

Feb 26th, 2015
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  1. [22:19] * @GreenLight facehooves "Dammit, s-supposed to wait till we saw if she was still under the effect of the spe- Oh, never mind." He holds a hoof gingerly in front of Ink's chest, should she try to get up
  2. [22:19] * Star_ wiggles a bit, tying to figure out how to get outta this damn sheet...
  3. [22:19] * Steel_Guitar pulls the sheet off Star, staring at him intently for a minute
  4. [22:20] <14Star_> "Haah, thanks for the he--" he stops, dead in his tracks, and backs up. "...I, uh..."
  5. [22:21] * Steel_Guitar savagely slaps Star across the face
  6. [22:21] <09@GreenLight> "...Well deserved, b-but please, try to keep it civil."
  7. [22:21] <14Steel_Guitar> "Leave. I dont want to see your face for a while."
  8. [22:21] * Inkwell lays back and settles her breathing. She hears Star's voice and snarls a bit, "I'm fine... but... Star?" She leans up, and the stare she give shows that she's completely serious, "If you do that... to anybody ever again... I'm going to saw that fucking horn right off your head..." She collapses back down.
  9. [22:21] * Steel_Guitar points to the door
  10. [22:21] * Star_ turns quickly, just taking it. "Ssssssssssyeah. I. Deserved that..."
  11. [22:22] * @GreenLight takes a biiig sigh of relief before glaring at Star "I think that's fair, what on EARTH were you thinking?"
  12. [22:23] <14Star_> "I was...just...I dunno! I wanted to test myself, y'know? And I didn't see any other way I could test a spell like that. It's not like I can just ask a pony if I can make them fear me."
  13. [22:24] <14Kaiasha> [Star_ You should never use a spell like that on other sentient beings, morally speaking]
  14. [22:24] <14Dreamcatcher> [Star's too adorable to fear~]
  15. [22:24] <14Enoka> [> it's worse to do it without telling the pony]
  16. [22:24] * Steel_Guitar turns away "I thought I told you to LEAVE."
  17. [22:24] <14Enoka> [you were better off asking]
  18. [22:24] <03GreenHoof> [OOC pls]
  19. [22:25] * @GreenLight frowns even more "Wanted to test- For fuck's sake Star, listen to yourself! You sound like a Sociopath!"
  20. [22:25] * Inkwell blasts forward in Green's grip, "DON'T YOU FUCKING JUSTIFY IT!" She nearly collapses again, "No mind fucking spells EVER on a friendly!"
  21. [22:25] * @GreenLight yelps but holds on, firmly restraining Ink till she collapses once more "...You two deserve some time together, I'll chat outside with star."
  22. [22:26] * Star_ holds his book above his face defensively in his magic. "I'm sorry, okay?! I'm gonna leave without causing any more problems!" He backs out of the door, hoping not to take anymore hits from the enraged Steel.
  23. [22:27] * Mary_ONette picks up her puppet and steps aside
  24. [22:27] * Steel_Guitar collapses to Ink confidently before collapsing into her, weeping
  25. [22:27] * @GreenLight leads Star out, closing the door behind them before puffing his chest up, scrunching it against Star as the comically smaller pegasus drives the bigger unicorn backwards "Do you have ANY idea what you could've done if I didn't get lucky with that smelling salt?"
  26. [22:28] * Enoka comes back into the clinic as she looks and sees Green and Star
  27. [22:29] * Mary_ONette was about to go to the lobby to sit down and bug a nurse until she sees Light puffing out his chest and tries not to giggle
  28. [22:29] * Star_ walks backwards away from the stallion, stumbling and falling onto his rump with the book in front of him in defense. "I-I know, I know. I really screwed up here, and I get that. Next time, I'll just...go out and talk to somebody at the Vault about this kinda thing."
  29. [22:30] * Inkwell pets Steel's mane and pulls her close, "I-I'm okay... It's okay... " She tears up a bit, "D-Don't cry, you'll make me cry..."
  30. [22:30] * Dreamcatcher rolls up to the clinic in her usual bubbly mood after a nice day out in the winter weather. "Heeeeey~ I love you, air~"
  31. [22:30] * Enoka sees Star getting bitched into a corner, she smiles at the small stallion pushing up and snrks a bit
  32. [22:31] <14Steel_Guitar> "I...I thought you weren't coming...baaack...
  33. [22:31] * @GreenLight huffs, running into Star when he stumbles and shaking his head vigorously, still visibly upset. "I mean, did you NOT grasp the concept that mind spells can potentially, you know, FUCK UP SOMEONE'S MIND?"
  34. [22:31] <14Dreamcatcher> [W-wait, are Star and Green outside or]
  35. [22:31] <14Kaiasha> [There's this trope here, It reads: Do not piss off the nice ones. Congratulations star, you pissed off Greenlight]
  36. [22:32] * @GreenLight thwaps Star's horn with his hoof, growling, albeit not in a totally fear-inducing way. "Those upper horse head dildos AREN'T toys, and it BAFFLES me how you thought TESTING on a FRIEND was even a possibility!"
  37. [22:32] * Star_ looks down and just drops the book in his lap. "..."
  38. [22:32] <14Mary_ONette> [yeah they're outside down the hallway]
  39. [22:32] <14Dreamcatcher> [Oh.]
  40. [22:33] <03GreenHoof> [We need to ban horns. Gotta keep the rest of the unicorns back with the 'slowest members of society' :^) ]
  41. [22:33] * Star_ winces as Light hits his horn. "Well, I was...I..." the stallion scrunches up his muzzle and rubs his face. "..."
  42. [22:34] * Enoka watches this, Greenlight could be a bit scary if he wants but she hasn't seen this and Star looks terrified and she just looks at Star hoping her sees her mouthing "Stop talking"
  43. [22:34] <14Enoka> he
  44. [22:34] <14Mary_ONette> "Enoka, lobby."
  45. [22:35] <14Enoka> [I hope you read and saw i mouthed that]
  46. [22:35] <09@GreenLight> "Yeah, I agree, your hooves are the LAST ones that should even touch that book, because clearly you aren't smart enough to recognize what power you have."
  47. [22:35] * Dreamcatcher rolls into the lobby, as bubbly as fuck as usual. "Oh, Liveeey, you here?~"
  48. [22:36] <09@GreenLight> *It is Liven's day off, the nurse attending the front tells Dream!*
  49. [22:36] * Aurora is now known as Ambience
  50. [22:36] <14Ambience> "he isn't here"
  51. [22:36] * Ambience is now known as Aurora
  52. [22:36] <14Enoka> "me can just imagine a serious tense conversation then dream just skipping past everything with roses and flowers and confetti coming out of her
  53. [22:37] <09@GreenLight> "Or, no, actually, I HOPE you aren't smart enough to recognize that, because if you were and did it ANYWAY..."
  54. [22:37] * @GreenLight takes a biiig, deep breath, fuming internally and externally
  55. [22:37] * Inkwell brings Steel close and can't stop the tears now, she giggles quietly, trying to make light of things, "I-I'm here Steel... I'm here..."
  56. [22:37] * Dreamcatcher scrunches so hard her face is consumed by itself. "Oh. Fuk." She starts to turn for the door.
  57. [22:38] * Star_ leans back at Light's last remark, looking at him..then the book...and the stallion stands up, his magic glowing yellow. The book floats up and tucks itself into his shirt collar, and the stallion sighs as he turns and just....leaves.
  58. [22:39] * Enoka watches Star pass her
  59. [22:39] <14Enoka> "Where are you going....?"
  60. [22:39] * Steel_Guitar smiles through tears and kisses Ink briefly "Dont...dont that again."
  61. [22:39] * @GreenLight scowls, following quickly after. "And where do you think YOU'RE going with that book?"
  62. [22:39] * Star_ doesn't respond, stepping out the door and into the snow.
  63. [22:39] * Dreamcatcher scrunches, pushed out of the door by some drama. "G-guys, what?"
  64. [22:39] * Enoka is a bit interested as she slowly follows, or trailing to fast
  65. [22:39] <14Enoka> too
  66. [22:40] <14Enoka> not too fast
  67. [22:42] * Inkwell nods to Steel and sniffles a bit, "Y-yeah..."
  68. [22:43] <14Steel_Guitar> "Come on, lets get out of here...I hate hospitals."
  69. [22:44] * Inkwell gulps and nods slowly, "O-Okay..."
  70. [22:44] * Dreamcatcher frowns. "G-guys? I hate being out of the know."
  71. [22:44] * Steel_Guitar slowly picks up Ink and carries her out of the hospital
  72. [22:45] * Aurora is now known as Aurora[Sleepies]
  73. [22:45] * Inkwell shakes her head, looking tired, but amused, "I can walk silly..."
  74. [22:46] <14Steel_Guitar> "O-Okay."
  75. [22:47] * Mary_ONette puts her puppet away and heads home to check on Fox
  76. [22:47] * Inkwell leans against Steel as she exits the room. "Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it though..."
  77. [22:47] * Dreamcatcher scrunches, sighs, and trots out to follow the Green doctor who is also a pegasus who is also a pony.
  78. [22:45] * GreenHoof trots through townsquare, his saddlebags bulging with various tools and stuff as he grumbles about Rain sending him on errands all the time. Finding he's out of breath, the stallion huffs and plops onto a bench, hanging his head back and taking deep breaths.
  79. [22:45] <06Rain-Drop> [oi!]
  80. [22:45] <09@GreenLight> [heehee]
  81. [22:46] <06Rain-Drop> [It's not that bad yanno...gosh]
  82. [22:46] <03GreenHoof> [heeheeheehee~]
  83. [22:46] * Inkwell ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  84. [22:47] <14@Aurora[Sleepies]> *the bench creaks under Hoof's weight*
  85. [22:47] * @GreenLight takes a deep breath once more, following after the stylish unicorn. He flies over at one point, landing right in front of Star with his grumpy face. "No, seriously, where're you going with that book."
  86. [22:48] * Star_ walks past the inn, past his shop, past Orange's store, just...walking, as if he had no destination in mind. He can't think straight, knowing what he'd done, what he'd put those ponies through. Though the hoofmark on his cheek was quite the reminder of how angry he made one pony. And then the green pegasus he'd been trying to get away from lands right--
  87. [22:48] <14Star_> --in front him.
  88. [22:48] <14Star_> *in front of him.
  89. [22:49] * @GreenLight huffs, though partially since he had to catch his breath in the cold air.
  90. [22:49] * GreenHoof 's ears twitch as he hears a familiar voice, picking his head up and looking around for the source. He squints his eyes and sees GreenLight landing near Star, raising an eyebrow and standing up. The tired green earth pony sighs as he trots towards Light, wearing nothing but the crossbow strapped to his side.
  91. [22:50] * Dreamcatcher follows the Green Pegasus out of the clinic... until he starts to fly. Then she just kinda... trots under him for a bit, still tracing his path. "Guys...? What?"
  92. [22:50] * Star_ looks down at Greenlight, his yellow eyes filled with...some kind of emotion. Sadness? Regret?...something else? "...Why are you following me? I've done enough damage for one day."
  93. [22:51] * GreenHoof trots up to GreenLight's side, quietly watching and listening.
  94. [22:52] * Curious is now known as Curious|bed
  95. [22:53] <09@GreenLight> "Because you've done enough damage, but potentially more. You're lucky I'm not reporting this to the guard!" He stamps a hoof down angrily "I mean, surely you realize how serious that could've been?"
  96. [22:53] <09@GreenLight> [Pls respond with Airplane quote]
  97. [22:53] <14Star_> [Never watched Airplane]
  98. [22:53] <09@GreenLight> [:O\
  99. [22:53] <14+Curious|bed> *NPC chimes in with an angry glare "dont call me shirley...."*
  100. [22:53] <09@GreenLight> [Thanks bb]
  101. [22:54] * Star_ stomps a hoof down harder. "YES I know how serious that could've been!"
  102. [22:54] * Star_ realizes the outburst he made and lowers his ears. "I..."
  103. [22:54] <14+Curious|bed> *He scowls and marches off, personally offended, with magenta tail swashing about angrily*
  104. [22:54] <06Rain-Drop> [Except you don't~]
  105. [22:54] <06Rain-Drop> [whats happenin anyways?}
  106. [22:54] <14Star_> "I just want to get away from her."
  107. [22:54] * Dreamcatcher trots over to the scene with a frown. "Okay, guys...? The hell's going on?"
  108. [22:55] * Star_ sounds shaky, like he's trying so hard not to cry...
  109. [22:55] * @GreenLight shoots a look into Star's eyes, nothing really makes the green birdhorse upset, besides someone endangering a friend so recklessly.
  110. [22:55] * @GreenLight sees that and presses some more, frowning "Then surely you realize that you should NOT have that book in your possession!"
  111. [22:56] * GreenHoof folds his ears back at the sudden loudness and winces, suddenly realizing there was a situation going on. He frowns and looks to Light, then Star, but stays silent.
  112. [22:57] <09@GreenLight> "Look, I get that spells seem all cool, and awesome in their power... But TESTING harmful spells, that play with one's mind?"
  113. [22:57] <09@GreenLight> "On a FRIEND?"
  114. [22:57] <09@GreenLight> "During a SPAR?"
  115. [22:57] <14Enoka> [ok dude]
  116. [22:57] <14Enoka> [your dragging it a bit]
  117. [22:58] * Star_ sniffles as a tear streams down his face. "Light...I truly apologize for what happened. If I could take it all back, don't you think I would? To think that I sent a mare to the hospital! I would never in my LIFE want to do that, to anyone!"
  118. [22:59] <14Star_> "Magic is a potent, powerful, dangerous, potentially deadly force that a foolish user could kill with on a whim..."
  119. [22:59] <14Enoka> *Enoka grabs da popcorn for the new soap drama about two gay horses
  120. [22:59] * Star_ ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  121. [22:59] * GreenHoof raises an eyebrow, again wincing at Light's loudness. He can't remember ever seeing his pegasus friend so angry. He flops an ear over and speaks up, his voice quiet and meek. "What... happened?"
  122. [23:00] * Dreamcatcher points at Hoof. "Uh... What he said... I mean, I asked, like, twice..."
  123. [23:00] * Mary_ONette just walks pass the two ponies aywning a bit but stops
  124. [23:00] * Star_ ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  125. [23:01] * GreenHoof 's ears perk up again, just noticing Dreamcatcher before turning his attention back to Light and Star.
  126. [23:01] * @GreenLight quivers before righting himself up "Look, e-everyone messes up, alright? But the fact is, what you did is practically inexcusable! And makes me think that you're the last pony that should have their mitts on a powerful spellbook at the moment."
  127. [23:03] * Dreamcatcher frowns, turns to Star, and sees him on the brink of complete despair. "Well... Man, uh... Listen, Star... Wait, Light, you're saying this book has mind control spells in it? As in, magic we shouldn't have?"
  128. [23:03] <14Star_> "That's exactly my point, Light." The stallion stands firm. "I don't want to mess up. I want to learn how this works, and I want to control the powers I have, just as much as you want to control the powers you have. I can't give up this book, Light. Not when there's so much to learn, so many mistakes to prevent..."
  129. [23:04] * GreenHoof blinks, his head rearing back a bit. Inkwell, the mare he had befriended the other night? And sparring... The stallion already didn't have a high opinion of sparring, seeing it as relishing in the violence he'd tried to hard to get away from. Looking to Star and listening to him, he then looks back to Light to gauge his reaction. Regardless of the situation, he would stand by his green friend.
  130. [23:05] * @GreenLight is a passionate little fella, and is getting upset, perhaps too upset over this. But if it has something to do with the wellbeing of other ponies, you bet your ass he'll go berserk. "Oh, okay, like prevent what kind of mistake, again? Potentially scarring a friend on accident?"
  131. [23:05] <06Rain-Drop> ]um should i join in? I inda wanna but at the same time it seems like yall are occupado]
  132. [23:05] * Dreamcatcher shakes her head. "You know... If this book has stuff like mind control in it... You both know what we need to do."
  133. [23:05] <14Enoka> [just don't]
  134. [23:06] <14Enoka> [green has a cork up hos arse@₩
  135. [23:06] * Nova_Flux[FU] is now known as Nova_Take_Home_Exam
  136. [23:06] <03GreenHoof> [lrn2rp Enoka]
  137. [23:06] <06Rain-Drop> [test it on some one completly unknowingly? :D]
  138. [23:07] <14Mary_ONette> "Unless tha book can teach me to bring puppets to life without killing me I want nothing to do it. Also, next time use it on an enemy."
  139. [23:07] <14Enoka> [it's mag phone]
  140. [23:07] <14Enoka> [not meh durmb arse]
  141. [23:07] <06Rain-Drop> [man i wann bring up genjutsu in this but at the same time how is he supposed to use it on something that might wanna kill him if he not like able to practice?[
  142. [23:08] <09@GreenLight> "Did they even KNOW you were going to cast that spell, Star?"
  143. [23:09] * Star_ shakes his head. "I want to make sure I don't abuse this power. Today was a wake-up call for me, I should never have done something so stupid. But I can control this, and taking this book from me is going to lessen my control." He pauses, letting Green talk. "...she didn't know, how could she? She was just as surprised as the rest of us."
  144. [23:09] * Dreamcatcher looks at the two worriedly. "Uh... I'm usually against this, but... maybe we should dispose of this thing... Burn it, maybe." She sighs.
  145. [23:10] <14Star_> "We both have fields of study, you your medicine and me my magic. We both want to learn as much as we can about our fields so we don't make mistakes..."
  146. [23:11] * GreenHoof takes a deep breath through his nose and shifts his weight on his hooves. "Why don't you hand the book over; read and practice it under correct supervision. Could possibly learn more that way. But..." He shakes his head, his voice even, "Sounds like you're not ready to hold this by yourself yet. Light doesn't test medical procedures on unknowing people just to see if it would work."
  147. [23:11] * @GreenLight look turns even more upset, trying to control himself, steeling his breath. "So, to recap, you tried a potentially harmful spell, involving the MIND, on a friend during a friendly spar, without them knowing. And you claim that you should be the one that's mature and responsible enough to explore that?"
  148. [23:12] <09@GreenLight> "Don't, even-" He takes another breath, nodding to what Hoof's said
  149. [23:12] * Mary_ONette hads to the inn instead, she has a headach and wants tea
  150. [23:13] * Dreamcatcher shakes her head more and turns to Star and Hoof. "I mean, guys... Listen, if you hand the book to me... I can have it in the fireplace as soon as I get home. I mean... this sort of power.... should we have this?" Dream shakes her head. "I mean, we can talk about this civilized-like later, but... the book needs to go."
  151. [23:13] * GreenHoof furrows his brow, watching GreenLight trying to contain himself before looking back to Star. "Back home, where I was from, people had a right to own firearms until they proved they weren't responsible enough to weild that power. When you use your power to harm someone innocent, you've lost that right. And Star..." Hoof sighs through his nose, nodding towards Light. "you've lost that right."
  152. [23:15] * Star_ clutches his chest a little. "Look...I'd be fine with letting the book go to someone I can spend time with and learn spells together with. But...I can't just have it taken away forever. Not when the thing in life I'd been searching for all this time is finally within reach. Without magic, I...I have nothing. My life is empty."
  153. [23:16] <06Rain-Drop> [oh shit this is some prime time drama oing on here aint it? *munches nuts and dried fruits*
  154. [23:17] * @GreenLight frowns even more "You're a father and husband, to.. several ponies. Don't even use that as an excuse."
  155. [23:18] <14Dreamcatcher> "Star... you'll still have magic. We just won't have that kind, that dark kind... Which we shouldn't have. I just want to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Hell, I'm not afraid to say it... I mean, I think the town's fine as is..."
  156. [23:18] <14Mary_ONette> [Daaaaammmmnnn]
  157. [23:18] <14Dreamcatcher> "Now, just give me the book and we'll make sure this is done, end of it all." Dream tries to smile at Star.
  158. [23:20] * GreenHoof shakes his head. "No need to destroy it. It can be studied under the appropriate circumstances. But Star..." Hoof lowers his voice a bit, "you are handing that book over."
  159. [23:20] <03GreenHoof> "To GreenLight."
  160. [23:21] * @GreenLight squabbles internally for a second, but stays silent, keeping his eyes on Star
  161. [23:22] * Dreamcatcher shakes her head. "Hand it to me, Star. We can talk this over like civilized beings later. I mean, I understand you've still got feelings. Now, please..."
  162. [23:22] * +Curious|bed ( Quit (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
  163. [23:23] * Star_ gives a little sigh, and...takes the book out of his shirt. He looks it over, a few tears falling on it. "" The stallion gives the book to Greenlight and just...stands there.
  164. [23:24] <06Rain-Drop> [whoa]
  165. [23:24] * Dreamcatcher frowns. "We're making a huge mistake if we keep that... thing... intact."
  166. [23:24] <06Rain-Drop> [this is kinda...sad]
  167. [23:24] <14Star_> "...d...don't destroy it...please..." the stallion's head drops, and he struggles to stop shaking. "'s the only one I have...*sniff*...I gave it up, but please don't destroy it..."
  168. [23:25] * @GreenLight oofs slightly, the hefty book in his forelegs. He doesn't know what to say, but calms down something considerable. "No, we're not Dream. Magic is an amazing force to be studied, and we need to explore what this book has to offer..."
  169. [23:25] * @GreenLight sighs "Though Star won't touch it for ONE second, unless someone like Hoof or myself am watching."
  170. [23:26] * Dreamcatcher pats Star. "It's the only way, if we want to keep this town safe." She frowns at Green Light. "And you'll be the next one who nearly kills someone, or traumatizes someone, or... hell, maybe worse. Or someone else, or even me. It needs to go."
  171. [23:26] * GreenHoof frowns at Star, tilting his head a bit as a brief feeling of pity shoots through him. "It won't be. This won't be the last time you see this book," he says calmly and quietly, stooping his head down a bit and looking up into Star's eyes.
  172. [23:26] * Star_ backs away from Dream, as if contact from any of them would kill him instantly...
  173. [23:27] <09@GreenLight> "Uh, I don't exactly have a face dildo, Dream. And while Star does, we'll be sure he'll be smart about it from now on."
  174. [23:27] * Dreamcatcher shakes her head. "What if there's something in there for, say, people like you?" She sighs. "I swear... I can't feel safe with this stuff around. I won't be."
  175. [23:28] * GreenHoof gestures to Star with his muzzle, pointing down the road. "Go. To your family. They are what's important."
  176. [23:29] * GreenHoof turns to Dream with a tired sigh, resuming his position next to GreenLight. "Feelings don't matter, Dream. We have to be reasonable and logical about this, not burn things we don't understand at the first sign of trouble."
  177. [23:29] * Inkwell ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  178. [23:29] * Inkwell ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  179. [23:30] <14Star_> "...don't you dare tell me what's important..." the stallion growls, looking up to all three of them. Eye contact. He could daze them all. He knows the spell...
  180. [23:30] <09@GreenLight> [[DO IT :3]]
  181. [23:30] <03GreenHoof> [DO IT ANAKIN~]
  182. [23:30] <01Inkwell> [Mfw already corrupted]
  183. [23:30] <01Inkwell> [/me prepares the horn saw.]
  184. [23:30] * @GreenLight widens his eyes, scowling "Look, your children and partner..s... THEY'RE what matters, not this book!"
  185. [23:31] * Arc_Glow ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  186. [23:31] * Curious|mobile (~ZebraFone@2600:100a:b02b:d370:cbda:9dd:c36f:99c5) has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  187. [23:31] <14Arc_Glow> [popcorn intensifies]
  188. [23:31] * GreenHoof perks his ears up and looks over to Star with a raised eyebrow, his voice considerably less soft. "I think you'd better go home, Star."
  189. [23:32] * @GreenLight stands tall in an out of character burst of fierceness.
  190. [23:32] * Star_ lets his horn glow...but...he stops, thinking about what he's doing. That book. Power. It's made him...different. And then he thinks back to the 10 seconds directly after he cast the spell on Inkwell. He looked down at her...and smiled. He was power-hungry. He shakes his head, and the magic fades.
  191. [23:33] * @GreenLight looks at that horn light up, shuddering slightly but staying steadfast, even after the magic faded. "Go. Home."
  192. [23:34] <14Mary_ONette> [so do I gotta kill someone?]
  193. [23:34] <09@GreenLight> [Nah, Ink and her horn saw would suffice.]
  194. [23:34] * GreenHoof 's hoof slowly drifts towards the grip of his crossbow as Star's horn glows, but nonchalantly brings it to scratch his side when he powers it down. He stands next to GreenLight, his shorter form coming up quite a bit less than the proud standing pegasus. He lets out a brief cough into his hoof, suddenly looking very tired.
  195. [23:35] <09@GreenLight> [[>tfw Star didn't go all Anakin]]
  196. [23:35] * Star_ chuckles a little at himself. The Star that smiled at the crumpled Inkwell. The Star that almost mentally stunned his friends. "...y-yeah. I should...go home."
  197. [23:35] * Dreamcatcher turns to Hoof. "So you suggest actively taking from something that could easily cause a significant amount of trauma to a significant amount of people? This will not end well," Dream warns. "This won't work at all."
  198. [23:35] <01Inkwell> [/me isn't kidding she'll really lop your horn off]
  199. [23:36] <06Rain-Drop> [psst Inky]
  200. [23:36] <06Rain-Drop> [I heard you got nockered while racing Chinook~]
  201. [23:36] * Star_ turns slowly and walks, leaving the three and the book behind.
  202. [23:36] * @GreenLight grits his teeth, pointing with a wing. "And *think* about your priorities."
  203. [23:36] <06Rain-Drop> [/me is uncontested champ in that regard~]
  204. [23:37] <01Inkwell> [We went 1-1]
  205. [23:38] * Mary_ONette is a little better that she had her tea and proceeds to walk home yawning to herself, she walks pass the greens and Dream, yawning a hello.
  206. [23:39] * @GreenLight weakly waves hello, deadpanning before stuffing the hella big book in his saddlebags, giving a look to Hoof. An 'I need to process this with a beer' look.
  207. [23:39] <06Rain-Drop> [Well you were kinda salty bout it when you lost the first time!]
  208. [23:39] <06Rain-Drop> [also i'm kinda hyped to run and race noaw]
  209. [23:39] <03GreenHoof> "And Star?" The grizzled stallion calls out in a rasp, "Light that horn up at my family like that again and you'll wish you were in a fuckin' sparring match."
  210. [23:39] <06Rain-Drop> [#shotsfired!]
  211. [23:40] <06Rain-Drop> [Holy shit Hoof, god damn...that was kinda hot to be honest...]
  212. [23:40] * Dreamcatcher looks at Light, obviously trying to restrain a hidden urge. She grits her teeth, saying something, but shakes her head.
  213. [23:40] <09@GreenLight>
  214. [23:40] <03GreenHoof> [hot?]
  215. [23:41] <09@GreenLight> [It was hella manly yo]
  216. [23:41] <01Inkwell> [They're right you know]
  217. [23:41] * Orange_Burst ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  218. [23:42] * @GreenLight quivers in his spot, the adrenaline slowly fading away leaving the pegasus a ball of anxiety
  219. [23:42] <01Inkwell> [And Rain, Inky would be really salty if she lost a race]
  220. [23:42] <01Inkwell> [Which is why she was]
  221. [23:42] * Inkwell is now known as Inky-Fud
  222. [23:42] <14Curious|mobile> [Guess you fillies need a real challenge~]
  223. [23:43] * GreenHoof turns to GreenLight, taking a deep breath and draping a hoof over his shoulders as he stands up, partly for Light's sake and partly to bring the little stallion to his hooves. "Did good, Light," he mutters, patting him across the shoulders.
  224. [23:44] * Dreamcatcher turns to Hoof and shakes her head, her eyes filled with intense anger. "And you say you condemn violence while you defend a book that can only harm," Dream says in a low growl. She turns to Light. "If I ever see that book... It will be burnt."
  225. [23:46] * @GreenLight jumps slightly at Hoof's pat, calming himself down "H-heh, thanks, don't know what came over me!" He takes another small breath before nodding to Dream "Fair enough, but we don't know if this book can only harm... If it does, though, I would reconsider your suggestion."
  226. [23:47] * GreenHoof swivels his head to look at Dream, his green eyes just full of exhaustion. "Saying it can *only* harm is quite a claim. We have to be rational about this, ma'am. If it turns out it needs to be destroyed, it will be," he says quietly and calmly, looking to Light again. "I think you... could use a beer."
  227. [23:48] <09@GreenLight> "YesIthinkthat'sfairlyobvious."
  228. [23:49] * Dreamcatcher suddenly lifts up a hoof... before lowering it. "Don't you ever call me 'ma'am' ever again, Hoof. Don't visit my family, don't visit my house, nothing." She growls and turns back, away from the scene. "Same goes for you, Light. Outside of work..." She shakes her head.
  229. [23:50] * @GreenLight blinks, taking another deep breath and looking up to Hoof. "So, that beer."
  230. [23:50] <06Rain-Drop> [Whoa]
  231. [23:50] * GreenHoof pats Light on the shoulder again and gives a dry chuckle, mostly for his friend's sake. He opens his mouth to say something to him, but turns to Dream instead, blinking in bemused surprise. He looks to Light again with a smirk, nodding. "Right. Let's go."
  232. [23:50] <06Rain-Drop> [This is grounds for like...blood fued shit here man]
  233. [23:50] <03GreenHoof> [It would be if Hoof gave a fuck]
  234. [23:51] <09@GreenLight> ^
  235. [23:52] * @GreenLight tiredly hops onto Hoof's back for the ride
  236. [23:53] <14Star_> [Pssssh, ain't gonna be no blood feud]
  237. [23:53] <09@GreenLight> [Rain meant Dream, hue]
  238. [23:54] * GreenHoof smiles up at his, for all intents and purposes, brother, his face, though tired, appeared slightly more youthful and content than usual. He trots off towards the farms, his bulging saddlebags clanking a bit along with the crossbow on his side.
  239. [23:54] <14Dreamcatcher> [There will be here~]
  240. [23:54] <09@GreenLight> [Till you explain to Liven lel]
  241. [23:54] <03GreenHoof> [Rain meant with Dream, yeah. Hoof doesn't take the Star thing personally. Or the Dream thing, hue]
  242. [23:55] * Enoka ( Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  243. [23:55] <09@GreenLight> [/me doesn't either]
  244. [23:55] * Direct_Current ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  245. [23:56] <14Dreamcatcher> [Well, this is a relationship-breaking tier thing to Dream]
  246. [23:57] <03GreenHoof> [oopsies~ :3]
  247. [23:57] <09@GreenLight> [;3]
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