

May 26th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. name:Race to the Finish
  3. by:Quinn
  4. desc:A speedrun clicker game to race your friends!
  5. created:5/26/2018
  7. Settings
  8. building cost increase:110%
  9. building cost refund:100%
  10. stylesheet:stuff/bigBlue.css
  11. Layout
  12. use default
  14. Buttons
  15. *currencyButton
  16. name:Get some currency.
  17. desc:Click this button to start getting currency.
  18. on click:yield 1 currency
  19. no text
  20. no text
  21. class:bigButton hasFlares
  22. icon class:shadowed
  23. tooltip origin:bottom
  24. icon:
  25. Resources
  26. *currency
  27. name:Currency
  28. desc:This is your currency, get as much as possible to win!
  29. show earned
  30. Buildings
  32. on click:anim glow
  33. *currencyproducer|currencyproducers
  34. name:Currency Producer|Currency Producers
  35. desc:Produces currency at a slowish rate.
  36. cost:10 currency
  37. on tick:yield 0.5 currency
  38. unlocked
  39. *currencycreator|currencycreators
  40. name:Currency Creator|Currency Creators
  41. desc:Creates currency at a better rate, but a bit to slow.
  42. cost:100 currency
  43. on tick:yield 5 currency
  44. unlocked
  45. req:80 currency:earned
  46. *currencymachine|currencymachines
  47. name:Currency Machine|Currency Machines
  48. desc:Produces currency at a decent rate.
  49. cost:1100 currency
  50. on tick:yield 15 currency
  51. unlocked
  52. req:1000 currency:earned and currencycreator>0
  53. *currencyfactory|currencyfactories
  54. name:Currency Factory|Currency Factories
  55. desc:This building has one purpose to create and gift currency to you!
  56. cost:7200 currency
  57. on tick:yield 62 currency
  58. unlocked
  59. req:7000 currency:earned and currencymachine>0
  60. *upgradion|upgradions
  61. name:Upgradion|Upgradions
  62. desc:A split in the path! This building allows you to get upgrades to upgrade production.
  63. cost:22000 currency
  64. on tick:yield 105 currency
  65. unlocked
  66. req:curratron<1 and 20000 currency:earned and currencyfactory>0
  67. *curratron|curratrons
  68. name:Curratron|Curratrons
  69. desc:A split in the path! This building yields a ton of currency for faster production.
  70. cost:22000 currency
  71. on tick:yield 350 currency
  72. req:upgradion<1 and 20000 currency:earned and currencyfactory>0
  73. *currencypark|currencyparks
  74. name:Currency Park|Currency Parks
  75. desc:This park throws out daily currency onto itself.
  76. cost:55000 currency
  77. on tick:yield 868 currency
  78. req:50000 currency:earned and curratron>0
  79. Upgrades
  81. on click:anim glow
  83. *currencyinfluencer
  84. name:Currency Influencer
  85. desc:Makes it easier to obtain currency.
  86. cost:25 currency
  87. passive:multiply currency yield of currencyButton by 2
  88. *currencyenhancer
  89. name:Currency Enhancer
  90. desc:Makes it more easier to obtain currency.
  91. cost:80 currency
  92. passive:multiply currency yield of currencyButton by 3
  93. req:30 currency:earned
  94. *currencyenchant
  95. name:Currency Enchant
  96. desc:Makes it way more easier to obtain currency.
  97. cost:330 currency
  98. passive:multiply currency yield of currencyButton by 5
  99. req:200 currency:earned
  100. *speedenhancementI
  101. name:Speed Enhancement I
  102. desc:Increases speed of production.
  103. cost:400 currency
  104. passive:multiply yield of currency by 1.15
  105. req:200 currency:earned
  106. *speedenhancementII
  107. name:Speed Enhancement II
  108. desc:Increases speed of production.
  109. cost:4200 currency
  110. passive:multiply yield of currency by 1.4
  111. req:2000 currency:earned and speedenhancementI
  112. *speedenhancementIII
  113. name:Speed Enhancement III
  114. desc:Increases speed of production.
  115. cost:26000 currency
  116. passive:multiply yield of currency by 1.75
  117. req:upgradion>0 and speedenhancementII
  118. *speedenhancementIV
  119. name:Speed Enhancement IV
  120. desc:Increases speed of production.
  121. cost:120000 currency
  122. passive:multiply yield of currency by 2.15
  123. req:75000 currency:earned and speedenhancementIII
  124. *speedenhancementV
  125. name:Speed Enhancement V
  126. desc:Increases speed of production.
  127. cost:550000 currency
  128. passive:multiply yield of currency by 2.75
  129. req:300000 currency:earned and speedenhancementIV
  130. *additionalsavings
  131. name:Additional Savings
  132. desc:Gives you additional currency on tick.
  133. cost:500 currency
  134. on tick:yield 30 currency
  135. req:400 currency:earned
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