

Sep 30th, 2023
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  1. [14/7/2023 6:15 pm] Jared: Hi! Looking to learn driving private. Passed BTT about 1.5 years ago and have about 5-6 months left on the PDL. Been taking manual (class 3) lessons at SSDC but school makes getting slots that work hard.
  2. [14/7/2023 6:16 pm] Jared: Would like to take as many lessons ASAP and, if possible, take the test before end November.
  3. [14/7/2023 6:17 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Hi, 
  4. Lesson is $50/hr. Enrolment to start driving is a $85 one-time fee. Meeting point for lessons is at Admiralty Mrt. Is this alright with you?
  5. [14/7/2023 6:17 pm] Jared: That’s fine with me.
  6. [14/7/2023 6:17 pm] Jared: only speak English though, do you have English-speaking instructors?
  7. [14/7/2023 6:58 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Yes
  8. [14/7/2023 6:58 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: What timings are you available during the weekdays and weekends for your lessons? I help you check if we can take you in as a learner.
  9. [14/7/2023 7:01 pm] Jared: From now until school term starts in August, I am free almost everyday, any time.
  10. [14/7/2023 7:01 pm] Jared: Would prefer not to have early morning lessons, otherwise any timing works!
  11. [14/7/2023 7:04 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Ok, your timings are fine will slot you in according to that
  12. [14/7/2023 7:05 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: And what is your name as well?
  13. [14/7/2023 7:06 pm] Jared: My name is Jared!
  14. [14/7/2023 7:17 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Ok noted Jared
  15. [14/7/2023 7:17 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Alright, will send you the details for enrolment to start your lessons. Once payment is done, we will arrange and send you the car plate and exact meeting point for your first lesson.
  16. [14/7/2023 8:24 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: To enrol to start your driving lessons (Class 3/3A Private Instructor)
  18. Kindly pay the enrolment fee of $85 by PayNow or PayLah to 8118 0135 - SgDrivingInstructors. An instructor will then be assigned to your schedule and availability. Enrolment is non-refundable. All details as such car plate and exact meeting location will be sent once payment is made.
  20. Thank you for using 🚗
  22. <i send paynow screenshot, image won't paste here>
  24. [15/7/2023 6:09 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Received from JARED KHOO CHENG EN
  25. [15/7/2023 6:09 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Okay, also send me your PDL screenshot, your PDL can screenshot from link below:
  29. <i send PDL screenshot>
  31. [15/7/2023 6:56 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Ok, will arrange and update you.
  32. [17/7/2023 8:52 pm] Jared: Any updates?
  33. [18/7/2023 12:08 am] SGDrivingInstructors: Apologies as weekends were out of office, we are scheduling you and will update asap here.
  34. [20/7/2023 4:02 pm] Jared: Just checking in again…
  35. [20/7/2023 6:18 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Instructor: Uncle Wong 
  36. Tel: 8122 6864
  37. Car Plate No 🚘: 3462 SKX (find car plate during lesson day)
  38. Meeting Point📍: Opposite Admiralty MRT Blk 718A 
  39. Test Centre: SSDC
  40. Transmission Type: Manual 
  41. Hourly Rate: $50/hr. $75 - 1hr 30mins
  43. Lesson Date Booked with 🗓:    
  44. Wed 16/8 9am-10.30am 
  46. 1. Please call your instructor to say hello and Paynow your lesson fee of $75 (1hr 30mins) to the instructor's mobile number, once done screenshot, send the receipt and also your PDL to Uncle Wong's WhatsApp @ 8122 6864
  48. Please take a Screenshot of your PDL to show to instructor on Lesson Day. Also, Remember to Bring Your NRIC.
  50. Have fun, drive safe & good luck in Passing Your TP test! Thank you for using! 🚘
  52. Lesson is confirmed pls note, pls be there and find the car plate during lesson day.
  53. [20/7/2023 6:20 pm] Jared: Oh, this one’s my fault. Possible to learn auto? Will be a lot faster.
  54. [20/7/2023 6:42 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: huh you never mention anything about auto until now.. auto have different rates. auto is 60/hr, enrolment 105 pls note. you paynow another 20
  55. [20/7/2023 7:22 pm] Jared: Sorry for the hassle! Will do.
  57. <another paynow screenshot for the $20>
  59. [26/7/2023 4:13 am] SGDrivingInstructors: Ok, will arrange and update you.
  60. [26/7/2023 2:29 pm] SGDrivingInstructors: Instructor: Uncle Ng
  61. Tel: 9794 7250
  62. Car Plate 🚘: SGT 6808
  63. (find car plate during lesson day)
  64. Meeting Point📍: Blk 720, opposite Admiralty MRT 
  65. Test Centre: SSDC
  66. Transmission Type: Auto
  67. Hourly Rate: $48/hr  
  69. Lesson Date Booked with 🗓:
  70. fri 18/8 4.30pm-5.30pm
  72. Pls Take Note - Read Here
  74. 1. Call Uncle Ng - 9794 7250 to say Hello and introduce yourself - and double confirm the date above
  76. 2. Please take a Screenshot of your PDL to show it to instructor on Lesson Day. Also Remember to Bring Your IC during lesson Day.
  78. Have fun, drive safe & good luck in Passing Your TP test! Thank you for using! 🚘
  80. Lesson is confirmed pls note, pls be there and find car plate during lesson day.
  81. [6/8/2023 2:17 pm] Jared: School term will have started by the 18th — I’ll only be free weekends during term 😓
  82. [7/8/2023 5:17 am] SGDrivingInstructors: weekends peak hrs, call uncle ng to reschedule
  83. [18/8/2023 1:43 pm] Jared: Hiya, checked with Uncle Ng, and he only speaks Chinese
  84. [18/8/2023 1:43 pm] Jared: No hurry (and actually discovered that Fridays are just fine for lessons), but can I get an English-speaking instructor?
  85. [19/9/2023 5:48 am] Jared: Hi, so any update?
  86. [22/9/2023 1:41 pm] Jared: Hi? Any update?
  87. [26/9/2023 9:52 am] Jared: Any update mate?
  88. [29/9/2023 12:38 pm] Jared: Hey mate if you’re not going to help arrange this, it’s only fair if you provide a refund.
  89. [29/9/2023 12:38 pm] Jared: Been over a month already
  90. [29/9/2023 12:39 pm] Jared: If you’re down to help arrange for an instructor, I’m willing to continue the contract. If not, please do refund. After the initial confusion over whether I wanted auto/manual lessons, I promptly topped up as asked but the instructor referred only spoke Chinese when I clearly stated I don’t speak Chinese.
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