
Disgaea Valor 1-3

Jan 26th, 2016
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  2. Narrator: Then let us begin
  3. The year is 444 by the New Netherworld Calendar.
  4. All of you have been arrested on crimes either real or imagined.
  5. And are currently en route to the Netherworld's only Absolutely-Maximum Security prison.
  6. Nocebo: So basically, a cardboard box.
  7. Mannfred: worse. it's a milk crate
  8. Narrator: Currently, a prison transport boat.
  9. There are six of you crammed into this one.
  10. Death Flag: "I'm going to die there, aren't I? Prison."
  11. A warrior seems to be freaking out about his fate.
  12. Nocebo: "Nobody's gonna die, I'm a medical professional."
  13. Elly: "Somebody is going to die..."
  14. Death Flag: "Which one of you do I listen to!?"
  15. Mammon: "Me."
  16. "Because I have an important question."
  17. Mannfred: "Who cares about dying?! This is Absolute Maximum Security they're talking about! They'll tear you apart!"
  18. Mammon: "When you die, can I have your stuff?"
  19. Mannfred: "They'll tear me apart!"
  20. Death Flag: "I DON'T WANT TO DIE"
  21. "I'm too young and pretty to die!"
  22. Mammon: "Ehh."
  23. Nocebo: "Not if I get it first as payment for medical services, kukuku."
  25. Elly is holding a sign that reads [ 3 ]
  26. Mannfred: Don't you... "three" at me! I don't know about the rest of you people, but I know I don't belong on this boat, and I know I don't belong in prison!"
  27. Mammon: "Same here! I've been falsely accused!"
  28. Yakiba: "Remain calm, or death will only claim you more quickly."
  29. Death Flag: Death Flag is rigid at Yakiba's words.
  30. Mannfred: "I know, right? I tried to tell them I'd been framed, but they just smacked me in the face and dragged me off!"
  31. Elly: "...I belong here." She raises a finger to her hands, looking wistfully at the ceiling.
  32. Mammon: "A decent court would find that, technically, I did have no income last year."
  33. Nocebo: "You guys need to relax!"
  34. Mannfred: "I'm relaxed! I am the picture of tranquility over here!"
  35. Elly: (her chin)
  36. Nocebo: "This is a great opportunity to build up underworld contacts with guys that have huge muscles and connections to the Nether-yakuza."
  37. Elly: "Oh, really?" Her eyes light up at Nocebo's words.
  38. Nocebo: "And My last meat-shield died, and I need a replacement, so it's win-win!"
  39. Mannfred: "So you're saying we should dig ourselves in even deeper? Did you bump your head on the way here or something?"
  41. Nocebo checks the HP of everyone in this boat.
  42. Death Flag: Unfortunately, it seems everybody is topped off at the moment.
  43. Nocebo: Checking to see if anyone has really high HP so she can butter them up as a replacement meat-sheild :P
  44. Mammon: "Eh, she's right. The criminal underworld is nothing to be afraid of."
  45. Death Flag: (Nocebo has the highest health on the boat.)
  46. Mammon: "Unless you're not part of it."
  47. Death Flag: "I'm not a part of it though!"
  48. Mammon: "Sucks."
  49. Mannfred: "You can traffic with those scumbags all you want, but I've got a job and a cozy office to get back to!"
  50. Nocebo: "Shiv the biggest guy you can find, you'll be part of it in no time!"
  51. Mammon: "Seriously, though, what do you goton you?"
  52. Death Flag: "Y-You all seem pretty tough. Maybe I can just stick with you guys."
  53. Mammon: "Cigarettes? Good bartering on a cigarette."
  55. Mannfred is hyperventilating pretty badly
  56. Mannfred: "I think I need a cigarette right now."
  57. Death Flag: "My name is Death Flag. I, uh, don't smoke."
  58. "Which is what I was arrested for!"
  59. Elly: Are they in a holding cell?
  60. Mammon: "Nobody smokes in prison."
  61. "It's such a waste."
  62. Death Flag: They're in a transport barge.
  63. Nocebo: "Wait, your name is WHAT?"
  65. Nocebo moves away from him.
  66. Mammon: "You wouldn't set money on fire on the outside, would you?
  67. "
  68. Death Flag: Wow rude Nocebo
  70. Mannfred moves away, too
  71. Yakiba: "I would not normally say this so bluntly, but you are doomed."
  72. Death Flag: "Nooooooooo don't tell me that!"
  73. Nocebo: "Your parrents must have hated you...You lucky bastard."
  75. Nocebo has flashbacks to her terrible childhood.
  76. Death Flag: "Of course my parents hate me, I'm a demon!"
  77. Mammon: "Don't worry, buddy. I've still got your back."
  78. Yakiba: "More so than usual."
  79. Mammon: "Seriously though, personal effects?
  80. Anything?"
  81. Death Flag: "They took everything I had when I was arrested."
  82. Nocebo: "They did? I've still got my stuff."
  83. Mammon: "Ah, well, fuck it. You're doomed."
  84. Death Flag: "NOOOOOOO!"
  85. Nocebo: "I mean, they searched me, but I kept one step ahead of them."
  86. Mannfred: "I don't know what you did, but the image is already burned into my brain."
  87. "So, thanks for that."
  88. Yakiba: He chuckles softly. "All that I need is in my mind, and all around me."
  89. Narrator: There's a rumbling and shaking as the boat docks.
  90. Mammon: "Oh, god, you're one of THOS--"
  92. Mannfred spills his ass all over the floor. "Oof!"
  94. Nocebo was in a corner and thus is rocked, but not knocked over.
  96. Elly reaches over and grabs Nocebo, sharing her own fate with the other female in the area.
  98. Yakiba keeps stable footing and doesn't fall over.
  100. Mammon , the Netherworld's most adaptable mercenary, lands in a seated position on top of the people who did fall over.
  102. Nocebo puts an arm around Elly to help her keep her feet.
  103. Mannfred: "Hey! Get off me you greasy lout!"
  104. Mammon: "I'm not greasy, I'm just rugged."
  105. ?????: The boat captain's voice cuts in from the front. "Hope you all are ready. They portal ya directly out of the back, and I hear it's a doozy."
  106. "And if they mess up, sometimes ya wind up cut in half! Ahahahaha!!"
  107. "Classic."
  108. Mammon: "Ladies first."
  109. Elly: "...I think Death Flag should go first."
  110. Mammon: "Or that, yeah."
  111. Mannfred: "Just to see if it's safe."
  112. Nocebo: "Don't worry, if they screw up I can sew the halves back together and use ancient herbs to spead your recovery."
  113. Narrator: Unfortunately, they don't take you all in order. They do you all at once.
  114. A blue energy washes over the group-
  116. You're suddenly inside of a rather high-tech-looking prison. Guards line the walls.
  117. Death Flag is missing an arm.
  118. Mammon: "Wow, that actualy was faster than I expected."
  119. Death Flag: "UWAAAAAAGH"
  120. Mannfred: "Oh, quit whining! It could be a lot worse, yknow."
  121. Nocebo: "Stand back, I'm a doctor!"
  122. Elly: "Look, new people." She seems nonplussed by how disarmed Death Flag currently is.
  123. (not sorry)
  124. ?????: There are two non-standard guards in front of the group. Both with white hair. One's a kid-looking demon guy, and the other a terrifying girl with a giant iron club.
  125. The girl speaks up. "Stop being a wimp, wimp."
  126. Elly: "...I think that was his crime, actually..."
  127. Scorpion: "Let me be the first to welcome you." He seems to be ignoring. Most of the shenanigans. "To Death Death Prison."
  128. Death Flag: "MY ARM IS GONE"
  129. Mannfred: "And you're not going to get it back if you keep bitching about it!"
  130. Scorpion: "Unfortunately, anything left outside of the prison. Will never make it inside."
  131. Mammon: "Uhhh, Warden I'm guessing?"
  132. Scorpion: "And nothing that comes into this prison... Ever gets out, either."
  133. Mammon: "You should probably at least tourniquet that."
  134. Scorpion: "I'm the Vice-Warden of Death Death Prison, Scorpion."
  135. Mammon: "He's gonna get my shoes bloody."
  136. Scorpion: Ignoring their conversation again.
  138. Nocebo offers Death Flag a pill. "Here's a painkiller, you'll owe me.""
  140. Death Flag scarfs it down
  141. Elly: "And his screaming will be piercing all over the prison."
  142. "It will effect your sleep."
  143. Mannfred: "Speak for yourself. My eardrums are already shot."
  144. Scorpion: "....The Warden has a few words."
  145. Warden's Voice: An intercom crackles to life. "Hey, is this thing on?" A woman's voice.
  146. "Who's making that loud racket? Woke me from-" yawn "-my nap."
  147. Elly: "...told you."
  148. Warden's Voice: "Kill whoever it is. Warden, out."
  150. Nocebo backs up a step instead of offering further treatment.
  151. Warden's Voice: Silence from the intercom.
  153. Elly faces scrunches in horror.
  154. First Base: "WELL THEN." The girl is swinging around her impressive iron club with one hand.
  155. Death Flag: "No.... NOOO!!! I can't die like this...!"
  157. Nobody seems to be pursuing him, either!
  158. "I can- I can make it out of here...!" The main entrance is actually... just ahead...!
  159. However, as he reaches it-
  160. Narrator: 17 Death Death Prison vs Death Flag 5
  161. Mannfred: that's a lotta death
  162. Narrator: Critical hit, which means.... HE DEAD.
  163. Mammon: "Well."
  164. Yakiba: "May your next life be worse."
  165. Mammon: "That seemed excessive."
  166. Narrator: Death Flag is super dead as the main entrance is suddenly LASERS.
  167. Mannfred: "Did we have to watch it happen?"
  168. Scorpion: "Our defensive systems prevent any escape attempts."
  169. Nocebo: "Are you kidding? That was awesome."
  170. Mannfred: "I mean, I'm fine with a little peon murder, but that's a little much."
  171. First Base: "Yeeeah, but it's kinda boring."
  172. "I got all wound up and then nothing."
  173. "Can I kill one of the other ones?"
  174. Scorpion: "No."
  175. "That is not within our regulations, First Base."
  177. Elly tugs Nocebo's shoulder. "I told you somebody was going to die."
  178. Mammon: "Thank you, Vice-Warden."
  179. "You seem like a swell guy."
  180. Nocebo: "His name was 'DEATH FLAG'"
  181. Scorpion: "I simply follow all the rules necessary."
  182. "Now, we'll escort you to your new cell. And home."
  183. Elly: " were still wrong."
  184. Mammon: "Cell! Gotta love cells."
  185. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, frankly."
  186. Mannfred: "W-wait, hold on. You can't be serious! I know all about following procedure, but you need to believe me when I say I don't belong here!"
  187. "I didn't do anything, I swear!"
  189. Nocebo whispers. "Look, you gotta upsell the medicine. Make it sound good."
  190. Scorpion: Scorpion, First Base, and a gaggle of Valkyries and Heavy Knights escort the group to a large holding cell. They completely ignore Mannfred.
  191. Elly: "Oh." She raises a finger to her chin in a thoughtful expression, nodding.
  192. Scorpion: There's a loud and rather final CLANK when the cell door closes.
  193. Mannfred: "Just find it somewhere in your shriveled, coal-like hearts to let me go! I'm begging you!"
  194. Narrator: The guards put in ear plugs as the higher-ups leave.
  195. Mammon: Well, as long as his New Best Friend Vice-Warden Scorpion is gone.
  196. "Sigh... I swear, I will have vengeance against the Infernal Revenue Service."
  197. Mannfred: "Ahhh!" Mannfred clutches his head and runs up to shake the bars. "C'mon, c'mon!"
  199. Nocebo cannot believe this is happening.
  200. Nocebo: The begging and pleading anyways.
  201. Mammon: "Anybody got a harmonica?"
  202. ?????: "I happen to have one."
  203. Well, you're not alone in the holding cell.
  205. Yakiba begins carefully studying the cell, looking for anything like a seam in the walls or weaknesses around the bars.
  206. ?????: The one who speaks, though-
  207. -is a prinny.
  208. In a bowler hat.
  209. Awe: (what, no "dood"?)
  210. Prinwise: "The name's Prinwise."
  211. He pauses a moment. Then coughs up a harmonica.
  212. Mammon: "You know what? Why don't you keep it after all."
  214. Mammon: "I always considered myself the Netherworld's most hygienic mercenary."
  215. Prinwise: "If you say so." He shoves it back in his mouth.
  216. Elly: (thank you Valvatorez)
  218. Mannfred is still upset, but mostly confused now.
  219. Mannfred: "You, uh, seem awfully civilized for a Prinny.
  220. Prinwise: "Well, pshah. I'm the Netherworld's great prinny, you know."
  221. "Which is why I was locked up. Too awesome for my own good."
  222. Mammon: "Uh-huh."
  223. Elly: "Oh. I was wondering if you were going to make us an offer we couldn't refuse."
  224. Mannfred: "That's... not really a high bar to clear, but okay."
  225. Mammon: "I'll just bet."
  226. Prinwise: "So I take it from the way you guys act.... you all want out of here, right?"
  227. Nocebo: "Well eventually..."
  228. Yakiba: "When the time is right."
  230. Mammon goes silent and attentive.
  231. Mannfred: "What? Nah! I love it here in this dank, musty prison cell! Think I might just set up a summer retreat here!"
  232. "Of *course I want out, you nimrod!"
  233. Yakiba: "To act now, before I have an understanding of what must be overcome, is folly..."
  234. Prinwise: "Everybody else in this joint's given up. But not me."
  235. Elly: "Okay. Who do we shank?"
  236. Prinwise: "Wow, you're a real demon, aren't you?"
  237. Elly: She tilts her head. "Isn't that the initiation process?"
  238. Prinwise: "Look, I made a super-elaborate plan to get out of here. It's going to require all of you, plus three ice cream bars, and a nekomata..."
  239. Mannfred: "You're just going to eat the ice cream, aren't you?"
  240. Prinwise: "I WOULD NEVER-"
  241. "yes."
  242. Nocebo: "I have chicken livers, but no ice cream."
  243. Prinwise: "...Ew, gross?"
  244. "Not even dragon liver?"
  245. Nocebo: "I'm cheap, and I want gross."
  246. Mannfred: "For everyone's sake, I'm going to try and not ask why in god's name you have those."
  247. Mammon: "Let's get back to this plan. You say you need all of us?"
  248. Nocebo: "you'll find out if we fight anyone."
  249. Prinwise: "Anyway, this plan COULD be made a lot easier if we had access to explosives, but alas."
  250. Yakiba: "..."
  251. Mammon: "No comment."
  252. Mannfred: "Sorry, I'm fresh out."
  253. Yakiba: "Where would we use them?"
  254. Prinwise: "Uh, the door obviously? That's the hardest part."
  255. Mannfred: "Seriously. Aren't ninjas supposed to be wise?"
  256. Prinwise: "Otherwise, okay, we're going to need somebody to pretend to be sick. Who can do that?"
  258. Elly tugs Nocebo's shoulder. "Don't demon doctors sometimes use nitroglycerin as medicine?"
  259. Nocebo: "Ahahaha, yeah, funny story, I keep it in my other lab coat."
  261. Mannfred raises his hand. "I can scream and whine as persistently as possible.
  262. ?????: Sorry but the interruptions, they keep on coming.
  263. From the cell next to yours, a dramatic gasp.
  264. "Is that Master Mammon, dood?"
  265. Prinny Squad: Prinnies.
  266. Mammon: "YOU"
  267. Prinny Squad: "HOLY CRAP DOOD IT IS"
  269. Mammon: "I can't believe it! I thought I'd have to hire a new batch of Prinnies when I got out of this hellhole!"
  270. Mannfred: "Welp! Looks like we've found our explosives!"
  271. Prinwise: "That's one way to secure explosives."
  272. Elly: "Maybe we could use them for explo--"
  273. Prinny Squad: "Please don't throw us dood...."
  275. Elly meeps herself shut.
  276. Mammon: "Ahhh..."
  277. "So I've become not just necessary to the plan, but dare I say the most imporant player?"
  278. "Let's talk fees."
  279. Prinny Squad: (Also, you should now have access to the Prinny Squad)
  280. Mannfred: "What 'fees'?! You're trying to get out of here too!"
  281. Prinny Squad: (both to talk and to move their token)
  282. Nocebo: "You know anyone can pick up a prinny and throw it, right?"
  283. Mammon: "And because I benefit from taking this job, the Netherworld's most reasonable mercenary is offering a special one-time only discount."
  284. "You can have my help and the use of my Prinnies for an inconsequential 50,000 HL."
  285. Mannfred: "Screw that! Let's just throw Prinwise."
  286. Mammon: "Given our current circumstances, I will begrudgingly accept deferred payments."
  287. Prinwise: "Wait-what!?"
  288. "Uhhh, how about- how about I just pay him, doods?"
  289. Sweating.
  290. Nocebo: "We might need him later, he seems a cut above the rest."
  291. Elly: "Okay."
  292. "And we didn't even have to shank anyone." She seems quite pleased at that.
  293. Prinwise: "Once we escape, I've got a nice stash."
  294. Mammon: "Works for me!"
  295. Prinwise: Whew.
  296. Mannfred: "Alright, fine. But the second you step out of line, kaboom."
  297. Prinwise: Crisis averted
  298. Prinny Squad: "Dood... I feel like nobody consulted us on this plan..."
  299. Prinwise: "Too late for that!:
  300. "
  301. Nocebo: "Well I mean, I could play sick and that would be pretty believable."
  302. "But this seems like more fun."
  303. Prinwise: "Let's enact part one of the plan, then!"
  304. "Somebody who has actual arms, go ahead and throw!"
  305. Man it sure is a good thing those guards put in ear plugs, huh.
  306. Mammon: "Allow me to do the honors. I've got lots of practice."
  308. Mannfred crouches and plugs his ears
  309. Prinny Squad: "It's a hard knock life, do--"
  310. BOOM
  311. Prinwise: The door is busted open spectacularly!
  312. The guards are KOed!
  313. "Huh, that worked even better than I thought."
  314. Mammon: "Their first mistake was putting people in a cell with a bunch of Prinnies."
  315. "Their second mistake remains to be seen, but the first one sure was a doozy."
  316. Prinwise: There's a bit of commotion from the other side of the cell.
  317. ?????: "HEY, what do you guys think yer doing?"
  318. Elly: "Escaping!" She yells at the guards.
  319. ?????: They're not guards.
  320. Elly: Oh poo.
  321. ?????: It's the other demons in the holding cell!
  322. Mannfred: "No, you idiot! Don't just tell them we're escaping!"
  323. Imp: "You guys can't- just escape!"
  324. Mannfred: "Then they're going to want in on it too!"
  325. Elly: "...oh."
  326. "We're not escaping!"
  327. Nocebo: "Oh, are you guys planning on sticking around?"
  328. Imp: "YEAH! They'll think we were in on it!"
  329. "The Warden'll kill us!"
  330. "After she kills all of you!"
  331. Mammon: "Oh dear, what's that noise?"
  332. Nocebo: "Ehhhh, that's looking pretty doubtful. Because we'll have escaped, see?"
  333. Mammon: "It's the sound of problems that aren't mine."
  334. Bear: "Then we'll make it your problem!"
  335. This Bear is rather large.
  336. Mammon: "PRINNIES"
  337. Bear: "We'll stop your escape right here!"
  338. Elly: "That bear is rather large..."
  339. Prinny Squad: "Wh...what do you expect us to do about that thing, dood?!?"
  340. Prinwise: "No, no guys, this is perfectly fine."
  341. "We needed a combat tutorial anyway!"
  342. "These schmucks will do just fine."
  343. Mannfred: "Somehow, that really doesn't make me feel any better about this!"
  344. Mammon: "Agreed!"
  345. "With Prinwise."
  346. Prinwise: "All right, let's start by taking initiative."
  347. Nocebo: "taking what now?"
  348. Prinwise: "Initiative. Turn order!"
  350. Nocebo has a flaw that means she has a -2 to intiative
  351. Prinwise: "You're going to need to roll with your Dex score here. We use d10s, because we're not animals, we're demons."
  352. Nocebo: 'Aw man, I always get picked last."
  353. Yakiba: "Allow me..."
  354. 16
  355. Nocebo: 11
  356. Mammon: 11
  357. Mannfred: "Okay, I'll concede that I like this part a lot. But that doesn't mean I'm into the whole idea!" 12
  358. Prinwise: And I believe you've all worked with roll20, so I don't need to go over actual rolling mechanics
  359. But it's d10+dex
  360. (So d10+5 in Elly's case)
  361. Elly: 10
  362. Awe: (and d10+7 in Yakiba's since he has the skill that gives +2 Initiative)
  363. Prinwise: 8 for the imps,
  364. 4 for the bear
  365. "Looks like the ninja is the fastest out of the lot of you, so he gets to go first."
  366. "Each turn, you get three actions! A move action, a support action, and an attack action!"
  367. "A support action can be traded for half a move action, and an attack action can be traded for a support action."
  368. "For a move action, you can move a number of spaces equal to your move stat!"
  369. Prinwise: "Support actions can be used for skills or techniques requiring a support action..."
  370. "And attack actions are for your damage-dealing techniques!"
  371. Mannfred: "Attack actions are for attacking? Who'd have guessed?!"
  372. Prinwise: "One thing to note is that diagonals! Are the same as straight."
  373. Yakiba: "I'm not quite prepared for battle yet... I'll focus so that I can better evade attack."
  374. His stance changes, and seems to blur slightly...
  375. Prinwise: "You can let the GM handle your health and stamina, by the way. That way nothing gets deducted twice."
  376. Look at that ninja move though
  377. Yakiba: (I'll put mine back then!)
  378. Prinwise: "When you attack, make sure you specify which stat you're attacking with!"
  379. "Attacks are going to be d10+stat. Everything is a d10! Because that's the preferred dice for demons everywhere!"
  380. Yakiba: Towards the end of that distance, he starts spinning! At this speed, his Agility and fists are to be reckoned with, but he also closes a little extra distance.
  381. 14 Agility vs Left
  382. 10 Agility vs Right
  383. Imp: 9 12
  384. The right one evades with a flap of its wings!
  385. The left one is hit for 36!
  386. "Blargage!"
  387. Elly: "Is that a word?"
  388. Prinwise: "That was all three actions, which means...!"
  389. "The salaryman is next!"
  390. Mannfred: "I resent that term, but fine. Not like I've got better things to do."
  391. Prinwise: "Well it's not like you guys did a good job introducing yourselves! Sheesh."
  392. Mammon: "Yeah, Maxwell."
  393. Nocebo: "Ohh, right, we should introduce ourselves properly. I'll wait for my turn, to be polite!"
  394. Elly: "I'm Elly."
  396. Mannfred mumbles a series of arcane equations under his breath and thrusts his hand out at one of the imps, loosing a bolt of mystical force! 14 Mind vs bottom right Imp
  397. Mannfred: *left, sorry
  398. Imp: 12 dex substitution!
  399. oooo nope
  400. He is hit!
  401. for 42
  402. Prinwise: "Oh, did you guys see that?"
  403. Mannfred: "What? What happened?"
  404. Nocebo: "He tried to dodge but failed-so it hurt extra hard!"
  405. Prinwise: "That imp tried to dodge using his dexterity, because it was a higher stat. That's called a substitute defense."
  406. "Exactly, doctor-lady!"
  407. "Subbing with dexterity means he took an extra increment on a failed defense."
  408. "If you substitute muscle, you take an increment on a successful defense. Subbing with mind lowers your initiative for a round, and aura costs you stamina."
  409. "But if it's the same stat the attacker is using, those extra substitution effects don't go into play."
  410. Imp: "It's not my fault I'm dumb! Blame the environment I was raised in!"
  411. Mammon: "And as I recall, people with high Resolve can substitute their defense with no penalty, but only if they have a couple of Valor lying around."
  412. Prinwise: "That is correct!"
  413. "You're pretty knowledgeable."
  414. Mammon: "I'm the Netherworld's most savvy mercnary!"
  415. Mannfred: "Alright, alright, enough with the info dumb. In case you couldn't tell, I've never had to fight for my life before."
  416. Nocebo: "It's been a while for me to! Don't feel too bad."
  417. Prinwise: ALSO do you want to move the imp?
  418. I believe that's part of that technique
  419. Mannfred: yessir! moving him two squares to the right, to knock him into the other imp
  420. Prinwise: BAM! An extra increment damage to them both!
  421. Imp: "I"m dyin' here!"
  422. "Oh, shut up! We'll die if they escape, too!"
  423. Prinwise: Are you using a support action?
  424. Mannfred: yeap. Mannfred whips out his phone to dial up a phantom intern to relay his attacks for him. (Attack Node, 5 squares to his right)
  425. Prinwise: That works
  426. Mannfred: oh, pff, I didn't know you were gonna draw a thing
  427. Prinwise: Hey that works too
  428. Mannfred: anyway, move actions!
  429. Prinwise: And that's the turn then!
  430. "The mercenary is up next. Mammon, right?"
  431. Mammon: "That's me."
  432. "PRINNIES!"
  433. Nocebo: "Personal request, leave the two imps up top alive for my tecniques!"
  434. Mammon: "Did you ever get around to pawning my old guns, or is one of you still holding onto them?"
  435. Prinny Squad: "Oh! Well, about that, Master Mammon, dood...."
  436. "What with the arrest, and one thing leading to another, dood, we, uh..."
  437. Mammon: "It's fine. I actually need them now."
  438. Prinny Squad: "Oh, thank Magog, dood!" A prinnie pulls a pair of handguns out of its pouch and hands them to Mammon...
  439. Mammon: Then gets unceremoniously punted across the room via the support action Throw!
  440. Prinwise: "...We do have pouches, don't we...?"
  442. Mammon: And immediately explodes.
  443. 13 9 Int!
  444. Imp: 79 dex substitutes!
  445. nope they both hit
  446. Fooor 41 each!
  447. Mammon: "In case anybody missed it, the name's Mammon."
  448. "And I'm the Netherworld's most ruthless mercenary!"
  449. Imp: "Nooooooooooo, Henry!"
  450. Mannfred: "Wait, am I going to have to wait for my turn again to introduce myself?"
  451. "Because I kind of missed my chance the first time."
  452. Nocebo: "You snooze you loose!"
  453. Prinwise: "Salaryman works until then!"
  454. Mammon: "Deal with it, Marty!"
  455. Prinwise: "And the doctor-lady is up next!"
  456. Nocebo: "The name is Doctor Nocebo, and medicine-for good or ill-is my game!"
  458. Nocebo pulls out a couple of vials and mixes them together .
  459. Nocebo: "For instance, do you happen to know what happens to people who breathe in chlorine gas like I've made here? Oooh, it's not pretty!"
  460. "This stuff turns into pure acid when you breathe it in! And even if you don't breathe it, it gets in your eyes!"
  461. Prinwise: Sweats.
  462. Imp: "You're not gonna. Throw that at us, are you?"
  463. Nocebo: "You bet I am!"
  464. Imp: "Noooo!"
  466. Nocebo chucks a test tube at the square beyond the imps so the green gass won't hit the ninja.
  467. Nocebo: 9 for leftie and 6 for rightie
  468. Imp: 610 dex subs both
  469. 38 for the left one
  470. Nocebo: Using her superior intellect, Doctor Nocebo tricks that imp into holding it's breath until it passes out!
  471. Imp: "Honry! Noooo!"
  472. Nocebo: the other one gets a stink eye.
  473. Mammon: "You expendable types have the wackiest names.
  474. Mannfred: "They start to run out of good ones after awhile."
  475. Imp: "Hey at least we're not named, like, Death Flag or something."
  476. Yakiba: "That time was probably long ago."
  477. Nocebo: "You should worry about yourself! I've got plenty more where that came from! 6 to intimidate the imp she didn't hit, using Resolve.
  478. Imp: 3
  480. Nocebo is not rolling great tonight.
  481. Imp: Good enough!
  482. The imp is cowering in fear.
  483. Prinwise: "Elly, your turn."
  485. Elly has been reading a book.
  486. Prinwise: "Nice that the enemies all go after us."
  487. Mannfred: "I think they're still trying to process what's happening."
  488. Yakiba: "They may still think there's a player phase and enemy phase."
  490. Elly peeks over her book and is looking over to Prinwise.
  491. Elly: She notices the people fanned out and the lack of imps. "Oh!"
  492. Mannfred: "Yeah, any time for you to actually take your turn would be great."
  493. Elly: I can't move my panel :O
  494. Nocebo: Select the pointer.
  495. not the ruler.
  496. Elly: ...ahahaha
  498. Argent B. sweat
  500. Elly chants a bit and wind and words form around the imp near Yakiba. "You who find against me and mine, let us see whose fate is greater NOW!" 15
  501. Prinwise: You using the dex or the aura technique?
  502. (Although I guess only the aura CAN hit so that makes sense, but still always include which stat you're attacking with)
  503. 11
  504. Imp: The imp rolls well
  505. but not well enough
  506. Elly: Aura!
  507. Sorry for not making that clear ^^;
  508. Imp: 36
  509. The imp is. Almost dead from one attack!
  510. Elly: The girl looks rather nonplussed and pops out her book again.
  511. She then realizes something. "Oh!"
  512. "I'm Elly."
  513. She then returns to her book.
  514. Mannfred: "Thanks for the reminder, I guess."
  515. Imp: "Are we doing introductions?"
  516. Nocebo: "Wanna go somewhere once we break out?"
  517. Imp: "All right, I'm Hanry!" says the top imp.
  518. Elly: She looks up from her book to Nocebo. "Okay."
  519. Mannfred: "Nobody cares!"
  520. Imp: "And I'm Duke," says the bottom.
  521. "Wow, that is. So rude."
  522. Yakiba: "You almost had a nice pattern going there."
  523. "Almost."
  524. Mammon: "To be fair, it's also true."
  525. (To Argent B.): So are these two gonna go on a date? :D
  526. Imp: "You won't be so cocky when you've- hold on-"
  527. Mannfred: "I've already forgotten your names anyway."
  528. Imp: Support action to recover from being Shaken
  529. "-taste my Diving Booty Bump!"
  530. Yakiba! You're being attacked by a muscle technique!
  531. 10
  532. Yakiba: 11 on the defense
  533. Imp: The imp flies high into the air, then BOOTY BUMPS on down
  534. but
  535. misses
  536. Yakiba: Instantly, his arm raises to block.
  537. (From Elly): Nocebo might take her on a date, but Elly would have no idea that the intention was romantic xD
  538. Yakiba: "Your powers are weak."
  539. Imp: The bottom imp moves a little closer, then, "And I have the power of STONE!"
  540. He chucks a rock at Mammon.
  541. Dexterity attack! 9
  542. (From Elly): She's a little naive on some things ahaha
  543. Mammon: 6 doooooooooodge
  544. (To Argent B.): That's fine, Nocebo won't give up. She will date a cute girl and woo her.
  545. Mammon: Fuck.
  546. Imp: 25 damage!
  547. Mammon: "SON OF A--"
  548. Imp: "HA! Say I'm forgettable, will you!?"
  549. Mammon: "How cunning to attack my blind spot!"
  550. "I have trouble seeing to the right."
  551. Mannfred: "Greatest mercenary in the Netherworld, he says."
  552. Mammon: "I never said greatest."
  553. "Today."
  554. "I am, but that's neither here nor there."
  555. Nocebo: "Look, when my turn comes up again, I'll heal you."
  556. Bear: The bear! MOVES!
  557. "Roar."
  558. Mannfred: oh no! the bear have started to move!
  559. Bear: Yakiba, defend! Muscle! 15!!!
  560. Yakiba: 14
  561. Nocebo: Bear stronk.
  562. Mannfred: plz nerf
  563. Yakiba: "Your acting is terrible. You can't SAY 'roar' and have people belie-ow"
  564. Bear: 16 damage!
  565. "My acting is second-to-none!"
  566. Mammon: Bear evidently not as stronk as that roll would have us believe.
  567. Yakiba: "Then why are you still saying actual words?"
  568. Bear: ROUND ONE END
  569. +1 VALOR
  571. Nocebo is fired up!
  572. Prinwise: "Nice, the end of a round means everybody gains valor!"
  573. Mannfred: "I sure don't feel valorous."
  574. Prinwise: "Valor is in the eye of the beholder!"
  575. Mammon: "Again, I feel I'm being discriminated against in some subtle way."
  576. Nocebo: "Why didn't you take a turn?"
  577. Elly: Without looking up from her book. "You did kick your prinnies during your turn..."
  578. Prinwise: "I'm not fighting, that's why!"
  579. Mannfred: "He's just an NPC, don't worry about it."
  580. Mammon: "He doesn't work for me, now does he?"
  582. Yakiba holds his right fist still for a moment, as if charging, then strikes the bear with a fistful of high-pressure air!
  583. Yakiba: 12 Strength vs Bear
  584. Bear: 10!!!!
  585. 36 damage!
  586. Yakiba: Shove that bear down and to the right 3 spaces.
  587. Bear: BAM and WHOOSH
  588. that bear knocked away
  589. Elly: Elly looks up from her book, eyes open wide and whistling, impressed.
  590. Prinwise: "Don't underestimate the power of a ninja using the reposition modifier!"
  591. Yakiba: "I am Yakiba. Once, I had another name, but I need it no longer."
  592. Bear: "Okay but it didn't hurt all that much you know."
  593. Mannfred: "Don't lie, we can see your health bar."
  594. Bear: "...Roar!"
  595. Anything else this turn, Yakiba?
  596. Yakiba: That'll do.
  597. Prinwise: "You guys seem to be picking this up!"
  599. Mannfred clears his throat. "Mannfred von Edelstein, 13th level supervisor, sub-sub-head of Inhuman Resources. At least I hope I still am. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
  600. Elly: "You're probably not, by the way."
  601. Mammon: "Dear Overlord I'm glad I'm my own boss."
  603. Elly flips the page of her book.
  604. Mannfred: "Don't...! You don't know that!"
  605. Elly: "...I haven't been wrong yet."
  606. "But sure, take your chances."
  607. Mannfred: "Anyway!" He tools around with his phone some more, inputting commands for the intern. The indistinct shade makes a fist, then a pulling motion, striking the bear from behind with another blast of energy! 10 Intuition vs dat bear
  608. "Ah, the wonders of attack nodes."
  609. Bear: 5 muscle sub!
  610. nope
  611. What technique was that though?
  612. Mannfred: Hostile Takeover again
  613. it's kinda my only actual damage Technique
  614. Bear: Oh, it has TWO levels of ranged okay
  615. GOT IT
  616. 31 damage!
  617. And moved, right
  618. To where?
  619. Mannfred: pulling that sucker 2 squares to the left
  620. Bear: Moved, but doesn't actually colide!
  621. Doing anything else with your turn?
  622. Mannfred: "Now, part 2!" Mannred dramatically taps another button, and a slip of paper marked with glowing runs ejects from the intern's chest, fluttering towards the bear. 7 Intuition (again) vs bearman
  623. Bear: 10!! Muscle substitution!
  624. "ROAR!!!!"
  625. Mannfred: "Alright, maybe not my best work there."
  627. Elly tosses her book into the air and catches it just in time.
  628. Bear: Mammon is up next.
  629. Prinwise: "Well, I think you still did all right!"
  630. "For a salaryman."
  631. Mannfred: "Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better."
  632. Mammon: "I'd love to steal the kill on the big guy, but first, I think you and I have to discuss a matter involving a rock."
  633. "And by discuss, I mean"
  634. Imp: "Who me?" Looks innocent.
  635. As innocent as a demon can.
  636. Mammon: He unloads his guns on Duke.
  637. 6 Dex
  638. What.
  639. Two 1s in a row.
  640. Imp: "HA I can beat THAT roll!" 5 dex!
  641. ...........
  642. Mannfred: wow
  643. Mammon: "HA! Guess not!"
  644. Imp: he ded
  645. Yakiba: That's a moment
  646. Mammon: And support action to reload.
  647. "That'll teach you to disrespect characters more important than yourself."
  648. Prinwise: Aaaaand Nocebo is up!
  649. Nocebo: "Hmmmm, you guys don't look like you really NEED medical attention right now...BUT YOU!"
  651. Nocebo points at that imp dramatically.
  652. Nocebo: "You need to Prep for Surgery!"
  654. Nocebo poses dramatically.
  655. Imp: "I don't need surgery!"
  656. "Actually maybe I do."
  657. Nocebo: "I've been taught ancient and secret techniques to preform operations without a scalpel or bonesaw so don't worry-I'll be able to remove all your internal organs without breaking the skin!"
  658. Imp: "Wait what"
  660. Nocebo rushes over and shoves her hand apparently inside the Imp's torso.
  661. Nocebo: "Don't Worry! This procedure is only about...100% fatal!"
  662. Imp: "THAT IS WAY TOO HIGH"
  663. Nocebo: 9 Using Intelect again.
  664. Imp: 9 dex substitute!
  665. Prinwise: "And on ties, the attacker wins!"
  667. Nocebo apparently got something because there is now blood on her hands and she casually throws aside a bit of flesh.
  668. Imp: The imp faints
  669. Well, now the imps are all gone!
  670. Prinwise: "Good job, guys!"
  671. Nocebo: "Hehe. Just like I said, 100% fatal."
  673. Nocebo reloads her vials to get ready for next turn.
  674. Mammon: "I think I'm okay, by the way."
  675. Mannfred: "Preeeeetty sure he's still breathing over there."
  676. Mammon: "Don't need healing or anything."
  677. Prinwise: "Elly!"
  678. Nocebo: "Nonsense! I'll see to you later-I have a wide selection of non-invasive treatment!"
  679. ((Feel free to roll Int you guys to see what Nocebo actually did.)
  681. Elly looks up again. "Oh."
  682. Elly: "...the Imps are all gone."
  684. Mannfred declines to roll, since that'd mean thinking about other people for an extended period of time, but he's got his suspicions!
  685. Mammon: 13, I'll take the bait.
  686. Nocebo: 14
  687. Nope, sorry, a girl needs to keep her secrets.
  688. Mannfred: she's just too slippery for him
  689. Mammon: Whatever.
  690. Elly: "Um... so the big bear is left..."
  691. "Oh..."
  692. Mammon: It's not like anybody ever got rich being a doctor.
  693. Elly: "Mr. Mercenary. why are you injured?"
  694. Nocebo: "He didn't want healing!"
  695. "Can you believe it?"
  696. Yakiba: "Some wounds will recover on their own, given time."
  697. Mammon: "Because somebody who shall remain unnamed, because he's not important enough, got all uppity."
  698. Elly: "I think you might need to discount your rates..."
  699. Mammon: "DEATH FIRST"
  700. Elly: "Okay."
  701. She closes her book and moves 4 + her support role for + 2
  702. She then rustles her hands into her sleeves and whips out... fountain pens.
  703. Bear: "Pens? Seriously?"
  704. Mannfred: "Maybe she's going to write a very stern letter."
  705. Said without an ounce of sarcasm or disbelief.
  706. Elly: "I'm sorry. But you're in our way."
  707. She flips up Disgaea-style and throws a line of those pens at the bear in a Dexterity attack!! 6
  708. Bear: 5 muscle substitution!
  709. well then
  710. 11
  711. damage
  712. Mannfred: we're rolling like shit, but all our enemies are rolling slightly worse, so it's fine
  713. Bear: and 4 damage per turn!
  714. Elly: The few pens pop out and something black with a greenish-purple luster is pouring out of them
  715. Bear: "Okay, that didn't hurt all too much at least."
  717. Hi guys.
  718. "Now who looks the best... hm... YOU."
  719. So Elly
  720. The bear is picking her up
  721. Bear: And shoving her in his mouth.
  722. ROLL TO DEFEND! He's attacking with muscle! 11
  723. Elly: Dexterity to evade! 13
  724. Bear: Successfully evaded!
  725. He growls.
  726. Elly: Her foot boops on his nose as she returns to where she was standing.
  727. She brushes her dress and straightens herself out.
  728. Bear: NEW ROUND +1 VALOR
  729. Prinwise: "We're almost there!"
  730. "Yakiba, show us your stuff!"
  731. Yakiba: "I realize that just now I was shortsighted..."
  732. Mannfred: "Try not to botch this one. For all our sakes."
  733. Mammon: "It's outnumbered five to one and almost dead. I think we can handle one whiff."
  735. Yakiba holds his hands in front of him and slowly clasps them together, readying another Pneumatic Fist... and immediately unleashes it!
  736. Yakiba: 15 Strength vs Bear
  737. Mammon: "And what do you know!"
  738. Yakiba: er, Muscle vs Bear
  739. Bear: The bear literally cannot win that SO
  740. Yakiba: but is it a crit
  741. Bear: 31
  742. It is not
  744. Yakiba: ah, right, that's for successes of more than 10, wasn't it?
  745. Bear: For Bear, it would require beating his roll by 12
  746. As he is large.
  747. Yakiba: because of the size difference, right
  748. Bear: But either way, the battle is won!
  749. Elly: Elly is clapping her hands emphatically, her face still completely nonplussed.
  750. Prinwise: "Great job completing the tutorial battle, guys!"
  752. Mannfred sighs and lets his shoulders sag. "I'm just glad it's finally over with."
  753. Mammon: "Let me just add slightly to your bill because I was not informed we were doing a tutorial, and...."
  754. "Okay! What's the next step?"
  755. Elly: "We escape."
  756. She covers her mouth.
  757. "I mean, we don't escape."
  758. Mannfred: "How?"
  759. Prinwise: "That's where my expertise comes in!"
  760. "As long as we avoid the Warden and Vice-Warden, escape would be easy enough...."
  761. "Except for those certain-death traps!"
  762. "BUT!"
  763. "But!"
  764. "I know where the control room is."
  765. Elly: "Okay."
  766. Prinwise: "Come on. Aren't any of you impressed with my intelligence gathering?"
  767. Elly: She claps her hands twice.
  768. Mammon: "I'll give you a seven out of ten."
  770. Elly raises up a hand that reads [ 6 ]
  771. Elly: *sign
  772. Mannfred: "I'll be impressed as soon as I can see it."
  773. Prinwise: "All right then, I'll lead the way...!"
  774. He leads the way. Until....
  775. "Guards! Well, crap."
  776. "And Geo Symbols, too...."
  777. "Well! You guys can handle this one."
  778. Yakiba: "Hold. Geo Symbols?"
  779. Mammon: "Bumpin' you down to a 6.5."
  780. Prinwise: "Oh come on!!!"
  781. Mannfred: "Something tells me those aren't in the standard ruleset."
  782. Narrator: What do these geo symbols represent?
  783. Will our heroes find the control room and ESCAPE from Death Death Prison!?
  784. I hope so, because otherwise this would be a really short campaign.
  785. Elly: "Me too."
  786. Narrator: TO BE CONTINUED
  787. Mannfred: "No, wait, I still haven't given my tragic backstory ye--"
  788. Mammon: "NOBODY CARES, MALIK"
  790. Elly raises up a sign that reads [ The End..? ]
  791. Shika (GM): Good session. Got a tutorial out of the way! Started a prison escape!
  792. Mammon: Blew up two Prinnies!
  793. Awe: Next time, continuing to escape from prison and have tutorials.
  794. Shika (GM): there's always more prinnies
  795. Comrade Q.: one of the universe's few constant truths
  796. Argent B.: Ahh that was fun xD
  797. Shika (GM): Anyway I am somewhat excited for geo panels. Because slight rule variation from the standard rulebook!
  798. Comrade Q.: I also am entranced by these mysterious symbols
  799. Shika (GM): Anyway I hope it was somewhat fun
  800. Argent B.: I'm loving our cast so far
  801. Except Mannfred
  802. but I like to not liking him :3
  803. Comrade Q.: nobody likes Mannfred
  804. not even Mannfred
  805. Shika (GM): That's kinda sad
  806. Ethan: It was hella fun!
  807. Eh? Ehhh?
  808. Comrade Q.: booooo
  810. Shika (GM): o7
  811. Comrade Q.: but yeah, that was a rad time I had and I can't wait for next week
  812. Awe: yus
  813. Shika (GM): see y'all next week then
  814. same bat time
  815. same bat channel
  816. Awe: also things will probably be Weird for me week after next
  817. Comrade Q.: later!
  818. Awe: stay tuned for additional detail on that
  819. Shika (GM): I'll keep an eye out then
  820. o7
  821. Argent B.: Eee this even looks like a Disgaea cast xD
  822. ./flops out
  823. Vehrec: is it time?
  824. Comrade Q.: it looks like we might be missing a ninja here
  825. Shika (GM): We are indeed missing one
  826. We shall begin once Awe arrives or 15 after
  827. Awe: SORRY FOR LATE...
  828. I needed to get food
  829. Shika (GM): how dare you
  830. Awe: thank you for waiting
  831. Shika (GM): okay time to get my disgaea playlist going
  832. ALL RIGHT who's ready?
  833. Ethan: Yo.
  834. Yakiba: Aye.
  835. Vehrec: the in.
  836. Elly: "Ready."
  838. Our heroes (?) escaped from their cell in Death Death Prison, had a combat tutorial, and are now on their way to a control room to turn off the traps of death lasers
  839. Elly: "So far there are three heroes, one maniac, and a crybaby."
  840. Mannfred: "So what, exactly, is the difference between death lasers and regular lasers?"
  841. Nocebo: "Ugh, Geo-pannel tutorial, look we'll just get the green on the red and the red on the green and blow up one, okay?"
  843. Nocebo thinks we should all know how this goes already.
  844. Prinwise: "Okay wow, first off, did you even check the geo effects from the geo blocks?"
  845. "Here, I opened the window for you."
  846. Nocebo: "No because everyone knows the real purpose of geo-pannels, like prinnies, is to explode gloriously."
  847. Mannfred: "From the looks of things, we don't even need to get rid of them."
  848. Mammon: "I'm not one to turn down an unfair advantage..."
  849. "So I won't."
  850. "Let's just use them."
  851. Elly: "I agree with the maniac."
  852. Prinwise: "If you use them well, we can really make this battle a cinch!"
  853. Mammon: "Who's the maniac?"
  854. Mannfred: "I hope it's me, because otherwise I'd be the crybaby."
  855. Valkyrie: "Um, are you guys really going to have this argument, like, right in front of us?"
  856. Nocebo: "Shut up, there's a corner blocking line of sight!
  857. Mammon: "You're not involved here."
  858. ?????: Suddenly, a voice! "Guards, report! What is going on?"
  859. Valkyrie: "Looks like we have an escape attempt, vice-warden."
  860. Scorpion: "Great, just great."
  861. Yakiba: "All your shouting tipped them off. Good job."
  862. Mannfred: "Who's shouting?! I for one have been perfectly calm this whole time!"
  863. Valkyrie: "Ha, you guys are done for! We've got the vice-warden with us."
  865. Nocebo peeks around the corner.
  866. Nocebo: "No you don't."
  867. Mammon: "Prinwise?"
  868. Nocebo: "OOh wait, there he is."
  869. Mammon: "Let's get the tutorial rolling. I don't like that guy not being massively debuffed."
  870. Scorpion: "She's right, actually."
  871. "I can't fight them."
  872. "They need to go through the grunts first. Then First Base. Only then can I fight them."
  873. "That's the rule to these things, I'm afraid."
  874. Mammon: "Oh, good. Traditionalist, are you?"
  875. "Always a good kind of enemy to have."
  876. Mannfred: "Classic boss monster behavior."
  877. Prinwise: "Well, I won't look a gift demon in the mouth."
  878. Nocebo: "Hey, cool, I like a dude with rules in a fight! I have no rules at all, but...well, anyways.
  879. "Let's get some geo-symbols set up!"
  880. Elly: "I wonder if he won't hit girls.... that would be nice..."
  881. "I doubt it, though..."
  882. Scorpion: "If that were ever a rule, it would have been scrapped as soon as I met the warden."
  883. Prinwise: "Okay, enough banter! Tutorial time!"
  884. Elly: "Oh good."
  885. Mannfred: "Finally. This was starting to get stressful."
  887. Elly takes out her book and starts back reading it.
  888. Prinwise: "Geo symbols are these guys right here."
  889. Mannfred: "You don't really need to tell us that, but alright."
  890. Prinwise: "They can have all sorts of effects, and apply those effects to all geo panels of the color they are resting on."
  891. "Geo panels are the colored floors! So if we throw this red geo panel onto the green tile..."
  892. Nocebo: "UHHH"
  893. Elly: (other way, red is on green)
  895. Mannfred buries his face in his hands
  896. Prinwise: "Now all the green panels will impart Impaired Evasion when you stand on them!"
  897. Mammon: "Oh, would you guys relax?" We just need to move them around a bit."
  898. "After all, anybody can do it, right?"
  899. Mannfred: "Well I'm not going to be the one to do it. I need that support action!"
  900. Prinwise: "Geo effects can and will include anything from the Skills or Flaws lists."
  901. "As well as additional effects!"
  902. Nocebo: "So you're saying...there can be custom effects?"
  903. Prinwise: "Unlike a weaken skill, there's no roll that can save you from their effects, but they also only apply while you stand on the appropriate panel."
  904. "I think that covers just about... Oh, right! Moving them."
  905. "Obviously they can be effected by skills with the reposition modifier, but mostly you'll just be using the Toss skill."
  906. "The Toss skill works on them just fine. But both enemies and you guys can use that skill on geo blocks."
  907. Scorpion: "I'm not quite sure why we had these geo panels installed in this hallway, to be honest."
  908. Valkyrie: "It was probably the warden's idea."
  909. Mammon: "I don't think this is actually a very well-designed prison."
  911. Nocebo has an minor in Geomancy but won't explain why they make sense here.
  912. Yakiba: "I was under the impression those were natural features..."
  913. Mammon: "I'm not complaining just observing."
  914. *,
  915. Mannfred: "It's a wonder they've kept up that 0% escape rate for so long."
  916. Scorpion: "That would be because of the strength of our guards, and wardens."
  917. "Now guards, show them the power of Death Death Prison!"
  918. Nocebo: "It's like building a dam to hold back a river and make a lake, you just need a skilled geomancer and a few hundred years.'
  919. Prinwise: "Aw crud, guys, roll initiative."
  920. Yakiba: 13
  921. Nocebo: 2
  922. Mammon: 15
  923. Oh snap.
  924. Elly: 8
  925. Valkyrie: 14
  926. Mannfred: 14
  927. Valkyrie: Mannfred, roll again!
  928. Mannfred: 11
  929. Valkyrie: 8
  930. Mannfred: yessss
  931. Valkyrie: All right, initiative set!
  933. Elly waves her fingers. "You guys go ahead. I just got to a good part."
  934. Prinwise: "Come on, Mammon, show these guys why you're the Netherworld's Toughest Mercenary!"
  935. Mammon: SO here's something I don't think we thought to hammer out.
  936. Mannfred: "Sure. Just sit out this whole fight, why don't you. Not like we're fighting impossible odds or anything."
  937. Mammon: Can Compaions use Active Skills?
  938. I mean... Prinnies can't throw in canon because they're monsters, but.
  939. Prinwise: I donh'
  940. don't believe so
  941. Mammon: Alright, let's just roll with it.
  942. Mammon himself, then, will toss the red Geo Block onto the red space.
  943. "Prinnies! Attack!"
  944. Prinny Squad: "Wow... Master Mammon is letting us have the spotlight? We won't let you down, dood!"
  945. That Prinny just pulled a gun.
  946. Scorpion: "Hmph, like a prinny can hope to match Death Death Prison security forces."
  947. Prinny Squad: 8 Dex to shoot at the center-right guard.
  948. Valkyrie: 7 dex!
  949. "I feel like I can't move as well as- ACK!"
  950. HIT
  951. Mammon: "Holy shit, I didn't think you'd actually hit one before they killed you."
  952. Valkyrie: 28 damage!
  953. Prinny Squad: The Prinny silently begins sweating.
  954. Yakiba: "Hmm... now I see the power of Geo Symbols..."
  955. Valkyrie: "Oh it is SO on!"
  956. Mannfred, it is thy turn
  957. Mannfred: "Time to call in some hired help." Mannfred conjures another intern, which stands motionless in the hallway, flickering in and out of existence
  958. Valkyrie: "Well, at least he didn't throw that other geo symbol."
  959. Mannfred: "I told you, I need that support action!"
  960. "Specifically for the thing I just did!"
  961. Mammon: "Way to be a team player, Matt!"
  962. Nocebo: "You can sacrifice an attack action to get an extra support!
  963. Mannfred: "I told you, my name is.. forget it."
  964. "Anyway!" A couple quick gestures that the intern half-heartedly mimics and the air ripples towards the Valkyries. 10 vs Int against the lower right guard
  965. Mammon: "Okay, Forget It."
  966. Valkyrie: Subbing muscle 10
  967. BARELY hit
  968. but it did
  969. Mannfred: yay!
  970. Valkyrie: 34 damage!
  971. And move two spaces!
  972. Mannfred: smashing her into the middle-right guard there
  973. Valkyrie: 6 to each!
  974. "Owww! Hey!"
  975. Mannfred: "See?! This is me contributing!"
  976. "Who says I'm not a team player?"
  977. Valkyrie: "All right, time to kill these guys."
  978. Mammon: "I was screwing with you. Learn to be a demon sometime."
  979. Valkyrie: The Valkyrie move into formation. "All right, on the count of three, skewers!"
  980. One of them pauses. "Wait. Like, on three, or on the beat following?"
  981. Prinny Squad: "OH MAN OH DOOD OH MAN OH DOOD"
  982. Mannfred: "Then it'd be 'one, two, three, go', wouldn't it?"
  983. Valkyrie: "ON three!"
  984. "One, two, THREE!"
  985. Nocebo: "AHH!"
  986. Valkyrie: Their assault begins! Energy surrounds their spears and they STABBITY STAB
  987. Mannfred: "Not the face not the face NOT THE FACE!!"
  988. Mammon: "Oh, hey, hanging back for Geo Block duty worked out pretty well."
  989. Valkyrie: Dex vs:
  990. 11 the prinny
  991. 12 Nocebo
  992. 9 Yakiba
  993. 6 Mannfred
  994. Nocebo: "I haven't gotten psyched up enough to use my best defense!"
  995. Prinny Squad: 14, no subbing.
  996. Yakiba: 7 to evade...
  997. gah!
  998. Mammon: "...You're STILL alive?"
  999. Nocebo: 10 subbing intuitiion
  1000. Yakiba: "grrh!"
  1001. Mannfred: 7 also subbing int
  1002. Yakiba: "I appear to have been caught off guard."
  1003. Elly: "OH MY GOD."
  1004. Valkyrie: 26 to Yakiba, 27 to Nocebo
  1005. Elly: "...Selma left Louise."
  1007. Elly flips the page.
  1008. Nocebo: "Is this really the time?"
  1010. Nocebo notes her slight lacerations.
  1011. Nocebo: 'Tch."
  1013. Mannfred ducks under the spear like the Netherworld's #1 limbo champ
  1014. Valkyrie: "Don't mess with the Valkyrie squad!"
  1015. Scorpion: "Unless you're a prinny or a wimp."
  1016. Nocebo: "Your fourth member isn't doing anything."
  1017. Scorpion: "Somehow you missed both of those."
  1018. Valkyrie: "...! HEY! I'm.. psyching myself up!"
  1019. Prinny Squad: "D-Dood... am I... immortal?"
  1020. Mannfred: "Oh. Oh dear. Is... is this what death feels like? My heart's pounding. What happened?"
  1021. Valkyrie: Yakiba's turn!
  1022. Yakiba: "I'll take measures to avoid that happening in the future..."
  1024. Yakiba throws the green Symbol onto the green panel
  1025. Prinwise: "With that, anybody standing on a green panel will get +1 to attack, while anybody standing on a red will get -1 to defend!"
  1027. Yakiba then loosens up, shifting stance in order to make evading future attacks easier
  1028. Nocebo: "You never felt Epinephrine before, huh?
  1029. Yakiba: That's it for me this turn
  1030. Mannfred: "I'll go ahead and assume that's an obscure medical term, because I think might have a heart attack if I think about anything too hard."
  1031. Prinwise: Go Elly!
  1032. Elly: "UUUUUURGH... that was a TERRIBLE ending. I want my money back."
  1033. Mammon: "It was probably their fault."
  1035. Elly chucks the buck up into the air, and it probably has a trajectory for Prinwise's bowler hat.
  1036. Elly: *book wow
  1037. Mammon: "Isn't this a prison? Why haven't they locked up the author?"
  1038. Scorpion: "We've locked up numerous authors, actually."
  1039. "Anybody who writes anti-Overlord propaganda, for instance."
  1040. Mammon: "Again! You're not involved in this conversation."
  1041. Scorpion: "Or books the Overmayor doesn't like."
  1042. Elly: (can I move diagonal and then to the side?)
  1043. Prinwise: Diagonals are like normal movement
  1044. Elly: (so)
  1045. (3 and)
  1046. (4?)
  1047. Prinwise: yup
  1048. Elly: "...oh."
  1049. "Hello guards that are out to kill us."
  1051. Elly waves.
  1053. Valkyrie waves back?
  1054. Elly: "I'm sorry but you're in the way."
  1055. Valkyrie: "Oh, sorry about- wait no, that's our job!"
  1056. Elly: The words and the wind attack centers on the guard closest to the Prinny and blasts the other three! Aura
  1057. Do I roll three for each?
  1058. Valkyrie: Yes
  1059. Elly: 11 -- left, 12 -- center, 10 -- back
  1060. Valkyrie: Did you add +1 for great accuracy?
  1061. Elly: err, no, so that's 12 13 11?
  1062. Valkyrie: yup
  1063. Muscle subs- 14 6 10
  1064. The one on the left weathers the hit, taking 6 damage from subbing muscle
  1065. The other two take 28 damage!
  1066. Elly: "Oh my. Your will is quite strong isn't it..."
  1067. Valkyrie: "You know it!"
  1068. "Easy for you to say," the one next to her comments.
  1069. Elly: And no support, so that's Nocebo's turn!
  1070. Valkyrie: Using a support action?
  1071. aw'ight
  1072. Nocebo!
  1073. Nocebo: "ow, ow, ow, dangit."
  1075. Nocebo holds her head high and walks forward though. "Ladies. I'll be the tank today-as much as it pains me to do so."
  1076. Valkyrie: "You don't look like much of a tank."
  1077. Nocebo: "Yeah, that's why it pains me to do so."
  1078. "But if you don't attack me I'll be really upset! SO DO IT! ESPECIALLY YOU!"
  1080. Nocebo gets up in the face of the one directly in front of her and tries to provoke her
  1081. Nocebo: 11
  1082. Valkyrie: 10
  1083. Consider her provoked!
  1084. Nocebo: "Oh, and I think you guys all know how tear gas works already, but here's a refresher course-"
  1085. Valkyrie: "Wait, tear gas!?"
  1086. "I thought we confiscated any harmful chemicals before we locked people up!"
  1088. Nocebo hucks something into the middle of them that breaks and billows yellow smoke outward.
  1089. Mammon: "You didn't even confiscate our weapons."
  1090. "At least not very thoroughly."
  1091. Mannfred: "You still let me have my phone,even!"
  1092. Nocebo: "You didn't find anything I didn't let you!"
  1093. 11 intuition vs leftie, 13 intuition vs right-top, and 14 vs right bottom.
  1094. Elly: "Where did she hide it...?"
  1095. Valkyrie: Muscle subs!
  1096. 13 14 7
  1097. Mannfred: "I thought we agreed not to talk about that!"
  1098. Valkyrie: Only the bottom one gets hit, the others hold their breath and take 6 damage from it.
  1099. The bottom one is hit for 30
  1100. Scorpion: "Wow, you guys are really wrecking these guards! Keep it up!"
  1101. Prinwise: Pretend
  1102. Prinwise said that
  1103. Nocebo: Yes
  1104. we will pretend.
  1105. Prinwise: (plot twist Scorpion is rooting for you to escape)
  1106. Yakiba: Acknowledged
  1107. Mannfred: "Honestly, I'm surprised we've made it this far!"
  1108. Elly: (or he wants to fight us)
  1109. Prinwise: New round! +1 valor!
  1110. Mannfred: "Not that I stink we can still make it, but that had to count for something!"
  1111. *think wow
  1112. Nocebo: "get these prinnies out from behind me before they blow, okay?
  1113. Prinny Squad: "Ha! I'm not blowing up any time soon, dood! Did you see me last turn? I was like a Legendary Super Prinny, dood!"
  1114. "Right, Master Mammon?"
  1115. Mammon: "Meh."
  1117. Elly can be seen clapping behind Mammon for the prinnies.
  1118. Prinwise: All the way back there?
  1119. Mammon: It's Blast Radius 2.
  1120. So that shape's about right, right?
  1121. Wait no it's not yet.
  1123. ....Anyway.
  1124. Prinwise: Blast radius lv 1, cost 2
  1125. Mammon: Going counterclockwise,
  1126. 15 11 6, all Int.
  1127. Valkyrie: Subbing muscles-
  1128. 11
  1129. 7
  1130. 14
  1131. Mammon: Oh that bottom one thinks she's so fucking special.
  1132. Valkyrie: going counterclockwise, it'd be the top one who thinks she's special
  1133. Mammon: (Also I forgot the bonuses but it doesn't affect any of those rolls.)
  1134. I'm off the ball today!
  1135. Elly: "Oooh..."
  1136. "Maybe we should ask her to join us."
  1137. "There's a spot that's currently being filled by the crybaby. I think she'd fit right in."
  1138. Valkyrie: The right two take 33 damage!
  1139. and the one Nocebo taunted is dead
  1140. The other one is barely alive
  1141. Mammon: "Hahahahahaha! That's why they call me the Netherworld's most opportunistic mercenary!"
  1142. Elly: "Maniac."
  1143. Mannfred: "So he's the maniac, alright."
  1144. Valkyrie: "I was rooting for that prinny, too..."
  1145. Mannfred: "Wait, which one does that make me, then?"
  1146. Elly: "Crybaby."
  1147. Mammon: "So what do you call the nurse and the ninja?"
  1148. Mannfred: "Wh-- crbybaby?! I'll have you know I haven't shed a single tear since we got here!"
  1149. *crybaby
  1150. really on a roll with this spelling thing
  1151. Elly: "Sneaky Ninja Man and Nocebo."
  1152. Yakiba: "Your whining counts well enough."
  1153. Mammon: "I sense a bit of bias."
  1154. Prinwise: "Wait, do I get a nickname?"
  1155. Mannfred: "I'm not whining, I'm distressed. It;s a very reasonable reaction!"
  1156. Elly: "Tutorial NPC."
  1157. Mammon: "Shut up, crybaby."
  1158. Prinwise: "Wow, okay."
  1159. Valkyrie: "Shut up, it's our turn!"
  1160. The two hurt Valkyries take up position. "Ready?"
  1161. "Yeah!"
  1162. "Thousand Piercings!"
  1163. Mannfred: "...Oh boy."
  1164. Valkyrie: Their spears blur as they stab forward hundreds of times
  1165. but probably not a thousand
  1166. Dex vs:
  1167. 14 5 Nocebo
  1168. 6 8 Mammon
  1169. 8 12 Mannfred
  1170. Mammon: 10 14 blue steak speeds by?
  1171. Confirmed.
  1172. Mannfred: 8 8 subbing int for both of these again
  1173. *awesome
  1174. Nocebo: 6 and 15 Aura defense to throw up a magical pyramidal force-field.
  1175. Mannfred: awesome
  1176. Nocebo: WOW
  1177. Yakiba: If only those were flipped around...
  1178. Mammon: Through extreme practice, Mammon makes it look like all it takes to dodge all those is a few casual sidesteps.
  1179. Nocebo: Pyramid Power is supposed to work you jerks!
  1181. Mannfred gets stabbed in the chest like a big chump
  1182. Mammon: Image is everything, asid from money.
  1183. Elly: Unless it's a Ponzi Pyramid
  1184. (-al Power)
  1185. Valkyrie: Nocebo takes 22 damage
  1186. Yakiba: (I dunno, it's a little counterintuitive since you have to invert the Turkish technique)
  1187. Nocebo: "Ah, geez!
  1188. Valkyrie: Mannfred takes 31... twice
  1189. Mannfred: "aaaaaAAAAAHHH!!"
  1190. Valkyrie: The last Valkyrie-
  1191. Charges Nocebo! 10 muscle
  1192. Mammon: "Walk it off."
  1193. Mannfred: "Oh man, oh jeez! Am I okay? Please tell me I'm okay! I just had this suit ironed and now I'm bleeding all over it!"
  1194. Nocebo: 13 subbing intuition again.
  1195. Valkyrie: And misses!
  1196. Yakiba!
  1197. Nocebo: "Don't worry, I'm a real doctor!"
  1198. "I'll get that fixed easy!"
  1199. "as long as my turn comes up."
  1200. Mannfred: "I don't know why you have to remind me of that, but okay!"
  1201. Yakiba: "I will do my utmost to ensure it."
  1202. Unfortunately, the words come out a little blurred thanks to winding up for his spinning attack.
  1203. 13 Dex vs Half Dead Valkyrie, 10 vs One Step From Death Valkyrie
  1204. (also dex)
  1205. Valkyrie: 95
  1206. Double-hit!
  1207. 29 damage to both!
  1208. One only had 2 health left, she ded
  1209. Yakiba: "Doctor, shall I move you to a better position?"
  1210. Valkyrie: "Hey, she
  1211. is the tank!"
  1212. Mammon: "Oh like we need her at this point."
  1213. "There's one of you and some change left."
  1214. Mannfred: "I need her!"
  1215. Yakiba: "That would be the point."
  1216. Nocebo: "Look, it's no skin off my back."
  1217. Yakiba: "I find the best defense is just not to be hit in the first place, mind."
  1218. "All right then."
  1219. (turn over.)
  1220. Mammon: "Prinnies also make pretty workable meatshields."
  1221. Mannfred: "That makes me feel a lot better about getting stabbed, thank you!"
  1222. Prinny Squad: "When I... reincarnate..."
  1223. "...I'm not murdering anybody, dood..."
  1224. Mannfred: "Ugh, screw this." He says as he limps away like a big lame-o
  1225. Mammon: "Well, as long as your rehabilitation is working."
  1226. Yakiba: "And there goes any honor you still had."
  1227. Nocebo: "HEY!
  1229. Mammon: "Somehow I bet this isn't the first tme you've said that."
  1230. Mannfred: "I'm feeling a lot better now, no need to worry about little ol' me!"
  1231. "You just... keep doing whatever it is you do."
  1233. Nocebo bristles with doctorly pride.
  1234. Mannfred: He might be groggy and caked in his own blood, but Mannfred's still conscious enough to issue commands. The intern gestures again, sending a second blast barreling out of its frame 15 vs right Valkyrie
  1235. Valkyrie: No point in even rolling but 14
  1236. Hits!
  1237. She ded
  1238. "...Well then."
  1239. "Man, I am so glad I took out life insurance policies on all of my coworkers."
  1241. Mannfred lays face down and thinks about how much everything sucks
  1242. Mammon: "...Saaaaayyyyy..."
  1243. Yakiba: "Lying on the floor feeling like garbage, are we?"
  1244. Mannfred: "It's a family tradition."
  1245. Mammon: "I do go through Prinnies like toilet paper."
  1246. Elly: "...but I liked her."
  1247. Mammon: "You're all about the law, right? Does it count as insurance fraud if you kill them?"
  1248. Yakiba: "The value of the policy wouldn't be high in the first place..."
  1249. Scorpion: "I am at least 90% sure that is insurance fraud. And I doubt any insurance company would put a policy on a prinny anyway.""
  1250. Valkyrie: "I am going to rake in the cash with this, though."
  1251. "...As long as I survive, I guess."
  1252. Mammon: "Dammit. I'm gonna have to start hanging out with real people."
  1253. Elly: "You can always leave."
  1254. Scorpion: "I am right here. She can't leave."
  1256. Valkyrie doesn't look happy at that.
  1257. Nocebo: "Look, if I kill you you'll actually just be greviously wounded."
  1258. Elly: "Miss Nocebo."
  1259. "Would you... want to... do it... with me?"
  1261. Elly is poking the tips of her fingers together.
  1262. Nocebo: "Er? Is this the time to talk about that?"
  1263. Mammon: "Hey, look, pixie dream girl, we're not that kind of game."
  1265. Nocebo blushes a bit though
  1266. Mannfred: "I can't see you, but I really hope you're not talking about what I think you're talking about!"
  1267. Nocebo: "or are you thinking...combo attack?"
  1268. Elly: "But... if we do it... we'll need to do it... together or it won't count..."
  1269. Prinwise: "Wow guys, she's obviously talking about insurance fraud."
  1270. "What kind of game do you think this is?"
  1272. Elly smiles brightly at the mention of Combo Attacks.
  1273. Mammon: "That's what I'm saying!"
  1275. Nocebo has doctorly duties to attend to this turn saddly.
  1276. Elly: "Oh..." She seems a bit sad as Nocebo focuses her attention over to Mannfred.
  1277. Mannfred: she can't attend to Mannfred because he decided to lay in the corner feeling like shit instead of staying still and letting people heal him
  1278. Elly: Step. Step.
  1279. Nocebo: She can actually, but it will take some doing.
  1280. Elly: Half-hearted pen attack on the last remaining Valkyrie. 14
  1281. Valkyrie: Literally cannot win 7
  1282. Elly: (dex)
  1283. Valkyrie: 9 damage!
  1284. Plus 3 damage per round
  1285. Elly: No support because Nocebo's being professional :c
  1286. Scorpion: +1 Valor to Elly and Nocebo for that exchange though
  1288. Nocebo will hand Elly one of her scalpels and then use her support action for extra move before popping a heal on both Mannfred and Yakiba.
  1289. Scorpion: "Come on, you're the last guard! Don't let me down."
  1290. Nocebo: "Powers of the spheres and crystals, align and guide the healing of these poor patients!"
  1291. Mammon: "Go get him, doc! You've got the Netherworld on your side!"
  1292. Nocebo: "And if you don't I'll sue the crystals for malpractice."
  1293. (did I get more Valor for that?)
  1294. Scorpion: that WAS pretty good
  1296. Mannfred staggers to his feet, groaning. He doesn't feel any better, but he's PRETTY SURE those crystals have to have done something
  1297. Nocebo: Healing crystals always do something! That's why doctor Nocebo uses crystals for nearly everything that isn't her own wounds.
  1298. She doesn't treat her own wounds.
  1299. Scorpion: End of round, +1 valor all around
  1300. Mannfred: "Ugh, I'm gonna have to call a tailor after this. Look at this! Two holes, right in the middle of my work shirt! Completely unacceptable."
  1301. Prinwise: "Is it a work shirt if you don't work?"
  1302. Mannfred: "Don't start with me, you little,,, you."
  1304. Prinwise puts on an innocent look
  1306. Prinwise is bad at it because prinnies can't pull it off
  1307. Prinwise: "So, uh, hey Mammon, let's finish this guard up?"
  1308. Mammon: "Excellent idea!"
  1309. He strolls across the room to make targeting complicated in the event that there's one more attack coming and opens fire.
  1310. 14 Dex
  1311. *15 I keep forgetting
  1312. Valkyrie: so.... can't win, but...
  1313. 13
  1314. Mammon: Impressive!
  1315. Valkyrie: 23 damage!
  1316. Mammon: (Also support action used to reload.)
  1317. (Beforehand.)
  1318. Prinwise: "You're up, crybaby!"
  1319. Mammon: "Prinwise, you might be the only Prinny I'll ever kind of like."
  1321. Prinwise puffs up
  1322. Mannfred: "Now you're doing it too. Amazing. Truly spectacular."
  1323. Elly: "You know, it used to be irritating, but now his voice just sort of sounds like a high-pitched hum."
  1324. Mannfred: "Let's just get this over with." Letting out one more force blast on that thur Valkyrie 14
  1325. Valkyrie: CANNOT WIN. AGAIN.
  1326. Not even gonna bother rolling she takes 34 damage
  1327. And can be moved!
  1328. Is she moved?
  1329. Nocebo: smash her into a wall?
  1330. Mannfred: that's the plan!
  1331. she is, in fact, smashed into the right wall
  1332. Valkyrie: Close, but not quite.
  1333. She would need to have been moved past the line to take damage for hitting the wall
  1334. Mannfred: dangit
  1335. Valkyrie: And it is now her turn
  1336. Yakiba, roll dex!
  1337. Yakiba: 10
  1338. Valkyrie: 13
  1339. She darts around Yakiba, eyes wide and wild.
  1340. "I am not dying here... and losing my insurance payouts!"
  1341. (That roll was for Nimble Movement)
  1342. Yakiba: "You face Yakiba, Ninja Master of the- wait where are you going"
  1344. Mannfred snickers quietly
  1345. Valkyrie: "You're the tank, right!? Tank THIS!"
  1346. SKEWER
  1347. Nocebo: NO
  1348. Valkyrie: Dex vs
  1349. 7 Nocebo
  1350. 7 Mannfred
  1351. Nocebo: 13 RESOLVE
  1352. Valkyrie: ...Slow clap for those rolls
  1354. Mammon slow claps, ICly.
  1355. Mannfred: 12 int substitution, yet again
  1356. Valkyrie: ".....Huh."
  1357. "I thought that would work a little better."
  1359. Mannfred clutches at his chest, checking for any new stab wounds. "Did... did that really miss? Ha! Haha!"
  1360. Valkyrie: she takes 3 damage end turn
  1361. Yakiba: "As I was saying... eh, forget it."
  1362. PUNCH
  1363. 13 Muscle vs Valkyrie
  1364. Valkyrie: 14 muscle
  1365. She takes the hit head-on and doesn't flinch.
  1366. "Wow, moving off those geo panels really helped!"
  1367. (Unless somebody wants to assist overdrive)
  1368. Mammon: Why not.
  1370. Yakiba somehow looks crestfallen through a facemask.
  1371. Yakiba: "I don't have any ranged attacks..."
  1372. Valkyrie: Which attack was that anyway?
  1373. Because it now hits
  1374. Nocebo: "You didn't stand a chance with such a weak stab against me!"
  1375. Mammon: Mammon shoots at her feet like Yosemite Sam while she's getting punched.
  1376. Yakiba: It was the one that can kill things.
  1377. (it was Eject)
  1378. Valkyrie: 34 damage!
  1379. Yakiba: and now you're in the wall
  1380. Valkyrie: She bites it
  1383. Scorpion: "Great, now I have to go find First Base to have her kill you all." He sighs dramatically.
  1384. Nocebo: "She won't have much luck!"
  1385. Scorpion: He meanders off
  1386. Mammon: "Well, that was easy. And nobody got hurt!"
  1387. Prinwise: "Uh, didn't you kill like four guards?"
  1388. Mannfred: "I got stabbed in the chest!"
  1389. Prinny Squad: "You blew up one of us, too!"
  1390. Yakiba: "Nobody important got seriously hurt."
  1391. Mammon: "Yeah, what Yakiba said."
  1393. Prinwise nods to that one
  1394. Nocebo: "Look, I'm tending your wounds, aren't you?"
  1395. Mannfred: "That doesn't make up for the fact that it happened at all."
  1396. Prinwise: "All right, enough whining. We're almost there!"
  1397. Mammon: "We've got like three major fights left, from the sound of it."
  1398. Mannfred: "Any chance we can skip past those?"
  1399. Nocebo: "maybe, maybe."
  1400. Yakiba: "What do you think this is, Super Mocktroid?"
  1401. Mammon: "No way. As the Netherworld's most professional mercenary, I never leave a job half-done."
  1402. Narrator: As you guys round a corner-
  1403. You can see the Control Room ahead! If the giant sign that says "CONTROL ROOM" is anything to go by.
  1404. But
  1405. on one of the benches lining the hallway, there's a demon.
  1406. Lying down.
  1407. Sleeping.
  1409. Prinwise freezes.
  1410. Prinwise: "Don't make. Any. Sudden movements."
  1412. Nocebo nudges the ninja forward.
  1414. Mannfred whispers. "What? Why? Can't we just walk right past her?"
  1415. Yakiba: quietly: "This is... the head warden, no?"
  1416. Prinwise: She's dressed in a pink witch's outfit, but doesn't look very tough to be honest. Although there IS a giant-ass scythe resting on the floor next to her.
  1417. "Yeah."
  1418. Mammon: "Well, I mean, we could kill her in her sleep."
  1419. ?????: "Don't even try it."
  1420. Nocebo: "A badass like this?"
  1421. ?????: That was a rather deep, masculine voice.
  1422. On the warden's hat, a giant eye opens.
  1423. Mammon: "Oh. Inconvenient!"
  1424. Mannfred: "Oh. Uhh... howdy there."
  1425. Warden's Hat: Glare.
  1426. "What is this, some sort of escape attempt?"
  1427. Elly: "Yes."
  1428. Warden's Hat: "Okay."
  1429. Mannfred: "What? No, that's crazy. Don't listen to her."
  1430. Warden's Hat: "Heading for the control room? It's right up there."
  1431. Mannfred: "We're just... looking for the bathroom! Right?"
  1432. Warden's Hat: "Code is 4444."
  1433. Elly: "Oh, thank you."
  1434. Mannfred: "Wait, what?"
  1435. Warden's Hat: "Try not to wake the warden."
  1437. Mammon stops Elly.
  1438. Nocebo: "Well I might have some ether..."
  1439. Mammon: "Gonna need to question your motives here, hat."
  1440. Mannfred: "What're you even helping us for?"
  1441. Warden's Hat: "Because you guys'll be the first people to ever escape, and then hopefully the warden'll be disgraced and have to actually do some work."
  1442. Mammon: "Well, that sounds on the level."
  1443. Yakiba: "that makes sense, actually"
  1444. Mammon: "Good and demonic."
  1445. Mannfred: "Ah, the plight of the overworked subordinate. I've been there."
  1446. Warden's Hat: "Look, half the time she makes me do her work. The other half she sleeps."
  1447. "I used to be a powerful demon myself, but no, had to get sealed in a hat. Work for the laziest demon to ever exist."
  1448. "Do you know my pain!?"
  1449. "Can you understand what that's like!?"
  1450. Mannfred: "No, but I'm pretty sure we know where you're coming from."
  1451. Warden's Hat: The warden stirs slightly, so he stops his rant for a moment.
  1452. "Anyway, good luck."
  1453. Elly: "We could take him with us maybe?"
  1454. Mannfred: "Let's not press our luck."
  1455. Nocebo: "He'll want to see this up close anyways."
  1456. Yakiba: "We should not."
  1457. Mannfred: "But have you considered that maybe that might wake her up? Because that's a pretty big concern, in case you haven't noticed."
  1459. Mannfred is trying his hardest not to yell
  1460. Elly: "But he seems honest and helpful and he has a genuine concern for his warden."
  1461. Mannfred: "So leave him with her. It's not our problem."
  1462. Nocebo: "Which is why she needs him more than we do. :|"
  1463. Elly: "...maybe he'd keep the crybaby in line..."
  1464. Mammon: "I really don't care what we do with the hat, but we're kind of on a time limit before the warden wakes up."
  1465. Mannfred: "If it didn't run a chance of waking her up, Elly, I'd punch you right here and now."
  1467. Elly sticks her tongue out at Mannfred.
  1468. Warden's Hat: "Okay guys, just hurry, I can feel her stirring."
  1469. Mammon: "You know what? I'm just gonna go n ahead."
  1470. Yakiba: "...I as well."
  1471. Mannfred: "Alright, alright, we're going. Discussion over."
  1473. Mannfred slowly tiptoes down the hall
  1474. Mammon: "You guys be our distraction if she wakes up! Your sacrifices will not be in vain!"
  1475. Narrator: The control room!
  1476. Very high tech, very fancy.
  1477. Thankfully, easy to figure out how the death trap works, since there's a geo block that reads "Activates Death Trap"
  1478. Nocebo: "Okay, let's see..."
  1480. Nocebo removes the geo block.
  1481. Narrator: BWOO-woo power down sounds
  1482. Elly: "...does anybody else have the desire to break things..."
  1483. Mannfred: "This is a lot easier than I thought it'd be."
  1484. Mammon: "That went surprisingly smoothly."
  1486. Nocebo thinks about throwing the blook at another block if there is one.
  1487. Yakiba: "Can we just break the geo block?"
  1488. Mannfred: "Just set it down somewhere and let's get going."
  1489. Elly: "Can we take it with us?"
  1490. Mammon: Exploding geo blocks can get pretty loud.
  1491. Mannfred: "We're not... forget it."
  1492. "You're impossible."
  1493. Elly: "...but if that activates the death trap..."
  1494. "...wouldn't it work on other geo panels?"
  1495. Mammon: "Are other geo panels in a building witha death trap?"
  1496. Nocebo: "Probably best not to keep it anywhere where they can turn the deathtrap back on from.
  1497. Mannfred: "Carrying that thing around is going to make this escape a lot more difficult than it needs to be,"
  1498. Mammon: "For god's sake, just carry it far enough to break it without the noise waking anybody up."
  1499. "This is why I hire Prinnies. They're stupid, but they don't think they get a vote."
  1501. Prinwise is glancing nervously down the hall to the warden
  1502. Nocebo: "we might find some place to use it, but we c an't carry it out the door because then it would be on geopannels that will activate the death-traps.
  1503. Mannfred: "Why does every marginally enchanted object always turn into a debate? We're leaving it and that's the end."
  1504. Prinwise: "Uh, actually, I figured we'd go out this way." Points at another door.
  1506. Nocebo looks at the door.
  1507. Yakiba: "You know this place... what is through there?"
  1508. Prinwise: "The lobby, and the main entrance."
  1509. "And thus our exit!"
  1510. Mammon: "See?"
  1511. Mannfred: "Seems awfully visible to me. You sure we can make a break for it?"
  1512. Prinwise: "It's also the only exit."
  1513. Mannfred: "Welp! Guess we're out of options!"
  1514. Mammon: "You know, I think maybe they noticed the damn thing powering down! Let's go!"
  1515. Nocebo: "Yeah, okay, sure!"
  1516. Yakiba: "Do not give them more time to prepare for us."
  1517. Mannfred: 'Yes, please! I don't want to spend another minute in this place."
  1518. Prinwise: So heading out then?
  1519. Nocebo: yeah
  1520. Mammon: Let's cheese it.
  1521. Prinwise: The lobby is gloriously empty!
  1522. You guys even make it past the death trap that killed off poor Death Flag
  1524. It's awfully dark outside, though.
  1525. Mammon: "Huh."
  1526. Prinwise: "Wow, who turned out the lights?"
  1527. Mammon: "What time was it again?"
  1528. Mannfred: "...That's odd. I don't remember the outside world being this dark."
  1529. "Maybe prison's changed us more than we thought?"
  1530. Yakiba: "It may just be the dead of night."
  1531. Nocebo: "Was that thing a load-bearing geosymbol?"
  1532. Prinwise: Suddenly, as if in response to their comments, it is BRIGHT AS HELL
  1533. Nocebo: "I mea-AHHH!"
  1534. Prinwise: as stadium lights turn on, flooding the place with light
  1535. and once your eyes adjust...
  1536. Elly: "Ochies."
  1537. Prinwise: It's a.
  1538. Baseball field.
  1539. Mannfred: "Uhhhh..."
  1540. Nocebo: "What"
  1541. First Base: "Looks like the opposing team made it!"
  1542. Mammon: "Ohohoho, looks like we're killing whatshername after all."
  1543. Mannfred: "...Prinwise? What is this?"
  1544. Yakiba: "Someone wants her entertainment in more than one flavor..."
  1545. First Base: She takes a few practice swings with her iron club.
  1547. Mannfred looks like he's a half-second away from strangling the little Prinny
  1548. Prinwise: "This is... First Base, the head of security." He gulps nervously.
  1549. Nocebo: "One last tutorial right?"
  1550. Elly: "Looks like First Base made it all the way."
  1551. Prinwise: "Nope. No tutorials."
  1552. "We're boned."
  1553. Narrator: TO
  1554. BE
  1556. Mannfred: "...Oh, now I get it! First Base!
  1557. Yakiba: "What did you think she was a love interest?"
  1558. "This isn't that kind of game!"
  1559. Nocebo: "First Base made it to Home Plate."
  1561. Nocebo offers Elly a hi-five.
  1563. Shika (GM) whispers to be continued again
  1565. Elly smiles a little and offers one back.
  1566. Vehrec: yes okay Mabel Roddenberry, we heard you.
  1567. Awe: Next week: Baseball Fight, apparently!
  1568. Shika (GM): YUP
  1569. Comrade Q.: I'm ready for so many sports puns
  1570. SO MANY
  1571. Vehrec: buncha lucha demons?
  1572. and a tsundere pitcher?
  1573. Shika (GM): Wrestlers and a Heavy Knight
  1574. Vehrec: ahhhh
  1575. Ethan: I might need to have Mammon acquire a bat.
  1577. Elly walks out with a home-made... puppet stage!
  1578. Elly: She holds out a little puppet of First Base. "Nyeh-heh-heh, you thought you could get out, but--surprise!"
  1579. She holds out paper puppets of everybody, the one of Manfred is missing and arm. "Oh noes!"
  1580. "That's right, the heroes sure look in trouble, but worry not..."
  1581. Mannfred: "Hey, why am I the only one that's mutilated!"
  1582. Mammon: "It's like a look into the future, isn't it?"
  1583. Elly: A very special-looking Elly paper puppet pops out. "I, Ellipse C. Q. Mark will save us!!"
  1584. The other puppets bob up and down. "Hurray, yaaaay!"
  1585. Prinwise: "Don't I get a puppet?"
  1586. Yakiba: "Oh, so you're... punctuation?"
  1587. Elly: The one that is Yakiba says "I am a shady mysterious guy."
  1588. Mannfred: I can't believe that's your actual name."
  1589. 'And also I would never say that."
  1590. Elly: "..."
  1591. The Mannfred pops up. "Oh, Ellipses, I think you are so great I will gladly risk my life for you."
  1592. The First Base one goes. "That can be arranged!"
  1593. Mannfred's puppet gets thrown out of the stage. At Mannfred.
  1595. Nocebo eats popcorn.
  1597. Mannfred takes the puppet to the face stoically
  1598. Elly: "Next Time on Theater Time with Elly: Don't Strike Out, Mannfred!"
  1599. "Seriously you guys... there's no talking during a play..." pout
  1600. Mammon: "There's always talking during a next episode preview!"
  1601. Shika (GM): ....OKAY play over, I have post-session business!
  1603. Nocebo: Yeees?
  1604. Shika (GM): before next week's game, get up to level 2
  1605. Mammon: Can do.
  1606. Awe: Okay, "level up". Not a tall order, comparatively speaking.
  1607. Comrade Q.: ayyyyyy, alright
  1608. Nocebo: not dramatically leveling up to pull a victory from the jaws of defeat?
  1609. Shika (GM): this isn't DBZ
  1610. Comrade Q.: not yet, anyway
  1611. Ethan: Alright, later everybody.
  1612. Shika (GM): see y'all next week for BASEBALL
  1613. o7
  1614. Comrade Q.: later!
  1615. Awe: depending on when I get to leave the cabin, I guess??
  1616. that's a thing
  1617. i mean, they have wi-fi there, but
  1618. Shika (GM): hopefully see you next week then I suppoooose
  1619. Awe: if I have to leave in the afternoon I'll be in a car without internet for a couple hours
  1620. Shika (GM): o7
  1621. lava
  1622. Argent B.: rolling 1d10
  1623. (
  1624. 1
  1625. )
  1626. = 1
  1628. Shika (GM) dances the dance of waiting
  1630. Argent B. dances with
  1631. Shika (GM): Waiting on Awe.
  1632. 8 minutes until Yakiba becomes an NPC....!
  1633. Argent B.: oh thats interesting
  1634. did you know that if you scroll over the icons in the turn-order, it'll highlight the icon on the field?
  1635. Shika (GM): yup
  1636. Argent B.: ./learns all sorts of things
  1637. Vehrec: I didn't know that.
  1638. Argent B.: anywhos, sorry for accidentally deleting Elly's status bars
  1639. I, uh, learned another thing
  1640. if you use the cursor select and delete and have that include your character icon...
  1641. hey it deletes that too :D;
  1642. Shika (GM): plz don't delete your character icons
  1643. Argent B.: I'm sorry I didn't know that was even a thing ;w;
  1644. Shika (GM): AW'IGHT it time
  1645. ((I need Nocebo's lv2 sheet btw))
  1646. Are we all ready to do some fightin'?
  1647. Comrade Q.: I'm never ready, but sure
  1648. let's play ball
  1650. Argent B. queues up Running Fire.
  1652. Nocebo hates sports.
  1653. Mammon: Let's play ball.
  1655. Mannfred: """heroes"""
  1656. Elly: This is the game that you get throw the bowling ball up through the hoop at the endzone using only your feet, right?
  1657. Prinwise: "Nope. No tutorials."
  1658. "We're boned."
  1659. Elly: "Okay."
  1660. First Base: First Base taps her iron club on the ground. "Come on. Give me your worst!"
  1661. Mannfred: "O... *Okay? There's nothing 'okay' about any of this!"
  1662. First Base: "It's time to play ball!"
  1663. Mammon: "I make it a policy not to be boned by gimmick bosses."
  1664. "Let's kick some ass.
  1665. "
  1666. Nocebo: "This isn't even a gimmick boss!"
  1667. "She's like...third in line? A mid-mid-boss?:
  1668. Mannfred: "Are you sure we can't go back and grind a little more?"
  1669. First Base: Everybody can go ahead and roll intiative
  1670. Nocebo: 4
  1671. Mammon: 16
  1672. (Oh no.)
  1673. Mannfred: "Because I'm feeling very vulnerable right now!" 7
  1674. Elly: "I got it. I think when I'm a skeleton, I want to be called Underscore."
  1675. 13
  1676. First Base: First Base: 11
  1677. Heavy Knight: 7
  1678. Wrestler: 15
  1679. Yakiba: 13
  1680. Elly: generic female heavy knights have nice sprites
  1681. Nocebo: that they do.
  1682. First Base: All right! Looks like Mammon is up first
  1683. Mammon: "Alright, I guess I have to get this party started.
  1684. PRINNY! Cover me!"
  1685. Mannfred: 'If this is your idea of a party, I'd really hate to see what a bad day's like for you!"
  1686. Mammon: Covering apparently means hopefully slowing down the two guys to the left.
  1687. Mannfred: "No wait, actually I'd love that."
  1688. Mammon: "Bad days are for poor people!"
  1689. He shoots the center Wrestler.
  1690. 12 Dex
  1691. Wrestler: 10 dex!
  1692. BLAMO he ded
  1693. Elly: "Oh."
  1694. Mammon: "Oh, good, these guys are nothing."
  1695. "NEXT!"
  1696. (Support to reload though.)
  1697. Wrestler: Anything else?
  1698. Cool beans.
  1700. Nocebo: "You wasted a perfectly good prinny there."
  1701. Mannfred: "Prinnies are a waste by definition."
  1702. Prinny Squad: "Dood, we're RIGHT HERE."
  1703. Elly: "I don't know... I think they're cute..."
  1704. Mammon: "YOU HAD ONE JOB"
  1705. Nocebo: "Oh sorry, I thought you guys got thrown when he said 'cover me'.
  1706. Wrestler: The two center wrestlers toss the Heavy Knight up towards you guys.
  1707. Elly: "Maybe that's next turn..."
  1708. Wrestler: Then the three wrestlers up in your ranks....
  1709. MUSCLE
  1710. vs Elly 11
  1711. vs Mammon 9
  1712. vs Nocebo 6
  1713. Excellent job being useless, guys.
  1714. Mammon: 8 Dexterity!
  1715. Shit.
  1716. Mannfred: wow
  1717. Elly: 13 sub, dex!
  1718. Mammon: That's what a ten on initiative does!
  1719. I knew this was gonna happen!
  1720. Wrestler: 26 to Mammon!
  1721. and....
  1722. the Wrestler picks up Mammon and tosses him, WRESTLER-STYLE
  1723. Nocebo: 14 I litterally cannot fail to trick this guy with Intuition.
  1724. Wrestler: No you can't
  1725. He is tricked!
  1726. Mammon: "RUDE"
  1727. Wrestler: Now.... VS MAMMON AGAIN now that he's in range of another Wrestler
  1729. Nocebo asks the wrestler what's on his shirt.
  1730. Wrestler: Muscle 14
  1731. Elly: Elly meanwhile, seems to have completely disappeared where she was supposed to be. Only to reappear in the next eyeblink.
  1732. Mammon: You know what, let's intuition this time.
  1733. Elly: Maybe she's actually a ninja?
  1734. Mammon: 15
  1735. Wrestler: Success!
  1736. And end the wrestlers' turn.
  1737. Nocebo: ((And as an aside, what do you guys look for in a line of combat drugs? Do you want to fight past the point where your body would fail? Superior attacking strength?))
  1738. Elly: ((pff, this is Disgaea, everybody knows its all attack or get wrekt))
  1739. Yakiba: Yakiba moves to the Heavy Knight, activating his Slip Stance and then spinning in a cool whirlwind thing!
  1740. Dex 11 vs Wrestler 9
  1741. 14 vs Heavy Knight 14 Muscle
  1742. Double-hit!
  1743. The Wrestler is taken out, the Heavy Knight takes 36 damage
  1744. Elly!
  1745. Elly: Elly looks around to this strange and bizarre circumstances...
  1746. "I don't think this is how you're supposed to play this game..."
  1747. Mammon: "Don't give them ideas! I don't play baseball!"
  1748. Nocebo: "Nope. And thank hell we're not playing a full nine innings."
  1749. Elly: "But I wanted to get to second base..." She tugs the hem of her dress a little and blushes. "Oh well..."
  1750. First Base: "This game'll be done by the third inning at most."
  1751. Mannfred: To Elly: "Please never say that again."
  1752. Shika (GM): Awe!
  1753. Awe: (so it turns out weekend cabin retreats make me forgetful)
  1754. Elly: (hi :3)
  1755. Awe: (also, if I suddenly drop out I'll be back momentarily)
  1756. (blame the internet connection here)
  1757. Shika (GM): You just missed Yakiba's turn, but /turns over NPC reigns for the next one
  1758. He killed a man
  1759. Awe: (/thumbs up)
  1760. (and what's the status icon for)
  1761. Shika (GM): (Slip Stance)
  1762. Awe: (good, thank you)
  1764. Elly takes out her pens and does a quick spin with them, throwing one at the two wrestlers behind her and the heavy knight in front of her.
  1765. Elly: 10 -- left, 8 -- right, 14 -- knight
  1766. Heavy Knight: 713 15(muscle sub)
  1767. Only the left one is hit! Though the Knight takes 7 chip damage!
  1768. Elly: sad face
  1769. "Nocebo..." She gives her a smile. "Make sure to make them hurt okay~" Using support action to give her a little boost of extra luck.
  1770. Heavy Knight: Nocebo, that means +1 to attack rolls
  1771. Nocebo: "Who do you think I am? Doctor Mangle himself couldn't do a nastier number on these guys than me!"
  1772. First Base: First Base takes a couple steps up.
  1773. Elly: "Heh... that's what I'm hoping."
  1774. First Base: Then she settles into a Batter Stance
  1775. And prepares a Home Run Swing
  1776. End turn
  1777. Mannfred!
  1779. Mannfred is still panicking just the slightest bit, but he'll at least try to contribute. Running up behind Yakiba, he cocks his shoulder back and hucks a rune-etched paper airplane over his shoulder, towards the Heavy Knight
  1780. Mannfred: 13 vs Int
  1781. Heavy Knight: What technique is that?
  1782. Mannfred: that'd be Downsizing
  1783. Heavy Knight: 11 Muscle sub-1
  1784. Hit!
  1785. Elly: " actually did something."
  1786. Mannfred: "Shut up!"
  1788. Elly gives him the smallest of claps.
  1789. Elly:
  1790. Mannfred: And following that up with a force blast for good measure 13
  1791. Heavy Knight: Doesn't that tech have the Immobile limit tho?
  1792. Mannfred: ... GOD
  1794. Heavy Knight: (You can swap out an attack action for a support if you'd like)
  1795. Mannfred: yeah okay, sure
  1796. Incredibly embarassed at his combat fauz pas, Mannfred throws down an intern and refuses to say anything about whatever just happened
  1797. *faux
  1798. Heavy Knight: ((Attack actions can be swapped for Support, and Supports for half a move just fyi))
  1799. Elly: ((good to know~))
  1800. Heavy Knight: Heavy Knight's turn!
  1801. She gets into a Defensive Stance
  1802. And then takes her shield....
  1803. And RAMS Yakiba with it!!!!
  1804. 11 muscle
  1805. Yakiba: 12 Muscle Defend
  1806. Heavy Knight: Thank Mannfred for that, it woulda hit without that weaken
  1807. Mannfred: "You're Welcome."
  1808. Heavy Knight: Nocebo!
  1809. Mammon: "Don't get cocky, Mark."
  1810. Nocebo: there is a big dumb thing in front of her...but first...
  1811. Mannfred: "...I'm not even going to bother correcting you anymore."
  1812. "That's how little I care about the things that come out of your mouth."
  1813. Mammon: "If you don't slow us down too much to get out of here, I might learn your name in a few weeks."
  1814. Elly: "Do you know my name?" She points a finger at herself.
  1815. Mammon: "I'm sorely tempted to go with Weird Innuendo Girl, but I know it's Elly."
  1817. Elly beams.
  1819. Nocebo poses and points at the wrestler in front of her.
  1820. Nocebo: "Fool! You have provoked a master of the mystic arts and the hidden truths! I know all 86 points that when touched in the correct order cause your head to instantly explode!"
  1821. 16 Resolve to intimidate this guy.
  1822. Elly: +1!
  1823. Wrestler: 10 you win
  1824. he dies
  1825. Nocebo: That was a support action not an attack.
  1826. Wrestler: "NOOOOOOO" and then his head explodes
  1827. Elly: oooh
  1829. Nocebo didn't even touch him.
  1830. Mammon: They're Flunkies, right?
  1831. Wrestler: the power of words
  1832. Nocebo: So instead of stunning him he dead?
  1833. Wrestler: It doesn't stun, it makes them Shaken
  1834. and flunkies are defeated when Shaken
  1835. Yakiba: "I may have much yet to learn, if you can destroy your enemy with words alone."
  1836. Mannfred: "Yeah, I... wow."
  1838. Nocebo fufufus.
  1839. Mannfred: "I'm not even sure what just happened there."
  1840. Mammon: "To be fair, these guys are pretty stupid."
  1841. Mannfred: she must be a really good doctor
  1842. Elly: "Whatever it is. She beat you." Directed at Mannfred.
  1843. Mammon: "You could probably make their heads explode with a good math problem."
  1844. Nocebo: "You're next cutie!"
  1845. Mannfred: "She didn't... this isn't a contest!"
  1846. Elly: "Oh."
  1847. "You were doing good, too..."
  1848. Mammon: "Yes it is!"
  1850. Elly seems to find the dirt more interesting now.
  1851. Heavy Knight: "Psh."
  1852. "You can't hit all 86 points on me."
  1853. "I'm wearing armor!"
  1854. ((Is Nocebo doing any actual attacking with her turn?))
  1855. Nocebo: "And who says I need to hit all of them to hurt you? The head-exploding thing is just for showing off, I can do real damage just like THIS!" And someone sure just shoved her hand under that breastplate. 9
  1856. ((That's Instant Surgery))
  1857. Vehrec: ((OH now it goes through!))
  1858. Heavy Knight: 14 muscle sub!
  1859. NOPE
  1861. Nocebo gets her hand caught and squeezed and drops something on the ground.
  1862. Mannfred: "Hey! Inappropriate workplace behavior!"
  1863. Nocebo: Its....
  1864. A plastic bag full of blood?
  1865. Heavy Knight: "........."
  1866. Nocebo: ">.>"
  1867. "That's something I was holding onto for Elly."
  1868. Heavy Knight: "........."
  1869. Mannfred: "I don't want to ask what she was going to do with that, so okay."
  1870. Heavy Knight: END ROUND
  1871. +1 valor to all!
  1872. +1 extra to Mammon and Mannfred for their banter
  1873. Mannfred: hurray!
  1874. Heavy Knight: One of the wrestlers tosses First Base closer!
  1875. The other two remaining Wrestlers go for Mammon and Nocebo!
  1876. 6 muscle vs Mammon
  1877. 12 vs Nocebo
  1878. Mammon: 15 Dexdodgin'.
  1879. Heavy Knight: so close to a crit dodge
  1880. Nocebo: 7 Int subbing,
  1881. Mammon: Honestly?
  1882. I'll overdrive for a free kill.
  1883. Heavy Knight: Okay
  1884. Wrestler: "NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY-"
  1885. and then he explodes
  1886. Mammon: "See?"
  1887. "THAT stupid."
  1888. Wrestler: Nocebo however
  1890. Mannfred: "You didn't even do anything that time! Someone seriously needs to talk to these people about their hiring practices."
  1891. Nocebo: "ACK!"
  1892. Wrestler: Nocebo is hit for 510 damage!
  1893. .....
  1894. Mammon: "I showed him my sweet moves."
  1895. Wrestler: 19
  1896. 510 damage game over this wrestler is the final boss
  1897. Elly: I was waiting for the "just kidding" geez xD
  1898. Yakiba: Can we call him Hits Killsman
  1899. Wrestler: ANYWAY once she is in front of First Base
  1900. there is
  1901. First Base: an EVIL gleam in her eye
  1902. Nocebo: "Oh he-"
  1903. First Base: the SECOND Nocebo lands, First Base SWINGS her giant iron club like a bat.
  1904. 16 muscle
  1905. Nocebo: AURA defense sub since not out-thinking my way from this one. 13
  1906. First Base: Nocebo is hit!
  1907. Nocebo: Too soon to overdrive damnit.
  1908. First Base: MAMMON
  1909. roll
  1910. Muscle vs Mammon 9
  1911. Mammon: 14 Dex subbing still okay?
  1913. Nocebo is bent dobule around the bat before she goes flying.
  1914. Mammon: He casually sidesteps as Nocebo flies past.
  1916. Nocebo looses a shoe that flies off and out of the area.
  1917. First Base: YAKIBA roll
  1918. 7 muscle
  1919. luckily her rolls suck after the first
  1920. Yakiba: 14 easy
  1921. Nocebo: more DEX?
  1922. Yakiba: A perfect catch. Yakiba sets the good doctor down.
  1923. First Base: That catch still deals 7 damage to Yakiba, as well as to Mammon as she passed by
  1924. And 48 to Nocebo
  1926. Nocebo groans in pain.
  1927. First Base: "Not a bad swing. Coulda been better, though."
  1928. "ALL RIGHT, next pitch?"
  1929. Nocebo: "Medic..."
  1930. "Oh wait, that's me."
  1931. Mammon: "You clipped me a bit there."
  1932. "Not making a big thing about it, just pointing out."
  1933. Elly: "Are... you alright?"
  1934. Nocebo: "I think..."
  1936. Nocebo pats her chest and winces.
  1937. Nocebo: "I think I broke a couple of ribs.
  1938. Yakiba: "Her power is great. Stopping you took a good deal of force."
  1939. First Base: It's Mammon's turn, by the by
  1940. Mammon: Right, of course.
  1941. "PRINNY"
  1942. Prinny Squad: "I'm not gonna enjoy this, am I, dood?"
  1943. Mammon: "Grow up!"
  1944. Explode!
  1945. 14 10 Int on that Wrestler and Knight.
  1946. Heavy Knight: 10 11 muscle subs both
  1947. Wrestler ded
  1948. Mammon: And then getting a bit further from the scary lady with the bat.
  1949. Heavy Knight: "Hm."
  1950. Yakiba?
  1951. Yakiba: "Imagine a crashing plane..."
  1952. "...and be ejected!"
  1953. 14 Muscle vs Knight (Pressure Fist)
  1954. Heavy Knight: 10 muscle
  1955. Nope! She hit
  1956. Yakiba: Let's knock her along the second base line
  1957. Heavy Knight: 41 damage!
  1958. "Oh-kay, I definitely felt that one...!"
  1959. Yakiba: While moving, he does that thing with his hands that just packs a large amount of air into a very small space.
  1960. TURN END
  1961. Heavy Knight: Elly!
  1962. Elly: "Now I know this isn't how this game is supposed to be played."
  1963. "So I guess I'll just have to beat these folks up."
  1964. Wind attack on First Base! 10
  1965. First Base: Dex sub! 11
  1966. WHOOSH it miss.
  1967. "You'll have to pitch better than that, shorty!"
  1968. Elly: "The fate is strong in this one..."
  1969. First Base: It should be noted that First Base is maybe five foot tall.
  1970. Nocebo: "Don't call her shorty, shorty!"
  1971. Elly: "...but I am short..."
  1972. "Well, let's see how you can handle this."
  1973. Yakiba: "Can we put a shortstop to all this talk about height?"
  1974. Mannfred: "I'd rather have that than more puns."
  1976. Elly was about to do something, but blanches at that one. HARD.
  1977. Mannfred: "I think that one actually hurt me, physically."
  1978. Mammon: "Looks like you struck out Yakiba."
  1980. Elly groans as she clasps her hands together and makes a wall made out of the same stuff as her wind attack between first base and yakiba
  1981. First Base: "Huh."
  1982. "This doesn't seem very fun."
  1983. Elly: "Yes, I would imagine... that your fun quotient... wouldn't be very high if you tried to get through that..."
  1984. First Base: So.
  1985. She walks around it.
  1986. "Boo."
  1988. Mannfred, go.
  1989. Nocebo: "Aw heck."
  1990. Mannfred: It's cool, he can fix this! Mannfred throws out for a force blast, only for real this time, at First Base 14
  1991. First Base: Dex sub 7
  1992. Just as she's about to be hit-
  1994. Heavy Knight appears, taking the hit instead
  1995. Heavy Knight: 44 damage!
  1996. and she dies
  1997. First Base: "You will always be remembered, whatever your name was."
  1998. Mammon: "On the one hand, nice work getting non-Prinny employees willing to die for you."
  1999. Mannfred: "Well, at least we don't have to deal with that anymore."
  2001. Elly bows a little to the Knight lady. She was pretty cool.
  2002. Mammon: "On the other hand, now it's just you and us!"
  2003. "Oh, and that guy down there."
  2005. Nocebo suppresses an urge to apply first-aid.
  2006. Wrestler: "Uh I'm still down here"
  2007. Mammon: "I think he's asleep?"
  2008. Mannfred: "Nobody cares!"
  2009. Yakiba: "Such loyalty, she will be rewarded in her next life."
  2011. Mammon ignoring the fact that he just spoke
  2012. First Base: What next, Mannfred?
  2013. Mannfred: "Blugh, let's just get this over with." And there he goes pinning her with another memo. 16
  2014. First Base: 8 literally cannot win
  2015. Mannfred: "Sorry, looks like you've been demoted!"
  2016. First Base: "No, I need my pay rate to pay for all the baseball game tickets...!"
  2017. Mannfred: "Take it up with HR!"
  2018. First Base: Nocebo!
  2019. "We don't have an HR, we're demons! And also non-union!"
  2020. Nocebo: so uhhh Nocebo has a plan
  2021. It's a gross plan though.
  2022. Mannfred: "Wow, seriously? My condolences."
  2023. Nocebo: You might want to cover your ears.
  2024. First Base: +1 valor to Mannfred
  2025. Nocebo: "Excuse me, but might I enquire as to what you're eating? As an athlete, you must know that diet is important..."
  2026. Elly: "It is?"
  2027. "Oh."
  2028. "I've been eating a lot of fish and bread, and banana and peanut butter sandwiches."
  2029. Nocebo: "After all, improper diet can cause toxins and rotting food to build up in the digestive system..."
  2030. Elly: "What? Oh no..."
  2031. First Base: roll it!!!1
  2032. Nocebo: Elly, no don't you listen to this too!
  2033. 14 GUTS This isn't an attack, so the bonus doesn't count, right?
  2034. First Base: 13 it's TECHNICALLY possible to win this... come on, First Base...!
  2035. nope
  2036. "I, uh, mostly eat lava fish or dragon meat....?"
  2037. "Is that bad?"
  2039. Nocebo tisks.
  2040. Elly: "Yeah, is it?"
  2042. Elly gasps!
  2043. Nocebo: "Yes it is! You've gotta have at least five pounds of rotting dragon meat in your colon right now I bet!"
  2044. First Base: "Urk!!!!!"
  2045. Nocebo: "You need a lot of Killium husks and maybe a Colonic Irrigation!"
  2046. First Base: "Is that bad?"
  2047. Nocebo: "It's prety bad, but don't worry, it's treatable...if you act quickly."
  2048. First Base: "All right, got it...!"
  2049. "I'll make sure I kill all of you right away, then!"
  2050. "So I can get this taken care of!"
  2051. Nocebo: "Oh, and speaking of Toxins..."
  2052. WHUMP
  2053. First Base: Roll defense!
  2054. 14 muscle attack
  2055. Nocebo: 10 Intuition sub!
  2056. First Base: Elly, roll defense!
  2057. Muscle attack 10
  2058. Nocebo: sob.
  2059. not again...
  2060. First Base: And Mammon, roll defense!
  2061. 8 muscle attack
  2062. Thankfully, it's always only her first roll that hits hard.
  2063. Elly: uh uh
  2064. Dexterity sub 12
  2065. yesss
  2066. Mammon: 13 Dex
  2067. First Base: You both avoid the full brunt of the damage, but take the 7 damage from catching Nocebo!
  2068. Nocebo: So does my attack resolve now that I'm out of range of it?
  2069. First Base: Nocebo however takes 48
  2071. Nocebo is tough!
  2072. Elly: "My colon..."
  2073. Mammon: "You should really stop rushing her."
  2074. First Base: You are now too far away to use your attack!
  2075. Nocebo: Damn.
  2076. First Base: However it IS refunded
  2077. Mannfred: "Please stop saying 'colon."
  2078. Nocebo: "Well nobody else was doing anything!"
  2079. First Base: so you still have a move + attack action
  2080. Elly: "Okay."
  2081. "My poop-maker?"
  2082. Mannfred: "That's even worse!"
  2084. Nocebo whispers to Elly. "That was all a lie Elly. But don't tell her that."
  2085. Mammon: "I have an idea!"
  2086. "Everyone shut up while I shoot this broad."
  2087. Nocebo: "Ugh, Hold on..."
  2089. Elly whispers back. "Maybe we shouldn't lie anymore to her. She's kind of scary."
  2091. Nocebo gets back up and hobbles forward a couple of steps before grabbing one of her phials and chucking it forward. "Enjoy the stuff that smells so bad it makes you puke!"
  2092. Nocebo: 9
  2093. First Base: 15 dex sub!
  2094. Nocebo: aw cripes.
  2095. First Base: First Base is able to swing her bat - er, club - around enough to disperse the fumes.
  2097. Nocebo tries to stand as if her injuries aren't hurting at all.
  2098. Nocebo: and I guess it's Mammon's turn now, jerk.
  2099. First Base: End round! +1 valor all!
  2100. And an extra +1 to Nocebo for that last round
  2101. Mammon: He's gonna want that Prinny back eventually, so he'll move in closer than necessary for this next part.
  2102. Size Up!
  2103. 7 Int
  2104. Why.
  2105. First Base: 4
  2106. Mammon: Oh, huh.
  2107. First Base: Good enough
  2108. HP: 165
  2109. ST: 26
  2110. Highest: Muscle, Dexterity
  2111. Lowest: Intuition
  2112. Flaws: Weak Energy Attacker
  2113. Mammon: "Ah, so she's an idiot."
  2114. "ANYWAY"
  2115. Nocebo: "Wow. What stunning insight."
  2116. Mammon: He'll hit her with the guns, since his Int attack is currently unavailable.
  2117. 11
  2118. Well.
  2119. Attempt to hit her with the guns.
  2120. First Base: 14!!!
  2121. Wow, nope. She literally bats the bullets away.
  2122. Mammon: "Shit, that looked kind of cool. I'm going to have to steal one of those."
  2123. Wrestler: "HI"
  2126. Yakiba: "You're still irrelevant, Naps Snoresman"
  2127. Elly: ...snrk
  2128. Wrestler: +1 valor to Yakiba
  2129. Mammon: 10 Dex
  2130. "Do what?"
  2131. Wrestler: "THIIIIIIIIIIIIIS JABRONI" he plays off his missed grab as a flex
  2133. Elly: "I do!"
  2134. Wrestler: "Thanks"
  2135. Elly: "Welcome!"
  2136. Wrestler: Yakiba!
  2137. Mammon: "5."
  2138. Yakiba: (THAT is the kind of interruption I mean)
  2139. "Oh? I see something on your face!" he calls to First Base.
  2140. First Base: "Is it blood?"
  2141. Yakiba: 12 Dex (Feint)
  2142. First Base: 13
  2143. Nope.
  2144. Yakiba: " is, actually. Probably Nocebo's."
  2145. First Base: "I figured."
  2146. Yakiba: "But if that had worked I would have said IT'S MY FIST" 14 Str (Pressure Fist)
  2147. First Base: 15!!!!!!!!1
  2148. ....Wow.
  2149. Yakiba: OVERDRIVING THAT
  2150. First Base: The only roll that coulda won- nevermind
  2151. HIT
  2152. Elly: this is the mid-season boss, right? :3;
  2153. Yakiba: and she's being knocked into Dies Killedman
  2154. First Base: 48!
  2155. Yakiba: Following this punch he dashes forward to keep her pressured.
  2156. First Base: "Ow, I actually felt that a little."
  2157. "Wait, where did Dies Killedman go?"
  2158. Vehrec: "You're standing on him."
  2160. Nocebo said that!
  2161. Mammon: "Looks like he's dead, too."
  2162. First Base: "Oh. I thought this was a base. I guess not."
  2163. Mammon: "You must be fatter than you look."
  2164. First Base: Stomps her foot on Dies Killedman's remains.
  2165. "It's all muscle."
  2166. She lets her club fall, where it craters the ground under it. "Gotta be stronk for this thing, y'know?"
  2167. Yakiba: "You're sure his name wasn't Meats Weightsman?"
  2168. Mannfred: "I'm starting to see a pattern with these names."
  2169. First Base: Elly, goooooo
  2170. Elly: Elly is going to use her wind attack directly behind First Base and snag her with in the blast radius.
  2171. Hopefully. She's doing REALLY GOOD this fight. 8
  2172. ...welp
  2173. First Base: 6 dex sub
  2174. NOPE
  2175. Elly: ,,,WOW
  2176. Nocebo: You go gurrl!
  2177. First Base: Although that does also destroy your barrier
  2178. Elly: no no I meant it here--
  2179. First Base: So then roll attack vs Mammon!
  2180. Nocebo: yes please :D
  2181. First Base: 34 damage to First Base tho
  2182. Elly: oh I thought it was just a +-shape
  2183. First Base: Nope
  2184. Yakiba: (Nope, diagonals are also 1
  2185. First Base: Diagonals always count
  2186. Elly: 8 to Hammon then :3;;
  2187. ROLL GOOD YO
  2188. First Base: ROLL DEFENSE MAMMON
  2189. Mammon: 8!
  2190. First Base: Hit!
  2191. Mammon: Shit.
  2192. "WHAT"
  2193. First Base: Mammon takes 32 damage!
  2194. Nocebo: "Don't be such a baby! That'll heal right out!"
  2195. Mammon: "Just for that, I'm forgetting your name!"
  2196. Elly: ""
  2197. "...its okay, I'm used to that."
  2198. She's gong to go ahead and make another barrier, too. And help with the whole boxing in thing.
  2199. First Base: First Base. Grins.
  2200. "It's been a long time since I had a game this good!
  2201. "
  2202. She takes a step. And SWINGS straight for Mammon's head.
  2203. 14 muscle!
  2204. Nocebo: Okay, even doc winces at that.
  2205. Mammon: 13 Dex I SWEAR IF THIS HITS
  2206. First Base: it hits
  2207. not only does it hit but
  2208. he goes flying THROUGH the barrier for an extra increment
  2209. and into Nocebo
  2210. where they both take (another in Mammon's case) increment
  2211. Elly: would... this be a bad time to mention that those are damage barriers :3;
  2212. Nocebo: Hard work and GUTS to defense? Or is this a no-roll thing?
  2213. First Base: 68 to Mammon and 7 to Nocebo
  2214. Mannfred: jesus
  2215. Mammon: That's literally exactly enough for a kill.
  2216. First Base: Mammon reaches 0 health and falls
  2217. Yakiba: well, enough for a KO
  2218. Mammon: "This..."
  2219. "Is why..."
  2220. "I don't work..."
  2221. "With losers...."
  2222. Nocebo: "Jeez, hold on drama queen."
  2224. Mammon passes out.
  2225. Elly: "...oops."
  2226. Mannfred: "Well, good riddance."
  2228. Nocebo triages him and gives him a pill. Since he can't swallow, she drops it in his hand.
  2229. Elly: "Oh! You could put it in his mouth and massage his throat. That could gets him to swallow."
  2230. Nocebo: "Don't have time for delicate doctoring right now."
  2231. First Base: She hefts her club again. "So, whoi's next?"
  2232. who's*
  2233. Mannfred, apparently.
  2234. Mannfred: "...I really don't know what anyone expects me to do about this."
  2236. Mannfred walks forward. That's his turn!
  2237. First Base: Nocebo!
  2238. You can heal somebody at 0 or below just fyi
  2239. Nocebo: crap cral crap-oh really?
  2240. First Base: Yup.
  2241. Nocebo: Well then time for a pep talk.
  2242. Yakiba: yeah, no dedicated revival techniques in Valor (yet)
  2244. Nocebo gets out a crystal pendant. "Hey, wake up. You don't have time to bleed! You don't work with loosers, but my medicine is simply the best there is! So I'm gonna heal you frontline types now and get you back in the fight."
  2245. Mammon: "mom i don't want to empty my i'm saving up for my first mansion"
  2246. Nocebo: 33 health for Mammon and 7 for Yakiba.
  2248. Mammon snaps awake
  2249. Mammon: "HUH WHA WHO'S THERE"
  2250. First Base: "Oh, she's an actual doctor? Wow."
  2251. Elly: "I didn't know Nocebo was your mom!"
  2252. "But then who's the dad?"
  2253. Nocebo: "I'll have you know that I'm fully certified!"
  2254. ...that's actually really weird, most Netherworld doctors don't bother with degrees and certification.
  2255. First Base: "Certified....?" ???????
  2256. Elly: "Maybe she means Certifiable?"
  2257. Mannfred: "Those are the same thing."
  2258. Elly: "Oh."
  2259. Nocebo: "Hey! I'm trying to be inspiring here!"
  2261. Elly claps.
  2263. Nocebo spins Mammon around.
  2264. Nocebo: Now listen! You get back in there and don't let her hit you again! She's got a fast swing, but you can fake her out!"
  2265. Mammon: "I'd just like to point out that I would have been fine in the first place if somebody was watching her damn areas of effect."
  2266. Nocebo: 13 to give him an extra point of Valor.
  2267. Mannfred: "For the record, I would've been fine with just leaving you there."
  2268. Mammon: "Nobody cares about your opinion, Malfoy."
  2269. Nocebo: actually i gess I don't need to roll for that.
  2270. wah wah
  2271. Mannfred: "you're going to run out of fake names eventually."
  2272. "When that day comes, I'll be waiting."
  2273. Mammon: "You underestimate my creativity, Malarkey."
  2274. Elly: "Oh. Um... that someone was me, wasn't it?"
  2275. "Sorry."
  2276. Mammon: "UGH."
  2277. He is, at least, seeing Mammon have a bad day.
  2279. Mannfred isn't happy to see that, but he does feel a sense of visceral satisfaction, like taking a really big poop
  2281. Nocebo isn't willing to give First base a run-up in order to attack her, but she will make a rude gesture instead.
  2282. First Base: You don't need to roll to use inspire btw
  2283. Mammon: "Outta my way!
  2284. Nocebo: yes, I realize that, so I'm gonna -hey!
  2285. First Base: +1 valor to all, +1 extras to Mammon, Nocebo, and Elly for last round!
  2286. Mammon: Reviving that Prinny.
  2287. He was talking to Mannfred, for what it's worth.
  2288. "GET OVER THERE"
  2289. Prinny Squad: "WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY"
  2290. 12 Int
  2291. Elly: This may be a dumb question, but what can I do with Valor?
  2292. First Base: 12 muscle sub!
  2293. Mammon: You can spend 3 to overdrive, which can do a few different things but the main one is boosting one roll of your own by 5.
  2294. First Base: hit!
  2295. It can also boost an ally's roll by 3
  2296. 30 damage!
  2297. "Owwww!!!"
  2298. Mammon: "Guys, as the one who just got KOed for a minute there, I'm gonna have to ask you all not to let her hit me.
  2299. "
  2300. Yakiba: "I shall do my utmost."
  2301. Mannfred: "I can't make any promises."
  2302. Mammon: "I was talking to the guys."
  2304. Mammon gives Yakiba a thumbs up
  2305. Nocebo: "I need to not be hit either!"
  2306. First Base: "So hit both of you. Got it!"
  2307. Yakiba: No more messing around or words, he's going to do the thing he just established he was going to do.
  2308. First Base: First Base pulls out a bag. It is full of rocks shaped like baseballs.
  2310. Nocebo is not happy with this reveal.
  2311. Yakiba: Same simple plan. First: grab more air to use another Pressure Fist art.
  2312. Elly: She was going to ask if she can hit him since she isn't a guy, but seeing as she did, she doesn't want to chance it.
  2313. Yakiba: Second: get in position.
  2314. First Base: "Oh, hello again."
  2315. Yakiba: "I don't need a tool to send you flying."
  2316. "Goodbye again."
  2317. 11 Muscle (Pressure Fist)
  2318. First Base: +1 valor for that quip
  2319. 12 muscle!
  2320. But it doesn't hit
  2321. Yakiba: (this would be a good time for one of you to Teamwork)
  2322. Mannfred: I'll go ahead and take that
  2324. Mannfred throws in a force blast to give it that extra kick
  2325. First Base: 41 damage!
  2326. "OKAY OW"
  2327. "I am now in pain."
  2328. Yakiba: "Good. But know that it is fleeting."
  2329. First Base: Elly!
  2330. Elly: "Mr. Madman, I'm going to see if I can't finish this now. As way of apology..."
  2331. First Base: "You can't!"
  2332. Elly: Support skill: Feint 15
  2333. First Base: 10
  2334. Success!
  2335. Elly: Going to throw extra ink pens her way just to make sure this thing actually hits!! 16
  2336. First Base: 9!!!!!
  2337. Wow no.
  2338. 31 damage!
  2339. "No.... no......."
  2340. "......"
  2341. "...........TIME FOR AN EXTRA INNING!!!!"
  2342. First Base: Valor spent
  2343. Health set to one increment
  2344. "Whew, that was close."
  2345. "Ready to hit the bottom on the ninth?"
  2346. Elly: "...."
  2347. She had hoped the extra damage might have done something
  2348. First Base: (You can also use Valor to gain an increment of health.)
  2349. So remember that bag of rocks shaped like baseballs?
  2350. She picks up three of them and tosses them in the air.
  2351. Nocebo: she's got good range.
  2352. First Base: And then smashes all three of them with one swing of her oversized iron club.
  2353. DEX vs 10 Nocebo
  2354. 15 Yakiba
  2355. 7 Elly
  2356. Nocebo: 9 subbing guts.
  2357. Yakiba: 9 to defend
  2358. Nocebo: ...and overdriving.
  2359. Yakiba: keeping that, no big if I get hit probably
  2360. Elly: subbing dex 11
  2361. First Base: 45 to Yakiba!
  2362. And an extra 7 as the hit knocks him forward into Elly
  2363. (And Elly takes it too)
  2364. Elly: Elly grunts, but now she doesn't keep her eyes off of First Base. If the other demons don't kill her, she will!! Is what her game face is saying.
  2365. First Base: Mannfred, thine turn
  2366. Mannfred: "Okay, seriously? I can't hit her or anything. I don't know why I'm even bothering."
  2367. "I need a cigarette."
  2368. First Base: You can hit her I'm p sure tho
  2369. Mannfred: nah, she's way out of range
  2370. First Base: Support action; create new attack node
  2371. Attack action; attack from it
  2372. ????
  2373. Profit
  2374. Mannfred: well, when you put it that way
  2375. Yakiba: and you're middle management, profit is your lifeblood
  2376. Mannfred: Making a conveniently-placed intern and firing off one last blast. 12
  2377. First Base: 10 dex sub
  2378. Hit!!
  2379. Mannfred: "Guess I just have to do everything round here."
  2380. First Base: +1 valor for that quip
  2381. Not that it matters
  2382. 40 damage!
  2383. And she falls!
  2384. ...Again.
  2385. But more permanently this time.
  2386. Mammon: "I'm not even going to argue with that completely moronic statement."
  2388. Elly sits on her butt. She really was taking it seriously towards the end and is now relieved that its over.
  2389. Prinwise: "Whew...."
  2390. Mannfred: "You're just jealous I scored the killing blow and you didn't."
  2391. Prinwise: "And just think, that was only the security head."
  2392. "Good job though! You only almost died a couple times!"
  2393. Mammon: "No, I'm jealous Elly--I'm sorry, Ethel didn't ATTACK YOU."
  2394. Prinwise: "Ladies, ladies! Let's break this up."
  2396. Nocebo will distribute a few more heals before the scene ends hopefully.
  2397. Prinwise: "We have more important things at the moment, like fleeing before we attract undue attention."
  2398. Elly: "Eh..."
  2399. "I've been called worse..."
  2400. Prinwise: (And nope this fight's over no heals.)
  2401. Nocebo: (darn!)
  2402. Mannfred: "Yes, let's run as far away as possible and never see eachother again."
  2403. Yakiba: "Agreed. We are leaving."
  2404. and there is no brooking argument with that tone
  2405. Nocebo: "Where's my shoe?"
  2406. "I payed good money for those pumps."
  2407. Mannfred: "I think it flew into the stands. Whatever, let's go."
  2408. Elly: "Hmm..." Elly pulls out a book. A fancy red leather-bound one. She begins to make a few notes in it while everybody is... doing their own thing.
  2409. Prinwise: AND SO YOU GO
  2410. "Ah, look, a boat!"
  2411. "Perfect!"
  2412. Elly: Somebody burned the spaghetti
  2413. Prinwise: "We just have to make it across the Hellion Lavaflow and we'll be home free!"
  2414. Nocebo: "pretty small, isn't it?"
  2415. Mannfred: "We might have to lose some dead weight."
  2416. ?????: "H-Hey! Guys, wait up!"
  2417. It's an unfamiliar undead.
  2418. Nocebo: that...
  2419. Mannfred: it can't be
  2420. ?????: "It's me! Death Flag!"
  2421. Nocebo: "Death Flag?"
  2422. Mammon: "Who?"
  2423. Mannfred: "Who?'
  2424. Death Flag: "You guys almost made it out without me."
  2425. Mammon: "I did it first."
  2426. Mannfred: "Shut up."
  2427. Elly: "Huh."
  2428. Yakiba: "...Should we be calling you RE-death Flag now?"
  2429. Death Flag: "We're buddies, aren't we?"
  2430. "You guys can be cold..."
  2431. Elly: "Okay."
  2432. Nocebo: "How did you get Zombified?"
  2433. Prinwise: "I guess one more wouldn't hurt. But do you guys really know this zombie?"
  2434. Mammon: "Sure, I guess, whatever."
  2435. Mannfred: "'Know' is a pretty strong word."
  2436. ?????: And then. Another voice. "All right, NOBODY is going ANYWHERE."
  2437. Elly: "Ok."
  2438. Yakiba: "Now look what you've done, fool."
  2439. Nocebo: "NOpe, we're leaving!"
  2440. Mammon: "And this is why I didn't want to stand around arguing about whether we knew him!"
  2441. Elly: "Oh."
  2442. ?????: Death Flag is engulfed in fire
  2443. 106 damage!
  2444. Elly: "Oh! It's the Warden's Hat."
  2445. Carolina: "All right, stooges. If you think you can get away from Death Death Prison and Caroline the Reaper, you've got another thing coming."
  2446. Mannfred: "And the Warden."
  2447. Yakiba: "...still attached to the Warden."
  2448. Carolina: She slams the butt of her scythe down, echoing through the prison.
  2449. "You all gunna die."
  2450. Narrator: TO
  2451. BE
  2453. Nocebo: freaking heck mang.
  2454. Mammon: We skipped a boss.
  2455. Mannfred: we in some deep doodoo now
  2456. Awe: Next week, a fight that will probably give everyone a lot of trouble
  2457. (especially me since what resistance)
  2459. Prinwise: "All right guys, it's time to blow this popsicle stand!"
  2460. Elly: I was about to say, nobody else is going to do the preview? xD
  2461. Carolina: "No way!"
  2462. "Not until...."
  2463. "You guys..."
  2464. "CAN BEAT ME IN A COOK-OFF!!!"
  2465. Awe: "oh"
  2466. Yakiba: "this is not the kind of confrontation we were expecting."
  2467. Warden's Hat: "Can our heroes defeat the evil Carolina the Reaper, whose food is known to turn people to ash from its spice?"
  2469. Warden's Hat: "Or will this be the last Prison Cookoff they ever participate in?"
  2470. Vehrec: "I'll make your tastebuds sing with my delicious cake!"
  2471. Mannfred: "I made a Hot Pocket."
  2472. Warden's Hat: "Find out next time, on Chapter 2: That's a Spicy Pepper!"
  2473. Elly: "All I know how tp make is banana and peanut butter sandwiches, will that win?"
  2474. Yakiba: "We're trying to make it the last one anyway."
  2475. Shika (GM): curtain close
  2476. Although this is the real end of Chapter One! Next session begins Chapter Two: On the Lam
  2477. Elly: oh yeees :3
  2478. I can't wait
  2479. Awe: yeeeee
  2480. Elly: ...and I can already hear Mannfred's whining now
  2481. Comrade Q.: generally speaking, Mannfred will always have something to whine about
  2482. it's just how he is
  2483. Elly: I've been getting that xD
  2484. so I have a question
  2485. was it just me or are barriers kind of dumb? xD
  2486. Awe: I think it's just this particular circumstance
  2487. Comrade Q.: it's a circumstantial kinda thing
  2488. I have a barrier tech and I haven't even used it yet
  2489. Shika (GM): tbh, your barrier may have saved Mammon
  2490. she almost targeted him with that baseball move
  2491. but then he was behind a barrier
  2492. so she hit Nocebo instead
  2493. Elly: ooh
  2494. I'll try working on it. Maybe just needs a bit more finesse
  2495. Awe: yeah I'd say just from this session that Barrier is one of the hardest cores to get a real sense of value from
  2496. Shika (GM): Barriers are best at higher level tbh
  2497. Awe: (none have been used in VPS so this is my first time seeing one too)
  2498. Mammon: A lot of the more complicated stuff takes a season or two to get the useful options.
  2499. Shika (GM): Because overcoming a barrier is a CORE level roll (technique core level vs barrier's core level)
  2500. Mammon: I mean, there's no strategic reason I should have a Companion right now, it's just funny.
  2501. Shika (GM): and at higher levels, they don't tend to have like a full core-stack
  2502. Mammon: But the Prinnies will be getting way more useful eventually.
  2503. Shika (GM): so if your barrier DOES it can p much block most techniques
  2504. Awe: mhm
  2505. Elly: yeah, I did see in Season 2 I could be in control of who gets hurt or not
  2506. so Mammon would have pass through the barrier okay
  2507. Shika (GM): yep
  2508. Anyway!
  2509. I hope you guys had fun with that fight
  2510. Comrade Q.: I know I did
  2511. Mammon: It was a very challenging boss battle, fun stuff.
  2512. Elly: yeah I wasn't expecting it to be that hard xD
  2513. Awe: IT WAS A GOOD FIGHT, good job on a well-designed fight scene
  2514. Shika (GM): o7
  2515. I'll catch y'all next week
  2516. Comrade Q.: later!
  2517. Awe: And I promise I'll actually be on time.
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