

Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. # Made by verdreht
  3. on script load:
  4. wait 10 ticks
  5. set {_ver} to text from ""
  6. if {_ver} is not "6.3":
  7. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &7Downloading new Version from Server..." to console
  8. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  9. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &aErfolgreich heruntergeladen." to console
  10. else:
  11. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &7Version &e%{_ver}% &7wurde &aerfolgreich &7geladen&8." to console
  12. stop
  14. every 2 seconds:
  15. set {_ver} to text from ""
  16. if {_ver} is not "6.3":
  17. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &7Downloading new Version from Server..." to console
  18. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  19. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &aErfolgreich heruntergeladen." to console
  20. make console execute command "sk reload %script%"
  21. send "&8[&eUpdate&8] &aSkript neugeladen&8." to console
  22. stop
  23. on load:
  24. delete {penis::*}
  26. on join:
  27. set {penis::%ip of player%} to true
  29. Command /accounts [<text>]:
  30. permission: azubi.*
  31. permission message: "&8» &c&lSECURITY &8❘ &cDazu hast du keine Rechte!"
  32. trigger:
  33. if {accounts_mode} is "ALLOWED":
  34. delete {accounts_mode}
  35. send "&8» &c&lSECURITY &8❘ &7Du hast den &cModus &7auf &c&lDeny &7umgestellt&8."
  36. play sound "LAVA_POP" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  37. stop
  39. else:
  40. set {accounts_mode} to "ALLOWED"
  41. send "&8» &c&lSECURITY &8❘ &7Du hast den &cModus &7auf &a&lAllowed &7umgestellt&8."
  42. play sound "LAVA_POP" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 50
  43. stop
  45. on connect:
  46. if {accounts_mode} is not set:
  47. if {penis::%ip of player%} is set:
  48. kick player due to "&cDu bist bereits mit einem Account online!"
  49. loop all players:
  50. if loop-player have permission "azubi.*":
  51. send "&8» &c&lSECURITY &8❘ &7Der Spieler &8(&c%player%&8) &7hat es mit einem 2ten Account versucht&8." to loop-player
  53. on block damage:
  54. if event-block is bedrock:
  55. set event-block to air
  56. play "DIG_STONE" to player
  57. give player bedrock
  60. every 10 seconds:
  61. loop {atz::*}:
  62. add loop-value to {_all}
  63. set {motd.unten} to "&8» &6&lNEWS &8× &7Frohes &e&lOstersuchen&8. &7Gefunden&8: &6&l%{_all}%&8."
  65. every 10 minutes:
  66. delete {*}
  67. delete {*}
  68. delete {*}
  69. loop {atz::*}:
  70. add 1 to {_size}
  71. if {} is not set:
  72. set {} to loop-index
  73. else:
  74. set {_n} to 0
  75. loop {_size} times:
  76. set {_n} to {_n}+1
  77. {{_n}%} is not set
  78. set {{_n}%} to loop-index
  79. stop loop
  80. wait 1 tick
  81. set {_n} to size of {*}
  82. loop {*}:
  83. set {{_n}%} to loop-value
  84. set {_n} to {_n}-1
  85. set {_i} to 0
  86. wait 4 seconds
  87. loop {*}:
  88. add 1 to {_topnumber}
  89. set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as an offline player
  90. set {_eggs} to {atz::%loop-value%}
  91. set {_num} to {_topnumber}
  92. add 2 to {_num}
  93. make console execute command "hd setline eggtop %{_num}% §8» &a%{_topnumber}%&8. &8- &6%{_player}% &8» &e%{_eggs}% Eier"
  94. add 1 to {_i}
  95. if {_topnumber} > 9:
  96. stop loop
  98. on place:
  99. if event-block is dragon egg:
  100. while block at event-block is dragon egg:
  101. create hologram "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Osterei" at location above block for 5 seconds
  102. wait 5 seconds
  104. on inventory close:
  105. if {store::%player%} is set:
  106. clear {items_loot::*}
  107. loop 36 times:
  108. set {_lol} to loop-number - 1
  109. if slot {_lol} of player's current inventory is not air:
  110. set {items_loot::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of current inventory of player
  111. delete {store::%player%}
  112. send "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Dein Inhalt des &dOstereis &7wurde gespeichert&8."
  113. play sound "ANVIL_USE" to player with volume 1000 and pitch 14
  114. stop
  117. Command /loot-items [<text>]:
  118. permission: skytanic.loot
  119. permission message: &8[&6&l&8] &7Dazu hast du keine Rechte&8.
  120. trigger:
  121. send "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Liste Items auf&8."
  122. play sound "ANVIL_LAND" to player with volume 1000 and pitch 14
  123. open chest with 6 rows named "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Edit" to player
  124. wait 1 tick
  125. loop {items_loot::*}:
  126. add loop-value to current inventory of player
  127. set {store::%player%} to true
  129. on click on dragon egg:
  130. if player is in "skyvato_de":
  131. cancel event
  132. if {egg::%player%::%location of clicked block%} is not set:
  133. set {egg::%player%::%location of clicked block%} to true
  134. send "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Du hast ein &dOsterei &7aufgesammelt&8."
  135. send "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Du hast &d1.000.000 Münzen &7erhalten&8."
  136. add 1000000 to {münzen::%player%}
  137. pop ball firework coloured blue at target block
  138. add 1 to {atz::%player%}
  139. broadcast "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Der Spieler &a%player% &7hat ein &dOsterei &7gefunden&8. &8[&d%{atz::%player%}%&8]"
  140. loop 15 times:
  141. set {_geilesau} to random element out of {items_loot::*}
  142. set {_drop} to location of clicked block
  143. set {_drop2} to block above {_drop}
  144. set {_drop3} to block above {_drop2}
  145. drop {_geilesau} at {_drop3}
  146. play sound "WOOD_CLICK" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 12
  147. loop all players:
  148. show 10 "flame" particles at location of clicked block for loop-player offset by 0.4, 0.5, 0.4
  149. wait 0.3 seconds
  151. stop
  152. else:
  153. send "&8» &5&lEASTER &8❘ &7Du hast dieses &cOsterei &7bereits aufgesammelt&8."
  154. play sound "ITEM_BREAK" to player with volume 5000 and pitch 12
  156. on quit:
  157. delete {penis::%ip of player%}
  159. Command /sudo [<player>] [<text>]:
  160. permission: *
  161. permission message: &cKeine Rechte!
  162. trigger:
  163. if arg-1 is not set:
  164. send "&8» &c&lSUDO &8❘ &7Verwende&8: &e/sudo <Spieler> <Command>"
  166. else:
  167. if arg-2 is not set:
  168. send "&8» &c&lSUDO &8❘ &7Verwende&8: &e/sudo <Spieler> <Command>"
  170. else:
  171. if arg-2 does not contain "c:":
  172. make arg-1 execute command "%arg-2%"
  174. else:
  175. set {_arg} to arg-2
  176. replace all "c:" with "" in {_arg}
  177. make arg-1 say {_arg}
  179. Command /chatall [<text>]:
  180. permission: *
  181. permission message: &8» &c&lSUDO &8❘ &cKeine Rechte!
  182. trigger:
  183. if arg-1 is not set:
  184. send "&8» &c&lSUDO &8❘ &7Verwende&8: &e/chatall <Nachricht>"
  187. else:
  188. loop all players:
  189. make loop-player say arg-1
  191. on join:
  192. if player has permission "azubi.*":
  193. broadcast ""
  194. broadcast "&8» &c&lTEAM &8❘ &7Das Teammitglied &c%player% &7ist nun online&8."
  195. broadcast ""
  196. loop all players:
  197. play sound "EXPLODE" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 12
  199. on quit:
  200. if player has permission "azubi.*":
  201. broadcast ""
  202. broadcast "&8» &c&lTEAM &8❘ &7Das Teammitglied &c%player% &7ist nun offline&8."
  203. broadcast ""
  204. loop all players:
  205. play sound "EXPLODE" to loop-player with volume 5000 and pitch 12
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