
Flanking The Left From Their Ideological Rear.

Mar 27th, 2018
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  1. When attacking from the right-wing perspective, we force them to retreat ever further to the left, seeking sace space. By advancing the narrative from the leftward flank, we can begin driving the Overton Herd towards the center by normalizing core Centrist ideas incorrectly associated with the "Right".
  3. >>By couching our critiscism of their policies in leftist terminology, with a clear left wing bent, it will better allow us to bypass the algorithmic censorship on any platform that has been specifically tailored to target certain speech patterns used by those on the coloqueal "Right".
  5. <<The idea is not to be a Poe. The use of the "Poe" is to go so far to the extreme, posing as authentic, as to drive away moderates. Problem is, this post modernist intersectionalism is immune to Poeing. At this point, you could Poe as an intersectional pedophile, and you would likely be celebrated as a stunning and brave trend setter, breaking the silence or some other retarded platitude.
  7. When we Poe them, they only seem to flock towards the Poe, and make that their new Overton baseline. Now this does serve to cleave large portions of moderates from their ideology. But it also adds
  9. <<In the recent censor purges, it has been noted that these algorithms are not yet able to distinguish sarcasm from sincere expression. Essentially using acceptance of the corporate narrative to camoflauge dessent.
  11. In order to target 'Left Flanking' types of critique, censors will have to censor by the post, by the user, or utilize algorithimic learning against our speech patterns. Speech patterns which will be designed to mirror those of the post-modern Intersectionalists, thereby making such censorship a tenuous double-edged sword.
  13. <<When utilizing social media, transdentify as a minority voice to better deflect knee-jerk racial accusations, and to add increased weight to your arguments for those afflicted with White Guilt, or those hostile to Whites.
  15. <<Your final sentence should be a question that encourages the respondant to engage themselves and their own biases on the intellectual level, in the pursuit of proving you wrong.
  17. <<Create Problem - Currate Reaction - Propose Solution. In using Hegalian Dialectics tactics against Hegalian Dialectics, identify the problem, employ appeals to emotion to humanize the problem, and propose solutions from a Centrist perspective, coated in left wing terminology, in order to better move the Overton window to the right, making right wing arguments more palatable to liberal bubble Normies.
  19. >>Attribute to white supremacy, **WHITE-PASSING** corporate heads & politicians pushing increased levels of immigration of more and more low & high skilled foreign workers to drive down wages from blacks, latinx's, Asians, current migrant residents and even lower class whites, in order to funnel more of the worlds weath into the hands of the top 0.1%.
  21. **"WHITE PASSING"** allows us to inbed the idea, with their own terminology re-trannys, that not everyone of fair complection, especially in the top 0.1%, is actually "White" by 'White Supremacis' standards.
  23. >>MS-13's primary victim demographic is other latinx's. They are being hunted by the gangs they fled their home countries to get away from. This is factual true, and can be used to our advantage. Also, dealing with MS-13 while their victims are, currently, predominantly latino, before they get around to directing their abuse to White, would be preventing of a lot of tragedy, for a lot of people.
  25. Perhaps even going so far as to start a "Minority Victims of Illegal Immigration" project similar to that of 'WVoBC'.
  27. That would get the uninitiated innoculated to this style of meme without any of the "racist" connotations of 'WVoBC', so that later when 'WVoBC' redpills start getting slipped to them, they won't be automatcally rejected in a knee-jerk anti-racist ferver.
  29. >>Global Warming is being used by the global elite to generate taxes and redistribute the wealth of the developed world further into the hands of the top 0.1%, instead of focusing on more pressing and indeniable current enviromental issues.
  31. Over-Fishing, Plastic in Ocean, lack of carbon in soil, over forestation exasterbated by ethanol agriculture.
  33. >>Transgenderism as mysogony. By obfuscating the clear distinctions between the Feminine and the Masculine, both have been watered down with the other, so that neither is left intact.
  35. Devaluing what it means to be a female to the point that everyone and anyone can become female at will, also diminishes the validity of uniquely female issues, or issues that when addressing, need to be done so through definitive female lens.
  37. Menstration, sexual abuse, domestic violence, child birth, femnine health issues, etc.
  39. <Issues to address from the democrat/liberal/leftist/progressive perspective:
  41. >CIA / FBI / Deep State
  42. >Drug War
  43. >Asset Forfeiture
  44. >DACA
  45. >Gun Rights
  46. >Russia
  47. >Foreign Wars
  48. >Democratic party corruption, focus on the existence of super-delegates.
  49. >American Appreciation, The Holocaust & Jewish Blood Debt to America.
  50. >Islam from the Left:
  51. >Feminism - FGM, Multi Wives, Arranged Marriages,
  52. >Rape Culture - Burka, Female Testimony, Haarems
  53. >Gay Rights
  54. >Anti-Black Racism
  55. >Arab Supremacy
  56. >Prediliction Towards African Slavery
  58. <Islam from the Left:
  59. >Feminism - FGM, Multi Wives, Arranged Marriages,
  60. >Rape Culture - Burka, Female Testimony, Haarems
  61. >Gay Rights
  62. >Anti-Black Racism
  63. >Arab Supremacy
  64. >Prediliction Towards African Slavery
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