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Apr 9th, 2022
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  1. "Mom---And Much appreciated, and Thank You, for this Very Good Information, and for this Very Good News. And Thank You, and Much Appreciated, Father God, that, for example, Our Fellow Nation, and Our Fellow Country, has Not been in a Very Long Duration War for Quite awhile. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon".
  3. "Mom---And Much appreciated, and Thank You, for this Very Good Information, and for this Very Good News. And Thank You, and Much Appreciated, Father God, that, for example, Our Fellow Nation, and Our Fellow Country, has Not been in a Very Long Duration War for Quite awhile. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon".
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