

Jun 15th, 2018
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  1. ---------ONE WITH CHEESEEE------------
  2. ---------MAKE BY SKRUBL0RDZI------------
  3. p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  4. char = p.Character
  5. torso = char.Torso
  6. hed = char.Head
  7. neck = char.Torso.Neck
  8. hum = char.Humanoid
  9. hum.MaxHealth = math.huge
  10. local msg = game:GetService("Chat")
  11. torso.BrickColor ="Brown")
  12. hed.BrickColor ="Brown")
  13. char["Right Arm"].BrickColor ="Brown")
  14. char["Left Arm"].BrickColor ="Brown")
  15. char["Left Leg"].BrickColor ="Brown")
  16. char["Right Leg"].BrickColor ="Brown")
  17. ypcall(function()
  18. shirt ="Shirt", char)
  19. shirt.Name = "Shirt"
  20. pants ="Pants", char)
  21. pants.Name = "Pants"
  22. char.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://767426316"
  23. char.Pants.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://201888161"
  24. end)
  25. function sbchat(msg,displayname)
  26. if not displayname then
  27. displayname = '<Bitch Smoke>'
  28. end
  29. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  30. local st ='StringValue')
  31. st.Name = 'SB_Chat'
  32. st.Value = displayname..'/'..msg
  33. delay(0.2,function() st.Parent = v end)
  34. end
  35. end
  36. p1 ="Part",char)
  37. p1.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  38. p1.Size =,0.8,1.8)
  39. p1.CanCollide = false
  40. p1.Locked = true
  41. p1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  42. p1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  43. SMesh ="SpecialMesh", p1)
  44. SMesh.MeshId = ""
  45. SMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  46. SMesh.Name = "Mesh"
  47. SMesh.TextureId = ""
  48. w1 ="Weld", hed)
  49. w1.Part0 = hed
  50. w1.C0 =,0,0.1)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  51. w1.Part1 = p1
  52. w1.C1 =, 0, 0)
  53. --------------------------------
  54. p1 ="Part",char)
  55. p1.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  56. p1.Size =,2,2)
  57. p1.CanCollide = false
  58. p1.Locked = true
  59. p1.BrickColor ="Really black")
  60. p1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  61. p1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  62. SMesh ="SpecialMesh", p1)
  63. SMesh.MeshId = ""
  64. SMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  65. SMesh.Name = "Mesh"
  66. SMesh.TextureId = ""
  67. w1 ="Weld", hed)
  68. w1.Part0 = hed
  69. w1.C0 =,0,0)
  70. w1.Part1 = p1
  71. w1.C1 =, 0, 0)
  72. -----------
  73. GroundWave3 = function()
  74. local HandCF = -,0,0)) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  75. local wave1 ="Part", torso)
  76. wave1.BrickColor ="Really black")
  77. wave1.Anchored = true
  78. wave1.CanCollide = false
  79. wave1.Locked = true
  80. wave1.Material = "Neon"
  81. wave1.Size =, 1, 1)
  82. wave1.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  83. wave1.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  84. wave1.Transparency = 0
  85. wave1.CFrame = HandCF
  86. wm ="SpecialMesh", wave1)
  87. wm.Scale =,.1,.1)
  88. wm.MeshType = "Sphere"
  89. coroutine.wrap(function()
  90. for i = 1, 20, 1 do
  91. wm.Scale = + i*2, 2 + i*2, 2 + i*2)
  92. --wave1.Size = wm.Scale
  93. wave1.CFrame = HandCF
  94. wave1.Transparency = i/10
  95. wait()
  96. end
  97. wait()
  98. wave1:Destroy()
  99. end)()
  100. end
  101. -------------------------------
  102. Spawn(function()
  103. while wait(1) do
  104. GroundWave3()
  105. wait(.5)
  106. GroundWave3()
  107. end
  108. end)
  109. warn'[Ground Brake]:Connect!'
  110. -----------------------------------
  111. local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer --LocalScript
  112. local Char = Plr.Character
  113. local Mouse = Plr:GetMouse()
  114. local ra = Char:FindFirstChild('Right Arm')
  115. local ts = Char.Torso
  116. local la = Char:FindFirstChild('Left Arm')
  117. local ll = Char:FindFirstChild('Left Leg')
  118. local rl = Char:FindFirstChild('Right Leg')
  119. local hd = Char.Head
  120. local root = Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  122. rarm = ra
  123. larm = la
  124. torso = ts
  125. hed = hd
  126. root = root
  127. lleg = ll
  128. rleg = rl
  130. FloatPart = function()
  131. local Part ='Part',torso)
  132. Part.CFrame =,workspace.Base.CFrame.Y+1,torso.CFrame.Z) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(86.4,0,87)
  133. Part.Anchored = true
  134. Part.Material = 'Neon'
  135. Part.CanCollide = false
  136. Part.BrickColor ="Forest green")
  137. local Mesh ='SpecialMesh',Part)
  138. Mesh.Scale =,4,.2)
  139. Mesh.MeshId = ''
  140. Mesh.VertexColor =,170,255)
  141. spawn(function()
  142. for i = 1,30 do
  143. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +,.04,0)
  144. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + .035
  145. game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait()
  146. end
  147. Part:Destroy()
  148. end)
  149. end;
  151. DubPart = function()
  152. local Part ='Part',torso)
  153. Part.CFrame =,workspace.Base.CFrame.Y+1,torso.CFrame.Z) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(86.4,0,87)
  154. Part.Anchored = true
  155. Part.CanCollide = false
  156. Part.Material = 'Neon'
  157. Part.BrickColor ="Forest green")
  158. local Mesh ='SpecialMesh',Part)
  159. Mesh.Scale =,7,.2)
  160. Mesh.MeshId = ''
  161. Mesh.VertexColor =,170,255)
  162. spawn(function()
  163. for i = 1,30 do
  164. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +,.04,0)
  165. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + .035
  166. game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait()
  167. end
  168. Part:Destroy()
  169. end)
  170. end;
  172. OnTouch = function(Toucher)
  173. if Toucher.Parent.Name ~= Plr.Name and Toucher.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  174. local Hum = Toucher.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  175. Hum.Health = Hum.Health - .7
  176. end
  177. end;
  179. Fade = function(Item,t)
  180. spawn(function()
  181. for i = 1,20 do
  182. Item.Transparency = Item.Transparency + .05
  183. if t then
  184. wait(t)
  185. else
  186. wait()
  187. end
  188. end
  189. Item:Destroy()
  190. end)
  191. end
  193. TouchKill = function(Toucher)
  194. if Toucher.Parent then
  195. if Toucher.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  196. local P = Toucher.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  197. if P ~= nil and P.Parent.Name ~= Plr.Name then
  198. P.Health = P.Health - math.random(4,17)
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end;
  204. Particle = function()
  205. local Part ='Part',torso)
  206. Part.Anchored = true
  207. Part.Transparency = 0
  208. Part.Material = "Neon"
  209. Part.Touched:connect(function(I)OnTouch(I)end)
  210. Part.CanCollide = false
  211. Part.CFrame = torso.CFrame *,10),math.random(-15,15),math.random(-10,10)) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
  212. local Mesh ='SpecialMesh',Part)
  213. Mesh.Scale =,1,1)
  214. Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://10604848"
  215. Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://10605252"
  216. spawn(function()
  217. for i = 1,40 do
  218. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + .0125
  219. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame *,-.07,0)
  220. game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait()
  221. end
  222. Part:Destroy()
  223. end)
  224. end;
  226. Particle2 = function()
  227. local Part ='Part',torso)
  228. Part.Anchored = true
  229. Part.Transparency = 0
  230. Part.Material = "Neon"
  231. Part.Touched:connect(function(I)OnTouch(I)end)
  232. Part.CanCollide = false
  233. Part.CFrame = torso.CFrame *,10),math.random(-15,15),math.random(-10,10)) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
  234. local Mesh ='SpecialMesh',Part)
  235. Mesh.Scale =,0.001,0.001)
  236. Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://10604848"
  237. Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://10605252"
  238. spawn(function()
  239. for i = 1,40 do
  240. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + .0125
  241. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame *,-.07,0)
  242. game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:wait()
  243. end
  244. Part:Destroy()
  245. end)
  246. end;
  248. spawn(function()
  249. while wait() do
  250. wait(.05)
  251. FloatPart()
  252. wait(.08)
  253. FloatPart()
  254. wait(.05)
  255. DubPart()
  256. wait(.08)
  257. end
  258. end)
  259. spawn(function()
  260. while wait() do
  261. Particle()
  262. wait(0.75)
  263. Particle2()
  264. end
  265. end)
  266. -------------
  267. hed.face.Texture = ""
  268. game.Chat:Chat(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head,"hmm ban hammer guy is HERE", "Red")
  269. sbchat("TAKE DAT . FROM MY BAN HAMMER L0L")
  270. local HBill ="BillboardGui", hed)
  271. local HMain, HBarBack, HBar ="Frame", HBill),"Frame"),"Frame")
  272. local HHealth, HName ="TextLabel", HBarBack),"TextLabel")
  273. HBill.Size =,0,2.2,0)
  274. HBill.Name = "Health Display"
  275. HBill.StudsOffset =,4,0)
  276. HBill.AlwaysOnTop = true
  277. HBill.Enabled = true
  278. HMain.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  279. HMain.BackgroundTransparency = 0.6
  280. HMain.Size =,0,1,0)
  281. HBarBack.Parent = HMain
  282. HBarBack.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  283. HBarBack.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
  284. HBarBack.BorderSizePixel = 2
  285. HBarBack.Position =, 0, .55, 0)
  286. HBarBack.Size =, 0, .3, 0)
  287. HHealth.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  288. HHealth.Size =,0,1,0)
  289. HHealth.Font = "Code"
  290. HHealth.Text = "1.#INF"
  291. HHealth.TextScaled = true
  292. HHealth.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  293. HHealth.TextStrokeColor3 ="Forest green").Color
  294. HHealth.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  295. HName.Parent = HMain
  296. HName.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  297. HName.Size =,0,.5,0)
  298. HName.Font = "Code"
  299. HName.Text = "BAN HAMMER GUY"
  300. HName.TextScaled = true
  301. HName.TextColor3 ="Forest green").Color
  302. HName.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  303. HName.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  304. HName.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  306. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  307. local s ="Sound",plr.Character)
  308. s.Volume = 1
  309. s.Looped = true
  310. s.Pitch = 1
  311. s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://703597239"
  312. s:Play()
  313. repeat
  314. wait(0.4)
  315. until plr.Character
  316. chr = plr.Character
  317. human = chr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  318. mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  319. cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  320. selected = false
  321. equipd = false
  322. tors = chr.Torso
  323. rarm = chr["Right Arm"]
  324. larm = chr["Left Arm"]
  325. rleg = chr["Right Leg"]
  326. lleg = chr["Left Leg"]
  327. hrp = chr.HumanoidRootPart
  328. hed = chr.Head
  329. anim = human.Animator
  330. activu = false
  331. ragged = false
  332. batting = false
  333. Heartbeat ="BindableEvent")
  334. Heartbeat.Name = "Heartbeat"
  335. Heartbeat.Parent = script
  336. frame = 0.03333333333333333
  337. tf = 0
  338. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  339. tf = tf + s
  340. if tf >= frame then
  341. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  342. Heartbeat:Fire()
  343. end
  344. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  345. end
  346. end)
  347. function swait(num)
  348. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  349. Heartbeat.Event:wait()
  350. else
  351. for i = 1, num do
  352. Heartbeat.Event:wait()
  353. end
  354. end
  355. end
  356. tool ="Tool")
  357. tool.CanBeDropped = false
  358. tool.RequiresHandle = false
  359. tool.ToolTip = "NANI BAN HUMMER??????"
  360. tool.Name = "PRESS X TO USING ME BITC"
  361. tool.Parent = plr.Backpack
  362. modz ="Model")
  363. modz.Name = "efx"
  364. modz.Parent = chr
  365. RSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  366. RSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  367. LSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  368. LSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  369. RHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  370. RHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  371. LHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  372. RJC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  373. LHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  374. NC0 =, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  375. NC1 =, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  376. RJC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  377. local nscale ="NumberValue")
  378. nscale.Value = 1
  379. nscale.Parent = nil
  380. RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  381. RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  382. LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  383. LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  384. RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  385. RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  386. LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  387. LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  388. RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  389. RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  390. NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  391. NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  392. nscale.Changed:connect(function()
  393. RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  394. RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  395. LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  396. LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  397. RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  398. RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  399. LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  400. LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  401. RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  402. RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  403. NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  404. NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  405. end)
  406. RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  407. LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  408. RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  409. LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  410. RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
  411. N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  412. cf =
  413. ang = CFrame.Angles
  414. rd = math.rad
  415. rd2 = math.random
  416. function nooutline(p)
  417. p.TopSurface, p.BottomSurface, p.LeftSurface, p.RightSurface, p.FrontSurface, p.BottomSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  418. end
  419. function makepart(color, name, reflec, trans, mater, parnt, cfram)
  420. local port ="Part")
  421. port.BrickColor =
  422. port.Name = name
  423. port.Transparency = trans
  424. nooutline(port)
  425. port.Reflectance = reflec
  426. port.Material = mater
  427. port.Anchored = false
  428. port.CanCollide = false
  429. port.Locked = true
  430. port.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  431. port.Parent = parnt
  432. return port
  433. end
  434. function makemesh(meshtype, scale, meshid, parent)
  435. local mes ="SpecialMesh")
  436. mes.MeshType = meshtype
  437. mes.Scale = scale
  438. if meshtype == "FileMesh" then
  439. mes.MeshId = meshid
  440. end
  441. mes.Parent = parent
  442. return mes
  443. end
  444. function makeweld(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
  445. local wel ="Weld")
  446. wel.Part0 = p0
  447. wel.Part1 = p1
  448. wel.C0 = c0
  449. if c1 ~= nil then
  450. wel.C1 = c1
  451. end
  452. wel.Parent = parent
  453. return wel
  454. end
  455. local lauf1 ="Sound")
  456. lauf1.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  457. lauf1.Volume = 5
  458. lauf1.Pitch = 1
  459. lauf1.Parent = hrp
  460. function lerpz(joint, prop, cfrmz, alp)
  461. joint[prop] = joint[prop]:lerp(cfrmz, alp)
  462. end
  463. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  464. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  465. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  466. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  467. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  468. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  469. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  470. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  471. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  472. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  473. function resetlerp()
  474. RJ.C0 = RJC0
  475. RJ.C1 = RJC1
  476. N.C0 = NC0
  477. N.C1 = NC1
  478. RS.C0 = RSC0
  479. RS.C1 = RSC1
  480. LS.C0 = LSC0
  481. LS.C1 = LSC1
  482. RH.C0 = RHC0
  483. RH.C1 = RHC1
  484. LH.C0 = LHC0
  485. LH.C1 = LHC1
  486. end
  487. function test()
  488. if selected == false or activu == true then
  489. return
  490. end
  491. if ragged == false then
  492. ragged = true
  493. human.PlatformStand = true
  494. if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
  495. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
  496. makegloo(tors, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
  497. maketouchy(rarm, rarm,, 0.5, 0))
  498. end
  499. if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
  500. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
  501. makegloo(tors, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
  502. maketouchy(larm, larm,, 0.5, 0))
  503. end
  504. if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
  505. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
  506. makegloo(tors, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
  507. maketouchy(rleg, rleg,, 0.5, 0))
  508. end
  509. if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
  510. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
  511. makegloo(tors, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
  512. maketouchy(lleg, lleg,, 0.5, 0))
  513. HName.Text = "Died"
  514. end
  515. elseif ragged == true then
  516. ragged = false
  517. human.Jump = true
  518. if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
  519. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
  520. makejoint(tors, RSC0, RSC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
  521. rarm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  522. end
  523. if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
  524. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
  525. makejoint(tors, LSC0, LSC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
  526. larm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  527. end
  528. if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
  529. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
  530. makejoint(tors, RHC0, RHC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
  531. rleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  532. end
  533. if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
  534. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
  535. makejoint(tors, LHC0, LHC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
  536. lleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  537. end
  538. RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  539. LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  540. RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  541. LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  542. RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
  543. N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  544. HName.Text = "BAN HAMMER GUY"
  545. end
  546. end
  547. function makegloo(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
  548. local gloo ="Glue")
  549. gloo.Name = nam
  550. gloo.C0 = co
  551. gloo.C1 = ci
  552. gloo.Part0 = parto
  553. gloo.Part1 = parti
  554. gloo.Parent = paren
  555. end
  556. function makejoint(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
  557. local gloo ="Motor6D")
  558. gloo.Name = nam
  559. gloo.C0 = co
  560. gloo.C1 = ci
  561. gloo.Part0 = parto
  562. gloo.Part1 = parti
  563. gloo.Parent = paren
  564. end
  565. function maketouchy(parent, limb, cframe)
  566. local pr ="Part")
  567. pr.Name = "touchy"
  568. pr.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  569. pr.Transparency = 1
  570. pr.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
  571. pr.CanCollide = true
  572. pr.Anchored = false
  573. pr.Parent = parent
  574. local w ="Weld")
  575. w.Part0 = pr
  576. w.Part1 = limb
  577. w.C0 = cframe
  578. w.Parent = pr
  579. end
  580. local clibat, spec
  581. local dipperhat = chr:FindFirstChild("DXD_DipperHat")
  582. local dipperrot
  583. if dipperhat then
  584. dipperrot = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation
  585. end
  586. function bat()
  587. if selected == false or activu == true then
  588. return
  589. end
  590. if batting == false then
  591. batting = true
  592. do
  593. local bmod ="Model")
  594. bmod.Name = "bmodel"
  595. bmod.Parent = chr
  596. local hnd = makepart("Really black", "hnd", 0, 1, "Neon", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  597. local hmes = makemesh("1",, 9, 2), nil, hnd)
  598. local hwel = makeweld(hnd, hnd, rarm, ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
  599. local pt1 = makepart("Really black", "pt1", 0, 1, "Neon", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  600. local p1m = makemesh("Sphere",,3,3), nil, pt1)
  601. local p1w = makeweld(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
  602. local pt3 = makepart("Really black", "pt3", 0, 1, "Neon", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  603. local p3m = makemesh("1",, 6, 1), nil, pt3)
  604. local p3w = makeweld(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), nil)
  605. local pt4 = makepart("Really black", "pt4", 0, math.rad(0,1), "Neon", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  606. local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",,2,2), "", pt4)
  607. p4m.TextureId = ""
  608. p4m.Scale =,1,1)
  609. local p4w = makeweld(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.5, 0), nil)
  610. local pt5 = makepart("Forest green", "pt5", 0, 1, "Neon", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  611. local p5m = makemesh("Cylinder",, 1.5, 1.5), nil, pt5)
  612. local p5w = makeweld(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), nil)
  613. local swingwoo ="Sound")
  614. swingwoo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  615. swingwoo.Pitch = 1
  616. swingwoo.Name = "sweae"
  617. swingwoo.Volume = 50
  618. swingwoo.Parent = hrp
  619. clibat = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  620. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  621. return
  622. end
  623. activu = true
  624. for _ = 1, 5 do
  625. swait()
  626. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
  627. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  628. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
  629. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  630. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  631. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  632. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  633. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  634. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
  635. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  636. end
  637. local bon ="Sound")
  638. bon.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  639. bon.Pitch = rd2(10, 12) / 10
  640. bon.Volume = 1
  641. bon.Parent = hrp
  642. game.Debris:AddItem(bon, 1)
  643. bon:Play()
  644. swingwoo:Play()
  645. for X = 1, 5 do
  646. swait()
  647. if X > 1 then
  648. hito(pt5, 5, 80, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 0,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)))
  649. end
  650. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
  651. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  652. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
  653. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  654. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  655. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  656. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
  657. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  658. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
  659. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  660. end
  661. activu = false
  662. end)
  663. spec = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(keya)
  664. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  665. return
  666. end
  667. if keya == "]]" then
  668. activu = true
  669. local speed = human.WalkSpeed
  670. human.WalkSpeed = 0
  671. human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
  672. local function expa()
  673. local sond ="Sound")
  674. sond.Volume = 1.25
  675. sond.Pitch = 1
  676. sond.EmitterSize = 15
  677. sond.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  678. sond.Parent = pt6
  679. sond:Play()
  680. for _ = 1, 3 do
  681. swait()
  682. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 27, 6), 0.7)
  683. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
  684. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), 0.7)
  685. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
  686. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), 0.7)
  687. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.07500000000000001, 0.07500000000000001), 0.7)
  688. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3.75, 0), 0.7)
  689. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 18.75, 18.75), 0.7)
  690. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -12.075000000000001, 0), 0.7)
  691. end
  692. for _ = 1, 5 do
  693. swait()
  694. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 18, 4), 0.7)
  695. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
  696. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 2, 0), 0.7)
  697. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
  698. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2, 0), 0.7)
  699. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.05, 0.05), 0.7)
  700. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2.5, 0), 0.7)
  701. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 12.5, 12.5), 0.7)
  702. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -8.05, 0), 0.7)
  703. end
  704. sond.Pitch = 0.75
  705. sond:Play()
  706. for _ = 1, 3 do
  707. swait()
  708. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 54, 12), 0.7)
  709. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
  710. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 6, 0), 0.7)
  711. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
  712. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6, 0), 0.7)
  713. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.15000000000000002, 0.15000000000000002), 0.7)
  714. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7.5, 0), 0.7)
  715. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 37.5, 37.5), 0.7)
  716. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -24.150000000000002, 0), 0.7)
  717. end
  718. for _ = 1, 5 do
  719. swait()
  720. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 36, 8), 0.7)
  721. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
  722. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4, 0), 0.7)
  723. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
  724. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4, 0), 0.7)
  725. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.1, 0.1), 0.7)
  726. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -5, 0), 0.7)
  727. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 25, 25), 0.7)
  728. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -16.1, 0), 0.7)
  729. end
  730. sond.Pitch = 0.4
  731. sond:Play()
  732. game.Debris:AddItem(sond, 2)
  733. for _ = 1, 3 do
  734. swait()
  735. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 81, 18), 0.7)
  736. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
  737. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 9, 0), 0.7)
  738. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
  739. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -9, 0), 0.7)
  740. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.225, 0.225), 0.7)
  741. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11.25, 0), 0.7)
  742. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 56.25, 56.25), 0.7)
  743. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -36.225, 0), 0.7)
  744. end
  745. for _ = 1, 5 do
  746. swait()
  747. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 63, 14), 0.7)
  748. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 17.5, 17.5), 0.7)
  749. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7, 0), 0.7)
  750. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 17.5, 17.5), 0.7)
  751. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7, 0), 0.7)
  752. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.17500000000000002, 0.17500000000000002), 0.7)
  753. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -8.75, 0), 0.7)
  754. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 43.75, 43.75), 0.7)
  755. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -30, 0), 0.7)
  756. end
  757. end
  758. for _ = 1, 3 do
  759. swait()
  760. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  761. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  762. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  763. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  764. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0.2, -0.2) * ang(rd(70), rd(-60), rd(-100)), 0.5)
  765. if dipperhat then
  766. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
  767. end
  768. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  769. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  770. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  771. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  772. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  773. end
  774. for _ = 1, 3 do
  775. swait()
  776. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  777. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  778. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  779. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  780. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(35), rd(-50), rd(-100)), 0.3)
  781. if dipperhat then
  782. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
  783. end
  784. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  785. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  786. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  787. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  788. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  789. end
  790. for _ = 1, 30 do
  791. swait()
  792. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, 0.6, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-120)), 0.2)
  793. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.2)
  794. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(-20), rd(80)), 0.2)
  795. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  796. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.2)
  797. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  798. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.2)
  799. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  800. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.2)
  801. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  802. end
  803. expa()
  804. for O = 1, 10 do
  805. swait()
  806. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.3, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  807. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  808. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(-20), rd(80)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  809. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  810. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  811. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  812. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  813. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  814. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  815. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  816. end
  817. local whoooo ="Sound")
  818. whoooo.Volume = 3
  819. whoooo.Pitch = 1.1
  820. whoooo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  821. whoooo.Parent = pt5
  822. whoooo:Play()
  823. game.Debris:AddItem(whoooo, 2)
  824. for O = 1, 1 do
  825. swait()
  826. hito(pt5, 70, 808282854, 0.75, hrp.CFrame.rightVector * -10000000 +, 50, 0),, rd2(-25, 25), rd2(-160, 160)))
  827. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.9, -0.7, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(120)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  828. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  829. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(20), rd(20)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  830. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  831. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  832. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  833. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  834. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  835. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  836. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  837. end
  838. for O = 1, 13 do
  839. swait()
  840. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 9, 2), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  841. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  842. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  843. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  844. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  845. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.025, 0.025), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  846. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  847. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 1, 1), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  848. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  849. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(150)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  850. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  851. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(30), rd(10)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  852. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  853. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  854. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  855. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  856. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  857. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  858. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  859. end
  860. if dipperhat then
  861. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperrot
  862. end
  863. human.WalkSpeed = speed
  864. human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
  865. activu = false
  866. end
  867. if keya == "q" then
  868. activu = true
  869. do
  870. local checkkey = true
  871. local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
  872. if xzx == "q" then
  873. checkkey = false
  874. end
  875. end)
  876. repeat
  877. for _ = 1, 2 do
  878. swait()
  879. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
  880. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  881. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(30), rd(-20), rd(80)), 0.7)
  882. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  883. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  884. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  885. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  886. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  887. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
  888. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  889. end
  890. swingwoo:Play()
  891. for T = 1, 2 do
  892. swait()
  893. if T == 2 then
  894. hito(pt5, 7, 30, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 0,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)))
  895. end
  896. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
  897. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  898. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(40), rd(40)), 0.7)
  899. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  900. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  901. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  902. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
  903. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  904. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
  905. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  906. end
  907. for _ = 1, 2 do
  908. swait()
  909. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(0)), 0.7)
  910. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  911. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(179)), 0.7)
  912. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  913. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  914. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  915. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  916. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  917. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(35)), 0.7)
  918. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  919. end
  920. swingwoo:Play()
  921. for T = 1, 2 do
  922. swait()
  923. if T == 2 then
  924. hito(pt5, 7, 30, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 0,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)))
  925. end
  926. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(40), rd(40), rd(0)), 0.7)
  927. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  928. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  929. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  930. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  931. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  932. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  933. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  934. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(-65)), 0.7)
  935. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  936. end
  937. until not checkkey
  938. keyingup:Disconnect()
  939. activu = false
  940. end
  941. end
  942. if keya == "f" then
  943. activu = true
  944. do
  945. local speed = human.WalkSpeed
  946. human.WalkSpeed = 2
  947. human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
  948. local checkkey = true
  949. local chargecounter = 0
  950. local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
  951. if xzx == "f" then
  952. checkkey = false
  953. end
  954. end)
  955. local firederp
  956. for _ = 1, 8 do
  957. swait()
  958. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(65), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
  959. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-70)), 0.5)
  960. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.5)
  961. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(-10), rd(80)), 0.5)
  962. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  963. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-70), rd(-75)), 0.5)
  964. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.5)
  965. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.5)
  966. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  967. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(0), rd(80), rd(-5)), 0.5)
  968. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  969. end
  970. repeat
  971. swait()
  972. chargecounter = chargecounter + 1
  973. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100) * ang(rd(rd2(65, 75)), rd(rd2(-15, 5)), rd(rd2(75, 85))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  974. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(rd2(-15, -5)), rd(rd2(-75, -65)), rd(rd2(-80, -70))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  975. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(rd2(-25, -15)), rd(0)), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  976. if chargecounter > 30 and firederp == nil then
  977. local colorKeyPoints={,,1,1)),
  979. }
  980. local sizeKeyPoints={,.25),
  983. }
  984. local opacityKeyPoints={,0);
  987. }
  988. local'ParticleEmitter',pt1)
  989. runRing.LightEmission=0
  992. runRing.Texture='rbxassetid://720401995'
  993. runRing.LockedToPart = false
  996. runRing.Rate=100
  1000. runRing.VelocitySpread=10
  1001. wait(.1)
  1002. runRing.Enabled = false
  1003. end
  1004. until not checkkey or chargecounter > 50
  1005. swingwoo:Play()
  1006. sbchat("THE POWER OF BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
  1007. game.Chat:Chat(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head,"THE POWER OF BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "Red")
  1008. for U = 1, 10 do
  1009. swait()
  1010. if U < 3 then
  1011. hito(pt5, 8, math.huge, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * (math.huge + chargecounter * math.huge) +, 6 + 6 * (chargecounter / 5), 0),, rd2(-25, 25) * (chargecounter / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (chargecounter / 25)))
  1012. if chargecounter > 30 then
  1013. tagexplode(pt5, 5, 1)
  1014. end
  1015. end
  1016. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(135), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
  1017. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
  1018. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(-30)), 0.6)
  1019. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0.75, 0.5, -0.5) * ang(rd(0), rd(60), rd(120)), 0.4)
  1020. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(100), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1021. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(20), rd(-125)), 0.4)
  1022. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1023. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.6)
  1024. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
  1025. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(-6)), 0.6)
  1026. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
  1027. end
  1028. if firederp then
  1029. firederp:Destroy()
  1030. end
  1031. swait(10)
  1032. hwel.C0 = ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0)
  1033. keyingup:Disconnect()
  1034. human.WalkSpeed = speed
  1035. human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
  1036. activu = false
  1037. HName.Text = "BAN HAMMER GUY"
  1038. end
  1039. end
  1040. end)
  1041. end
  1042. elseif batting == true then
  1043. batting = false
  1044. clibat:Disconnect()
  1045. spec:Disconnect()
  1046. hrp.sweae:Destroy()
  1047. local batmod = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  1048. batmod.hnd.Weld:Destroy()
  1049. batmod.PrimaryPart = batmod.hnd
  1050. batmod:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
  1051. for _, A in pairs(batmod:GetChildren()) do
  1052. if A.ClassName == "Part" then
  1053. A.CanCollide = true
  1054. A.Anchored = false
  1055. end
  1056. end
  1057. batmod.Parent = workspace
  1058. game.Debris:AddItem(batmod, 8)
  1059. end
  1060. end
  1061. local movin = false
  1062. local cliham, hamspec
  1063. function ham()
  1064. if batting == false then
  1065. batting = true
  1066. do
  1067. local bmod ="Model")
  1068. bmod.Name = "bmodel"
  1069. bmod.Parent = chr
  1070. local makemotor = function(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
  1071. local wel ="Motor6D")
  1072. wel.Part0 = p0
  1073. wel.Part1 = p1
  1074. wel.C0 = c0
  1075. if c1 ~= nil then
  1076. wel.C1 = c1
  1077. end
  1078. wel.Parent = parent
  1079. return wel
  1080. end
  1081. local hnd = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "hnd", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1082. hnd.Anchored = true
  1083. local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 30, 5), nil, hnd)
  1084. movin = true
  1085. hnd.CFrame = hrp.CFrame
  1086. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1087. while hnd.Anchored == true do
  1088. swait()
  1089. if movin then
  1090. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 11, 0), 0.65)
  1091. end
  1092. end
  1093. end))
  1094. sbchat("TAKE DAT IT'S MY BAN HAMMER L0L")
  1095. game.Chat:Chat(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head,"CJ, DAT DAMN TRAIN IS BACK. USING DIS HAMMER TO BRAKE IT!", "Red")
  1096. local pt1 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt1", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1097. local p1m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt1)
  1098. local p1w = makemotor(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), nil)
  1099. local pt2 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt2", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1100. local p2m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt2)
  1101. local p2w = makemotor(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), nil)
  1102. local pt3 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt3", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1103. local p3m = makemesh("Head",, 6.5, 6.5), nil, pt3)
  1104. local p3w = makemotor(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3.75, 0), nil)
  1105. local pt4 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt4", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1106. local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxassetid://0", pt4)
  1107. p4m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://0"
  1108. local p4w = makemotor(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.25, 0.25), nil)
  1109. local pt5 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt5", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1110. local p5m = makemesh("Head",, 90, 4), nil, pt5)
  1111. local p5w = makemotor(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12, 0), nil)
  1112. local pt6 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt6", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1113. local p6m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.4, 0.16), "rbxassetid://10604848", pt6)
  1114. p6m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://10605252"
  1115. p6m.Scale =,3,3)
  1116. local p6w = makemotor(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -16, 0), nil)
  1117. local pt7 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt7", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1118. local p7m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt7)
  1119. local p7w = makemotor(pt7, pt7, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
  1120. local pt8 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt8", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1121. local p8m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt8)
  1122. local p8w = makemotor(pt8, pt8, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(-90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
  1123. local hdec2 ="Decal")
  1124. local pt9 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt9", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1125. local p9m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 11, 11), "rbxassetid://0", pt9)
  1126. local p9w = makemotor(pt9, pt9, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -30, 0), nil)
  1127. p9m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://0"
  1128. local pt10 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt10", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1129. local p10m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt10)
  1130. local p10w = makemotor(pt10, pt10, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
  1131. local hdec3 ="Decal")
  1132. local pt11 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt11", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1133. local p11m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt11)
  1134. local p11w = makemotor(pt11, pt11, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
  1135. local pt12 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt12", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1136. local p12m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt12)
  1137. local p12w = makemotor(pt12, pt12, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
  1138. local pt13 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt13", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  1139. local p13m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt13)
  1140. local p13w = makemotor(pt13, pt13, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
  1141. cliham = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  1142. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  1143. return
  1144. end
  1145. activu = true
  1146. movin = false
  1147. for B = 1, 20 do
  1148. swait()
  1149. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1150. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1151. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-5), rd(170)), 0.4)
  1152. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1153. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.4)
  1154. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1155. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.4)
  1156. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1157. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(10), rd(10)), 0.4)
  1158. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  1159. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 0.1 + B * 0.045)
  1160. end
  1161. for B = 1, 30 do
  1162. swait()
  1163. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.8, 0) * ang(rd(-25), rd(0), rd(-50)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1164. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-18), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1165. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(-5), rd(160)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1166. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1167. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-20), rd(-150)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1168. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1169. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(-10)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1170. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1171. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-5), rd(60), rd(-110)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1172. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1173. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1174. end
  1175. for B = 1, 7 do
  1176. swait()
  1177. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1178. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1179. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-50), rd(100)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1180. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1181. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1182. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1183. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(10)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1184. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1185. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1186. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1187. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1188. end
  1189. for B = 1, 8 do
  1190. swait()
  1191. hito(pt6, 20, 808282854, 0.75, hrp.CFrame.rightVector * math.huge +, 50, 0),, rd2(-25, 25), rd2(-160, 160)))
  1192. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1193. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1194. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-40), rd(100)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1195. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1196. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1197. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1198. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1199. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1200. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(70)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1201. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1202. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1203. local exp ="Explosion",plr.Character)
  1204. exp.Position = pt6.Position
  1205. exp.BlastRadius = 0
  1206. end
  1207. swait(15)
  1208. movin = true
  1209. sbchat("AMMA POOP ON YOUR PANTS SKID!")
  1210. activu = false
  1211. end)
  1212. end
  1213. elseif batting == true then
  1214. batting = false
  1215. cliham:Disconnect()
  1216. local badevz = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  1217. badevz.PrimaryPart = badevz.hnd
  1218. for _, A in pairs(badevz:GetChildren()) do
  1219. if A.ClassName == "Part" then
  1220. A.CanCollide = true
  1221. A.Anchored = false
  1222. end
  1223. end
  1224. movin = false
  1225. badevz.Parent = workspace
  1226. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11, 0))
  1227. game.Debris:AddItem(badevz, 8)
  1228. end
  1229. end
  1230. game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload("rbxassetid://725969678")
  1231. function lauf()
  1232. if selected == false or activu == true then
  1233. return
  1234. end
  1235. lauf1:Play()
  1236. end
  1237. function makenoob(cfrem, scalo, rags)
  1238. nscale.Value = scalo
  1239. local md ="Model")
  1240. md.Name = "Small Smoke"
  1241. md.Parent = workspace
  1242. local hu ="Humanoid")
  1243. hu.RigType = "R6"
  1244. hu.MaxHealth = 100 * scalo
  1245. hu.Health = 100 * scalo
  1246. hu.Parent = md
  1247. local anm ="Animator")
  1248. anm.Parent = hu
  1249. hu.PlatformStand = true
  1250. local light = function(part)
  1251. part.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
  1252. end
  1253. local hd ="Part")
  1254. hd.Name = "Head"
  1255. hd.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1256. hd.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1257. hd.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
  1258. hd.Locked = true
  1259. hd.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1260. hd.CanCollide = true
  1261. hd.Anchored = false
  1262. light(hd)
  1263. hd.Parent = md
  1264. local hm ="SpecialMesh")
  1265. hm.MeshType = "Head"
  1266. hm.Scale =, 1.25, 1.25)
  1267. hm.Parent = hd
  1268. local hf ="Decal")
  1269. hf.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  1270. local gen = math.random(1, 40)
  1271. if gen == 3 then
  1272. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://101912931"
  1273. end
  1274. if gen == 8 then
  1275. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://548947987"
  1276. end
  1277. if gen == 12 then
  1278. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259580505"
  1279. end
  1280. if gen == 16 then
  1281. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259579232"
  1282. end
  1283. if gen == 24 then
  1284. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259571525"
  1285. end
  1286. if gen == 28 then
  1287. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258283210"
  1288. end
  1289. if gen == 32 then
  1290. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258940032"
  1291. end
  1292. if gen == 38 then
  1293. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://673220970"
  1294. hf.Color3 =, 0, 0)
  1295. end
  1296. hf.Face = "Front"
  1297. hf.Parent = hd
  1298. local hrpa ="Part")
  1299. hrpa.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
  1300. hrpa.TopSurface, hrpa.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  1301. hrpa.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1302. hrpa.Transparency = 1
  1303. hrpa.CanCollide = false
  1304. hrpa.Locked = true
  1305. light(hrpa)
  1306. hrpa.Parent = md
  1307. local tagbomb ="BoolValue")
  1308. tagbomb.Name = "tagbomb"
  1309. tagbomb.Value = false
  1310. tagbomb.Parent = hrpa
  1311. local learm ="Part")
  1312. learm.Name = "Left Arm"
  1313. learm.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1314. learm.CanCollide = false
  1315. learm.Locked = true
  1316. learm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1317. light(learm)
  1318. learm.Parent = md
  1319. local riarm ="Part")
  1320. riarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  1321. riarm.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1322. riarm.CanCollide = false
  1323. riarm.Locked = true
  1324. light(riarm)
  1325. riarm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1326. riarm.Parent = md
  1327. local leleg ="Part")
  1328. leleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  1329. leleg.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1330. leleg.CanCollide = false
  1331. leleg.Locked = true
  1332. light(leleg)
  1333. leleg.BottomSurface = 0
  1334. leleg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1335. leleg.Parent = md
  1336. local rileg ="Part")
  1337. rileg.Name = "Right Leg"
  1338. rileg.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1339. rileg.CanCollide = false
  1340. rileg.Locked = true
  1341. light(rileg)
  1342. rileg.BottomSurface = 0
  1343. rileg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1344. rileg.Parent = md
  1345. local tor ="Part")
  1346. tor.Name = "Torso"
  1347. tor.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  1348. tor.Locked = true
  1349. light(tor)
  1350. tor.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1351. tor.LeftSurface, tor.RightSurface = "Weld", "Weld"
  1352. tor.Parent = md
  1353. md.PrimaryPart = hrpa
  1354. md:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cfrem)
  1355. md:makeJoints()
  1356. makejoint(hrpa, RootJointC0, RootJointC1, hrpa, tor, "RootJoint")
  1357. makejoint(tor, NeckC0, NeckC1, tor, hd, "Neck")
  1358. if rags == true then
  1359. makegloo(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
  1360. makegloo(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
  1361. makegloo(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
  1362. makegloo(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
  1363. maketouchy(riarm, riarm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1364. maketouchy(learm, learm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1365. maketouchy(leleg, leleg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1366. maketouchy(rileg, rileg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1367. elseif rags == false then
  1368. makejoint(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
  1369. makejoint(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
  1370. makejoint(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
  1371. makejoint(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
  1372. hu.PlatformStand = false
  1373. end
  1374. nscale.Value = 1
  1375. hu.Touched:connect(function(tpart, uwot)
  1376. if tagbomb.Value == true and tpart.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent.Parent ~= md then
  1377. tagbomb.Value = false
  1378. hu.Health = 0
  1379. local derp ="Explosion")
  1380. derp.BlastPressure = 200
  1381. derp.BlastRadius = 8
  1382. derp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
  1383. derp.ExplosionType = 2
  1384. derp.Visible = true
  1385. derp.Position = uwot.Position -, 0.5, 0)
  1386. derp.Parent = workspace
  1387. game.Debris:AddItem(md, 8)
  1388. end
  1389. end)
  1390. return md
  1391. end
  1392. function makecircle(cfrem, scalo)
  1393. local mcir1 ="Part")
  1394. mcir1.Anchored = true
  1395. mcir1.CanCollide = false
  1396. mcir1.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  1397. mcir1.Transparency = 1
  1398. mcir1.CFrame = cfrem
  1399. mcir1.Parent = modz
  1400. game.Debris:AddItem(mcir1, 8)
  1401. local d1 ="Decal")
  1402. d1.Texture = "rbxassetid://10605252"
  1403. d1.Face = "Front"
  1404. d1.Parent = mcir1
  1405. local d2 ="Decal")
  1406. d2.Texture = "rbxassetid://0"
  1407. d2.Face = "Back"
  1408. d2.Parent = mcir1
  1409. local bme ="BlockMesh")
  1410. bme.Parent = mcir1
  1411. for _ = 1, 9 do
  1412. swait()
  1413. bme.Scale = bme.Scale:lerp( * scalo, 35 * scalo, 0), 0.3)
  1414. end
  1415. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1416. swait(15)
  1417. for _ = 1, 12 do
  1418. swait()
  1419. d1.Transparency = d1.Transparency + 0.08
  1420. d2.Transparency = d2.Transparency + 0.08
  1421. end
  1422. mcir1:Destroy()
  1423. end))
  1424. return mcir1
  1425. end
  1426. function spawnnoob(circlecf, noobcf, scalez, ragd)
  1427. local aearae = makecircle(circlecf, scalez)
  1428. local nananb
  1429. if ragd then
  1430. nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, true)
  1431. elseif not ragd then
  1432. nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, false)
  1433. end
  1434. return nananb
  1435. end
  1436. function tagexplode(partoz, magn, bombdelay)
  1437. for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1438. if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy.Name == "Skid" and guy.Name == "Dummy" and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude then
  1439. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1440. swait(bombdelay * 0)
  1441. guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").tagbomb.Value = true
  1442. end))
  1443. end
  1444. end
  1445. end
  1446. function hito(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot)
  1447. for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1448. if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
  1449. do
  1450. local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1451. local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1452. humz:TakeDamage(dmg)
  1453. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  1454. delay(debtim, function()
  1455. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  1456. end)
  1457. local db ="StringValue")
  1458. db.Name = "alabo"
  1459. db.Parent = horp
  1460. delay(debtim, function()
  1461. db:Destroy()
  1462. end)
  1463. local b ="Part")
  1464. nooutline(b)
  1465. b.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  1466. b.Transparency = 0
  1467. b.Anchored = true
  1468. b.CanCollide = false
  1469. b.Material = "Neon"
  1470. b.BrickColor ="Forest green")
  1471. b.Locked = true
  1472. b.CFrame = horp.CFrame *, 1), rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-1, 1))*CFrame.Angles(math.random(1412),math.random(423532),math.random(1312))
  1473. b.Parent = modz
  1474. local c ="SpecialMesh")
  1475. c.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1476. c.Scale =, 3.5, 3.5)
  1477. c.Parent = b
  1478. game.Debris:AddItem(b, 1)
  1479. if bodyfdire then
  1480. local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
  1481. boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
  1482. boopyve.P = 9999999999
  1483. boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
  1484. boopyve.Parent = horp
  1485. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, debtim)
  1486. end
  1487. if bodyrot then
  1488. local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  1489. boopyro.MaxTorque =, 999999, 999999)
  1490. boopyro.P = math.huge
  1491. boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
  1492. boopyro.Parent = horp
  1493. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
  1494. end
  1495. local bet ="Sound")
  1496. bet.Pitch = rd2(9, 11) / 10
  1497. bet.Volume = rd2(12, 14) / 10
  1498. bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  1499. bet.Parent = b
  1500. bet:Play()
  1501. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1502. for _ = 1, 24 do
  1503. swait()
  1504. b.Transparency = b.Transparency + 0.08
  1505. c.Scale = c.Scale + * dmg, .8 * dmg, .8 * dmg)
  1506. end
  1507. end))
  1508. end
  1509. end
  1510. end
  1511. end
  1512. function cleannoobs()
  1513. for _, nib in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1514. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1515. if nib.Name == "Noob" then
  1516. if nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  1517. local g ="Part")
  1518. g.CanCollide, g.Anchored = false, true
  1519. g.Transparency = 1
  1520. g.CFrame = nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
  1521. g.Parent = workspace
  1522. game.Debris:AddItem(g, 3.5)
  1523. local sou ="Sound")
  1524. sou.Pitch = 0
  1525. sou.Volume = 3
  1526. sou.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  1527. sou.Parent = g
  1528. local pe ="ParticleEmitter")
  1529. pe.Acceleration =, 8, 0)
  1530. pe.Lifetime =, 1.5)
  1531. pe.Rate = 0.005
  1532. pe.RotSpeed =, 30)
  1533. pe.Rotation =, 360)
  1534. pe.Size ={
  1535., 4.38, 0),
  1536., 4.14, 0),
  1537., 1.48, 0)
  1538. })
  1539. pe.Texture = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  1540. pe.Transparency ={
  1541., 0, 0),
  1542., 0.3, 0),
  1543., 1, 1)
  1544. })
  1545. pe.ZOffset = 5
  1546. pe.Enabled = true
  1547. pe.VelocitySpread = 360
  1548. pe.Parent = g
  1549. swait(5)
  1550. pe:Emit(6)
  1551. sou:Play()
  1552. end
  1553. nib:Destroy()
  1554. end
  1555. end))
  1556. end
  1557. end
  1558. function animo(yep)
  1559. if yep == true then
  1560. anim.Parent = human
  1561. chr.Animate.Disabled = false
  1562. elseif yep == false then
  1563. chr.Animate.Disabled = true
  1564. anim.Parent = nil
  1565. end
  1566. end
  1567. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1568. if key == "r" then
  1569. test()
  1570. end
  1571. if key == "m" then
  1572. lauf()
  1573. end
  1574. if key == "c" then
  1575. ham()
  1576. end
  1577. if key == "x" then
  1578. bat()
  1579. end
  1580. if key == "l" and selected == true then
  1581. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, true)
  1582. end
  1583. if key == "h" and selected == true then
  1584. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 60, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 10, true)
  1585. end
  1586. if key == "k" and selected == true then
  1587. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, false)
  1588. end
  1589. if key == "p" then
  1590. cleannoobs()
  1591. end
  1592. if key == "e" then
  1593. local so ="Sound",plr.Character)
  1594. so.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  1595. so.Volume = 10
  1596. so:Play()
  1597. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient =,0,0)
  1598. game:GetService("Lighting").Brightness = 0
  1599. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "00:00:00"
  1602. wait(2)
  1603. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.SB_DataTransfer.SB_CommandRemote.Value = "g/fl"
  1604. HName.Text = "BAN HAMMER GUY"
  1605. end
  1606. if key == "z" then
  1607. if selected == false or activu == true then
  1608. return
  1609. end
  1610. if human.WalkSpeed == 25 then
  1611. human.WalkSpeed = 100
  1612. human.JumpPower = 125
  1613. else
  1614. human.WalkSpeed = 25
  1615. human.JumpPower = 50
  1616. end
  1617. end
  1618. end)
  1619. tool.Equipped:connect(function()
  1620. selected = true
  1621. end)
  1622. tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
  1623. selected = false
  1624. end)
  1625. animo(false)
  1626. human.WalkSpeed = 25
  1627. sine = 0
  1628. charge = 1
  1629. cos = math.cos
  1630. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  1631. if ragged == false and activu == false then
  1632. local checkfloor =,, -5, 0))
  1633. local checkpart = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(checkfloor, {chr}, false, false)
  1634. local checkstate = human:GetState()
  1635. if checkstate.Value == 13 then
  1636. animpose = "Sitting"
  1637. elseif hrp.Velocity.y > 1 and checkpart == nil then
  1638. animpose = "Jumping"
  1639. elseif hrp.Velocity.y < -1 and checkpart == nil then
  1640. animpose = "Falling"
  1641. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 2 then
  1642. animpose = "Idle"
  1643. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 40 then
  1644. animpose = "Walking"
  1645. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude > 40 then
  1646. animpose = "TooFast"
  1647. end
  1648. if animpose == "Idle" then
  1649. sine = sine + charge
  1650. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.05 * cos(sine / 40), 0, -0.05 - 0.05 * cos(sine / 20)) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1651. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(4 + 2 * cos(sine / 20)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1652. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(10)), 0.3)
  1653. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1654. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(100), rd(-40), rd(-32)), 0.3)
  1655. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1656. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), 0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-5), rd(1)), 0.3)
  1657. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1658. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), -0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(5), rd(1)), 0.3)
  1659. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1660. end
  1661. if animpose == "Walking" then
  1662. sine = sine + charge
  1663. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0 * cos(sine / 4)) * ang(rd(20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 80), 0), 0.3)
  1664. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-2), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1665. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-20)), 0.6)
  1666. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1667. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(100), rd(-40), rd(-32)), 0.6)
  1668. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1669. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-60 * cos(sine / 8))), 0.6)
  1670. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1671. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-60 * cos(sine / 8))), 0.6)
  1672. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1673. end
  1674. if animpose == "Jumping" then
  1675. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1676. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1677. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  1678. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1679. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
  1680. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1681. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-20), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  1682. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1683. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(15)), 0.3)
  1684. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1685. end
  1686. if animpose == "Falling" then
  1687. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1688. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1689. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  1690. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1691. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
  1692. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1693. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-15), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  1694. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1695. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(15), rd(15)), 0.3)
  1696. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1697. end
  1698. if animpose == "TooFast" then
  1699. sine = sine + charge
  1700. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.35 * cos(sine / 2)) * ang(rd(30), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 2)), 0.3)
  1701. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15 - 5 * cos(sine / 2)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1702. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-80)), 0.6)
  1703. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1704. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(110), rd(-40), rd(-35)), 0.6)
  1705. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1706. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-60 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  1707. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1708. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-60 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  1709. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1710. end
  1711. if animpose == "Sitting" then
  1712. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1713. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1714. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  1715. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1716. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
  1717. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1718. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  1719. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1720. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
  1721. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  1722. end
  1723. end
  1724. end)
  1725. if plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand == true then
  1726. plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1727. end
  1728. plr.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  1729. s:Stop()
  1730. HName.TextColor3 ="Hot white").Color
  1731. HName.Text = "R.I.P"
  1732. local f ="Explosion",plr.Character.Torso)
  1733. f.Position = plr.Character.Torso.Position
  1734. f.BlastRadius = 0
  1735. local m ="Sound",Workspace)
  1736. m.SoundId = "rbxassetid://147722910"
  1737. m.Volume = 10
  1738. m:Play()
  1739. end)
  1740. --------------------------Gui---------------------------
  1741. makeframe = function(par, trans, pos, size, color)
  1742. local frame ="Frame", par)
  1743. frame.BackgroundTransparency = trans
  1744. frame.BorderSizePixel = 1
  1745. frame.BorderColor3 = BrickColor.Black().Color
  1746. frame.Position = pos
  1747. frame.Size = size
  1748. frame.BackgroundColor3 ="Forest green").Color
  1749. frame.ZIndex = 5
  1750. return frame
  1751. end
  1753. makelabel = function(par, text)
  1754. local label ="TextLabel", par)
  1755. label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1756. label.Size = ud(1, 0, 1, 0)
  1757. label.Position = ud(0, 0, 0, 0)
  1758. label.TextColor3 = c3(1,1,1)
  1759. label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1760. label.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1761. label.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi
  1762. label.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1763. label.TextScaled = true
  1764. label.Text = text
  1765. end
  1766. ----------------------------------------------
  1767. local scrn ="ScreenGui", p.PlayerGui)
  1768. ud =
  1769. c3 =
  1771. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.150,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1772. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1773. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[Q]:Automatic Attack (Hold)")
  1775. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.190,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1776. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1777. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[E]:WRONG HAWSE DUD")
  1779. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.230,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1780. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1781. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[R]:Ragdoll")
  1783. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.270,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1784. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1785. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[Z]:Speed")
  1787. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.310,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1788. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1789. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[C]:BAN HAMMER GUY Hammer")
  1791. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.350,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1792. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1793. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[K]:No Ragdoll Dummy")
  1795. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.390,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1796. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1797. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[L]:Ragdoll Dummy")
  1799. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.430,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.03, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1800. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1801. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "[H]:Big Dummy")
  1803. Manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.8125,0,0.470,0), ud(0.19, 0, 0.17, 0), c3(0,0,0))
  1804. Manacover = makeframe(Manabar, 0.5, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(1, 0, 1, 0), c3(0, 0, 0))
  1805. Manatext = makelabel(Manabar, "PUT DIS SH!T TO CJ'S FACE PLES!")
  1806. warn'<Script>[Anti Sent To Local]:Connect!'
  1807. warn'<Script>:Welcome!'
  1808. -----------------------------------------------------------------
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