

Jun 6th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. Prefix: &cReward &7>&6> &e
  3. Percentage: 0.5
  4. #Set to TRUE if you want broadcast, set to false if you want no broadcast
  5. BroadcastTF: true
  6. BroadcastMessage: &c%player% &ereceived a reward from mining!
  7. #Add blocks you would like
  8. Block1: iron ore
  9. Block2: diamond ore
  10. Block3: gold ore
  11. Block4: emerald ore
  12. #Rewards
  13. Reward1: diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3, unbreaking 2 named "&cReward &7>&6> &ePickaxe"
  14. Reward2: diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5, unbreaking 2, fortune 1 named "&cReward &7>&6> &ePickaxe"
  15. Reward3: 10 diamonds
  16. Reward4: 25 diamonds
  17. Reward5: 25 emeralds
  18. Reward6: 10 emeralds
  19. #messages
  20. RewardMessage1: &cGood Game! &fYou have received a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 3 and unbreaking 2!
  21. RewardMessage2: &cGood Game! &fYou have received a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 5, unbreaking 2 and fortune 1!
  22. RewardMessage3: &cGood Game! &fYou have found 10 diamonds!
  23. RewardMessage4: &cGood Game! &fYour luck has rewarded you with &c25 &fdiamonds!
  24. RewardMessage5: &cGood Game! &fYour luck has rewarded you with &c25 &femeralds!
  25. RewardMessage6: &cGood Game! &fYou have found 10 emeralds!
  27. on mine of {@Block1} or {@Block2} or {@Block3} or {@Block4}:
  28. chance of {@Percentage}%:
  29. if "{@BroadcastTF}" is "true" or "True" or "TRUE":
  30. broadcast "{@Prefix}{@BroadcastMessage}"
  31. set {_MineRewards} to a random integer between 1 and 6
  32. if {_MineRewards} is 1:
  33. give {@Reward1} to player
  34. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage1}"
  35. stop
  36. if {_MineRewards} is 2:
  37. give {@Reward2} to player
  38. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage2}"
  39. stop
  40. if {_MineRewards} is 3:
  41. give {@Reward3} to player
  42. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage3}"
  43. stop
  44. if {_MineRewards} is 4:
  45. give {@Reward4} to player
  46. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage4}"
  47. stop
  48. if {_MineRewards} is 5:
  49. give {@Reward5} to player
  50. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage5}"
  51. stop
  52. if {_MineRewards} is 5:
  53. give {@Reward5} to player
  54. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage5}"
  55. stop
  56. if {_MineRewards} is 6:
  57. give {@Reward6} to player
  58. message "{@Prefix}{@RewardMessage6}"
  59. stop
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