which Samantha and Deryl gave to him as a birthday present. He was not pleased. "You little bastard." He looked up at the green golem, walked over to a nearby unused newspaper vending machine and ripped it straight out of the ground. Upset, he threw the dispenser as far as he could at
  27. 20:48 Greg the golem, despite his aim being awful.
  28. 20:50 Oyuun "No talking? I guess I will just have to-EEEEENOPE" First it was the sword that was just an inch from being very acquainted with her guts and then it was spears being thrown down her way from afar. The girl put her blistering speed to at least some use, sweeping under both of Mercury's arms and using the moment of surprise to shift the golem right in the...
  29. 20:51 Oyuun ...path of the projectiles coming her way. A golem shield.
  30. 20:57 The-Golems Mercury was mostly confused at what Oyuun was doing, until a few of the spears stabbed him in the shoulders and head! Sending it flying into the ground, stuck. Emerald winced in pain after doing that, making it not notice the giant Vending Machine crash into it! Not enough to destroy it but he wont be shooting for awhile
  31. 21:00 The-Golems Course, with Greg focused on Emerald, he might not notice the Fact Obsidian has gotten unstuck and was about to punch him! Mercury still slashing it Swords, less of a pattern this time, it was pretty mad
  32. 21:04 Greg noticed the overshadowing Golem but was too late, as soon as he turned around he was decked straight in the face, sent hurtling down the road knocking over a few cars in the process. He stood up, infuriated. Not because he was just punched across half the street, but because his coat was insanely beyond repair. At least with the rip, he could've hidden it.
  33. 21:04 Greg But now it looks like Swiss cheese with a side of shrapnel and road pebble.
  34. 21:11 Oyuun stood over Mercury and had to marvel for a minute at the sight of the golem stuck in the ground swiping away aimlessly into the air. Taking out her phone, she took a picture of it. "Ahhh, nice!" This was a battle, though, and so she wasn't silly for too long.
  35. 21:12 Oyuun phased herself out again and looked to drift down through the concrete. On her swift way down, she let her hands materialize for just long enough to grab the metal arms and apply the same vibrations onto them.
  36. 21:13 Oyuun pulled the arms underground, the blades stuck in the pavement when she let go and they became solid once more. Mercury was to be stuck in the street until someone was there to collect them!
  37. 21:19 The-Golems Obsidian held up his fists, almost in a teasing matter as he punched the air. He then picked up an already thrown car, mostly destroyed at tossed it at Greg, trying to sandwich him between the two cars!
  38. 21:23 Greg "Now you've gone and done it." He gritted his teeth. "...You ruined my coat. I loved that coat!" Ripping what remained of his loved and adored possession off his shoulders, Greg buffed up to Second Gear and jolted with unnatural speed, especially for his size. He straight up tore through the car being tossed at him and shoulder tackled the Golem, knocking
  39. 21:23 Greg him straight into the apartment walls. Maybe his anger is getting the better of him, because now he can't remember where he put the umbrella man comic.
  40. 21:27 The-Golems Mercury meanwhile managed to get the Spikes off of him, just in time for him to be made Stuck again by Oyuun's phasing. Much like Obsidian before he still had Legs, and was much more nimble then his 'brother' and aimed to Kick Oyuuns face when she was near enough!
  41. 21:31 The-Golems Obsidian was mostly confused by Gregs sudden beef up, crashing into the wall. It could feel some of its back was chipped off! Now it was mad. Getting back up, its lower arms started to glow red, seems it wasn't just about punching. Greg would have to be careful, unless he wants to get a face full of molten Lava as Obsidian charged after him!
  42. 21:31 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  43. 21:33 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  44. 21:37 Greg could note the sudden change in the Golem but didn't think much of it. All he wanted to accomplish was pummeling it to dust for what it did to his coat. Greg leaped with tremendous ferocity at Obsidian delivering a blow straight into what should be his chest, the impact being great enough to set off nearby car alarms.
  45. 21:41 Oyuun took at least one kick, and that was enough to knock her on her little pompous ass that thought she had this one beat. "Ghwah!" A kick from a golem, she was lucky the most she got was a bruise and a cut. "Are you just not smart enough to give up or spiting me?"
  46. 21:46 *** Elise_G joined #covenger_rp
  47. 21:53 The-Golems Obsidian was more cracked, mostly on his chestface area, but this didn't stop him from punching back with Molten fists! Boiling Lava exploded from that punch every which way! Mercury meanwhile, was trying to get up from the ground, pulling and twisting until he broke through! Not as in he broke through the grounds, but as in his arms were still stuck...
  48. 21:54 The-Golems He just ripped them off. The Armless Golem wasn't scared however, reforming its legs to new Blades! Skating over to Oyuun for stabby kicks!
  49. 21:55 The-Golems Emerald after some time managed to get up, angry at Greg, but mostly the Vending machine, after giving it a good kick he ran to the front of the building. But thanks to Greg throwing Oblivion into it, it was unstable, making Emerald back away slowly, falling off the side and right onto a Dumpster
  50. 21:56 The-Golems [Obsidian*]
  51. 22:01 Oyuun was left to bob and weave around the deadly kicks, and anything she didn't dodge she had to phase herself through. Right now she was kind of on the ropes. In fact... "Nnnnnnnnah screw this!" The girl turned tail and darted up the street to see if she could get some distance from Mercury.
  52. 22:02 Greg He panicked and backed away, letting the force of the punch carry him. Lava melts things, like Metal. And when Metal melts, it melts. Some of it got on him, too. "Ah. So that's your gimic." Although Greg is dumb, he's smart enough to know that this guy has the physical advantage. That molten rock would reduce him to a puddle of metal in a heated fistfight.
  53. 22:02 Greg He had to think of a strategy. Looking at a nearby fire hydrant, he may have a plan. "Oi, Rockman." He pounded his chest, making a clang sound. "C'mere. Right here, bet you can't punch me."
  54. 22:04 Elise_G The collision rocked the dumpster, leaving a sizable dent in its lid. Rumbles grew from within before a pale girl with a duffel bag strap tangled up in her arms popped out, looking more than confused. "Who dares fuck with my nappin' hours, bruh?" She snorted, and wiped at her nose before stopping dead upon seeing the emerald golem. "What," was all she managed to get out before she scrambled out and fell over her bag, scrambling for
  55. 22:04 Elise_G freedom and to open the bag. "Ain't never quiet around here."
  56. 22:08 The-Golems Mercury almost danced in joy, before falling on his face again. His feet returned to normal, seemed he can only Attack or Walk, not at the same time anymore, but that wouldn't stop him from making his way to Oyuun!
  57. 22:10 The-Golems Obsidian took the bait! And then some, more of his body started to Glow that Molten Red, his arms and shoulders mostly. As he chased after Greg, drips of molten Lava fell to the ground, showing just how hot he was!
  58. 22:13 The-Golems Emerald scrambled out of the Dumpster. Falling to the side, he wasn't made for close range fighting, but he still loved to shoot! Firing 8 Spears of Emerald into the side of the Dumpster, the girl managed to get out but he didn't noticed until he already shot the Dumpster, now he pointed his arms at the weird trash girl!
  59. 22:15 Greg was going to have to make sure he timed this just right. Otherwise, he'll be nothing more than modern art. Greg went back into his squatting position again, widening his arms to make it seem as if he was vulnerable. Only time will tell if he truly is, though. Either way, he's going to come out of this with parts of him dripping.
  60. 22:17 Oyuun tried something newer as Mercury closed in. She jumped out and rolled underneath a car, and under there she turned herself invisible. While crawling away she hoped this might put the golem off of her trail...
  61. 22:23 Elise_G pulled a handgun from the bag and wasted no time in levelling it at the green golem. She plugged three shots away at it before attempting to find some cover behind the wall of the alleyway. "What the HELL is that!?" She shouted, more for effect than actual surprise.
  62. 22:26 The-Golems Obsidian ran after Greg, he was about to Punch, but had no clue of Gregs plan! Glowing more, he nearly blurred from the heatwaves going off of him!
  63. 22:28 The-Golems Mercury made it too the Car, with no other choice once again fell flat on his face. Looking under it, he was mostly confused. Where did the Human go? Slowly getting back up, he formed a Leg blade and Stabbed the side of the Car a few times. No clue where Oyuun was, but not leaving the Car alone
  64. 22:31 The-Golems Emerald took the shots, not really like a Pro as he also panicked and ran behind a dumpster. His arms and shoulders were cracked, a few bits of Emerald on the ground Calming down, he slowly traveled down the Alleyway, ready to shoot where ever she may be
  65. 22:36 Greg Using Obsidian's momentum against him again, Greg managed to grab Obsidian by the shoulders. Wincing in pain over the amount of heat his arms are enduring, he screamed his lungs out to let everyone know that he was about to slam a walking active volcano into a fire hydrant. He quickly turned and tossed the goliath into it, knocking the hydrant off the pump
  66. 22:36 Greg and letting water shoot out forcefully.
  67. 22:43 Elise_G rifled through her bag and swore silently when she found that she was out of explosives. She had forgotten to stock up after going up against that giant robot ages ago. Just some handgun ammo, her baton and an ill-gotten Remington 1100. For the close encounters. Elise leapt into a roll and took a crouched shooter's position, firing off another 2 shots at the green beast with less-than-great precision.
  68. 22:47 Oyuun figured she could finally get him... it... this thing down now that she had the element on surprise on her side again. Slipping into the ground a second time she wasn't going to pull just the limbs down, this time she pulled half of Mercury's body into the ground by its legs, leaving the top half up to wiggle.
  69. 22:47 Oyuun climbed out, only really feeling sorry for the poor person who had their car destroyed by this. That wouldn't cut into her pay, would it?
  70. 22:51 The-Golems Obsidian had about 3 seconds to realize what was happening before the water hit him. Cooling down something so hot so fast had...explosive results to say the least. Obsidian Blew apart into Rubble! Nothing left but his legs and some of his torso
  71. 22:53 The-Golems Mercury was more or less defeated, stuck into the ground. No arms, no legs. But he still had a head that Also formed into a Blade! Swinging randomly once again, not really able to hit anyone
  72. 22:54 The-Golems Emerald was shocked by the strange weapon, while one bullet missed, another hit his arm, no more shooting from his Left canon it seems. But he still had a right Canon! Pointing right at her as he fired more Emerald Spears!
  73. 22:59 Greg was gasping for air. The heat did a exponential amount of damage to not only his hands, but his arms too. He'd have to stick to first gear in order to not use up much metal when regenerating. "Ah. Jesus, where'd I leave it?" The comic, he means.
  74. 23:00 Oyuun took a seat, cross-legged a good enough distance away from Mercury not to get stabbed, just kinda watching him. She was also recording him wiggle about on her phone for posting later. How could she not?
  75. 23:06 Elise_G The spear collided with Elise's stomach and punched a hole in her dirty, grime-smeared hoodie. It also seemed to punch a hole into her stomach area, making her cry out in pain. This thing didn't mess around did it? She made her retreat, trying to escape around the corner and immediately running into the seated Oyuun. The dark red stain was spreading slow as she waved. "Uh... hello."
  76. 23:09 Oyuun had not actually been aware of the other golems at this time besides the spear thrower, and she figured it must have ran off. She was off in her own little world thinking everything was said and done, then looked over and saw someone BLEEDING her way over. Shit. SHIT.
  77. 23:10 Oyuun "Are- ARE you alright?!" What kind of awful hero would have forgotten about that? Now she just felt bad.
  78. 23:13 The-Golems Emerald, being the only Golem that can still attack, followed Elise! Wobbling on his two small legs. Then he noticed Mercury wiggling his head all around. Mercury slowly stopping to look back at Emerald. Then both of them looked back at the remains of Obsidian
  79. 23:14 The-Golems Both of them kinda stared, before panicking! Emerald running in circles in fear, and Mercury hitting his head on the ground in disappointment. But this didn't last long as Emerald pulled Mercury from the ground, ripping him in half and running over to the remains of Obsidian
  80. 23:16 Elise_G looked down at the wound in her stomach and then back at Oyuun. "Huh... yeah I'm alright!" She looked back at the now retreating golem, and then back at the suddenly... fearful looking girl. Her smile grew mischievously as she dropped her bag and drew out the shotgun. "I'm not... scaring you, am I?"
  81. 23:16 Greg looked over at the green golem, still panting in slight nausea from the heat with a bit of pain. "What are you doing." He managed to spout. "Where is my Granddaughter's comic book." He was not well.
  82. 23:20 Oyuun was still worried over the belly wound. She was a little bit squeamish and might not have known about her powers. "I mean, you're alright, right...? Don't need to get that looked at?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw the golems moving about and Mercury being plucked.
  83. 23:20 Oyuun "HEY!"
  84. 23:25 The-Golems The Emerald Golem didn't bother answering as he and Mercury jumped into the Obsidian. As soon as they did, it Mixed into a Giant Goopy pile! Slowly turning and mixing the Colors, small hands shooting out and grabbing any bits he could, old Spears, blasted parts of Obsidion...Couldn't really grab any of Mercury seeing how it was underground, but soon the
  85. 23:27 The-Golems massive goopy pile started to glow, and turn into a Gold like color...actually, it was turning to gold! All the Golems were combining into one Giant Golden Golem! Mostly formless, but now there was One Golem to fight!
  86. 23:27 *** The-Golems is now known as Golden-Golem
  87. 23:29 Elise_G felt the curling wisps of smoke rising from her wound as the fear fed her. "I'm more than alright. Look man, we don't have time, we've got some minerals to shatter." She cocked the shotgun as she wheeled around to look at the newly formed amalgamate golem and her jaw dropped. Her eyes were wide as she bent down and grabbed a handful of shells to stuff into her hoodie pocket. She leaned over to speak to Oyuun. "Yo, you think
  88. 23:29 Elise_G that's real gold? I could go for some 24 carat goodness." The veins around her eyes were blackened and pulsating.
  89. 23:33 Greg limped over to a street lamp. There was no way he could fight that thing, not in the condition he was in. He managed to lift his hand up to touch the street lamp to have some metal intake. It slowly dripped and formed around his arm, but it wasn't enough. He was just going to have to sit it out until he fully regenerated.
  90. 23:35 Oyuun had a very similar reaction to Elise, as avarice grew heavy in her heart and a grin reached across her face. Okay, this was clearly threatening, but she also was someone who desperately wanted to get rich. This seemed like some kind of wonderful chance in her dreams.
  91. 23:35 Oyuun "It better be real gold... Few million worth, maybe. I could be a millionaire..."
  92. 23:41 Golden-Golem , the sparkling Golden god, was indeed real Gold. And it also grabbed the FireHydrant Greg threw Obsidian at and threw it at the Two ogling girls! Then turning its sites on Greg as it sprouted another Tentacle of Gold, aiming to grab the Metal man!
  93. 23:45 Greg He couldn't really fight back against the tentacle with one hand so it just grabbed him. Parts of his body that were still melting off dripped onto the tentacle and further down into the street.
  94. 23:58 Elise_G saw the hydrant coming and realised that she couldn't tank a hit like that. Like some sort of horrible caricature of a person, Elise's body fell backward and she dodged the flying hydrant like Neo from the Matrix with her feet flat on the floor and her torso at 90 degrees. "Let's go get paid then!"
  95. 23:58 Oyuun managed to catch a view of the hydrant coming her way, simply standing still and phasing while it flew through her and towards Elise. She wondered, for a second, if she should grab her, but she had that figured out as it seemed. "Right!"
  96. 00:02 Golden-Golem The Golem then decided to Thrash Greg around, the Obsidian part of him being a bit miffed after being blown up. While the Tentacle was doing that, another one formed, becoming straight as it could get and Firing itself at the two! The Golem wasn't one for walking it seems
  97. 00:19 Elise_G twisted away from one of the projectiles and began to advance. Not slowly. She broke into a straight sprint, her earlier injury apparently no longer weighing her down. She dodged another spear with a roll and took aim at the golem's 'waist' before firing a solid slug from the 12-gauge.
  98. 00:29 Oyuun ran alongside Elise for a grand total of two seconds before she sped up and jolted off faster than a girl had any right to be moving. This one she couldn't pull under, and she couldn't hit it, so she really had no idea what she was do- Ah ha!
  99. 00:30 Oyuun ran right past the golden giant and tapped her hand against the gooey liquid. From her fingertips she sent vibrations up through it, this time with intent to see how much it could be destabilized.
  100. 00:35 Golden-Golem The Golem was a strange mix of Solid and Liquid. Able to hit like a rock, but move like it was Mud. This made the vibrations Oyuun sent up jiggle the body a whole lot, so much in fact it was loosing its form, as if it was melting. And taking a shotgun guts to the guts was a big hit when it was like this, blasting a huge hole and chunks of Gold out of it,
  101. 00:36 Golden-Golem causing it to become more unstable. Dropping Greg the giant golem toppled over to the ground. A messy pile of Gold Goop. But it wasn't out of the game yet! It formed another Tentacle aiming to swipe Oyuun away!
  102. 00:49 Elise_G cocked the shotgun and took aim at the incoming tentacle sweep, closer to the body, to try and sever it or at least knock it off course.
  103. 00:49 Elise_G "I've seen how this scene ends, and it ain't pretty, man!"
  104. 00:53 Oyuun took this advantage to keep on the pressure, weaving about to slap it here and there and apply more of the vibrations.
  105. 01:07 Golden-Golem More Wobbling and Jiggling! The entire Golem was falling apart! Slowly becoming a giant puddle of Gold. But it was still alive, grabbing Oyuuns arm with a Tentacle, with the pressure it was putting on it, it was trying to Break her arm In Half! As for Elise, the shot broke the Tentacle in half! A huge chunk of gold for anyone who picks it up. But that didn'
  106. 01:07 Golden-Golem Stop more from forming! Trying to stab or grab her!
  107. 01:25 Oyuun shut her eyes tight and yelped. Someone was trying to break her arm, again! Last time this happened she had a really nice lady transfer the wound over, and that lady was nowhere to be seen. Like this she DID have a really good way to work the vibrations through, and gold was a particularly weak alloy...
  108. 01:25 Oyuun vibrated as hard as she could!
  109. 01:29 Elise_G saw the multiple golden tentacles zooming towards her and cocked the shotgun one-handed, pulling out her baton with the other and flicking it open. "I'm gonna beatcha all the way to the bank, dumbass." One thrust forward to stab her, that she batted away with fear-enhanced strength. Another went low to trip her, but she severed it with a shot from the Remy. Another one-handed cocking of the shotgun had her ready, but another
  110. 01:29 Elise_G tentacle swept low and tripped her over!
  111. 01:36 Golden-Golem Cracks started to Form on the Tentacles that grabbed Oyuun, it was breaking apart. In fact, cracks all over the Golem started to form! Including the Tentacles that attacked Elise! The entire Golem was becoming unstable, so much in fact that is started to crawl away before the Cracks made it fall apart, or another shotgun blast hit it!
  112. 01:46 Oyuun fell off from the tentacles that were crumbling, rolling off to the side to try to check if her arm was broken... OW. OW. Okay. Maybe don't touch that so much. "FUCKIN- SHOOT IT MORE"
  113. 01:48 Elise_G saw her chance. The cracks were spreading. The stability was threatened. The girl was struggling. The FEAR was running high. She got up and charged with the shotgun held up, firing off a slug before attempting to barge her entire body into the thing, shoulder first!
  114. 01:50 Golden-Golem For a few seconds, the Golden Golem thought it could get away, then another Shotgun blast hit it. Then a Fear roided girl ran into it. The Cracks spread all over until he couldn't take it anymore! As the Golem fell back, it crumbled down into a pile of Gold....Now the only question is who gets to have all that Gold
  115. 02:00 Oyuun "..."
  116. 02:01 Elise_G rolled and sat on the floor as she came to a stop. It took a moment for her to look at all the gold scattered about the street, but it didn't take long for the gravity of what had just gone down to hit her. "Hooooooly shit. That's a LOT of chyen, man."
  117. 02:01 Oyuun "...H-Heheh.... Yeah..."
  118. 02:01 Oyuun gave a look over to Elise. It was clear what she was thinking. Greed.
  119. 02:02 Elise_G "..." Elise took a look over at Oyuun. There was a malicious glint in her eye.
  120. 02:03 Oyuun gave back a challenging look in her own, and even took off her jacket sloooooowly.
  121. 02:04 Oyuun "MMMMMMMMMFUCK IT MINE" And at that, the thief began to scoop up as many bits of gold as she could into her jacket that was now doubling as a bag.
  122. 02:05 Elise_G pounced for her duffle bag, and begun shovelling gold into it as fast as she could. Her arms were wisping with fog and smoke as the veins began to stand out on her skin. "I NEED TO EAT."
  123. 02:10 Golden-Golem Less and Less of the Gold was grabbed, any chance of the Golem reforming was lost. From a distance, the being who created the Golems watched as Human Greed took over the minds of the Two girls "..." He vanished into dust, one day to return and attack again...but for now the girls were getting an even split of Gold
  124. 02:12 Oyuun was speeding up to catch up as much as she could get, practically a blur. "I GOT A FAMILY TO FEED OUTTA HERE BITCH" There was much cursing and poor decisions to be had in the near future. Proper end.
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